St. Anne Catholic Church

St. Anne Catholic Church 1901 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY Telephone (702) 735-0510 email: [email protected] LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89104 Fax (702) 735-5582

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St. Anne Catholic Church
St. Anne Catholic Church 1901 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY Telephone (702) 735-0510 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89104 Fax (702) 735-5582 email: [email protected]

St. Anne Catholic Church
St. Anne Catholic Church 1901 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY Telephone (702) 735-0510 email: [email protected] LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89104 Fax (702) 735-5582

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Story Transcript

St. Anne Catholic Church 1901 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY Telephone (702) 735-0510 email: [email protected]

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89104 Fax (702) 735-5582


St. Anne Catholic School

Clergy Msgr. Gregory W. Gordon Pastor Fr. Gregorio Leon Associate Pastor/Hispanic Ministry Fr. Paul Oye Associate Pastor/ Hospital Chaplain Deacon Santiago Guerrero Parish Ministry Fr. John McShane In Residence

Nadine Villarreal Principal Susan Mc Donald-Ruiz Secretary 1813 S. Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas, NV 89104 School Telephone: (702) 735-2586 School Fax: (702) 735-8357 email: [email protected] School Office Hours: Mon – Fri 8:00am to 3:30pm

Staff Religious Education Office Oficina de Educacion

Steven Ferris Plant Manager Salvatore Minneci Sacristan Graciela Gastélum Bilingual Parish Secretary Maria Mendoza Housekeeper

Silvia Corral

Director of Religious Education Directora de Doctrina/Catecismo

Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Eucharistic Adoration Mon - Fri 8:00 am– 4:00

Office Hours: Tues-Fri 8 am –12 pm Rel. Ed. Telephone: (702) 866-0008 ext. 216 Rel. Ed. Fax: (702)866-0006

WEEKDAY MASSES MISAS ENTRE SEMANA Monday – Saturday at 7:30 am Miércoles y Jueves a las 7:00 pm

HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION DIA DE PRECEPTO: English: 8:15 am & 5:00 pm Español: 12:00 pm 7:00 pm

Jueves Hora Santa 6:00 pm

CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturday 3:00– 3:45 pm Miércoles 5:00 pm FIRST FRIDAY Holy Hour 5:00 pm with Confessions and Anointing of the Sick followed by Latin Mass at 6:00 pm 9:30 pm Mass fallowed by Nocturnal Adoration VIERNES PRIMERO DEL MES Misa 7:30 pm

SATURDAY VIGIL MASS/MISA DEL SABADO 4:00 pm (English), 6:00 pm (Español) SUNDAY MASSES/MISAS LOS DOMINGOS: English: 8:00 am, 12 noon, & 5:00 pm Español: 6:30 am, 10:00 am, 2:00 pm y 7:00 pm

2- St. Anne Catholic Church — Fourth Sunday of Easter

Parish Organizations

Parish Ministries Janet O’Donnell Eucharistic Ministers Jerry Poliskey 702-489-5818 RCIA Bettina Gelineau English Choir Director James Porter Lectors Rose Turrietta Altar Linens Adrian Gallegos Spanish Prayer Group Ariel Ramos Bilingual Youth Group

April 17, 2016

ALLIANCE OF THE TWO HEARTS Meets every 1st. Fri - Sat of month with mass and vigil adoration CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Meets every 3rd Sat of the month (Sept. – May) at 2:00 p.m. Regent– Mary Lopez (702) 277-4747 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Catholic Men’s Organization Meets every 1st Wednesday of the month DIVINE MERCY Meets every Thur. at 5:00 p.m. KNITTING LADIES Meets every Thurs at 9:30 a.m. Margie Hinton MIRACLES OF PRAISE Charismatic prayer Meets every OUR LADY OF CHARAITY ASSOCIATION

