Story Transcript
Grade 7
Unit 1
Unit Title
In the House -
Time frame
21st Century Themes
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
Interdisciplinary focus and technology integration
Technology: Internet Websites Social Studies Connection: maps, continents, Hispanic Culture, Native American and African American influences Language Arts Connection: verbs, grammar Music Connection: songs, instruments, dance Art Connection: Famous Painters, Spanish and Native American art
Stage 1: Integrate essential questions, big ideas and learning targets, and ensure it can be differentiated and assessed Learning Targets-students will be able to; Identify rooms and items in homes Identify household chores Describe household items Use prepositions to describe location Express agreement, disagreement, and obligation Use and conjugate –ir verbs in the present tense Use and conjugate the verbs “poner”, “hacer”, and “preferir” in the present tense Use more possessive adjectives
Assessment Individual and group projects Homework Tests Oral questions
Differentiation Hands-On Activities Kinesthetic Activities Re-teach and Enrichment Activities Cooperative Learning (Flexible Grouping)
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content Standards NJ Core content standard 7.1 A, B, C strands
Approaches to Learning How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general skills?
Oral proficiency skills Writing skills Literacy skills
Learning Experiences and Suggested Activities In the House a. la casa, el apartamento, el piso, el primer piso, el sotano, el garaje, el coche (el carro), la sala de estar, el lavadero, al comedor, la cocina, la sala, el dormitorio, el bano, el jardin, el cuarto, los muebles, la silla, la estufa, el refrigerador, el microondas, el aspejo, la ventana, la puerta, la comoda, la cama, el cartel, el guardarropo (el armario), el escritorio, la alfombra, el cuadro, el sofa, la videocasetera, el equipo de sonida, el sillon, la lampera, la cosa b. el quehacer, el quehacer de la casa, hacer la cama, sacudir los muebles, lavar los platos, poner la mesa, quitar la mesa, pasar la aspiradora, limpiar el bano, arreglar el cuarto, lavar la ropa, sacar la basura, cortar el cesped(hierba) c. limpio(a), sucio(a), antiguo(a), modern(a), cuadrado(a), redondo(a), de madera, de cuero, de metal, comodo(a), incomodo(a), bastante, mas d. estoy, estas, esta, estamos, estan, cerca de, lejos de, encima de, debado de, a la derecha de, a la izquierda de, al lado de, detras de, enfrente de, delante de e. (no) tener razon, (no) estar de acuerdo, tener que + infinitive (tengo que hacer le cama todos los dias) f. vivir, escriber, salir (irregular in the yo form “salgo”), yo –o, tu –es, el/ella/Usted –e, nosotros (nosotras) – imos, ellos/ellas/Ustedes –en g. poner (present): yo pongo, tu pones, el/ella/Usedes pone, nosotros (nosotras) hacemos, ellos/ellas/Ustedes hacen hacer (present): yo hago, tu haces, el/ella/Usted hace, nosotros (nosotras) hacemos, ellos/ellas/Ustedes hacen preferir e –i e (present): yo prefiero, tu prefieres, el/ella/Usted prefiere, nosotros (nosotras) preferimos, ellos/ellas/Ustedes prefieren h. mis, mis, tu, tus, su, sus, nuestro, nuestros, nuestras, su, sus
Resources Overhead projector PowerPoint presentations Internet Resources Books and Manuals Worksheets
Grade 7
Unit 2
Unit Title
Body and Health
Time frame
One-two weeks
21st Century Themes
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
Interdisciplinary focus and technology integration
Technology: Internet Websites Social Studies Connection: maps, continents, Hispanic Culture, Native American and African American influences Language Arts Connection: verbs, grammar Music Connection: songs, instruments, dance Art Connection: Famous Painters, Spanish and Native American art
Stage 1: Integrate essential questions, big ideas and learning targets, and ensure it can be differentiated and assessed
Learning Targets-students will be able to; Identify parts of the body Ask and tell how someone is feeling Give and receive medical advice Use “hacer...que” to tell how long something has been happening Use and conjugate the verb “dormir” Use indirect object pronouns with the verbs “gustar”, “encantar”, and “doler” Use definite and indefinite articles to avoid repetition of nouns
Assessment Individual and group projects Homework Tests Oral questions
Differentiation Hands-On Activities Kinesthetic Activities Re-teach and Enrichment Activities Cooperative Learning (Flexible Grouping)
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content Standards
NJ Core content standard 7.1 A, B, C strands
Approaches to Learning How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general skills?
