Mexican Restaurant. Bienvenidos! Gratis! L a. R e v a n c h a La Revancha Rematch or Revenge? See Alan Abrams on page 20. Taquería El Nacimiento

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Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! September/sept. 21, 2005

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Vol. 38, No. 2


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DENTRO DENTRO:: Historia, 16 de sept......2 16 de septiembre..........4 Campaign Trail...........6 Pau & Yami..................7 Carla’s Corner.............8 Ohio Instant Tickets....8 HOROSCOPO..............8 Horoscope (English)....9 Deportes.................10-11 Liga, Las Americas...10 Events.....................12-13 Obituaries....................13 Mija Magazine...........16 OCRC hosts summit..18 Leo Ruiz y La Revancha.....................20 Classifieds.............22-26

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La Liga de Las Americas began its playoffs last Sunday with Dep. Latinos defeating Michigan, 3-2, at Schneider Soccer Complex. More photos on page 10 and at Gama, F.C. Rayos, & Toledo Sports Club also won.

L a R e v a n c h a

Breves: Una “pena” rechazo de Fortuño, dice Fernando Ferrer SAN JUAN (AP): El candidato demócrata a la Alcaldía de Nueva York, el puertorriqueño Fernando Ferrer, lamentó el viernes la determinación del comisionado residente, el novoprogresista y republicano Luis Fortuño, de no apoyarlo en sus aspiraciones al cargo. (Continua en la p. 3)

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Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! Serving the Restaurant Industry Elena Robles

September/sept. 21, 2005

Spanglish Weekly/Semanal

28 Páginas

Vol. 38, No. 2

Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly

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Historia, 16 de sept......2 16 de septiembre..........4 Campaign Trail...........6 Pau & Yami..................7

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La Liga de Las Americas began its playoffs last Sunday with F.C. Rayos of Sandusky defeating Guadalupe, 2-0, at Schneider Soccer Complex. More photos on page 10 and at Gama, Dep. Latinos, & Toledo Sports Club also won.

Una “pena” rechazo de Fortuño, dice Fernando Ferrer SAN JUAN (AP): El candidato demócrata a la Alcaldía de Nueva York, el puertorriqueño Fernando Ferrer, lamentó el viernes la determinación del comisionado residente, el novoprogresista y republicano Luis Fortuño, de no apoyarlo en sus aspiraciones al cargo. (Continua en la p. 3)

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La Prensa

Página 2

September/septiembre 21, 2005

Fox recalca logros democráticos en México

La historia para el 16 de septiembre


Acontecimientos salientes en esta fecha: 681 - DUltima sesión del concilio cuarto de Constantinopla, sexto ecuménico. 1492 - Cristóbal Colón descubre, en camino hacia el Nuevo Mundo, el “Mar de los Sargazos”. 1498 - Muere fray Tomás de Torquemada, primer inquisidor general de España. 1810 - “Grito de Dolores” por el cura Miguel Hidalgo, que proclama la independencia de México. 1812 - Los soldados franceses de Napoleón tratan de hacer volar la Alhambra en Granada, y sólo la heroica acción de un soldado inválido español evitó la bárbara acción. 1832 - Se publica el primer número de “Diario de la Marina,” en La Habana. 1854 - En el teatro Santa Ana, de la capital mexicana, se interpreta por primera vez el himno nacional de ese país. 1862 - Se inicia la sangrienta batalla de Antietam, en la guerra civil norteamericana, en la que fuerzas del Sur y el Norte combaten sin un resultado decisivo. 1884 - El congreso de México proclama presidente a Porfirio Díaz. 1896 - Un cáncer en la lengua causa la muerte del compositor brasileño Carlos Gomes. 1928 - El velero “Kobenhavn”, el más grande de su especie en el mundo, parte de Copenhaguen hacia Buenos Aires y Australia, pero desaparecerá misteriosamente sin dejar rastro en el Atlántico con la pérdida de todos sus ocupantes. 1936 - El científico francés Jean-Baptiste Charcot muere ahogado al naufragar en Islandia su barco de investigaciones. 1945 - La Gran Bretaña reconquista la colonia de Hong Kong al terminar la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

NUEVA YORK (AP): El presidente Vicente Fox dijo el jueves que, por primera vez en la historia de México, el mandatario de la nación no sabe quién será su sucesor. Fox, que hizo un balance de sus cinco años de gobierno en la entidad neoyorquina Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores, (Council of Foreign Relations), destacó que hoy existe una “verdadera democracia” en su país y que, en contraposición a los 71 años ininterrumpidos de gobierno del Partido Revolucionario Institucional, no sabe quién le reemplazará. El mandatario, que habló en inglés, advirtió además que, pese a los elevados precios del petróleo, “es muy arriesgado depender del crudo para construir un país, porque el petróleo sube y el petróleo baja’’. Agregó que, además del crudo, “deberíamos pagar más impuestos’’, porque se da la paradoja de que “pese a tener miles de millones de barriles de crudo en reservas, somos pobres de capital para explorarlas, para explotarlas y para modernizar nuestra industria petrolera’’. A fin de paliar esta situación, el mandatario dijo que indicó al Congreso que deberían ser enmendadas las leyes que prohiben la entrada de capital extranjero

en la nacionalizada industria petrolera. “Somos un país rico en petróleo y pobre en recursos para explotarlo”, reconoció Fox, y culpó de esta situación a la oposición “que prefiere no arriesgarse y hacer nada”. Además de referirse a la necesidad de reformar el sistema fiscal, Fox hizo hincapié en que la legislatura debe aprobar una reforma laboral, especialmente en el capítulo de las pensiones, creando un sistema de cuentas privadas de inversiones para la jubilación “algo parecido a lo que, con enorme acierto, ha hecho Chile’’, cuyo sistema de pensiones privadas consideró un modelo para la América latina. En referencia al Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (NAFTA), Fox reconoció que tanto Estados Unidos como México están perdiendo empleos ante China y otras partes de Asia, y estimó que para evitarlo ambos vecinos deben incrementar su competitividad. Esa competitividad puede ser lograda “por parte de Estados Unidos, mediante una reforma a la ley de inmigración que dé residencia legal a los mexicanos que trabajan, pagan impuesto y tanto contribuyen al desarrollo de ese país, y mediante la creación de un sistema para facilitar legalmente la entrada, un cupo, de los que quieran hacerlo por la vía legal”. En el terreno de las

relaciones internacionales, reconoció que tradicionalmente “México ha tenido y tiene unas buenas relaciones con Cuba”, pero estimó que la isla debería permitir la visita de delegados de grupos de derechos humanos, “de organizaciones no gubernamentales, al igual que ocurre en Chiapas, y de la enviada de la ONU” con esa finalidad. En referencia a la situación de inseguridad “que muchas veces de forma errónea han descrito los medios informativos”, Fox reconoció que en algunas partes de México “tenemos graves problemas, como en Nuevo Laredo, donde los carteles de la droga y la delincuencia organizada han desafiado los poderes del estado. Los carteles están en México pero el mercado está aquí, en Estados Unidos. Es un problema internacional, pero quiero insistir que ganaremos esa guerra”. Sobre sus planes privados, ante la pregunta de si seguirá la tradición de muchos de sus predecesores de ausentarse del país por un año, Fox respondió que cuando se retire “me iré con Marta (su esposa) a la hacienda en la que viví antes y pienso vivir el resto de mis días, a pasear a caballo y a disfrutar de mi nieto, que le gusta mucho cabalgar conmigo, y no, no dejaré México, que es el único lugar en el que quiero vivir”.

La Prensa Newspaper Staff Culturas Publications, Inc. Rebecca McQueen Editorial: Carla Soto Monica Morales Fletcher Word Wendy Cuellar Elisea Alvarado O’Donnell María Ruvalcaba Davide García Art/Graphics/Web: Jennifer Retholtz Advertising: Adriana Chasteen 419-367-4439 Carla Soto & Holly Gonzáles Rico Distribution: Wally Rodela & Rico Roberto Romero Amparo Sierra Jaime Hernández/AntonioMoreno

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José María Morelos y Pavón (1765-1815). With Hidalgo’s execution in 1811, Father Morelos assumed leadership of the Mexican Independence movement. Although a strong supporter of Hidalgo, he had different views about waging a war. 1967 - El secretario general de la Organización de Naciones Unidas U Thant pide a Estados Unidos que cese el bombardeo de Vietnam del Norte. 1976 - La iglesia protestante episcopal de Estados Unidos aprueba la ordenación de mujeres como sacerdotes y obispos. 1978 - La Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua anuncia que ha recapturado la ciudad de León, segunda del país, que estaba en manos de guerrilleros sandinistas. 1979 - El presidente de Afganistán Nur Mohammed Taraki es derrocado en un golpe que encabeza el primer ministro comunista Hafizullah Amin. 1990 - Televisión iraquí transmite grabación de discurso del presidente estadounidense George Bush al pueblo de Irak; vocero luego lo llama mentiroso. 1992 - Reunión de la CE para tratar de poner fin al caos en los mercados de divisas de Europa. 1994 Presidente estadounidense Bill Clinton le advierte a los líderes militares haitianos: “Les ha llegado la hora. Partan o los sacamos”.

1995 - Tres aviones militares que volaban en formación durante un acto para celebrar la independencia mexicana se estrellan, y mueren seis tripulantes. 1996 - Francia inicia la eliminación de las 18 instalaciones de cohetes nucleares emplazados en los Andes para depender sólo de los que transporta en aviones y submarinos. 1997 - El tifón Olivia mata a seis personas, y fuerza la evacuación de 80,000 habitantes de la costa suroeste de Japón. 2000 - La televisión norcoreana muestra, por primera vez, cuando los atletas del país marchan junto a los de Corea del Sur en la ceremonia inaugural de los Juegos Olímpicos en Sydney, una muestra del mejoramiento de las relaciones entre los dos países de la península coreana. 2001 - El tifón Nari azota el norte de Taiwán, y mata a nueve personas. Natalicios de la fecha: Luis XIV, rey de Francia (1638-1715); Lauren Bacall, actriz esta-dounidense (1924—); B.B. King, músico de blues estadounidense (1925—).

México establishes consulate in Mobile MOBILE, Ala. (AP): México has set up a consulate office in an old house on Dauphin Island Parkway in Mobile to help Mexican nationals who are victims of Hurricane Katrina. Alberto Díaz González, a consular official, arrived Monday from Atlanta to trade places with another official who was on her way back to the Georgia headquarters. On Díaz’s desk were maps of the Gulf Coast, showing routes taken by consular vans

to give information and assistance to Mexicans affected by the storm. Díaz said the van does not distribute food and clothing but passes out information about available services, takes people to shelters, gives out cash and distributes free phone cards so victims can contact family members in México. The consulate, which is sharing space with the Hispanic Ministries of Mobile, is part of the consulate general’s office in Atlanta

La Prensa Lorain & Cleveland Staff Teodosio Feliciano - Reportero & Fotógrafo

VENTAS: Rubén Torres, Lorain & Cleveland Sales Manager 440.320.8221 Teodosio Feliciano, Cleveland Field 216.252-7773 ext. 2


that has jurisdiction over Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi. Mexican nationals from New Orleans are being aided by the Houston office that has set up a temporary consulate for victims in González, Texas. Nationals have been aided by numerous consulates in the United States and Canada, as reported in La Prensa last week, as illustrated by the assistance offered by the Detroit office, headed by Cónsul Antonio Meza Estrada.

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September/septiembre 21, 2005

FLOC breaks ground for new Breves: (Continuación de p.1) NC office Growers’ Association. A Sin embargo, Ferrer restó Last Wednesday, Sept. 14, members of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) broke ground for its permanent North Carolina office at 4354 Hwy 117 South, Dudley, NC. Joining in the ceremony were Anjelita Morrisroe, board member; Leticia Zavala, North Carolina staff director; Baldemar Velásquez, president; and Wes Waller, construction supervisor for JohnsonRussell Construction. The land for the project wasagiftfromMrs.Morrisroe, a leader of area Latino businesses. Her convenience store, La Palmita, is directly across from the building site. Mrs. Morrisroe has donated space to FLOC inside her store for the past three years. The need for the office building came about as a consequence of the historic labor agreement signed one year ago between FLOC, the Mt. Olive Pickle Company, and the North Carolina

year round staff of eight is involved in contract management and worker training. The 3500 sq ft steel structure will house offices for the FLOC staff. In addition, the building will have space for organizing, educational and training activities. Future plans include rentals for community events and hurricane refuge. The construction loan comes from the Raza Development Fund of the National Council of La Raza. The building is projected to be ready for occupancy in early December. FLOC has a fund raising campaign running to provide for the needed furnishings, office equipment, and landscaping. FLOC’s administrative offices are in Toledo, Ohio. FLOC also maintains an office in Monterrey, México to serve its members in the H2A, guestworker recruitment process.

Annual Día de Los Muertos Celebration Fundraiser Presented by: The Sofia Quintero Art & Cultural Center 1225 Broadway, Toledo, OH. 43609

Saturday/sábado October 29, 2005 7:00p.m. to 11:00p.m. $25.00 per person Altar displays, ethnic food, beverages & entertainment (music & dance) will be provided for all to enjoy! For those wishing to participate in the SQACC altar competition, please call 419-241-1655. Altar competition fee is $20.00. Limited space 8’ X 8’ availability for altars. Please call ASAP for details.

importancia a la posición de Fortuño porque sí cuenta con el respaldo del gobernador Aníbal Acevedo Vilá y con el resto de la comunidad puertorriqueña. Además, señaló que, aunque Fortuño es conocido en la comunidad hispana de Nueva York, la determinación del comisionado “no ha hecho mucho ruido”. “Eso (la posición de Fortuño) es un caso triste porque en estos momentos es sumamente importante unirnos. Estamos en la posición, por fin, de escribir nuestro propio capítulo en la historia de la política puertorriqueña. Es su decisión, qué pena’’, declaró Ferrer en entrevista radial (WKAQ). “Fortuño es un hombre bien conocido en la ciudad de Nueva York, (pero) a mi lado tengo al gobernador de Puerto Rico, Aníbal Acevedo Vilá. Yo creo que vamos a ganar’’, agregó. Y cuando se le preguntó si la postura de Fortuño tendría consecuencias adversas para su candidatura, Ferrer contestó: “aparentemente, no”. Fortuño dijo que no endosaría las aspiraciones de Ferrer, porque el político de Nueva York endosó a Acevedo Vilá y al candidato popular a comisionado residente, Roberto Prats, en las pasadas

elecciones de la Isla. El novoprogresista también dejó entrever que hasta podría hacer campaña a favor del contrincante republicano de Ferrer, el incumbente Michael Bloomberg. “No, definitivamente no voy a hacer campaña a favor de Fernando Ferrer. Él hizo campaña a favor del Partido Popular Democrático, de Aníbal Acevedo Vilá y de Roberto Prats, en contra mía’’, dijo Fortuño el miércoles. “Cuando he necesitado a Michael Bloomberg para asuntos de Puerto Rico, ha estado presente. Eso es así y yo le tengo un agradecimiento muy grande’’, añadió. Juez deja en libertad a ambientalista mexicano Por NATALIA PARRA ACAPULCO, México (AP): Un juez mexicano dictaminó que no había suficiente evidencia y desestimó los cargos contra un ambientalista mexicano cuyo dudoso encarcelamiento por asesinato provocó protestas internacionales. En el balneario de Zihuatanejo, el juez Ricardo Salinas dejó en libertad el martes a Felipe Arreaga, que fue arrestado el año pasado sobre la base de lo que muchos dicen fue evidencia falsificada que le vinculó al asesinato de Abel Bautista, hijo de un ranchero, el 30 de mayo de 1998. La decisión fue recibida

Page 3 con una explosión de júbilo por Celsa Valdovinos, esposa de Arreaga y líder de su equipo de defensa, así como de unos 20 de sus familiares y amigos, que se reunieron en el tribunal. Eduardo Murueta, procurador del estado de Guerrero, dijo que Arreaga dejó la cárcel de Zhihuatanejo, donde había estado arrestado. “No estoy resentido, yo no tengo enemigos’’, dijo Arreaga a reporteros. Mi lucha es por los bosques y para que nunca haya escasez de agua’’. Miembro de la Organización de Campesinos Ecologistas, Arreaga era un importante activista contra la tala de árboles en Guerrero. La evidencia en su caso fue examinada de nuevo a pedido del nuevo gobernador de Guerrero Zeferino Torreblanca, que asumió el cargo el 1 de abril. El mes pasado, el grupo ambientalista estadounidense Sierra Club otorgó a Arreaga, su esposa y Albertano Peñalosa—quien fue herido

recientemente en una emboscada que mató a dos de sus hijos—por arriesgar sus vidas y libertad para combatir la tala en las montañas de Guerrero. Ambientalistas en todo el mundo dijeron que el arresto de Arreaga fue parte de una campaña de descrédito contra los esfuerzos anti-tala. En una declaración, la Oficina de Washington para Latinoamérica aplaudió el dictamen judicial, pero dijo que fue “solamente un primer paso para resover una situación en la que se están cometiendo graves violaciones de derechos humanos contra aquellos que defienden el ambiente en Guerrero’’. Llamó a Torreblanca a asegurar que el dictamen del juez no sea apelado, que garantice la seguridad de Arreaga y su familia y ordene a las autoridades exonerar a otros 14 miembros de la Organización de Campesinos Ecologistas que enfrentan órdenes de arresto por el mismo asesinato.

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Maria siempre asegura que el trabajo se hace bien, incluso si eso la mata. 1 de cada 9 personas que mueren por el uso del tabaco, nunca habían fumado en su vida. Las meseras, los cocineros, los empleados de oficinas y fábricas, y todos aquellos que en su lugar de trabajo no cuentan con políticas de Aire Limpio en Lugares Cerrados, son todos parte de las 53.000 personas no fumadoras que mueren cada año por esta causa; y ellos son parte de nuestra comunidad. Llegó la hora de decir “Ni uno más,” brindando su apoyo a las políticas de Aire Limpio en Lugares Cerrados. Vaya a la página web para obtener un paquete de información.

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La Prensa

Página 4

September/septiembre 21, 2005

Hispanic Heritage Month celebrated

L-R: La Prensa’s Adriana Chasteen with Theresa Morris Ramos, Wanda Toohey, Isabel Flores, and Luis García at the Mexican Consulate’s annual Mexican Independence Day ceremonies at the Detroit Chamber of Commerce.

