How to landscape your own garden V2 - Miles (2) Flipbook PDF

How to landscape your own garden V2 - Miles (2)

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Here at The Leicester Landscaping Company we aim to deliver your dream garden whilst you sit back and enjoy the progress, knowing we’ll take care of everything for you.

Creating your dream garden begins with the design, without it you could be wasting time, money and energy.

We understand the importance of designing a bespoke garden where everything is tailored specifically for you, down to the last plant and that’s why we create 2D and 3D renders before every project to ensure you love the finished article before we even begin.

We take away the hard work and hassle so you can take part in the fun designing and directing of the projecting, all from the comfort of your home!


TABLE OF CONTENTS About Us Assess Lay of Land Size & Shape Gradient Aspect Design Contemporary Cottage Urban Features Pathways Patio Ponds & Water Features Materials Planting Mixed Borders Wildflower Gardens Formal Planting Trees Privacy Fencing Pergolas Testimonials


ABOUT US At The Leicester Landscaping Company, we pride ourselves on providing unparalleled customer care and client-focused service. Our garden designers will listen carefully to your goals and vision for your outdoor space to create a landscape that fits your lifestyle, right down to the very last detail. All our staff are friendly and approachable, and we go out of our way to make the installation process easy, stress-free, and even exciting! So if you’re looking for experienced landscape gardeners who will listen to your requirements and design a tailored made garden to meet your needs and deliver state-of-theart garden design and bespoke landscaping services, call us today on 0116 442 2617 to discuss your garden transformation.


Not sure if we’re the company for you, here’s 6 reasons why we will make your garden transformation the one you’ve always dreamed of: 360 Degree Approach: Most companies only specialise in one area providing just one service, here at The Leicester Landscaping company we design and build your dream garden to your budget and requirements. Our Experience: Our team of professional landscapers have over a decade years of experience in creating and developing gorgeous gardens.


96.7% Satisfaction Rate: In 2021 completed an astounding 139 projects across our design and build projects with an impressive 96.7% satisfaction rate! Complete Management: We undertake complete management of the project, from initial concept, to garden design and construction to completion and aftercare, making the creation of your new garden a breeze! Free Initial Consultation: To ensure your new outdoor space meets all your needs and requirements, we take the time to sit and discuss your ideas in detail during your *FREE* initial consultation.


THE LAY OF LAND Before you can start planning your dream garden, you need to take a good look at the lay of the land—literally. When it comes to garden landscaping, the site assessment is one of the most important steps. Without an accurate assessment of the land, it’s impossible to create a successful and beautiful garden. Knowing how to assess the size, shape, and gradient of your land can help you plan out your project with confidence, from deciding where the best place to have a seating area would be to finding the best spots for planting. This will require professional equipment to accurately calculate dimensions such as a laser level to ensure no future issues. With careful planning and assessment by us prior to starting work on any landscaping project, homeowners can rest assured knowing their gardens have been designed correctly before committing time or resources towards implementation efforts. Keep reading for a stepby-step guide to assessing your garden space.




SIZE & SHAPE The first thing you need to do is measure the size of your garden plot. Once you have the dimensions, you can start thinking about how to best use the space. If your garden is long and narrow, for example, you might want to create separate areas for different activities such as dining, relaxing, and gardening. If it’s more square or circular, you’ll have more flexibility in terms of design, but it can be trickier. We have vast experience with planning gardens and can make this whole process much simpler, all you need to do is tell us what you want and we’ll deliver. Read on to find out more.

SMALL GARDEN When you have a small garden, it’s important to utilise height. Try using climbers up walls, such as Trachelospermum (star jasmine) to create a dense fragrant living wall or Salvia Microphylla (Kew Red) that has gorgeous foliage. If you have a flat surface that a planter can be placed on, such as a garden wall use Phlox Subulata (McDaniel’s cushion) that will trail down with an abundance of colour. If you can put baskets up high fill them with creepers like Lysimachia nummularia (creeping Jenny) which’ll provide vibrant colour year-round.


