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Story Transcript

story time is the best children's stories compiled by

Botho Pearl Basholoko

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Table of Contents Cindirella’ s story……………………………………………2 The Three Little Pigs ..………………………………………14 The selfish crocodile…………………………………………21 The gingerbread man……………………………………….25 The shoemaker and the Elves……………………………..29 The three 6 goats gruff………………………………………32 The princess and the pea…………………………………..36 Hansel and Gretel……………………………………………45 The princess and the frog………………………………….50 The ugly duckling……………………………………………57 Goldilocks and the three bears…………………………..60 ▪

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Cindirella’s story Once upon a time in a land far far away, lived an amazingly beautiful girl named Cndirella, Cinderella’s mother had passed away very long time ago. This is why her father had brought her up. One day when Cindirella ‘s father remarried her life changed dramatically. Her father’s new wife and her two stepsisters had moved to Cindirella’s house. Since the first time they met, her stepmother couldn’t stand the sight of Cindirella. She and her two daughters were extremely jealous of Cindirella’s beauty and kind heart. Cindirella’s stepsisters were not as beautiful as she was and besides they were rude and spoilt. One day, due to work reasons Cindirella’s father had to leave on a long journey. And that was the time when Cindirella’s stepmother and stepsisters made her life a living hell. While

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Cindirella was in the garden talking to her very beloved birds. Her stepmother approached her. “As of today you will live in the attic. You will do all the house work. Also I don’t want you walking around in these clothes”. Cindirella didn’t know what to say. Helplessly, she did what she was told. She packed her stuff and moved to the attic. After that day Cindirella began to do all the housework all on her own. She used to get very tired, but neither her stepmother or her stepsisters felt sorry for her. “Wipe the floor again. Can’t you see its still dusty. You haven’t done the laundry. I have nothing proper to wear”. Cindirella had no friends other than the mice and the birds that used to come to her window. Due to the cold, secretly at nighttime, Cindirella would go downstairs to the chimney and warm up near the dying fire and fall asleep. As the days went on by, one day in the town an announcement was made by the kingdom. Our prince will be

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holding a ball at the castle all, the girls

who are eligible for marriage are invited to

this ball. As soon as the stepsisters heard

about this invitation they ran home and

told their mother. “You will be the most

beautiful girls at the ball, the prince must

pick one of you,” said their mother. “That

way we will all live in a palace right

mother,” asked the stepsisters. “We must

get some gowns and shoes for you girls.

Move along we re going shopping”. The

stepmother and stepsisters left the house.

Hearing all that talked about with a sad

face Cindirella stood there and watched.

The preparations went on for days. Both

the stepsisters had their gowns sewn.

Everyday that would go in front of the

mirror and tell themselves, “we will be the

most beautiful girls in the ball”. Finally the

big day had arrived. The stepsisters had

woken up very early in the morning and so

they called “Cindirella! Cindirella!

Cindirella! Come here. Where have you

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been? Hurry and prepare our baths”. All

day Cindirella helped her stepsisters get

ready. “Hey brush it gently, you are going

to pull it out”. Towards the evening, they

had finished all their preparations for the

ball. “You look beautiful girls. Just

beautiful,” Cindirella built up all her

courage and asked her stepmother. “Can I

come to the ball too, please?”. “Who you?”

Asked her stepmother. “Yes, well, it’s said

that all the girls can come,” replied

Cindirella. “Is this your dress for the ball?

The prince is looking for a wife not for a maid my dear. Come on girls, lets not be

late for the ball and you make sure that

you have finished all the chores before you

go to bed”. Her stepmother and her

stepsisters made their way to the castle.

And on her way home, Cindirella began to

cry. “oh my God can I go to the castle too,

if my parents were here none of this would

have happened”. Right at that moment a

very bright light appeared. At first

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Cindirella did not understand what it was. She was staring at the light and suddenly a beautiful fairy appeared in the middle of the light, “my beautiful Cindirella don’t cry. You too will go to the ball at the castle”. Cindirella could not believe her eyes. She asked in shock. “Can I go? Just look at me”. “Do not worry. I’m here to help you, now bring me a pumpkin and seven mice,” said the fairy. Cindirella could not understand why she wanted these things. But still she did as she was told. First she went to the kitchen grabbed a big pumpkin. Then she went to the attic, got home mice friends and went down again. With her magic wand the fairy turned the pumpkin into a beautiful horse carriage. Then she turned to the mice. One of them turned into the driver, the other six of them turned into beautiful white horses. Amazed as she was Cindirella was looking at the horse carriage. The fairy turned to her. When she touched her with her magic

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wand. Cindirella’s dress turned into a

beautiful ball gown. And the slippers on her shoes turned into beautiful glass shoes, “I look like a princess”. Now it is

time to go to the ball, but don’t forget, you

must be home when the clock strikes

12:00. Because by then everything will turn back to what they were. Cindirella,

listen to the fairy very carefully then she

hopped on her carriage and she started to

ride towards the castle. Her mesmerizing

carriage stopped in front of the castle.