Paula Hicks-Hudson, Margarita De León, and Al Flores attend the HHM festivities and fundraiser for Lourdes Santiago, who is the endorsed Democrat for Toledo Municipal Court judge, at El Camino Real restaurant last Monday. Emilio and Alvina Costilla celebrate the independence of México at SS. Peter and Paul Church with El Grito Ceremonies conducted by Consuls Antonio Meza Estrada and Oscar de La Torre of the consulate for Michigan and Northern Ohio. More photos at

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September/septiembre 21, 2005

Detroit mayor’s comments rekindle tensions

Katrina evacuees find help landing work in Michigan SOUTHFIELD, Mich. (AP): Hurricane Katrina evacuees have come to Michigan seeking food, shelter, refuge—and jobs. Whether families of evacuees stay or go will be largely determined by their ability to find jobs in Michigan, experts said. Many are searching for work in Detroit-area hotels and restaurants, even with the state’s unemployment rate at 6.7 percent, one of the highest in the country. But Michigan can handle a few more job seekers, experts said. “I could see there being a problem if there were planeloads of people being dropped off, but that’s not the case,” said Robyn Boyle, an urban affairs professor at Wayne State University. Among those looking for work is Tanjie Watson, 31, of Biloxi, Miss., who drove to Detroit with her husband and their four children, ages 6 months to 10 years. The family is staying at the Homestead Inn in Southfield with help from the Red Cross. The 14-day arrangement ends in a week, Tanjie Watson said. After that, they have to fend for themselves. “We’re trying to find our way, but we don’t really have funds,” she told the Detroit Free Press for a Saturday story. “How are we going to find anything when we don’t have

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By BREE FOWLER Associated Press Writer

funds?” Watson most recently worked at the reservation desk of a Biloxi hotel and casino. Her husband, Duane Watson, a 31-year-old truck driver, also is looking for work. Volunteers are trying to help the hurricane victims by donating interview clothes, helping write resumes and compiling a database of companies willing to hire new employees. At the Ramada Inn and Convention Center in Southfield, which has housed about 360 evacuees since the beginning of September, volunteers are organizing a job room as a resource for any evacuees in the area. Evacuee Sherwin Malone was desperate to find work and went out on his own. The 25-year-old has a 4-year-old boy and a wife pregnant with twins due in November. “I had to earn some money. I need to support my wife,” he told the Detroit Free Press. A decade of working in restaurants helped him land a job at the Outback Steakhouse in Southfield. “Where there’s a restaurant, there’s a job,” Malone said Wednesday after landing a line cook position. “I’m not one to take handouts. I’ve worked all my life. That’s just the way I am.” Information from: Detroit Free Press,

DETROIT (AP): At a time when the city is trying to revamp its image, attract investment from across the region and reverse its population decline, critics say Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is alienating the surrounding communities. On Thursday, Kilpatrick angered Oakland County officials when he made comments during the first of three debates with challenger Freman Hendrix, singling out two of the county’s school districts as having higher rates of drug use than Detroit’s. “In Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills and all these places, they do more meth, they do more Ecstasy and they do more acid than all the schools in the city of Detroit put together,” Kilpatrick said. County and school district officials lashed out at the mayor Friday and requested a public apology. “That statement is irresponsible, it is slanderous and we are here to correct the record this morning and ask for an apology from the mayor of the city of Detroit,” Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson said during a news conference. “Those comments insulted the residents of Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, insulted the students and impugned the reputation of two of our finest, exemplary school districts,’’ he said. Messages seeking comment were left Friday with two Kilpatrick spokesmen. Kilpatrick released a statement

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late Thursday saying, “Character issues such as drug abuse are not exclusive to Detroit Public Schools. My reference to substance abuse, not intended to focus on any particular school district, was simply used to illustrate this position.” At a news conference Friday afternoon,HendrixsaidKilpatrick’s drug comments were “inappropriate’’ and “immature,’’ but it is up to the mayor to apologize. Patterson said Kilpatrick’s comments were reminiscent of longtime Detroit Mayor Coleman Young, who Patterson said refused to develop any kind of relationship with the surrounding communities. In his January 1974 inaugural speech, Young enraged suburban officials when he encouraged the city’s criminals to “hit Eight Mile Road’’ and leave the city by way of the suburbs. Eight Mile Road is the dividing line between Detroit and its northern suburbs. “Kwame has largely been a very affable person to work with, but once in a while he makes comments like these that really hurt relations’’ Patterson said. ``I’ll continue to work with him because he’s the leader of Michigan’s largest city, but he’s not going to be on my Christmas card list.’’ Kilpatrick has acknowledged the city’s lingering racial tensions and has encouraged young Detroiters to explore beyond the city’s borders—including places their parents may never have gone. In an interview with The Associated Press in May, he said the city needs to recruit new industries that will boost its economy and erase perceived racial barriers about who is supposed to work where and in what jobs. The general election, which will be held Nov. 8, comes at a time when Detroit’s population is declining. The city has lost about half its population since a half-

century ago, when the city and the American automotive industry were at their peaks. It is now the country’s 11th-largest city with about 900,000 residents. At the same time, the city continues to struggle with problems of crime, unemployment, urban decay and a $300 million budget deficit. The U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey reported last month that Detroit was the nation’s most impoverished big city in 2004, with more than one-third of its residents living at or below the federal poverty line. In the August primary, Hendrix out-polled Kilpatrick 44 percent to 34 percent _ making Kilpatrick the first incumbent mayor to finish second in a primary in at least 60 years. Patterson said he doesn’t understand why Kilpatrick would make such inflammatory comments about two of

Oakland County’s most prosperous communities, unless he thought it would win him some of the votes he desperately needs. Pollster Ed Sarpolus of EPIC/ MRA in Lansing said that may be the case. Sarpolus said that while the polls show nearly an even split among black voters between Kilpatrick and Hendrix, both of whom are black, the vast majority of whites and other minorities, which account for about 20 percent of the voting population, prefer Hendrix. As a result, Kilpatrick may be tryingtocreatean“usversusthem” mentality and label his opponent as the suburban candidate in an attempt to swing the black vote in his favor, Sarpolus said. “Mayor Kilpatrick doesn’t care anything about suburban relations right now,’’ Sarpolus said. “He just cares about the election. The problem with comments like this is that they’re only made for the moment. ... It’s a bid for political survival.’’

Hispanic Heritage Month Events

More events listed at

The Saginaw Art Museum presents: MEXICO: ART AND CIVILIZATION Opening Sunday, September 24th 2005, 1:00 – 4:00 PM with a free Family Day reception, including many activities for children and adults. The exhibition will continue through January 8, 2006. Included in the presentation will be: • SELECTIONS FROM THE MARGOLIN COLLECTION, more than 150 fine examples of indigenous art representing many of México’s 31 states: • An ofrenda for El Dia de los Muertos by Detroit artist Gerardo Macias-García • A display concerning Los Repatriados • Daily video screenings on many cultural and historical aspects of Mexico • Classes, workshops and ongoing activities for children and adults in the museum • Education studios and VisionArea 1126 North Michigan Avenue, Saginaw, MI 48602 TEL (989) 754-2491, Admission: $5 adults, under 16 and members free Wednesdays free; Hours: Tuesday thru Saturday 10AM – 5PM, Sunday 1-5PM, Thursday 10:00AM – 8:00PM

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Página 6

September/septiembre 21, 2005

Hispanic Youth Walk was hosted by the United Methodist Church in Fremont, pastured by Adolfo Mejia, and the United Methodist Center and the Rev. Mark A. Chow from Maumee, Ohio, last Sunday at Trinity United Methodist Church in Bowling Green, Ohio. The theme was: “The courageous walk in step with God/La caminata valerosa en pasos con el Dios.” Jesse Arriaga was the DJ, with additional entertainment by Jesse Ponce, Jacob Estrada, and others.

On the Campaign Trail Lisa Canales-Flores Fundraisers: Thursday, Sept. 22, 5:307:30PM, at Roofers Local #134, 4652 Lewis Ave., Toledo; donation $20. October 6, 5:30-7:30PM, at Gloria’s Tex-Mex Restaurant, North Summit St., Point Place; donation $15. Campaign Mgr. Ralph Becker, 419-467-5804. Mayoral candidates to debate on urban, minority issues Toledo: Mayor Jack Ford and former mayor Carty Finkbeiner will debate on urban and minority issues at the University of Toledo’s Nitschke Auditorium, at

7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 3rd. The debate is sponsored by the Northwest Ohio Black Media Association, the University of Toledo Alumni Association, Minority Affiliate and the Latino Affiliate of the UT Alumni Association. NOBMA is the Toledo-based affiliate of the National Association of Black Journalists. NOBMA and the UT Alumni Association have organized such debates on urban and minority issues with Toledo mayoral candidates since 1991. Efrem K. Graham, weekend morning anchor of WTVG-TV, will moderate the debate. Brandi Brown, midday deejay from WIMX-FM, will act as emcee and handle

audience questions from the floor. The candidates will respond to questions from a group of journalists and the public. Tony Rios, of Voces Latinas; Shenikwa Stratford, of WNWO-TV; Artisha Lawson, from the Toledo Journal; Geneva Chapman, from the Sojourner’s Truth; and Schylar Meadows, from WJUC-FM, will comprise the media panelists. Candidates running for political office in Lucas County will have an opportunity to be introduced before the start of the debate. For more information, contact NOBMA debate chairwoman Cherie Richardson at 419-530-4624.

Felicidades: Augustine Ramos and Theresa Castellanos Morris are pleased to announce their wedding, which took place September 3, 2005 at Mansion View Bed and Breakfast in Toledo’s Historic Old West End. The ceremony was followed by a reception at the Reynolds Garden Café. The wedding party included matron of honor, Beth Tabarez, friend of bride; Jessica Castellanos, sister of the bride; Alex Ramirez, best man and cousin of groom; and Joel Castellanos, brother of the bride. Jazz Ebright, goddaughter of the bride, was the flower girl and Onastasia Ebright was the junior attendant. The couple honeymooned in Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, México. Mr. and Mrs. Ramos now reside in Toledo.

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September/septiembre 21, 2005

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Mr. and Mrs. Omar Hernández attend the Mexican Consulate’s Independence Day Celebration in downtown Detroit.

Los chistes de la semana Por Carla Soto Una suegra que era bien metiche, pero metiche, metiche, se murió, y en su tumba le pusieron este mensaje: “Aquí descansa ella, y en la casa descansamos todos”. El esposo le dice a su mujer: Vieja, tu mamá se cayó de la azotea hace media hora. Y la esposa le dice: ¿Por qué no me habías dicho antes? Es que no me aguantaba la risa. Dios estaba creando el mundo y le estaba poniendo el nombre a los animales: -Tu te llamaras gallina-Tu te llamaras caballo-Tu te llamaras burroY siguio poniendoles sus nombres y después el burro pregunta: -¿Cómo me llamaba yo?Y dios contesta: -BurroDespués de 3 minutos más, el burro pregunta: -¿Cómo me llamaba yo?-BurroY asi cinco veces más le vuelve a preguntar: -¿Cómo me llamaba yo?Él le responde: -Burro idiotaY el burro dice: -Yo ya me estaba aprendiendo el nombre y usted ahora me dice el apellidoEstaba un señor que desea cambiar su nombre por que no podria pronunciar el que tenia Cuando le preguntan como te llamas el responde

hetor y le preguntan Y como te quiere llamar y el contesta vitor. Están unos compadres platicando y se les aparece el diablo diciéndoles que si adivina sus nombres se los llevará con él, únicamente le tienen que decir con qué letra empieza su nombre, entonces uno de los compadres le dice que su nombre empieza con “j”, después de muchos intentos y no poder adivinar el nombre, el diablo se da por vencido y le pide que diga su nombre, entonces el compadre le dice: Me llamo jelipe.

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Joe Ybarra, Jr. plays the accordion with Sangre Nueva band at Club La Vista. Ybarra, Jr. also does vocals with his father, Joe Sr., who founded the Tejano band over 25 years ago in Pontiac, Michigan. The band just released two singles, “No Me Se Rajar” and “Amor de Lejos.”


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4. Tan enamorada está Katie Carla’s Corner Holmes de Tom Cruise que Por Carla Soto Las 10 de la farándula 1.Britney Spears es mamá por primera vez. La princesa del pop dio a luz el miércoles 12 de septiembre, por cesárea a un varón bajo el signo virgo, en el UCLA Medical Center de Santa Mónica. Su esposo Kevin Federline repite la experiencia de la paternidad por tercera vez. Después de más de 24 horas de nacido, se conoció su nombre: Sean Preston. Britney y su esposo, dijeron estar “extasiados” por el nacimiento del niño en un comunicado divulgado en el sitio oficial de la cantante en la internet. El bebé pesó casi 7 libras. Britney llegó al hospital el miércoles a las 5:00 de la mañana escoltada por sus guardias de seguridad y acompañada de su esposo. 2. Talina Fernández está preocupada por la seguridad de su nieta María, ya que en varios medios de comunicación se ha especulado que la niña es la heredera de una cuenta de banco de Mariana Levy, la cual asciende a varios miles de dólares. La conductora de televisión declaró al diario Reforma que eso es totalmente falso y le pide a la prensa que no diga cosas que no son, porque están poniendo en riesgo la vida de la pequeñita, porque la situación en la ciudad de México cada vez es peor. Pero no sólo eso ya que también se dice que la pareja contraerá nupcias en noviembre en San Luis Potosí, ciudad natal de Ana Bárbara. 3. Ya es septiembre y hasta ahorita la pareja sensación de Hollywood, Angelina Jolie y Brad Pitt no han contraído matrimonio, pero los planes siguen “viento en popa”. Han corrido los rumores de que este par de tortolitos se darán el “sí definitivo” en la bella Italia.

adoptará el apellido de casada sin importar que ya es conocida con su nombre de pila. Así que la actriz después de su boda llevará el nombre de Kate Cruise, pues Tom le dice Kate en lugar de Katie...¡qué romántica! Tan enamorada está Katie Holmes de Tom Cruise que adoptará el apellido de casada sin importar que ya es conocida con su nombre de pila. Así que la actriz después de su boda llevará el nombre de Kate Cruise, pues Tom le dice Kate en lugar de Katie...¡qué romántica! 5. El grupo Kumbia Kings, de Abraham Quintanilla III se encuentra en la mira de las autoridades mexicanas por haber usado la figura del escudo nacional en una guitarra, durante su presentación en el programa de variedades Otro rollo, de Adal Ramones. Abraham Quintanilla apareció el martes 23 de agosto en el programa con una guitarra eléctrica con colores y figuras que representan la bandera mexicana. El incidente obligó a abrir un expediente en contra de Kumbia Kings, a lo que le seguirá una intervención internacional del gobierno de México y la inclusión del grupo musical en las listas de restricciones de ingreso de viajeros al país del Instituto Nacional de Migración. Las fuentes consultadas en Gobernación confirmaron que Kumbia Kings será boletinado en los mostradores migratorios de ingreso a México, cuando sus integrantes expresen su deseo de entrar al país serán objeto de una inspección especial. Su equipo musical, vestuario y escenografía se revisarán para constatar que se apegan a la ley. 6. Dice Lupillo Rivera que en el fondo es una buena persona. “A veces la gente me ataca, incluso han dicho que soy un golpeador de mujeres. Pero cuando me conocen un poquito, entonces se dan cuenta de que no soy como me pintan”. Prize Amounts

Number Remaining

#443, Cash Tripler, $1 $3,000 $300 $150 $60 $20

9 145 201 1,566 9,918

#441, 5 Times Lucky, $2 $15,000 12 $5,000 11 $500 415 $100 2,474 $50 16,286 $20 32,693 #440, Patriotic Payday, $2 $17,760 4 $1,776 13 $760 36 $76 804 $25 4,425 $17 6,713

Instant ticket prizes remaining as of August 31, 2005 Prize Amounts

Number Remaining

#463, Doubling Star Cashword, $2 $25,000 $4,000 $2,000 $1,000 $500 $200 $100 $50 $25 $20

24 16 17 16 95 245 546 13,010 34,257 81,534

#462, Lucky 7’s Bingo, $2 $10,000 25 $1,000 33 $500 106 $200 217 $125 274 $100 547 $65 1,352 $50 3,845 $42 2,688 $27 2,714 $25 45,472 $20 67,649 #461, Win For Life, $5 $1,000 a wk for life/TPD 1 $1,000 a wk for life 1 $10,000 4 $5,000 8 $1,000/TPD Entry 20 $500 59 $200 62 $100 6,327 $50 80,080 $30 16,583 $20 80,165 #460, Fast $50, $1 $1,000 $100 $50

70 689 69,198

Prize Amounts

Number Remaining

#458, Golden Ticket, $5 $150,000/TPD 1 $150,000 3 $25,000 9 $10,000 8 $5,000 12 $2,000 16 $1,000/TPD Entry 40 $500 348 $100 16,256 $40 81,314 $20 162,664 #456, Monster Money, $2 $25,000 18 $1,500 50 $50 6,047 $31 20,119 #455, Mustang® Money, $5 $100,000/TPD $100,000 $56,150/Mustang $5,000 $1,000/TPD Entry $500 $100 $50 $20

September/ septiembre 21, 2005

La Prensa—Entretenimiento

Página 8

1 3 6 4 23 464 3,809 94,902 95,379

#454, Bewitched™, $2 $20,000 18 $2,000 8 $100 836 $50 13,729 $25 27,285 #452, Money Tree, $2 $15,000 29 $2,000 30 $100 3,190 $50 23,681 $20 47,529 #451, Ohio Green, $1 $2,500 27 $100 1,058 $20 47,052

Prize Amounts

#439, Red Hot Cash, $2 $15,000 14 $500 32 $100 250 $50 15,771 $20 31,639

Number Remaining

#450, Wild Cherry, $1 $1,000 118 $100 234 $50 4,255 $25 39,583 #449, Double It!, $2 $16,000 $500 $100 $60 $30 $20 #448, Doubling Dollars, $1 $5,000 $100 $50 $25

Prize Amounts

22 47 581 2,450 19,366 48,467

23 1,076 8,501 53,496

Number Remaining

#446, 3x Diamond Dazzler, $5 $200,000/TPD $200,000 $20,000 $5,000 $1,000/TPD Entry $500 $100 $50 $20

1 4 25 164 27 1,270 25,971 61,934 103,740

#445, Fast Cash, $1 $2,000 $100 $50 $20

25 510 3,206 21,267

#444, Gold Fever, $1 $599 $100 $50 $20

41 84 2,400 15,418

#438, Bingo Times Ten, $5 $100,000/TPD $100,000 $50,000 $10,000 $1,500 $1,000/TPD Entry $500 $200 $100 $75 $50 $40 $30 $20

1 3 3 5 7 23 8 13 290 1,126 16,532 16,424 30,659 126,768

#437, Livin’ Lucky, $5 $200,000/TPD 1 $200,000 1 $20,000 11 $5,000 14 $2,000 29 $1,000/TPD Entry 20 $500 683 $100 6,689 $50 75,762 $20 76,264 #436, Ohio Millionaire, $20 $250,000/Yr For 30 Yrs/TPD 1 $250,000/Yr For 30 Yrs 1 $50,000 3 $10,000 5 $5,000 14 $2500/TPD Entry 15 $1,000 104 $500 3,618 $100 97,599 $50 97,529 $25 98,645 #435, Harley-Davidson®, $5 $100,000/TPD 1 $100,000 1 $15,000/Motorcyle 9 $5,000 3 $1,000/TPD Entry 13 $500 205 $100 749 $50 43,135 $20 43,564

