GCSE Spanish Vocabulary List

GCSE Spanish Vocabulary List docena mitad bachillerato un poco mucho par cuarto unos extranjero alojamiento contable a través [de] actor / actriz dir

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GCSE Spanish Vocabulary List

docena mitad bachillerato un poco mucho par cuarto unos extranjero alojamiento contable a través [de] actor / actriz dirección entrada adulto anuncio después [de] (por la / de la) tarde otra vez contra edad de acuerdo azafata aeropuerto despertador sin alcohol todo casi solo por ya también siempre ambulancia y enfadado anualmente respuesta ansioso manzana aprendiz (aprendizaje) albaricoque árabe barrio Argentina (argentine)

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a dozen a half A level exams a little a lot, much, many a pair / couple a quarter about, roughly, approximately abroad accommodation accountant across actor / actress address admission charge adult advert after (prep/conj); afterwards (in the) afternoon again against age agreed air hostess airport alarm clock alcohol (free) all almost alone along already also always ambulance and angry annually answer anxious apple apprentice (-ship) apricot arab; arabic area, district Argentina (Argentinian)

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brazo sillón ejército carretera por llegada museo de arte artista como puesto que tan pronto como además de en a nada al principio finalmente detrás al fondo delante en casa de por encima atletismo tía Austria (austriaco) otoño avenida horrible bebé espalda tocino malo bolsa panadería pelota balón plátano banco tableta cesta baloncesto bañera cuarto de baño batería playa judías barba hermoso porque a causa de cama (individual / doble) ropa de cama dormitorio abeja carne de vaca cerveza

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arm armchair army A-road (a)round (prep) arrival art (gallery) artist as (+ a + noun) as (conj) as soon as as well as / both …and at (= place) at (= time) at all (not) at first at last at the back at the bottom at the front at the house of at the top athletics aunt Austria(n) autumn avenue awful, terrible baby back bacon bad bag baker(‘s shop) ball (small) ball (large) banana bank bar (e.g. of chocolate) basket basketball bath (tub) bathroom battery (car) beach beans (=green) beard beautiful because because of bed (single / double) bedlinen bedroom bee beef beer Page 2 of 30

antes de antes principio detrás debajo de cinturón curva mejor entre bicicleta cuenta biología pájaro boli nacimiento cumpleaños galletas amargo negro grosella negra manta ciego edificio rubio blusa azul bordo (a) pizarra [electrónica] pension internado barco cuerpo huevo duro libro librería bota frontera aburrido nacido jefe / jefa ambos tanto ... como ... abrebotellas tazón caja boxeo chico novio / novia sostén pulsera frenos pan panecillo recreo avería desayuno

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before (conj. / prep) beforehand, previously beginning behind below, under belt bend best; better between bicycle bill (e.g. restaurant) biology bird biro birth birthday biscuits bitter black blackcurrant blanket blind (adj) block of flats blonde, fair blouse blue board (on) board (black) [white] boarding house boarding school boat body boiled egg book book case; bookshop boot border boring born boss both both ... and ... bottle (opener) bowl (e.g. of soup) box (e.g. chocolates) boxing boy boy/girlfriend bra bracelet brakes bread bread roll break (school) breakdown breakfast GCSE Spanish Vocabulary List © OCR 2008

ladrillo puente cartera vivo soleado folleto roto hermano (mayor / menor) hermanos periquito constructor edificio autobús parada de autobús arbusto hombre / mujer de negocios pero sino carnicería mantequilla botón cabina pastel pastelería calculadora grito llamada cámara fogata camping campista canal lata (abrelatas) piragüismo cantina gorra capital coche coche comedor / cama ferry aparcamiento caravana tarjeta cartón naipes ¡cuidado! conserje alfombra zanahoria dibujos animados cajero automático cajero/a castillo gato catedral coliflor

