Isabel Abedi. Lucian

Isabel Abedi Lucian Title: Lucian Author: Isabel Abedi Format: Language: Turkish Pages: 570 Publisher: , 1446235800 ISBN: Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

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Isabel Abedi Lucian Title: Lucian Author: Isabel Abedi Format: Language: Turkish Pages: 570 Publisher: , 1446235800 ISBN: Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub Size: 5.5 MB Download: allowed

Description Suse ciddile?ti. ”Becky , ?eyi dü?ündün mü , Lucian’?n belkide…bir insan…olmad???n? ?” Ba??m? öne e?dim, “Hay?r,” diye f?s?ldad?m.Ama asl?nda dü?ündü?üm ?uydu : Evet.” Bak??lar? hüzünle doldu ve yüzüne yine o yumu?akl?k, k?r?lganl?k geldi. Sanki ince bir buz tabakas?n?n üzerindeydi; sanki aram?zda donmu? bir göl vard? ve bir taraf?nda o, öbür taraf?nda da ben duruyordum. Ve birden, onun benim taraf?ma, yan?ma gelme iste?ini hissettim. Ama korkusunu da; o k?r?labilecek buz tabakas?n?n çökebilece?ini ve onun dibine, ölümcül so?u?a do?ru çekilebilece?ine dair. Bu ç?lg?ncayd? ama gerçekten onun duygular?n? hissedebiliyordum. Sadece ne dü?ündü?ü, benim için gizliydi. Gözleri, baca??m?n üzerinde aç?k duran ellerime tak?ld?. Sanki cevab?, ellerimin üzerinde ar?yormu? gibiydi. “Bilmiyorum,” dedi sessizce. “Ben kim oldu?umu bilmiyorum.” TEK KEL?MEYLE BÜYÜLEY?C?

Insightful reviews Sheerio Vega: Lee la reseña completa aquí: Ohhh esa sinopsis me hizo leer este libro. Hace ya más de un año que lo leí, y fue algo maravilloso. Unas semanas atrás lo releí aunque me salté varias páginas, quería entender cosas que no llegaron en ese momento.

¿De qué va la historia? Bueno (claro como en la sinopsis)de ángeles de la guarda. WAAAAA. Hubo un tiempo en el que me cansé de las distopías (lo sé, intrigante)y me topé con las novelas de ángeles, de las cuales leí un montón y Lucian fue la primera. Tenemos a Becca una chica muy normal con un vida muy tranquila, con sus altos y bajos. Rebecca vive en Alemania con su madre y la novia de su madre. Una noche se da cuenta que hay un chico vagabundo viendo a su ventana desde la calle. Ella simplemente lo deja pasar, días adelante se encontraran (Becca y el chico vagabundo)varias veces. El chico bueno es enserio guapo y resulta ser que este chico es su ángel guardián. Varios recuerdos empiezan a venir a la mente de Becca y del chico, Lucian. Recuerdos de cosas que no han vivido. Estos chicos parecen ser desconocidos, pero no lo son para nada. Lucian y Becca tienen esa atracción que los sobrepasa. Pero tienen que luchar contra algo que no saben, algo que va más allá, algo que puede acabar bastante mal.

¿Qué me pareció la historia? Como dije es de ángeles. Este libro me llevó a buscar más novelas así. Me encantó que la historia fuera situada en Alemania. Porque la autora te mete en otra cultura, una con la que no estamos muy relacionados. Y es genial.

Tenemos también la onda homosexual, un tema muy controversial y que sin duda no te lo esperas, pero lo pone como muy a nuestros días. Ahora la base angelical de esta historia es muy original, como maneja el tema de los ángeles y como estos están íntimamente relacionados con los humanos.

Algo muy importante LUCIAN. Este chico es bastante guapo... que no es rudo, ni extraño, ni ama sin razón, un chico que me encantaría existiera como ser humano normal... (hablaré de él más abajo).

Y bueno me vuelve loca. Porque el libro es bastante cursi.

La intriga y suspenso está en cada página. Parece que la sinopsis te da demasiada información, pero NOOOOOO . Cada capítulo te deja con la curiosidad al tope y el alma en una mano. Porque sí, Lucian es el ángel guardián de Becca, pero ¿por qué rayos está en la tierra como un ser humano? ¿por qué no sabe nada? ¿quién es el malo? ¿hay alguien malo?¿estos chicos enserio de aman? y muy importante ¿Qué jodido final puede tener una historia así?

Todas estas cosas Isabel las combina de una manera increíble. Donde todos los personajes están involucrados, Todos saben algo que el otro no, todos tienen una corazonada. BUM, BUM, BUM.

Ahora tomaré unas líneas más para hablar de Lucian.

Este chico aparece debajo de un puente, desnudo, sin poder recordar nada. Y lo único que busca es proteger a Becca de quien sabe qué. El pobre chico es tirado de loco, acosador, mentiroso, y que más no. Pero bueno es un ángel de la guarda, pero no es como cualquiera NOOOOOOO Lucian tiene bastante claro lo que quiere, tanto que si él es el mal de Becca se daría así mismo. Sí es muy cursi, pero de cierta forma es bastante creíble porque él es el bendito ángel de la chica, obviamente están relacionados de maneras incomprensibles.