SMALL GARDEN CONT. If you would like to make the living wall both practical and aesthetically pleasing, why not plant strawberries or Lollo Rosa (lettuce). All these options will guide the eye upwards to make your garden feel bigger whilst taking up minimal space. If you have the room then plant trees in containers to limit their growth, but ensure the pot isn’t too small or the tree can become root bound and will suffer as a result. The most ideal trees are standards that provide a canopy of foliage and flowers without taking up too much room at ground level - a great choice would be Prunus Cerasifera (Cherry Plum). If you can, section your space into separate areas to encourage exploration and intrigue. Use trellis as screening or bamboo to create depth - make sure to choose the clumping variety as the running options can cause problems further down the line. To make a patio feel bigger make sure to lay the slabs diagonally, this is a great way to create an alfresco seating area that appears larger, choosing the right planting is important to make the most out of your space and we’d be happy to help.

LARGE GARDEN Sometimes having a larger garden can be extremely beneficial but when it comes to design it can be tricky to get right and that’s why we have an extensive planning phase when designing a space to ensure it’s done effectively. Clever use of water features can break up areas and link them together at the same time, why not create a raised water pool that reaches one end of the garden to the other with a waterfall cascading to emulate a modern design - but make sure to use the correct materials that are water-tight and will be long-lasting


LARGE GARDEN CONT. A large space is also the perfect opportunity to install a garden room but make sure to measure the area correctly and take into consideration the direction of the sun. The weight of the garden room will also affect the base on which it stands, and typically will need a concrete pad to sit on. Also, don’t forget to factor in lighting for those late evening social gatherings, you will need a specialist garden lighting electrician if you’re not going for solar options.

If your garden is big enough add drama with large sculptures first decide if you want to have several hidden around the landscape or one centre piece with a path leading to it, lined with neatly trimmed symmetrical trees. If you enjoy eating outdoors create an outdoor kitchen and dining area that will be an ideal setting for parties and special occasions, or just everyday eating. As with a kitchen indoors remember the power of the triangle, plenty of storage and worktop space, you can’t go wrong - you will need a landscape specialist to connect the pipework into the surrounding landscape. Trees are also perfect for large spaces as you can create your very own woodland with statement trees such as Liquidambar Styracifula (Maple tree), Sorbs Aria Lutescens (Whiebeam) or Paper Mulberry.


SHAPE If you have a triangular plot, make use of the corner when everything meets together and create a seating area that has the perfect view of the whole garden. Leading up to the awkward point use light walls or painted fences filled with foliage to soften the area and at the largest place include some showstopping pieces that draw the attention.

If your garden has severe slopes, you will need heavy duty machinery to level it off or create several areas slowing stepping down to break up the levels. Whereas, if you have a small square garden, you can use the same design principals as for interiors, with large mirrors to reflect light and straight lines to create the illusion of space. Another great option is to use circular items that sweep across different areas drawing the eye to somewhere beyond. If you have a narrow space you may suffer from a lack of light, so ensure you choose planting that is textural whilst also shade loving such as ferns, that engage the sense when rustling in the breeze. Use gravel areas and steppingstones lined with an abundance of pots down the sides with clear open space in the centre to create structure.


SHAPE CONT. If you have a long narrow garden, avoid using a path down the centre that will give the illusion of even more length, instead split the garden into several areas of different shapes across the width, with plenty of tall plants to break up the sections, again bamboo would be great here. Sometimes knowing where to start is the hardest part, we have vast knowledge and experience in dealing with awkwardly shaped plots to provide you with a stunning garden.

GRADIENT Next, take a look at the gradient of your garden. Is it perfectly level or sloped? If it’s sloped, is it steep or gentle? Knowing the gradient will help you determine where to place certain features such as terraces, steps, or water features. It will also affect what kind of plants will grow well in your garden. For example, if you have a steep slope, you might want to consider planting drought-tolerant shrubs or grasses that don’t require a lot of watering.