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brick bridge briefcase bright (= colour) bright (= weather) brochure broken brother (elder / younger) brothers & sisters budgerigar builder building bus bus stop bush businessman/woman but, however but (= contradicting) butcher (‘s shop) butter button cabin cake cake shop calculator call (= shout) call (= telephone) camera camp fire camping / camp site camper canal can, tin (opener) canoeing canteen cap capital car car (dining / sleeping) car ferry car park caravan card (birthday) cardboard (box) cards (playing) careful! caretaker carpet carrot cartoon cash machine cashier castle cat cathedral cauliflower Page 4 of 30

lector de compact-disc / dvd trabajos manuales techo sótano centro (comercial) cereales seguro silla champán cambio vestuario (sport); probador (shop) capilla barato ¡Salud! queso cocinero/a química farmacia cereza ajedrez cómoda chicle pollo gallina niño/a infancia chiminea patatas fritas chocolate chocolates surtido coro chuleta Navidad(es) Nochebuena árbol de navidad iglesia churros cigarillo cine ciudad funcionario/a clarinete clase compañero/a aula limpio claro clima reloj cerrado ropa nube (despejado) nublado club autocar

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CD/DVD player CDT ceiling cellar (=house/wine) centre (shopping) cereals certain(ly), sure, definite(ly) chair champagne change (small); money-changing office changing room chapel cheap Cheers! cheese chef chemistry chemist('s shop) cherry chess chest of drawers chewing gum chicken (food) chicken (hen) child childhood chimney chips chocolate / chocolate drink chocolates choice; range choir chop, cutlet Christmas Christmas Eve Christmas/fir tree church churros (deep-fried dough) cigarette cinema city civil servant clarinet class; lesson class mate classroom clean clear climate clock closed clothes / clothing cloud (less) cloudy club coach (i.e. bus)

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carbón costa abrigo café cafetera moneda Coca Cola frío resfriado universidad color peine comedia cómodo compartimento completamente complicado instituto ordenador programador/a videojuego concierto transbordo cocinero/a templado rincón esquina pasillo algodón tos mostrador campo país paisaje pareja curso primo vaca nata tarjeta de crédito flan patatas fritas travesía cruce pepino taza armario rizado cortina cojín cliente Aduana ciclismo ciclista papá diario

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coal coast coat coffee coffee pot coin Coke cold (adj.) cold (e.g.I have a cold) college / university colour comb comedy comfortable, cosy compartment completely, absolutely complicated comprehensive / grammar school computer computer programmer computer game concert connection (trains) cook cool (= temperature) corner (in a room) corner (e.g. of street) corridor cotton cough counter country (as opposed to town) country (= another country) countryside/scenery couple (e.g. married) course cousin cow cream credit card crème caramel; egg custard crisps crossing (e.g. of Channel) crossroads cucumber cup cupboard curly (= hair) curtain cushion customer Customs (= declare!) cycling cyclist dad daily

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baile oscuro moreno fecha hija día anteayer pasado mañana muerto sordo Querido profundo grado retraso tienda de ultramarinos delicioso dentista grandes almacenes salida mesa de trabajo postre destino película policiaca diario diccionario distinto difícil comedor cena dirección sucio fuente lavaplatos medico / médica documental perro timbre abajo drama vestido conductor permiso de conducir batería seco pato durante edredón cada todos los / todas las oreja; oído temprano pendiente este pascua(s) fácil o ... o

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dance dark dark (hair) date daughter day day before yesterday day after tomorrow dead deaf Dear (= letters) deep degree (= temperature) delay delicatessen delicious dentist department store departure desk dessert destination detective film diary dictionary different difficult dining room dinner, evening meal direction dirty dish dishwasher doctor (= medical) documentary dog door bell downstairs drama dress driver driving licence drums dry duck during duvet each every ear early earrings east Easter easy either… or

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cocina eléctrica electricista elegante elefante vacío fin; final prometido ingeniero Inglaterra ingles / inglesa Canal de la Mancha ¡qué aproveche! bastante; suficiente entrada sobre euro europeo incluso (por la / de la) tarde todo el mundo por todas partes exactamente exámen ejemplo excelente salvo excursion ¡perdón!; ¡por favor!; ejercicio cuaderno salida caro experimento Talgo ojo cara fábrica justo familia fenomenal lejos de granja granjero/a (de) moda restaurante de comida rápida gordo padre ventajoso favorito; preferido fax rotulador hembra fiesta fiebre campo película (de horror / romántica /

