Feast of All Saints. November 1, 2015

S T . R O S E O F L I M A - C H U L A V I S T A Feast of All Saints November 1, 2015 Please contact the parish office if you would like to joi

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S T .







Feast of All Saints November 1, 2015

Please contact the parish office if you would like to join Fr. Luke Jauregui on the Divine Mercy Pilgrimage. Space is still availbale. 293 H Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910 phone: (619) 427-0230 fax: (619) 427-5786 Web: www.strosecv.com

St. Rose of Lima

ST. Rose of Lima

Feast of All Saints

St. Rose Staff


Reverend Luke Jauregui

Pastor/ Párroco

Rev. Alexander De Paulis

Associate Pastor/ Vicario Email: [email protected]

Deacons (619) 427 - 0230 Charlie Frice (Ext. 117) Greg Smyth (Ext. 110) John Gabbard (Ext. 145) Juan Buenrostro (Ext. 556) Gerardo Márquez Hispanic / Deaf Ministry

Jeff Saavedra

School Principal/ Principal de Escuela

(619) 422-1121

Sister Patricia Weldon OSF Josie Advento, Jackie Carmona Religious Education, K - 8th

(619) 426-6717 Vincent Dao

Confirmation & Youth Ministry

(619) 427-0230

Sister Patricia Weldon OSF Sr. Dolores Social Outreach

(619) 427-7637 Rosy Vasquez

Social Outreach

(619) 427-0230 Joseph Advento

Music Dir. & I.T. Administrator

Patti Favela

Business Manager

(619) 427-0230

Cory Chavez, Adilene Trujillo, Adrianna Ceja-Melvin Office Staff

Patti Favela

The Feast of all Saints is a celebration often misunderstood due to the fun, secular focus on Halloween and the overemphasis of death on All Souls Day. The Feast of all Saints gets lost in the mix, and so to understand All Saints we must see it in context relative to Halloween and All Souls. Halloween is easy to understand since its very name tells us the truth---despite the revisionist historians who seek to attack and deny the truth. Many pagan and Christian cultures in various locations celebrated Halloween with traditions of scaring away spirits. All these customs were considered a beginning celebration of All Saints which had the name of “Hallow Day” or the holy day. “Halloween”, in old English, simply is the vigil (or the eve) of All Saints, called the day of the “Hallowmas”. People would attempt to scare away or clean the village of evil in preparation for the day when the sacred mass would be celebrated. As time went on, Halloween developed---in the United States---into a celebration for children like Mardi Gras is for adults in Louisiana. Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, is simply the celebration the night before Ash Wednesday which begins the discipline of Lent. Unfortunately, Mardi Gras has become a celebration of sin rather than a feasting before the season of Lent. Unless we develop a silly superstitious mindset for Halloween, it simply remains for us a fun evening for children to dress up---preferably as saints---and eat candy as a vigil preparation for the recognized holy saints of the church. Halloween is a spiritual sign post directing us to the Feast of All Saints. All Saints provides us with a celebration of our ancestors who have shown us the Glory of God. The Feast of All Saints is a time for us to recognize that throughout History God has truly sent the Holy Spirit into the world to motivate us and inspire us to work and love like Christ. We are reminded that the Spirit is here with us just as the Spirit was with those before us. We are to open ourselves in this celebration to the Holy Spirit, who sanctifies us so that we may have the strength and courage to be the saints of our age like those who have been. This feast shows us and reminds us of our history where the saints have done great works for the Kingdom of God, and it is meant to inspires us to seek God’s glory in this age just as enthusiastically as Christians before us. All Souls continues the celebration of All Saints by celebrating all the faithful departed. The Church in Her wisdom rightfully points out the saintly heroes of our past, but she also does not forget the rest of us. The celebration of All Souls is about recognizing the people who worked to build up the Kingdom of God throughout the world in everyday life through family, business, or charity. These people are all those who gave their time, talent, and treasure locally and quietly because they believed in Jesus Christ. They have not developed a new theology, nor have they founded a new religious order; when they died, they died for Christ. Their deaths were just as saintly as any martyr who was put to the sword. Enjoy these celebrations of death, but keep them in context and understand that death is nothing to fear, but rather something to enjoy, celebrate, and make fun of. We fear death because we are unsure of it, but through our knowledge of faith we understand that we live in a world filled with deceptions. Crossing over death to the life to come is sweet and divine. Death is our chance to join with all the saints and heavenly hosts because we are loved by God and we love God.