Carla Soto Pero aunque no ejerce la violencia a nivel personal, Lupillo sí aprueba las incursiones bélicas en nombre de la democracia y en contra del terrorismo. “Yo creo que el gobierno de Estados Unidos está en lo correcto al hacer la guerra. Gracias a ellos nosotros podemos estar tranquilos. ¿Qué tal si un día se les ocurre brincarse pa’ México. Ya ven que esos morros lo que quieren es andar metiendo aviones en los edificios”. 7. El dueto Sin Bandera prepara ya su tercera producción discográfica titulada Mañana, cuya salida se espera para el 22 de noviembre, y de la cual se desprenderá el primer sencillo titulado “Suelta mi mano”. 8. A un mes del nacimiento de su tercer hijo, Miguel Armando, en la ciudad texana de McAllen, Gloria Trevi se prepara para regresar a México a recibir un homenaje el próximo 21 de septiembre en el “Paseo de las Estrellas”. Para la cantante de “Pelo suelto”, el día 21 de septiembre es una fecha inolvidable en su calendario, pues hace apenas un año, recuperaba su libertad, para comenzar una nueva vida llena de proyectos, tras pasar tres años encarcelada en Brasil y dos en México. Han pasado ya 12 meses y Gloria quiere compartir este Prize Amounts

Number Remaining

Prize Amounts

Number Remaining

#433, Lucky Times Ten, $5 $250,000/TPD 1 $250,000 2 $5,000 15 $2,000 52 $1,000/TPD Entry 21 $500 126 $100 2,824 $75 1,742 $50 18,084 $35 60,684 $20 217,494

#423, Doubling Star Cashword, $2 $25,000 $4,000 $2,000 $1,000 $500 $200 $100 $50 $25 $20

#432, Big Cash Double Play®, $5 $200,000/TPD $200,000 $10,000 $1,500 $1,000/TPD Entry $500 $200 $100 $50 $30 $20

1 1 7 6 17 12 9 265 20,054 48,791 49,453

#422, SuperCash II, $5 $100,000/TPD 1 $100,000 1 $25,000 6 $10,000 3 $5,000 6 $2,000 3 $1,000/TPD Entry 9 $500 28 $100 1,555 $50 8,167 $40 5,899 $20 26,601

#430, Slingo®, $3 $40,000 $4,000 $1,000 $500 $100 $65 $50 $30 $24

7 16 17 67 726 2,394 15,055 18,086 18,184

#429, Super Sizzling 7’s, $5 $177,777/TPD $177,777 $17,000 $7,000 $1,700 $1,000/TPD Entry $700 $500 $100 $50 $35 $20

1 1 9 16 22 16 52 72 7,373 70,896 17,715 106,240

#427, Pink Panther™, $2 $20,000 2 $2,000 3 $100 111 $50 1,852 $20 5,102 $10 11,717 #425, Cash Explosion®, $1 Entry Play at Home $500 $50 $25 #424, Super Instant Monopoly™, $5 $100,000/TPD $100,000 $5,000 $1,000/TPD Entry $500 $200 $100 $50 $30 $20

1 0 1 1 2 5 20 351 912 2,726

#421, Cash Bonanza, $10 $500,000/TPD 1 $500,000 3 $50,000 4 $10,000 10 $2,000/TPD Entry 13 $1,000 384 $500 835 $100 24,473 $50 42,699 $20 64,285 #419, After Holiday Cash, $2 $10,000 $100 $40 $20 #418, Green and Gold, $10 $500,000/TPD $500,000 $100,000 $50,000 $10,000 $5,000 $2,000/TPD Entry $1,000 $500 $100 $50 $25

4 216 4,251 7,951

1 1 3 3 4 18 6 208 226 30,381 9,084 27,661

560,370 554,024 977 12,125 120,775

#417, Double Doubler, $1 $10,000 14 $2,500 3 $200 8 $100 114 $50 1,415 $20 17,761

1 1 3 13 107 1,098 2,011 10,815 30,479 30,868

#416, Win For Life®, $5 $1,000 a wk for life/TPD 1 $1,000 a wk for life 0 $10,000 2 $5,000 2 $1,000/TPD Entry 8 $500 9 $200 9 $100 1,085 $50 13,502 $30 2,714 $20 13,603

día con su público, sus fans y la prensa mexicana, además de que quiere presentar a su tercer hijo Miguel Armando, el hermanito de Ángel Gabriel. Gloria Trevi recibirá un homenaje en el “Paseo de las Luminarias” el próximo 21 de septiembre, donde plasmará sus huellas, además de hablar sobre sus proyectos. 9. Aunque Paulina Rubio gritó a los cuatro vientos que sería la primera superestrella femenina de la música en ser invitada al programa de Diego Maradona, en Argentina, a la mera hora fue “desinvitada” y en su lugar asistió Cristian Castro para que cantara la noche del lunes pasado. Ayer mismo trascendió la versión de que Paulina Rubio se había portado como una diva con la producción de La noche del 10 y que había exigido una cantidad de cosas que parecía que se trataba de Madonna, así que los sencillitos argentinos decidieron sacarla del rol de invitados. 10. Mientras en España la prensa del corazón busca quién es el nuevo amor de Alejandro Sanz, y sus investigaciones apuntaban a una puertorriqueña de nombre Michelle, de quien se dice ya vive en su casa de Madrid, ahora salen a la luz pública unas fotografías del español en compañía de nada menos que Shakira. OHIO LOTTERY NEWS Double Doubler Play Ohio Lottery’s new $1 instant game, “Double Doubler.” You could win double, or even quadruple, the prize! With over $11.8 Million in Cash prizes, how could you resist? Odds are, you’ll have fun.

Horóscopo ★ ★ ARIES ANadie ★ tiene una idea de lo mucho que piensas en los demás y que a veces sufres por el dolor ajeno. Ser noble como tú, es don divino pero ni tanto ni tampoco. Piensa un poco en ti y en los tuyos. Cuida tu salud estos días: evita cambios drásticos de temperatura.

A★ TAURO ★Has★pasado periodos de tristeza, pero tras superarlos, la

dicha ha llegado a tu puerta. Tu hogar es uno estable, lleno de paz y armonía. Esa persona a quien tanto quieres te corresponde perfectamente y ambos se complementan de lo mejor. Aquellos que te pretendan romper su unión no podrán hacerlo.

GÉMINIS ★ ANo★se puede estar titubeando sin dar un paso ★adelante

★de lo contrario lo que se hace es retroceder. Pero las porque decisiones tienen que ser estudiadas y tú como que estás haciendo las cosas muy de prisa, sin meditar lo suficiente. Ten cuidado, ★ ★ porque te estás apartando de lo que te conviene.


CÁNCER Estos días lucen bien aspectados para las finanzas pero no para las relaciones amorosas. Estás entregando todo a cambio de un amor que no recibes. No se puede tapar el cielo con la mano y tú mejor que nadie sabes que esa relación no es la que más te conviene. Trata de invertir tu dinero en áreas relacionadas con bienes raíces.



LEO Tu capacidad para producir es impresionante. Tienes una energía que si sabes utilizar, tendrás muchos logros en la vida. Tú brillas por luz propia. No pierdas la perspectiva, busca tu ruta y llegarás muy lejos.

VIRGO A pesar de que a conciencia sabes que has hecho todo lo que está a tu alcance para que se te dío esa oportunidad tan importante en tu vida, en el fondo, sabes que tu mayor obstáculo para lograrla es tu falta de de acción. Siempre te quedas corto en el último momento. En la vida hay que sacrificarse.


★ LIBRA Aunque muchos te quieren, hay otros que tal vez porque no te conocen, te miran con recelo. El que más o el que menos siempre tiene alguien que no le simpatiza. Es completamente normal que esto ocurra, pero lo raro de tu caso es que no se justifica tal acción. Evita cualquier tipo de discusión o desavenencia. Esas personas solo desean ponerte a prueba.

A★ ★ ESCORPIO ★Vives muy a la ligera y eso te provoca momentos de Double Doubler Prize Amounts

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Chances of winning and the number of winning tickets are established at the time of printing and will change as prizes are won. For current information on prizes in a scratch off game, please call (216) 787-4100 in Greater Cleveland, 1-800-589-6446 outside of Greater Cleveland, or visit All instant ticket games may not be at all agent locations. The Ohio Lottery Commission reminds you to Please Play Responsibly. All lottery players are subject to the rules and regulations of the Ohio Lottery Commission.

ansiedad. No trates de cruzar el río antes de llegar a este. Esa prisa no te conducirá a nada favorable. En el trabajo te admiran mucho, no los defraudes.


★ un liderato SAGITARIO Tienes que desconoces. Si valorizaras esa virtud, estarías en mejor posición en todos los aspectos de tu vida. En tu núcleo de amistades te caracterizas por ser el eje, ya que de una forma u otra todos desearían tener tu estabilidad. Trata de neutralizar un poco el deseo de comer.

A★ ★ CAPRICORNIO ★Cuando te des cuenta de lo mucho que has recorrido para

lograr lo poco o lo mucho que tienes, te darás cuenta de que nada fue en vano. En vez de lamentarte de lo que no has podido hacer o lograr, celebra lo que sí has alcanzado.


ACUARIO ★ Te molestas cuando ocurren cosas a tu alrededor que te disgustan, pero no haces nada por intervenir, cuando se presenta la oportunidad de cambiar el curso de las cosas. Ultimamente disfrutas más de observar que de participar y eso no necesariamente es lo más provechoso. Una persona tan inteligente y capaz como tú debe aportar más y servir de estímulo a otros. Cuidado con realizar algo prohibido.


★ PISCIS Si la vida te da la oportunidad de disfrutarla, hazlo. No tienes por qué preocuparte tanto ni exponerte a las vicisitudes que acarrean la depresión y la melancolía. Ponte en tu lugar y no te tomes riesgos innecesarios porque lo vas a lamentar.

Bob Taft, Governor Tom Hayes, Director The Ohio Lottery is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Service Provider. ©2005 Ohio Lottery Commission

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September/septiembre 21, 2005

ABC to offer all primetime entertainment shows in Spanish By LYNN ELBER AP Television Writer (AP): ABC viewers will get “Lost” in translation as part of a plan to make all the network’s primetime entertainment available in Spanish starting this season. The move is an acknowledgment of the expanding U.S. Hispanic population and its potential as a source of viewers. Previously, “George López” was the only ABC series that aired in both English- and Spanish-language versions. “We wanted to move beyond toe-dipping and really dive in,” ABC entertainment chief Stephen McPherson said in a statement. “Almost half of the 41 million Hispanics in this country watch only or mostly Spanish-language television, and we want to bring that audience to ABC.” ABC, using both dubbing and closed captioning, will be the first of the major English-language broadcasters to provide its full primetime entertainment lineup in Spanish. Most other networks offer few shows in the language. The cost is “not inexpensive,” McPherson said in an interview Thursday, declining to provide a specific figure. But he said the return could be significant in terms of viewership. “If you look at the performance of Spanish-language stations in a lot of the big (TV) markets, they’re doing very well.

In some markets they’re beating the broadcast networks,” he said. Latinos are the fastestgrowing minority in the United States and represent one-seventh of the population, according to a recent Census Bureau report. “Desperate Housewives,” “Lost,” “George López” and the new comedy “Freddie,” starring Freddie Prinze Jr., will be dubbed into Spanish, as will the network’s theatrical movie premieres and some specials. Casting has already begun for actors to voice the Spanish dialogue. TherestofABC’sprimetime entertainment schedule, which debuts next week as the 200506 season officially begins, will be available with closed-captioned subtitles in Spanish, the network said. In test screenings, the network found viewers receptive to ABC’s programs in Spanish. “A lot of people had not seen the shows because they were not English speaking but were TV watchers, and were enthralled with them and wanted more,’’ McPherson said. McPherson said he wasn’t concerned about an immediate effect on Nielsen ratings. “It’s more to get it out there and get a large audience watching it and I think the overall ratings will follow,” he said. NUEVO BILINGUAL SERVICE CENTER

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GEMINI: (MAY 21 - JUNE 20) Just because Peter Pan got away with saying, “I won’t grow up,” doesn’t mean you can. Responsibilities are looming that cannot be ignored. But, never fear; you will handle ★them all with ease and grace.


CANCER: (JUNE 21 - JULY 22) Your imagination may not conjure up another Disneyland, but there is still plenty of room for your ingenuity to shine. Have faith that your contributions ★is merit praise. Patting yourself on the back occasionally ★ very acceptable.


LEO: (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) Timid behavior doesn’t seem to be your style. Why then are you acting so shy when it comes to your love interest? Let the gregarious you show through. You will ★ ★ like the response.


VIRGO: (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) Your life is frantic again and you are too wrapped up with your own problems. Make a shift away from yourself this week. Take time to drop in on someone who is house ★ bound ★or just plain lonely.


LIBRA: (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) Even if your house is not the biggest or costliest one on the block, it very probably reflects your refined sense of style. Forget about “keeping up with the Joneses”—it is likely★ your cultivated taste is the envy of your neighbors. ★


SCORPIO: (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) Usually you prefer to put in considerable time before making a decision. You might want to try relying more on your gut reactions. Going as far back as cave man days, ★ snap judgments have served a vital role for us humans.


SAGITTARIUS: (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) Try as you might, you are still feeling like a member of the rat race. Bring some passion and exuberance back into your life. For example, take an exploratory walk in a city you don’t ★ know or observe nature from the seat of a slow★ moving bicycle.


CAPRICORN: (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) The words of Thomas Jefferson on the subject of success describe your industrious spirit well: “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have ★ of it.”


AQUARIUS: (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) It is pretty tough to be as popular as Harry Potter is these days, but you come closer than most. Your list of friends is long and growing. Never take them for granted, but rather ★ nurture these special connections. ★


PISCES: (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 19) Although you know that honesty is the best policy, a recent remark has hurt your feelings. The truth can be painful, but the bigger person recognizes its accuracy and learns from it.


IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS SEPTEMBER 30: You share your birthday with Truman Capote and crooner Johnny Mathis. You are a perfectionist whose appearance attracts attention.

• • current events, photographs, links, weather, classifieds, copies of La Prensa can be found at •

La Prensa—Deportes

Página 10

Cruz Azul vence 2-1 a Tigres y sigue en la cima MONTERREY, México (AP): Cruz Azul visitó el sábado a los Tigres de la UANL y los doblego 2-1, con lo que alcanzó su séptima victoria en ocho fechas del torneo Apertura 2005 y se mantuvo en la punta del certamen. Por la “Máquina” de Cruz Azul, Francisco “Kikín” Fonseca abrió el marcador a los 15 minutos con un remate de cabeza a un pase del argentino César Delgado. El también argentino Gabriel Pereyra puso el 2-0 a favor del equipo celeste a los 73 minutos, cuando tras burlar a dos defensas envió el balón a la redes con un

tiro de izquierda. El arquero Edgar Hernández no pudo hacer nada por evitar el tanto. Unos 40.000 espectadores reunidos en el estadio Universitario de esta ciudad siguieron apoyando a los Tigres, quien a los 77 minutos consiguieron su gol por medio de un remate de cabeza del argentino Andrés Silvera. El defensa Mario Ruiz, de los Tigres, fue expulsado a los 83 minutos por doble tarjeta amarilla. Cruz Azul domina el Grupo 3 con 21 puntos, máxima cifra del torneo y que ningún otro equipo podrá alcanzar en la jornada

que concluye el domingo. Tigres se quedó con 13 puntos en el mismo grupo. La “Máquina” no ha podido ser dirigida por su entrenador titular, el argentino Rubén Romano, luego de que éste fue secuestrado en la capital mexicana el 19 de julio. Isaac Mizrahi, auxiliar de Romano, ha sido el encargado de guiar el equipo a la cima. En otro encuentro, con par de goles del argentino Alfredo Moreno, los Rayos del Necaxa superaron 2-1 a las Chivas de Guadalajara. Moreno abrió el marcador a los 28 minutos con tiro cruzado de derecha

y marcó el tanto de la diferencia a los 69 con un cañonazo desde la media luna del área. Adolfo “Bofo” Bautista descontó por Chivas a los 64 minutos, con un gol de remate de cabeza. Por Guadalajara, Ramón Morales ejecutó un tiro penal a los 14 minutos, pero el arquero Iván Vázquez se lo tapó. Necaxa llegó a 15 puntos

F.C. Rayos of Sandusky won in the Quarter Finals against Guadalupe, 2-0. More photos at

Toledo’s Gama defeated Dep. Monroe, 2 -1, in OT last Sunday at Schneider Soccer Complex, La Liga de Las Americas.

Liga de Las Americas

Regular Season Standings

Juego 22, Fecha: 11 de sept.

As of Game 22, Date: September 11, 2005


Juegos Goles a Goles en Goles de Jugados Ganados Perdidos Empatados Favor Contra Puntos Diferencia Deportivo Latinos 22 17 0 5 79 35 56 +44 Toledo Sports Club 22 16 3 3 84 33 51 +51 Deportivo Monroe 22 14 6 2 68 43 44 +25 Guadalupe 22 12 6 4 41 29 40 +12 F.C. Rayos 22 11 7 4 52 49 37 +3 Gama 22 11 11 0 52 47 33 +5 Manchester 22 6 10 6 46 57 24 -11 Michigan 22 6 10 6 34 55 24 -21 Fostoria 22 5 13 4 39 57 19 -18 Central 22 5 13 4 34 57 19 -23 Deportivo Ixtlán 22 4 14 3 40 69 18 -29 Tri de México 22 2 17 3 23 61 9 -38 Game #




Goals made Goals taken



September/septiembre 21, 2005 en el Grupo 1 y se colocó a dos del puntero América, mientras que Chivas se quedó con nueve puntos en el Grupo 3. En otro partido, los Tuzos del Pachuca vencieron 3-1 a los Pumas de la UNAM, con dos goles del argentino nacionalizado mexicano Gabriel Caballero, a los 59 y 71 minutos. El otro gol de los Tuzos lo hizo el paraguayo Nelson Cuevas a los cuatro. Antonio de Nigris descontó por Pumas a los 63. El triunfo le permitió al Pachuca seguir empatado con Toluca en la punta del Grupo 2, ambos con 14 puntos. Pumas se quedó con nueve unidades en el mismo grupo. Por su parte, Toluca, con par de goles de Israel López, venció 2-1 al Atlas. López marcó el primer tanto en tiro penal a los 28 minutos, mientras que el segundo lo anotó a los 67 con remate de derecha. Por Atlas anotó el brasileño Marcelo Macedo a los 29. El equipo se quedó en el fondo del Grupo 3 con seis puntos. En tanto, los Jaguares de Chiapas dejaron el sótano al Atlas, luego de conseguir su primer triunfo del torneo al superar 1-0 al Morelia y

llegar a siete puntos. Carlos Ochoa anotó el solitario tanto de Chiapas a los 57 minutos. Por el equipo chiapaneco debutó el técnico Fernando Tena, quien sustituyó a principios de semana a Fernando Quirarte. Damián Alvarez, delantero del Morelia, fue expulsado a los 33 minutos y su equipo poco pudo hacer para recuperarse. Morelia se quedó con diez puntos en el Grupo 1. En otro partido, Monterrey visitó y superó 2-0 al Atlante con goles de Jesús Arellano y Oribe Peralta a los 43 y 66 minutos. Con la victoria Monterrey tomó el segundo lugar del Grupo 3 con 14 puntos. Por su parte, Atlante se quedó con cinco unidades en el fondo del Grupo 1, por lo que su técnico Guadalupe Cruz presentó su renuncia. En otro partido, los Dorados de Sinaloa vencieron 1-0 al Veracruz, con gol de remate de cabeza del uruguayo Sebastián Abreu. Dorados llegó a siete puntos en el Grupo 2, mientras que Veracruz se quedó con nueve en el mismo grupo. La jornada concluye el domingo con los partidos, Santos-San Luis y TecosAmérica.