When Cindirella entered through the grand

doors to the ballroom, all the eyes were on

her. She looked so beautiful and elegant.

Her stepmother and even her stepsisters

could not stop looking at this beautiful

lady. They of course could not recognize

her. Suddenly the prince appeared on the

stairs, Cindirella really stood out amongst

all the young women at the ball. With

everyone watching curiously, he began

walking down the stairs and slowly

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approached her. The stepsisters were very

excited because the prince was coming

towards them. “Ah, he’s coming to me… no

he’s coming to me”. But the prince passed

on by and stopped in front of Cindirella.

“Most beautiful young lady. Would you

please allow this dance to me?” Cindirella

nodded politely. The prince and Cindirella

began to dance amongst the curious looks

of all the invitees. Cindirella was so

captivated by the music and the dance. She felt like as if she and the prince were

the only ones in the ballroom. They dance

all night long, of course Cindirella could

not feel how time had passed. At some

point the big clock caught her eye. It was

almost midnight. Right at that moment.

Cindirella remembered the fairy’s warning,

“you must be home when the clock

strikes12:00. Because by then everything

will go to what they were”. With a panic,

Cindirella began to run and left the prince

behind. When she was running down the

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stairs of the castle, she dropped one of her shoes, but she did not have time to go back and collect it. When she ran further, the clock struck midnight and everything turned back to what they were before. When the prince went after her, he spotted her shoe on the stairs. ‘Find the owner of this shoes. Even if you have to get all the girls in the kingdom to try it. Just find her!’ Cindirella came home breathless and went straight to the attic. She started thinking about the night she had with the prince. She knew she had no chance, but still she had fallen in love with him. It was almost impossible for the prince to find her and even if he did he would never recognize her. The prince’s men went door to door to every house in the kingdom and looked for the young girl who owned the shoe, but the shoe did not fit any of these girls. In the end the prince’s men came by Cindirella’s house. Cindirella was happy to see the king’s carriage in front of the house. Right

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when she was about to leave her room her

stepmother appeared at the door, “and

where do you think you are going? you

want to try the shoe, too?” With a sarcastic

laugh, the stepmother locked the door to

the attic. “No please stop, open the door

please..”. “How pathetic.., what would the

prince have in common with you?” The

men first let the old skinny sister try the

shoe, but it was too small for her feet.

“Look how beautifully it fit my foot?” Then

the younger chubby sister tried the shoe,

but a chubby foot did not even get in the

shoe , “maybe if we had tried it on my other foot”. Whatever they did it would just

not work. Finally Cindirella’s last chance

was to run to the window but it was too

high, so she began crying. Seeing her cry

her mice friends came next to her. “My

stepmother locked me in, she must have

the key”. One of the mice slipped

underneath the door and ran downstairs.

The stepmother was at the door with the

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prince’s men. ‘Ehm.. why don’t you come tomorrow? today they are a little tired their feet must be swollen”. The mouse jumped on the stepmother’s skirt and snatched the keys and ran upstairs. He slipped the keys under the door. Cindirella was very happy when she saw the key, opened the door and ran down as fast as she could. “How.. how did you get out?” “Please stop, don’t go I want to try the shoe too”. The stepmother and her daughters started to laugh hysterically. “Please is the prince’s orders that every girl in the kingdom must try the shoe”. When Cindirella tried the shoe on, everyone was shocked because it fitted her perfectly. Young lady, are you the owner of this shoe? Cindirella nodded to confirm. “Please come to the palace with us”. Cindirella went to the castle with the prince’s men. And they took her in front of the prince. Right when he looked in her eyes he knew it was the one who danced with him that

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night. He held her hands, “I finally found

you my princess, would you marry me?”

With teary eyes from happiness, she

accepted the prince’s offer. They got

married and lived happily ever after. The end

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The Three Little Pigs Once upon a time there were three little pigs who lived with their mother. One day their mother told them they were old enough to go out into the world and make a living for themselves. She said "Watch out for the big bad wolf, because he will eat you." She also told them "Build your houses nice and strong so that you will be safe from the wolf. Then she said "Goodbye my sons and good luck!" The three little pigs then went their separate ways. The first little pig saw a man stacking straw. The first little pig asked the man "May I have some of that straw to build a house?" The man agreed and the first little pig built his house very quickly. It wasn't a very strong house. One day the big bad wolf came and knocked on the first little pig's door and said "Little pig, little pig, let me come in." And the little pig answered

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"No, no, I won't let you come in, not by the

hair on my chinny chin chin. "Well," said

the wolf" then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll

blow your house in. So he huffed and he

puffed and he blew the house down and ate the little pig. The second little pig was

going along the road when he met a man

stacking a big pile of sticks. The second

little pig asked the man "May I have some

of those sticks to build myself a house?"