ROSARY MAKERS Meets every Wed at 8:30 a.m. Irma Miller PRO-LIFE COMMITEE Advancing the Sanctity of Life. For more information please call Janet O’Donnell 702-3016346 SENIOR’S POT LUCK Mariann Kaczmerczyk Meets 2nd Tues of the month (Sept. through May ) 11:00 a.m. MOVIMIENTO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO CATOLICO USA Jose y Ana De Paz THE LOVED FLOCK-LAS VEGAS Charismatic prayer meets last Friday of the month w/Mass at 7:00 p.m. LEGION DE MARIA se reunen los lunes 6 p.m


For the Week of Apr 17thru Apr 23 Sunday, Apr 17 9:00-9:45am Hospitality in HR Monday, Apr 18 6:00-9:00pm San Pedro Pry Grp # 3-GYM- HH 6:30-8:30pm MFCJ SAS #4-5 Tuesday, Apr 19 6:00-9:00pm San Pedro Pry. Grp. # 5-7 Wednesday Apr 20 8:30am11:30am Rosary Makers HR 6:00-8:00pm English Class in #5 6:30-8:30 Talleres Vida y Ora Rms 4&7 6:30-9:00pm Youth Grp GYM-HH Thursday, Apr 21 5:30-7:15pm Rel Ed SAS 1-2-3-4-5 6:00-9:30pm Divine Mercy Prayer Grp HH Friday, Apr 22 4:30am-7:45pm Rel Ed All Class Rms GYM,HH, K 6:00pm-9:00pm Youth Grp HR Saturday, Apr 23 10:30am-12:00pm Rel Ed All Classrooms GYM HH RH 3:30-5:30pm Rel Ed Rms 1-8 & HH RH 5:30-7:00pm Rel Ed in GH SAS = St. Anne School H.H. = Harrington Hall

H.R. = Hospitality Room G.H. = Ghanem Hall

4:00 PM

6:00 PM

6:30 AM 8:00 AM 10:00AM 12:00PM 2:00PM 5:00PM 7:00 PM

† † † † † †

Monday 7:30 AM †

CLARENCE CRAUN by Mirna Baluyut & Family FR. JUAN ANTONIO PEREZ Fourth Sunday of Easter JUAN SOTO by Familia MANUEL NIETO by Alberto Larrea MA. CARMEN MANZO by Alaziel Farias NADINE KLUNDT by Frank & Family MISSA PRO POPULO SIDNEY & RITA ALBANO by family YAZMIN DE LA CARIDAD LLAPUR by Julita y Familia

Tuesday 7:30 AM †

Easter Weekday CRISTOBAL & MODESTA VIRTUCIO by Andrea Johnson Easter Weekday JESUSA HISOLA by Fr: Rosalia Hisola

Wednesday 7:30 AM † 7:00 PM

Easter Weekday SAL MINNECI by Mirna Baluyut GRACIELA GASTELUM for health

Thursday 7:30 AM † 7:00 PM †

Easter Weekday WILLIAM REILLY by Jenny Reilly PEDRO VALADEZ by Su hija Lidia

Friday 7:30 AM †

Easter Week Day YESHUA BAUTISTA by Chris Bautista & Family Easter Week Day MOTHER ANGELICA by Parishioner

Saturday 7:30 AM †

3 – Fourth Sunday of Easter

The Easter Season - the Church continues to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ in the Easter Season, through Pentecost Sunday, 15 May 2016. Alleluia! Saint Anne School now enrolling for new academic year St. Anne School is now enrolling students for 2016 – 2017 in all grades, Pre-K - Grade 8. All families may apply for State Educational Choice - Financial Need Scholarships / Savings Accounts, up to 5K per child. St. Anne School - a value in Catholic education, joyfully sharing Catholic values! Educational Choice Scholarships/ Savings Accounts to $5,000 available this Month Websites for AB165 / SB302 scholarships are: Nevada_Choice_ScholarshipProgram SchoolChoice/Home

April 17, 2016 Good Shepherd Sunday Good Shepherd Sunday is another name for the 4th Sunday of Easter; The Gospel is John 10: “I am the Good Shepherd... My sheep hear my voice”.

