Dra. Jenny Anne Glikman

Dra. Jenny Anne Glikman Investigadora 2C [email protected] Nacionalidad:italiana y argentina (visa residente temporal) Fecha de nacimiento: 16 Mayo 1

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Dra. Jenny Anne Glikman Investigadora 2C [email protected]

Nacionalidad:italiana y argentina (visa residente temporal) Fecha de nacimiento: 16 Mayo 1979 Formación Académica: Doctora en Geografía (Gestión de Recursos Naturales) (2007-2011) Tesis: “Entender el papel que las percepciones pueden tener para planificar la conservación de lobos y osos –estudio realizado en el Parque Nacional de Abruzo, Lacio y MoliseItalia”. Memorial University, Terranova, Canadá Maestra en Conservación de la Biodiversidad (2004-2006) Tesis: “Gestión de la Planificación de la Reserva Natural Regional Macchiatonda, Italia”. Universidad La Sapienzade Roma, Italia Maestra enEtología(2003-2005) Tesis: “El entrenamiento entendido como herramienta en el manejo de los monos capuchinos (Cebus apella)”.Universidad de Edimburgo, Edimburgo, Reino Unido Etólogay Bióloga (2000-2003) Tesis: “Enriquecimiento del medio en el que viven Jaguares (Panthera onca) en cautiverio en un zoológico en Argentina”.Universidad de Cambridge AngliaRusking, Cambridge, Reino Unido Áreas de Conocimiento e Investigación: Áreas Protegidas terrestres y marinas y relación con el hombre (historia, turismo, crowdeffect), geografía humana, percepción humana, técnicas cuantitativas de la percepción, gestión de recursos naturales, teorías de actitudes, valores y comportamiento,geografía animal, mitología y leyendas de los animales, construcción social de la naturaleza y de los animales, zoológicos y enriquecimiento de los zoológicos, percepción humana de los carnívoros, conservación de la biología. Productos de Investigación 2013.Heterogeneity among rural resident attitudes toward wolves. (Sponarski C.C., Semeniuk C., Glikman J.A., Bath A.J. and Musian M.)Human Dimensions of Wildlife 18 (4): 239-248 2012. Residents’ support for wolf and bear conservation: the moderating influence of knowledge. (Glikman J.A., Vaske J.J., Bath A.J., Ciucci P. and Boitani L.)European Journal of Wildlife Research 58: 1, 295-302

2012. La Human Dimensions nella conservazione e gestione della fauna selvatica: l’esperienza italiana Dossier “fauna problematica”. (Frank B. eGlikman J.A.)Gazzetta Ambiente, Rivista sull'Ambiente e il Territorio 1: 35-45 2011. Human dimensions in Europe: the Italian way. (Glikman J.A. and Frank B.)Human Dimensions of Wildlife 16 (5): 368-377 2010.Segmenting Normative Beliefs Regarding Wolf Management in Central Italy.(Glikman J.A., Bath A.J. and Vaske, J.J.)Human Dimensions of Wildlife 15 (5): 347-358 Resúmenes de participación en congresos internacionales: 2013. Understanding human dimensions components to enhance coexistence with large carnivores: wolves and brown bear in Abruzzo, Italy. Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting.Newfoundland, Canada (Glikman J.A. and Bath A.J.) 2013. Attitudes toward Coyotes: Similarities across a Rural and Urban landscape.Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Newfoundland, Canada (Sutherland M., Frank B., Glikman J., Bath A.) 2013. Local attitudes toward wolves: a case study in Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park (Italy).International Wolf Conference in Postojna, Slovenia.(Glikman J.A., Marino, A., Ciucci P., Bath A.J. and Boitani L.) 2013. What’s in a name? How MPAs are referred to around the world.3rdInternational Marine Protected Areas Congress. Marseille, France(Glikman J.A. and Chuenpagdee, R.) 2012. Is it better a chicken today or few euros tomorrow? Public preferences for compensation in Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park (Italy).Pathways to Success: Integrating Human Dimensions into Fish and Wildlife Management. Colorado, USA(Glikman J.A. and Bath A.J.) 2012. Engagement in PNALM: a starting point process. What do you think? Engaging local communities in nature conservation: developing a toolbox.L’Aquila, Italy, (Glikman J.A., Bath A.J., Ciucci P. and Boitani L.) 2011. The moderating influence of knowledge on belief, attitudes and normative beliefs about wolves and bears. XXXth IUGB (International Union of Game Biologists) Congress and Perdix XIII. Barcelona, Spain, (Glikman J.A. and Vaske, J.J.) 2010. Attitudes towards an endangered brown bear population outside its core area in central Italy.Pathways to Success: Integrating Human Dimensions into Fish and Wildlife Management. Colorado, USA (Carotenuto L., Carnevali L., Glikman J.A. and Pizzol I.) 2010. Human dimensions of wildlife: the Italian way. Pathways to Success: Integrating Human Dimensions into Fish and Wildlife Management. Colorado, USA (Glikman J.A. andFrank B.)