The man gave them to him and the second

little pig built his house of sticks. Then one

day the second little pig heard a knock at

the door. It was the wolf, and he said "Little pig, little pig, let me come in." The

little pig said "No, no, I won't let you in, not

by the hair on my chinny chin chin." The

wolf answered "Then I'll huff and I'll puff

and I'll blow your house in." Then he huffed and he puffed, and he puffed and he huffed, and then he blew the house

down and ate the little pig. The third little

pig was walking on the road when he met a

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man with a load of bricks. The little pig asked him for enough to build a house. The man agreed and the third little pig built a strong house of bricks. The wolf came and knocked at his door and said "Little pig, little pig, let me come in" and the pig said "No, no, I won't let you in, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin. "Well," said the wolf "then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in." So he huffed, and he puffed, and he puffed and he huffed, and he huffed and he puffed, but he couldn't blow the house down! The frustrated wolf said "Little pig, little pig, I know where there's a nice field of turnips." The little pig asked "Where?" The wolf answered "At Mrs. Smith's farm, we can go there together tomorrow at nine o'clock." The little pig nodded and said "Nine o'clock, I'll be ready!" The next morning the pig got up earlier, at eight o'clock, and went to Mrs. Smith's farm and got all the turnips he could carry and was home

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again before nine. The big bad wolf came

around at nine o'clock sharp and asked

"Little pig, little pig, are you ready?" but the little pig said "I've already gone to the

field and gotten some turnips, but thanks

anyway." This made the wolf very mad, but

in a calm voice he said "Very well then. By

the way, I know where there is a nice, ripe

apple tree." The little pig asked "Where is

it?" The wolf answered "It's in the orchard

across the field. I will come tomorrow at

eight o'clock and we can go together to pick some juicy sweet apples" The little pig

then said "Eight o'clock, I'll be ready." The

next morning the little pig got up at seven

o'clock, ran to the apple tree across the field in the orchard, climbed up the tree

and started picking apples. Suddenly, he

saw the big bad wolf coming. The sneaky

wolf said "How are those apples?" The pig

answered "Great, here catch one!" and he

threw it so far away that while the wolf was

going after it the pig jumped out of the tree

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and ran all the way home. Later on the wolf came knocking and said "Little pig,

little pig, there is a fair in town, can I come

by tomorrow at seven o'clock and we can go there together?" The pig replied "Seven

o'clock, I'll be ready!" But the pig went to

the fair earlier and bought a butter churn

barrel. On his way home from the fair he

saw the big bad wolf coming up a hill. The

little pig hid himself in the barrel, which

accidentally fell over and rolled down the

hill. It rolled so fast that it scared the wolf

into running away; he didn't even get to go

to the fair. The little pig ran home with his

churn and was safe. Later on the wolf went

to the pig's house and told him about the

fast rolling barrel which had scared him.

The little pig laughed out loud and said "I

bought that barrel at the fair and I was

inside it when it came down the hill." This

made the wolf furious and he said "LITTLE



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YOU!" But the pig made a giant fire in the

fireplace and put a big pot of water on it.

Just as the water started to boil, the wolf

started coming down the chimney and the

little pig took the cover off of the pot and

the wolf fell in. The little pig cooked him,

ate him for dinner, and thought to himself

"I'm not so little any more!" and the pig

lived happily ever after The end

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The selfish crocodile Deep in the forest, in the river, lived a large crocodile. He was a very selfish crocodile. He didn’t want any other creature to drink or bathe in the river. He thought it was HIS river. Every day, he shouted to the creatures of the forest, ‘Stay away from my river! It’s MY river! If you come in my river, I’ll eat you all!’ So there were no fish, no tadpoles, no frogs, no crabs, no crayfish in the river. All were afraid of the selfish crocodile. The forest creatures kept away from the river as well. Whenever they were

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thirsty, they went for miles to drink in other rivers and streams. Every day the

crocodile lay on his great big back in the

sun, picking his big, sharp teeth with a

stick But early one morning, the forest was

awakened by a loud groaning sound.

Something was in terrible pain. The

creatures thought that it was an animal

caught by the crocodile. But as the sun

came out brightly, they saw that it was the

crocodile who was in pain. He was lying on

his big back, holding his swollen jaw, and

he was crying real tears. The creatures drew closer – but not too close. Some of the

creatures felt sorry for the crocodile. ‘What’s the matter with him?’ asked a deer.