5 New Saints Soon - Pope Francis will canonize 5 saints in this Year of Mercy- St. Teresa of Calcutta (Sept), the youth St. Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio of Sahuayo (Oct), and Ss. Stanislaus, Mary Elizabeth, and Jose. All you saints of God, pray for us! We welcome our Neophytes, our new Catholics! We meet each Sunday, through Pentecost, at 9:30 AM, to reflect on the Easter Mysteries. Amoris Laetitia – is the new post -synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis on the Family. May our Church’s family ministries be strengthened by it, and families be sanctified.

New Parish and School Website Our new email addresses are: [email protected]; [email protected] Our new parish/school website is: Check us out!

Cristo Rey Jesuit Catholic High School feasibility study has begun A new Catholic School ‘neighbor’ may become a reality. Let us pray for this intention.

Pray for them Clarence Craun and Sal Minecci, faithful parish/school servants, may they rest in Christ’s Peace

Taco Sale this Sunday Los Dos Seran Uno are having a taco sale after Mass, the proceeds will be for their ministry and to help our parish.

Congreso Carismatico April 30 - May 1; Cashman Field Center. $25 pp. All are invited

CSA – The Catholic Stewardship Appeal 2016 Our CSA 2016 (Diezmo Diocesano) projects in this Year of Mercy are: Improved lighting / cameras in Church; Refurbished restrooms in vestibule, New Church / Rectory front doors

We have surpassed our diocesan assessment, let’s accomplish parish projects this Easter Season! From our Seminarian, Miguel Corral I will keep giving formation classes for all liturgical ministries in the parish. The formation classes are held on Sundays at 3:30pm. This formation classes are not just for those who are already in ministry but also for those who are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers or Altar Servers. Please feel free to contact the office if you have any additional questions. Class Schedule April 17, 2016= Ushers April 24, 2016 = Choir Directors Coffee and Donuts Sundays at 7:30 and 9:00 AM in the Hospitality Room; K. of C. hosts have membership info. Mothers Day Novena mailing this week For those who would like to remember their mothers and grandmothers in a Novena of Masses (May 8 -16), Mothers Day Mass cards and offering envelopes have been mailed this week. They may be returned in offertory, to office, or mailed.

Fourth Sunday of Easter— 4

April 17, 2016

Saint Anne Catholic School celebrated its 60th Anniversary Year Sixty Years Strong! READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:11-18 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 56, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35 Saint Anne Parish Gift Shop Open 15 minutes after each Saturday/Sunday Mass. Come & See. Gift shop volunteers welcome

Nevadans For the Common Good—consists of some 40 local faith communities and other nonprofits, they are working together on various issues to improve the lives of residents of Southern Nevada. They will have their 3rd Convention fo9r the Common Good, at Cashman Center, 850 N Las Vegas Blvd, from 6 to 9 PM on Monday. For more information call Concetta Tedesco at 702-768-2366 Eucharistic Adoration in Saint Michael Adoration Chapel Eucharistic Adoration Chapel open Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, during office hours. Our First Holy Communion Masses in May First Communion Masses are every Friday in May at 5PM and every Saturday in May at 11AM

Sacrament Information BAPTISMS Baptism classes are held every third Saturday of the month promptly at 11:00 AM in the Chapel /Hospitality Room. Baptisms in English will be celebrated every Saturday at 8:30 AM or by appointment. MARRIAGE Please do not set a wedding date before you talk to a priest. Call the Parish Office to make an appointment with a priest to schedule your wedding. Couples must begin their preparation for the sacrament at least 6 months in advance of their wedding date. Couples must attend the marriage preparation classes. ANNOINTING OF THE SICK You may call the Parish Office to make an appointment to see a priest for confession, communion and anointing of the sick. We encourage our parishioners to have their spiritual needs taken care of before they go to the hospital. PARISH REGISTRATION FORM / INSCRIPCION PARA LA PARROQUIA Name/Nombre_________________________________ Spouse/Esposa(o)________________________ Address/Dirección _____________________________________________________________________ City/Ciudad___________________________ State/Estado_________________ Zip/Codigo___________ Phone/Teléfono_________________________________ email_________________________________ Would you like to receive Weekly Envelopes/ Sobres Semanales

