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37 Prayers for Double and Reversed Mirror Hour (With Numerological Insights)

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37 MIRROR HOUR PRAYERS 37 Prayers for Double and Reversed Mirror Hour (With Numerological Insights) Arinzechukwu Gideon Nebo

DEDICATION For Mom– Through you God made it all possible. I would much prefer it if you were alive and well.

EPIGRAPH The mystery is not known because the unknown is mysterious. Mysteries are phenomena which the mystic souls are capable of decoding. -Deon Influence

FOREWORD Your guardian angels are always eager to help you realize your greatest potential. Ascended Masters and guardian angels are always present, watching over and supporting us. However, until we directly ask for help, they are not allowed to get more involved in our lives or provide assistance, according to divine rule. Due to this, our guardian angels often speak to us by sending numeric signals. By deciphering the lessons hidden in angel numbers, we may discover our bigger purpose and lead the finest possible lives. Mirror hours are a source of guidance in our life that, via interpretation, can give us important knowledge about all facets of our existence, including love, work, money, and family. We have the choice to accept or reject these signals as they are sent to us, but it should be noted that nothing happens by chance. There are various signals that you must learn to recognize in order to profit from the probable guidance that they may provide, such as seeing a mirror hour or hearing a song on the

radio. The number “1” may appear in monetary transactions, work-related paperwork, your computer, or phone throughout the day.

The following are the subjects of the Mirror Hour Prayers. Simply clicking on any one of the headings will take you directly to its contents page. Table of Contents 37 MIRROR HOUR PRAYERS..................................................1 DEDICATION ........................................................................... 2 EPIGRAPH ............................................................................... 3 FOREWORD ............................................................................4 Introduction............................................................................8 Preface.................................................................................. 14 00:00 MIRROR HOUR ...........................................................15 01:01 Mirror Hour..................................................................20 01:10 Reversed Hour............................................................. 24 02:02 Mirror Hour................................................................. 27 02:20 Reversed Hour.............................................................31 03:03 Mirror Hour................................................................. 35 03:30 Reversed Hour............................................................39 04:04 Mirror Hour ................................................................43 04:40 Reversed Hour ...........................................................47 05:05 Mirror Hour.................................................................50 05:50 Reversed Hour............................................................54 06:06 Mirror Hour ................................................................58 07:07 Mirror Hour.................................................................63 08:08 Mirror Hour ................................................................67

09:09 Mirror Hour ................................................................ 72 10:01 Reversed Hour.............................................................76 10:10 Mirror Hour..................................................................80 11:11 Mirror Hour ...................................................................85 12:12 Mirror Hour...................................................................90 12:21 Reversed Hour..............................................................94 13:13 Mirror Hour ..................................................................98 13:31 Reversed Hour ............................................................102 14:14 Mirror Hour.................................................................107 14:41 Reversed Hour............................................................ 112 15:15 Mirror Hour ................................................................. 117 15:51 Reversed Hour ............................................................122 16:16 Mirror Hour.................................................................126 17:17 Mirror Hour ................................................................. 131 18:18 Mirror Hour.................................................................135 19:19 Mirror Hour................................................................ 140 20:02 Reversed Hour...........................................................145 20:20 Mirror Hour................................................................ 151 21:12 Reversed Hour.............................................................155 21:21 Mirror Hour.................................................................160 22:22 Mirror Hour................................................................ 164 23:23 Mirror Hour ............................................................... 168 23:32 Reversed Hour ...........................................................173 Influential prayers ...............................................................178 END NOTE............................................................................181 Acknowledgement............................................................. 183

INTRODUCTION What is Mirror Hour? It frequently appears by coincidence when you glance at your phone, watch, or any other gadget that displays the time in digital format. This phenomenon is intrinsically connected to numerology and astrology, as well as Carl Gustav Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist who established the concept of synchronicity (1875 - 1961). Your subconscious directed your attention to the clock, which displayed Mirror Hour! It is perfectly reasonable to wonder if this was a sign. The answer is yes! It could be a sign from the angels, a spiritual guide, or even yourself if you're going through a period of intense self-reflection. The adoption of digital clocks has brought to light the 37 mirror hours that we see each day. Mirror hours are, in a broader sense, angel numbers. There are 2 kinds of mirror hours altogether. These are: Double Mirror Hour and Reversed Mirror Hour.