‘I don’t know,’ said a squirrel. ‘Maybe he’s

going to die,’ chirped a blackbird. ‘If that

happens it’ll be safe to go in the river!’

grunted a wild pig. Suddenly a little mouse

appeared, sniffing the air. He ran along the

crocodile’s tail, then onto his tummy. The

other creatures stared. ‘Look at that

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mouse!’ chattered a monkey. ‘He’s either

very brave or mad!’ ‘He’s going to be eaten

for sure!’ said an iguana. The mouse crept

along the crocodile’s big neck, and into his

open mouth. There was a hush in the

forest .The mouse got hold of something,

and pulled and pulled and pulled. Then he

put it on his shoulder and walked out of

the crocodile’s mouth. There was a loud

cheer from the astonished creatures. The

crocodile sat up and said, ‘I don’t feel any

more pain. It’s all gone!’ Then he saw the

mouse walking down his tummy, carrying

an enormous crocodile tooth on his

shoulder ‘Your bad tooth was giving you

the tooth-ache!’ answered the mouse,

turning around to face the now-smiling

crocodile. ‘Do you want it back?’ ‘Oh no,

no, no, get rid of it, and when you’ve done

that, come back, I’ll have a present for

you.’ The mouse went and buried the bad

tooth under a tree, and when he returned,

the crocodile had a nice juicy nut waiting

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for him. As the crocodile watched the mouse eating the nut, he said to him, ‘You were very clever, getting rid of my tooth- ache – and kind too. I am so grateful. But what shall I do if my tooth-ache comes back?’ ‘Don’t worry, I’ll help you take care of your teeth,’ answered the mouse nibbling. Soon the crocodile and the mouse were the best of friends. And one day the crocodile sent all the animals an invitation. ‘Please come to drink and bathe in the river! I won’t hurt you! The river belongs to us all!’ he said. The creatures weren’t afraid to drink and bathe in the river anymore. Although the crocodile was sometimes snappy, they grew to love him. And soon the river was full of fish and tadpoles and crabs and crayfish.

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The gingerbread man Once upon a time there was a little old woman and a little old man who lived in a little cottage.. One day, the little old lady decided to make a gingerbread man. …and the little old lady started baking. The little old lady carefully placed her gingerbread man in the oven to bake. Soon there was a noise coming from the oven! It was the gingerbread man. He ran out of the oven and straight out of the front door. “Stop, little gingerbread man!” cried the little old man and the little old woman. But the gingerbread man would not stop! The gingerbread man did not want to be eaten, so he shouted… “Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me - I’m the gingerbread man!” And off he ran, all the way along the lane to the garden gate. Soon he came to a cow’s field. “You look tasty,” said the cow, “I think I’ll eat you for

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my tea!” “You will have to catch me first!”

shouted the gingerbread man. “Run, run,

as fast as you can! You can’t catch me – I’m the gingerbread man!” Next, the

gingerbread man came to a horse in a

stable. “You look tasty,” said the horse, “ I

think I’ll eat you for my tea!” “You will have

to catch me first!” shouted the gingerbread

man. “Run, run, as fast as you can! You

can’t catch me – I’m the gingerbread man!”

And off he ran towards the stream. At the

edge of the stream stood an old sly fox.

“Why are you running away?” asked the sly

fox. “They all want to eat me!” said the

gingerbread man. “I think I need to cross

the stream. “I can help you,” said the fox,

“You can hold onto my tail while I swim

across.” And that’s just what the

gingerbread man did. “I’m so pleased I met

you!” exclaimed the gingerbread man. They

had been swimming for a little while when,

all of a sudden……“My feet are getting wet!” shouted the gingerbread man. “Then

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jump on my back,” said the sly fox. They

swam a little further when…… “Oh no! I’m

getting wet again!” “Well, jump on my ears,” replied the sly fox. But the

gingerbread man was still getting wet.

Eventually, the sly fox said, “Why don’t you

jump on my nose?” So the gingerbread man jumped, but………just as he did the

sly fox tossed the gingerbread man high

into the air…… and ate him up in one, BIG, bite!

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The shoemaker and the elves Once upon a time, a shoemaker lived with his wife behind his workshop. The shoemaker was a good man, and he worked hard, but he was very poor. He did not have enough leather to make shoes. But if he did not make shoes, he and his wife would not have any food to eat. He had only enough leather to make one pair

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of shoes. He cut out the leather and then

left it on the workbench. The shoemaker

was very tired so, he thought of making

shoes in the morning. The next morning,

he found a pair of nicely finished shoes on

his workbench. Soon, a man came in and

bought them for a good price. With the

money, the shoemaker was able to buy

enough leather to make two new pairs of

shoes. He cut out the leather and went to

sleep. The next morning there were Two-

pairs of beautiful Shoes. The Shoemaker

put them in the window, and before

lunchtime, he had sold both pairs for an

excellent price. It went on and soon, the

shoemaker became a wealthy man. The

shoemaker and his wife wanted to know

who was making all the beautiful shoes for

them. So that night the shoemaker left

some leather in his workbench as usual.

Then instead of going to bed, he and his

wife hid behind the curtains. They saw two

tiny elves dancing and sewing the shoes.

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The shoemaker was astonished. They both decided to repay the elves for their help. So, they made some warm clothes and tiny shoes for them. That night, instead of leaving leather on his workbench, the shoemaker left the clothes and hid behind the curtain. The little elves hopped up onto the workbench and saw the clothes and shoes that had been left for them. In the twinkling of an eye, they had dressed up. They were so happy. They clapped and jumped excitedly, and danced on the table, singing silly songs. The shoemaker and his wife never saw the elves again. They both never had any problem again. They lived happily ever after.