Lottery Results for Saturday, September 17, 2005 OHIO Mid-day Pick 3 Mid-day Pick 4 Pick 3 Pick 4 Rolling Cash 5 Super Lotto Plus Kicker Mega Millions

603 8910 638 5563 18-19-26-33-38 5-29-32-35-38-49 +14 3-2-8-8-7-3 5-16-41-46-50 +1 [Sept. 16]

MICHIGAN Classic Lotto 47 Fantasy 5 Daily 3 Eve Daily 3 Mid Daily 4 Eve Daily 4 Mid

01-16-27-28-29-31 20-23-26-29-39 859 557 6250 0682

INDIANA Daily 3 Evening Daily 4 Evening Lucky 5 Evening Hoosier Lotto Powerball Daily 3 Midday Daily 4 Midday Lucky 5 Midday

5-9-2 8-1-0-3 14-28-31-33-35 2-13-18-22-25-37 5-9-27-49-52 PB:6, M:2 1-7-5 4-9-7-8 3-7-13-23-29

Liga, Las Americas Fútbol For information on La Liga call Manuel Zapata (419- 345-2951) or Marisa González (419-788-1904). Complete schedule at:

PLAYOFFS: CUARTOS DE FINAL QUARTER FINALS SEPT. 18 Equipo Equipo Cuenta #6 Gama defeated #3 Dep. Monroe 2-1, OT 2-0 #5 F.C. Rayos defeated #4 Guadalupe #2 Toledo S. Club defeated #7 Manchester 7-1 #1 Dep. Latinos defeated #8 Michigan 3-2 PLAYOFFS:

SEMI-FINALS SEPT. 25, 2005 Equipo Equipo Horario #2 Toledo S. Club vs F.C. Rayos 11:00am #1 Dep. Latinos vs Gama 1:00pm At Schneider Soccer Complex

• • current events, photographs, links, weather, classifieds, copies of La Prensa can be found at •

September/septiembre 21, 2005

Top 10 teams in the AP Ohio high school U.S. football poll DIVISION I No.1 Cin. St. Xavier (4-0) beat Westerville N. 52-7. No.2 Cle. Glenville (4-0) beat Cle. East Tech 59-0. No.3 Can. McKinley (4-0) beat Can. GlenOak 49-0. No.4 Massillon Washington (4-0) beat Chardon 49-7. No.5 Cin. Colerain (3-1) beat Liberty Twp. Lakota E. 42-3. No.6 Cin. Moeller (3-1) lost to Findlay 35-17. No.7 Lakewood St. Edward (4-0) beat Cin. Elder 34-17. No.8 Cle. St. Ignatius (3-1) beat Mentor 55-35. No.9 Hudson (3-1) lost to Lyndhurst Brush 10-0. No.10 Centerville (4-0) beat Xenia 31-12. DIVISION II No.1 Avon Lake (4-0) beat Westlake 24-0. No.2 Cols. Watterson (3-1) lost to Worth. Kilbourne 19-0. No.3 Tallmadge (4-0) beat Richfield Revere 31-12. No.4 Springboro (4-0) beat Day. Carroll 23-0. No.5 Canfield (4-0) beat Young.stown Chaney 49-35. No.5 Louisville (4-0) beat Alliance 28-7. No.7 Lewis Center Olentangy (4-0) beat Sunbury Big Walnut 31-9. No.8 Copley (4-0) beat Barberton 35-12. No.9 Maple Hts. (4-0) beat Cle. Heights 36-25. No.10 Pickerington Central (4-0) beat Sandusky 18-14. DIVISION III No.1 Mentor Lake Cath. (4-0) beat Garfield Hts. Trinity 35-0. No.2 St. Marys Memorial (4-0) beat Wapakoneta 14-7. No.3 Kettering Alter (3-1) lost to Cols. DeSales 17-0. No.4 Steubenville (4-0) beat Young. Ursuline 35-0. No.5 Newark Licking Valley (4-0) beat Gahanna Cols. Acad. 23-0. No.6 Parma Hts. Holy Name (4-0) beat Salem 21-16. No.7 Cin. Indian Hill (4-0) beat Cin. Mariemont 42-14. No.8 Sunbury Big Walnut (3-1) lost to Lewis Center Olentangy 31-9. No.9 Salem (3-1) lost to Parma Hts. Holy Name 21-16. No.10 Clyde (3-1) lost to Oak Harbor 21-14 in overtime.

Page 11

Sub17: Brasil cae; EEUU, Italia y Holanda ganan Por JUAN ZAMORANO LIMA (AP): El tricampeón Brasil sufrió el sábado una estrepitosa caída al ser derrotado por el debutante Gambia 3-1 en el segundo día del mundial sub17, en que Estados Unidos, Italia y Holanda arrancaron con triunfos. Fue una jornada que se disputó en las ciudades norteñas de Piura y Chiclayo y en la que se marcaron la friolera de 24 goles. La gran sorpresa fue la victoria de Gambia, el campeón africano que participa por primera vez en un mundial de esta categoría. El equipo africano y Holanda, que derrotó previamente 5-3 a Katar, quedaron en la cúspide del Grupo D con tres puntos cada uno. En Chiclayo, Estados Unidos sufrió en los últimos minutos una arremetida de Corea del Norte, pero terminó venciendo 3-2, mientras que Italia, con un tanto a un minuto del final del delantero Salvatore Foti, se impuso a Costa de Marfil 4-3 por el Grupo C. Estadounidenses e italianos quedaron como líderes de la zona con tres puntos. En Piura, Brasil abrió el marcador con un gol de tijera de Igor a los 23 minutos, pero Gambia no se amilanó para

nada, empató con tanto de Abdoulie Mansally a los 27 y se fue al descanso arriba en el marcador con la anotación de Ceesay Momodou a los 45. El tercero fue de penal de Ousman Jallow a los 75. Brasil terminó con dos expulsados, el defensa Marcelo y el volante Celso. Gambia también sufrió la expulsión del mediocampista Ebrima Sohna al final. Los brasileños jugarán su segundo partido ante Holanda, mientras que Gambia lo hará ante Katar el martes. Más temprano, Estados Unidos arruinó el debut de Corea del Norte. Ryan Soroka abrió el marcador para los norteamericanos a los 13 minutos, aumentó Kyle Nakazwa a los 43 y el atacante Preston Zimmerman cerró la cuenta a los 72. Corea emparejó las acciones a los 24 mediante anotación de Myong Ho Choe y descontó a los 86 con tanto de Kux Jin Kim. Estados Unidos se las verá con Italia y Corea del Norte se enfrentará a Costa de Marfil el martes en la segunda jornada de la zona. Previamente, los italianos tuvieron que sudar los 90 minutos para derrotar a los de Costa de Marfil con dos goles de Christian Tiboni a los 21 y

32 minutos, Matteo Mandorlini a los 86 y el de la victoria de Foti a los 89. Las dianas de los africanos fueron obra de Alassane Diomande (27), Ismael Fofana (53) y Koffi Kouassi (87). En Piura siguió el festival de goles con la victoria de Holanda ante Katar. Los “naranjas”, que hicieron su primera presentación en estos torneos, se pusieron adelante temprano con un gol de Marvin Emnes a los seis minutos, pero Ali

Yahya emparejó a los 11 de penal. Jordy Buijs puso adelante nuevamente a los holandeses a los 30 con tiro desde los 12 pasos, pero Yusef Ali igualó las cosas a los 31. Holanda aseguró el triunfo en el complemento con las anotaciones de Mike Van Der Kooij (58), John Goosssens (65) y Emnes nuevamente (84). El tercero de Katar fue de Khalfan Al Khalfan (83). Holanda se medirá a Brasil y Katar a Gambia en la segunda fecha del grupo, el martes.

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Phone: 419/782.0002 Phone: 419/782.1007 Fax: 419/782.2007

Mexican Restaurant L.L.C.

Enjoy the real taste of Mexico! N O W ! 625 N. Shoop Ave.,Wauseon, OH O P E N Phone: 419/335.6299 • Fax: 419/335.6499 Carry-Out Available Mon. - Thurs. 11 am - 9 pm Fri & Sat. 11 am - 10 pm Sunday 11 am - 9 pm

$3.89 Chorizo-Supremo 3 for $1.19 Tortillas El Milagro MEXICAN PRODUCTS

200 E. Second Street Defiance, Ohio 43512 Phone 419.782.1889

$1.99 ½ -Gallon Milk $7.00 Dozen Tamales Piñatas • Eggs • Jarritos

• ¡e-Prensa! Over 2,500 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa every week gratis. Email [email protected] to subscribe •

La Prensa Events

Página 12

LA PRENSA’S CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Toledo/Northwest Ohio Happenings: Sept. 24: Marisa La Chula González celebrates her birthday at Las Palmas, Toledo, with Grupos Energia y Banda San Bernardo de Columbus; 419-788-1904. October 29, 7:00-11:00PM: Día de Los Muertos Celebration at the Sofia Quintero Art & Cultural Center, 1225 Broadway, Toledo; art and altar displays, music, food, drink; 419-241-1655.

Lorain/Elyria, Ohio Happenings: September 24: LCCC FamilyFest, Noon to 8:00PM; gratis; arts, crafts, puppet shows, children activities, dancers, y más; 440-366-4109. September 24: City Revival with “Cleaning Out the Streets,” Veteran’s Memorial Park, Lorain; with local pastors and Chaz D. Boes; 419-576-7222.

September/septiembre 21, 2005

Airing this week on Voces Latinas:

Música Caliente!

Columbus, Ohio Happenings: October 1, 8:00AM: Second Annual Columbus Hispanic Scholarship Walk-A-Thon, at the Cooper Stadium in Columbus; A business expo and a back-to-school drive will take place after the 3.1 mile walk at the stadium’s parking lot; Call Melissa Cardenas, 740-597-2532 para preguntas.

Voces Latinas Channel 69

Cleveland, Ohio Happenings: September 15-October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month throughout the U.S. Sept. 23, 10:30AM: The Lorain Admiral King High School Naval Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps attends the U.S. Army’s Spirit of America Show at Gund Arena in Cleveland. Sept. 30, noon: Diversity in the Workplace by Dr. David Thomas, professor of business administration at the Harvard Business School; topic: “Making Differences Matter—A New Paradigm for Managing Diversity;” City Club of Cleveland, 850 Euclid Ave., Cleveland; $15 for members and $25 for non-members; 216-621-0082.

Sobering Iraqi Casualty Stats

Michigan Happenings:

The Human Cost of Occupation

September 29: Hispanic Business Expo & Economic Summit, Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center, Detroit MI; over 100 impressive booths and over 50 sponsors; Michigan’s Largest Hispanic Expo; George Franco, Chair of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, is keynote speaker; call 313.962.6HBA or October 5-28: The Consulate of México in Detroit & Riverside Arts Center Gallery present: “Back to the Dead” Día de Los Muertos Art Exhibit, Riverside Arts Center Gallery, 76 North Huron, Ypsilanti; recent works of Mexican artists [Castanedo, Chapa, Fonseca, López, Macias-García, Miner, Montemayor, Ochoa-Pohla, Paiz, Rosas, Sefami]; gallery hours: Wed. Noon to 6PM, Thur-Sat Noon-9PM, Sun. 1:30-4PM; Info call 734480-2787 or [email protected]. [Any listings? Contact Rico at 419-870-6565 or 313-729-4435, or email to laprensa1 Always call ahead before going to any event for last minute changes or cancellations.]

“Videos Calientes”

Thursday 9PM and Sunday 1PM Toledo, OH

Through September 17, 2005 U.S. Military Casualties in Iraq: Since war began (3-19-03): 1,899 dead Since “Mission Accomplished” speech by George W. Bush (5-1-03): 1,762 dead Since capture of Saddam (12-13-03): 1,432 dead Since U.S. handover to Iraq (6-29-04): 1,033 dead Since election (1-31-05): 467 dead U.S. Wounded: 14,362 (official count) Iraqi death toll: Est. 100,000 Rumsfeld’s estimate of duration of war: 12 more years [Source:]

S of D Don Rumsfeld

MAYORES SENIOR CENTER SCHEDULE FOR SEPT. 26-29 Toledo, Ohio, 419-242-1144 SEPT. 26: Arm Chair exercises at 9:00AM; Ceramic Class from 9:00AM-12:00PM; Walmart Trip at 9:30AM. SEPT. 27: Fitness Class at 9:00AM; Speaker on Reverse Mortgages at 10:00AM; Craft Class with Heartland of Waterville at 10:00AM; Computer Games at 12:15PM; Trip to Arbors of Waterville for Bingo at 1:30PM. SEPT. 28-30: Ceramic Class from 9:00AM-2:00PM; Arm Chair Exercises at 9:00AM; Give out Fruit and vegetable coupons for October 9:00AM-2:00PM. OCT. 6: Flu-shot Clinic for 65 and older or chronic condition; $25 charge for those without Medicare Part B.

WCWA 1230AM with Carla Soto, Adriana & Rico Pico Toledo, OH Domingo, 8:00PM 419-240-1230 [email protected]

WFOB 1430 AM with Freddy G Fostoria, sábado, 4-6 p.m. & con Sylvester Duran Dom., 8:30 to 10:00AM WLFC 88.3 FM Findlay, OH viernes, 6:00 to 9:00PM


WCSB 89.3 FM LA PREFERIDA Lilly Corona Moreno Cleveland, OH WNZN 89.1FM Jueves, 7:00-9:00PM La Onda Cultural Latina 216-687-3515 Lorain, OH [email protected] Cada día, 9:00AM-5:00PM Linda Parra Domingo, 5-6PM

Contendiendo por la Fe WJTB 1040AM sábado 1:30-2:00PM BGU 88.1 FM, La Unica con Freddy Gutiérrez, Andres Alvarez, Maribel, Rudy Jalapeño Lomeli & Geraldo Rosales Bowling Green, OH dom., 9:00AM to 2:00PM 419-372-2826

Michigan: 1480 AM La Explosiva “La que se escribe con rojo’” con Batman y Paquita de la Vernor Detroit, MI lunes a sáb., 3:00PM to 6:00PM lunes a viernes, 5:00AM to 7:00AM

Hermanos Gómez Abierto los 7 dias de 10AM a 10PM Mi Tierra # 1 1310 Oakwood & Schaefer Detroit MI 48217


SPANGLISH RADIO PROGRAMS Ohio: LatinoMix La Prensa Radio

313.336.7665 and 313.551.2783

WCAR 1090 AM Detroit, MI sábado, noon to 5:00PM dom., noon to 4:00PM WDTR 90.9 FM Caribe Serenade Detroit, MI Ozzie Rivera sábado 6:30 to 8:30PM WLEN 103.9 FM Radio Picoso DJs Jimmy Bejarano Emilio Guerrero Adrian, MI dom., 1:00 to 4:30PM 517-263-4000

WQTE 95.3 FM with Lady Di Adrian, MI dom.,3:00 to 8:00PM 517-265-9500 WIBM 1450AM Juan M. Rodríguez Jackson, MI dom., 10:00AM-Noon 517-787-0020

Note: Churches or Radio, with Spanish dialogue, desiring to be included in La Prensa’s directories should e-mail the information to Rico, c/o [email protected], or call 419.870.6565 or 313.729.4435. Gracias! Obituaries también. 313.336.7665 and 313.551.2783

Hermanos Gómez Abierto los 7 dias de 10AM a 10PM Mi Tierra # 2 18440 W. Warren Detroit Michigan




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Se Habla Español!

Servicios Disponibles a las Familias en el Noroeste de Ohio Misas en español en la Diócesis de Toledo Cada Semana: Parroquia San José 709 calle Crogan Fremont OH Dom, 12:00 mediodía (419) 332-4973

Parroquia San Caspar 1205 calle N. Shoop Wauseon OH Tecer dom. del mes, 1:00PM en julio y agosto; 2º & 4º dom, sepjunio. (419) 337-2322

Parroquia San Pedro y San Pablo 728 calle St. Clair Toledo OH Don, 12:00 mediodía 419-241-5822

Parroquia San Gerard 240 calle W. Robb Lima OH Segundo dom. del mes, 7:30AM (419) 224-3080

Una o dos vezes al mes: Parroquia San Aloysius Esquina de calles Summit y Clough Bowling Green OH 1:00PM, 2º and 4º dom (sep.-junio), y Tecer dom. del mes, en julio y agosto. (419) 352-4195

Parroquia Santa María 731 calle Exchange Vermilion OH Segundo y quarto dom. Del mes, 4:00PM (abril-octubre) 440-967-8711 Parroquia San Pedro 614 calle N. Defiance

Archbold OH Primer sábado del mes, 8:00PM Parroquia Santa Rosa 215 calle East Front Perrysburg OH Primer dom. del mes, 12:00PM mediodía (419) 874-1002 Parroquia San Wendelin Esquina de calles Wood y College 323 calle North Wood Fostoria OH Cuarto dom. del mes, 1:00PM (419) 435-6692 Parroquia San Pablo 91 calle East Main Norwalk OH Cada otro dom., 1:30PM (419) 668-6044

• A Mexican Epicurean’s Delight: El Camino Real • Honest Homemade Mexican Food • El Camino Real • 419.472.0700 •

La Prensa

September/septiembre 21, 2005

Bailes y La Música By Rico OHIO: Toledo: Club La Vista, Downtown Toledo, corner of Summit St. and Locust with DJ or band playing Tejana, Bachata, Merengue, Salsa, y más; OPEN DAILY, 3:00PM-2:30AM; Se Habla Español, (419) 2411173 or 917-1541. Club Mystique, 3122 Airport Hwy; Wed: Hip Hop/Reggeaton; Thurs: Toda Música Latina; Fri: Mexicana; Sat: Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Hip Hop; Live DJ; no cover before 10:00PM; 419.382.3122 or 419.704.5108. Las Palmas, 3247 Stickney Ave., 9PM-2AM; BYOB cans only; 419.729.9461. Sept 16: Los Archies de Control, 419.290.8244 o Lorain: Kiki’s Club, 2522 W. 21st St. & Rt 58, Fri: Hip Hop/ Latino; Sat: Latino, 9:00PM-2:30AM; 440.989.1422. MICHIGAN: Detroit: Detour Lounge, 1824 Springwells Street; every Friday night; Baile Cumbia; free cumbia lessons; DJ Manolito; cumbia, salsa, ranchera, merengue; 313.849.0900. Club International, 6060 W. Fort Street; weekly Sat.; 313.995.4938. Envy, 234 W. Larned; Fri., 248.756.4821. Half Past 3, 2554 Grand River, Sat: Latin Dance Parties with DJ Cisco; salsa, merengue, bachata; free salsa lessons 10PM; ladies free before 10PM; 313.304.8953 and 248.756.4821. Los Galanes, 3362 Bagley St., most Fri. & Sat; 313.554.4444. Vicentes: 1250 Library; Fri: DJ Cisco spins salsa, merengue, Latin House; free salsa lessons 10PM; 21+, 248-756-4821. Ferndale: Posh, 22061 Woodward, Sun., 248.756.4821. Luna Pier: Luna Pier Ballroom; most Saturday nights; El Baile Grande, 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Call 734.848.4326. Pontiac:HEAT, Pike St. & N. Saginaw St., Fri; at the main level: salsa, merengue, bachata & Latin House music by DJ Cisco & Alfredo; in the Hookah Lounge: flamenco, reggae, & Arabic music. 248.756.4821 or Royal Oak: Wed. & Thurs; Sky Club, 401 S. Lafayette; doors open at 8:00PM, with free dance lessons at 8:30PM; 21 and over; proper attire; DJ Cisco; 586.254.0560 or 248.756.4821. Utica:Argentine Tango Detroit, 7758 Auburn Road; Tango on Fri; 586.254.0560.

