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EDITORIAL PROFILE NEWS EVENT IN-DEPT REPOTING T A B L E O F C O N T E N T ISLAMIC FEATURE OPINION PRODUCT MOVIE REVIEW 1 2 4 8 13 16 28 20 C E T U S 22 TRAVEL Economic issues that give impact to the students Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Zohdi Mohd Amin, Dean of Faculty Quran and Sunnah (FPQS) Fkp Election Day Should Voters 18 Join Fahmi Reza Democratic Class Emulate leadership of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Guarantee of Success The importance of Mental Health My First Umrah Journey Talbis Iblis Local perfume review Dr Khatijah Othman, Head Of Da’wah and Islamic Management Programme Forum Huffaz Pemangkin Ummah Take Place At USIM Syed Firdaus Iqmal Receives the Royal Award Implication of The World Economy Crisis to The National Economy A Rewarding Life Does the pre-marriage course need to be extended? Should teenagers further studies or continue working? FOOD REVIEW Escape The Ordinary 30 The Lorong

THE CURRENT ECONOMIC CLIMATE HAS AN IMPACT ON UNIVERSITY STUDENTS The global economic situation in recent years has indeed been in a very worrying phase. This is because the geopolitical tensions between the great powers and China resulted in a trade war, and the global health issue of the COVID-19 pandemic was not resolved until the height of the Russia-Ukraine geopolitical crisis. Our country is also affected, which caused the price of goods, especially basic food items such as chicken, fish, and meat, to increase. The B40 group was the most affected with the price rise. An economist at the Faculty of Economics and Muamalat at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Mohd Faisol Ibraim, said the price increase involves certain goods such as food and services. As what he mention, traders and suppliers who are impacted by the increase in OPR will raise the price of items because they must endure higher costs. In addition, the price of chicken risen because the price of bran has increased. This is very burdensome for families, especially those with children studying at the university because the cost is expensive. This matter also forces most university students to find part-time jobs to cover expenses. They also work in the service industry, for example, as workers in restaurants and food delivery. What should government does to overcome the problem? The previous government has created several initiatives to ease the burden of student. Several IPTs are now responding to the government's recommendation to provide food sales on campus with each meal priced as low as RM 3.50 through the 'Food Basket Siswa Keluarga Malaysia' initiative. This matter is expected to help ease the burden of living costs for IPT students, particularly those in the B40 group at the moment. They can save money by purchasing food at that low price. This initiative also aims to protect students' welfare so that they are not burdened further because the circumstance can interrupt the learning process and academic quality due to stress. The government should concerned about ensuring B40 households have enough money to manage their daily life and support for their children's university education. The university also should collaborate with the zakat center by monitoring students who are truly in need so the donations can be made to alleviate their burden. The author hopes the government can provide more contribution to them so that they can ease the burden they bear and live happily like ordinary people. Editor-in-Chief Ahmad Syamil

Figure 1 Photo of Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Zohdi Mohd Amin, Dean of Faculty Quran and Sunnah (FPQS) The busy atmosphere shown when the writer went to interview Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Zohdi Mohd Amin, Dean of Faculty Quran and Sunnah (FPQS) because of the meeting with the students and staff who had made an appointment with him. Before sharing the topics that he wanted to discuss, he also shared the challenges he faced while holding the position as dean of the faculty. He stated that the most difficult challenge he faced was changing his personality for leadership. Before this, he used to do the work alone, but after he was given that responsibility, he changed his personality to work in groups and get along with people. "Twitter, in which a politician was criticised in public, and the majority of the young people were involved. This should not happen if parents disclose from the start about the prudent use of the right to speak and the need to constantly monitor their children's activities. "Certain parties need to take appropriate action against those individuals so that they can teach other young people," he added. His conclusion, if freedom of speech is used for a specific agenda, such as a political agenda, defamation, and so on, then this right must be restricted. Foreign countries, such as India, restrict media usage in order to maintain national unity, preventing the Twitter application from entering their country. Before leaving, he took the time to share a few good tips for students to be better. "Students must realize that when they enter university life, they are empowering themselves with the soft skills and knowledge needed by the community, so they will not be careless with the initial preparations they make. "Students also must practise effective time management and smart study in order to improve," he said. After that, he said he needed to be more disciplined, especially with how he used his time, because the scope of his work had grown. In the beginning of the topic that he shares on the right to freedom of speech, he defines what is the right to freedom of expression in his view. He attributes the freedom to the process of giving views, and it is also defined according to the person’s background. When a person's background is different, it will bring a different perspective. With a different perspective, it helps those responsible for making decisions. Freedom of speech also has its own advantages and disadvantages. If the viewpoint given is correct, it will have a positive impact, and if the viewpoint given is incorrect, it will have a negative impact. "Sometimes a bad view can turn something that was already good into something that was bad," he explained. As a result, meetings are held to allow any party to give their perspective, which can be accepted if all members agree with the opinion given. Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Zohdi Mohd Amin said that the right shouldn't be limited because neither the Quran nor the Sunnah have a verse that says freedom of speech is illegal. This matter depends on the way it is handled; if it is handled in the wrong way, then there will be defamation, and if it is handled in a good way, it will be a good thing," he said. His phone rang in the middle of the sharing session, indicating a call from an important person, forcing him to pause for a second to answer the call. After a few minutes, he continued the sharing session. He mentioned that the media now mostly just creates sentiments to influence others to lead to the narrative they want. The court cluster and corruption issues, for example, are repeated many times only to build sentiment, which is a misuse. Following that, he expressed his thoughts on a religious mockery incident that occurred on Right to freedom of speech: Should it be restricted or not? By Ahmad Syamil Masrilhisyam "Sometimes a bad view can turn something that was already good into something that was bad,"

Islamic Management and Its Application in Malaysia by Dr Khatijah Othman When we first met, I, as a student, was impressed by her commitment. Despite her hectic schedule as the Head of Da’wah and Islamic Management Programme, FKP, however, that evening she agreed to a quick interview. Dr. Khatijah greeted my arrival to do an interview with her about her experience in Islamic management. "Islamic Management is a Muslim's knowledge of Islam," said Dr. Khatijah thoroughly. "It is how a complete grasp of Islam leads to the belief that ‘Islamic management’ is the execution of a work with full devotion and responsibility since it is worship. Ibadah implies obeying God by doing what He commands and avoiding everything He forbids. Management in the organisation is worship to God," Dr Khatijah continue her speech. Dr. Khatijah presented herself throughout the interview with remarkable composure. Her character shines through, and she is very determined and thoughtful. "Leaders or organisational leaders must have the traits of someone who rules with the character that appreciates the management concepts and values recommended in the Al Quran, such as deliberation, justice, truth, sincerity, kindness, brotherhood, and love. "It is to be read and executed by following the Prophet SAW's Sunnah in various contexts, such as head of state, head of army, chief judge, head of qabalah, head of family, and others. "In Malaysia's diversified society, a trustworthy, responsible administration with several duties is needed to rule," Dr. Khatijah's explanation was particularly wide. At the end of the interview session, Dr. Khatijah expressed her conviction that Muslims would benefit from a more thorough and accurate grasp of Islamic management. That will have lasting positive effects on the growth of the community. "ISLAMIC MANAGEMENT IS BASED ON AL QURAN AND AS SUNNAH" "Talking about the difference between Islamic management and Western management, Western management is founded on beliefs created by Western philosophers circa 400 BC, such as Socrates' definition of management as a talent independent from technical knowledge and experience. Plato also saw management as a distinct art and advocated specialisation. "When the Islamic country was founded in Medina over 1400 years ago, Islamic management began. At that time, management focused on national affairs. It is the best model since Islamic teachings based on the Quran and Sunnah were successfully implemented in all spheres of life at that time," Dr Khatijah explained. As a Muslim, Dr. Khatijah's speech enlightened me to the significance of Islamic management, which has a lengthy history. A few more quick questions were asked after that, all of which had to do with the qualities of Islamic management that should be present in Malaysia. She continued her speech by quoting a verse from the Quran, Surah Yunus 3: َٰوِت َوٱ َأْلْرَض ِفى ِسَّتِة َّلِذى َخَلَق ٱلَّسَم ٰـ ُه ٱ َّل ِإَّن َرَّب ُكُم ٱل ٍع ْلَعْرِشۖ ُيَدِّبُر ٱ َأْلْم َرۖ َما ِمن َشِفي َّياٍۢم ُثَّم ٱْسَتَوٰى َعىَل ٱ َأ َفاَل َتَذَّك ُروَن َأ ٱْعُبُدوُهۚ ُه َرُّب ُكْم َف َّل ِل ُكُم ٱل َٰذ ۚ ۦ ِإاَّل ِمۢن َبْعِد ِإْذِنِه ٣ Surely your Lord is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days, then established Himself on the Throne, conducting every affair. None can intercede except by His permission. That is Allah—your Lord, so worship Him ˹alone˺. Will you not then be mindful? By Syarnieza Narisha Haris