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The three billy goats gruff Once upon a time there were three Billy Goats Gruff. They lived in a valley in the hills. One day they saw a field of sweet green grass on the other side of the valley. So they decided to go there. To reach the valley, the three billy goats had to cross a river. There was only one bridge across the river and underneath there lived a terrible, grumpy troll. He never let anyone cross the bridge, he always gobbled them up for breakfast. The three goats made a plan. The smallest Billy Goat Gruff was the first to try and cross the bridge. Trip-trap, triptrap went his hooves as he walked across the bridge. “Who goes trip-trap over my bridge?” growled the troll from under the bridge. “It’s only me, little Billy Goat Gruff,” said the smallest goat. “Then I’m coming to eat you up!” roared the troll. “Please don’t eat me, I’m much too little,” said the

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smallest Billy Goat Gruff. “My brother is

coming after me and he is much bigger.”

“Hmm,” grunted the troll. “Then I will wait

for him.” Next the medium sized Billy Goat

Gruff came over the bridge. Trip-trap, trip-

trap went his hooves as he walked across

the bridge. “Who goes trip-trap over my

bridge?” growled the troll from under the

bridge. “It’s only me, medium sized Billy

Goat Gruff,” said the goat. “Then I’m

coming to eat you up!” roared the troll.

“Please don’t eat me, I’m much too little,”

said the medium sized Billy Goat Gruff. “My brother is coming after me and he is

much bigger.” “Hmm,” grunted the troll.

“Then I will wait for him.” Soon the biggest

Billy Goat Gruff came over the bridge. Trip-

trap, trip-trap went his hooves. “Who goes

trip-trap over my bridge?” growled the troll

from under the bridge. “It is I, big Billy Goat Gruff,” said the goat. “Then I’m

coming to eat you up!” roared the troll. “Oh

no you won’t!” The biggest goat shouted

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and he lowered his horns and charged at

the troll. Smack! He butted him right over

the edge of the bridge. The big Billy Goat

Gruff joined his brothers. They found their

field of sweet green grass and ate their fill.

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The princess and the pea Once upon a time there was a powerful Queen who was used to getting what she wanted. She accepted nothing less than the best, and she also wanted nothing but the best for her son. She only clothed him in the finest suits, only fed him gourmet foods, and hired the smartest teachers in all the land to educate him. So when it was time for him to be married, she told him: "Son, you deserve the best woman in the whole world. Do not settle for just any pretty face. A prince must be married to a princess." she told him, as he listened intently. "But remember," said the Queen, "A real princess is not just the daughter of a king and queen. A real princess is delicate and refined, and eats only the finest foods. She is well-educated, and reads only the greatest books and poems. She wears the loveliest dresses, and carries

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herself with grace and dignity. And the first

thing you will notice, a real princess has

the voice of an angel." With that, the prince

set off with his servants in search of his

princess. After he had traveled for several

days, he reached the nearest kingdom.

When he came to the castle, he introduced

himself as the prince of the neighboring kingdom. When he met the king and queen, they were immediately impressed by how handsome and polite he was. They

thought right away that it would be a good

idea to introduce the prince to their

daughter, a princess who was not yet

married. They brought the prince to the

princess's study, where she was busy

reading poetry as a servant fixed her hair.

The Prince was happy to see that she was

very beautiful, and she smiled at the Prince as he greeted her. "Hello, Princess,"

said the Prince. "Hello!" squawked the

Princess, her voice hoarse and cracking.

"Um, are you all right, princess?" asked the

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Prince. "Can I bring you a glass of water?"

"No, I am not thirsty," replied the Princess,

smiling politely. "Well, it was lovely to meet

you," said the Prince nervously. "I must be

going, it is very late." As he left, he felt

badly for leaving abruptly, but he reminded himself of what his mother said:

"A real princess has the voice of an angel."

The good part was that it was actually not

late at all. The Prince had plenty of time to

set out for the next neighboring kingdom,

where he again found the castle and asked

to meet the king and queen. Again, he was so charming that he was immediately

invited to meet the unmarried princess of

the kingdom. This time, the king and queen led the Prince to castle's dining hall.

This princess was also very beautiful but

when the Prince entered, she hardly looked

at him. She was sitting at the table eating

like a pig with food dripping from her face

and hands. "Um, hello Princess," said the

Prince, speaking hurriedly, "it looks like

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you are very busy, so, I'll just leave you

alone with your food." He continued on, through valleys and over endless stretches

of plains, but at each castle he stopped at,

he met only disappointment. Finally, the

Prince gave up and returned home - still

unmarried and very disappointed by his

very long journey. When he arrived at his

own castle, his mother and father greeted

him. The Prince told his parents the whole

story of his journey. His mother was

especially sad for him, but also glad he had

not chosen to marry any of the princesses

he met. That night, during a terrible

thunderstorm, there was a knock at the

door. A servant went to go answer the door, and a young woman stood outside,

dressed in a heavy cloak, soaking wet from

the rain. The Prince happened to be walking past, but when he heard the voice

of the young woman he stopped in his

tracks. She explained to the servant, "My

driver got lost in the rain and we saw the

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light from your castle. Would you be kind

enough to provide us shelter for the night?"

