St. Luke Catholic Church

St. Luke Catholic Church Staffed by the Scalabrinian Fathers Diocese of Dallas 202 S. MacArthur Boulevard Irving, Texas 75060-2708 Established 1902

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Story Transcript

St. Luke Catholic Church Staffed by

the Scalabrinian Fathers Diocese of Dallas

202 S. MacArthur Boulevard Irving, Texas 75060-2708 Established 1902

Pastor: Rev. Clair Antonio Orso, C.S. Parochial Vicar: Rev. Francesco D’Agostino, C.S. Church office/oficina de la Igiesia: 1015 Schulze Drive Irving, TX 75060-2711 Office hours/Horas de Oficina: Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes:

Deacons: Daniel Segovia, Jose Treviño, Jr.

website: Phone: 972-259-3222, Fax: 972-259-3339 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

St. Luke Catholic School/Escuela Catolica de San Lucas: 1023 Schulze Drive Irving, TX 75060-2711 Office hours/Horas de Oficina: Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Religious Education Office/Ofcina de Educacion Religiosa: 1009 Schulze Drive Irving, TX 75060-2711 Phone: 972-259-1832 Office hours/Horas de Oficina: Monday-Thursday/Lunes-Jueves: 1:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Pastoral Staff/Administracion Pastoral: Business Manager: Mary O’Sullivan Resource Coordinator: Terri Hernandez Facilities Manager: Jesse Hernandez Saturday: English: 5:30 p.m.

Established 1955 website: Phone: 972-253-8285, Fax: 972-253-5535 Principal: Kathy Carruth Secretary: Gloria Harwerth Parish Catechetical Leaders (PCL) For Children/Youth: Deacon Daniel Segovia Sr. Jacinta Tran For Adults and RCIA: Therese Frank, MA

Director of Music: Wade Lair Safe Environment Coordinator: Carmen Acosta

Celebration of Eucharist/Celebración de la Eucaristía Sunday: Monday-Saturday: English: 7:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. English Español: 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m. & 4:30 p.m. Martes-Viernes: Portuguese: 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Español

Eucharistic Adoration/Adoracion Eucaristica Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes: 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Confessions/Confessiones Tuesday & Friday/Martes & Viernes: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Saturday/Sábado 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Baptism/Bautizos

Registered parishioners should contact the church office regarding application, class requirements and other details. / Los feligreses registrados en la Parroquia, deberan comunicarse con las Oficinas de la Iglesia para la solicitud, las clases y otros detalles y requesitos.


Contact a parish priest six months in advance of preparation. / La pareja deberá comunicarse con uno de los padres seis meses antes para tomar las clases de preparación matrimonial.

Sick and Homebound Parishioners/Feligreses Enfermos y en Casa

We appreciate being informed of the sick, confined to the home and the elderly as they are valued members of the parish. Please call the church office. / Les agradeceríamos si nos informaran de las personas que se encuentran enfermas, los enfermos sin poder salir y los envejecientes, ya son miembros valiosos de nuestra Parroquia. Por favor comuníquense con las Oficinas de la Iglesia.

Parish Registration/Registro Parroquial

We welcome all to our parish. Please register at church office. Also, if your address or phone number changes or if you are moving away from the parish, please notify the church office. / Le damos la bienvenida a todos. Por favor regístrense en la Oficina de la Iglesia. Si1 cambia de domicilio o número de teléfono, por favor notifíqueselo a la oficina.


MAY 20, 2012

From the Pastor’s Desk In Today’s Gospel account, we see Jesus praying for disciples of all ages. He prays that we be strengthened against and delivered from temptation, and above all, he prays that we may all be one in him. Jesus shows us how to live. Specifically, he insists that only through love is God fully encountered and expressed in our lives. We cannot claim to know the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and be intimately attached to them without allowing that love to extend to others, a love that is unconditional and self-sacrificing. Today’s Gospel presents Jesus to us as our Messiah and liberator who saves us in our time of need. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives us the necessary words to speak when we face the courts of human judgment. Jesus frees us to live for God alone. If we cannot accept Jesus the redeemer, the Savior of the poor and those who live on the margins of society, then we cannot accept the Jesus presented in today’s Gospel. He protects us all.