FKP's election day "The candidates who contested went through an interview session held on the 1st and 2nd November at the PMFKP room," she said. Among the matters asked were the definition of PMFKP, the experience of the candidates, emotional questions such as working under pressure, the reasons they should be chosen, and their views to solve an issue that arises in a large organization. "There are a number of criteria that have been placed by the PMFKP 2021/2022 line for the candidates who are competing as we also look at their Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) to ensure that their academic excellence is also in line with the spirit of leadership they bring," she added. Meanwhile, the Annual General Meeting was held on the night of November 10th, 2022, at Central Lecture Hall 3 (DKP3). This is an annual event filled with activities and financial presentations by the previous leadership. The ceremony was to also sign the dissolution of the previous leadership and at the same time appoint a new leadership through the election held earlier. A brief speech was delivered by Muhammad Aminnudin bin Loqman Hakim as a representative of the supreme council of the new leadership of PMFKP 2022/2023. The ceremony was also attended by the head of the Communication Programme, Associate Prof Dr. Norhayati Rafida Abdul Rahim, head of the Aqidah and Religion Studies Programme, Dr. Marina Munira Abdul Mutalib and head of the New Media Communications Programme, Dr Kartini Kamaruzzaman. The Deputy President II of PMFKP hopes that the new leadership will be able to carry out the responsibility and trust assumed. She mentioned that the leadership should have efforts to improve the facilities and be able to bring the voice of students to the highest level of the Faculty. By Amiera Aieda Mohd Solihin NILAI- The Leadership and Management Student Association (PMFKP) of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) for the 2021/2022 session finally relinquished the position held when the voting day was held on 7 November 2022 to elect the new PMFKP leader. The election was held in the FKP VIP banquet room. Voting hours lasted from 8.00 am to 5.30 pm. The process required all students from the leadership and management faculty to vote for the competing candidates in person. According to the Deputy President II of PMFKP, Natasha Abdullah, there were six candidates running for the five highest council positions and 16 running for the 14 PMFKP EXCO positions. The candidates consisted of second and thirdyear students from the five majors in FKP.

The most important thing is to start with an intention and do something for the sake of Allah SWT so that the students can benefit from the study. NILAI - On November 12, 2022, a celebrity forum titled Huffaz Pemangkin Ummah went smoothly at the USIM Tuanku Chancellor Hall (DTC) grounds in conjunction with the Huffaz Nusantara Convocation Ceremony. The forum had three panellists, including Ustaz Asni Mansor Al-Hafizah, Ustaz Jafri Mahmoodi, and Pencetus Ummah (PU) Hafiz. According to Ustaz Jafri Mahmoodi, in order to produce a high-quality huffaz, he tends to recall the head of the Prophet SAW with his companions when the Prophet SAW migrated to the city of Medina. "At that time, there was a woman with the title of mother who came to see the Prophet SAW in a state of not having any property to give as a gift to the Prophet SAW. The woman's name is Umm Sulaim. "Because she did not have any property, she gave her son, Annas bin Malik r.a. to the Prophet SAW so that he could serve and be devoted, and she asked the Prophet SAW to pray for her son," he said. He continued by stating that at the time, Annas bin Malik was 10 years old. The Prophet SAW then prayed for the blessings of life and wealth to be bestowed upon him. After that, Saidina Annas bin Malik served the Prophet SAW until his death. Thanks to the prayers of the Prophet (SAW), Saidina Annas bin Malik was also blessed with a long life. "Based on the story, there are four characteristics of Annas bin Malik that should be taken into consideration to become a quality huf az, which are: young age, high intelligence, working side by side with teachers, and getting parental approval. "A young age will make it easier for a huf az to memorise the Qur'an because they have sharp minds; high intelligence can help huf az memorise well like Annas bin Malik, who is only 10 years old but is already able to write efficiently, working side by side with the teacher to get the benefit of his knowledge while getting the parents' approval to make it easier for the huffaz to study and memorise the AlQuran," he continued. Meanwhile, Ustazah Asni Mansor Al-Hafizah responded to the question of whether memorising the Quran will prevent Muslim women from becoming versatile people. "The meaning of versatile in the Language Hall dictionary is being able to adapt and having the ability to do different activities. Versatile does not mean skilled in fashion or able to follow only the latest trends. "Being a versatile person does not mean that when we memorise the Qur'an, we are only able to sit and teach people. "It is not true at all. In fact, the Al-Quran itself should be used as a lifestyle or culture," she added. She also said that even though Muslim woman memorises the Quran, it does not prevent them from engaging in outdoor activities such as archery, horseback riding, or swimming. "It is very important for hafizah to be versatile people because we can approach the community and conduct da'wah more easily. "For example, a Muslim woman who is good at swimming, riding, or archery can indirectly change the view of non-Muslims that Islam is not a stagnant religion and only focuses on worship alone," said Ustazah Asni Mansor Al-Hafizah. Furthermore, PU Hafiz emphasised that it is critical for huffaz to believe that their participation in tahfiz studies will not limit their job opportunities after graduation. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Ustaz Jafri Mahmoodi provided five recommendations for students, particularly the huffaz and USIM students who were present to enliven the forum. The most important thing is to start with an intention and do something for the sake of Allah SWT so that the students can benefit from the study. Next, students must have crystal-clear objectives, visions, and missions so that they are aware of the necessary steps to reach their objectives. For instance, students should arrange their schedules as effectively as possible. Moreover, he emphasised that students must develop a positive atmosphere. In other words, it's about establishing friendships because they have a significant impact on the lives and futures of students.