She had the voice of an angel, and the

Prince knew immediately that this must be

his princess. He quickly ran up and

excused the servant. "Of course you are

welcome to stay, good lady," he said, bowing respectfully. "Allow me to take your

coat." When she pulled the hood off of her

head, the Prince thought that she was the

most beautiful woman he had ever seen in

his life. "Thank you so much, kind sir." The

Prince was so excited, he ran to go tell his

mother what had happened. But right after

he told her the story, she scoffed. "My dear

son, she is no princess," she said. "What

kind of a princess goes out in the rain,

knocking on doors in the middle of the

night? Shouldn't she have a servant for

that?" She peeked out into the hall to get a

look at the girl, and was appalled to see her with dripping wet hair and a muddy

dress. "You see? She is no more than a

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common peasant." "But mother," argued

the Prince. "Look at how she walks! I've

never seen anything more graceful." The

Queen could see that her son had already

fallen for the girl, so she quickly devised a

plan to get rid of her. "Alright, then, if you

don't believe me, we will put her to a test.

Tonight we will dress her bed with ten of

the softest, fluffiest, most luxurious feather

mattresses in the castle. Then under the

ten mattresses, we will place a single,

uncooked pea. If this pea disturbs her

sleep, then we will know. Only a real

princess would be delicate and refined

enough to feel the pea." The Prince didn't

think that anybody would be able to feel the pea, but he also knew that his mother

knew best. Besides, he thought, he didn't

want to marry anything less than a real

princess. So the Queen ordered her

servants to gather the best mattresses they

could find, and bring them to the guest

tower. The she took a single pea, and put it

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right in the middle of the bed, and had the

servants stack all the mattresses on top.

Then the Prince escorted the guest to her

room, where she needed a ladder to get to

bed. In the morning, the Prince went to the

dining hall, and peeked inside to get a look

at his love. She looked terrible. She had

dark circles under her eyes and was sipping a large cup of tea. "I am so tired,"

the princess told a servant. "Please do not

tell the Prince, but that bed is awful, I felt

like there was a brick inside it. I did not

sleep a wink all night. I am so tired." The

Prince rushed over to her side and knelt

before her. "You are a true princess, aren't

you? Please marry me and live here and I

will get you any mattress you choose." The

Princess looked shocked but then smiled

and said, "Yes, I will marry you, as long as

I don't have to sleep on that bed ever

again!" The next day, after the Princess got

a good night's sleep without a pea to

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disturb her, the Prince and Princess were married. And they lived happily ever after.

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Hansel and Gretel Once upon a time, there lived two children called Hansel and Gretel. They lived with their father and stepmother in a house in a woods. Their father was a woodcutter. The wood cutter was very poor. He could no

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longer provide for his family. One night his

wife suggested that they take the children

into the forest and leave them there. Hansel and Gretel overheard what their

stepmother had said. They were very sad.

Hansel crept outside and found some white

pebbles. They shone brightly in the

moonlight. he filled his pockets with the

pebbles and crept back inside. The next

morning they all went for a walk in the

forest. As they walked Hansel dropped the

pebbles along the path. They went further

and further into the forest. Hansel and

Gretel got tired, so the woodcutter made a

fire and told them to rest there. When they

woke up, they were all alone, but Hansel's

plan had worked! They could follow the

stones all the way home. when they arrived

home the woodcutter was overjoyed.

However, their stepmother was very cross.

Later that night, she told the woodcutter

that he must get rid of the children again.

The next day, the stepmother gave Hansel

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and Gretel two slices of bread for breakfast. They set out into the forest

again. This time they walked a lot further

into the heart of the forest. As they walked

along, Hansel dropped breadcrumbs along

the path. When they were tired the

woodcutter told them to gather wood so he

could make them a fire. He told them to

rest by the fire, once again they fell asleep,

when they woke up they found themselves

alone again. Hansel was not worried he told Gretel about the breadcrumbs. but

when they looked along the path they found they had been eaten by the birds and animals in the forest. Hansel and

Gretel walked and walked through the

forest. Eventually they came across an

amazing house! It was made of gingerbread

and decorated with sweets, icing and

lollipops. Hansel and Gretel began to eat

the sweets. Then all of a sudden an old

woman came out of the gingerbread house.

She invited them both inside. But once the

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children were inside they found that the old woman was very cruel. She locked Hansel in a cage. She wanted to fatten him up and eat him. One day the old woman showed Gretel the oven where she was going to cook Hansel. Gretel decided to trick the old woman. She told her that Hansel was too big to fit into the oven. The old woman leaned forward to take a closer look. Gretel pushed her straight into the oven. next, Gretel found the key to the cage and unlocked it so that Hansel could get out, they were overjoyed! Before leaving Hansel and Gretel looked around the gingerbread house. They found a chest full of gold coins! They decided to bring the chest home with them. After a long walk in the forest, Hansel and Gretel saw a path they recognized. They ran excitedly along the path and finally saw their home in the distance. There outside the cottage was their father, their stepmother had died. Now they had enough riches to last them a

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lifetime, and they would never be hungry. The three of them lived happily ever after.