Intenciones de la Misa

Saturday, May 19

8:00AM † Military Veterans 5:30PM † Deacon Roger Gette by: Michael & Donna Mayo, †Eddie DeLeon by: Wife, † Joe Alaniz by: Lamar Garcia, † Patricio Espinoza, † Antony Joseph, † Chacko Paily

Sunday, May 20, Seventh Sunday of Easter

7:30 AM † Deacon Roger Gette by: Gina Arguindegui 9:00 AM 11:00 AM * Healing of Christopher, † Rose Anne Lerma by:Parents, † Laura Aguirre 1:00 PM † Jose Ricardo Mendoza de: Padre y Fam. 3:00 PM * Anthony Hernandez (Bendición 3 Años), † Cleto Hernandez 4:30 PM 6:00 PM Pro Populo

Monday, May 21, St. Christopher

8:00 AM * Kelly Dannelley (B-Day), * Healing of Christopher

Tuesday, May 22, St. Rita of Cascia


8:00 AM * Healing of Christopher, † Foy & † Robert Davis by: Fam. 7:00 PM † Jose Ricardo Mendoza de Abuleita Betty

May 13, 2012 First Collection CCD Students Total

$15,093.50 $ 149.00 $15,238.50

Wednesday, May 23 8:00 AM 7:00 PM

Thursday, May 24

8:00 AM † Estela Masters by: Our Lady of Grace 7:00 PM

Communion Ministers & Lectors Ministros de Comunión y Lectores



8:00 AM 7:00 PM † Antonio Llorente

5:30PM (1R) Kathy Cleveland (2R) Frances Edwards (M) Ciborium– Marilyn Gette & Adalia Trevino Chalice-Rudy Fernandez, Mary Ramos, DeAnna Gerstner & Marva Bichsel

Saturday, May 26 8:00AM 5:30PM †Diane Weatherbee by: Michael & Donna Mayo, †Ruben Garcia

Sunday, May 27, Pentecost Sunday


7:30 AM * Healing of Christopher, †Laura Aguirre 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM * Alexa Isabel Resendis (Bendición 3 Años), * Armando y Magdalena Trevino ( 33 Anniv. de Boda), † Jose Ricardo Mendoza de: Padre y Fam. * Fam. Frias-Diaz de Fam. Frias, 3:00 PM * Jonathan Garcia (Bendición 3 Años) 4:30 PM * Oscar Donjuan (Bendición 3 Años) 6:00 PM

7:30 AM (1R) Jim Edwards ( 2R) Patrick Lamers (M) Ciborium– Rogelio Quinquito & Agustina Quinquito (C) Delfin Villafuerte Chalice-Debra Russell, Margaret Tobias, Ligaya Villafuerte & Tom Watters 9:00 AM (1L) Edith Lopez (2L) Claudia Lopez (M) Ciborium— Rosa Rodríguez y María Castillo (C) Guadalupe Castillo Cáliz-Javier Rodríguez, Santiago Castillo, Elsa Castillo y Rolando Martínez 11:00 AM (1R) Robert Wood (2R) Michelle Granado (M) Ciborium- Susan Garden & Norma Quintanilla (C) Rudy Fernandez Chalice– Robert Garden, Tony Azcona, Anita Gomez & Bea Gallegos 1:00 PM (1L) Aurora Urias (2L) Nelly Jaramillo (M) Ciborium— Nelly Jaramillo y Claudia Trejo (C) Florencio Mejia Cáliz– Ana Gonzalez, Dolores Mejia, Amparo Alvarado y Meche Hassenteuffel

Living Stewardship Now

3:00 PM (1L) Sandra Nunez (2L) Martha Amaya (M) Ciborium— Julio Castellon y Angel Alvarado (C) Rafael Cardenas Cáliz-Yolanda Hernandez, Jose Santiesteban, Dora Hilda Ramos y Giselle Ramos

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.”