SYED FIRDAUS IQMAL RECEIVES THE ROYAL AWARD By Fatin Nadiah Kamaruzzaman Nilai- Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM) 20th convocation was held from December 12 to December 14, 2022 and was attended by graduates from various faculties as well as other family members. The convocation was held in Chancellor Council (DTC), Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM). Syed Firdaus Iqmal Syed Zahir, who graduated with honours in Islamic banking and finance, has received a royal award for his outstanding achievement during his study at USIM. “In academics, I was on the dean’s list of every semester, including my internship. In addition, I’ve received the best academic award for the highest Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and was recognised as a figure of intellectual discourse leadership in my major,” he said. He is currently employed as an executive in Cyber Security at Maybank Berhad while pursuing his master’s degree, and he continues to apply what he learned in the classroom to his work. “My own study method is being a fast reader because I really love reading and I read the same book repeatedly. I only do one thing at a time. For instance, an hour for study, another hour for association activities. “Besides, I always follow the schedule that I devised and with the most important one and followed by another work. I do not let external factors influence me,” he explained. Syed Firdaus Iqmal Syed Zahir is delighted and proud to receive the royal award as the best gift for his parents. He also stated that he is the only child who can give his parents the best award as a university graduate. He wants to demonstrate that the Faculty of Economics and Muamalat can compete because his faculty has not received a major award since 2014. Syed Firdaus Iqmal Syed Zahir, a royal award receiver One of the difficulties that Syed Firdaus Iqmal Syed Zahir faced was the fact that his mother had breast cancer, which made his academic journey a little different in terms of time and place. “As the only child, I was the one who brought my mother to the hospital repeatedly and I was having my online classes in the car. “I also finished my assignment in the hospital, but it was not a big deal because I could devote myself to my mother while carrying out my responsibilities as a student.” He spoke up.

Meanwhile, Syed Firdaus Iqmal Syed Zahir of Islamic Science University of Malaysia managed to give some advice to his juniors (USIM). “First and foremost, before doing anything, students must establish the truth of their intention, particularly for community development and student personality. “Secondly, student must set their own goals by knowing what their capabilities, achievements, critical thinking, and soft skills. “Third, students must understand how to achieve their goals by evaluating their weaknesses and strengths and clearly determining the method,” he said. He also stated that every hardship comes more ease as in 94:6, Al-Quran: “Indeed, every hardship must have an ease” He gave some wise words for his juniors. “Do not be scared for being different from others but be afraid if they are being the same as the others,” he stated. The royal award received by Syed Firdaus Iqmal Syed Zahir is from the institution of Malay kings and it was received by the best student who was excellent in academic and co-curriculum. A crowded environment outside the hall with students and families

Should Undi 18 join Fahmi Reza’s democracy class? By Siti Khadijah Norhisham On the 17th November, a video about a democracy class taught by Malaysian political activist and graphic artist, Fahmi Reza went viral on the TikTok application. The class also drew a variety of responses from the authorities due to Fahmi Reza had been barred from teaching democracy lessons in a number of public institutions and had been chased away. There was a video of a professor's response to Fahmi Reza being denied access to the campus so she could teach a democracy class that lasted one minute and 22 seconds and received 34.7 thousand likes and 356 shares. A former economics professor at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, Professor Dr. Saadiah Mohamad reportedly urged students to voice their opinions and commended Fahmi Reza for his skill in doing so. “Fahmi Reza's voice shouldn't be suppressed from expressing opinions to the university community,” she continued. In the meantime, Former Minister of Education of Malaysia, Dr Maszlee Malik in his TikTok account also stated that Fahmi Reza is a neutral figure in educating the public about the democratic system and has no tendency to incite voters 18 to choose any party during the general election session 15 (GE15). "I am quite shocked because we allowed students to take part in all political events that take place on campus under the 2018 AUKU amendment because they are old enough to think about it,” he said. "Nevertheless, I was a bit disappointed when Fahmi Reza’s sharing of views was blocked because it would hinder the students' thinking and intellectual level towards politics," he said. There is also a sharing on social media which is on the Tweeter platform featuring a USM student, Ikhwan Zainuddin, who was called by the police to testify for having attended a democracy class organized by Fahmi Reza. He was questioned by the authorities about his personal information, who established the USM democracy classes, what topics Fahmi Reza covered in the class and whether any sort of incitement had taken place. After the government lifted the ban on student participation in political activities by amending Section 15 of the University and University College Act (AUKU) on April 19, 2012, this situation has sparked debate regarding the extent to which students can engage in political activity on campus. In addition to that, there is a question about whether 18- year-old voters are mature enough to know about the democratic system and the appropriateness of their involvement in electing leaders in Malaysia in GE15. UNDI 18 – VIEWS FROM STUDENTS According to the Sinar Harian portal, a total of 1,393,449 voters aged 18 to 20 across the country are involved in voting for the first time in GE15. According to a Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) student, Afiq Irfan, 24, although he is less active in social media and has never participated in any of the classes organized by Fahmi Reza, he is aware of Fahmi Reza's issue and has watched videos of democracy classes shared by Fahmi Reza. "Throughout watching his video, the information presented was true and not biased towards a particular political party. To be fair, all parties are included in the lecture,” he said.

Mohd Fahmi Reza bin Mohd Zarin Afiq Irfan also stated that based on the class, there is helpful input because there are things that the community may overlook and don't know. He added that as long as it is not against the law, it is very appropriate to spread knowledge and input to the community. "Young people need to be exposed to the basics of politics, especially regarding the system in our country because not everyone knows this due to lack of exposure. "People who have knowledge need to come forward and enlighten young people about the democratic system and the constitutional monarchy," he said. Afiq Irfan also stated that all these aspects need to be looked at and taken seriously, including social media and learning from experienced people. He explained further, Undi 18 must be able to have a big impact on the formation of the new government because they belong between the ages of 18-20 years where it gives a higher number of voters. It is certain that it will have an impact on the GE this time. "When given the opportunity, they have the right to voice their opinions as young people because they have their own ideas to vote for leaders who they feel can govern the country," he said. Meanwhile, a Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) student, Sofea Razali, 23, also shared her views. According to her, Fahmi Reza is a very influential figure in the community and did various actions on opposing the government. She added that the democracy classes shared by Fahmi Reza through social media helped her to vote during GE15. "Participating in the class is better because the students can interact directly with the instructor and can avoid misunderstandings in the future," she said. Sofea Razali insisted that young people should be given the opportunity to vote if the government changes the education system and give students the opportunity to learn about the democratic system openly and provide a better platform for them to share their opinions. This at the same time can give birth to a generation that is mature in politics. INTELLECTUAL POINT OF VIEW Malacca Islamic University College lecturer, Puan Norhasima gave a different view on Fahmi Reza's actions. She thinks that it is not appropriate to conduct a democracy class if it is intended to criticize the government even though Malaysia is a country that practices a democratic system. “Young people who are 18 voters should not be given the space to vote because they still lack knowledge about Malaysian politics and are still not mature enough to make a decision to choose the country's leader,” she said. She also expressed her hope that young people can think rationally and take wise actions if they are given the opportunity to vote again in the future.