If you would like to level your garden, you first need to contact utility companies and the local council to ensure there are no cable or pipes under the area you’re about to dig up or the use of specialist under ground surveying equipment to identify pipe and cable locations.


GRADIENT CONT. Next you will to need to measure the height of the slope and gradient, you will need a laser level to assure complete accuracy as incorrect levels could cause future issues, such as settlement or flooding. Now you will know how much soil you will need to remove or fill. Turn the soil to soften the ground, ideally when dry, and then water it to make it easier to move. Build a retaining wall by digging a trench across the width to create the lowest point, approximately one foot down. Begin at one end by placing your first concrete block, sleeper, or gabion mesh baskets - ensure its level. Continue until the foundations are complete using the correct binding material dependent upon your chosen material so it’s structurally stable to withstand the pressure of the soil behind. If your garden is steeper than this, create several retaining walls gradually coming down. Then fill the space behind the wall with soil ensuring it is level, use topsoil when finished to ensure a new lawn will be successful. Fixing a gradient can be one of the most tricky and labour intensive parts of a project and it’s always best to employ professionals for a quality finish.


ASPECT Another important consideration is aspect, which refers to the amount of sun or shade your garden receives throughout the day. Knowing this will help you choose plants that will thrive in your particular conditions. For example, if your garden gets full sun all day long, you might want to plant sun-loving flowers such as Roses or Daisies. Or if it’s mostly shady, you could go for ferns or impatiens. The easiest way to find out the aspect of your garden is to stand by your properties wall in the back garden and use a compass to find south - if it’s straight ahead then you have a south facing garden.


ASPECT CONT. South facing gardens get lots of sun and little shade, so against the house utilise what shade you have by using climbers like Parthenocissus Henryana. In the sun, plant Verbena Bonariensis and mediterranean trees like olive or citrus. North facing gardens will receive shade most of the day in some areas, take note of where the sun is during the day. If you get early morning sun plant Hellebores or Pulmonarias that will enjoy the afternoon shade. If you have a West facing garden you will have sun in the afternoon and evening, so ensure the plants you choose will be able to withstand the most powerful rays such as Camellias, Yuccas, and Sedums. East facing gardens will usually only get morning sun which is ideal for a lot of plants as they’ll be protected from the afternoon sun, try planting Honeysuckle or Nicotiana Sylvester’s.

Now that you’ve assessed the lay of the land, it’s time to start planning what design theme you’d like.


DESIGN The designing is often the hardest part of landscaping. You first need to choose the type of design that suits your needs and requirements. There are plenty to choose from and all have their own characteristics. Which option you choose will affect every decision you will need to make in your design, from the materials used to the type of planting and that’s why we are experts in creating the perfect garden.

CONTEMPORARY It’s all about clean lines and structure with modern design, from straight paths and tiled patios to geometric shapes using natural stones. Often perfectly manicured lawns and hedges provide a perfect backdrop to simple blocks of planting and clever use of water features to give soothing movement and sounds. Architecture is the most important aspect of this design, and the use of materials is very important, for a modern look use decorative concrete and composite wood. The overall aesthetic must not look contrived, so make use of geometric lines: squares, rectangles and circles that intersect. Remember to complement the architecture of your home, only use a limited variety of materials that are repeated.


CONTEMPORARY CONT. The patio leading from the house should be curved to juxtapose the straight lines of the property and soften the harsh lines.

Utilise lighting wherever possible to create atmosphere but only use warm lighting for soft drama. If you can, incorporate a water feature to stimulate the senses and create a relaxing space. The clever use of wood and metal sculptures can really set this design off using simple shapes in a minimalist way.

COTTAGE Where planting is allowed to grow wild and clean lines are non-existent. Masses of colourful scented flowers overspill onto narrow pathways that brush against you as you walk by. An abundance of repeated colourful planting surrounds the whole garden. It can take a lot of planning to make something look natural and that’s why we suggest starting with the basics – plant one border and then expand it around the plot.