Capital Campaign


St. Rose of Lima Church

Fiesta de Todos los Santos

La Solemnidad de Todos los Santos es una observación frecuentemente malentendida debido al enfoque secular en las celebraciones del Halloween y el gran énfasis en la muerte al día siguiente para el Día de los Muertos. La observación de Todos los Santos se pierde entre estas, así que para comprenderla, debemos verla en su contexto relativo al Halloween y al día de Todos los Fieles Difuntos El Halloween es la víspera de Todos los Santos, y es fácil de entender porque su mismo nombre nos dice lo que es, a pesar de los historiadores revisionistas que quieren atacar y negar la verdad. Es verdad que muchas culturas paganas y cristianas en varios lugares celebraban esta víspera con tradiciones de ahuyentar a los malos espíritus. Pero en realidad, estas costumbres se consideraban el comienzo de la celebración de Todos los Santos que llevaba el nombre de “Día Santificado” o un día santo. En el inglés antiguo, “Halloween” es simplemente la víspera de Todos los Santos o el día de “Hallowmas”. La gente intentaba ahuyentar el mal de las aldeas o purificarlas en preparativo para el día en el cual se celebraría la sagrada misa. Al pasar el tiempo, se desarrolló el Halloween en los Estados Unidos como una celebración para niños así como el Mardi Gras es para los adultos en Luisiana. Mardi Gras, o Martes Gordo, es simplemente la celebración de la víspera del Miércoles de Ceniza cuando comienza la disciplina de la Cuaresma. Desafortunadamente el Mardi Gras se ha convertido en una celebración del pecado en lugar de un banquete antes de la Cuaresma. Al menos que tengamos unas supersticiones absurdas para el Halloween, es simplemente una noche divertida para que los niños se disfracen, preferentemente de santos, y coman dulces para prepararse para reconocer a los santos de la iglesia. El Halloween es un señalamiento espiritual que nos dirige a la Solemnidad de Todos los Santos. La Fiesta de Todos los Santos nos permite celebrar con nuestros antepasados que nos han mostrado la Gloria de Dios. Esta fiesta es un tiempo para reconocer que a través de la historia Dios realmente ha enviado al Espíritu Santo al mundo para motivarnos e inspirarnos a obrar y amar como Cristo. Nos recuerda que el Espíritu está con nosotros así como estuvo con los que vinieron antes. Debemos de abrirnos a esta celebración al Espíritu Santo que nos santifica para que tengamos la fuerza y el valor de ser los santos de nuestra época como los que lo han sido en sus épocas. Esta solemnidad nos muestra y recuerda las grandes obras que los Santos hicieron para el Reino de Dios, y sirve para inspirarnos a buscar la Gloria divina en esta época con el mismo entusiasmo que los cristianos de otras épocas. La Conmemoración de Todos los Fieles Difuntos continúa la celebración de Todos los Santos conmemorando a todos los fieles que han fallecido. La Iglesia, en su gran sabiduría, nos indica con justa razón los héroes santos de nuestro pasado, pero no se olvida del resto de nosotros. La conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos se trata de reconocer a toda la gente sencilla que ha trabajado para construir en todo el mundo el Reino de Dios usando su vida diaria a través de su familia, negocio, o caridad; la gente sencilla son todos aquellos que dieron de su tiempo, talento o tesoro en su comunidad y sin hacer escándalo porque creían en Jesucristo. Esta gente no ha desarrollado una teología nueva ni han fundado una orden religiosa, pero al morir, murieron por Cristo. Su muerte fue tan santa y dada por Cristo como la de cualquier mártir que murió bajo la espada. Diviértanse en estas celebraciones de la muerte, pero manténgalas bajo contexto y comprendan que la muerte no es algo que temer, sino algo que disfrutar, celebrar y del cual burlarse. Tememos a la muerte porque no sabemos cuándo viene, pero por nuestra fe comprendemos que – como el Halloween – vivimos en un mundo de falsedades estúpidas pero nuestro cruce de la muerte a la vida que ha de venir es algo dulce y divino. La muerte es nuestra oportunidad de reunirnos con todos los santos y los huestes celestiales porque Dios nos ama y amamos a Dios y lo expresamos cada día que vivimos en este mundo.