Inflation raises the cost of living and reduces consumer purchasing power from time to time. If a person's income does not rise at the same or faster rate as inflation, inflation will have a negative impact on their lives and the national economy. An economist and a lecturer at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Associate Professor Dr. Nuradli Ridzwan Shah Mohd Dali also stated that the problem between Russia and Ukraine has an impact on the world market economy. “The conflict between the two major countries brings a bad impact, especially on the import and export of goods from their respective countries. “The effect of it too unknowingly leads to the depletion of the world's food resources,” he said. He also stated that the country's inflation rate increased by 3.4% over the previous year, caused by a 7.3% increase in food prices. “The country’s inflation rate increased caused by the percentage increase in the price of food items, and this mostly affects consumers because the price of things rises while income remains constant,” he added. High currency exchange rates also cause an increase in the price of essential goods. The collapse in the Malaysian currency has resulted in an increase in import and export taxes. As a result, the price of necessary items skyrockets, burdening the population. In this regard, people are very affected by the increase in the price of goods, especially restaurant operators and food sellers. One of the restaurant owners, Siti Aishah Kamarulzaman stated that the increase in the price of goods, especially the price of wet goods, greatly affected her because she had to spend more money than before. Implications of the world economy crisis to the national economy Recently, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a statement that shocked people worldwide that the risk of a global economic recession is increasing due to rising interest rates and a slowing economy around the world. This economic downturn occurred because of the UkraineRussia geopolitical crisis, which resulted in approximately US$100 billion in damage. Quoting a statement by Moody's Investors Service posted by Berita Harian, more than half of Asia Pacific economies send exports to the main countries of the European Union (EU), whose growth is affected due to the spillover effect of international sanctions and bans on Russian energy imports. Furthermore, additional sanctions imposed on Russia since February will further pressure trade, growth, and access to global raw commodities. The transmission of the coronavirus epidemic is also the main cause of the global economic recession. This health crisis has brought catastrophic economic and social disruption, bringing worldwide economic activity to a halt. The COVID-19 pandemic's huge economic impact and various implications include business closures, increased poverty, and higher fiscal responsibilities. In addition, the world is also facing higher inflation rates due to the sudden increase in demand for goods and services since the reopening of the economy. Many countries' mobility restrictions have an effect on the global supply chain network. The situation has deteriorated further with the initiation of conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which will undoubtedly exacerbate the global supply chain. Quoting a statement by Berita Harian, the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) reported that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 2.3 percent in January this year. According to the report, one of the reasons for the increase in the rate is the increase in the price of transportation, food and minimum. By: Ahmad Syamil Bin Masrilhisyam

“I had to spend more money than usual to buy food items to open the restaurant otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do business. “In the current situation, the number of customers is somewhat reduced because some buy wet items and cook them themselves at home. “Therefore, my business is quite affected coupled with the country’s endless economic problems,” she said. Besides, some food stall owners had to raise the cost of their products to offset the expenses. For example, a burger used to be available for less than RM 5, but now it is no longer available because of the increase in the price of raw materials, so they had to raise the price. One of the burger stall owners, Mohd Afiq Azman Abdul Kadir, also stated that the rise in raw material prices also has an impact on his business. He also had to raise his selling price to prevent his business from suffering losses. “I feel sorry have to raise my selling price, but due to the economic situation that has occurred, I must,” he said. According to statements from restaurant operators and food stall owners, it is clear that the increase in the price of these supplies has an impact on merchants, particularly small business owners. The increase in the price of goods is also caused by the lack of goods in supermarkets. As mentioned by Dr. Nuradli, food producers in our country prefer to export their goods abroad rather than domestically. “Producers prefer to export their goods abroad because it is more profitable for them, and of course, they will choose to export their goods to other countries because they can get more profit than exporting goods to their own country,” he said. Because of that, the production of goods decreases in supermarkets and consumers experience difficulties with price increases due to high demand. One of the customers, Mohd Irfan Sabri stated his difficulty in buying necessities that are often not sold in supermarkets. “I feel quite disappointed with the lack of essential items such as eggs, chicken and so on due to the small production. “If there is, the price will be higher than usual, and people will have to rush to get it because it will not be available in large quantities,” he said. In this issue, customers should spend wisely by prioritizing requirements over wants. This will reduce waste by purchasing unneeded things and allows consumers to save more money. In addition, consumers also should learn to save because it has lots of advantages. Saving money in this method is quite helpful in times of emergency, and financial security can be created for consumers in the event of current economic issues. Last but not least, when faced with obstacles people must be patient and discover the best solution to overcome them. Quoting verses from the holy book Al-Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 155: ِب ِريَن َّٰص ٱل َوَنْقٍص ِّمَن ٱ َأْلْم َٰوِل َوٱ َأْلنُفِس َوٱلَّثَم َٰرِتۗ َوَبِّش ِر ِع ُجو ْل َخْوِف َوٱ ْل َوَّن ُكم ِبَشْىٍء ِّمَن ٱ ُل َنْب َوَل Meaning: "And We will give you difficulties, with a little fear, hunger, lack of wealth, souls, and fruits. And bring joyful tidings to the patient.” From the verse, people should be calm when faced with any calamity or challenge because goodness will come to those who are patient.

Islamic F E A T U R E Emulate Leadership of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, Guarantee of Success By Syahratul Aufa Shaharuddin Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. is regarded as a leader with integrity and possesses good characteristics. Additionally, regardless of matters relating to the country, religion, or family, His Majesty always performed fairly in all his administrative operations. His leadership also serves as a very valuable example for us to emulate in our goal to become good leaders. Therefore, his high-quality leadership has successfully influenced many wonderful things for the public. For example, in administrative matters, with his wisdom, he drafted the Madinah charter or known as the Madinah constitution, whose content is in the form of regulations based on Islamic Shari'a, to form a peaceful country under Islamic administration with various races and nationalities. This demonstrates that both Muslims and non-Muslims are satisfied with his leadership since there is no bias or injustice among them all and every rule and law is applied equally when an individual is found guilty. According to the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.'s style of leadership, it has been clearly indicated that no matter what field a person is to be appointed as a leader, they must accept the responsibilities and obligations assigned with complete trust and dedication as an example in defending the welfare and destiny of subordinates and lead in a way that pleases God. For example, in the field of education, teachers who teach in schools are leaders for students who want to learn in the classroom. The teachers' leadership must not be focused solely for the classroom, but good leadership must also be practiced outside the classroom as an example for other students to follow. For example, showing good morals in front of students, handling a fight fairly, so that other students may perceive such as a noble and appropriate example to practice in their lives towards adulthood. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W always showed excellent morality. When preaching, responding to questions, and interacting with those who approached him, he spoke in a nice and polite manner. As a result, people are able to resonate with him and are attracted to his morals and ways. Here, we can see that the leader must display positive traits to his followers in order to win their trust. Once trust has been earned, these positive traits can be reproduced and embraced in order to live peacefully with one another. Additionally, the outcomes of the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. served as an example of excellent management in administrative contexts, such as the caliphate's administration. The four main caliphs who were appointed during this brilliant period of Islamic rule have given instruction to the next leaders about how the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W was led. For example, we can see the leadership of Umar AlKhattab, the second caliph. Caliph Umar was a leader who was loved by the people because of his extraordinary responsibility towards the common people. For example, he helped a mother and her child who were starving when, at that time, there was nothing for the mother to cook. When Umar realized such a matter, he immediately brought several sacks of wheat and cooked them to feed the mother and child. From all the examples above, it can be proven that following the leadership of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W leads to success. The success that makes a person's work is not only of excellent quality but also good and organized way of working.

