Youth unemployment in Spain A country report. September 2013

Youth unemployment in Spain A country report September 2013 INDEX 1. The economic situation in Spain and the youth unemployment 2. National System o

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Youth unemployment in Spain A country report September 2013

INDEX 1. The economic situation in Spain and the youth unemployment 2. National System of Employment 3. Educational System

1. The Economic Situation in Spain and the youth unemployment

Before 2008 §

From 2003 to 2007 the GNP (Gross National Product) grew up more than 3% per year.


Two sectors were the most important: the financial and the building sectors


Between 2004 and 2008 were built more than 3 million houses-flats. (Population: 40 mill.)


A lot of students, from secondary school to university, dropped out from their studies to earn money working for building business.

Current Situation Nowadays Spain is living the biggest crisis in the last 50 years: §More than 6.200.000 people are unemployed. (27,16%) §The Gross National Product is going down §Spanish state is paying a high interest for its debt

Spanish unemployment

a) Spanish unemployment

Youth Unemployment rate §Youth unemployment in Spain has reached a new high of 56.1%, that is a quarter of the 3.5 million under-25s jobless across the Eurozone. 883,000 people. (30th of August 2013) §More than five in ten of those young people belong to that new “lost Generation”. §A lot of them are moving to other European or Latin American countries looking for a job. §Most of them have not graduated because they dropped out from the secondary school or university when they were teenagers.

Youth Unemployment rate

Youth unemployment rates in Spain


Unemployment Evolution Rates in Valencian Community


2. Spanish’s National System of Employment


Division of responsabilities: Spain and its Autonomous regions


Division of responsabilities The central government sets the general strategies to follow in the "Spanish Employment Strategy “ and more concretely in its “Annual Plan of Employment policies ". Each autonomous region is responsible for managing active labour market policies (programs and services aimed at the direct care of the job seekers). In this collaborative framework between the central government and communities, Autonomous regions may choose to perform employment measures according to state regulations, the region itself or a combination of both. The Ministry of Education is responsible for the general framework of education policies and each autonomous region has the power to set them. 13

Devision of responsabilities El gobierno central marca las estrategias generales a seguir que emanan de la «Estrategia Española de Empleo» que a su vez, se concreta en un «plan anual de políticas de empleo» . Cada comunidad autónoma se encarga de gestionar las políticas activas de empleo (programas y servicios orientados a la atención directa de las personas demandantes de empleo). En este marco de colaboración entre el gobierno central y las comunidades se podrá optar por realizar medidas de empleo según la normativa estatal, la propia de la comunidad o bien una combinación de ambas. El Ministerio de Educación es el responsable de las políticas en materia educativa, al igual que ocurre en el ámbito laboral, cada comunidad tiene la potestad de adaptar la normativa. 14

Devision of responsabilities Evolución Histórica del proceso de transferencia de competencias en materia de formación y empleo 1992 Se inicia el proceso de transferencia desde el INEM a las Comunidades Autónomas en materia de gestión del Plan FIP (en la actualidad, Formación Profesional para el Empleo). 1997 Se inicia el proceso de traspaso de la gestión de las políticas activas de empleo a las Comunidades Autónomas. 2003 Se constituye el Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal que junto a los Servicios Públicos de Empleo de las Comunidades Autónomas conforman el Sistema Nacional de Empleo (SNE). El INEM desaparece. Source:


Division of responsabilities


Coordination tools between the Central Government and the Autonomous Regions Law 56/2003, of 16 December, of Employment, establishes coordination instruments within the National Employment System: § The Spanish Employment Strategy. § The Annual Plan for Employment Policy. § The Information System of Public Employment Services. (SISPE-Modernization of Management Improved measuring registered unemployment)


Coordination tools between the Central Government and the Autonomous Regions La Ley 56/2003, de 16 de diciembre, de Empleo, establece como instrumentos de coordinación del Sistema Nacional de Empleo: • La Estrategia Española de Empleo. • El Plan Anual de Política de Empleo. • El Sistema de Información de los Servicios Públicos de Empleo. (SISPE- Modernización de la gestión Mejora en la medición del paro registrado)


Active labour market programs in Valencia Region

§ Integrated Employment Programs for people over 45, under 30 and long-term unemployed § Employment Agency (Agencias de Colocación). § Training for unemployed


3. Educational System in Spain


Educational System in Spain


Folie 21 p2

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Educational System in Spain PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION: 1st cycle: 0-3 years 2nd cycle: 3-6 years (free) COMPULSORY EDUCATION: (free) Primary Education: 6-12 years(free) Secondary Education: 12-16 years (free) POST COMPULSORY EDUCATION: (free) Baccalaureate: 16-18 years (free) Vocational training: 16-18/18-20 years (free) University (fees depending on the degree)


Folie 23 p7

Este cuadro es el mismo que el anterior pero está más resumido y en inglés. Elegir entre ambos o traducción del anterio. Disponemos de algo en inglés? Preguntar a Pere portega; 06.09.2013

Educational Dual System Implantation § Spain is trying to establish the German model of „dual system education“. § Florida is one of the few educational centers where the pilot experience is going to start.




Risks for youth § Brain drain (Fuga de cerebros) § Generation „ni-ni“ . They don‘t want to study, they don‘t want to work. § No free resources available to improve employability: employment programs, employment training § Long-term unemployment § Return to country of origin (Immigrant people or immigant’s children)


Some important points for the future § We must train the new generation for the “new world” § Train and develop students promoting “added value” jobs § Review and prepare effective cooperation between Universities and Businesses


Thank you for your attention

Sources • Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte [06/09/2013] temedu/estructurasistemaeductivoesp.shtml • Enforced Vocational Orientation Project [06/09/2013] • Sepe • Revista de Formación y Empleo „Formación XXI“ _ante_la_formacion_profesional_dual.xml.html


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