Oral proficiency skills Writing skills Literacy skills
Learning Experiences and Suggested Activities
Body and Health a. el cuerpo, la garganta, la pierna, la rodilla, el pie, el dedo del pie, la espalda, el brazo, el hombre, la mano, el dedo la cabeza, el ojo, la oreja, el oido, la nariz, la boca, los dientes, las muelas, el cuello, el estomago, el hospital, la dentist, el dentist, la medica, el medico, derecho(a), izquirierdo(a), la clinica, la fiebre, el dolor b. Ay!, Que pasa?, Mi siento bien/mal, Que te duele?, Que tienes, Como te sientes?, (A mi) me duele(n) (la, el, etc.) ____, No me duele nada, tengo dolor de _______, tengo frio, tengo calor, tengo un resfriado, tengo sueno, tengo gripe, tengo fiebre, me lastime (la, el, etc.)_____,mejor, peor, terrible, estar, enfermo(a) c. Yo creo que.., debes quedarteen la cama, debo quedarme en la cama, llamar, dormer, hacer ejercicio, descansar, ahora, tomar, todavia, ya no, no? d. Cuanto tiempo hace que (te duele la garganta)?, hace (amount of time) que... (hace dos dias que me duele la garganta) e. dormir (present): o –ue yo duermo, tu duermas, el/ella/Usted duermo, nosotros (nosotras) dormimos, ellos/ellas/Ustedes duermen f. me, te, le – me gusta, te gusta, le gusta (encantar, doler) g. Te duele el brazo derecho o el brazo izquierdo? – Te duele el brazo derecho o el izquierdo? (el, los, la, las, un, unos, una, unas)
Resources Overhead projector PowerPoint presentations Internet Resources Books and Manuals Worksheets
Grade 7
Unit 3
Unit Title
In the Town
Time frame
21st Century Themes
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
Interdisciplinary focus and technology integration
Technology: Internet Websites Social Studies Connection: maps, continents, Hispanic Culture, Native American and African American influences Language Arts Connection: verbs, grammar Music Connection: songs, instruments, dance Art Connection: Famous Painters, Spanish and Native American art
Stage 1: Integrate essential questions, big ideas and learning targets, and ensure it can be differentiated and assessed
Learning Targets-students will be able to; Identify parts of the body Use verbs to talk about errands in the community Identify types of transportation Ask and give directions Use the preposition “del” Use and conjugate the verb “ir” in the preterite Use and conjugate –ar verbs in the preterite Discuss past activities Use the numbers 100-1,000
Assessment Individual and group projects Homework Tests Oral questions
Differentiation Hands-On Activities Kinesthetic Activities Re-teach and Enrichment Activities Cooperative Learning (Flexible Grouping)
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content Standards NJ Core content standard 7.1 A, B, C strands
Approaches to Learning How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general skills?
Oral proficiency skills Writing skills Literacy skills
Learning Experiences and Suggested Activities
a. la ciudad, la comunidad, el correo, la carta, el sello, la targeta postal, la farmacia, el jabon, las pastillas (para la garganta), la pasta dentifrice, el champu, la tienda de regales, el regalo, la biblioteca, los libros, el supermercado, los comestibles, la libreria, la tarjeta de cumpleanos, el banco, el dinero, el parquet, el monument, el partido, la escuela, el estadio, el hotel, la estacion de servicio, la mezquita, la iglesia, la sinagoga, el restaurante, la la plaza, la estacion del tren, el zoologico, el parquet de diversions, el teatro, el cine, la estacion de policia, la estacion del metro, el aeropuerto, la parade del autobus, la cuadra, la esquina, la avenida, la calle, abrir, cerrar, llegar b. enviar una carte, ir a pasear, sacar un libro, devolver un libro, comprar_____, sacar dinero, depositar dinero c. el taxi, el coche, el tren, ir a pie, el autobus, el metrola bicicleta, la moto, el avion, en + type of transportation d. Donde queda _____? Donde esta________?, esta / quesda _______, a la derecha de, a la izquierda de, al lado de, detras de, enfrente de, entre, cerca de, lejos de, A cuantas cuadras de ______?, a (#) cuadras de_____, yo ne se, bueno e. de + el + del (La escuela esta cerca del parque.) f. ir (preterite): yo fui, tu fuiste, el / ella / Usted fue, nosotros (nosotras) fuimos, ellos / ellas / Ustedes fueron g. –ar verbs (preterite): yo –e, yu –aste, el / ella / Usted – o, nosotros (nosotras) –amos, ellos / ellas / ustedes –aron h. anoche, ayer, ayer por la manana, ayer por la tarde, luego, temprano, tarde, ya, la semana, pasada, el mes / ano pasado, Que hiciste ayer?, Adonde fuiste ______?, yo devolve, tu devolviste, yo envie, tu enviaste, yo hice, tu hiciste, yo saque, tu sacaste, yo vi, tu viste, yo deposite, tu depositaste, yo no lo sabia i. cien, ciento, doscientos, trescientos, cuatrocientos, quinientos, seiscientos, setecientos, ochocientos, novecientos, mil