"Are those who know equal to those who do not know?" Of course not! That is the question that Allah raised in the Quran through Surah azZumar verse 9 which makes us think and self-reflect. We admit that there are many things that we often overlook because we do not know. Every human being starts from not knowing to knowing. Therefore, we are advised to learn to know many things. Give birth to a sense of guilt in yourself if there is no increase in knowledge that occurs in you along with increasing age because demanding and improving knowledge is the main key for us to continue to be better. Well, touching on the daily routine, who knows if the seemingly ordinary things that are done every day are in fact extraordinary in Allah sight? This is where the beauty and pleasure of doing good deeds is preceded by knowledge and understanding. Let's check the following 10 practices that make our life full of rewards. REWARDING LIFE

1. Smile The Messenger of Allah said, “Do not disdain a good deed, no matter how small it may seem even if it is your meeting with your brother with a cheerful face”. (Muslim) 2. Invite people to do good “Abu Hurairah reported the Messenger of Allah as saying: for those who call people to righteousness, there will be reward assured for them like the rewards of those who adhered to it, without their rewards being diminished in any respect. And those who call people to error, they shall have to carry (the burden) of its sin, like those who committed it, without their sins being diminished in any respect.” (Muslim) 3. Love greetings “Salam” A man asked the Messenger of Allah: "Which act in Islam is the best?” Prophet replied, “To give food, and to greet everyone, whether you know or you do not.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) 4. Istighfar The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever increases his prayers for forgiveness, Allah will grant him relief from every worry, a way out from every hardship, and provide for him in ways he does not expect.” (Abu Dawud) 5. Begin with Bismillah The Messenger of Allah said: “Every important word or matter that does not being with the remembrance of Allah is maimed.” (Ibnu Majah) 6. Make others happy In the book Al 'Athiyyatul Haniyyah which reads “Whoever makes other believers happy, Allah creates 70,000 angels who are assigned to ask for forgiveness for him until the Day of Judgment because he has made other people happy.” And “Allah always helps a servant as long as he helps his brother.” (Muslim) 7. Keep promises The Messenger of Allah said: “There are four signs which make someone a pure hypocrite and whoever has them has the characteristic of hypocrisy until he abandons it: when he speaks he lies, when he makes a covenant he proves treacherous, when he makes a promise he breaks it, and when he argues he proves wicked.” (Al-Bukhari) 8. Cleanliness “Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves”. (Al-Baqarah: 222) Cleanliness and purity have been emphasised by various means in hundreds of Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. In a Hadith he said: “Cleanliness is half of faith”. (Muslim) 9. Appreciate the time Abu Hurairah said: The Messenger of Allah said: "One of the good things about a person's Islam is that he is not preoccupied with things that are not beneficial. (At-Tirmidhi) 10. Seek knowledge The Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever travels a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise. People do not gather in the houses of Allah, reciting the book of Allah and studying it together, but that tranquillity will descend upon them, mercy will cover them, angels will surround them, and Allah will mention them to those near him.” (Muslim) 10 Practices That Make Our Life Full of Rewards

THE IMPORTANCE OF MENTAL HEALTH CARE Moreover, we should be aware mental and physical health are equally important components of overall health. For example, depression increases the risk for many types of physical health problems, particularly long-lasting conditions like chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart-disease, stroke, and so on – in which these diseases are also caused by the frivolity of taking care of their own mental health apart from diet and daily activities. However, the factors in people’s lives, interpersonal connections, and physical factors can also contribute to mental ill health. Looking after mental health can preserve a person's ability to enjoy life. Doing this involves balancing life activities, responsibilities, and efforts to achieve psychological resilience. To prevent stress, depression, and anxiety, all of which can affect mental health and disrupt a person's routine, we must be smart to strategize and know how to control emotions. Try to imagine if a person faces significant pressure at work. The employer provides countless tasks at one time and these need to be delivered soon. What should the person do? Is being angry or raging in the acceptance of the assignment able to solve his problem? Of course not. This is the reason why getting mental health care is necessary and important at times like these. This is because there is potential for someone who lacks the capability to control and manage their own mental state to do something unexpected, like self-harm, use banned drugs to temporary relieve stress, like alcohol or drugs, or even commit suicide. The treatment of mental health issues can be done in many different ways. Through different approach applies for every person; treatment may not always be effective for everyone. Combining certain tactics or treatments can increase their efficacy. A person with a persistent mental illness may make diverse decisions throughout their life. The patient has to engage closely with a therapist who can guide them in understanding their needs and offering appropriate treatment. Besides, spreading awareness for taking care of mental health is a form of education. The more you know, the more power you have. Knowledge is power. This power can have a positive effect on our society. Awareness is key to understanding what mental health is and how families can receive the help they need. Lack of awareness about mental health is not just the person’s (in question) problem, it is our problem as a society. As such, let us take care of our mental together. Mental health is an important matter for every individual to be taken care of. This is because mental health affects the physical health of the body. Moreover, if a person does not take care of their mental state, this can lead to serious mental illness, which then leads to other physical ailments. Mentally healthy individuals can function normally in carrying out their lives, especially when adapting to deal with problems that will be encountered throughout their life, assuming that if they are able to deal with stress. Whether on purpose or not, today's culture is less aware of how to manage their stress, especially in the current situation, which is undoubtedly tough whether a person is a student, employee, and so on. Based on, mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. From the research, it can be proven that the need of mental health management should be highlighted while children are still young, instead of focusing on such matters when they are teenagers or young adults. This is true because everything that occurs in our life has an impact on our mentality and thinking, which in turn influences our ability to handle challenges and other mental-testing situations in future. For example, BuletinTV3 recently reported on October 28, 2022, that a 12-year-old child was reported missing and then found safe in Klang, Selangor. The victim, who, according to his father, had emotional distress and feelings, boarded on an express bus in Parit Buntar and headed to Klang to meet his friend. This case shows that children are physically and mentally weak. They need adults in shaping themselves into individuals who are good at managing themselves in various situations. Therefore, the closest people, such as parents, siblings, teachers, and the like need to play an important role in teaching them how to control themselves mentally when facing a challenge. If appropriate actions are not taken, such unfortunately things will occur frequently among children. BY: SYAHRATUL AUFA SHAHARUDDIN

Strengthening beliefs Iqra class for those who do not know how to read the Quran and tajwid class for those who are not good at knowing the rules of tajwid. Responsibilities of a husband and wife Increasing examples of domestic cases and their solutions Therefore, the writer would like to suggest something that some may think is unnecessary or troublesome and some may think it is necessary. For the writer’s view, this pre-marriage course should be implemented for at least 2 to 3 months or more. The reasons are as follows: 1. If a couple who really does not emphasize religion, this pre-marriage course is the last step to strengthen their faith and also give birth to a generation of good Muslims before they have children. Because the faith of a child depends on both parents. 2. If this course is conducted for 2 to 3 months, the learning session of a topic can be delivered more clearly and in depth. Examples of suggested topics that are in the writer’s mind are: The marriage course or pre-marriage course is a course that every individual who has never been married must attend. It aims to provide information and early exposure to future husband and wife who will start a family. This course is also implemented so that it can be used as a guide by them in facing family life and can help reduce the household problems faced by Muslims in Malaysia. However, the breakdown of households that has been happening more lately is very worrying for many parties. After all, divorce can happen in a marriage that is only a week old. Although the number is not that many, but the trend is quite worrying for the new generation about to get married. Where did the marriage go wrong so that it is easy to divorce compared to the marriage that happened in the olden days? Or is it because the pre-marriage course does not work? In the writer’s opinion, the cause of problems in a marriage is the knowledge and beliefs of both couples. According to the writer's knowledge, most prewedding courses are for 2 or 3 days. The question is: Is a 2-day course enough to prepare a couple for marriage? Pre-marriage course should be extended? By Nur Amierah Hannaani Shaifuddin This course can be exempted for some people who really practice Islam well. However, before this exception occurs, it is mandatory for them to go through a test to determine whether the person is qualified and has enough knowledge to guide a family. It is also not necessarily run simultaneously, it can be held every Saturday and Sunday. This is to make it easier for working people to attend this course. In fact, the course does not require too much cost and the teaching staff can be taken from mosque who are experts in the field. Futhermore, this course can also be implemented at a mosque close to the participants and the learning record can be signed by the instructor as proof of attendance and participation. This matter can also indirectly enliven the atmosphere of the mosque and get participants used to participating in any program conducted by the mosque. Maybe some people will say that this course is difficult. But think about it, if we are not able to bear the responsibility of studying religion for 2 to 3 months, are we able to bear the responsibility in marriage?

