Story Transcript
Second Grade Homework/Tarea de Segundo Grado
Daily Homework Routine/ Rutina Diaria de tarea:
Week 26
Sight Words/ palabras de vista español: fría, flor, flecha, fería, estrellas, esa
Reading / Lectura :
English: full, fall, fine, eighth, cold, blue
30 minute reading/ leer por 30 minutos
Reading log: fill reading log with at least 3 different books
_______________________________________________________________________________ Anuncios/Anouncements J -Vengan a la lectura cada viernes de 8-8:20am y de 3:40-4pm en la clase de su hija/hijo. - Come and read with us every Friday from 8-8:20 and from 3:40-4pm in your child’s class.
HOMEWORK DUE EVERY MONDAY MORNING! Assignments for the week/Tareas de la semana Math (English and Español)
Sight Words/ palabras de vista (English and Español)
• •
Write 3 times each word/excribe 3 veces cada palabra Pyramid words/palabras pyramides Uscramble/desifra la palabras
Language Arts/ Artes de lenguaje (English and Español)
• • • • •
Capitalization Punctuation – periods Revise Paragraphs Fluency passages Reading log (3 books)
Family (English or Español)
Practice fluency passages in English and Spanish with family
Pyramid Words
Scrambled Words
1. lafl __________________________
2. efni ___________________
3. ulfl __________________________ ___ 5. lbeu _________________________
4. oldc __________________ 6. hghiet ________________
palabras de pirámide
Palabras revueltas
1. íafr ________________________
2. írfae ___________________
3. elsretlas ____________________ ___ 5. aes ________________________
4. leafch _________________ 6. lrof ___________________
Name______________________________________________Fluency Homework—Week 24
Rudyard Kipling: A Life of Adventure His parents were English, but Rudyard Kipling was born in India. And it was his life
in India that made him love stories. Some of his favorite times were when his nanny
would tell tales and sing songs. Rudyard was a happy, growing boy. He played and
painted and explored . Sadly, this happiness ended too soon. When he was five,
Rudyard went to England to live with another family. He was miserable! People
there bullied and beat him. When he read books, he felt like he was escaping into
other worlds. He quickly learned to love reading. At twelve he went to school.
After he made friends he enjoyed being there. By now he wore glasses because
he was nearly blind without them! When he was 15, Rudyard sailed back to India
to work for a newspaper. He spent time writing stories and poems. After several
years he left India to see the world. He visited China and Japan before reaching
California. From there he traveled to Yellowstone, Salt Lake City, and New York.
Finally he sailed back to London. While living there he wrote and wrote and wrote.
And fell in love! He and his wife had three children. During his life, he wrote
dozens of books, stories, and poems. His time in India influenced many of his
famous works like The Jungle Book and Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. Rudyard kept writing until
his death in 1936, but his beautiful poems and stories of adventure will live forever. 249
day 1
day 2
day 3
day 4
words read in 1 minute – number of mistakes = total words read correctly adult initials
Parent Tips Expressive readers change pitch while reading. Their voices go up at the beginning of sentences and down at the end. If a sentence ends with a question mark, their voices go up slightly. This change in pitch signals that the reader understands where different ideas begin and end. Praise your student when you see him demonstrating this skill.
1. Which is an example of cause and effect? o He liked to write stories and poems. o He was born in India. o He made friends, so he liked school. 2. After New York, Rudyard sailed to ______. o Japan o London o India 3. What does the author want to explain with this passage? o Rudyard Kipling led an exciting life that led to exciting stories. o Rudyard Kipling was born in India, but moved to England. o Rudyard Kipling wore glasses and liked to read books. 4. What types of stories do you like to write?
©S.Moorman (Teaching in Room 6), 2003
Name #: ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Pages Read: ________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Book Title: Author:
Thinking It Through Response: Sequencing Write the events of your story in the order they happened. You may use pictures, but must have most of the box filled with words.
Book Title: Author: Pages Read:
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________ Date: _____________________
Comprehension Strategy: Summarize
Write at least 4 sentences telling what happened in the story you read _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
Book Title: ______________________________________________ Author: ______________________________________________ Pages Read: ____________________ Date: _________________
Thinking It Through Response: Describing Create a word web. Remember to only use words that describe the subject of your reading in the word web below.
Ensayo de opinión Tema: para ser miembro de un grupo, uno debe de apreciar personas similares a usted. Describe el “grupo” con que más te identifica y explica por qué te identificas con los miembros de ese “grupo.” Los mejores ensayos tendrán todos estos elementos: oraciones simples y oraciones compuestas; solamente super oraciones; tiene una introducción emocionante (comienza con oración de tema) y un gran final/conclusión (termina con un oración concluyente); tienen un montón de detalles de apoyo (razones y ejemplos); al menos 2 párrafos fuertes; cada páraffo tiene una sangría; utiliza palabras y frases de transición (Para empezar; Una de las razones; Por último; En conclusión; También; La razón más importante; Otra razón). Lo más importante es que tu ensayo esta bien organizado bien escrita! Entrega su mejor trabajo! Prepare su ensayo debajo Oración de tema/idea principal/opinión: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Web de oraciones (Asegúrese de que cada oración es una super oración!)