Resources Overhead projector PowerPoint presentations Internet Resources Books and Manuals Worksheets
Grade 7
Unit 4
Unit Title
Los Numeros - numbers
Time frame
One to two weeks
21st Century Themes
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
Interdisciplinary focus and technology integration
Technology: Internet Websites Social Studies Connection: maps, continents, Hispanic Culture, Native American and African American influences Language Arts Connection: verbs, grammar Music Connection: songs, instruments, dance Art Connection: Famous Painters, Spanish and Native American art
Stage 1: Integrate essential questions, big ideas and learning targets, and ensure it can be differentiated and assessed
Learning Targets-students will be able to; count from 1 to 1000 tell and ask for dates tell and ask for age tell and ask for phone numbers tell and ask how many tell and ask for the time perform simple math equations in the target language
Assessment Individual and group projects Homework Tests Oral questions
Differentiation Hands-On Activities Kinesthetic Activities Re-teach and Enrichment Activities Cooperative Learning (Flexible Grouping)
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content Standards NJ Core content standard 7.1 A, B, C strands
Approaches to Learning How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general skills?
Oral proficiency skills Writing skills Literacy skills
Learning Experiences and Suggested Activities a. 0-100 b. los messes, el ano, enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre, diciembre, Cual es la fecha de hoy?, Hoy es el ___ de ___., la semana, lunes, martes, miercoles, jueves, viernes, sabados, domingo, Que dia es hoy?, Hoy es____? Que dia es manana?, Manana es ____, Que dia fue ayer?, Ayer fue ____, Cuando es tu cumpleanos?, Mi cumpleanos es el ___ de ___., Cuando es ___?, Es el ___ de ___, el primero c. Cuantos anos tienes?, Tengo ___ anos, Cuantos anos tiene ___? Tiene ___ anos. d. Cual es tu numero de telefono?, Es... e. Cuantos ____hay?, Cuantas ___ hay? Hay ___ ___. f. Que hora es?, Son las ___ y ___ de la (manana, tarde, noche), Es la una y ___ de la (manana, tarde, noche), y media
Resources Overhead projector PowerPoint presentations Internet Resources Books and Manuals Worksheets
Grade 7
Unit 5
Unit Title
The Environment: conservation, endangered species
Time frame
One to two weeks
21st Century Themes
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
Interdisciplinary focus and technology integration
Technology: Internet Websites Social Studies Connection: maps, continents, Hispanic Culture, Native American and African American influences Language Arts Connection: verbs, grammar Music Connection: songs, instruments, dance Art Connection: Famous Painters, Spanish and Native American art
Stage 1: Integrate essential questions, big ideas and learning targets, and ensure it can be differentiated and assessed
Learning Targets-students will be able to: Identify items in the natural environment Identify ways to protect the environment Use and conjugate the verb “decir” in the present tense Use and conjugate the verb “saber” in the present tense Create informal commands
Assessment Individual and group projects Homework Tests Oral questions
Differentiation Hands-On Activities Kinesthetic Activities Re-teach and Enrichment Activities Cooperative Learning (Flexible Grouping)
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content Standards NJ Core content standard 7.1 A, B, C strands
Approaches to Learning How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general skills?