In recent years, people have talked a lot about how important it is to find a good balance between work and studies. It is a hot topic today because the passage of time has changed a lot in how we manage life, which is becoming increasingly difficult in addition to work or learning. This topic can be divided into two categories: SPM graduates and university graduates, because it appears to be important for both of them. Nowadays, some Tiktok or other social media influencers demonstrate their accomplishments and persuade teenagers to abandon their plans to study solely by being riders. The writer did not say that being a rider is the worst job ever, but it does demonstrate that if you work more, you gain more and have an irregular income. Let us look at what an expert from the Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) has to say about these categories. "SPM graduates have a very low academic certificate level that cannot give them a very bright future in terms of career. "This is because any organisation can only offer them as a cashier, a labourer, or in any retail department," Head of Program Management with Tourism, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairunneezam bin Mohd Noor, said. According to his previous research, the riders' monthly income ranges between RM 8 000 and RM 9 000. The riders did not have a work-life balance because they did not rest well after work and worked constantly. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairunneezam stated that he strongly advises teenagers between the ages of 17 and 18 to pursue further education to improve their chances of advancing in the company. "SPM graduates will not have a luxury of me time because they have to work harder to get a better life. "The employer of the company surely wants a good academic background, and the employee must know the skills, especially in decision-making," he said. The second category is for university graduates who have a diploma or degree and have been told by Dr. Neezam that they do not need to continue their education. "I advise bachelor's degree students to continue working regardless of politics or economics, but if they want to work full-time and pursue a master's degree part-time, that’s fine with me. "Any organisation will offer a bachelor's degree holder a good salary. This is because some in the company did not see a master's degree as a ticket to a higher position," he explained. In contrast to the opinions of Instagram users, they tell the teens to keep studying to reach a higher level of intelligence in many ways. "They must continue to learn because people with low education have a different level of thinking and answer questions differently," a bachelor's degree from UiTM, Mohammad Fahmi said. Furthermore, another encouraging comment came from a student who is still pursuing his studies despite being 26 years old and capable of working at his age. "According to some of the teenagers' circumstances, they can reach a decision concerning family, finances, and opportunities; everything will be fine as long as he or she understands the options,” Danish Zhafran said. The writer agreed with the views expressed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairunneezam and Instagram users. Personally, the author has some thoughts on the subject. Besides, the writer believes that SPM graduates should continue their studies to obtain a better education and a different level of thinking, but if they do not have enough money to do so, they can find any job, but please make the journey of a diploma or degree user a full-time one. University graduates, particularly those with a bachelor's degree, can choose to pursue a master's degree or find jobs that are related to their degree, but if they want to pursue a master's degree, they can work and study at the same time. SHOULD TEENAGERS FURTHER STUDIES OR CONTINUE WORKING? By Fatin Nadiah Kamaruzaman

Nasir scolds Arshad for acting like a maniac for opening the gate late at night. The two fights before Arshad rushes inside the shed to retrieve the gate’s key. Mak Ju, who appears out of nowhere, kills Arshad and died in an instant, while Mak Ju directed Nassir to clean his body. They both then acted as if nothing happened. The most significant thing Mak Ju gave Hajar was an understanding she had never received from her mother, along with care, compassion, and motherly love. 'Melenggang Perut' is one of the traditional methods taken by Mak Ju to detect the gender of the child while still in the womb. Hajar essentially complies with whatever Mak Ju instructs her to do since she feels helpless that Arshad has abandoned her and grateful that Mak Ju is willing to assist her. In the absence of her own mother, she is grateful for the constant presence of Mak Ju for her and her child. She then begins to love the child she is carrying. Hajar is not aware that Mak Ju is seeking the ideal soul vessel for her deceased child and that Hajar's unborn child can assist in reviving Mak Ju's deceased child. Although it deals with issues that are particularly relevant to Malaysian society, such as black magic, pregnant women, and societal difficulties. The work and presentation of this script are done in a unique manner using the most recent cinematic structures. For Malaysians, the movie's conflict is both interesting and exciting to witness. Talbis Iblis is a tale that provides a context for the act of evading Allah SWT. Kabir Bhatia returns with his next horror film. Those who have followed Kabir Bhatia's work in the past will undoubtedly be excited about this film. This movie debuts in every theatre in Malaysia on October 20, 2022. Astro Shaw and MM2 Entertainment are the film's publishers. In Talbis Iblis, Hajar (Azira Shafinaz) intends to leave Kuala Lumpur and give birth outside of marriage to hide her pregnancy from the public. Hajar travels to an unidentified location with her partner Arshad (Amir Nafis) to give birth to their child. Hajar is sent to live with Mak Ju (Nasha Aziz), a midwife who specialises in offering the greatest and most private care prior to and following birth. When the couple enters the home, Mak Ju welcomes them. The couple is assisted in settling into their room by Mak Ju's assistant, Nasir (Zul Ariffin). Seeing Hajar's predicament as she prepares to give birth, Mak Ju attempts to calm her down and vows to provide the best care to her. When Arshad verbally abused Hajar, Mak Ju is always willing to protect Hajar. She encourages Hajar to defend her rights. It is apparent that Arshad does not want anything to do with the unborn child, even going so far as to doubt the child's paternity. When Hajar discovered that her own mother had bribed Arshad to marry and live with her, she became enraged and decided to give it over. She tells Arshad to leave her alone and get out of her life. Those words were music to Arshad's ears, and he immediately drives out from the Mak Ju's place. By Muhammad Khairani Ebaraham@Ibrahim