Opinion Essay Title: _____________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Money Story Problems 1.
Owen went to the store and bought an apple for $0.50 and a banana for $0.15. How much did he spend? Answer:
2. Savannah and Maggie were going shopping. Maggie has $3.90 and Savannah has $1.35. How much money do they have together for shopping?
3. Kristin is buying a new toothbrush that cost $2.00. She has this much money:
! !
Does she have enough money to buy the toothbrush?
4. Amber went shopping and bought a hat for $0.75 and gloves for $1.20. How much money did Amber spend all together? Answer:
5. Connie wants to buy a magazine that is $2.67. She has this much money:
! !
Does she have enough money to buy the magazine?
Answer: 2013 © Berry Creative
Counting Cash Directions: Count the coins and write the total on the line.
7. 2013 © Berry Creative
Por que los Zorros Tienen Miedo de los Perros
Un cuento Tehuelches
Este cuento viene del tiempo de los Tehuelches, una tribu indígena que vivía en lo que hoy es la parte sur de Argentina. En ese tiempo, había muchos zorros y perros, y los zorros no tenían miedo de los perros como hoy día. Pero eso cambió un día gracias a un Zorro bien travieso que decidió meterse con una Perra mamá. Era la hora de la siesta y la Perra estaba dormida al lado de sus cinco cachorritos. El Zorro se acercó a la familia, y, viendo que todos estaban dormidos, empezó a comer cada cachorro, ¡uno por uno! La Perra estaba tan cansada que siguió durmiendo todo el tiempo.
Pero cuando por fin se despertó, descubrió que todos su cachorritos habían desaparecido. Empezó a llorar, aullar y llamar a todos sus hermanos para pedirles ayuda. 9
Uno de sus hermanos sabía quien era. Dijo: -¡Tenía que ser el Zorro! Él siempre está alardeando con todos los demás animales diciendo que puede cazar y comer lo que quiera. ¡Vamos a encontrarlo! Justo en ese momento el Zorro se encontraba escondido debajo de unos arbustos. Y de hecho estaba alardeando de su almuerzo con su amigo el Gato. Le dijo orgullosamente: -Me los comí todos los pequeños cachorritos! Pero el Gato sentía que podían terminar mal las cosas. Le dijo: -Yo creo que los perros andan buscandote en este momento. Ten cuidado, Zorro. Pero al Zorro no le importaban las palabras de su amigo. Empezó a alardear más fuerte. Hasta empezó a cantar:
-¡Vengan, perros, vengan! ¡No les tengo miedo! ¡Aquí estoy, aquí estoy! ¡El Zorro Valiente! En ese instante llegaron todos los Perros y empezaron a morderlo enojado. Después de un tiempo el Zorro se hizo el muerto para que los Perros se fueran. Los Perros dejaron al Zorro mordido y lesionado, temblando de miedo.
Y desde entonces, los zorros nunca se acercan a los perros. 10
Por que los Zorros Tienen Miedo de los Perros Preguntas Nombre __________________________
¿Qué tipo de personaje es el Zorro en este cuento? ¿Cómo lo sabes? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 2. ¿Por qué un hermano de la Perra pensaba que era el Zorro el que se había comido a sus cachorritos? RL.2.1 _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 3. ¿Por qué el Gato le dijo “Ten cuidado” al Zorro? RL.2.1 _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 4. ¿Cómo cambió el Zorro en este cuento? Llena el diagrama. RL.2.3 RL.2.1
Zorro al Final
Zorro al comienzo
5. ¿Cuál es la lección de este cuento? RL.2.2 _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 11
Name _________________________________________________
{ Writing }
Use the information in the passage to add labels to the diagram.
69 writing labels
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is made mostly of gas. When we look at Jupiter, we’re seeing icy clouds of gas racing through the air. One of these gas storms is the Great Red Spot. It’s been blowing for hundreds of years and is so large that 3 earths could fit inside! Circling outside of Jupiter are thin rings made of rocks and dust. It took a long time to find these rings because they are so dark and thin. Also orbiting Jupiter are lots of moons. Four of them are called Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Of these moons, Ganymede is the largest and Europa is the smallest. label the diagram with these words:
Rings Europa Great Red Spot Jupiter Ganymede
© 2012 Second Story Window
Name _________________________________________________
{ Vocabulary }
Fill in the circle next to the word that means almost the same as the underlined word.
context clues L.2.4
1. The squirrel dug a deep hole in the ground at the base of an oak tree.
o bottom
o top
2. He used the hole to cache all of his acorns so no other animals would take them.
o water
o hide
3. He wanted to have plenty of food so when winter came he wouldn’t be famished.
o friendly
o tired
4. All summer long he toiled to gather plenty of acorns.
o worked
o played
5. When winter came, he had enough food to gorge himself during the snowy months.
o brush
o feed