COTTAGE CONT. For a truly traditional country garden, scented roses are a must but an abundance of wildflowers is the only way to go.

Before you even begin to think about planting you must first prepare the border, remove any grass or weeds, and turn the soil adding compost as you go. Then get ready to plant flowers that will become tightly packed and form a complete and overflowing border – remember you will need to keep on top of them by thinning out when the plants of your choice require it. Add flowers that bring height and texture, such as Alcalthaea suffrutescens ‘Parkfrieden’ and Delphiniums. The most ideal time to plant is autumn when the blaring sun has gone but there are still no frosts in sight, this will allow your plants time to acclimatise to their new home and start to grow before the bad weather comes. But remember the flowers must be allowed to shine by using gravel pathways, steppingstones or even a herringbone path – it may be difficult to lay but it has great impact!


URBAN If you live in a city property you most likely benefit from a courtyard space, but clever design can turn this into something special. Often, they need to be multi-purpose in a small area, perfect for socialising, dining and play time. Minimal design and repeated features provide the biggest impact, the use of an abundance of planting can turn a courtyard into a haven. Of course, a courtyard will most often be lacking space so be clever with the materials and the way you use them to make it feel bigger, such as small wood effect steppingstones repeated in a curved pattern. Don’t be afraid to go wild with pots, as they allow you to move the planting around to any location for a quick spruce up. Or create raised planter beds that have a wide edge that will be perfect for seating too.


FEATURES You have your design theme and now it’s time to sort the layout. Here’s the tricky part, knowing what will go where and how it will look once fully matured. Let’s take a look at some features you might want to use to form a seamless design.

PATHWAYS We recommend using an old hose pipe to lay across the area you wish to put your path so you can visualise how it will look. Once you are happy use white spray paint to define the lines and get digging! Remember when creating a pathway, it must lead to somewhere and it must have visual appeal along the way. If you want a structured look, only use straight lines but if you prefer an informal approach create sweeping and curvy lines, perfect for gardens which are small in width to create the illusion of a bigger space. Next consider the material you wish to use and factor in your design theme. If you would like a contemporary garden use grey Indian sandstone or for a country theme, use golden gravel or mulch to provide an informal feel. When creating a pathway an expert is always the best option to prevent problems with flooding and uneven laying, we have been laying paths for many years and can guarantee success every time.


PATHWAYS CONT. To start creating your path excavate using a digger to 180mm and making sure you have the correct depth with the aim of a laser level, firstly install your ground stabiliser (approx 10mm) then install your hardcore foundation using whacker plate to achieve the correct compaction rate (approximately 100mm), then install your chosen paving with a full mortar bed of 30mm depth and the slab ranging from 20mm-50mm, finally point the paving with a silicone based jointing compound to achieve longer lasting joints. This is the same for pathways and patios

Excavate using a digger to 200mm and making sure you have the correct depth with the aim of a laser level, firstly install your ground stabiliser (approx 5mm) then install your hardcore foundation using whacker plate to achieve the correct compaction rate (approximately 100mm), then install your chosen sett edging to hold the gravel into place at the edges (prevents spilling onto the lawn or other areas) approx 65mm depth onto a cement bed of 30mm. Finally install your chosen decorative gravel to a depth of 50mm throughout the middle of the pathway


PATIO Perhaps the most important part of any garden, the place you will sit and enjoy your design for many years to come. It is the place where memories will be made, where you can sit back and relax or socialise with friends and family and that’s why it’s important to do it right. First consider the best location, you want to be able to see the most attractive parts of your design that offers the most privacy and the right lighting conditions. Maybe you would like a social area for dining that has the perfect view of the sunset or a place to relax and enjoy the afternoon sun. Once you have marked out the location you need to start the prep work.

First use the correct fall for the distance of paving. Measure the area to ensure you have accurate dimensions and create a layout on paper to refer to when laying the patio, to avoid using the wrong slab. Use builders pegs and lines to mark out the area.