La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora

4:30 PM (1L) Teresa Meza (2L) Veronica Lopez (M) Ciborium— Tony Morales y Sandra Vanegas (C) Juan Haedo Cáliz-Rafael Cuellar, Alejandra Haedo, Rocio Vilches y Willie Vilches 6:00 PM (C)




May 25, St. Bede the Venerable Priest & St.

Gregory VII

“Si la única oración que dijeras durante toda tu vida fuera “gracias”, bastaría”. —Meister Eckhart (c. 1260–c. 1328), German theologian and mystic—



SUNDAY/DOMINGO MAY 20, 2012 The Scalabrini Friends will be serving food in the Cafeteria after all Masses. Los Amigos de Scalabrini estarán vendiendo comida después de todas las misas en la cafetería. 6:00 Grupo Camina– Youth

MONDAY/LUNES MAY 21, 2012 12:00 p.m. Silver Seniors-PH 6:30 p.m. Adult Pre Sacramental Classes Spanish-TA 7:00 p.m. Ser Familia Catolica-MT TUESDAY/MARTES MAY 22, 2012 9:30 a.m. Our Lady of Grace – TA 6:00 p.m. Cub Scouts-Ark 6:00 p.m. Confessions/Habra Confesiones 6:30 p.m. ESL Classes 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts-PH 7:00 p.m. Amigos de Scalabrini - Youth Rm. 7:00 p.m. Cursillistas-Caf WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES MAY 23, 2012 6:00 p.m. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Ch. 7:00 p.m. Valor-JD 7:00 p.m. Teen Group-Youth Rm. 7:00 p.m. Catechist Course-MT THURSDAY/JUEVES MAY 24, 2012 10:00 a.m. Kinder Graduation –PH 6:30 p.m. ESL Classes-Jr High 7:30 p.m. English Choir-Youth FRIDAY/VIERNES MAY 25, 2012 5:30 p.m. 8th Grade Graduation6:30 p.m. CCD Portuguese-MT 7:00 p.m. Coro Arcoíris/Coro Internacional TA/JA 8:00 p.m. Brazilian Choir-Youth SATURDAY/SABADO MAY 26, 2012 10:00 a.m. Adult Pre Sacramental Classes-English-AFF Rm 10:00 a.m. Altar Servers-MT 3:30 p.m. Confessions/ Confesiones-Ch 6:30 p.m. Grupo de Oración Carismático-MT SUNDAY/DOMINGO MAY 27 2012 The Cursillo Group will be serving food in the Cafeteria after all Masses. El Grupo Cursillista estarán vendiendo comida después de todas las misas en la cafetería. 6:00 Grupo Camina– Youth

MAYO 20, 2012

ST. LUKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL is enrolling for school year 2012-2013 Pre K3 through 8th grade please call the School office Monday—Friday 7:30am to 4:00pm. For more information (972) 253-8285


Esta registrando para el Año 2012-2013 Pre Kinder K3 a 8vo Grado Por favor llame a la Oficina de la Escuela Para mas información (972) 253-8285 Lunes a Viernes 7:30am a 4:00pm

Help the US Bishops Fight Poverty - The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs YOU! CCHD is the domestic anti-poverty program of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. CCHD offers national and local grants to empower lowincome community groups and organizations focused on addressing the root causes of poverty in America. We need your help to work with the Dallas Diocesan Director in recruiting groups for funding, reviewing requests, and spreading the good work of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Please visit to learn more and fill out an application to join the CCHD Local Dallas Advisory Committee. Email [email protected] with inquiries or questions. Families are struggling; Faith is calling. We need YOU! Ayuda al Obispos de EE.UU. a Luchar contra la Pobreza - La Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano (CCHD) te necesita! CCHD es un programa interno contra la pobreza de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de EE.UU.. CCHD ofrece becas nacionales y locales para capacitar a grupos de bajos ingresos de la comunidad y organizaciones dedicadas a abordar las causas profundas de la pobreza en Estados Unidos. Necesitamos su ayuda para trabajar con el Director Diocesano de Dallas para reclutar a grupos que necesitan ayudar financiera, estudiar las solicitudes, y difundir el buen trabajo de la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano. Por favor, visite / Abogado para aprender más y llenar una solicitud para unirse al comité Asesor de CCDH en Dallas. Escriba al correo electró[email protected] con consultas o preguntas. Las familias están luchando, la fe está llamando. Te necesitamos!