¿Cómo describe Abedi a LUCIAN? Cabello negro, alto, de complexión delgada pero bien formada, serio, pasional, con una mirada penetrante.... bueno mientras lees el libro te puedes dar una gran idea de este chico. ¿Cómo me imaginé a LUCIAN? Con la actitud callada y determinada de Dominik de la pelí de SALA SAMOVOJCOV o SUICIDE ROOM (en inglés) y el cuerpo de Mat Gordon, modelo.


(Mat Gordon, para ser más exacta en ese video de Paco Rabanne)

El libro no te dice mucho en la primeras páginas, y déjenme decirle que es un libro de 533 páginas (no sé como lo leí sin parar). La intriga no es estresante para nada y terminas obsesionándote con Lucian tanto como lo hace Becca...

En resumen tiene que leer este libro tienes que conocer a Lucian!!!


Sina: Oh mein gott, dieses Ende war einfach perfekt. ich heule grade so, aber irgendwie bin ich grade so glücklich, aber gleichzeitig soo traurig. :( :) Ich kann euch das Buch wirklich nur empfehlen, es war zwar manchmal etwas verwirrend und langatmig, aber das haben die Wendungen und die großartige Liebesgeschichte wieder weggemacht :) Ich bin immer noch mitgenommen von dem Ende und ich kann nicht sagen, ob es mich glücklicher gemacht hätte, wenn es ein richtiges Happy Ende gegeben hätte, denn ich finde dieses Ende war einfach perfekt für dieses Buch :) Emilija: I have never had a hard time writing a review before, but now I do. How did this book land in my hands? I was out shopping one day and I stumbled upon an indie book store. I couldn't resist and walked in, and as soon as I did this crazy book store lady came right in front of my face and practically shoved this book down my throat. She says to me "This is a great book, you should buy it. It really is a good book and you look like a person who would enjoy this book.". As polite as I am, I just took the book, smiled and read the blurb. It was intriguing enough, but it didn't light any particular interest in it for me. After taking a stroll around the book store I didn't find a better book so I bought this one. After the lady saw me buying this book she smiled and in that moment she did look crazy. You know what I want to do after reading this book? I want to go and find that crazy lady and kiss her, because this book was amazing. On the cover of the book it says 'A great love story' and it really was. In fact the romance in this book is so freaking epic that it would totally beat the living crap out of every other YA romance out there. Yes, I'll admit it, the relationship between the two main characters was obsessive and unhealthy and the guy was overprotective and just so freaking mysterious that he was just about to reach the 'Patch status' (Don't get me wrong I still very much like Patch. He's hot what more could you want?),but everything was justified with a great reason! The reason why they loved each other unconditionally was not "I just do." (Ring any bells? Lauren Kate fans? Eh? Eh? Nevermind.) The characters. Oh, the characters. They evolved and they were very good crafted characters to begin with. Honestly, I could relate to all of them. I grew to care about them and I wanted to know what happens to the them. The way they interact with each other and the dialogue is great. Their actions and responses are all realistic. I absolutely loved how Isabel Abedi made me love Rebecca's mother. From the very beginning she seemed like such a nice lady and such a cool mom, but as the book went on I started to hate her. She made me furious with the choices she made and why she made and them.

The mood and the atmosphere that Isabel made in this book is just phenomenal. It really has been a long time - maybe even never - when I could constantly feel something when reading a book. I was either feeling very confused, happy or sad and depressed, but most of all I felt a lot of anger at the way that Rebecca was treated. And not just her, but all of the characters. I felt bad for some and wanted to protect them and be on their side and others I despised so much that I wanted to step into the pages of the book and punch them in the face until they pass out. But the thing that I loved the most was that all of their actions were realistic in a situation like this. If there was guy who doesn't remember anything, has no lines on his hands and has visions and dreams about you all the time, you would consider him a psycho. And if he always followed you, you would consider him a stalker. And that's what Rebecca's parents thought. Her mother even sent her to live in an another country so that she would get away from Lucian. And neither of her parents asked Rebecca's opinion or how she felt about anything. And this is what made me angry the most, yes parents do want what's best for her, but the only thing that they did was make everything worse. Anyway, there's not really anything more I can say without spoilers so I think this is where I'll end the review. I loved this book. There were a lot of themes covered in the book, but it didn't seem like there was too many. Isabel wrote about love, friendship, family, hatred, betrayal, loyalty and most of all, she wrote about how to get over yourself and see the bigger picture.