St. Rose of Lima Church

As members of Christ’s Body, the Church, we have a share in His prophetic, priestly & kingly mission. “Sharing in His prophetic mission, we come to know Christ and make Him known.

Mass Times Weekdays:

Monday - Friday 6:15 am & 8 am

Thursday: 6:30 p.m. - (Español) Saturday:

7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. (Vigil) 6:30 p.m. (Español)


7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m. 10:00 am. (sign language) 11:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m. - (Español) 5:00 p.m ______________________________

Eucharistic Adoration

Fridays in pastoral center chapel: 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Sacraments Baptisms & Weddings Call the Parish Office (619) 427-0230


Saturday: 8-9 am (Or by appointment)


Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Closed 12:30-1:30 for Lunch)


Ministries & Groups

Mass Intentions ____________________________ Saturday 7:30 a.m. - May Virata 5:00 p.m. - Joseph Paul Pangilinan 6:30 p.m. - Florence Beltran Baptista Sunday 7:00 a.m. - All Saints 8:30 a.m. - All Saints 10:00 a.m. - All Saints 11:30 a.m. - Procopio Martinez 1:15 a.m. - Thomas Grady 5:00 a.m. - All Saints Monday 6:15 am - All Souls Novena 8:00 a.m - May Virata Tuesday 6:15 a.m. - All Souls Novena 8:00 a.m. - Raymond Nueve Wednesday 6:15 am - All Souls Novena 8:00 am - For the Parishioners

Confirmation Year 1: Nov. 3 Year 2: Nov. 10 - XLT

Ministries & Groups All Souls Day Mass Dear Friends & Family,

Nov. 10 - XLT Nov. 17

The parish community of St. Rose of Lima will celebrate a Memorial Mass for All Souls Day, November 2, 2015 at the 5:00 pm for parishioners who died and for all our beloved dead.

YOUTH MINISTRY Edge Night: 6-7:30pm in the parish hall Nov. 9 Nov. 23

We invite you, your family and friends to be present with us at this liturgy. A special remembrance candle, which is yours to keep, will be lit and carried in procession at the Mass.

Life Teen: 6-8pm in the parish hall Nov. 1 Nov. 15 Youth Website: www.strosecv.com/youth

2da. JORNADA PARA PROCLAMADORES DE LA PALABRA El 21 de noviembre del 2015 9 am - 2 pm

parish office.



Sister Patricia Weldon, OSF Director Rosa Vasquez Social Outreach

Services Offered

When you arrive at the church you should sign in your loved ones name and we will be placing this Memorial Book with your loved ones names in the vestibule for nine days following All Souls Day.

Homeless Sack Lunches Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:30 - 11:00 am

Please be assured of our prayerful support during this time of healing and remembrance.

Food Commodities to Chula Vista Residents Monday, Wednesday & Friday 3:00 - 4:30 pm

Parroquia de Santa Rosa de Lima South Bay

Free Clothing Monday 9:00 - 11:00am

Patrocinado por “Movimiento Proclamadores de Cristo” Cuota:$10 por persona o $15 el día del evento (forma de inscripcíon estan disponibles en la oficina)

Sister Dolores Thrift Store Hours “A Charitable Way to Shop” Wednesday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Friday: 10 am - 2 pm Saturday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm


Thrift store donations accepted Wednesday, Friday & Saturday during store

Friday 6:15 am - All Souls Novena 8:00 am - Carole Begin

passed away please contact the

Sister Dolores Social Outreach Program

If a member of your family would like to be part of this procession, please notify Patti Favela , Bereavement Ministry Coordinator, at 619-427-0230 or email her at [email protected]. She will provideyou with further details regarding the preparation.