PATIO CONT. Ensure each line is perfectly straight and the corners are at perfect right angles. Calculate the depth for the sub-base allowing room for compacted MOT hardcore, a layer of sharp sand, mortar (4:1 - use a full mortar bed to ensure complete support of paving) and the depth of your chosen slab. Dig out to the required depth and level the area and tip the hardcore on, then compact it, lay a thin layer of sand, and then mix the mortar. Start at the corner with the highest point – only lay enough for one slab. Carefully lay the slab and with a rubber mallet tap into position – be gentle as they can crack. Fill any gaps underneath with mortar and a trowel and continue along the first row. Use spacers in each joint to maintain a perfect gap and use a spirit level constantly to check the fall is correct. When it’s time to cut a slab, carefully measure the desired width and mark in pencil on both sides and use an angle grinder to make a clean cut (remember to use the correct safety gear). Leave the patio to try for approximately 48 hours without walking on it and then remove the spacers. Finally point the paving with a silicone based jointing compound to achieve longer lasting joints.


PONDS & WATER FEATURES The perfect addition to any garden. Water provides a relaxing and soothing sound that attracts wildlife and can create a focal point in any design. You need to factor in the sunlight for any pond to create the perfect conditions for plant life to thrive. The soil conditions will affect what sort of liner you will use. Perhaps you’d like a waterfall but don’t have the gradient already there, but you can build one or use preformed moulds. We have created numerous sensational water features and ponds over the years and would be happy to help you with yours.

First locate the best area in the garden for your pond or water feature, if it will be for wildlife, they prefer a sunny spot. Use a hose pipe to create a desired shape and then start digging. You will need heavy machinery for the excavation as there’s always more soil than you think to come out! Once you’ve reached the desired depth level the bottom using a spirit level, make sure to have a sloped area for wildlife to escape if they accidently fall in. Fill the bottom of the hole with sand and then place in the liner ensuring there are no stones underneath.


PONDS & WATER FEATURES CONT. Fill the pond and cover the exposed liner with large stone and start planting, you will need a mixture of oxygenating plants to keep algae at bay as well as marginals that will provide beautiful colour and the jewel – water lilies.


MATERIALS You can use a variety of materials in a garden to emulate your specific design. Perhaps you’d like a rock garden and will need to make the most out of slate and natural materials. A contemporary design lends itself to metal structures and sculptures. Whereas traditional gardens would benefit from reclaimed materials like aged railway sleepers.

PLANTING When it comes to landscaping, there are endless possibilities for design. One important aspect to consider is the planting design. The type of plants you choose will have a big impact on the overall look and feel of your landscape. When working with us you, you will sit down and meet with our plant specialist to assess the most appropriate planting required for your needs.


PLANTING CONT. This will be achieved by a site visit, where we will ask you tailored questions about how much maintenance you want to commit to, when you want the plants to flower and any particular colours you’d prefer etc. From this discussion we will put a planting plan together for our team to install that is approved by you. Here are a few different planting designs to choose from.

MIXED BORDERS A mixed border is a great way to add both height and colour to your landscape. By mixing tall plants with shorter ones, you can create an eye-catching design that is sure to make a statement.

WILDFLOWER GARDENS Wildflower gardens are perfect for homeowners who want a lowmaintenance landscape. As the name suggests, wildflower gardens are filled with native plants and flowers that require little care. This type of garden is great for attracting bees and butterflies, which can help pollinate other plants in your garden.


FORMAL PLANTING If you're looking for a classic planting design, then a formal garden is definitely worth considering. Formal gardens are characterized by their straight lines and symmetrical patterns. Boxwoods and yews are commonly used in formal gardens as they can be easily shaped into hedges.

TREES Trees are an important part of design for any garden no matter the size. They can provide you with year-round interest, for example silver birches will give a stunning visual impact with their unique bark. Or fruit trees like cherry, whose blossom is simply stunning in spring and provides food and shelter for wildlife. Consider both your garden layout and design when deciding what trees to choose, especially learn all about the different varieties, their required root space and positioning.