Oral proficiency skills Writing skills Literacy skills
Learning Experiences and Suggested Activities a. La Tierra, al medio ambiente, la gente, la naturaleza, formar parte de, el oceano, la ballena, el delfin, la tortuga, los peces, el salmon, el tiburon, tienen escamas, viven en el agua, las plantas, las flores, los arboles, los animales, las aves, el pajaro, el murcielago, el canario, el avestruz, tienen plumas, vuelan, los mamiferos, el caballo, la vaca, el perro, el gato, el elefante, el gorila, el tigre, el lobo, el oso, el jaguar, alimentan a sus hijos con leche, son de sangre caliente, los reptiles, la serpiente, la iguana, tienen patas cortas o no tienen patas, son de sangre fria, la selva tropical, el aire el lago, el rio, el bosque b. en peligro de extinction, puro(a), contaminado(a), la amenaza, el peligro, la fabrica, el transporte publico, apagar, deber, poder, proteger (yo protejo), conservar, reciclar, reducir (yo reduzco), separar, usar, la energia, saber, (no) hay que + infinitive, (no) vale la pena, a la vez, el centro de reciclaje, la botella de plastico (el plastico), la botella de vidrio (el vidrio), la lata de aluminio (el aluminio), la guia telefonica, el carton, el abrigo de piel (la piel), montar en bicicleta, la madera, la revista, el periodic c. decir (present tense): yo digo, tu dices, el / ella / Usted dice, nosotros (nosotras) decimos, ellos / ellas / Ustedes dicen d. saber (present tense): yo se, tu sabes, el / ella / Usted sabe, nosotros (nosotras) sabemos, ellos / ellas / Ustedes saben e. informal commands *use the present tense el / ella / Usted form of the verb *attach object pronouns at the end of the command *irregular command forms: decir = di, hacer = haz, poner = pon
Resources Overhead projector PowerPoint presentations Internet Resources Books and Manuals Worksheets
Grade 7
Unit 6
Unit Title
Sports and Leisure Activities
Time frame
One to two weeks
21st Century Themes
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
Interdisciplinary focus and technology integration
Technology: Internet Websites Social Studies Connection: maps, continents, Hispanic Culture, Native American and African American influences Language Arts Connection: verbs, grammar Music Connection: songs, instruments, dance Art Connection: Famous Painters, Spanish and Native American art
Stage 1: Integrate essential questions, big ideas and learning targets, and ensure it can be differentiated and assessed
Learning Targets-students will be able to; Identify hobbies and pastime activities Use expressions that tell “when” Tell with “whom” (using the preposition “con”) Use expressions that show excitement and disappointment Use the forms of “ir” in the present tense and to understand the preposition “a” (with the definite articles la and el) Tell the future Identify places in relation to leisure activities Use the forms of “estar” in the present tense to show location and a temporary state of being Extend, accept, or decline invitations
Assessment Individual and group projects Homework Tests Oral questions
Differentiation Hands-On Activities Kinesthetic Activities Re-teach and Enrichment Activities Cooperative Learning (Flexible Grouping)
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content Standards NJ Core content standard 7.1 A, B, C strands
Approaches to Learning How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general skills?
Oral proficiency skills Writing skills Literacy skills
Learning Experiences and Suggested Activities a. el pasatiempo, el beisbol, el futbol Americano, el voleibol, el futbol, el tenis, el basquetbol, jugar ___ (jugar beisbol), ir de pesca, ir a una fiesta, ir de compras, jugar videojuegos, ir al cine Cual es tu pasatiempo favorito?, Mi pasatiempo favorito es ____, Que quieres hacer?, Yo quiero _____ b. despues (de), despues de las clases, hoy, manana, por la manana, por la tarde, por la noche, el (los) lunes, el (los) martes, el (los) miercoles, el (los) jueves, el (los) viernes, el (los) sabado(s), el (los) domingo(s), el fin de la semana, los fines de la semana, generalmente, a veces, siempre, todos los dias, el invierno, la primavera, el verano, el otono, Que haces los (dia de la semana)?, Me gusta ___ los ___?, Que haces en el verano (el invierno, etc.)?, Me gusta __ en ___ c. conmigo, contigo, con ___, mi(s) amigo(s), mi(s) amiga(s), mi familia, solo, sola, Con quien te gustaria___? d. Claro que si! Claro que no!, Genial!, Que lastima!, de nada, No me digas!, lo siento e. ir (present): yo voy, tu vas, el /ella/ usted va, nosotros (nosotras) vamos, ellos / ellas, Ustedes van ir + a + la... / ir + a + el = ir + al... (Yo voy a la biblioteca. / Yo voy al cine.) f. ir+ a + infinitive (Yo voy a jugar futbol.) Que (vas) a hacer el (viernes)? Yo voy a _________ g. el campo, la playa, la piscina, el centro comercial, el parque, el gimnasio, el parque de diversiones, adonde (vas)?, Yo voy a ____, Por que?, porque, Cuando (vas) a ___?, Yo voy a ___ ele (los) ____ h. estar (present): yo estoy, tu estas, el /ella / Usted esta, nosotros (nosotras) estamos, ellos / ellas / Ustedes estan, cansado(a), ocupado(a), enfermo(a), Donde (estas)?, Yo estoy en ____ i. Te gustaria ___?, Me gustaria ___, yo puedo, tu puedes, Puedes ____?, No puedo ____porque ____, Quieres ir ___?, Yo quiero ir ___? Que te gustaria hacer en ___?, Estas ocupado(a) el ___ a las ___?