There are 24 double hours, which are as follows: 01:01, 02:02, 03:03, 04:04, 05:05, 06:06, 07:07, 08:08, 09:09, 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, 13:13, 14:14, 15:15, 16:16, 17:17, 18:18, 19: 19, 20:20, 21:21, 22:22, 23:23, and 00:00. The Double Mirror hours begin at 01:01 and end at 00:00. Double Mirror Hour occurs 24 times a day and only once an hour, so they are uncommon. They basically transmit and convey a message from a guardian angel to a human being. In addition to double mirror hours, there are reversed mirror hours. The term "reversed mirror hour" refers to when the same figures in the hour are reversed in the minutes on a digital display. For example, 01:10, 02:20, and 03:30. If you come across an hour with the hour digits reversed with respect to the minute digits while checking the time, you have encountered a reversed mirror hour. They can represent future changes that we may encounter. There are 13 reversed mirror hours: 01:10, 02:20, 03:30, 04:40, 05:50, 10:01, 12:21, 13:31, 14:41, 15:51, 20:02, 21:12, and 23:32.

Mirror hours are very important to the subconscious mind, and when we experience this type of synchronicity, we can feel a variety of emotions. As a result, deciphering the message conveyed by this sequence of identical numbers is difficult. Synchronicity and The Mirror Hour Carl Jung's analytical psychology includes the concept of synchronicity. It refers to the simultaneous occurrence of two occurrences that, although appearing to have no direct causal linkages between them, have significance for the person who sees them once connected. Significance of mirror hours with the guardian angels and Numerology If you're reading this today, the mirror hour has most likely already called to you, and you're looking for the underlying meaning of this hour right now. We can use numerology and the realm of angels to examine and comprehend the true meaning of the messages it sends you.

Our subconscious uses mirror hours to communicate with us. Their meaning can be interpreted in a variety of ways. If you frequently encounter mirror hours, this may indicate: Your unconscious mind is seeking solutions. Your guardian angel wishes to inform you of a danger. Someone is thinking about you right now, either positively or negatively. A spirit is trying to make a contact with you. This isn't something that happens by chance or by coincidence alone. These hours conceal a message, which we must fully comprehend in order to decipher what they are attempting to convey. By maintaining awareness and looking for significance in the vibrations of the numbers, we can learn what advice is contained within the numbers we see and how to take it on board. So, if you notice a mirror hour during a synchronistic moment and then go on to see the hour multiple times, pay close attention to everything you're thinking about and everything going on around you because this will help you figure out what it's saying. The mirror hours signify synchrony with the angelic world, a sign from your angel, who serves as your protective spiritual guide here. Communication with the angels takes the form of many indications, such as witnessing a feather, a butterfly, or the double/reversed mirror hours that we are looking at here.

It is a means for them to introduce themselves to you or to respond to you. Through these techniques, some people receive continual counsel from their angel. They frequently encounter mirror hours such as double and reversed hours. This book is able to provide you a full exegetical prayer of the guardian angels in respect to their watch hours after several studies on Numerology; and divine art such as the Guardian Angel, Doreen Virtue's books such as "Angel Numbers101" and "Messages from your Angels." There are 72 guardian angels, and studying Kabbalah teaches us the 72 names of God. They follow us throughout our lives, and if we can interact with them through synchronicities, we can receive all kinds of information regarding our future. This book contains the angelic petition of the guardian angel corresponding to the double and reversed mirror hour. This can assist us in overcoming challenging circumstances. You may align your chakras and energy by working with the guardian angels. The angels will assist you in your meditation practice and can give tremendous counsel that will hasten your spiritual enlightenment.

You will at once recognize the name of the angel in charge of the mirror hour you witnessed. You'll also gain knowledge about the qualities he bestows on you and the imbalances he can help you correct by using these exegetical prayers. Make good use of this advice because it will frequently allow you to avoid certain pitfalls that may arise along the way in your life.