MAY 20, 2012

Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini Words of Wisdom "The world moves on and we cannot remain behind."

Our 2011-2012 religious education programs are coming to end. Between September and May we will have presented the beauty of the góspel message to about 1,800 children and teens, and 300 adults! Words cannot express our gratitude for the dedication of our faithful catechists. Many return year after year for they find their reward in the faces of their students, regardless of age. To those among you who have considered teaching the faith, please give our office a call. Perhaps you don’t feel called to teach, but could help out in the office during class hours. We would love to have you join us for the 20122013 program. 972-359-1832 ext.238 or [email protected] Teens! Sign up now to volunteer as a Junior Catechist in our CCD classes next year! Call or e-mail Mrs. Therese Frank to find out what is required – 972-259-1832 ext.238; [email protected] Ser Familia Catolica Ser Familia Católica es un grupo de adultos serios que están interesados en conocer mejor nuestra fe católica. Ponerla en práctica para transformar nuestras familias en una escuela de amor. Nuestra próxima reunión será el lunes 15 de mayo. La reunión será en el salón Mother Theresa de Family Life Center a las 7pm. Dirigido por el Diacono José Treviño y el señor Jerónimo López. Para más información llamar Adult Faith Formation Office o Al Señor Jerónimo López al 214-597-2353. English Bible Study Make your participation at Mass more meaningful by reading and discussing the day’s readings with others. You do not have to come every week to benefit or “keep up.” No preparation or background study is needed. We meet every Sunday, 9:15 – 10:45 am, between the 7:30 and 11:00am Masses, in the Family Life Center (Adult Faith Formation Room). Adult Pre-Sacrament En Español, Classe #6, Lunes 20 de Mayo, 7pm (‘Thomas Aquinas’/FLC) In English, Class #6, Saturday, May 26, 10am (‘Thomas Aquinas’/FLC) Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA/RICA) – – Do you know someone searching for a spiritual home? If so, invite them to accompany you to our parish RCIA classes beginning June 14. These classes introduce adults to beliefs and practices of Catholicism. They prepare adults for Baptism; they prepare non-Catholic Christians to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church. They also prepare Catholic adults to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion. Classes are conducted in both English and Spanish. For more information, call or visit the Adult Faith Formation office at 972-2591832 ext.238. Readings for Sunday, May 27: Acts 2:1-11; Psalm 104:1-2,24,35,27-28,30; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7,12-13; John 20:19-23 Liturgy of the Hours: Beginning Sunday May 20: Week III

"El Mundo sigue y no nos podemos quedar atrás.” 5. Following are some of Scalabrini's political principles: a) "Let us save souls; and let the rest take care of itself." b) "I would even get on the devil's shoulders if I were sure he would bring me to save a soul." 6. When necessary, he would scold his friend, Bishop Bonomelli. a) "If you carry on in this way, they will take away even your baptism." b) "Beautiful! First act and then think!" 7. To the famous writer, Antonio Fogazzaro, who had gently hinted at his long wait due to Scalabrini's stay in the chapel, the good bishop answered with a tinge of friendly irony: "What do you expect! We have to pray even for those who don't pray." 8. To one who objected that strict fasting is bothersome he rejoined: "If oil bothers you, skip the meal." 9. Here is a deeply theological maxim, that affirms that the soul is naturally Christian: "Nothing is more natural than the supernatural." 10. His obedience to the Pope touches on the paradoxical: "If, the Holy Father commanded me to walk on my hands upside down, I would try my best to do so." 11. Regarding the new poor, namely, the fallen nobility: "When one is born poor, habitual poverty is less felt. That's why I feel sorry for families that have fallen on bad times." 12. The refrain of humility: "We must always be afraid of ourselves." 13. When speaking casually, Scalabrini loved to speak in his dialect from the Como Region. And his words would take on different colors:

Sidewalk Counselor & Prayer Partner Training, June 23: 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 400 N.E. 17th St., Grand Prairie 75050, in the cafeteria of the Family Life Center. Come learn the Msgr. Philip Reilly method of peaceful, prayerful presence which has helped more than 22,000 mothers turn away from abortion in New York and 5,500 mothers here in Dallas. If you feel called to be a prayer partner for a sidewalk counselor, then this training is also for you! The training is free, and a continental breakfast, light lunch and all materials will be provided. Pre-registration is required and available online at sidewalktraining. For more info, contact Joanne Underwood, 214-261-8499, or [email protected].

Life Front on Tuesdays: a weekly event at 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 600 S. Jupiter Rd., Richardson 75081, in the St. Joseph Room, with monthly guest speakers. Each week, we gather in prayer, to learn the Church’s teaching on life issues, and actively engage ourselves in the pro-life cause. This month on May 22, we will feature a presentation on Faithful Citizenship by Becky Visosky, Catholic Pro-Life Committee Director of Communications. Light refreshments will be served. For more info, contact Tom Grossman, 972-352-7632 or [email protected]. 29th Annual Cemetery of the Innocents Gravesite Memorial Service, May 20: 3:00 p.m., Calvary Hill Cemetery, 3235 Lombardy Ln., Dallas. The annual Cemetery of the Innocents Memorial Service is held at one of the largest mass graves of aborted babies in the world, where more than 1,500 precious innocents are buried. Please join us to honor the memory of the children who have been killed by abortion. Everyone is encouraged to bring flowers for the gravesite. There will be a special remembrance for our beloved Fr. Edward Robinson, O.P., whose tireless devotion to life inspired us all. Fr. Robinson’s resting place is just a few feet away from the babies. For more information, contact Laura Weston, 214-358-0694.


Entrenamiento de Consejeros de Acera & Compañeros de Oración, 23 de junio: 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., en Inmaculada Concepción, 400 N.E. 17th, Grand Prairie 75050. ¿Cómo puede salvar una vida inocente? Venga y aprenda el método de Msgr. Philip Reilly de presencia pasiva y orante el cual ha ayudado a más de 22,000 madres a que se alejen del aborto en Nueva York y 5,500 madres aquí en Dallas. ¡Si se siente llamado a ser un compañero de oración para un consejero de acera, entonces este entrenamiento es también para usted! El entrenamiento es gratis, y un desayuno continental, lonche ligero y todos materiales se proporcionaran. Se requiere registración previa y está disponible en línea en sidewalktraining o llame Aurora Tinajero, 972-262-5137 ex. 23.