PRIVACY Nobody wants to be overlooked while they’re out enjoying their garden but often this is the case. But you can create privacy in many ways to keep those prying eyes out. Clever use of fencing and screening provide the traditional methods but can be unsightly. Pleached trees give height, texture, and privacy yearround if you choose the right varieties and soften the landscape perfectly. Try using an Amelanchier lamarckii which although deciduous has beautiful orange leaves in autumn and white flowers in spring, they are perfect for screening and provide a wind break. Or if you are short on ground space use hornbeams which aren’t too fussy about the soil conditions. Another popular choice is Photinia red robin which have stunning red leaves of new growth in the spring, flowers in the winter and waxy evergreen leaves.


FENCING Fencing is a great way to separate your boundary but choosing the right option is important. Fencing is the perfect way to keep your loved ones in and others out! There are three main types: Concrete close board with timber panels Timber feather edge Picket style Fencing is perhaps one of the most important parts of any garden but is often overlooked. It offers security and protection to keep your family and pets safe.


PERGOLAS More often than not you will find a pergola in landscape design because they add both height and drama to any space. If you are capable, you can handcraft one to your specific measurements, but a bespoke pergola usually takes 2-3 days and is a 2-person job. However, there are flat pack options which are cheaper and will be quicker to erect. You will then need to decide what base you will have – typically a patio is laid underneath (see above for details on how to lay it). You will then need to decide what size posts you would like and what material. For the best results a bespoke handcrafted gazebo is best and will last the longest and we are experts in handcrafting and erecting any pergola in no time at all. No matter what type of style you're going for, there are endless possibilities when it comes to landscaping your space. So get creative and have fun experimenting with different styles, plants and material combinations until you find the perfect match for your home!


TESTIMONIALS John Annesley Miles and his team were an outstanding garden design team, they helped design the perfect garden for us. Would have no problems recommending

Oliver Newton Miles is very professional and does not miss any detail with his work and planning. A pleasure to deal with in every way.

George Wright Excellent service from start to finish! Miles and his team designed, project managed, built and have now been maintaining our beautiful new garden! Great guys, we highly recommend!

Kay White, Nottingham First-class service right from the start. Upon meeting Miles for a site survey, we felt confident that we had found the right people to help transform the areas of our garden that were in need of attention. We were kept informed and updated throughout. Considerate, polite and helpful. Very happy with the work done. Thank you, Miles and your team.

Mark Lumby, Bushby Leicester Beyond delighted with the beautiful garden The Leicester Landscaping Company created for us! The quality of the work done and the materials used are faultless. And every member of the team we interacted with was amazing. So professional, friendly and accommodating, even when we asked for additions after they had started the job. If you want a beautiful outdoor space you can look at proudly every day, look no further than this team.


Faye Coulter We’re so happy with the end product. When we moved in we had an unusable garden. We got a quote from Miles and he came and did the garden so quickly so we could be outside during the lovely weather we’re having. We’re thrilled with the quality of the turf and the service we received. Can’t recommend The Vale Landscapers enough.

Maureen Robinson, Grantham They built a large patio for us and did a very professional job. They kept us up-to-date during a difficult time for obtaining materials; all was explained, every minute of the process and nothing was too much trouble for them. Would recommend them to anyone interested in improving or updating their garden.

Julie Berry & Burton Joyce, Nottingham We received several quotes from other companies, along with suggestions for replacing our driveway retaining wall that had collapsed due to its age and the weather conditions. However, The Leicester Landscaping Company impressed us from the start by providing their unique design ideas and suggestions. The quality of the finished result has pleased us enormously and many of our neighbours have stopped to admire it. The team were most professional in their approach, timekeeping was excellent and the project finished on time and on budget. In fact, we were so pleased with every aspect of the job that we asked them to lay a new patio for us, which they were able to do very promptly! This was also completed to a high standard and specification. I would not hesitate to use them again.


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