 Yes/Sí

 No

Please drop registration in collection or bring or mail to the Parish office. Welcome to St. Anne’s! Por favor regrese el registro en la canasta de la colecta o traerlo o enviarlo por correo a la Oficina Parroquial. Bienvenidos a Santa Ana!

Abril 17, 2016

Cuarto Domingo de Pascua— 5

Escuela Católica de Santa Ana celebra su 60avo Aniversario Sesenta años fuertemente establecida! Tiempo de Pascua - la Iglesia sigue celebrando la Resurrección de Cristo en la Pascua, hasta el Domingo de Pentecostés, 15 de mayo de 2016. ¡Aleluya! La Escuela de Santa Ana esta inscribiendo para el nuevo año académico La escuela Santa Ana esta inscribiendo alumnos para el 2016 - 2017 en todos los grados Pre-K - Grado 8. Todas las familias son elegibles para aplicar para Becas Estatales para Escoger Escuela / Cuentas de ahorro para la Educación, hasta $5 mil por niño. Santa Ana es una escuela con valores en la educación católica, compartiendo con alegría los valores católicos! Becas de la Legislación Estatal para Escoger Escuela /Cuentas de Ahorro hasta $5,000 disponibles este Mes. El sito web para las formas AB165 y SB302 son: Nevada_Choice_ScholarshipProgram SchoolChoice/Home

Misas de Primera Comunión en Mayo Las Misas para la Primera Comunión son todos los viernes en mayo a las 5:00 PM y los sábados en mayo a las 11:00 AM Oren por Clarence Craun, y Sal Minecci, fieles servidores de la parroquia y de la escuela. Que descansen en la Paz de Cristo.

Domingo del Buen Pastor Domingo del Buen Pastor es otro nombre para el 4 º domingo de Pascua; el Evangelio es Juan 10: "Yo soy el Buen Pastor... Mis ovejas oyen mi voz". Pronto 5 Nuevos Santos

Papa Francisco va canonizar a 5 Santos en este Año de la Misericordia - Santa Teresa de Calcuta (Sept), el joven San Jose Luis Sánchez del Rio de Sahuayo (Oct) y los Santos Estanislao, Maria Elizabeth, y Jose. Rueguen por nosotros, todos los Santos de Dios!

Amoris Laetitia– es el nuevo post -sinodal Exhortación Apostólica del Papa Francisco sobre la familia. Que los Ministerios de la Familia de nuestra Iglesia sean fortalecidos por ella , y las familias sean santificadas. Bienvenidos Neófitos, nuestros nuevos católicos! Nos reuniremos todos los Domingos hasta el Domingo de Pentecostés, a las 9:30 AM para reflexionar sobre los misterios de la Pascua. El estudio de factibilidad para la Preparatoria Jesuita "Cristo Rey" ha comenzado Una nueva Escuela Católica "vecina" puede ser una realidad. Recemos por esta intención. Congreso Carismático El 30 de Abril y 1o. De Mayo en el Cashman Field Center $25 pp. Todos están invitados.