Have entertainment? Call Rico at: 313.729.4435, 419.870.6565 or email: [email protected].

Spanish Church Services


Toledo: Evangelical Assemblies of God 705 Lodge Toledo, Ohio 43609 Pastor Moses Rodríguez Miér., 7:00PM Dom., 11:00AM 419-385-6418 First Spanish Church of God 1331 E. Broadway Toledo, Ohio 43605 Dom., 10:00 a.m.& 5:00PM Mier. & Vier., 7:00PM Sab., 6:00 p.m. 419-693-5895 Iglesia Bautista El Buen Pastor 521 Spencer Road Toledo, Ohio 43609 Rev. Dr. Alberto Martínez Berna Aguilar, Youth Pastor Miér., 6:00PM Sab., 6:00PM Dom., 10:15AM, 11:20AM, 6:00PM. 419-381-2648

Lorain: Christian Tabernacle International Church 2203 Meister Rd. 44053 Pastores David & Mildred Figueroa Dom., 10:00AM (Escuela Dominical) Dom., 5:30PM Martes & Jueves: 7:30PM 440-9605363

Pastor Asociado: José Rosario

Domingo 12:30PM Estudio Biblico: Jue. 7PM 419-382-0954 Iglesia Torre Fuerte Iglesia de Bible Temple 3327 Airport Hwy 43609 Pastor Guadalupe Rios Dom. 5:30PM 419-509-5692

La Primera Iglesia Bautista 628 Elm Street Toledo, Ohio 43604 Pastor Titular: J. Truett Fogle Escuela dominical: 10:00AM Culto de adoración: 11:00AM Los cultos son bilingüe Bible studies: Sat. 10:00AM 419-241-1546 SS. Peter & Paul 728 S. St. Clair Street Toledo, Ohio 43609 Fr. Richard Notter Dom., 12:00PM[en español] 419-241-5822 Lorain: Sacred Heart Chapel 4301 Pearl Ave. Rev. William A. Thaden Sister Theresa Stegman, Sister Elisea Bonano 440-277-7231 Dom., 8AM, 10AM,& Noon Lun., jueves, vier. 9:30AM Mier., 6:30PM/Sáb., 6:00PM House of Praise International Church 4321 Elyria Ave. 44055 Pastor Gilbert & Eileen Silva 440-233-6433 Dom., 9 & 10:30AM [Eng.] Dom., 12:30PM [Spanish] Dom., 1:30PM Mar. & Jue., 7:00PM Iglesia del Dios Viviente 254 Barres Lane Elyria OH 44035 Pastor Martin & Carmen Moyet 440-326-0025 Mier., 7-8:30PM Conocimientos Biblicos Dom., 1:00PM Evangelio y Adoración

La Iglesia de Dios, Inc. Rev. Angel L. Rivera 3115 Elyria Ave. 44052 440-244-3415 Misión Cristiana Faro de Luz (Disciplos de Cristo) 940 West Fifth St. 44052 Pastor Luis A. Morales 440-288-8810 Dom., 1:00PM: Predicación Dom., 4:00PM: Escuela Biblica Our Savior Nuestro Salvador Luthern Church 4501 Clinton Ave. 44055 Rev. Cora Lee Meier 440-277-6123 Dom., 11:15AM:Servicio de Adoración Dom., 10:00AM: Escuela Dominical The Salvation Army 2506 Broadway Ave. 44052 Pastores Carlos & Trudy Medina Dom: 11:00AM Reunion de Adoración; 1:00PM Escuela Mier: 6:30PM Estudio Biblico Vier: 6:00PM Club de Niños 440-244-1921

Terra cancels Estrella dinner but not award Fremont OH: This year’s Estrella “Our Shining Star” award for an outstanding member of the local Latino community will be granted in a different manner. Due to a lack of reservations, the Estrella award dinner has been cancelled. But the 2005 recipient of the Estrella award will be recognized at an event at the college on Nov. 17. That event will also recognize distinguished alumni, scholarship winners and donors to the Terra College Foundation. People who made reservations for the Estrella dinner will receive special invitations to the Nov. 17 event. For more information, contact Juanita Sánchez, Assistant Director of the College Foundation, at 419-334-8400, ext. 261 or toll-free 866-AT-TERRA, ext. 261.

Principe de Paz Hispanic Luthern Church 1607 East 31st St. 44055 Cleveland, OH: Iglesia Nueva Vida 2327 Holmden Ave. Cleveland OH 44109 Rev. José Reyes Serv. culto: mier. 8:00PM vier. 8:00PM dom. 11:00AM 216-741-0390 216-322-0002

Iglesia Pentecostal “La Senda Antigua” Pastores Rolando & Lizzette Velázquez

Iglesia Nueva Vida 2025 Airport Hwy 43609 Pastor Titular: Josué Rodríguez

Page 13

2681 West 14th Street Cleveland OH 44113 216.298.9095 Orden de Cultos: Dom:10:30AM Esc. dominical; noon: Culto Evang., Pro-Templo lun: 7PM clase de Nuevos Creyentes Mar: 7PM Oración y Est. Biblico mier: 7PM Culto de Hogares jueves: 7PM Culto Generales Vier: 7PM Culto Generales

Sagrada Familia Fr. David Fallon 7719 Detroit Ave. Cleveland OH 44102 Sat. Vigil 5:00PM Sun., 9:30AM & Noon 216-631-6817

St. Francis Parish Superior Ave. & 71st St. Cleveland OH Sat. Vigil 4:00PM Sáb., 10:00AM [Español] Sat., 11:30AM [Eng.] Weekdays, 7:30AM 216-361-4133

St. Michael the Archangel Fr. Jaime McCreight 3114 Scranton Rd. Cleveland OH 44109 Sat., 5:00PM [English] Sáb., 7:00PM [Español] Sun., 9:45AM [Eng.] Dom., Noon [Esp.] 216-621-3847 216-861-6297

Misión Cristiana Nueva Vida (Discipulos de Cristo) 2003 West Blvd. Cleveland OH 44102 Dom. 9:00AM [Español] Sociedad de Niños: Vier. 6:30PM Pastores Vanessa Rivera y Luís Castellano 440-220-2368 ó 440-220-2369

M ICHIGAN ICHIGAN:: Primera Iglesia Hispana de Monroe Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Pastor Jesse Morales 317 E. Front St. Monroe, Michigan 48161 734-848-4271 Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana 3495 Livernois Street Detroit, Michigan 48210 Pastor Titular: Carlos Liese Pastor Asociado: Elí Garza Estudio Bíblico: Miér., 7:00PM Escuela Dominical: 10:00AM Culto de Adoración: Dom., 11:00AM 313-894-7755 Nueva Creación United Methodist Church 270 Waterman St. Detroit MI Services: Juev. at 7:00PM & dom. a 5:30PM St. Alfred Catholic Church Fr. Jim Kean 9500 Banner Street Taylor MI Misa en español: Domingo, a 5:00PM 313-291-6464

Obituaries DR. EDUARDO J. MARTÍNEZ Dr. Eduardo J. Martínez, 81, of Avon Lake, died Saturday, Sept. 17, at home, following a sudden illness. He was born June 25, 1924, in Esperanza, Cuba. He moved to Avon Lake seven years ago from Parma. He attended the University of Havana School of Medicine in Cuba, where he received an M.D. degree in 1949. Martínez was employed in the emergency room at Parma Community Hospital for 15 years. He then began private medical practice, retiring in 2004. He was a member of Holy Spirit Church, Avon Lake, and the American Medical Association. He enjoyed his profession and spending time at the beach. Survivors include his wife of 52 years, Josefina (nee Suarez); sons, Dr. Eduardo P. Martínez and Dr. Manuel A. Martínez, both of Avon Lake, and George O. Martínez of Cohasset, Mass.; daughter, Josefina M. Martínez Stamatos of Boston, Mass.; sister, Maria Alvarez of Union City, N.J.; and 10 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Andres and Maria (nee Jurajuria) Martínez.

MARTINA RODRÍGUEZ Martina Rodríguez, 70, of Perrysburg, OH, passed away Sunday, September 11, in her residence. She is survived by her husband, Felix; children, Juan (Susana) DeLaO Jr., Frances VanHoy, Olga DeLaO, Beatrice (Michael) Fox, Alejandro (Victoria) DeLaO, Rita (Theodore) Oviedo, Raymond DeLaO, Alicia (Manuel) Garcia and 26 grandchildren. Services and burial will be private.

PAULINE HERNANDEZ SOTELO Pauline Hernandez Sotelo, 75, of Toledo, OH, passed away on Thursday, September 15, 2005, in St. Charles/Mercy Hospital. She was born in San Antonio, TX on September 17, 1929, to Santigo and Maria (Vallejo) Hernandez. Pauline was a member of Good Shepherd Catholic Church. She enjoyed camping, dancing and loved being with her family. Pauline was preceded in death by her parents and husband, Raul Sr., who passed away in 2004. Surviving Pauline are her children, Linda (Julian) Sotelo Castro, Jesusa Duarte and Raul Sotelo Jr.; 6 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; sisters, Isabel Longoria, Doloras (Jessie) Serenil and Anita Huizar and several nieces and nephews.

CANELARIA YBARRA Candelaria Ybarra (nee Flores), 70, of Lorain, OH, died Saturday, Sept. 10, at home, following a lengthy illness. She was born Oct. 26, 1934, in Lorain, and was a lifelong resident of the city. Mrs. Ybarra was employed at Lorain Community Hospital in the 1970s as a nurse assistant and at St. John West Shore Hospital, Westlake, as an orthopedic technician for over 10 years before retiring. As a little girl, she had also worked at the former San Antonio Restaurant on East 28th Street that was owned by her father. She was a member of Sacred Heart Chapel, Lorain, Sociedad de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, Open Heart Club, Mexican Mutual Society, Mexican American Citizens Club, Ladies of American G.I. Forum and The Ladies Auxiliary of Lorain. She also was a poll worker for the Board of Elections. She enjoyed bingo, her grandchildren, crocheting, cooking and making tamales. Survivors include her daughters Rosita Palacios of Cleveland, María Guadalupe Monaco and Lourdes Meeuwsen, both of Oregon, Sara Callahan, Gabriela De-Hernández and Angelina Ybarra-Barrios, all of Texas, and Rita Ybarra of Lorain; sons Roberto Palacios of Chicago and Esequiel Palacios of Lorain; stepdaughters Anna Leibas, Gloria Díaz, Esther Leibas, Cookie Villarreal and Carol Ybarra, all of Lorain, Hope Perez of Arizona and Linda Reyes of California; stepsons Henry Ybarra and Theodore “Shorty” Ybarra, both of Lorain, and Emilio Jr. “Rocco” Ybarra of Louisiana; sisters Carmen Arroyo, Dolores Lorenzana, Hope Rodríguez and Virginia Moon, all of Lorain, and María Lugo of California; brothers Antonio, José and Francisco Flores, all of Lorain; and 29 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren, 26 stepgrandchildren and 26 stepgreat-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband of 20 years, Emilio Ybarra, in 1984; her mother, Vester May, in 1971; father, Candelario Flores, in 1989; an infant daughter in 1953 and infant son in 1970; her brother, Alberto ‘’Spook,’’ in 1973; sister, Gloria Dennis, in 2000; and one granddaughter. Our readers are free to submit obituaries via email at: [email protected] at no cost to the reader. 2005 Obituaries also available online at Gracias!

The Best in Mexican Cuisine! Mondays 99¢ Margaritas! 5834 Monroe St., Ste. N Sylvania OH 43560 419-882-7020 Fax 419-882-7720

5859 Southwyck Toledo OH 43614 419-868-5719 Fax: 419-868-5950

• A Mexican Epicurean’s Delight: El Camino Real • Honest Homemade Mexican Food • El Camino Real • 419.472.0700 •

Página 14

El porcentaje de Latinos que mueren de enfermedades del corazón y derrame cerebral está aumentando más rápido que en otros grupos étnicos en la nación. Hoy día, uno de cada tres Latinos padece de enfermedades del corazón. Es hora de hacer un cambio. LLAME al 1-800-AHA-USA1 para enterarse.

Supported by Cooperative Agreement Number U50/CCU521335-4 from CDC. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.

September/septiembre 21, 2005

Página 14

September/septiembre 21, 2005

The Best in Mexican Cuisine!

MONDAYS 99¢ Margaritas! 5834 Monroe St., Ste. N Sylvania OH 43560 419-882-7020 Fax 419-882-7720 5859 Southwyck Toledo OH 43614 419-868-5719 Fax: 419-868-5950

El Me xicano Mexicano Used Auto Parts

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• Fax any news items to: 419.241.5774 • Email any news items to: [email protected]

La Prensa

September/septiembre 21, 2005

Centro de actividades

Page 15

Head Start Plus ofrece: ✓ Dia Completo- programas para todo el año. ✓ Comidas incluidas


✓ Clases pequeñas para mas atención de maestros a tus hijos ✓ Los mejores programas de Educación

El Futuro del cuidado de tu hijo

✓ Valoración y Protección para tus

Dale a tu hijo y a tu familia un Head Start afortunada! Nosotros estamos ofreciendo Head Stard Plus en los condados de Lorain y Cuyahoga. Si calificas para que te cuiden tus hijos, tu cualificas para Head Start Plus.

hijos ✓ Días de Campo y viajes ✓ Alta Calidad de cuidado prescolar para familias trabajadoras ✓ $50 dolares de credito cuando traigas este anuncio* ✓ Becas disponibles por tiempo limitado *Restricciones para nuevas familias aplicantes

LOCACIONES SOUTHSIDE CENTER 2430 e 28th st. Lorain, Ohio

CENTRAL LORAIN CENTER 205 W. 14th St. Lorain, Ohio

ALLEN CENTER 300 n. Abbe Rd. Elyria, Ohio

SOUTH ELYRIACENTER 104 Louden Court Elyria, Ohio

NORTH OLMSTED CENTER 4001 David Dr. North Olmstead, OH

•Over 2,500 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa every week gratis. E-mail [email protected] to subscribe•

September/septiembre 21, 2005

La Prensa

Page 15









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•Over 2,500 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa every week gratis. E-mail [email protected] to subscribe•

La Prensa—Mija Magazine

Página 16

Latino physicians create heart vitamins Physicians create Heart Vitamin that combines many commonly used vitamins into one pill. The company has created a Bilingual label. Many doctors have long been in a quandary as to what can be done to treat or prevent this possible killer. Doctors Harvey Castro and Luis Tejada, of St. Luke’s Hospital, have been working on a vitamin combination that may address this long overdue solution. Castro, a resident at St. Luke’s Hospital in Bethlehem, and Tejada, an interventional cardiologist with a private practice in Bethlehem, have teamed up with nutritionist Dennis Passante to produce a vitamin they call “Active Heart.” Castro said he actually became interested in medicine while working at a health food store during high school. In his home state of New York, Castro said he was intrigued by the comments of elderly people as they frequented the store. “They would tell me what herbs and stuff worked for different ailments, and I became fascinated with it,” he said. “I got interested in alternative medicines and wanted to learn the science end of it.” Castro pursued his drawing, and became a physician. “When my father died of a heart attack, I began to take heart health more seriously.” When Castro entered his residency and met Dr. Tejada, the two began discussing vitamins that they thought would help reduce the dangers or clogged arteries. “I wanted to start my own vitamin line,” Castro said, “so


I could do a service to people and give them something affordable.” He was surprised at the costs of vitamins sold on the open market. Castro began researching various pharmaceutical firms, and found that most complimentary heart supplements cost nearly $100. Castro suspected the cost escalated where companies claimed their product carried certain ingredients not available in over-the-counter formulas. “I told Dr. Tejada about it, and he also like the idea,” Castro said. The pair has spent nearly two years researching the medical field for combination of vitamins, filtering out what was good and what was not. Their product combines the traditional elements known to help heart health, such as L-arginine, an amino acid that helps to open the arteries, and also some Omega3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help lower cholesterol. “However,” Castro said, “no one else seems to have the same percentages in their formulas that we do.” Since vitamins are considered a food supplement, FDA approval is not needed. “No one wants to research vitamins, because they can’t be patented,” Castro said. The duo has now combined a number of fatty acids with an added Vitamin B complex to hopefully lower one’s cholesterol. Castro said they had looked at a large amount of medical literature, researching what was already on the market, and checking the data on




each ingredient’s strength. Castro described homocystienes as a risk factor that can be checked by blood work. When it is elevated in the blood, it has been associated with a higher risk of heart disease. Vitamin B complex lowers the substance and reduces the risk factor. If the levels are high, there is greater risk of a heart attack. He hopes that his vitamin combination will lower one’s hormones, and thus lower the risk factors of persons prone to heart attacks. “Most people know that smoking creates a risk factor for heart attacks, but we are finding that diabetes is almost worse than smoking, particularly in AfricanAmericans and Hispanics,” Castro said. While both doctors prescribe a regiment of diet, exercise and medication to combat coronary disease, they believe the small capsule, taken three times a day with meals, will aid greatly in reducing the risks of heart attacks. Although the trio contend that their product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and they know there is no guarantee in prolonging life expectancy, their goal is to provide quality vitamins using the finest ingredients that have been studied through the medical community. Interestedpersonsmayview their products at their Web site,

September/septiembre 21, 2005

Mija’s Message and/or kick at my door. I just From the Editress: Hola La Prensa, Mija Magazine is back just n time to wrap up this caliente summer! Yes, I know; don’t remind you. But let’s face it; we now have a good amount of time to find our coquito recipes! All joking aside these few months have real busy for me. I have established a lot of new readers and a lot of great relationships from Mijas and Mijos nationwide. What I treasure more than my readers is their attitude! They hold me accountable all the time, so if the next issue is late; I can definitely expect a knock, bang,

have to give them one warning…watch out for my Jibara Abuelita! Mija Magazine is now over a year old (you can sing to us later) and we are clear over 28,000 visitors. Life is beautiful! With in these next few weeks you will see a series of stories that your editor, Rico has hand-picked for all La Prensa readers. You will laugh, be informed and get Mijafied…and for some of you Mijofied. But these stories merely scratch the surface; check out more at! Until next time, be safe, God Bless, and find that coquito recipe!