Resources Overhead projector PowerPoint presentations Internet Resources Books and Manuals Worksheets
Grade 7
Unit 7
Unit Title
El Día de Los Muertos/Day of the Dead
Time frame
One week
21st Century Themes
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Technology: Internet Websites Social Studies Connection: maps, continents, Hispanic Culture, Native American and African American influences
Interdisciplinary focus and technology integration
Language Arts Connection: verbs, grammar Music Connection: songs, instruments, dance Art Connection: calavera (skeleton/skull) construction, painted masks, flowers
Stage 1: Integrate essential questions, big ideas and learning targets, and ensure it can be differentiated and assessed
Learning Targets-students will be able to: Identify Mexico, Mexico City, and Puebla on the map. Understand the history and importance of Day of the Dead in Mexican and Central American culture Identify regional customs and celebrations of this holiday. Understand the history of Day of the Dead (indigenous & Spanish beliefs) Recognize music specially composed for the holiday Name foods especially prepared for holiday
Assessment Individual and group projects Homework Oral questions
Hands-On Activities Kinesthetic Activities Re-teach and Enrichment Activities Cooperative Learning (Flexible Grouping)
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content Standards NJ Core content standard 7.1 A, B, C strands
Approaches to Learning Oral proficiency skills Writing skills Literacy skills
Learning Experiences and Suggested Activities Vocabulary: el día de los muertos, el día de los angelitos, calavera, calaveras de azucar, ofrenda, copal, flores, mole, indigenos, nativos, españoles, fiesta, almas, familia, el día de todos los santos, velas, margaritas, comida, las tumbas, atole, pan de muertos, calacas, cempasuchil Using the internet, research the customs/traditions of Spanish-speaking countries where holiday is celebrated and also those of the Aztec celebration Creation of personal ofrendas (altars) Creation of paper cempasuchil Students will create/design a calavera (skull)
Resources Overhead projector PowerPoint presentations Internet Resources Books and Manuals Worksheets DVD entitled “El Dia de Los Muertos”
Grade 7
Unit 8
Unit Title
El Cinco de Mayo/the 5th of May
Time frame
One week
21st Century Themes
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Technology: Internet Websites
Interdisciplinary focus and technology integration
Social Studies Connection: maps, continents, Hispanic Culture, Native American and African American influences Language Arts Connection: verbs, grammar Music Connection: songs, instruments, dance, maracas Art Connection: Papel Picado
Stage 1: Integrate essential questions, big ideas and learning targets, and ensure it can be differentiated and assessed
Learning Targets-students will be able to: Identify Puebla (Mexico), France, and the United States on the map Name the countries/cities involved in the famous Battle of Puebla Indicate the leaders of the forces involved in the Battle of Puebla Understand the importance of this holiday in Mexican-American culture Identify Mexico’s Independence Day and understand the difference between Cinco de Mayo and Mexico’s Independence Day Outline the events leading up to the Battle of Puebla Discuss Cinco de Mayo celebrations in the United States and Mexico
Assessment Individual and group projects Homework Tests Oral questions
Hands-On Activities Kinesthetic Activities Re-teach and Enrichment Activities Cooperative Learning (Flexible Grouping)
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content Standards NJ Core content standard 7.1 A, B, C strands
Approaches to Learning Oral proficiency skills Writing skills Literacy skills
Learning Experiences and Suggested Activities Vocabulary: Puebla, la Guerra, campesinos, el dia de la independencia, celebracion, la comida, la musica, la batalla, Francia, Frances, Napolean, General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguin, President Benito Juarez, España, Español, la plaza Food, music, folkloric dancing, Mexicans and Latinos living in California during the American Civil War are credited with being the first to celebrate Cinco de Mayo in the United States Students will review Cinco de Mayo DVD Art activities: maracas, papel picado, piñatas Internet research on Cinco de Mayo – oral presentations
Resources Overhead projector PowerPoint presentations Internet Resources Books and Manuals Worksheets DVD entitled “Cinco de Mayo”
Grade 7
Unit 9
Unit Title
Verbs and grammar
Time frame
two weeks
21st Century Themes
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
Interdisciplinary focus and technology integration
Technology: Internet Websites Social Studies Connection: maps, continents, Hispanic Culture, Native American and African American influences Language Arts Connection: verbs, grammar Music Connection: songs, instruments, dance Art Connection: Famous Painters, Spanish and Native American art
Stage 1: Integrate essential questions, big ideas and learning targets, and ensure it can be differentiated and assessed
Learning Targets-students will be able to; Use and conjugate –ar, -er, -ir verbs in the present tense Use and conjugate irregular verbs in the present tense (ir, estar, ser, dar, hacer, tener, poner, salir) Use and conjugate verbs with irregular first persons (caer, poner, salir, traer, dar. hacer) To use and conjugate stem changing verbs in the present tense (jugar, dormir, costar, doler, poder, probar, empezar, cerrar, pensar, preferir, querer) Use present tense verbs in complete sentences Understand subject/verb/adjective placement Recognize and use possessive pronouns Recognize and use definite and indefinite articles Recognize and use prepositions
Assessment Individual and group projects Homework Tests Oral questions
Differentiation Hands-On Activities Kinesthetic Activities Re-teach and Enrichment Activities Cooperative Learning (Flexible Grouping)
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content Standards NJ Core content standard 7.1 A, B, C strands
Approaches to Learning How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general skills?
