Episode 4 Episodio 4 Chat with Bartender Charla con la camarera del Bar

Copyright © Gritty Spanish www.grittyspanish.com Episode 4 Episodio 4 Listen to Fullspeed & Slow Episode on GrittySpanish.com Or copy/paste this lin

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Story Transcript

Copyright © Gritty Spanish www.grittyspanish.com

Episode 4 Episodio 4

Listen to Fullspeed & Slow Episode on GrittySpanish.com Or copy/paste this link into your browser:


“Chat with Bartender” “Charla con la camarera del Bar” Synopsis: Meli is a bubbly Bartender who works at the Squared Circle Bar. One of her Favorite customers, Rodri stops by and she introduces him to one of her special mixes.



*Salsa music plays in the Bar**

La música salsa suena en el bar**

Rodri: Hey Meli, my Favorite Bartender, I need a couple of good drinks to start the night

Rodri: Hola Meli, mi camarera favorita, necesito un par de buenas bebidas para empezar la noche

Meli: Hey sweetheart, my favorite customer! What do u want to drink? Hope you stay here for a few hours in order to forget about your problems hahahaha.

Meli: Hola cariño, ¡mi cliente favorito! ¿Qué quieres tomar? Espero que te quedes aquí por un par de horas para beber y olvidarte de tus problemas jajajaja.

Rodri: Yes, hahahaha, yes. Do you have special mixes for tonight? I am Tired of the same ol same ol. Drinks like Hennessey and soda. Those drinks don’t’ do it for me anymore. I know you always come up with some new shit.

Rodri: Sí, jajajaja, si ¿Tienes mezclas especiales para esta noche? Estoy cansado de lo mismo de siempre. Las bebidas como Hennessey y soda. Estas bebidas ya no me satisfacen para nada. Sé que siempre inventas otras mierdas nuevas.

Meli: Yes, you know it! I have one called the "berry sour tasty splash", I think you will like it. It taste good but it's strong! It will hit you and have you stumbling after a while, so you have to be very careful.

Meli: Sí, ¡tú lo sabes! Tengo una llamado la "baya amargo chapoteo sabroso", creo que te va a gustar. ¡Sabe bien pero es fuerte! Subirá a la cabeza y después de un tiempo estarás tropezando por todo el lugar, así que tienes que tener mucho cuidado.

Rodri: Oh yea? What’s in that drink?

Rodri: Ay, ¿verdad? ¿Qué contiene esa bebida?

Meli: Vodka, tequila, a little dark rum, Ron Barcelo. It's has fruit juice mixed with it to give it a nice flavor. This is why it taste so sweet, it doesn't taste strong at all; it sneaks up on people.

Meli: vodka, tequila, un poco de ron negro, Ron Barceló. Contiene un poco de jugo de frutas mezclado para darle un sabor agradable. Es por esto que sabe tan dulce, no tiene un sabor fuerte; engaña a la gente.

Rodri: What the fuck, you trying to kill me or somebody? How are you going to mix all those different liquors together? You know white and dark liquor don’t mix? If you not careful, it can really fuck

Rodri: Qué maldita, ¿Estás tratando de matarme o matar a alguien? ¿Cómo vas a mezclar todos esos licores diferentes? Sabes que el licor blanco y negro no se puede mezclar. Si no tienes cuidado, te puede

Copyright © Gritty Spanish www.grittyspanish.com you up. I don't wanna be vomiting all of over the place and my friends gotta carry me out of here, no Meli. You should know better than that Meli.

joder. No quiero estar vomitando por todo el lugar y después mis amigos me tienen que cargar de acá, no Meli. Deberías saber que eso no se puede Meli

Meli: You gonna be okay, if you can hold your liquor, you'll be fine. One or two should be enough, don’t go over that limit, don't overdo it. I would say, drink 3 minimum, but drink it slowly. Did you eat before coming to the bar? If you ate, you can have 4 or 5 drinks, and you’ll be fine, in the morning. You will not have a headaches or nothing like that.

Meli: Vas a estar bien, si sabes beber, estarás bien. Uno o dos debería ser suficiente, no tomes más que eso, no te excedas. Yo diría, bebe 3 como máximo, pero bébela despacio. ¿Comiste algo antes de venir al bar? Si comiste, puedes beber 4 o 5 bebidas, y estarás bien, en la mañana, no tendrás un dolor de cabeza o nada de eso.

Rodri: Yes I ate a little bit, well, not much since I wasn't hungry. I hope you have some snacks though, I like to snack a lot when I am drinking. I love snacking on things like popcorn, peanuts, pretzels or potato chips, these things.

Rodri: Sí, comí un poco, pues, no mucho, ya que no tenía hambre. Sin embargo, espero que tengas algunos bocadillos, me gusta comer los bocadillos cuando estoy bebiendo. Me encanta comer los bocadillos como palomitas de maíz, maní, galletas o pepitos, esas cosas.

Meli: Yes, I have some of that in the back, I’ll bring you some once I make the first drink.

Meli: Sí, tengo algo de estos en la parte de atrás, te traeré algo una vez que hago la primera bebida.

Rodri: Ok, great, great ok, How much is that special drink you are bragging about so much?

Rodri: Ok, genial, genial dale ¿Cuánto cuesta esta bebida especial de que estás alardeando tanto?

Meli: $12, don’t worry, I won’t charge you for the snacks; the snacks are on me.

Meli: $12 dólares, no te preocupes, no te voy a cobrar por los bocadillos; te los doy de gratis.