Roberta Rosa Sinceramente, Roberta M. Rosa CEO/Founder Mija Magazine “Where Latinas Matter!” [email protected]

Juana Cruz Cotto celebrates 102nd Cumpleaños! Juana Cruz Cotto, a resident of Cleveland, Ohio for over 25 years, was born on September 8, 1903 in Caguas, Puerto Rico and turned 102 years young. She is a widow with eight children, 31 grandchildren, 20+ great-grandchildren, and 47+ great-great-grandchildren. Family and friends recognized her on September 11, 2005 at the Franklin Plaza Nursing Home in celebration for living over a century.



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September/septiembre 21, 2005

La Prensa—North Coast

More revealed about adoptive parents of caged children By CONNIE MABIN Associated Press Writer WAKEMAN, Ohio (AP): The modest, two-story home where authorities say a couple confined their adoptive children in small cages sits off a winding, hard-tofind country road in a sparsely populated, rural town where neighbors are separated by cornfields and privacy is not hard to find. So it makes sense that few folks here knew much about Michael and Sharen Gravelle, the parents of 11 disabled children. But over the past week, authorities, neighbors and court documents have helped form a picture of a working class, middle-aged white couple with a history of marital problems who traveled across Ohio and other states to find the neediest children. The Gravelles adopted black youngsters with ailments such as autism, fetal alcohol syndrome, HIV and pica, an eating disorder in which children compulsively eat nonfood items such as dirt and rocks. At some point, the couple began putting the children in homemade, wooden 31/2 foot tall cages at night. The cages, painted bright blue,

red and yellow, were surrounded by chicken wire and plywood and rigged with alarms to signal when the cages were opened. No charges have been filed, and the children, aged 1 to 14, have been placed in foster care. The Gravelles have not commented publicly or been at their home, where toys and bicycles share the yard with roosters, dogs and a black, potbellied pig whose pen is about twice the size of the children’s sleeping quarters. Their attorney, David Sherman of Westlake, said the Gravelles have been portrayed unfairly in the media. He said the children were not caged but kept in “enclosures” built around bunk beds to stop them from doing things such as setting fires, eating batteries and cutting themselves. “There was no cruelty, excessive restraint or risk of harm,” Sherman said. “The children were free to leave their beds anytime they wanted.’’ He said the alarms were meant to alert the parents of when the kids got out of bed so they could be checked on. Interviews with adoption officials and reviews of court documents show that the

Gravelles received thousands of dollars in government adoption subsidies and disability payments for the children—$4,265 a month in 2001 when the family had eight children. But local and state authorities say they were not checking up on the Gravelles. State law doesn’t require them to after an adoption is finalized, and Ohio doesn’t limit the number of children that can be adopted into one home. Authorities say they are trying to find out where the youngsters came from and how so many special needs children ended up in one home without raising red flags. The Associated Press has learned the origins of six of the adoptions. Three siblings who were removed from their Canton home in 1999 joined the family in 2000; an HIVpositive infant boy was adopted from Cuyahoga County in 2001; and two children, both siblings of another child adopted elsewhere by the Gravelles, were adopted in Hamilton County in 1999. Officials in Stark and Cuyahoga counties said their reviews of the Gravelles turned up no problems.

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Hamilton County confirmed the adoptions but refused to discuss details. In 2001, Sharen Gravelle accused her husband in court documents of mistreating the children, an allegation he denied. The couple reconciled and eventually adopted three more children. It wasn’t known if the adoption agencies reviewed the abuse allegation. Nancy Udolph, an associate professor of sociology at Ashland University, said Friday the divorce filing and accusation would raise questions for any social worker checking the home for subsequent adoptions. “It’s an indication that things are pretty bad,” she said. Udolph said it’s difficult to understand how the Gravelles went without visits from authorities because of the previous allegation and the number of special needs children already in the home. The Gravelles appeared to have kept a low profile in Wakeman, a town of about 1,000 people that is more than 98 percent white. The children, most given biblical names by their adoptive parents, were home schooled. Authorities say the family

attended services at a church the Gravelles built on their property. A large wooden cross sits before a small building that appears under construction. Leah Hunter, a neighbor who lives two houses away from the Gravelles, said she barely knew the couple but often saw the children playing barefoot. “I knew them as a white couple that took in black children over a period of years,” Hunter said. The youngsters looked fine. “They hardly ever wore shoes, but I’m a country girl and for me that’s normal.’’ Adoption experts said the case highlights the difficulty of placing black children—

Page 17 especially those with disabilities—in adoptive homes. In 2002, the most recent figures available, there were 127,942 children awaiting adoption in the United States, including 54,832 black youngsters, according to the Child Welfare League of America. In Cincinnati, court documents show the Gravelles had joined a 1999 lawsuit against Hamilton County complaining of public-agency resistance to allowing white couples to adopt black children. The couple were dropped from the lawsuit in 2002 because they weren’t cooperating and no one could reach them, according to court documents.

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Former Bronx borough president teeters on edge of victory in contest to challenge New history.’’ ing as if there will be a York mayor He ignored the threat of a runoff, which would be By SARA KUGLER Associated Press Writer NEW YORK (AP), Sept. 14: Former Bronx borough President Fernando Ferrer, bidding to be the city’s first Latino mayor, teetered on the edge of victory Tuesday over three other Democrats competing in their party’s primary for the chance to wage an underdog campaign against Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a billionaire Republican in this overwhelmingly Democratic city. With all precincts reporting, Ferrer was just a few votes shy of 40 percent, ahead of U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner’s 29 percent. Manhattan Borough President C. Virginia Fields had 16 percent, and City Council Speaker Gifford Miller finished with 10 percent. Ferrer was only hundredths of a percentage point short of the 40 percent he needed to avoid a runoff with Weiner. The outcome might not be known for several days until every vote is counted, including more than 25,000 absentee and other untallied ballots. The winner goes into the general election on Nov. 8. Some Democratic leaders were concerned a runoff would divide the party and weaken their chances against Bloomberg, who is more popular than any of the Democrats in recent polls. Ferrer, who is of Puerto Rican descent, addressed supporters late Tuesday, saying “our time is now.” “The road has been long, my friends, but this journey has been worth it,’’ Ferrer said. “And we’re almost there, because we’re about to make history, and in eight weeks were going to change

runoff, thanking all three of his Democratic opponents, saying “we’ve been opponents in politics, but never opponents in purpose.’’ Weiner pledged to wage a positive runoff campaign. “I love this city, I will not divide it,” he said. “To the extent that we have differences, they will be based on policies, not personalities.” Also on the New York ballot, Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau defeated Leslie Crocker Snyder, a no-nonsense former judge who raised the 86-year-old incumbent’s age and eightterm tenure as campaign issues. Morgenthau was the model for the fictional TV prosecutor Adam Schiff on the program “Law and Order.” It was Ferrer’s third try for mayor after losing the primary in 1997 and a runoff in 2001 to then-Public Advocate Mark Green. The primary that year was supposed to take place on Sept. 11, but was rescheduled in the chaos of the terrorist attack. Green eventually lost to Bloomberg, who was considered a longshot until he was endorsed by Rudolph Giuliani as fires still raged in the ruins of the World Trade Center. Weiner was dead last in some polls in August, but surged in recent weeks as his television advertising took hold and he made strong showings in televised debates. A potential runoff between Ferrer and Weiner promised to be lively. While all four Democrats largely avoided attacking each other leading up to the primary, there were occasional tangles between the two men. As votes are counted, the two are not likely to waste precious time, campaign-

held Sept. 27. Not to be upstaged, Bloomberg threw an election night party in Brooklyn, even though he did not face a challenger in the primary. To cheers of “Four more years,” he addressed supporters at the celebration. “Someone told me there was a primary contest going on tonight, is that right? I love primary night, especially when I don’t have one,’’ Bloomberg cracked. ``If we work hard over the next eight weeks ... I’ll tell you who the real winner’s going to be on Nov. 8, the people of New York.’’ Polls leading up to the primary found that a majority of New Yorkers believe Bloomberg will beat the Democratic challenger. He spent $74 million to get elected in 2001, and has pledged he will spend whatever it takes to win this year. There are 2.6 million registered Democrats in New York City (and 477,000 Republicans), but turnout in the race was only about 15 percent. Bloomberg himself was a lifelong Democrat until he switched parties in 2001 to avoid a crowded Democratic ticket. He is a moderate who supports abortion rights and has the support of some groups that traditionally back Democrats, such as the city’s largest labor union, District Council 37. Elsewhere around the country, voters in Cincinnati picked two veteran Democrats, City Council member David Pepper and state Sen. Mark Mallory, to compete in November to replace Mayor Charlie Luken, who is not seeking a second term. PAQUETE MUSICAL DESDE CHICAGO CONJUNTO NORTEÑO Y DURANGUENSE PARA TODA FIESTA 773-616-6011

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September/septiembre 21, 2005

OCRC hosts civil rights summit The Ohio Civil Rights Commission (OCRC) hosts “What Next, Ohio?” Summit 2005. This event is a follow-up to the “Achieving the American Dream: The Next 40 Years ’64 Civil Rights Act, ’68 Fair Housing Act, 2004 – What next?” held in April 2004. “Since the April 2004 forum, OCRC has facilitated roundtable discussions with various community leaders and activists to discuss the crosscutting issues that affect minorities and the poor in homeownership, education, healthcare, economic development, and civic engagement because grassroots people are the real change agents,” said G. Michael Payton, OCRC Executive Director. Between Fall 2004, and Summer 2005 “What Next” discussions were held in Dayton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Toledo, Columbus, Oberlin, and Akron with the mission

of developing short- and longterm plans of action with the communities to accomplish by working together. “What Next, Ohio?” Summit 2005 will be held on Wednesday, October 19, 2005 at the Holiday Inn Columbus/ Worthington, 175 Hutchinson Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, from 9:00am to 4:00pm. The day’s program will coomence with a keynote address from John A. Powell, executive director of the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at The Ohio State University. Powell is an authority in civil rights, civil liberties, and issues relating to race, ethnicity, poverty and the law. He has written extensively on a number of issues including racial justice and regionalism, concentrated poverty and urban sprawl, the link between housing and school segregation, opportunity-based housing, gentrification, disparities in the criminal jus-

tice system, voting rights, affirmative action in the United States, South Africa and Brazil, racial and ethnic identity and current demographic trends. Also facilitating discussion will be Professor Vincene Verdun of The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, who spoke at OCRC’s April 2004 event on housing and education disparities. Her research has focused on critical race theory, including reparations to African Americans. To register, contact the Office of Public Affairs at 1888-278-7101 or visit OCRC’s website at The OCRC receives and investigates charges of discrimination in employment, housing, credit and higher education on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, country of national origin age, ancestry, disability and families with children.

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September/septiembre 21, 2005

Page 19

El porcentaje de Latinos que mueren de enfermedades del corazón y derrame cerebral está aumentando más rápido que en otros grupos étnicos en la nación. Hoy día, uno de cada tres Latinos padece de enfermedades del corazón. Es hora de hacer un cambio. LLAME al 1-800-AHA-USA1 para enterarse.

Supported by Cooperative Agreement Number U50/CCU521335-4 from CDC. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.

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Página 20

La Prensa Feature

September/septiembre 21, 2005

Another week in the spotlight for La Familia Ruiz and La Revancha By Alan Abrams La Prensa Senior Correspondent What a week it has been for New York’s West Village. This La Revancha, the hot Latin was the group’s eleventh bookFolk/Fusion band that can ing in New York City. The easily be called U2 with a spicy Cafe Del Mar is located on side of salsa.* MacDougal Street at the corThe Bowling Green- ner of Bleecker, a spot considbased band, featuring talented ered to be ‘holy turf’ during songwriter/vocalistLeonardo what musician and author Dave Ruiz, kicked off a spectacular Van Ronk has termed “The week with a show-stopping Great Folk Scare of the 60s.” performance at the Diamante For those who can Awards at Lourdes College still remember, it was there that Fri. Sept. 9. Their appearance, Bob Dylan first saw God. marking the third year in a row During a break after a set the band has performed at the that began with a stunning prestigious awards dinner, also presentation of the haunting featured performances by the Tu Voz (Your Voice), Ruiz took legendary Jesse Ponce** and a a few moments to talk about flamenco show by Liliana the origin of the group. “We Ruiz, Leo’s talented sister.*** started the group in Jan. 2003 The next day saw the group in Los Angeles,” recalled Ruiz, at the Black Swamp Arts Fes- “and that June we brought out tival in Bowling Green, OH, an EP titled Locura (Insanity). where they appeared on the The CD, with six songs on it, Huntington Bank stage on was released in México City Saturday afternoon with a an- and immediately started reother powerful flamenco per- ceiving in airplay in México formance by Liliana Ruiz. This City, Los Angeles, and New marked the second year in a York.” row that the group has ap- El Zarape peared at what has become La Revancha released one of the biggest arts fests in their second CD, El Zarape, in the nation. March, 2004. It is named after But La Revancha wasn’t the BG restaurant which gave content to bask in their suc- the group its start on their road cess. The group played a date to fame with their first show in at a popular club in Columbus Feb. 2003. They have played near the Ohio State campus at the popular restaurant many that night. times since (they played there Midweek saw the group every week at one point) and celebrate Mexican Indepen- now perform at El Zarape at dence Day on Thursday with a least once every month. stellar performance at El “I met the trumpet player Zarape in Bowling Green. The and the percussionist all on group played to a full house at the same day,” says Ruiz. I the popular Mexican restau- went to El Zarape to hear the rant. Among those who came mariachi band that was playout to see and hear the group ing there. I thought maybe I was talented sculptor and art- could play with them, but as it ist Emanuel Enríquez. turned out they were from InThen the group was off to dianapolis.” play a Saturday evening club The group is comprised of date at the Café Del Mar in Leonardo Ruiz on vocals and

La Revancha’s Joe Zimmet on trumpet rhythm guitar, Josh Smith on bass guitar, Mike Dooley and Blane Smead on electric guitar, Joe Zimmet on trumpet, Kathleen Jara on violin, and Jason Parritt on drums. They’ve played at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland for Latino Heritage Day in Aug. 2004 and at the Bronco Bash at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo. They’ve appeared at LatinoFest and played FifthThird Field among local venues. They also appeared for events hosted by La Prensa, including a postgame bash after the Latino Scholarship Day with the Toledo Mud Hens, co-sponsored by the Spanish American Organization and La Prensa, and El

Grito Ceremonies at SS. Peter and Paul Parish Hall. La Revancha has played four shows in Central Park at the Tavern on the Green stage for the New York Marathon. Last year, they filmed their video Esta Amor at the site. The group has also appeared on local and national television. The group’s hectic schedule continues through the fall. On Fri. Sept. 30, they play Seattle’s Coffee House in Wooster, Ohio as part of the WoosterFest weekend. Then, on Sun. Oct. 2, the group performs at the Memorial Art Gallery in Rochester NY for Family Day. They are back in BG on Fri. Oct. 15 for BGSU’s Latinopalooza Fest, spon-

Leo Ruiz of La Revancha sored by the Latino Student Union. Later that evening they perform at Howard’s Club H. On Sat. Oct. 29, La Revancha performs at the Sofia Quintero Art and Cultural Center in Toledo for Día de Los Muertos festivities. The group returns to New York again for the New York Marathon and a performance at Columbus Circle on Sun. Nov. 6, after having just performed there this past weekend. “NYC was great!” Ruiz

told La Prensa Monday morning on his return to BG. “We packed the Cafe Del Mar... a semi outdoor concert as the place has windows wide open to the NYC streets, and a set up like a concert where we performed Saturday night. “They want us back, and we are talking about doing two shows in a row on Nov. 4 and 5, and then playing Central Park on the morning of Nov. 6 for the ING NYC Marathon. La Revancha is one of (Continued on Page 21)

La Revancha’s Kathleen Jara on violin.

Liliana Ruiz performing at the Diamante Awards.

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September/septiembre 21, 2005

La Familia Ruiz and La Revancha Revancha (Continued from Page 20)

the official bands for the 2006 NYC Marathon. “The ING New York City Marathon is one of the world’s great road races, drawing more than 85,000 participants. During that day, families, runners and the community of NYC gather together as a whole. More than 200,000 people get to be involved across the City,” says Ruiz. “We appeal to a lot of different crowds, the school crowd, the bar crowd, restaurants,” continued Ruiz, adding that some critics have termed their sound “Mexican jazz.” That should come as no surprise—Ruiz was born in México City and came to Los Angeles as a teenager “to look for work.” “I was a student at UCLA, and then made the decision to go to Bowling Green State University. I had the opportunity to attend the University of Michigan or the University of Toledo, but I’m glad I chose BGSU and Bowling Green. The people are wonderful and we have become a community favorite here,” says Ruiz. Editor’s Notes: * According to its Web site——La

is “a blend of rhythms created by an acoustic guitar, base, and drums, fussed with colored melodies from a violin, a trumpet and an electric guitar. The result is a Latin folk/fusion mix” and its “main purpose is to create an experience of inner spiritual peace and freedom.” [See Miscellaneous Photos at La Prensa’s Web site at: Photo Pages/Misc.htm] ** La Prensa did a review of Jesse Ponce’s CD in is July 20, 2005 issue. See the review on line at: Stories/July 20, 2005/Jesse Ponce.htm. *** Liliana Ruiz was born in México City and began to study ballet when she was six. She has performed with Julio Iglesias in México City and at the Auditorio Nacional with Placido Domingo performing the opera Carmen. She moved to the U.S. in 2000 and has performed in New York on Broadway and in Central Park. She performed in Philadelphia’s Kimmel Center, home of the Philadelphia Orchestra, with two-time Grammy Award-winning pianist Peter Nero and the Philly POPs. On line, see: bio_ruiz_davis_l.html.