PREFACE Angel signals and messages helped me get through the worst time of my life. Now I feel unique and confident in all I do. Because I am being guided by the divine Spirits. -Sylvester Ucheagwu

00:00 MIRROR HOUR Guardian Angel Mumiah The angels are showing you that you have reached the end of a cycle, which heralds a new beginning. You will enter a new phase of your life, particularly on a spiritual level. You are about to have a significant awakening, if not a revelation! While working with the various energies of the 72 angels, you should practice meditation in whatever way is available to you. This will give you control over your internal dialogue, which can be overwhelming at times. The hour 00:00 indicates that great forces are at work around you. You currently feel powerless over certain aspects of your life, but this will not last forever. Finally, you will need to control the energies, which do not always manifest in positive ways. If you are unable to do so, seek the assistance of the angels, who will provide you with the protection you require to deal with the bad spirits around you. This double hour is also attempting to warn you that someone close to you may no longer be available. It also highlights a type of sacrifice. Accept nothing, especially if it is

to your detriment. There is no doubt that you should assist others, but you should also consider your own needs! PRAYER Y dear Guardian Angel Mumiah, your name is “God Who is the End of Everything.” You symbolize: Revelation. In the angel hierarchy you are an Angel, and your governing Archangel is Gabriel. Your planetary energies are The Moon and You represent the element of Water. Of the 7 senses, you rule over: Touch. Help me support people nearing the end of their life. Protect me from any difficulties in completing a cycle and beginning over. Protect me from the dread of initiations and evolution of consciousness, which may compel me to continue living life at a low level of consciousness. Assist me in finishing what I've started. Be at my side in the last stages of anything so I can find the spark of renewal to create something tangible and actualize something new. You mark the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Accompany me from the start of a change or divine M

transformation, and breathes better beginning into my life by sowing the seeds of a new form of existence within me. You represent: revelation. Share the wonders of creation with me to help fill my life with joy. Offer me greater initiations that can result in huge changes and new understanding. Make me a bearer of conclusion under your influence. Protect me from whatever challenges I may face in opening myself up to spirituality and the divine, as well as the hardships of living under them. Keep me from atheism while I'm under your care. Keep me from dead ends, despair, narrow perspectives, and discouragement. Protect me against the temptation to give up or to feed on bad energies and old patterns. Put me on the right track if I've disregarded my life, if I'm continually trying to persuade people, or if I'm being influenced negatively. You are both my patron and my guardian. Protect me from unforeseeable tragedies or self-destruction. Protect me from illness and disability.

Keep me safe from homelessness, ruin, collapse, and falling out with a spouse or a friend, along with several other things. Keep me away from knowledge and information, which are employed without awareness, and also correct my lack of sensitivity. Keep me from disrupting the natural order of things. Bring me tremendous sensitivity, mediumship abilities, and mystical experiences. Please assist me in comprehending the law of reincarnation and how affinities appear on different realms of life. Increase my awareness in order to have a richer life experience. AMEN. Numerological Insights The total value of the mirror hour 00:00 is 0, which is both a figure and a number. It has appeared three times in ancient civilizations' numeral systems. As a result, it returns you to a point of origin. Everything starts with the number 0; it is a representation of the cosmos, of creation, and of the end. You should soon sense a strong desire for change within yourself! You will travel along paths that are currently unknown to you, but first you must engage in some serious

self-reflection. When we want to change everything, we must first provide ourselves with the means to do so! You will have a wonderful romantic experience. The right person for you is right around the corner! If you are already in a relationship, your relationship will pick up steam. You will be able to manage minor daily conflicts, allowing you to focus on both your own and your partner's fulfillment. The significance of 00:00 in numerology indicates that you have all the cards you need to succeed in whatever you do. The only real obstacle that may arise is you! Don't let limiting thoughts keep you from moving forward. Create an opportunity for yourself and those around you by opening yourself up to a world of possibilities!