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electric cooker electrician elegant elephant empty end engaged (i.e. a fiancé) engineer England English (language / person) English Channel enjoy your meal! enough entrance envelope euro Europe(an) even (in the) evening everybody everywhere exactly examination example excellent except for excursion, trip excuse me! exercise exercise book exit (e.g. of building / motorway) expensive, dear experiment express train eye face factory fair (= just) family fantastic far (from) farm farmer fashion(able) fast food restaurant fat father favourable favourite fax/ fax machine felt tip pen female festival fever / a temperature field film (horror/love/science-fiction) Page 8 of 30

de ciencia ficción) final finalmente buen tiempo dedo fin; final bomberos bombero/a fuego (s artificiales) empresa nombre pez pescado caña de pescar en forma llama piso llano vuelo suelo piso; planta flor gripe flauta mosca niebla siguiente comida (a) pie; andando fútbol futbolista sendero para; por extranjero formulario antes pluma Francia (francés) gratuito; gratis libre tiempo libre congelador fresco nevera amigo/a simpático de de; desde puerta principal escarcha fruta zumo de fruta árbol frutal sartén lleno pension completa

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final (e.g. sport) finally fine (= weather) finger finish (noun) fire brigade fireman fire(works) firm, company first name fish (alive) fish (when served as food) fishing rod fit flame flat (= accommodation) flat (= not hilly) flight (= by plane etc) floor floor (e.g. 1st floor) flower flu flute fly fog following / next (e.g. day / week) food (= eating) foot (on foot) football footballer footpath for (prep.) foreigner form formerly, previously fountain pen France (French) free (= no charge) free (= seat) free time freezer fresh fridge friend friendly from from (e.g. date or time) front door frost fruit fruit juice fruit tree frying pan full full board

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punto divertido gracioso curioso amueblado muebles juego ajo cocina de gas examines de ESO geografía Alemania (alemán) chica con mucho gusto vaso vidrio gafas guante gol Dios pez de colores bueno ¡adios! nieto/a abuelo/a /abuelos uva pomelo hierba salsa Gran Bretaña (británico) ¡estupendo!; ¡fenomenal! verde verduras verdulería saludo gris tienda de comestibles tierra planta baja / piso bajo grupo invitado cobayo guía guitarra gimnasio pelo cepillo peluquero/a merluza medio vestíbulo sala jamón mano bolso ¡Feliz Navidad!; ¡Felices Navidades!

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full stop fun (= good fun) funny funny (= strange) furnished furniture game garlic gas cooker gcse exams geography Germany (German) girl gladly glass glass (material) glasses (spectacles) glove goal (sport) God goldfish good good-bye! grandson/daughter/child grandfather/mother/parents grape grapefruit grass gravy, sauce Great Britain (British) great!; cool! green green vegeables greengrocer's greeting grey grocer's shop ground ground floor group =(band) guest guide (person; book) guinea pig guitar gymnasium hair hairbrush hairdresser hake half (adj) hall (= entrance to house) hall (= large room / concert etc) ham hand handbag Happy Christmas!

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¡Próspero Año Nuevo! duro trabajador sombrero cabeza director/a dolor de cabeza faro sano corazn calor calefaccin (central) pesado seto alto helicóptero hola ¡dígame! ¡Socorro! amable ración aquí alto colina histórico historia pasatiempo vacaciones Semana Santa casa (en / a) hogar vuelta a casa deberes honrado miel caballo equitación hospital huésped caliente hotel hora casa (adosado) ¿Qué tal? ¿Cuántos? ¿Cuánto es? ¿Cómo húmedo hambre marido ¡no me importa! es decir informática si hielo helado

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Happy New Year! hard (= difficult) hardworking hat head (= body) headteacher headache headlight healthy heart heat heating (central) heavy (= weight) hedge height (of person) helicopter hello hello? (answering phone) help(!) helpful helping, portion here high hill historical history hobby holiday Holy Week home (at / going) home economics home journey homework honest honey horse horse riding hospital host hot hotel hour; o’clock house (semi-detached) how are you? how many? how much is it? how? humid hunger husband I don’t care! i.e. if I.T. ice ice cream