2009. Is it better a chicken today or few euros tomorrow? Public preferences for compensation in Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park.2ndEuropean Congress of Conservation Biology “Conservation biology and beyond: from science to practice”. Prague, Czech Republic, (Glikman J.A. andBath A.J.) 2009. Understanding the clusters: characteristics of respondents’behavioural intention toward management options regarding wolves and brown bears in Central Italy. Carnivores 2009Carnivore Conservation in a Changing World. Denver, USA (Glikman J.A. and Bath A.J.) 2008. The Common Ground Matrix: A tool to initiate discussion amongst interest groups. The 14th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management-People and Place: Linking Culture and Nature. University of Vermont, USA (Bath A.J., GlikmanJ.A. andMajic A.) 2008. Are wolves and brown bears perceived equally by residents of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park? The 14th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management-People and Place: Linking Culture and Nature. University of Vermont, USA (Glikman J.A.) 2008. Are Italian females more afraid of wolves than bears, and does it really matter in terms of their attitudes toward these species? Pathways to Success:Integrating Human Dimensions into Fish and Wildlife Management. YMCA, Colorado, USA (GlikmanJ.A.and Bath A.J.) 2007. Coexistence with large carnivores in two different Regions in Italy. LIFE COEX International SymposiumLarge Carnivores and Agriculture: Comparing Experiences across Italy and Europe. Assisi, Italy (Mertens A., Salvatori V., Ricci S. and Glikman J.A.) 2007. Public attitudes towardbrown bear and wolf conservation issues in the Abruzzo, Lazio e MoliseNational Park. LIFE COEX International SymposiumLarge Carnivores and Agriculture: Comparing Experiences across Italy and Europe. Assisi, Italy(Glikman J.A., Bath A.J. y Boitani L.) 2007. Public attitudes toward brown bear and wolf conservation issues in the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise. International Union of Game BiologistsXXVIIICongress. Uppsala, Sweden(Glikman J.A.) Presentación de pósteres en congresos internacionales 2013. North America and Italy: shared concepts and challenging differences. Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting.Newfoundland, Canada (Glikman J.A. and Frank B.) 2010. North America and Italy: shared concepts and challenging differences.Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management. British Columbia, Canada (Glikman J.A. and Frank B.) 2008. Perception of the agricultural world on brown bear andwolf presence in S. Europe. Pathways to Success: Integrating Human Dimensions into Fish and Wildlife Management. Colorado, USA(Glikman J.A.,Ricci S., Mertens A., Salvatori V., Espirito-Santo C., Majic A., Cortes Y. y Azzolini G.)

2005. Environmental enrichment for captive jaguars (Pantheraonca) in an Argentinean Zoo. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Environmental Enrichment.New York, USA, (Glikman J.A.) 2004.Training nonhuman primates as management tool. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Symposium on Zoo Research.Edinburgh Zoo, UK, (Glikman J.A.) 2004. The role of zoos in the reintroduction of carnivores. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Symposium on Zoo Research.Edinburgh Zoo, UK (Glikman J. and Diez M.) Informes Técnicos 2011.Human dimensions in wolf and brown bear conservation issues in Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise national park: interest groups. La SapienzaUniversity of Rome, Memorial University and PNALM, p.74 (Glikman J.A.) 2011. Consultation Workbook Review and Development for the Atlantic Region. Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, p. 35 (Bath A.J., Frank B.F., Glikman J.A., Kerezi V. and Sponarski C.) 2009.Human dimensions in wolf and brown bear conservation issues in MontiSimbruiniRegional Park.La SapienzaUniversity of Rome, Memorial Universityand PNALM, p. 61 (GlikmanJ.A. and Bath A.J.) 2007.Human dimensions in wolf and brown bear conservation issues in Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park.La SapienzaUniversity of Rome, Memorial University and PNALM, p. 65 (GlikmanJ.A. and Bath A.J.) Talleres: 2011. Organicéuncursillo “Involving People in Conservation” en International Congress for Conservation Biology, Auckland, NZ, (Bath, A.J., Frank, B., Glikman, J.A., Barragan-Paladines, M.J., Kerezi, V. and Sponarski C.) 2010.Facilitadora en el taller “Understanding and Fostering Human-Wildlife Tolerance”. Conference Pathways to Success: Integrating Human Dimensions into Fisheries and Wildlife Management. Estes Park, USA, (WieczorekHudenko, H., Madden, F., Glikman, J.A. and Kushnir, H.) 2008.Facilitadora en el taller "Damage mitigation measures: sharing of experiences between South and North Europe" VålådalenSuecia 17 - 18 Septembre de 2008, organizado en el marco del proyecto LIFE-COEX project (Glikman, J.A.)

Dirección de tesis de Maestría Eugenia Caudullo. Titolo della tesi: La ricerca di Human Dimensions come strumento per la comunicazione:indagine sulle attitudini e le conoscenze sui grandi carnivori, il lupo e l'orso , nel

parco nazionale di Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise.Master in: Conservazione della Biodiversità Animale: Aree Protette e Reti Ecologiche, Dipartimento di Biologia Umana e Animale, Università di Roma, LaSapienza. Supervisor: Dr. Jenny Anne Glikman. Processo verbale della prova finale:30 Ottobre 2007.

Mia Canestrini. Titolo della tesi: Studio pilota di Human Dimension in cinque Comuni del Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi: il conflitto lupo-zootecnia. Master in: Conservazione della Biodiversità Animale: Aree Protette e Reti Ecologiche, Dipartimento di Biologia Umana e Animale, Università di Roma, LaSapienza. Supervisor: Dr. Jenny Anne Glikman. Processo verbale della prova finale: 22 Gennaio2010. Revisión de manuscritos en revistas internacionales arbitradas Human Dimensions of Wildlife Journal Wildlife Research Society and Natural Resources Biological Conservation Society and Animals

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