Page 21

PERSPECTIVE: GOP makes higher ed a priority despite out the funding discrepancy as added. ongoing budget he replied to Husted’s remarks. “I don’t think personally

By ANDREW WELSH-HUGGINS AP Statehouse Correspondent COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP): schools. Two years ago, after losing House Republicans who want to spend the next few months hundreds of millions of dollars strengthening Ohio’s higher in previous spending cuts, education system face the re- public colleges and universiality of doing it without much ties received increases of less than 1 percent in 2004 and 2 additional money. House Speaker Jon Husted percent in 2005. This time around, Gov. Bob says the top priority for members of his party, who control Taft proposed about $1.56 bilthe 99-member House at least lion for higher ed this year and until January 2007, is to im- next—essentially a funding prove the state’s partnership freeze from the previous twoyear budget. with higher education. At the last minute, lawmak“Continuing the partnership between state government ers were able to add $30 miland those in the field of higher lion to next year’s budget after education is essential if we are state budget officials revised to maximize the opportuni- their estimates for how much ties for Ohio’s students,’’ money would be available thanks to an improving Husted said last week. Funding the state’s 13 four- economy. The debate has taken on a year public colleges and universities as well as the system predictable tone in recent of two-year colleges and years, as university presidents branch campuses will require and Democrats press for more funding for higher education major changes, he added. The catch is that the state to keep the state’s economy has struggled in recent years moving, while Republicans to provide enough money for argue they’re doing what they higher education, pinched on can given the demands of one side by mounting costs to Medicaid and schools. This point was brought care for the state’s poor families and children, and on the home by Rep. Chris Redfern, other by the need to provide the top-ranking House Demoenough money for K-12 crat, who was quick to point

Republicans have “been dismantling our higher education system, and letting tuition prices get completely out of control,’’ said Redfern, of Port Clinton. “Now they want to talk about improving higher education,’’ Redfern said. ``We’ll listen, but we’re obviously skeptical.’’ Under the budget approved last summer, Republicans must figure out a new way to divide money up among its higher education institutions for the financial year that begins July 1. But that discussion also will include talks of changing the funding system permanently, Husted says. “Just as we have made historical reforms to Ohio’s tax system, so too must we institute major reforms in higher education,’’ he said. Lawmakers must look at ways to help the fast-growing community colleges without hurting the bottom line of the slower-growing four-year campuses, said Rep. Shawn Webster, chairman of the House Finance subcommittee on education. That must be done in the context of tight funding, he

we can do huge changes in the percentages of the budget because of the circumstances we’re under,’’ said Webster, a Republican. So the goal of increasing the number of college degrees means better use of existing programs. For example, if a community needs people with engineering technology degrees, a local branch campus might offer that degree currently only available at a larger four-year institution, Webster said. When inflation and enrollment growth is factored in, higher education is receiving 25 to 35 percent less than it was in 2001, said Rich Petrick, vice chancellor for finance for the Ohio Board of Regents. Petrick said he welcomes Husted’s focus, and says universities are awaiting the recommendations of a committee led by Webster that is studying the way higher education is financed, said The proposal must “be sensitive to the campus mission, sensitive to enrollment,” Petrick said. “It’s got to be adequate to help Ohio compete in the 21st-century economy.”


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Mexican Restaurant for Sale in West Toledo. Call Tony (419) 277-2993 AVON PRODUCTS Shop Avon at home or in your office with personal delivery. To start your own Business today, contact: Sanya 419-242-4416 or Margarita 313-5542170, Avon Inds. Sales Representatives.

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EXPERIENCED TRANSLATOR I do translations from Spanish to English or English to Spanish with Reasonable rates; I am experienced, accurate, and professional. Call Marisol, 419-241-3601 ext. 232.

DIRECTOR OF TELEVISION DEVELOPMENT Television Services WBGU-TV Bowling Green State University The Director provides for the leadership and management team of development professionals who garner the necessary private support to sustain and grow the educational television mission of Bowing Green State University through WBGU-TV. As part of the senior management team of WBGU-TV, the Director works closely with them in planning and managing the Television Center and its various departments. Minimum qualifications: Bachelor’s degree required. 5 yrs. exp. in full-time development/fund raising in a non-profit environment. 5 yrs. exp. in supervision, budgeting and in personally asking for, and receiving, major gifts. Previous development experience in a public television station is preferred but not required. Administrative Grade Level 17. Minimum Salary $47,622. Salary commensurate with education and experience. Full benefits package available. To apply: submit letter of application w/ email address, résumé, and names/addresses/ telephone numbers of 3 professional references postmarked by October 7, 2005 to: Ofc. of Human Resources (Search J-000098), 100 College Park Ofc. Bldg., Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403-0201. Ph: (419) 372-8421. (http:// ohr) BGSU is an AA/ EO employer/educator.


Riviera Maia Apartments/Formerly Arbor Glen Apts $1.00 Moves you In! $1.00 1st month rent $1.00 Deposit New Kitchens/new carpet Studio,1,2, & 3 Bedrooms 1233 Cribb(Lewis/Laskey) Toledo, Ohio 43612 419-476-4881

MAJOR GIFT OFFICER Office of Development Bowling Green State University The Major Gift Officer will advance the mission of Bowling Green State University by developing and implementing the level of personal involvement and financial commitment of alumni and friends. Particular emphasis will be given to strategies serving priorities of cultivation and solicitation strategies designed to the University emanating from the President’s and Provost’s offices. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree required. Experience in higher education or related area. 35 years minimum experience in development applicable to major gifts preferred; would also consider similar progressive sales experience; previous Capital Campaign experience highly desirable. Fulltime administrative staff position. Administrative grade level 15. Salary is commensurate with education and experience. Full benefits package available. To apply: Submit letter of application, resume, and names/addresses/telephone numbers of three professional references to: Ofc. Of Human Resources (Search R000097) Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403, Ph: (419) 372-8421. ( offices/ohr) Review of applications will begin Sept. 30, 2005, and continue until position is filled. BGSU is an AA/EEO educator/employer.

CUSTODIAL WORKER BowenThompson Student Union Bowling Green State University Part-Time Position. Days/hours: 6:30a-3p Sat. and Sun. Days/ hours and/or location may be reassigned at supervisor’s discretion. No benefits package available. Under supervision of Housekeeping Mgr. 2, performs custodial duties necessary to the care, cleaning and maintenance of assigned buildings, furniture and fixtures. MINIMUM CLASS REQUIREMENTS: Ability to count and read warning signs. Preferred qualifications include a high school diploma, knowledge and experience of public service cleaning, and use of powered custodial equipment and commercial cleaning chemicals. Search # J000107, $11.08 Per Hour. TO APPLY: An employment application must be completed and turned in to the Ofc. of Human Resources, 100 College Park Ofc. Bldg., BGSU, Bowling Green, OH 43403-0201, by 1:00 p.m., Fri., September 23, 2005. (http:/ / ohr) Ph: (419)372-8421. BGSU is an AA/EO educator/employer.

El taller el mexicano necesita un ojalatero se paga bien favor de llamar a Ofelia al 419-704-2773.

PAQUETE MUSICAL DESDE CHICAGO CONJUNTO NORTENO Y DURANGUENSE PARA TODA FIESTA 773-616-6011 CAREER FROM HOME Our company is one of the fastest growing technology companies in America and offers a lucrative dealer program. Qualified dealers average an exceptional income full or part time and can earn profit sharing, company-paid new car and other benefits. You wil receive proven training and ongoing support. Little or no cash investment required for the right individual. If you are self-motivated, honest and want to build a respected business and a six-figure income, call for a recorded information. 1-800-337-8713.

September/septiembre 21, 2005 DIRECTOR OF FIELD EXPERIENCES Research, Accreditation, & Field Experiences College of Education and Human Development Bowling Green State University This position will administer the Office of Field Experiences, plan, monitor and access diverse off- campus field practicum experiences for 3000 undergraduate teacher education students in 22 different majors. The person will coordinate activities with EDHD programs and 3 programs in other colleges, the Office of Student and Academic Services along with field supervisors, school administrators and teachers. The person will oversee the placement of approximately 800 preservice teachers and provide professional development to 90 supervisors, spending considerable time offcampus in outreach to schools and public agencies. The position is responsible for working with the program coordinators to update the Student Teaching Handbook and resolve conflicts arising from student placements. This position will oversee the Field Advisory Committee and facilitate communication through emails and newsletters to student teachers and supervisors. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s degree required. Must have minimum of 1 degree in a field involving teacher education. 3 yrs. public school teaching exp. required. 3 yrs. of supervisory or administrative exp. required. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: 1 yr. public relations exp. and Pathwise training. Full-time administrative staff position. Administrative Grade Level 15. Minimum Salary $39,804. Salary commensurate with education and experience. Full benefits package available. TO APPLY: submit letter of application, resume, and names/addresses/telephone numbers of 3 professional references postmarked by Friday, October 7, 2005 to Ofc. of Human Resources (Search J-000106), 100 College Park Ofc. Bldg., Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403-0201 Ph: (419)372-8421 (http:// ohr) BGSU is an AA/EO employer/educator.

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF ANNUAL GIVING University Advancement Bowling Green State University The Assistant Director of Annual Giving will coordinate and manage fundraising strategies to increase revenue and participation through the Reunion Giving Program, Senior Giving Program, and other annual giving efforts. The person in this position will plan and execute solicitations; recruit, train, and manage volunteers; and assist with annual giving operations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:: Bachelor’s degree required. 2 yrs. exp. communications, public relations, or marketing; or 2 yrs. exp. in development, alumni relations or volunteer management. Administrative Grade Level 14. Salary commensurate with education and experience. Full benefits package available. TO APPLY: Submit letter of application w/ email address, resume, and names/ addresses/telephone numbers of 3 professional references postmarked by October 7, 2005 to: Ofc. of Human Resources (Search J000112), 100 College Park Ofc. Bldg., Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 4 3 4 0 3 - 0 2 0 1 . Ph:(419)372-8421. ( offices/ohr) BGSU is an AA/EO employer/educator.


LATINS UNITED MEMBERS Latins United of Toledo will celebrate its 40th Anniversary next year, June 2006. If you are a past or present member or officer and you would like to attend please call 419-255-5764.

PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED IN LA PRENSA. Call (419) 870-6565 or (313) 729-4435.

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September/septiembre 21, 2005 Spaces Gallery and The Cleveland Museum of Art proudly invite you to “Café Bellas Artes” Café Bellas Artes: A place where members of the Latino community can get together each month to discuss culture, art, music, poetry, literature and much more in Spanish. October 14: “The Day of the Dead,” a slide presentation by Salvador Gonzalez Nov. 11: “Cuba - Its Art, Music and Culture,” a presentation by Maria Pla, professor at Cleveland State University Dec. 9: “December Holiday Traditions in Latin American,” open discussion Time: 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., the second Friday of the month Location: *Note: The Sept. event will take place at the Cleveland Museum of Art Cleveland Museum of Art 11150 East Boulevard (University Circle) Cleveland, Ohio 44106-1797 Appetizers are served, and a cash bar selling wine and beer is available. Join us at Café Bellas Artes for an engaging evening of world-class art, culture, stimulating conversation and much more For more information, call (216) 707-2195.

For the benefit of all the people forever... Mission Statement, Cleveland Museum of Art

La Prensa Classified

Page 23



Latino Inmates at the North Central Correctional Institution in Marion, Ohio want to honor their past, culture, and history with some activities during Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15) and welcome any suggestions, sponsors, and/or volunteers as to speakers, bands (Tejano/Conjunto), dance groups, music, Latino publications, CDs, and agenda. Of course, all such activities are subject to the approval and control of our administration/staff at North Central. Por favor, write to:

Local behavioral health care agency has an immediate full-time position available for the right person. Responsibilities include computerized scheduling of clients, greeting visitors, and completing the intake process, including documentation and data entry of client information. Associates degree in business or closely related field is required, or may substitute four years closely related experience for degree. Previous office experience essential, plus the ability to deliver service with a customer friendly approach. If you have the stated qualifications, and are interested in joining a rewarding organization, both in benefits and job experience, submit your resume together with salary requirements by 9/23/05, to:

Sr. Marcus A. Torres, 439-837 PO Box 1812-HA-A-02 Marion OH 43301

Hiring Housekeepers and All Positions at Comfort Suites, Findlay

Harbor Behavioral Healthcare, Attn: Human Resources-SIC, 4334 Secor Rd., Toledo, OH 43623-4234, or e-mail to [email protected], or fax to 419-720-6103.

Off I-75, Exit 161 Next to Speedway Come in to apply Thursday - Saturday 11 AM - 2 PM Ask for Nita


View our Classifieds on the web!

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The Sofia Quintero Art & Cultural Center Día de Los Muertos 2005 Altar Competition Registration Please complete & mail with check to SQACC, 1225 Broadway, Toledo, Oh. 43609-2807. Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ City /State/ Zip: __________________________________________ Ph: _________________ Signature of release for promotional use: ___________________________________________ Altars will be displayed from October 29, 2005 through November 12, 2005. Cash prizes for most creative altar. Entry fee is $20.00, please make check payable to SQACC - DoD Altar. NOTE* Due to limited space please submit registration ASAP. ALTAR DISPLAY GUIDELINES: 1. Altar display no greater than 8 ft length X 6 ft width. Height no greater than 8 ft. 2. NO OPEN FLAMES. Lights must be battery powered or electrical. Must provide own electrical extension cord. 3. Applicant is responsible for altar items. SQACC is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. 4. Applicant is responsible for tear-down and removal. 5. Applicant must submit on 8 ½ by 11 sheet a small explanation of altar. Example: Dedicated to whom, purpose or significance of altar. Altar creator. ALTAR INSTALLATION DATES & TIMES: Wednesday Oct 19 through Thursday Oct 20 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday Oct 22 through Sunday Oct 23 from 12noon to 4 p.m Tuesday Oct 25 through Thursday Oct 27 from 11a.m. to 7 p.m. Please call SQACC 419-241-1655 if special arrangements need to be made. ALTAR DISPLAY TIMES: Fundraiser Event - Saturday Oct 29 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Entry fee. Open to Public - Sunday Oct 30 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Open to Public - Saturday Nov 5 & Sunday Nov 6 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Open to Public - Saturday Nov 12 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Applicants are encouraged to attend open to public dates to answer questions from the public. Altar tear down - Sunday Nov 13 from 11a.m. to 4 p.m. Please call SQACC 419-241-1655 if special arrangements need to be made.

LAWN & HAULING SERVICE & MASONARY POINT-UP No Job Too Big! No Job Too Small! 419-244-2135 or 419-654-1249 Clinical Therapists

Harbor is expanding its capacity to provide professional behavioral healthcare services to children and their families. We’re ready to hire dedicated clinicians committed to providing excellent care and customer service. Both positions require experience working with children, adolescents and their families. Position A requires an independent Ohio license (LISW, PCC, Ph.D.) plus experience working with provider panels in private practice, familiarity with relevant CPT coding, and the ability to develop/maintain referral relationships with primary care providers. Position B requires a Masters degree in a mental health related field, plus an Ohio license (LSW, LISW, PC, PCC). Duties include providing diagnostic assessments, formulating client treatment plans and providing ongoing individual, family, and group therapy. With all we have to offer, qualified applicants will want to make Harbor their “employer of choice”. Send resume and cover letter noting Position A or B, together with salary requirements, to Harbor Behavioral Healthcare, Attn: Human Resources, 4334 Secor Rd., Toledo, OH 43623-4234, or e-mail to [email protected], or fax to 419-720-6103. EOE.

Customer Service First Energy Corp, the holding company for Toledo Edision, is seeking to fill part time positions as Consumer Representatives in the Toledo Edision Call Center. These positions are under direct supervision, they receive calls from customers and internal requests for service changes and billing information: arranges for payment of deliquent bills, arranges for reconnection of service, secures required billing data for available records; and supplies needed information by telephone. PAY RATE: $15.16/hr QUALIFICATIONS: · Must have 2 years of customer service experience handling inbound calls (i.e call center work, insurance claims, billing clerk). · Excellent phone and verbal skills. · Available to work any time requested during the phone center hours (7:30am-7pm Mon-Fri, 8am-Noon Sat) Must also be available for hold over after shift and emergency call-out 24hrs a day. · Have the ability to use online customer information systems. · Enjoy working with people. How to apply: Respond by September 23, 2005 via mail to (No phone calls please): Attn: HR Representative Toledo Edison, 300 Madison Ave, Mailstop 650 Toledo, OH 43652 (Applications must reference Requistion #WO05.129,130,131,132 on the resume. Resumes without requisition number will not be considered.)

Julie Picknell REALTOR

Office: 734/429-9449 Cell: 734/395-8383 Fax: 734/429-9448 [email protected]

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Página 24

La Prensa Classifieds


Photographer 2 The University of Toledo

Planned Parenthood of Northwest Ohio, Inc., regional leader in reproductive health care, education and advocacy is seeking a self-motivated, dynamic individual to facilitate a grant funded project to provide HIV prevention education for minority women. Experience in public health, community organizing or HIV prevention/counseling preferred. EOE Please send resume and salary history with cover letter to:

Job #11: The Office of Marketing and Communication announces recruitment for a full-time Photographer 2 position. This position serves the University by professionally and artistically capturing and documenting all facets of the institution through photography. This would include but would not be limited to meetings, athletic events, studio work and specifically designed situations for marketing purposes. The position may require work in outdoor conditions, as well as heavy lifting. There may be irregular hours depending on special events and other special photography needs.

HIV Programs Coordinator, 1301 Jefferson Avenue, Toledo, OH 43624 or fax (419) 255-5216 or [email protected]

Social Services Coordinator The Lucas County Department of Job & Family Services seeks a Social Services Coordinator whose responsibilities include, but are not limited to: providing direct supervision to the Work Activities Unit, which entails the delivery of social service programs relating to employment & job training; providing assistance to the Manager in developing, monitoring, and expanding social service programs and projects in area; and preparing and reviewing program data. Requires the successful completion of a Bachelors degree in one of the Behavioral Sciences with three (3) years experience in the delivery of social service programs focused on employment & job training, job skill development, and/or job attendance & behavior and six (6) months experience in the supervision or work direction of a team of 5 or more; or the equivalent combination of training, education and experience. *In lieu of the coursework or experience in supervision, a one-yr probationary period will be required. Full-Time. Excellent Benefits. Salary Range $42,993.60$52,395.20. Deadline: September 28th, 2005, by 4:30 p.m. To apply, please submit a detailed résumé with transcripts verifying receipt of degree, a brief cover letter addressing the scope of your experience working with employment & job training programs and supervision, and your salary requirements to the following address: Board of Lucas County Commissioners Human Resources Department Attn: JFS/Social Services Coordinator One Government Center, Ste. 450 Toledo, OH 43604 EEOC/AA/F/M/H/V

¿PUEDO AYUDARLE CON SU PENSION? ¿Tiene usted preguntas acerca de su pension y su beneficios? Reciba consejos del Projecto de Derechos de Pension de Ohio, un servicio, de Pro Seniors, Inc. Este servicio es a ningun costo para Usted. Si Usted es un residente de Ohio y tiene las preguntas con respecto de su pension o otros beneficos de su pension llame a 1-800-488-6070 entre 8:30 AM y 4:30 PM—Lunes-a Viernes. Con un llamado puede planificar una cita telefonica con uno de nuestros abogados a ningun costo para Usted.