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pista de hielo idea carnet de identidad enfermo en seguida imposible en de buen / mal humor delante de en el futuro incluído información habitante insecto dentro instrumento inteligente interesante internet entrevista invitación ipod Irlanda (irlandés) hierro ¿no? no importa Italia (italiano) chaqueta mermelada bote vaqueros joya(s) empleo; trabajo trabajo (a tiempo parcial / completo) periodista viaje tan ... como llave (llavero) kilo (kilómetro) amable quiosco beso cocina rodilla cuchillo laboratorio señora lago cordero lámpara idioma último tarde con retraso América Latina (latinoamericano) césped

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ice rink idea identity card ill immediately impossible in in a good / bad mood in front of / outside in future included information inhabitant insect inside instrument intelligent interesting internet interview invitation ipod Ireland (Irish) iron (=metal) isn't it? it doesn't matter Italy (Italian) jacket jam jar, pot (e.g. jam) jeans jewel(jewellery) job (e.g. for students) job (part-time / full-time) journalist journey just as (comparative) key (ring) kilo(metre) kind kiosk kiss kitchen knee knife laboratory lady lake lamb lamp language (foreign) last (adj) late late (e.g. train late) Latin America(n) lawn

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abogado/a folleto liga cuero izquierdo pierna limón limonada menos clase carta letra buzón lechuga bibliotecario biblioteca vida ascensor luz bombilla león labio lista poco hado salon Londres largo mucho tiempo camión oficina de objetos perdidos amor bajo suerte (¡buena suerte! ¡mala suerte!) equipaje consigna automática almuerzo; comida lujo revista principal marca macho hombre director/a mapa (plaza del) mercado mermelada casado puré de patatas partido material (tela) matemáticas comida carne albóndigas mecánico

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lawyer leaflet league leather left (on the left side) leg lemon lemonade less lesson letter letter (of alphabet) letter box lettuce librarian library life lift light light bulb lion lip list little (= not much) liver living room London long long time lorry lost property office love low; short (person) luck (good/bad!) luggage luggage locker lunch, mid-day meal luxury magazine main (e.g. station / reason) make (e.g. of car) male man manager map market (place) marmelade married mashed potato match (= sport) material (fabric) maths meal meat meat-balls mechanic GCSE Spanish Vocabulary List © OCR 2008

medicamentos Mediterráneo mediano reunión punto de encuentro miembro; socio menu (del día) metal Méjico (mejicano) microondas mediodía centro (en el centro de) medianoche leche bajo cero espejo Señorita error mixto móvil moderado momento dinero mono mes ciclomotor más (por la / de la) mañana madre motor motocicleta (motociclista) autopista area de servicio montaña (sierra) bicicleta de moñtana ratón boca lector mp3 Señor Señora mamá museo champiñón música (pop / clásica) músico/a mostaza apellido estrecho cerca (de) necesario cuello collar vecino sobrino nervioso red

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medicine (from chemist’s) Mediterranean medium (height / length) meeting meeting place member menu (of the day) metal Mexico (Mexican) microwave midday middle (in the middle of) midnight milk minus (e.g. temperature) mirror Miss mistake mixed mobile phone moderate moment money monkey month moped more (in the) morning mother motor, engine motorbike(rider) motorway motorway services mountain (s) mountain bike mouse mouth mp3 player Mr (also gentleman) Mrs mum museum mushroom music (pop / classical) musician mustard name (= surname) narrow near (to); nearby necessary neck necklace neighbour nephew nervous net Page 14 of 30

nunca; jamás nuevo Año Nuevo Nochevieja noticias periódico próximo al lado (de) sobrina noche discoteca no ninguno ya no nadie ruido ruidoso tonterías norte nariz todavía no mensaje billete libreta nada novella turrón de vez en cuando ahora número enfermero/a guardería infantil nuez vale ocupado de claro oficina a menudo aceite viejo aceitunas tortilla (española) en; sobre en camino una vez (más) calle sin salida cebolla solamente; sólo hijo único abierto (al) aire libre intervención quirúrgica enfrente o naranja