El CSA - Colecta para la Administración Católica 2016 Nuestros proyectos del CSA 2016 (Diezmo Diocesano) en este Año de la Misericordia son: Mejor iluminación y cámaras en la Iglesia. Reacondicionar los baños en el vestíbulo. Nueva puerta principal de la Iglesia y la Rectoría. Hemos sobrepasado nuestra meta diocesana, vamos a completar nuestros proyectos parroquiales en este tiempo de Pascua! De parte de nuestro Seminarista Miguel Corral Hemos cambiado los horarios para los Ministro de Eucaristía, Hospitalidad, coro y sacristanes, a los lunes a las 7:00 PM, en el templo. Horario de clase 18 de Abril del 2016 = Ujieres 25 de Abril del 2016 = Directores de Coros 2 de mayo = Sacristanes Esta semana se manda el correo de la Novena del Día de las Madres Para aquellos que les gusta recordar a sus madres y abuelas con una Novena de Misas (8 -16 mayo ), las tarjetas para la Misa del Día de la Madres y los sobres de ofrenda se han enviado esta semana. La ofrenda se puede regresara, por correo o en la oficina. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL TRABAJO No te sientas total, personal e irrevocablemente responsable por todo. . . Ese es mi trabajo. —Dios

6 - St. Anne Catholic Church - Cuarto Domingo de Pascua Abril 17, 2016 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Nevadenses para el Bien Común (NCG) Lunes: Hch 11:1-18; Sal 42 Consiste de unas 40 comunidades de fe locales, y (41):2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn otras sin fines de lucro, están trabajando juntos 10:11-18 para mejorar la vida de los residentes del Sur de Martes: Hch 11:19-26; Sal 87 Nevada. Llevara a cabo su tercera Convención (86):1b-7; Jn 10:22para el Bien Comun, en el Cashmen Center, 850 30 N Las Vegas Blvd, el lunes 9 de mayo de 6 a 9 PM. Miércoles: Hch 12:24 — 13:5a; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5 Los temas incluirán la educación escolar publica, cui-6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 dado de ancianos, y inmigración. Habrá disponible Jueves: Hch 13:13-25; Sal 89 (88):2-3, 21-22, traducción en español. Para mayor información o pa25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 ra inscribirse llame a Yohara Beltrán 702-582-1787 o Viernes: Hch 13:26-33; Sal 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Concetta Tedesco 702-768-2366 (después de las 3 de Sábado: Hch 13:44-52; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 14:7 la tarde) -14 Domingo: Hch 14:21-27; Sal 145 (144):8-13; Adoración Eucarística en la Capilla de San Miguel Ap 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35 La Capilla para la Adoración Eucarística esta abierta de lunes a viernes de 8:00 AM- 4:00PM, en horas de Este domingo venta de Tacos oficina. El Ministerio Los Dos Serán Uno este domingo tendrán venta de tacos después de las Misas las gananMORADA cias son para las necesidades de la parroquia y del Dios mora allí donde le permitimos entrar. —Antiguo proverbio judío ministerio. Información Sobre Sacramentos BAUTIZOS Platicas Pre-Bautismales en español son el 2do y ultimo lunes del mes a las 5:30 PM en el templo. Por favor no traigan niños, pues distraen a las personas. Los Bautizos se celebran los sábados a las 9:30 AM. MATRIMONIO Por favor no fijar fecha para la boda antes de hablar con un sacerdote. Usted puede llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para hacer una cita con el sacerdote. Las parejas deben de comenzar los preparativos para el sacr amento cuando menos con 6 meses de anticipación a la fecha de la boda. Las parejas necesitan asistir a clases pre-matrimoniales. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS Puede llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para hacer una cita con el sacerdote para confesiones, comunión y unción de los enfermos. Les pedimos a nuestros feligreses que se encarguen de sus necesidades espirituales antes de ir al hospital.

3rd Sunday of Easter 3er Domingo de Pascua 2nd Collection, 3rd Sunday of Easter 2da Colecta 3er Domingo de Pascua Confirmation collection - Shrine Colecta de Confirmación - Santuario CSA 2016 - Week 10

May the Lord bless you for your generosity! Que Dios los bendiga por su generosidad

$ 8,656.98 $ 2,497.00 $ 2,378.00 Families - 347

Pledges - $ 92,209.64

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