This position requires 2 years technical education and 12 months photography experience; a Bachelor’s degree in a related field is preferred. The position requires experience with Macintosh and Windows computer platforms, digital cameras, digital photography software, scanners and laser printers. We prefer experience in journalism, marketing, printing and/or publication relations. This is an hourly position within our CWA union. The starting hourly rate is $12.78 and after successful completion of the 120 day probationary period increases to $13.38 per hour. To apply, submit a cover letter (include position title and job # 11), a resume, and the name and contact information for three professional references. Samples of completed photography work must be included with your application materials. We regret that samples cannot be returned. Application materials should be mailed to The University of Toledo, Human Resources Department, Toledo, OH 436063390. All application materials must be received (not postmarked) by Friday, September 30, 2005. The University of Toledo is an Equal Access, Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and Educator.

Office Operations Manager Behavioral health care organization searching for a customer-service oriented professional to coordinate overall office operations including selection, hire, and development of support staff in a servicedelivery setting. Requires associates degree in business with 2 years supervisory experience; or 4 years previous office management experience. Successful candidate will also be responsible for coordinating projects, securing quotes, and overseeing clinical record systems. Must have excellent organizational, relationship-building, and communication skills. Computer proficiency in Word and Excel, at a minimum, a must. Computerized medical appointment scheduling experience preferred. Position requires past experience in managing offices and successfully supervising support staff. Must have transportation for local errands. Qualified candidates include salary expectations with your resume and submit by 9/28/05 to Harbor Behavioral Healthcare, Human Resources (OOM), 4334 Secor Rd., Toledo, OH 43623-4234 or fax to Human Resources at (419) 720-6103, or e-mail to [email protected].

September/septiembre 21, 2005 Spanish Bilingual Supervisor Responsibilities include supervising all aspects of the Distribution Center: shipping, receiving, labor relations, inventory control, safety, etc. Applicants should have a college degree or background in Distribution Management. Excellent health care package, retirement plan, life insurance, vacations, 401(k) and advancement opportunities Please send résumés to: Kroger Distribution 2000 Nutter Farms Lane Delaware, Ohio 43015 Attention: Human Resources

Supervisor Bilingüe Inglés / Español Responsabilidades incluyen supervisar todos los aspectos del Centro de Distribución: enviar, recibir, relaciones laborales, control de inventario, seguridad, etc. Los solicitantes deberán tener un titulo de colegio o experiencia en Manejo y Distribución. Excelente paquete de beneficios para la salud, plan de retiro, seguro de vida, vacaciones, 401(k) y oportunidad de asensos. Favor de enviar su résumé a: Kroger Distribution 2000 Nutter Farms Lane Delaware, Ohio 43015 Attention: Human Resources

KROGER DISTRIBUTION 2000 NUTTER FARMS LANE DELAWARE, OHIO WAREHOUSE ORDER SELECTORS Physical demanding work with continuous lifting of food related product. Starting pay $10: top pay $15. Excellent health care package, retirement plan, life insurance, vacations and 401(k). Must be able to work nights and weekends. Applications are available 24/7 Located just east of Delaware off Rt. 36/37 For further information call 740-657-2133

SELECCIONADORES DE ORDENES DE ALMACÉN Trabajo de demanda física con levantamiento continuo de productos relacionados con comida. La paga para iniciar es de $10: máximo $15. Excelente paquete de beneficios para la salud, plan para jubilarse, seguro de vida, vacaciones y plan de 401(k). Deberá poder trabajar noches y fines de semana. Las aplicaciones están disponibles 24/7 Localizado al este de Delaware fuera de Rt. 36/37 Para mas información llame al 740-657-2133

EOE. También, en Pro Seniors, Inc. una persona de 60 años y sobre, puede recibir consejos de nuestros abogados con respecto a otros asuntos de ley a ningun costo para Usted.

TRABAJO FACIL y DIVERTIDO Arme, Elabore, Fabrique. Pago excelente. Atención personal de 9 am a 6 pm o dejar mensaje las 24 hrs. 1-800-815-9018.

Se vende panadería ubicada en Cleveland OH. Se aceptan planes de financiamiento.

Se necesita panadero con experiencia en pan mexicano y centro americano. Interesados llamar al 440-465-3957. FOR RENT

Interesados llamar al: 440-465-3957.

Brand new 3 bedrooms/2.5 bathrooms, 2-car garage, central air, immediate occupancy. $700 month/ $700 security deposit. Possible lease w/option to purchase. 419-255-8406. Other homes available.

• ¡e-Prensa! Over 2,500 subscribers receive the electronic version of La Prensa every week gratis. Email [email protected] to subscribe •

September/septiembre 21, 2005

La Prensa Classifieds

Coordinator of Academic Resources The University of Toledo

Director, International Student Services The University of Toledo

(Job # 1131): This position has the responsibility for analyses of University curricular offerings, coordination of classroom scheduling and two commencements a year. Additional duties include, working with others to prepare curriculum and programs requests, providing maintenance of UT course inventory, producing the University’s catalog and serving on several academic building committees.

(Job #780a): The University of Toledo has an immediate opening for a Director, International Student Services. This position has the responsibility for preparing, implementing and monitoring the OISS budget and overseeing the American Language Institute. Additional duties include acting as the primary designated school official responsible for the University’s certification for international student enrollment with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services.

A successful candidate must hold a master’s degree. Three years experience in higher education in areas of advising, curricular planning and/or planning of academic resources is required. Demonstrated ability with spread sheets, databases, and reporting software is required. The salary range for this position is $40,000 $50,000 per year. To apply, submit a cover letter (include position title and job #), a resume, as well as the names and contact information for three professional references to: The University of Toledo, Human Resources Department, Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390; Fax (419) 530-1490; or email [email protected] . Use only one method of application. Resumes must be received by Friday, October 7, 2005. The University of Toledo is an Equal Access, Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and Educator.

Recruitment Specialist The University of Toledo (Job #1116): The University of Toledo’s College of Education has an immediate opening. This position has the responsibility for identifying, recruiting and enrolling students for the college. Other duties include developing specific travel and recruitment strategies, and program development. A successful candidate must hold a bachelor’s degree in communication, education or a related field. A master’s degree is preferred. 2-3 years of recruiting experience at the college level is required. To apply, submit a cover letter (include position title and job #), a resume, as well as the names and contact information for three professional references to: The University of Toledo, Human Resources Department, Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390; Fax (419) 530-1490; or email [email protected]. Use only one method of application. Resumes must be received by Friday, September 23, 2005. The University of Toledo is an Equal Access, Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and Educator.

JOB OPPORTUNITY WVKS Morning Show Host WVKS Toledo has an opening for a full-time position as a Morning Show host. Candidates must have 2-years on-air Morning Show experience. The successful candidate will be friendly, outgoing, detail oriented and not afraid to hit the streets. Benefits include: Medical, Vision, Dental, 401K and Stock Purchase Plan. Send tapes and résumés to: Bill Michaels, Director of Programming Operations, Clear Channel Radio, 125 S. Superior Street, Toledo, OH 43602. Clear Channel is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Page 25 Lean Manufacturing Engineer

A successful candidate must hold a Bachelor’s degree and a minimum of 5 years experience in advising/counseling international students regarding Immigration regulations, orientation, and multicultural issues; three years administrative/supervisor experience and in preparation and implementation of a unit budget. A masters or doctoral degree in International education or related field and proficiency in a foreign language is preferred.

Parker Hannifin Corporation, a Fortune 500 company, has an immediate opening for a Lean Manufacturing Engineer at its Metamora, Ohio facility. Position provides engineering support for the manufacturing of hydraulic filter components. Requirements include B.S. in Mechanical, Manufacturing or Industrial Engineering. Two to five years lean manufacturing engineering related experience. Lean manufacturing certifications are a plus. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are required along with strong people and team facilitating skills. Please respond with cover letter, resume and salary requirements no later than 09/30/05 to: Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulic Filter Division 16810 Fulton County Road 2 Metamora, OH 43540 Attn: HR – Lean Mfg Eng EOE M/F/D/V

The University of Toledo offers a comprehensive and competitive benefits package. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. To apply, submit a cover letter (include position title and job #), a resume, as well as the names and contact information for three professional references to: The University of Toledo, Human Resources Department, Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390; Fax (419) 5301490; or email [email protected] . Use only one method of application. Résumés must be received by Friday, September 30, 2005. The University of Toledo is an Equal Access, Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and Educator.

SANCHEZ ROOFING Preventive maint; roof repairs; rubber roofing; re-roof shingles; 25 years exp; roof coatings; roof leaks; se habla español; Call Pete Sánchez, 419-787-9612.

Ofelia’s Perfumería, Joyería, Perfumes, Mary Kay también! 419-704-2773

NOTICE OF Unclaimed funds total $827 million Residents statewide may lay claim to about $175.1 million reported to the division last year alone, swelling the total account - set up by the state in 1968 - to more than $827 million. A full list is available through ARE YOU A CLAIMANT? NECESITO MUCHACHAS DE LIMPIEZA PARA CASAS EN ZONA RESIDENCIAL PREFIERO CON EXPERIENCIA. HORARIO FLEXIBLE. $8.00/ hora. LLAMAR AL 419-873-0400

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de lujo en el area de Detroit. Turno de noche, 12:00 AM – 6:00 AM. $7.00 por hora. Trabajo fijo. No se nececita experiencia o hablar ingles. Llamar gratis al 1-800-385-8800, preguntar por Carlos.”

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Página 26

September/septiembre 21, 2005



Career Services Advisor The University of Toledo

Unison is seeking Case Managers to provide community support services to adults with serious mental illness. Responsibilities will include providing assistance with the social, vocational, economic, and environmental needs of assigned clients and assisting in their ability to live in the community. Valid driver’s license required. Ohio counselor or social worker license and experience preferred. Consideration will be given to candidates with fouryear degrees in fields related to social work. Excellent salary and benefits package. Send or fax resume with cover letter to:

Unison is seeking Clinical Therapist to provide inhome short-term therapy to children and families. Qualified candidates must have strong clinical skills including the ability to make clinical decisions and assessments along with knowledge of therapeutic principles and practices and strong group process skills. Masters degree and Ohio license required, preferably LPCC or LISW. Send resume with cover letter to:

(Job #1021): The University of Toledo’s College of Law has an immediate opening for a Career Services Advisor. This position has responsibility for counseling law students and alumni regarding career choices and options, conducting resume and cover letter reviews, and coordinating and facilitating educational programs for students. This position will be responsible for creating and supporting new career service initiatives, serving as a liaison to student groups and evaluating public interest resources and opportunities. A successful candidate must hold a Juris Doctor or an advanced counseling or related degree. Two or more years experience in higher education is preferred.

Human Resources - CSP 1425 Starr Avenue Toledo, OH 43605 Fax 419.693.0768 Email: [email protected] EOE

RN Full-time RN position providing direct medical services to consumers in a clinic. Other duties include providing medication education and health assessments. Position is scheduled four days a week including one late night. Qualified candidates must possess Ohio RN license. At least 3 years psychiatric nursing experience in hospital environment preferred. Send cover letter with resume to:

Human Resources - RN 1425 Starr Avenue Toledo, OH 43605 Fax 419 693-0768 Email: [email protected] EOE

Human Resources - CT 1425 Starr Avenue Toledo, OH 43605 Fax 419.693.0768 Email: [email protected] EOE

COLLECTION REPRESENTATIVES Business demands that we add personnel to our collection Staff immediately! Bilingual Spanish is a PLUS! These opportunities offer: • Lucrative Compensation program • Comprehensive Benefits • Promotion Opportunities • Convenient Maumee Location If you are an Experienced collector looking for a change, or a dependable hard working employee searching for an opportunity to learn and grow, AllianceOne WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO YOU! Fax resumes to: 419-740-6469 or mail To: Rothenbuhler, 1684 Woodlands Dr Suite 150, Maumee, OH 43537 you can e mail to [email protected] EOE

SECURITY OFFICER ¿Buscas trabajo? ¿Quieres trabajar en construcción? Buen sueldo, excelente entrenamiento. ¡Llámanos hoy 419-351-9654!

Laboratory Technician The University of Toledo Job # 1167: The Department of Biological Sciences seeks to fill a grant-funded, full-time Laboratory Technician position to participate in a study to examine the effects of plant nutrition and environmental conditions on virus infection. Full details of this position are available on our website at The successful candidate will posses a Bachelor of Science degree in a related field and a good working knowledge of computers and databases. Candidates with plant biology experience are encouraged. To apply for this position, submit a cover letter (include position title and job #1176), résumé, and list of three professional references with full contact information. We prefer that you apply via email to [email protected], referencing job # 1176 in the subject line. You may also fax to (419) 530-1490 or mail to The University of Toledo, Human Resources Department, Toledo, OH 43606-3390. Use only one method of application. Resumes must be received by October 7, 2005. The University of Toledo is an Equal Access, Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and Educator.

Full time position with benefits requiring experience or education in safety, security practices and public/human relations. Two-year degree in law enforcement preferred. Must have valid Ohio driver’s license. Starting wage is $16.75/hr. Send résumé to: LCCS, Attn: Personnel Dept., 705 Adams St., Toledo, OH 43624. Fax 419-327-3291. Applicants must be able to work effectively in a multi-cultural work environment. EOE valuing diversity.

ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY To perform office duties, telephone inquiries and filing. Maintain office equipment and supplies. Assist with personnel processes. Schedules and prepares meetings. Position requires a high school diploma with 2 years office experience. Computer skills required. Prefer two-year Associate Degree in Office Administration and/or Business. Good written and oral skills. Reliable transportation, insurance, and driver’s license required. EEO/AAP, Bilingual and minority applicants encouraged to apply. STARTING SALARY: $25,000 Benefit Package included Send résumés to:

PASSPORT Program Area Office on Aging of NW Ohio, Inc. 2155 Arlington Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43609.

The salary range for this position is $35,000 $40,000 per year. To apply, submit a cover letter (include position title and job #), a resume, as well as the names and contact information for three professional references to: The University of Toledo, Human Resources Department, Mail Stop 205, Toledo, Ohio 436063390; Fax (419) 530-1490; or email [email protected] . Use only one method of application. Resumes must be received by Friday, September 30, 2005. The University of Toledo is an Equal Access, Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and Educator.

HIV EDUCATION AND REFERRAL SPECIALIST Planned Parenthood of Northwest Ohio, Inc., regional leader in reproductive health care, education and advocacy is seeking a self-motivated, dynamic individual to facilitate a grant funded project to provide HIV prevention education for minority women. Experience in public health, community organizing or HIV prevention/counseling preferred. EOE Please send resume and salary history with cover letter to: HIV Programs Coordinator, 1301 Jefferson Avenue, Toledo, OH 43624 or fax (419) 255-5216 or [email protected]

Paquete Musical Norteño y Duranguense Desde Chicago, Rivalez del Norte y Enigma Show Para Toda Fiesta 773-616-6011

Manager of Community Support Services The successful applicant will be able to: • Develop public policy • Analyze data • Monitor contract compliance • Act as liaison to key stake holders • Advocate on behalf of consumers • Ensure implementation of mental health recovery principles Master’s degree in human services, at least 5 years experience, 2 years in behavioral health management or administration preferred; or a Bachelor’s in human services, 7 years experience, with a minimum of 3 years in behavioral health management or administration; licensed by the State of Ohio. Send Résumé by September 23, 2005 to: Executive Administrative Assistant Lucas County Mental Health Board 701 Adams Street, Suite 800 Toledo, OH 43624 EEO Employer

• The finest in Mexican dining: Mi Pueblo • 7278 Dix Hwy, Detroit • Mi Pueblo • 313.841.3315 •

September/septiembre 21, 2005

Page 27


La Vista Latino Style of Music, Dancing and Fun! “Highly Recommended” by La Prensa


Honest Homemade Mexican Food




Enjoy the Best Margaritas at Two convenient locations: West Toledo: Sylvania & Douglas [music, 6:009:00PM, every night] Oregon Oregon: 2022 Woodville Rd.

4th year in row—Toledo’s


Best Mexican Restaurant! Best Margaritas! 2nd best patio! As judged by readers of Toledo City Paper.


WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY KARAOKE! KARAOKE! Latino/U.S. Style Karaoke. Sing in English or Spanish.




Downtown Toledo

Corner of Summit & Locust Streets; Just one block North of Cherry Street Across from Channel 11 News.

Hector Cordero (419) 917-1541/Cecilia Peralta (419) 241-1173 419.472.0700 Toledo

419.693.6695 Oregon

Open Mon - Fri: 3:00PM-2:30AM • Sat & Sun: 3PM-2:30AM LIVE! DJ playing the latest hits in *Tropical, Bachata, Merengue,Tejana, Cumbia, Norteña, Salsa, y más! You request it and we play it!

Seguridad de Syndicatos Gran Beneficios Entrenamiento Profesional Buenos Sueldos Adelantamiento de carreras

Alianza Aliansa de de Construcción Construcción Profesionales Profesionales

Edifica tu futuro con nosotros Para más información, por favor llame a Marisol Ibarra, Director of Workforce Development, at 419.241.3601

• ¡e-Prensa! Over 2,500 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa every week gratis. Email [email protected] to subscribe •

Página 28

September/septiembre 21, 2005


La Vista Latino Style of Music, Dancing and Fun! “Highly Recommended” by La Prensa


Honest Homemade Mexican Food


Enjoy the Best Margaritas at Two convenient locations: West Toledo: Sylvania & Douglas [music, 6:009:00PM, every night] Oregon Oregon: 2022 Woodville Rd.

4th year in row—Toledo’s


Best Mexican Restaurant! Best Margaritas! 2nd best patio! As judged by readers of Toledo City Paper.





KARAOKE! KARAOKE! Latino/U.S. Style Karaoke. Sing in English or Spanish.




Downtown Toledo

Corner of Summit & Locust Streets; Just one block North of Cherry Street Across from Channel 11 News.

Hector Cordero (419) 917-1541/Cecilia Peralta (419) 241-1173 419.472.0700 Toledo

419.693.6695 Oregon

Open Mon - Fri: 3:00PM-2:30AM • Sat & Sun: 3PM-2:30AM LIVE! DJ playing the latest hits in *Tropical, Bachata, Merengue, Tejana, Cumbia, Norteña, Salsa, y más! You request it and we play it!

Página 28

La Prensa—Lorain/Cleveland

September/septiembre 21, 2005

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