Thursday 6:15 am - All Souls Novena 8:00 am - Esther Svatko

If you would like to offer a Mass for a loved one that has

Social Services


Prayers and Squares Pbro. Emilio Magaña De la Parroquia “La Preciocisima Sangre”

Pbro. Jose Luis Muro De la Parroquia “Nta. Sra. de Guadalupe”

St. Rose of Lima Church

First and third Monday from 1:00 to 3:00 pm in the old rectory (the door to the right as you face the school library). Come and see! We: select, arrange, steam, wash, cut, shape, sew, layer, insulate, bind, touch, tie, pray, display and bless a lap quilt to gift the sick. For requests please fill out a form in the church office. You are very welcome to join in. St. Rose of Lima Church

Food & Clothing Donation Hours Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30 am - 2:30 pm Catholic Charities Outreach Immigration Services (619) 498-0722 Calfresh Applications & Medical (619) 501-3259


Ministries & Groups

Ministries & Groups

Call to Sainthood A Special Evening with local Catholic Youth Speaker

Lisa Marie Hunt and

Praise & Worship Band led by Joseph Advento

November 16, 2015 - 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Parish 293 H St, Chula Vista, CA 91910

Open to all. Bring your family, bring your friends. (A freewill offering will be collected to support Thy Kingdom Come Campaign.)

This concert and talk is brought to you by the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis, a parish committee at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Parish. Grupo de Oracion de Santa Rosa de Lima El Grupo de Oración de Santa Rosa de Lima los invita todos los jueves a la Hora Santa y Bendición con el Santísimo Sacramento. Iniciamos a las 6:00 pm con el Santo Rosario, seguido de la Eucaristía. Habrá Alabanza, Exposición del Santísimo y Oración Para mas información llama al: (619) 816-8361 Email: [email protected]

The Sister Dolores Thrift Store will be holding our 3rd Annual Ladies’ Night Event “Eat, Pray, Love” Saturday, November 21st in the Church Hall 7:00 -10:30pm $10 donation Come and enjoy a great night of fellowship and sisterhood. Like years past, we will be having a Fashion Show featuring parishioners, vendors selling products and services, appetizers and drinks, and of course music and dancing! Tickets will be available at the door. Pre-sale tickets will be sold at the Sister Dolores Thrift Store starting Saturday, October 24th. Parishioners interested in participating in the vendor area please contact Rosy Vasquez at (619) 427-7637 or pick up a vendor application from the office. We are asking for a $30 per table donation to participate. Please reserve your vendor table before Saturday, October 31st. 6

St. Rose of Lima Church

St. Rose of Lima Church


Ministries & Groups

Ministries & Groups

Deaf Community of St. Rose of Lima invites you to a fundraising dinner & dance

The Knights of Columbus are offering St. Rose Limited Edition Christmas Ornaments after all Masses through Christmas or until sold out. A different ornament is being offered each year through our 100th anniversary. Each is a beautiful stand-alone ornament, but should you buy one each year your collection will depict the Nativity scene. Because these are limited edition, only 200 are available each year.

november 14, 2015 5:00 pm - 10:30 pm Cost: $25 per person

Each ornament is $10.00 and the optional stand is $5.00. All donation money collected comes back to our St Rose of Lima Church and School.

293 H St., Chula Vista, CA 91910 (Hall)

St. Rose Ornament Sales

In the event you have a student graduating this year, this ornament can be a beautiful memento of this happy graduation milestone.

Dinner, Dance, Raffles Ticket sales every Sunday after mass at 11:00 am with any member or Lorena Salgado 619-240-1454 vp: 619-600-0859

Contact Tammy Knapp for additional information, [email protected] and 619-244-3345. 8

St. Rose of Lima Church

St. Rose of Lima Church


Get in touch


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