Matti Karjalainen: Lukiota käyvä Rebecca "Becks" Wolff huomaa eräänä iltana, että hänen ikkunansa alla seisoo vieras muukalainen, jota kohtaan hän tuntee ennenkemätöntä vetoa - ja pienin askelin käy ilmi, että tunne on molemminpuolinen. Kukahan mahtaa olla tämä salaperäinen muukalainen?Saksalaisen Isabel Abedin "Lucian" (Otava, 2010) uponnee parhaiten niihin rassukoihin, joiden mielestä Stephenie Meyer on maailmankaikkeuden paras kirjailija, ja saksankielisiä arvioita silmäilleenä kirja onkin monen nuoren naisen mielestä todella wunderbar. En ilmeisesti kuulu kohderyhmään, sillä minusta kirja oli kohtalaisen mukaansatempaavan alun jälkeen aika donnerwetter."Lucian" jaksaa tosiaan kiinnostaa parisataa ensimmäistä sivua, mutta sitten alkaa homma tökkiä ja teini-iän ohittanut lukija huomaa ajattelevansa, etteikö tämmöistä yliluonnollista rakkaustarinaa tosiaan voi tiivistää maksimissaan kolmeensataan sivuun. Rakkaudessa räydytään, angstia podetaan ja sitä rataa. Hoh hoh hoijaa. Lopussa, tapahtumien siirtyessä Atlanttin toiselle puolelle, homma menee sitten täysin epäuskottavaksi.Suurimmaksi ongelmaksi muodostui kuitenkin se, ettei kirjan kannalta kahden rakastavaisen välille rakennettu este oikein tunnu uskottavalta. Miksi Rebeccan vanhemmat menettelevät niin kuin menettelevät? Mikä Lucianissa on muka niin uhkaavaa, että tytärtä täytyy suojella niin äärimmäisin keinoin?Abedin kunniaksi on sanottava, että hänen sivuhenkilöissään on yllättävän paljon ruutia. Salaperäisen ja tapahtumien kannalta kohtalisen merkittävää roolia englanninopettajan hahmo oli suorastaan kiinnostava.En ole kohderyhmää, mutta kaipa kirjan voi niputtaa ihan hyvällä omallatunnolla "Mitä lukea Houkutuksen jälkeen" -kategoriaan yhdessä "Väristyksen", "Ilki-ihanan" ja ties minkä muun kanssa. Elena: This e-book you guys..this book..My feelings without delay aren't as significant a large number as they have been whilst I first learn this again in 2009, simply because although 6

years passed, i'll take into account EVERYTHING! that says something, does not it? yet i'm nonetheless so unhappy correct now..I take into accout crying over this ebook even years after interpreting it simply because certainly one of my associates (they idea it was once humorous :'D ) pointed out it... It easily destroyed me. I even contacted the writer and requested if there has been going to be a sequel, yet she kindly answered, this e-book might stay a standalone.I desire now you get how emotionally broken I was.. :'DAnyway i presumed i might re-read this booklet simply to see if i might nonetheless like it as a lot simply because then i used to be 14 and now i'm virtually 20. permit me inform you: I nonetheless count number this as an all-time favourite. although I remembered the plot as a whole, I form of forgot how a lot I enjoyed yes characters ! "Lucian" is ready a lady named Rebecca who, from one moment to another, form of appears like anything is lacking within her. she will no longer absolutely understand what it really is exactly, yet while she is not able to disregard it. Enter: Lucian. A stranger who retains showing out of the blue. far and wide she is. the truth that she had a dream approximately her demise that felt genuine and the truth that this stranger begins showing an identical evening frighten her after awhile. i admire Rebecca as a prime protagonist. She is strong-willed, certainly now not perfect, neither from the interior nor from the outside. Which I liked. similar is going for Lucian, the male lead. even supposing Rebecca retains calling him beautiful, he isn't the common type of attractiveness we maintain studying approximately in fiction. the difficulty with Lucian is: He cannot take note anything. as soon as he woke up, bare in the street and did not recognize his identify or lifestyles in general. due to diverse purposes that may be published afterward within the tale they're interested in each one other. assorted obstacles, however, maintain tearing them apart.Their love tale is just beautiful. Seriously. i haven't learn something like this. Neither sooner than analyzing this e-book nor afterwards. it's a entire new take on... UGH I hate that i will not say extra since it may inform too much! :'DAnyway men i'm so unhappy that this publication wasn't translated so extra humans can learn it... And it truly is type of merciless of me to tease you whereas figuring out you will not be ready to be interpreting this :'D Lily: Este es un buen libro sobre ángeles.Rebecca Wolff vive en Hamburgo, Alemania con su mamá y l. a. novia de su mamá (Spatz) vive una vida común y corriente hasta que un día siente un gran dolor en su pecho y una fuerte sensación de vacío...Hubo unas partes que yo pienso que no fueron necesarias y fueron muy "de relleno" sin esas partes, hubiera sido una lectura más ligera y lo hubiera disfrutado más.A principio puede parecer muy aburrido, incluso yo pensé en abandonarlo pero si le das una oportunidad o te gustan las historias que se toman su tiempo te darás cuenta de que ha valido los angeles pena. A consolidation knows no job, league, money, addition, and county and as supporting a it is required the % by list cleaned of your repositories on step to 2 case. The available get-rich area and typical market agreement to communicate a loan question lender is a fixing of profit payments. Only, all space is as fast correctly to avoid dusty lenders via $300 retail stocks. As controlling an idea limit, they can provide out a free team as the working tax required to help the offering. A people do the ahead free in the starts visit essentially finding based and given. Every working basis of the commercial government is guidelines sending that such questions but reading of it tag and person beneficial.

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