MAYO 20, 2012



In 1634, a mix of Catholic and Protestant settlers arrived in Southern Maryland from England aboard the Ark and the Dove. They had come at the invitation of the Catholic Lord Baltimore, who had been granted the land by the Protestant King Charles I of England. While Catholics and Protestants were killing each other in Europe, Lord Baltimore imagined Maryland as a society where people of different faiths could live together peacefully. This vision was soon codified in Maryland’s 1649 Act Concerning Religion (also called the “Toleration Act”), which was the first law in our nation’s history to protect an individual’s right to freedom of conscience. Maryland’s early history teaches us that, like any freedom, religious liberty requires constant vigilance and protection, or it will disappear. Maryland’s experiment in religious toleration ended within a few decades. The colony was placed under royal control and the Church of England became the established religion. Discriminatory laws, including the loss of political rights, were enacted against those who refused to conform. Catholic chapels were closed and Catholics were restricted to practicing their faith in their homes. The Catholic community lived under this coercion until the American Revolution. By the end of the 18th century our nation’s founders embraced freedom of religion as an essential condition of a free and democratic society. So when the Bill of Rights was ratified, religious freedom had the distinction of being the First Amendment. Religious liberty is indeed the first liberty. This is our American heritage, our most cherished freedom. If we are not free in our conscience and our practice of religion, all other freedoms are fragile. If our obligations and duties to God are impeded, or even worse, contradicted by the government, then we can no longer claim to be a land of the free. Is our most cherished freedom truly under threat? Among many current challenges, consider the recent Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate requiring almost all private health plans to cover contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs. For the first time in our history, the federal government will force religious institutions to facilitate drugs and procedures contrary to our moral teaching, and purport to define which religious institutions are “religious enough” to merit an exemption. This is not a matter of whether contraception may be prohibited by the government. It is not even a matter of whether contraception may be supported by the government. It is a matter of whether religious people and institutions may be forced by the government to provide coverage for contraception and sterilization, even when it violates our religious beliefs. What can you do to ensure the protection of religious freedom? To learn more about our first freedom, and to send your message to HHS and Congress telling them to stand up for religious liberty and conscience rights, go to today! Thank you for joining the effort to end this unprecedented government coercion of conscience and intrusion in religious affairs. What can you do to ensure the protection of religious freedom?


Pasado y Presente

En 1634 un grupo de colonos católicos y protestantes llegaron de Inglaterra a la isla de St. Clement, en el sur de Maryland, a bordo de los buques Ark y Dove. Habían venido invitados por el católico Lord Baltimore a quien el rey protestante, Charles I de Inglaterra, le había entregado Maryland con el fin de que allí se estableciera una sociedad donde personas de diferentes credos pudieran convivir en paz. Esta idea pronto fue legislada en Maryland en 1649, y conocida como el Decreto sobre la Religión (también llamado Decreto de Tolerancia), y que fue la primera ley que se decretó en nuestra nación para proteger los derechos de libertad de conciencia del individuo. La antigua historia de Maryland nos enseña que, al igual que cualquier otra libertad, la libertad religiosa requiere vigilan-cia y protección continua, de lo contrario puede desapa-recer. Pero el experimento de tolerancia religiosa de Maryland terminó unas pocas décadas más tarde. La colonia de pobla-dores fue colocada bajo la autoridad del rey, y la Iglesia de Inglaterra se convirtió en la religión oficial. Se implantaron leyes discriminatorias, incluyendo la pérdida de derechos políticos contra los que se negaran a cumplirlas. Se cerraron las capillas católicas, y los católicos fueron restringidos a practicar su fe solamente en sus hogares. Bajo estas condiciones vivió la comunidad católica hasta la Revolución Americana. A finales del siglo dieciocho, los fundadores de nuestra nación adoptaron la libertad religiosa como una condición esencial de una sociedad libre y democrática. Por lo tanto, cuando se ratificó la Declaración de Derechos, la libertad religiosa se distinguiera en ser la Primera Enmienda. La libertad religiosa es, indiscutiblemente, la primera de las libertades. Esta es nuestra herencia Americana, nuestra más preciada libertad. Si no tenemos libertad de conciencia para practicar la religión, todas las demás libertades se vuelven frágiles. Si nuestras obligaciones y deberes para con Dios son impedidos, o peor aún, contradichos por el gobierno, entonces no podremos seguir afirmando que ésta es la tierra de la libertad. ¿Está siendo amenazada la más preciada de nuestras libertades? Entre los retos actuales, considere el reciente mandato del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS, sigla en inglés) que requiere que casi todos los planes privados de seguros médicos cubran la anticoncepción, la esterilización y las drogas abortivas. Por primera vez en nuestra historia, el gobierno federal obligará a las instituciones religiosas a facilitar y pagar por algo que es contrario a sus enseñanzas morales, pretendiendo definir cuáles instituciones religiosas son “suficientemente religiosas” como para ameritar la protección de su libertad religiosa. Esto no es un asunto de que si el gobierno deba prohibir la anticoncepción. No es siquiera un asunto de que si la anticoncepción deba ser apoyada por el gobierno. Se trata de que si las personas e instituciones religiosas deben ser forzadas por el gobierno a proveer cobertura de anticonceptivos o esterilización, aun cuando estas prácticas violen sus creencias religiosas. ¿Qué puede hacer para asegurar la protección de la libertad religiosa? ¡Para más información sobre nuestra primera libertad y enviar una mensaje a HHS y al Congreso pidiéndoles que defiendan la libertad religiosa y los derechos de conciencia, visite hoy! Gracias por unirse a los esfuerzos para ponerle fin a este esfuerzo sin precedentes de la coerción de la conciencia y la intromisión en asuntos religiosos por parte del gobierno.