Oral proficiency skills Writing skills Literacy skills
Learning Experiences and Suggested Activities Verbs: - ar verbs (present tense): yo - o, tu – as, el /ella/ Usted – a, nosotros (nosotras) – amos, ellos / ella / Ustedes – an er verbs (present tense): yo – o, tu – es, el/ ella/ Usted – e, nosotros (nosotras) – emos , ellos/ ellas / Ustedes – en ir verbs (present tense): yo – o, tu – es, el / ella / Usted – e, osotros (nosotras) – imos, ellos / ellas / Ustedes – en Irregular verbs: ir, estar, ser, dar, hacer, tener, poner, salir Possessives – mi, tu, su, nuestro(a), mio (a), mios (as), tuyo (a), tuyos (as), suyo (a), suyos (as) Definite articles – el, la, los, las; indefinite articles – un, unos, una, unas Prepositions – de, a, encima (de), abajo (de), al lado (de), para, a la derecha, a la izquierda, cerca (de), lejos (de), detras (de), enfrente (de), entre
Resources Overhead projector PowerPoint presentations Internet Resources Books and Manuals Worksheets
Grade 7
Unit 10
Unit Title
Saludos – Greetings
Time frame
One week
21st Century Themes
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Technology: Internet Websites
Interdisciplinary focus and technology integration
Social Studies Connection: maps, continents, Hispanic Culture, Native American and African American influences Language Arts Connection: verbs, grammar Music Connection: songs, instruments, dance Art Connection: Famous Painters, Spanish and Native American art
Stage 1: Integrate essential questions, big ideas and learning targets, and ensure it can be differentiated and assessed
Learning Targets-students will be able to; Use appropriate responses in greetings Introduce oneself and to ask someone else’s name Use appropriate questions and responses in providing personal information Use appropriate responses to oral directions and commands Use proper verb conjugation when answering greetings questions
Assessment Individual and group projects Homework Tests Oral questions
Hands-On Activities Kinesthetic Activities Re-teach and Enrichment Activities Cooperative Learning (Flexible Grouping)
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content Standards NJ Core content standard 7.1 A, B, C strands
Approaches to Learning How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general skills?
