Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica

COMORBILIDAD EN INSUFICIENCIA CARDÍACA Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica Ibiza 7 de mayo de 2010 Dr Jesús Recio Iglesias UNITAT D´INSUFICIÈNCI
Author:  Rosa Ruiz Sáez

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Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica Ibiza 7 de mayo de 2010 Dr Jesús Recio Iglesias


Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica En la práctica clínica, la evaluación diagnóstica de la IC en presencia de EPOC supone un desafío. Hay una importante superposición de los signos y síntomas, con una sensibilidad relativamente baja de las pruebas diagnósticas como radiografía de tórax, ECG, ecocardiografía y espirometría. La evaluación de la concentración de péptidos natriuréticos (BNP o NT-proBNP) puede ser útil, aunque los resultados se suelen situar en valores intermedios. El valor predictivo negativo puede ser de más utilidad

Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61(12):1329.e1-1329.e70

¾ ¿Es frecuente la coexistencia EPOC-IC? ¾ ¿Tiene relevancia en el pronóstico? ¾ ¿Existen implicaciones en el tratamiento?

¿Es frecuente la coexistencia EPOC-IC?

“the combination of heart failure and COPD is much more common than generally acknowledged. We could not find any report on prevalence of COPD in patients with LVSD or (a history of) heart failure

“many of the possible interactions between both syndromes are still unclear, and more extensive knowledge is important in view of the potential increasing prevalence of both diseases in the near future, the possibly common existence and the potential benefit of adequate treatment”

An Med Interna (Madrid) 2006; 23: 478-482.

N= 2.127. Edad media fue de 77±11 a( 57%, mujeres) Las patologías más frecuentes asociadas a la IC fueron: diabetes mellitus (39%) EPOC (31%). “La comorbilidad representa una mayor complejidad en los pacientes con IC……. necesidad de un tratamiento integral de todos los problemas del paciente y la utilidad de una atención multidisciplinaria en el manejo de esta enfermedad” Rev Clin Esp. 2010;210(4):149–158

“ La alta prevalencia de insuficiencia cardíaca en nuestro estudio (27%) es similar a la descrita en pacientes ambulatorios con EPOC grave en los que se practica un ecocardiograma. Dado que el principal síntoma en la EPOC y la insuficiencia cardíaca es la disnea o la fatiga, puede ser difícil precisar que componente predomina en una exacerbación en estos pacientes”

J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;49:171–80

In patients admitted with HF 35% have COPD and a medical history of COPD only reveals a minority of these patients leaving a considerable number of patients with COPD undiagnosed. Patients with preserved LVEF had significant lower FEV1 and FEV1 ⁄ FVC than patients with impaired LVEF “treatment of HF improves 20% FVC”

”almost a third of the patients with impaired LVEF had COPD….seems relevant to perform spirometry – a simple, cost-effective, noninvasive and objective examination – in all patients admitted with HF in order to diagnose or rule out COPD” Journal of Internal Medicine. 2008; 264: 361–369

We hypothesized that the diagnosis of “COPD” increases the risk of having CVD, independently of smoking history, age, gender, and lifestyle risks known to lead to CVD. N= 18,342. 56% of COPD patients had CVD 26% of the non-COPD subjects had CVD

International Journal of COPD 2009:4 337–349

International Journal of COPD 2009:4 337–349

We believe that the results of this study will increase awareness of COPD as an independent risk factor for CVD. Better understanding of this association will help us to make newer guidelines which will require us to screen for presence of COPD in all patients with heart disease and vice versa. This should lead to amendment of various guidelines, which should include control of COPD, along with control of blood pressure, low-density lipoprotein, cholesterol, and other CVD risk factors.

International Journal of COPD 2009:4 337–349

¿Es un factor pronóstico la coexistencia de la EPOC y la IC?

799 patients (mean age 75 ± 12 years). 19.5% had COPD Beta blockers were administered less often in patients with COPD (6,1% at discharge and 10% during the entire follow-up).

“the deleterious effect of COPD on survival was obvious after 1-year of follow-up. Although co-morbid COPD had a relatively limited impact on short-term prognosis, the influence on 5-year outcome was independent of left ventricular function and was considerable.”

Am J Cardiol 2008;101:353–358

Val-HeFT trial : Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease strongly predicted non-cardiovascular mortality (HR 2.50 [1.58– 3.96) and hospitalizations (HR1.71[1.43–2.06], Respiratory infections are associated with decompensation in 10–16% of admissions. COPD prolongs inpatient stay, increases risk of readmission, and independently predicts greater financial costs

First published online: April 15, 2010

The prognostic importance of lung function in patients admitted with heart failure Iversen KK, Kjaergaard J, Akkan D, Kober L, Torp-Pedersen C, Hassager C, Vestbo J, Kjoller E; ECHOS Lung Function Study Group.

532 patients admitted with a clinical diagnosis of HF. All patients underwent spirometry and echocardiography FEV1 had independent prognostic value after adjusting for demographic variables, known risk factors, ejection fraction, and self-reported chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Conclusion Pulmonary function provides significant prognostic information for allcause mortality in patients admitted with HF. Spirometry therefore seems to be worth considering for all patients admitted with HF in order to identify patients at high risk.