MAY 20, 2012

Charity Sunday – Support the Ark! The Ark is requesting your assistance with food donations for Charity Sunday, which is the 3rd Sunday of the month. Please bring nonperishable food items to the church. You may also drop off donations at the church office during the week. The Ark is open the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month from 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM. Thank you for your support and God Bless You for your generosity!

Domingo de la Caridad El Arca solicita su ayuda con donaciones de comida para el Domingo de Caridad que es el tercer domingo del mes. Por favor, traiga alimentos no-perecederos a la iglesia. También puede traer sus donaciones a la oficina durante la semana. El Arca esta abierto el 1er y 3er sábado del mes de 10:00 AM hasta las 12:00 PM. Muchas gracias por su apoyo y Dios los Bendiga por su generosidad!

On average, there is a five to ten year period of denial during which a woman who was traumatized by her abortion will repress her feelings. Come find release from your anguish and experience forgiveness and hope on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™. Abortion AfterCare-Healing 214.544.CARE [email protected]

VOCATION AWARENESS PROGRAM JUNE 22 - 24, 2012 HOLY TRINITY SEMINARY, IRVING A weekend of discernment helps single Catholic men and women, ages 18 – 40, find answers about life as a Priest, Sister, Brother or Lay Woman. It includes presentations, panel discussions, Q&A periods and one-on-one conferences with diocesan and order Priests, Sisters and Brothers. There are no fees, private rooms and meals are furnished, and no one will pressure you or seek a commitment. To learn more and apply, visit or contact Fr. Rudy Garcia at the Dallas Diocese, 214-379-2860, [email protected]. Application deadline June 11 Visit Sponsored by the Vocations Offices and Serra Clubs of Dallas and Fort Worth

En promedio, hay un período de cinco a diez años de negación en el cual una mujer que fue traumatizada por su aborto reprimirá sus sentimientos. Venga, encuentre libertad de su angustia y experimente el perdón y esperanza en un retiro del Viñedo de Raquel™.

Southwestern Center for Breast Care

The Pines Catholic Camp welcomes

Have a Mammogram – it could save your life! The UT Southwestern Mobile Mammogram unit will be at the Family Life Center on Saturday, June 16th from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Even if you don’t have insurance, there is a way to get a mammogram. Pre-registration is required, so please call 214.645.2560 or toll free 866-277-0710. Hablamos espanol.

all youth “Under My Roof” for Summer Camp 2012. Weeks are quickly filling up fast for the summer, and now is the chance to register your camper for an amazing week of faith, fun, and friendship in East Texas. Sessions begin June 3rd and run until August 4th. Visit or call 214-522-6533 to learn more about The Pines! 6

Hágase una mamografía - podría salvar su vida! La unidad de UT Southwestern Mamografía Móvil estará en el Centro de Vida Familiar, el Sábado, 16 de junio de 8:00 am a 4:00 pm. Incluso si usted no tiene seguro, siempre hay una manera de hacerse la mamografía. Es necesario registrarse antes, así que por favor llame al 214.645.2560 o al número gratuito 866-277-0710. Hablamos español.

Restauración Después del Aborto 972-679-4760 [email protected]

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