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never new New Year New Year's Eve news newspaper next (adj) next to niece night night-club no; not no (= not any) no longer no-one, nobody noise noisy, loud nonsense north nose not yet note (= message) note (e.g.50 euros); note book nothing novel (= book) nougat-type traditional Spanish sweet now and again now number nurse nursery school nut o.k occupied (e.g. seat) of (prep) of course office often oil old olives omelette (potato omelette) on (= position) on the way once (more) one way street onion only only child open (adj.) open air (in the) operation (= medical) opposite (prep) or orange

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otro si no afueras fuera horno por allí por encima de propio propietario educación física paquete paella página dolor pálido papel papeles; documentos ¿cómo? padres parque parte (en) particular fiesta partido pasajero pasaporte paciente cacahuetes acera melocotón pera guisantes (zona) peatonal corresponsal lápiz estuche gente pimienta (pimiento) por por ciento perfecto quizás persona wálkman gasolina gasolinera fotógrafo foto(grafía) física picnic cuadro tarta hoja trozo piña rosa

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other otherwise outskirts outside oven over there over, above (prep) own (adj.) owner P.E packet paella (a rice-based savoury dish) page pain pale paper(s) papers; documents pardon? parents park part particular(ly) party party (= political) passenger passport patient (adj or e.g. in hospital) pavement peanuts peach pear peas pedestrian (area) pen friend pencil pencil case people (=in general) pepper (= vegetable) per per cent perfect perhaps person (e.g. number of persons) personal stereo petrol petrol station photographer photo(graphy) physics picnic picture (= painting) pie piece (of paper) piece (of cake etc) pineapple pink

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campo lugar; sitio plan; proyecto avión planta esparadrapo plástico plato andén obra jugador agradable por favor encantado ciruela fontanero bolsillo navaja dinero de bolsillo podcast punto policía policiaca comisaría policía cortés pobre popular carne de cerdo puerto Portugal (portugués) posible código postal Correos postal póster cartero/a patata libra gambas receta regalo bonito precio escuela primaria colegio privado problema producto profesión programa bar días festivos jersey; suéter sangría puntual pinchazo

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pitch/court place plan, project plane plant plaster plastic plate platform play (= theatre) player pleasant / enjoyable please pleased to meet you plum plumber pocket pocket knife/ pen-knife pocket money podcast point (e.g. place/ score/ idea) police police /crime story (TV / film / book) police station policeman/woman polite poor popular pork port Portugal (Portuguese) possible post code post office postcard poster postman / postwoman potato pound (= sterling / weight) prawns prescription present pretty price primary school private school problem product profession programme (e.g. TV) pub public holidays pullover punch punctual; on time puncture

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alumno/a morado monedero pijama calidad cualidad pregunta rápido tranquilo callado bastante programa de concurso religión conejo carrera raqueta radiador radio ferrocarril RENFE vía lluvia impermeable lluvioso frambuesa maquinilla de afeitar verdaderamente recibo auricular recientemente recepción (recepcionista) receta rojo tinto pelirrojo región pariente reparación taller periodista restaurante viaje de ida y vuelta billete de ida y vuelta arroz rico (a la) derecha cierto anillo; sortija río orilla robo patines techo habitación (individual / doble) sitio hay habitaciones

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pupil purple purse pyjamas quality quality (personal) question quick quiet (peaceful) quiet (silent) quite / fairly quiz show R.E rabbit race racquet radiator radio railway railway company (Spanish, national) railway line rain raincoat rainy raspberry razor really receipt receiver (= telephone) recently reception(ist) recipe red red (wine) red-haired region relative (= relation) repair repair workshop, garage reporter restaurant return journey return ticket rice rich right (on the) right (= correct) ring river riverbank robbery roller skates roof room (single / double) room ( = enough room) rooms available Page 18 of 30

rosa redondo glorieta bote a remo goma mochila regla Rusia (ruso) triste ensalada sueldo rebajas depenndiente/a salmón sal (castillo) de arena sandalia bocadillo sandwich satisfactorio cacerola platillo salchichón chorizo salchichas bufanda escuela; colegio; instituto intercambio escolar salon de actos patio ciencias tijeras Escocia (escocés) mar mariscos estación asiento segundo secretario/a mareado auto-servicio por separado serie serio servicio varios champú agudo oveja estante buque camisa zapato tienda escaparate tender/a