Oral proficiency skills Writing skills Literacy skills
Learning Experiences and Suggested Activities a. hola, buenos dias, buenos tardes, buenas noches, mucho gusto, igualmente, adios, hasta luega b. Como te llamas?, me llamo ___, De donde eres?, soy de ____, Cuantos anos tienes?, tengo __ anos, Cuando es tu cumpleanos?, mi cumpleanos es el ____ de (month), Como estas”, estoy bien (mal, regular), Que tal?, bien (mal), Que color (no) te gusta? (no) me gusta el color _____, Que (no) te gusta hacer?, (no) me gusta ____, Que (no) te gusta comer / beber, (no) me gusta(n) _____, Te gusta(n) ___? c. Por favor, gracias, de nada, si, no, claro, cierra (cierren) la puerta / ventana, abre (abran) la puerta / ventana, date la vuelta, presta attencion, repitan, levantate (levantense) a pie, sientate (sientense), apaga la luz, enciende la luz, Puedo ir al bano?, Puedo tomar una bebida de agua?, Puedo sacarle punta a mi lapiz? d. SS will create dialog using saludos vocabulary and puppets. e. verbs: estar, ser, llamarse, tener, comer, beber, gustar(se), poder, sentar(se), ir
Resources Overhead projector PowerPoint presentations Internet Resources Books and Manuals Worksheets
Grade 7
Unit 11
Unit Title
Spanish-speaking countries and Alphabet
Time frame
One week
21st Century Themes
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Technology: Internet Websites
Interdisciplinary focus and technology integration
Social Studies Connection: maps, continents, Hispanic Culture, Native American and African American influences Language Arts Connection: verbs, grammar Music Connection: songs, instruments, dance Art Connection: Famous Painters, Spanish and Native American art
Stage 1: Integrate essential questions, big ideas and learning targets, and ensure it can be differentiated and assessed
Learning Targets-students will be able to; Identify Spanish-speaking countries on a map Classify Spanish-speaking countries by regions Understand Native American influence on Spanish language and culture Identify and use Spanish alphabet Correctly pronounce vocabulary
Assessment Individual and group projects Homework Tests Oral questions
Hands-On Activities Kinesthetic Activities Re-teach and Enrichment Activities Cooperative Learning (Flexible Grouping)
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content Standards NJ Core content standard 7.1 A, B, C strands
Approaches to Learning Oral proficiency skills Writing skills Literacy skills
Learning Experiences and Suggested Activities A.
Spanish-speaking countries: Spain, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Cuba,Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic,Puerto Rico, Ecuatorial Guinea
Spanish-speaking countries are located in North America, Central America, South America, Europe and Africa.
C. D.
Indigenous cultures: Mesoamerica, Mestizos, Taino, Olmec, Mayan, Aztec Spanish alphabet: a, be, ce , che, de e, efe, ge, hache, i, jota, ka, ele, eme, ene, ñ, o, p, cu, ere, erre, ese, te, u, ve, doble v, equis, igriega, zeta.
Four extra Spanish letters: ch, rr, ll, n.
Students will spell names in Spanish physically, orally and written.
Students will orally spell words in Spanish and write down words dictated in Spanish.
Students will research Native American Art and musical instruments.
Resources Overhead projector PowerPoint presentations Internet Resources Books and Manuals Worksheets
Grade 7
Unit 12
Unit Title
The Media
Time frame
One to two weeks
21st Century Themes
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Technology: Internet Websites
Interdisciplinary focus and technology integration
Social Studies Connection: maps, continents, Hispanic Culture, Native American and African American influences Language Arts Connection: verbs, grammar Music Connection: songs, instruments, dance Art Connection: Famous Painters, Spanish and Native American art
Stage 1: Integrate essential questions, big ideas and learning targets, and ensure it can be differentiated and assessed Learning Targets-students will be able to; To identify types of T.V. shows/movies To describe types of T.V. shows/movies To express opinions using “pensar que” To express time and to indicate duration To make comparisons using “mas + adjective + que” and “menos + adjective + que” To make superlative statements To use direct object pronouns with infinitives To use the preterite of the verb “ver” To use the indirect object pronouns “nos” and “les”
Assessment Individual and group projects Homework Tests Oral questions
Hands-On Activities Kinesthetic Activities Re-teach and Enrichment Activities Cooperative Learning (Flexible Grouping)
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content Standards NJ Core content standard 7.1 A, B, C strands
Approaches to Learning How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general skills?
Oral proficiency skills Writing skills Literacy skills
Learning Experiences and Suggested Activities El, canal, el programa, la actriz, el actor, el programa de detectives, la comedia, el programa musical, un concierto, la telenovela, el programa deportivo, el anuncio, el programa educativo, las noticias, los dibujos animados, el programa de hechos de la vida real, el programa de entrevistas, el documental, el pronóstico del tiempo, la película, una película romantico, una película de terror, una película de ciencia ficción, una película del oeste, una película de aventuras, una película musical La clase (de), demasiado, divertido(a), emocionante, tonto(a), triste, más, menos, el/ la /los / las mejor es), el / la / los peor(es), aburrir (me aburre), aburrido(a), dar miedo a (me dan miedo a las películas de terror), fascinar (me fascina) interesar (me interesa), cómico(a), fascinante, ineresante, realista, un poco, largo(a), corto(a), en blanco y negro, en colores, dar + movie or T.V. program, deber ¿Qué piensas?, sobre, yo pienso que, por eso
Resources Overhead projector PowerPoint presentations Internet Resources Books and Manuals Worksheets
Grade 7
Unit 13
Unit Title
¿Cómo eres? – How are you?