My family and I went to Umrah for the first time during my semester break. At first, I was scared to go because I felt unworthy of stepping foot in the Holy Land. My mother invited me numerous times before I eventually consented to attend. I ultimately surrendered and opted to travel to the holy site after multiple visits to the Umrah course. Before our departure on September 14th, we met up with fellow pilgrims at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). We were handed passports and led to the departure gate after a short explanation and “tazkirah.” We’ll start at Mecca and then go on to Madina. We boarded a Saudi Airlines aircraft, and the whole cabin staff was dressed properly, with their private parts covered. During the excursion, we were fed twice, and the food was amazing. While on the aircraft, we intend Ihram, and several limits must be avoided after wishing for Ihram. We can’t use perfume and cut our hair at the same time. The flight from KLIA to Jeddah takes around 9 hours. We take a bus supplied by the agency in Jeddah and go to Mecca. It takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to get from Jeddah to Mecca. When I first arrived in Mecca, I sobbed when I saw the Kaabah, and the feeling is impossible to put into words. We arrived at the hotel and were encouraged by our mutawwif to relax before completing our first umrah after breakfast. Our accommodation is 60 meters from Masjid al-Haram. We conducted our first Umrah in Malaysia at 1 p.m. Our mutawwif also instructed us to complete all of the dhikr he recited after we circle Kaabah seven times. After that, we’ll head to Saie. When going through Bathnul Waadi, the region between Bukit Safa and Bukit Marwah (which is presently marked with green neon lights), male pilgrims are circumcised to run like children, whilst female pilgrims walk fast. When doing Umrah, “tahlul” Umrah might escape all ihram regulations by shaving or cutting their hair. We returned to our hotel to recuperate after finishing our Umrah. By Ain Syazlin Ramlan My First Umrah Journey

We didn’t do much on our first day in Mecca since we were jetlagged like the other pilgrims. My father and I just strolled around the stores in the hotel complex where we were staying. Our mutawwif urged us not to leave the house on Friday since we would be late for Friday prayer and hurried. On the other hand, the mutawwif emphasized that anybody who desires to give a tiny gift to the impoverished is welcome. My family and I have chosen to help. We thank Mutawwif donors for allowing us to feed those in need. We went trekking on Jabal Thur on Friday evenings. The entrance price is 35 riyals, which is 42.39 Malaysian ringgit. The journey from the hotel to Jabal Thur takes roughly 40 minutes. We took a roller coaster down the hill to where the ascent started. The truck driver drove the vehicle swiftly. While riding the roller coaster, my heart felt like it was going to explode. In 1 hour and 45 minutes, we arrived at the peak. Because we were fatigued from the voyage, my father and I took numerous pauses. From the top, you can view the clock tower and Mecca City. After reaching the summit, descend for approximately 50 meters before going through a little space between enormous rocks and discovering the ancient cave on the left. The word ‘Ghor Khira,’ which means Hira Cave, is carved in red paint on the cave’s wall. The first two verses of Surah al-Alaq were painted green on top of the inscription. The same surah was also inscribed on one of the Hira Cave pathways. Only two persons can easily fit within Hira’ Cave. We had our sunat prayers in the cave, then snapped some photographs before heading back to the hotel. The following day, we proceeded to Jabal Thur and Jabal Rahmah. We didn’t climb Jabal Rahmah since our time restriction had run out and we planned to do our second umrah after returning. Our second umrah was not led by a mutawwif since a mutawwif can only lead two umrahs. We went shopping for trinkets to present to family and friends in Malaysia after finishing the second umrah. My First Umrah Journey

Mecca’s ultimate destination is Taif City. Because the trip to Taif is a supplemental pilgrimage, we must charge each traveler 150 riyals. We visited a rose factory and a fruit market and dined on some of Taif’s finest Arabic rice and kunafa. My mother visited the rose factory and purchased rose-scented lotion and face wash. When we arrived at the fruit market, we were advised to test pomegranates at each store since we may buy them if the vendor stated it was halal. We picked up some fruits to eat on the way to our accommodation, including honeydew and pomegranates. The next day, we headed off for Medina. We traveled for six hours via bus. We settle into the hotel and prepare to do the Maghrib prayer when we arrive. I had a fever when I landed in Madinah. So, I’m not in good enough condition to explore Madinah. So, on my first day in Madina, I just relaxed at the hotel. The next day, we traveled to Medina’s inner city. The mutawif led us to the graves of the companions and briefed us about Islamic history. After seeing Madinah’s inner city, we returned to the hotel to prepare for the zuhr prayer. We satisfy our appetite after completing with meals supplied by the hotel. We then went for a stroll around the hotel, looking at clothing shops since the clothes we packed were inadequate. This is owing to the region’s high cost of washing, with 1 kilogramme costing 20 riyals.

That night, we entered the Raudhah for the first time. People rushed into the Raudhah, some even pushing and shoving their way in. My first reaction upon entering is difficult to describe because we can feel the experience for ourselves, which is hard to find elsewhere. Because it is the final resting place of the prophet Muhammad, Raudhah has a pleasant odor. We were given 30 minutes to worship in the Raudhah area. We went to the outdoor area the next day, which includes the Uhud war site and date farm. The mutawwif at the site of the battle of Uhud told the mutawwif that the Islamic army was not defeated, but this story has been twisted by outsiders. After that, we went to the date farm. Following that, we visited several places of worship spread across Madina. We were also able to pray in one of the mosques that had been under construction for quite some time. Then we went to one of the wells and date fields. The well’s name is Izziq well. The water from the well is extremely salty. Rasulullah once went to the well, drank some of its water, and then vomited it up because it was too salty. My parents and I were sad to leave Madinah on our last day. We cried after finishing the obligatory Zuhr prayer because it was our final time praying at the Prophet’s Mosque. After the prayer, we returned to the hotel to pack our belongings for the trip home. We left after lunch for Prince Mohammed bin Abdullah Airport, where we would fly back to Malaysia.

‘Escape the ordinary’ by travel to Selangor & Kuala Lumpur For those looking for an adventure drive, here is the ideal destination to visit. The ambience is nice throughout the drive, surrounded by forests and lush green trees. However, the route is quite narrow, allowing just one vehicle at a time. Location Hulu Langat is home to the breathtaking Moon Kissed by The River Resort. It is perfect for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, but it isstill only 40 minutes away. You can find Moon Kissed By The River on the water's edge. The phone service is extremely poor. This is an ideal location for those seeking a vacation free from technology and crowds. Accommodation Moon Kissed By The River offers two different accommodation options, one for "glamping" enthusiasts and anotherfortraditional campers. Glamping short for "glamorous camping," refers to camping that is more like "roughing it." One will not be able to feel like he or she is truly camping out in the woods, but the person in question can still have a pleasant night'ssleep. Camping Camping isideal for those who want to sleep under the starsin the woods and experience the thrill ofsetting up a real tent. There are some key distinctions between this camping experience and glamping. Camping is more of a no-frills activity that allows one to sleep underthe starsin a more genuine way. Tents, charcoal, and BBQ grills can all be reserved, and once guests have checked in, an on-site assistant will assist them to set up everything. Mattresses, sleeping bags, flysheets, and other amenities can be brought from home. It’s interesting to note that this pursuit is better suited to the physically active, the adventurous, and those who enjoy a challenge. To camp by the creek, we picked a spot right on its banks. Also, it is not too farfrom the surau, and it is conveniently close to public restrooms. This "camping" spot has a variety of amenities, including plug-in electrical outlets. One can still plug into the electricity grid but is required to bring their own fan and other appliances. In contrast to the luxurious but expensive trend of "glamping," this style of camping is simple, inexpensive, and enjoyable. The cacophony of the river, the song of the birds, and the laughter of campers all contribute to a vivacious mood at the campsite. Activities Select an appropriate time and day if determine to engage in activitieslike hiking or jungle tracking. This is because the following day's bad weather prevented us from going on a hiking trip. Besides going on a hike, you and your friends can also plan a barbeque and a swim in the river. We got there at 2:30, and aftersetting up camp and bringing in supplies, performing prayers, and doing otherthings, we hit the riverfor a refreshing dip. Campsite conditions and mood were greatly enhanced by the arrival of the refreshingly cool river water at 4:30 in the evening. We got lucky because the spot we picked was much more secluded than others nearby. As a result, we were able to take long,relaxing showers. After returning from the river, we began to make a fire to begin the BBQ and warm up. The BBQ activity ran successfully until it began to rain fiercely, at which point we were forced to manually burn the leftover chicken in a pan because we ran out oftime. We'll neverforget this! The night went on, and we laughed and told stories to the accompaniment of the rushing river and the chirping of crickets. There’s little doubt that memories are etched in one's brain forever. You should visit Moon Kissed By The River if you're searching for a nice area to hang out with yourloved ones. By Syarnieza Narisha Haris

