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Story Transcript

Bible Verse AND SONG (WITH LYRICS) Jackylyn De Jesus Grade 10 Adviser: Ms. Shielalyn Leop

GOD'SWORD Gettingtoknow moreabout andSONG LYRICS

Tableof Contents The Importance of Reading the Bible Song with Lyrics 01 03 02 10 Bible Verses

The Bible can often help a person through a difficult time, Reading the Bible can serve as inspiration, inspiring the reader to lead a better life. It can bring us comfort to know how God cared and helped. Reading the bible every day can help to strengthen their relationship with God and helps to keep people from sin and purifies our soul. It can also guide a person in the right direction when they do not know where to turn. THE IMPORTANCE OFBIBLE

BIBLEVERSE 1 "As water reflects the face, so one ' s life reflects the heart. " Your life is a reflection of the ideals and faith you hold in your heart. The areas where you spend time and energy reveal what’s really important to you. PROVERBS 27:19 REFLECTION

BIBLEVERSE 2 " Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity, and honor. " Prioritizing your spiritual growth will allow you to flourish. Continuing to develop your relationship with God is the key to building a life that brings you pride PROVERBS 21:21 REFLECTION

BIBLEVERSE 3 “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die. A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted. ” If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, just remember that this is only one season of life. You might be in a stage of planting, but your time to bloom is just around the corner. ECCLESIASTES 3:1 REFLECTION

BIBLEVERSE 4 “Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. ” The best way to bring God to others is to live a peaceful, compassionate life. HEBREWS 12:14 REFLECTION

BIBLEVERSE 5 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. ” God has a plan for your life. When things get tough, remember that God is in control and it’s all part of His plan even if it’s hard to understand at the time JEREMIAH 29:11 REFLECTION

BIBLEVERSE 6 “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you. ” You can always turn to God for support and trust that He will be there for you, no matter what. ISAIAH 66:13 REFLECTION

BIBLEVERSE 7 “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. ” Knowing that God is with you as you walk through life’s trials and tribulations can help alleviate your anxieties about the future. He’s there to support and uplift you. ISAIAH 41:10 REFLECTION

BIBLEVERSE 8 “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. ” With God as your support system, you don’t have to be afraid or intimidated by anything that comes your way. You’ve got this! DEUTERONOMY 31:6 REFLECTION

BIBLEVERSE 9 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. ” Place your faith in God. When things get tough, it’s especially important to trust Him and focus on your faith to get you through. PROVERBS 3:5-6 REFLECTION

BIBLEVERSE 10 “This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life. ” When you’re experiencing difficulty or wondering about your life’s purpose, turn to God and think of the promises he’s made. PSALM 119:50 REFLECTION

Pa'no bang mababawi Lahat ng mga nasabi hmm Di naman inakalang Ika'y darating lang bigla ng walang babala Sa isang iglap Nagbago ang lahat Hindi ko na kaya pa na magpanggap KUMPAS Song by Moira Dela Torre

Ikaw ang kumpas pag naliligaw Ikaw ang kulay sa langit na bughaw Sa bawat bagyo na dumadayo Ikaw ang kanlungan na kailangan ko Kahit hindi mo alam Ilang beses mo akong niligtas Ikaw ang hantungan at aking wakas KUMPAS Song by Moira Dela Torre

Pa'nong maniniwala Ika'y nasa 'king harapan hmm 'Di naman naiplano ako'y mabihag ng gan'to Totoo ba ito Sa isang iglap Nagbago ako Hindi ko na kayang mawalay sayo KUMPAS Song by Moira Dela Torre

Ikaw ang kumpas 'pag naliligaw Ikaw ang kulay sa langit na bughaw Sa bawat bagyo na dumadayo Ikaw ang kanlungan na kailangan ko KUMPAS Song by Moira Dela Torre

Kahit hindi mo alam Ilang beses mo akong niligtas Ikaw ang hantungan at aking wakas ah Ah ah KUMPAS Song by Moira Dela Torre

Sana'y iyong matanggap Kung sino ako talaga KUMPAS Song by Moira Dela Torre

Ikaw 'yung kumpas no'ng naliligaw Naging kulay ka sa langit na bughaw Sa bawat bagyo na dumayo KUMPAS Song by Moira Dela Torre

Ikaw 'yung kanlungan na nahanap ko Kahit no'ng 'di ko alam ilang beses mo akong niligtas Ikaw ang hantungan at aking wakas KUMPAS Song by Moira Dela Torre

“Kumpas” touches us through the lyrics and how it was beautifully sang by Moira. The song speaks of finding our true love who serves as a compass when we feel lost. Also, finding the one who can give us the real meaning of joy which is the best gift we can ever receive from God. “Kumpas'' talks about a love who is everything you could ever need. Someone who serves as your compass. No matter what happens, as long as you’re with this person, you know you’ll be alright. KUMPAS Song by Moira Dela Torre

It has a deeper meaning, while I was listening to the song I realized that I am very grateful because I have my "KUMPAS" which is God that despite of my brokeness, my flaws, imperfections and past failures, Lord is still embracing us for who am I and Lord never took me for granted even tho sometimes I used to make wrong decisions but we have God who's willing to lead us in the right path, encourages us to become better each day. KUMPAS Song by Moira Dela Torre

The song is telling us that we are more than our mistakes and For me, I truly dedicated this song to God. He is my compass and my ending, He never leave me alone nor forsake me and He accepts me for who I am. When Moira went ''Kahit hindi mo alam Ilang beses mo akong niligtas" II found in inner self that He always bring me back to him everytime I am losing my way. KUMPAS Song by Moira Dela Torre

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