Time frame
One week
21st Century Themes
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Technology: Internet Websites
Interdisciplinary focus and technology integration
Social Studies Connection: maps, continents, Hispanic Culture, Native American and African American influences Language Arts Connection: verbs, grammar Music Connection: songs, instruments, dance Art Connection: famous artists, Spanish and Native American Art
Stage 1: Integrate essential questions, big ideas and learning targets, and ensure it can be differentiated and assessed
Learning Targets-students will be able to: Describe themselves Find outh what other people are like Talk about what people like and don’t like to do Compare their likes and dislikes with other people’s Explain what “friendship” means in Spanish-speaking countries
Assessment Individual and group projects Homework Tests Oral questions
Hands-On Activities Kinesthetic Activities Re-teach and Enrichment Activities Cooperative Learning (Flexible Grouping)
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content Standards NJ Core content standard 7.1 A, B, C strands
Approaches to Learning How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general skills?
Oral proficiency skills Writing skills Literacy skills
Learning Experiences and Suggested Activities Vocabulario: ayudar en casa, ir al cine, el cine, ¿Qué te gusta hacer?, (A mí) me gusta(n), generoso, generosa, tacaño, tacaña, impaciente, paciente, ordenado, ordenada, desordenado, desordenada, trabajador, trabajadora, perezoso, perezosa, gracioso, graciosa, serio, seria, atrevido, atrevida, prudente, deportista, artistico, artistico, (yo) soy, (tú) eres, amable, callado, callada, tocar la guitarra, estudiar, escuchar música, practicar deportes, hablar por teléfono, cocinar, ver la televisión, dibujar, leer, ir a la escuela nadar, patinar Extended written practice/homework SS will log onto for additional practice and activities Puppet shows, guided drawings, charades. overheads to reinforce vocabulary and verb conjugations Internet research to learn more about “plazas” where friends can rest, talk, “people watch”, sit in a café, or patronize vendors Students will research common physical greetings of Spanish-speaking countries
Resources Overhead projector PowerPoint presentations Internet Resources Books and Manuals Worksheets
Grade 7
Unit 14
Unit Title
La Comida – Food
Time frame
One week
21st Century Themes
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Technology: Internet Websites
Interdisciplinary focus and technology integration
Social Studies Connection: maps, continents, Hispanic Culture, Native American and African American influences Language Arts Connection: verbs, grammar Music Connection: songs, instruments, dance Art Connection: famous artists, Spanish and Native American Art
Stage 1: Integrate essential questions, big ideas and learning targets, and ensure it can be differentiated and assessed
Learning Targets-students will be able to: Tell what they like and don’t like to drink Give reasons for their food and drink preferences Say whether they are hungry or thirsty Compare and contrast eating customs in Spanish-speaking countries and in the United States
Assessment Individual and group projects Homework Tests Oral questions
Hands-On Activities Kinesthetic Activities Re-teach and Enrichment Activities Cooperative Learning (Flexible Grouping)
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content Standards NJ Core content standard 7.1 A, B, C strands
Approaches to Learning Oral proficiency skills Writing skills Literacy skills
Learning Experiences and Suggested Activities Vocabulario: el desayuno, el pan tostado, el cereal, el huevo, el jamón, elos waflés, los panqueques, el almuerzo, las frutas, las papas fritas, la hamburgesa, los sandwiches, el tomate, el queso, la ensalada, el sandwich de jamón y queso, la cena, la sopa de tomate, la sopa de pollo, el pescard, el bistec, la carne, la sopa de verduras, el pollo el arroz, el pavo, las papas al horno, el pan, las verduras, la mierenda, las galletas, ¡Qué asco!, ¿verdad?, más or menos, siempre, nunca, las bebidas, un refresco, la limonada, la leche, el agua, el jugo de naranja, los refrescos, el café, el té, el té helado horrible, las frutas, el plátano, las uvas, la naranja, la manzana, la sandía, las zanahorias, la lechuga, los guisantes, las judias verdes, la cebolla, tener hambre, tener sed, preferir, hablar, comer Extended written practice/homework, Paso a Paso A textbook, workbook SS will log onto for additional practice and activities Puppet shows, guided drawings, overheads to reinforce vocabulary and verb conjugations Internet research to learn more about meal hours and customs of Spanish-speaking countries Menu creation in Spanish Read “Chocolate” book by Robrt Burleigh to learn about the history and manufacture of chocolate
Resources PowerPoint presentations Internet Resources Books, Manuals, Worksheets