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rose round (=shape) roundabout rowing boat rubber (= material; eraser) rucksack ruler Russia(n) sad salad salary, pay sale sales assistant salmon salt sand (castle) sandal sandwich sandwich (toasted) satisfactory saucepan saucer sausage (= sliced) spicy sausage (sliced) sausages scarf school school exchange school hall school playground science scissors Scotland (Scottish) sea seafood season seat second (60 = 1 minute) secretary seasick self-service separate (e.g. paying bill) series (e.g. on TV) serious service (e.g. in restaurant) several shampoo sharp sheep shelf ship shirt shoe shop shop window shopkeeper GCSE Spanish Vocabulary List © OCR 2008

compras corto pantalón corto hombro ducha chubasco lado señal firma seda plata puesto que cantante soltero billete de ida fregadero hermana talla; tamaño (instructor de) esquí piel falda cielo saco de dormir loncha fiambres delgado despacio bajo elegante liso tapas culebra nieve tan por lo tanto jabón telenovela calcetín sofá refresco soldado unos alguién algo a veces en alguna parte canción pronto (¡hasta pronto!) dolor de garganta ¡disculpe! tipo sopa sur España (español) ¡al habla! oferta especial

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shopping short (e.g. hair) shorts shoulder shower (in bathroom) shower (weather) side (e.g. on this side) sign (road) signature silk silver since (prep / conj) singer single, unmarried single ticket sink sister size ski (instructor) skin skirt sky sleeping bag slice (e.g. of ham) sliced meats (e.g. salami) slim slow small; short (= height) smart (e.g. dress) smooth snacks snake snow so (tall etc) ! so, therefore soap soap opera sock sofa, settee soft drink soldier some, a few someone, somebody something sometimes somewhere song soon (see you…soon!) sore throat sorry! sort, kind soup south Spain (Spanish) speaking! (=on telephone) special offer

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espinacas cuchara deporte polideportivo campo de deportes primavera plaza estadio escalera(s) sello estrella primer plato estación papelería estancia bistec acero estéreo cocido todavía picadura (de insecto) dolor de estómago piedra tormenta liso todo recto fresa arroyo calle fuerte estudiante tonto estudio asignatura (preferida) barrio de las afueras de repente azúcar traje maleta verano sol quemadura de sol loción bronceadora gafas de sol soleado supermercado seguro tabla dulce caramelos traje de baño natación piscina Suiza (suizo) mesa tenis de mesa

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spinach spoon sport sports centre sports ground / school field spring square (= in town) stadium stair(s) stamp (= postage) star starter / first course station stationer's stay (e.g. at hotel / resort) steak steel stereo system stew still (= even now) sting (insect) stomach (ache) stone storm straight (e.g. hair) straight ahead strawberry stream street / road strong student stupid study (in house) subject (favourite) suburb suddenly sugar suit (men's) suitcase summer sun sunburn sun cream / lotion sun glasses sunny supermarket sure surfboard sweet (adj) sweets swimsuit swimming swimming pool Switzerland (Swiss) table table tennis

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mantel comprimido plato para llevar alto grifo té professor/a equipo tetera instituto F.P. camiseta cabina de teléfono televisión tienda terraza casa adosada (en una hilera) prueba gracias ese que teatro entonces allí ida y vuelta hay cosa sed este por billete (entrada) taquilla ordenado corbata tigre ceñido medias caja tiempo horario propina cansado para a aceptar llegar preguntar contester; responder hacer de canguro bañarse ser; estar poder llamarse tener miedo interesarse po faltar opinar