In 2 days and 1 night, we travelled from Selangor to Kuala Lumpur, from the river to the land. The Zoo Negara or The National Zoo is one of the most interesting and suitable destinations for the entire family and friends to spend time together. Location Located in Ulu Klang, Gombak District, Selangor. Its highly visible location besides the roadside, which attracts both domestic and international visitors. Animal Show At 2 p.m., we arrived at the Zoo. The entrance cost is 45 RM per person. After registering, we were told to pose in different ways with several animal-themed photo booths. When we arrived, the animal show had already begun, giving us a fortunate feeling. We hurriedly made our way to the Show Amphitheatre, where the animal show was set to take place, so as not to miss the opportunity. During the animal show, one of the things that drew attention was the trainer's ability to converse with the seal named "Domba". During the show, "Domba" showed off how good he was at swimming. "Domba" can jump into the water and do something called "Dolphin Jump." The world-famous parrot is one of the eye-catchers. During the performance, audience members will have the chance to interact with the parrots. When a visitor is selected, a parrot will fly to his or her palm and accept a contribution from that person. The home of Pandas Being so separated from the rest of the animals, the panda exhibit was the very last one we visited. Each person is only given 5 minutes, and we were not allowed to make any noise or use a flashlight to take pictures. We can only feel how cold the panda's home is at the entrance. Throughout the entrance, there is important information about the pandas and the different types of pandasthat can be found in the zoo. Interestingly, this panda habitat is immaculately kept. As if to emphasise the point, the air is chilly and bamboo plants dot the landscape, creating a scene reminiscent of a tranquilChinese garden. The others The Aldabra tortoise, or Aldabrachelis gigas, is one of the speciesthatshould be an attraction. This aldabra tortoise's ability to be tamed and quickly know its protector is one ofits distinguishing characteristics. Also, the sun bear, also known as the Malayan Sunbear. They don't hibernate, but these sun bears are the tiniest bears on Earth. Long tongues allow sun bearsto catch insects and caterpillarsfrom crevicesin tree trunks. Besides, Capybara. The capybara isthe world'slargest rodent. It can also swim well and sleep in the water.In addition, its keen teeth allow it to cut wood branches. The Zoo has way too many creaturesfor a single visit to be worthwhile.Just for the sake of variety, we decided to walk instead of taking the Rides. There's no doubt that learning and talking about the world's incredible wealth of natural wonders is more enjoyable when done on foot.

You should apply the body mist, also known as misthree, before using the turns 33 perfume since it will produce an intensely aromatic scent. It is called misthree because it can wear on the body, hijab, and hair. She likes to name her product an extraordinary name for me, it is an extravaganza. When it comes to perfume scents, I am choosy. I had previously bought an expensive perfume, but my nose could not stand it. As a result, I carefully choose perfumes. But I adore the scent sold by "Kak Dian." We typically want to smell a perfume before purchasing it since we are concerned that it won't be to our taste. However, even though “Kak Dian's” perfume does not come in a decant, I still believe in her because I enjoy and love trying out her tastes. And finally, I urge my loved ones and friends to try it. I recommend that all women try this perfume because it smells incredibly pleasant and is difficult to describe. Once you've tried it, you'll order it again because it smells both like an expensive perfume and like a working lady, even though it's not as expensive as other branded perfumes. ''self-confidence starts from having a fragrant body'' Product Review To have a fragrant body odor, we should wear scents that match our body odor. This is because not everything sold in the market matches our body odor. Just like me, I also have a perfume that I prefer. It is because the smell very suitable for my sense. Sweet and soft ! That's a perfect description for the perfume. I want to review a product today. It is a regional item. One of my favourite scents is this one. Due to how wonderful this perfume smells, it will be my first review. A Malaysian founded this perfume. Mrs. Herdiana binti Abd Halim is her name. People called her “Kak Dian”. I appreciate her for being able to produce a perfume that smells wonderful. She came up with perfume and a body spray. Both sexes are permitted to utilize both. Body spray and perfume both have affordable prices. The body spray price is RM 47, while the perfume is RM 77. The fragrance brand turns 33. The name seems appropriate given that "Kak Dian's" 33rd birthday fell on the day the perfume was created. This perfume's wonderful scent pierces the heart with its beauty. Men can wear this scent, and it complements women. She and her husband may be debating whether to wear this perfume, according to user comments on Instagram. Because of this, many people, regardless of gender, can tolerate the fragrance of this perfume. By Ain Syazlin Ramlan

Local Perfume & TURN33 MISTHREE

The Lorong 'Your friendly neighbourhood Food Court' J U N E 2 0 2 2

More Information, visit: Instagram: Facebook: The Lorong is open from 5 pm to midnight every day except Tuesday. Located at 22, Jalan Melati Square Melati Square Putra Nilai 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The Lorong lives up to its name by being tucked away in a quiet alleyway, and the ambience inside is consistent with its covert location. It's unique and incredibly fascinating. It's likely that locals in Nilai and the surrounding area frequent this eatery rather often, but this is our first time here. Chef Zamri, who is both affable and well-respected in the culinary world, greeted us when we entered the store. Rather than sit inside the stuffy restaurant, we elected to dine outside under the starry sky and enliven the restaurant's vibe. Main Course Laksa Sarawak The Lorong was a top pick because of its reputation for serving Laksa Sarawak, a dish from the State of Sarawak, The novelty of trying Sarawak laksa for the first time made the experience even more memorable. Laksa Sarawak sauce created from shrimp stew and Laksa Sarawak noodles imported from Sarawak are two of the characteristics that make The Lorong's Laksa Sarawak so distinctive. Other ingredients include shrimp and chicken, and the dish is garnished with egg pieces, tofu split into squares, and bean sprouts. In addition to musk lime and belacan to stimulate the appetite. Rejuvenating, indeed! I can't think of a better way to put it than in that sentence. All of us have thoughts about the flavour of Laksa Sarawak, even though it's difficult for first-time diners like us to put into words exactly how it tastes. Laksa Sarawak The Lorong is a must-try for all lovers out there. In case you're interested in trying Laksa Sarawak, get on over to The Lorong right now. Others Kung Pao Beef Another delicious side dish choice is Kung Pao Beef. This dish's serving size is a full plate serving. Salad greens and cucumber are added. The Shell On The Shell On dish is one of the many that people rave about. You can order the smaller "Shell On A" dish if you're dining solo, or the larger "Shell On" meal if you're dining with a group. Add on Sata Sata is well-known among east coast people. It was the first time for some of us to try Sata. Dessert Ice Cream If you have a sweet tooth, you must try this ice cream dish as soon as it is served. The soft bread used in this ice cream preparation is a key component of the dish's unique flavour. By Syarnieza Narisha, Ain Syazlin, & Muhammad Khairani

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