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The princess and the frog There once was a Princess. She was not an ordinary princess, however. This Princess loved to play alone in the palace gardens while she tossed around her favorite beaming golden ball. Now, the problem with playing alone was that no one was ever there to catch the ball if she tossed it too high in the air. One day, as she was running around lilies and daisies and hedges and roses, she tossed her ball higher in the air than she ever had before. SPLASH!! Her beautiful golden ball had plopped right into a small pond nearby! She ran over to the pond and watched sadly as the golden sphere sank deeper and deeper into the water. The princess looked down at her dress. She was wearing her favorite golden dress; the sparkles and gems on the front of the brilliant gown

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were rare and she was afraid that if she

entered the water she would destroy her

outfit. Frustrated with her situation, the

princess began to cry. Suddenly, the

Princess heard a strange noise coming from the middle of the water. Hop! Hop! “Do you not know how to swim?” asked a

small frog. Hop! The Princess looked up and scrunched her face up at the sight of

the green creature sitting on the lily pad. “I

do,” she replied. “Well, why don't you come

on in?” he asked. “I don't want to spoil my

beautiful gold dress!” the Princess replied,

rolling her eyes at the frog. “Well, I suppose

I could get it for you...” the frog started.

“You can? Oh! Please do! Please do!” she

cried. But before he jumped into the water,

the frog turned to her and asked: “What will you give me in return for grabbing your golden ball?” “Oh! You can have

anything you desire!” the Princess replied,

impatient to be playing again. “What I

would like is a friend. That's all. A friend to

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spend time with me, to eat supper with me,

to read for me, to sleep beside me, and to

kiss me goodnight!” the frog said. “Anything! Anything!” the Princess cried.

And with that, the small green frog hopped

into the water and retrieved the Princess'

gold ball. The minute he handed it over, the girl ran around giggling and tossing her beloved ball up in the air; she had

completely forgotten all about the frog. At

supper, the girl was seated at the table with her father, the King. Before either of

them could take a bite, there came a small

knock at the door. The King got up and

walked to open it. Hop! Hop! Hop! In walked the small green frog. “I have come to eat supper with you, Princess!” the frog

said happily, hopping up on the table. The

Princess gently grabbed the frog and placed him outside the door. SLAM!! She

turned her heel and sat down at her spot

once more, ignoring the suspicious look

from the king. “And who was that,

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Princess?” he asked her. “Oh, no one,” she

replied. The stern look from her father

caused her to go red with embarrassment.

She told him that she had promised the

frog that she would spend time with him,

and eat supper with him, and read for him,

and let him sleep with her, and kiss him

goodnight. “But I don't want to hang out

with him. He's gross!” she continued. “A

promise is a promise, Princess. We must

always keep our promises,” the King said

wisely. With that the girl slowly shuffled

over to the door and opened it up. Hop!

Hop! Hop! The frog ate supper with her, and then followed the Princess into her

bedroom where she began to read. “What

are you reading?” he asked trying to peer

over her shoulder to see. “Nothing,” she

replied shrugging him off. Sadly, the frog

hopped over to her bed and sat down on

her pillow. Before he could get comfortable,

the Princess ran over to him, picked him

up, and placed him by the window. “But

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you promised!” he cried. She sighed and

took him back with her to bed. She read

him a bedtime story and, surprisingly, the

frog was quite smart and funny. She

actually enjoyed his company. When it was

time to sleep, the frog asked her for a

bedtime kiss. She refused, scrunching her

face once more at the sight of the green

creature before her. The Princess shut out

the light and tried to go to sleep. Suddenly,

she heard the sounds of weeping. She

turned the light back on to see the frog

beside her, wiping tears from his eyes. She

was hit with a wave of guilt for making the

poor frog cry. She tucked him in bed beside her and kissed him gently.

WHOOOSH!! All of a sudden, the small

green frog transformed into a handsome

young prince right before her eyes; she

jumped back from the bed in surprise. The

Prince informed her that an evil witch had

put a spell on him and only a kiss could

return him back to his original state. It

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just so happened that the Princess was the

first one to break the spell. Forever after,

the Prince and Princess were able to play

together in the palace gardens. The

Princess was happier than ever to have a playmate and, whenever she accidently

threw the ball too high in the air, she was

ecstatic to have a companion to go and

fetch it for her. The End

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The ugly duckling once upon a time a mother duck was waiting for her eggs to hatch. The eggs were white, all except one. Soon the eggs began to hatch, and the duck became a proud mother of five little ducklings. But one egg remained. Finally the last duckling hatched ,but he was different from the others. why are you different asked the duck, nobody loves me because I am

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different said the duckling. The ugly

duckling left home to look for a place he

belonged. He came across some other birds

but they did not want to be friends with

such an odd looking duckling. “You look

strange ,you are ugly,” said the birds, the

ducking was very sad and waddled old woman found the duckling and put him in her hutch. The woman's

hen warned the duckling that she planned

to eat him. The poor duckling escaped and

hid in the reeds. he saw some beautiful

birds fly above and wished he was like

them. Winter came and the duckling was

cold. But a farmer found him and kept him

safe until spring. When spring came the

farmer took the duckling to a pond and

released him, something wonderful had

happened, the duckling had grown into a

beautiful swan. He soon made lots of

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friends and was the most beautiful swan of them all.