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tablecloth tablet / pill take-away meal tall tap tea teacher team teapot technical college tee-shirt telephone box television (e.g. on TV) tent terrace, patio terraced house test thank you that (adj) that (conj.) theatre then there there & back there is / are thing thirst(y) this (adj) through ticket (to get in, e.g. cinema) ticket office tidy tie tiger tight tights till (= cash desk) time timetable tip (money) tired to (= in order to) to (= a place) to accept to arrive to ask to answer to babysit to bathe to be to be able to, "can" to be called to be frightened to be interested in to be missing to be of the opinion Page 22 of 30

callarse tener razón equivocarse hacerse; ponerse empezar reservar romper traer cepillar(se) comprar acampar llevar hacer transbordo cambiar elegir limpiar lavarse los dientes subir cerrar (con llave) coleccionar peinar(se) venir continuar; seguir cocinar toser cortar bailar salir describir hacer hacer deporte dibujar beber secar ganar comer vaciar caerse dar de comer a sentirse apetecer ir a buscar re(llenar) echar gasolina pescar volar prohibir olvidar helar cambiarse vestirse (desnudarse) bajar subir llevarse bien con conocer levantarse

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to be quiet to be right to be wrong to become, get to begin / start to book / reserve to break to bring to brush (e.g.hair) to buy to camp to carry to change (e.g. trains) to change (= money) to choose to clean to clean (teeth) to climb to close (lock) to collect to comb (hair) to come to continue (e.g. studies) to cook to cough to cut to dance to depart to describe to do to do sport to draw to drink to dry up to earn to eat to empty to fall to feed (= pets) to feel to feel like (doing something) to fetch to fill (in a from) to fill up (= petrol) to fish to fly to forbid (forbidden) to forget to freeze to get changed to get (un)dressed to get off to get on to get on with to get to know to get up GCSE Spanish Vocabulary List © OCR 2008

dar ir andar irse ir de paseo salir pasar ir de compras hacer turismo patinar acostarse dormirse saludar hacer a la parrilla crecer odiar tener bañarse tomar una pausa descansar tomar un té / café ducharse deber; tener que oír calentar ayudar ir de caminata golpear pasar la aspiradora doler planchar hacer footing saltar saber conocer aterrizar poner la mesa aprender salir prestar dejar tumbarse gustar escuchar vivir cerrar con llave mirar buscar esperar con ilusión perder querer casarse con encontrar llevar cortar la césped necesitar

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to give to go = travel to go = walk to go away to go for a walk to go out to go past (by car / on foot) to go shopping to go sight-seeing to go (ice / roller) skating to go to bed to go to sleep to greet to grill, barbecue to grow (= get bigger) to hate to have to have a bath to have a break to have a rest to have afternoon tea / coffee to have a shower to have to, "must" to hear to heat to help to hike to hit to hoover / vacuum clean to hurt (e.g. my arm hurts) to iron to jog to jump to know (facts) to know (people) to land to lay (the table) to learn to leave (place) to lend to let, leave (something) to lie down to like (to) to listen to to live to lock (up) to look at to look for to look forward to to lose to love to marry to meet (by intention) to meet = pick up, fetch to mow to need Page 24 of 30

ofrecer abrir pedir organizar (des)hacer la maleta pintar aparcar pagar (por) llamar jugar tocar echar al buzón practicar preparar apretar empujar tirar poner hacer cola llover recibir alquilar reparar repetir volver; regresar montar a caballo asar remar correr hacer la vela ahorrar ver vender mandar servir compartir brillar hacer las compras gritar enseñar firmar cantar estar sentado sentarse esquiar dormir nevar hablar escribir gastar pasar levantarse arrancar quedarse pasar la noche parar de