Eur J Heart Fail (2010)doi: 10.1093/eurjhf/hfq050

¿Existen implicaciones en el tratamiento? Anticolinérgicos Beta bloqueantes adrenérgicos

International Journal of COPD 2009:4 253–263

“ treatment has been shown to substantially increase the risk of the development of dry mouth, urinary retention and sinus tachycardia, indicating significant systemic effects of inhaled anticholinergics. For this reason, it is possible that inhaled anticholinergics can exert adverse systemic cardiovascular effects.Inhaled anticholinergics increase the incidenceof sinus tachycardia, which is a supraventriculararrhythmia”

There have been conflicting data concerning the cardiovascular risk associated with the inhaled anticholinergic agents ipratropium bromide and tiotropium bromide. Observational studies and some randomized trials have shown an increase in adverse cardiovascular events, whereas pooled data from all available trials show no significant effect on the proportion of patients with adverse cardiovascular events and a trend towards reduced incidence of events over time Drugs 2009; 69 (15): 2025-2033

The primary objective … to examine whether there were specific events that might show either a decreased or an increased risk with tiotropium. Attention was focused on selected CV events, including a composite CV end point and mortality.

Chest 2010;137;20-30

Cardiovascular Safety of Tiotropium in Patients With COPD

Cardiovascular events

Cardiovascular deaths

Chest 2010;137;20-30

¿Condiciona la existencia de la EPOC el tratamiento de la IC?

Under-use of beta-blockers in COPD patients

¾ “despite the clear evidence of the effectiveness of BB, there is a general reluctance to use them in patients with COPD, due to a perceived contraindication and fear of inducing adverse reactions and bronchspasm” ¾ < 30% of HF patients received β blockers ¾ Long-term BB is underused in CHF … due to the entrenched belief that it may precipitate respiratory deterioration when COPD coexists with CHF. Beta-blockers remain underprescribed to patients with CHF and COPD… despite extensive safety data in patients with moderate to severe COPD.

N Engl J Med 1998;339:489-97 Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2001;39:383-8 Q J Med 2005; 98:493–497 J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;49:171–80

BB in Patients With CHF and COPD Selective beta-1 adrenergic blockade Respiratory symptoms and FEV1 are not significantly worsened by selective beta-1blockade (B1B) in COPD patients……. Selective B1B does not attenuate beta-2 receptor (B2R) agonist-induced bronchodilatation . The cumulative evidence from trials and metaanalysis indicates that selective B1B should not be withheld when COPD coexists with cardiovascular diseases, because the benefits of selective B1B in cardiac patients with COPD far outweigh the risks .

J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;49:171–80

Nonselective BB combined with alpha-blockade The safety profile of carvedilol and labetalol that combine alpha-adrenergic blockade with nonselective BB is not as well-established as that of selective B1B in COPD. Data regarding the use of carvedilol in COPD patients with reversible airflow obstruction are not available. In contrast to selective B1B, nonselective blockade attenuates B2R agonist-induced bronchodilatation.

J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;49:171–80

“In summary, BB therapy should be attempted with selective beta-1 adrenergic blockade or combined nonselective beta- and alphaadrenergic blockade in all CHF patients with concomitant stable COPD who do not have reversible airway obstruction. Selective BB is recommended in patients with CHF and COPD who have reversible airway obstruction in the absence of safety data regarding combined nonselective beta- and alpha-adrenergic blockade.”

J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;49:171–80

To examine the use of b blockers (both cardioselective and non-cardioselective) in patients admitted to a university hospital with acute exacerbations of COPD and to determine whether the administration of these drugs was associated with in-hospital mortality.

“the use of b blockers in patients admitted with acute exacerbations of COPD is not deleterious and may be associated with a beneficial effect on mortality. These results have direct implications for the use of b blockers in patients hospitalised for acute exacerbations of COPD and suggest that they can be safely continued in this setting”. Thorax 2008;63:301–305

Objetivo: estudiar la prevalencia de EPOC en pacientes ingresados por IC ,definir su perfil clínico y la relación con el tratamiento con bloqueadores beta ¾ 98/391 enfermos (25,1%) diagnóstico clínico o espirométrico de EPOC ¾ En dos tercios: diagnóstico sólo por criterios clínicos ¾ El perfil del enfermo que hemos encontrado corresponde al de un hombre de edad avanzada con frecuente comorbilidad y con sobrepeso. ¾ Tratamiento con BB en el 18,4 (antes) frente al 27,6% (alta) (p70 años con IC tratados en servicios de medicina interna.

Conclusión BB bien tolerados y seguros en casi el 80% de los pacientes ancianos con IC No existen razones que justifiquen su falta de uso

Med Clin (Barc) 2010;13: 141-5

Beta-Blockade in Heart Failure and COPD J Am Coll Cardiol 2010; 55:1780–7

Age: 66±12 y; 78% male; NYHA II-III 88%

Beta-Blockade in Heart Failure and COPD J Am Coll Cardiol 2010; 55:1780–7

Clinical effects - No change in brachial artery pressure. - 6MWD: There was no clinically significant difference. - No changes in left ventricular dimensions or ejection fraction were detected,

Safety 5 (10%) drug-related adverse events necessitating withdrawal from our study

The present study demonstrates that in a cohort of patients with CHF with or without coexistent COPD who are able to tolerate beta-blockers, switching between B1Bs and carvedilol

En resumen ……... ¾ EPOC e IC con frecuencia se presentan de manera conjunta Es necesario el estudio de la función pulmonar en los pacientes con IC y realizar estudio de la función cardíaca en los enfermos con EPOC. ¾ El deterioro de la función pulmonar es factor de peor pronóstico ¾ El tratamiento anticolinérgico en la EPOC es eficaz y seguro desde el punto de vista de morbimortalidad cardiovascular. ¾ El tratamiento con BB en pacientes con IC y EPOC es eficaz y seguro y necesario.

“La verdadera esencia de la medicina cardiovascular es el reconocimiento precoz de la insuficiencia cardíaca” Sir Thomas Lewis 1933

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