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Goldilocks and the three bears Once upon a time there were three bears: Father Bear, Mother Bear and Baby Bear. Father Bear was very big. Baby Bear was

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very small. Mother Bear was not very big

and not very small – she was middle sized.

The three bears lived in a little house in the forest. Every day the bears ate porridge

for breakfast. One day Father Bear said in

his deep Father Bear voice, “Our porridge is too hot. We can go and walk in the forest

while it is getting cool.” So the three bears

went out for a walk in the forest. At the

same time, somebody else was walking in

the forest. A little girl with golden hair. Do

you know her name? It was Goldilocks. She was called Goldilocks because her hair

was the colour of gold. Goldilocks saw the

bears’ house. She walked up the path and

knocked on the door. “Nqo-nqo-nqo.” There

was no answer. She peeped in through the

window – it looked very nice inside. She

rang the bell, but there was no answer. So

do you know what Goldilocks did? Yes, she walked into the bears’ house! Oh,

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Goldilocks! Goldilocks saw the porridge on

the table. There was a big bowl for Father

Bear, a middle-sized bowl for Mother Bear

and a small bowl for Baby Bear. Goldilocks

was very hungry. First she tasted Father

Bear’s porridge, but she did not like it

because it was too salty. “I don’t like this

porridge, it’s too salty,” Goldilocks said.

Then she tasted Mother Bear’s porridge,

but she did not like it at all because it was

too sweet – there was too much sugar in it.

“I don’t like this porridge, it’s too sweet,”

Goldilocks said. Next she tasted Baby

Bear’s porridge. “Mmm,” she said, “I like

this porridge, it is just right!” And she ate

all Baby Bear’s porridge. Goldilocks looked

around and she saw three chairs. First she

sat in Father Bear’s chair but it was too

hard. She got off the chair and said, “I don’t like this chair, it’s too hard.” Next, Goldilocks sat in Mother Bear’s chair but it

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was too soft. She got off the chair and said, “I don’t like this chair, it’s too soft.” And then Goldilocks sat on Baby Bear’s chair and it was just right. She said, “I like this chair, it’s just right!” But do you know what happened? Goldilocks was too big for the chair and the chair broke and Goldilocks fell onto the floor. Oh dear, poor Goldilocks and poor Baby Bear’s chair! Goldilocks was tired now, and she wanted to sleep. Where was she going to sleep? Can she sleep on the table? No! Can she sleep on Baby Bear’s chair? No! Why? Because it is broken. Do you know where she is going to sleep? Goldilocks looked for a bed to sleep in. She found the bedroom and there she saw three beds. Father Bear’s bed was very big. Mother Bear’s bed was middle-sized and Baby Bear’s bed was very small. Goldilocks got into Father Bear’s bed but it was too hard. She

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climbed off the bed and said, “I don’t like

this bed, it’s too hard.” Next, Goldilocks got

onto Mother Bear’s bed but it was too soft.

She climbed off and said, “I don’t like this

bed, it is too soft.” And then Goldilocks got

onto Baby Bear’s bed. She lay down and

pulled the blanket up and said, “I like this

bed, it’s just right!” Goldilocks closed her

eyes and went to sleep. While Goldilocks

was asleep, the three bears came home.

They were hungry. Father Bear looked at

his bowl of porridge. He was cross and said

in his deep Father Bear voice, “Who’s been

eating my porridge?” Mother Bear looked at

her porridge. She was cross and she said,

“Who’s been eating my porridge?” Baby

Bear looked at his bowl. He was very cross

and he said, “Who’s been eating my

porridge?” Then he said, “It’s all gone!” The

bears looked at their chairs. Father Bear said, “Who’s been sitting on my chair?”

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Mother Bear said, “Who’s been sitting on

my chair?” Baby Bear looked at his chair

and said, “Who’s been sitting in my chair?

And look, it’s broken!” The bears went into

the bedroom. Father Bear looked at his bed

and said, “Who’s been sleeping in my bed?”

Mother Bear looked at her bed and said,

“Who’s been sleeping in my bed?” Baby

Bear looked at his bed and said, “Who’s

been sleeping in my bed? He looked again

and said, “There she is!” Goldilocks got

such a fright, she jumped out of bed and

ran to the window. She climbed out of the

window and she ran and ran and ran. The

three bears never saw Goldilocks again.

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