Rodri: Aw, good, good, thank you very much. Okay, fine, so I’ll have two of those, please? One for me and one for my friend over there. Look at him in the corner, just chilling, he is drunk as hell, that pussy.

Rodri: Ah bueno, bueno, muchas gracias. Bueno, está bien, así que entonces dame por favor, ¿dos de estos? Uno para mí y otro para mi amigo que está por allá. Míralo, está en el rincón, relajándose, él está tan borracho ese marica.

Meli: Yes I see him, he looked like he had a few drinks and smoked a lot of weed before he got to this bar.

Meli: Sí, lo veo, parece que ya tomó un par de tragos y fumó un montón de hierba antes de venirse a este bar.

Rodri: Yep, yep, yep he did, he a damn alcoholic and a drug addict. He was smoking and drinking all the way here. I also want a hookah. Can you have them bring us a bottle of gray goose with a jug of juice and ice, please? Thanks.

Rodri: Sí, sí, sí lo hizo, es un maldito alcohólico y drogadicto. Estaba fumando y bebiendo todo el camino hacia aquí. También, quiero una pipa de agua. ¿Puedes hacer que nos traigan una botella de ganso gris con una jarra de jugo y hielo por favor? Gracias.

Meli: Ok, I will do that, just give me a minute okay? I’ll be serving you soon.

Meli: Ok, lo hare, sólo dame un minuto ¿de acuerdo? Yo te serviré pronto.

Listen to Fullspeed & Slow Episode On GrittySpanish.com Or copy/paste this link into browser:


About the Voice Characters In Gritty Spanish I hope you enjoyed listening and reading Episode 4 of Gritty Spanish. I know Rodri must sound weird and difficult to understand, yes? Thank goodness for the very clear bartender, Meli, who was able to balance things out. Throughout the episodes in Gritty Spanish, you’ll hear people that speak very clear and others that speak very fast, which makes it a little more challenging to understand (just like the real world). Rodri from Episode 4 is one of the more difficult characters to understand actually. After a while, you’ll get use to the way some of them speak, once you understand what the story is about and listen enough… Some of the actors and actresses, it’s very obvious where they are from, based on how they express themselves, others are more neutral. I wanted to compose a list of all episodes of Gritty Spanish and list where the actors/actresses are originally from (their backgrounds). The following has the name of each of the 31 episodes, and the name of the actor and actress featured along with where they are from.

Episode 1: Drama on the F Train Natalia: Mexico Janiel: Puerto Rico Sebastián: Dominican Republic

Episode 2: Hot Dog Stand Emilio: Dominican Republic Carrito de comida de Halal: Puerto Rico Vendedor de perros calientes: Spain

Episode 3: The Dirty Cop Miguel: Mexico Alex: Puerto Rico POLICÍA: Mexico

Episode 4: Chat with Bartender Rodri: Colombia (Bogota) Meli: Bolivia

Episode 5: Men Hating on another Tito: Mexico Sergio: Venezuela

Episode 6: Yankee Stadium Concert Luis: Dominican Republic Yazmin: Puerto Rico

Episode 7: Pregnant Girlfriend Fernando: Guatemala Gilberto: Mexico

Episode 8: The Vagrant Mendigo: Puerto Rico Alejandra: Puerto Rico

Episode 9: Club Security Ramón: Venezuela Marcos: Guatemala Security: Mexico

Episode 10: The Racist Cabdriver Galina: Puerto Rico Sebastián: Dominican Republic

Episode 11: Visiting NYC Dario: Venezuela Alfredo: Guatemala Raul: Mexico Kasandra: Puerto Rico

Episode 12: The Hooker Reynaldo: Dominican Republic Benito: Venezuela Random hooker: Puerto Rico Main Hooker: Puerto Rico

Episode 13: Hustler from Vietnam Diego: Puerto Rico Lady: Puerto Rico

Episode 14: The Lying Superintendent Ricardo: Venezuela Alexis: Puerto Rico

Episode 15: Bodega Chat Sebastián: Dominican Republic Trinidad: Peru

Episode 16: Taxi after the club Zoe: Mexico Chofer: Guatemala

Episode 17: Sports Fan Alvarez: Dominican Republic Tony: Venezuela

Episode 18: Facebook Drama w/ Girlfriend Ramón: Venezuela Lissette: Puerto Rico

Episode 19: Club Scene Julia: Honduras Random Guy: Dominican Republic Pedro: Guatemala

Episode 20: Phycho Boyfriend Daliza: Bolivia Carmen: Puerto Rico

Episode 21: An Experienced man Pepe: Mexico Graciala: Dominican Republic

Episode 22: Cheating Boyfriend Julica: Puerto Rico Teresa: Honduras

Episode 23: Shopping in Harlem Lousia: Puerto Rico Teresa: Mexico Sales girl: Mexico Jefe: Spain

Episode 24: Strip Club Angel: Dominican Republic Mario: Spain

Episode 25: Drinking in the Street Esteban: Guatemala Frank: Dominican Republic Cop: Spain

Episode 26: Road Rage Edguardo: Mexico Lucinda: Honduras random driver: Puerto Rico

Episode 27: Boy Selling Candy Mateo: Mexico

Episode 28: Women Gossip Emily: Puerto Rico Andria: Mexico

Episode 29: Ice cream Truck Robbery Raphael: Venezuela José: Mexico Ice-Cream Man: Mexico

Episode 30: Food & a Drink @ Local diner Martin: Venezuela Isabella: Puerto Rico

Episode 31: Rough Night in the Bronx Filipe: Argentina (orig Guatemala, wanted to mimic Argentina’s accent) Antonio: Puerto Rico

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