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to offer to open to order (e.g. in restaurant) to organise to (un)pack to paint to park to pay (for) to phone to play sports / cards etc) to play (music / instruments etc) to post to practise to prepare to press to push to pull to put to queue to rain to receive to rent, hire to repair to repeat to return, come / go back to ride (horse) to roast to row to run to sail to save (money) to see to sell to send to serve to share to shine to shop to shout, scream to show to sign to sing to sit (to be sitting) to sit down to ski to sleep to snow to speak to spell to spend (money) to spend (time) to stand (up) to start (cars) to stay to stay the night to stop (doing something) GCSE Spanish Vocabulary List © OCR 2008

pararse estudiar tomar el sol hacer surf barrer nadar tomar; coger despegar saber mandar un texto pensar echar ordenar entrenarse viajar intentar entender utilizar visitar esperar despertar a despertarse querer lavar(se) fregar los platos mirar (ver) llevar pesar ganar hacer windsurf trabajar funcionar escribir tostadas hoy váter (aseo; servicio) papel higiéncio tomate mañana demasiado herramientas diente; muela dolor de muelas cepillo de dientes pasta de dientes linterna tortuga gira turista Oficina de Turismo toalla torre (centro de la) ciudad Ayuntamiento gira de la ciudad juguete

GCSE Spanish Vocabulary List © OCR 2008

to stop (e.g. if walking) / vehicles) to study to sunbathe to surf to sweep to swim to take to take off (plane) to taste (e.g. good / bad) to text to think to throw (away) to tidy up, clear away to train to travel to try (to do s.th) to understand to use to visit to wait for to wake someone to wake up to want to to wash (oneself) to wash up to watch (television) to wear to weigh to win to windsurf to work to work (function) to write toast today toilet (public) toilet paper tomato tomorrow too e.g. (too old) tools tooth toothache toothbrush toothpaste Torch tortoise tour tourist Tourist Office towel tower town (centre) Town Hall town tour toy

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chándal tráfico semáforos tragedia tren zapatillas tranvía agencia de viajes viajero traveller bandeja árbol viaje pantalón trucha atún pavo televisor gemelos neumático feo paraguas tío metro en paro por desgracia Estados Unidos (EEUU) universidad sin plomo desordenado hasta arriba útil inútil normalmente lavadero válido valle camioneta florero ternera hortalizas; legumbres muy veterinario videojuego vista aldea; pueblo vinagre violín visita pago ¡camarero! camarero/a sala de espera ¡camarera! Gales (gales)

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tracksuit traffic traffic lights tragedy train trainers tram travel agent's traveller traveller's cheque tray tree trip, outing trousers trout tuna turkey TV set twins tyre ugly umbrella uncle underground / tube / métro unemployed unfortunately United States (USA) university unleaded (petrol) untidy until upstairs useful useless usually utility room / laundry room valid valley van (delivery) vase veal vegetables very vet videogame view village vinegar violin visit wages waiter! waiter / waitress waiting room waitress! Wales (Welsh)

GCSE Spanish Vocabulary List © OCR 2008

paseo muro pared cartera papel pintado armario detergente lavabo ropa para lavar lavadora avispa reloj agua (potable / mineral) sandía deportes acuáticos ola vuelta a case débil pronóstico (del tiempo) entresemana (el) fin de semana bienvenido oeste película del oeste mojado ¿qué? ¿cuál? ¿qué tipo de ...? ¿cuándo? cuando ¿(a)dónde? ¿(de) dónde? ¿cuál? blanco ¿por qué? ancho mujer; esposa salvaje ventana viento vino (tinto / blanco) bodega invierno con sin mujer fenomenal bosque lana palabra trabajo trabajador/a taller papel de carta equivocado año amarillo

GCSE Spanish Vocabulary List © OCR 2008

walk (for pleasure) wall (exterior) wall (interior) wallet wallpaper wardrobe washing powder washbasin washing washing machine wasp watch; clock. water (drinking / mineral) watermelon watersports wave way home weak weather (forecast) weekdays (on) weekend (at the) welcome west western (film) wet what? what kind of ...? when? when (conj) where? (to?) where? (from?) which? white why? wide wife wild window wind wine (red / white) wine cellar winter with without woman wonderful wood / forest wool word work worker workshop writing paper wrong year yellow

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sí ayer todavía yogur jóven le saluda atentamente jóven club de jóvenes albergue juvenil

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yes yesterday yet (time) yoghurt young yours faithfully; yours sincerely young person, teenager youth club youth hostel

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GCSE Spanish Vocabulary List © OCR 2008

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