01:01 MIRROR HOUR Guardian Angel Elemiah Your guardian angel is attempting to let you know that someone is in love with you if you have seen the mirror hour 01:01. Check in with yourself and try to make time to analyze your feelings when you think about someone specific. You should then be able to identify the individual. However, this can also be interpreted as a warning, indicating that solitude and isolation are not ideal positions for you right now. The importance of social contact in your life cannot be overstated. If you're looking for love, be prepared to venture into new territory, because your "special someone" may be found in a new setting! 01:01 brings out a strong personality, but be cautious not to become egocentric. You are certainly interesting to those close to you, but beginning every sentence with "Well, I..." may quickly irritate those in your family and at work. Finally, if you have significant responsibilities, the mirror hour 01:01 indicates that you are in a position of leadership and that working as part of a team comes naturally to you. Your character exudes a paternal or maternal energy, which makes you a dependable and respected leader. At the same time, be

cautious because your charisma and strong personality may disturb some people. PRAYER Y dear guardian angel Elemiah, your name is “Hidden God.” You symbolize: Success and Protection. In the angel hierarchy you are a Seraph, and your governing Archangel is Metatron. Your planetary energies are Neptune / Mars and you represent the element of Fire. Of the 7 deadly sins, you rule over: Wrath. Offer me tremendous willpower in the domains of creativity and transformation. Offer me divine power, which will help me to advance in the esoteric arts of divination and the occult. Oh, Elemiah, my lovely angel! Give me a natural authority that is upright, fair, and unbiased. Assist me in discovering a new life direction for myself. Help me to act quickly and decisively with Your enormous power. Encourage me to participate in the fullness of divine creation. Help me to discover my life's path, which You will reveal to me throughout my life. Assist me in accomplishing great things and exploring new possibilities in my life. M

Help me discover what suits me professionally and instil in me a spirit of initiative and a business mentality. Also, please assist me in keeping any work-related commitments. Make me naturally optimistic and release me from moments of difficulties or upset with your energy. Allow me to rediscover tranquility and calm from irritation. Block any evil power that tries to perform occult rituals on me. Keep curses and black magic rituals away from me. Also, keep me safe from inaction or harmful inclinations. Take me far away from failure in my professional career, bankruptcy, change of fortune, or periods that will have a detrimental influence on my growth. Keep me away from pessimistic thoughts or methods of thinking that are fraught with suffering. Also, protect me from discovering things which are dangerous for me. Allow me to better recognize potential betrayals and help me to unmask traitors and people who are hungry for power and seek to abuse it. Replenishes my energy during moments of exhaustion or when my strength fails me. Also, help me to better manage the fluctuation between feelings of superiority and inferiority, which sometimes have the potential to overwhelm me. AMEN.

Numerological Insights The total value of the mirror hour 01:01 is 2, representing the union of love. Your emotional life is changing, so be ready! If you're single, this represents a meeting, a commitment, or confirmation. If you are already in a relationship, an important milestone will occur, such as a marriage proposal or the birth of a child. Your diplomatic abilities enable you to resolve a large number of conflicts. This skill set as a mediator or intermediary provides you with some marvelous opportunities that may lead to a professional partnership. Number two also represents sensitivity, or even hypersensitivity, as well as psychic abilities. This explains why you sometimes struggle to control your emotions. When you come across the hour 01:01, you should take a step back in your life to keep your emotional balance as stable as possible. Because of your superior intuition, you can quickly assess the people or situations you encounter. However, your ability to anticipate can sometimes be the source of relationship problems and cause you to become impatient.

01:10 REVERSED HOUR Guardian Angel Elemiah When you come across the reversed hour 01:10, it indicates that you should consider your strengths and weaknesses. This hour may appear for a variety of reasons, including: your spirit is in torment, you feel betrayed, you are about to make a dangerous discovery, what you are learning will harm you, or you will face obstacles in your endeavors. PRAYER Y dear guardian angel Elemiah, your name is “Hidden God.” You symbolize: Success and Protection. In the angel hierarchy you are a Seraph, and your governing Archangel is Metatron. Your planetary energies are Neptune / Mars and you represent the element of Fire. Of the 7 deadly sins, you rule over: Wrath. Soothe my mind and assist me in identifying those who have deceived me. Give me a spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship, and assist me in reaching my professional goals. M

Give me the strength to take action and make decisions promptly. Give me a natural authority, as well as a sense of equality, integrity, and truth. Please keep me from giving up. Help me to spend my life in peace and to distance myself from any uproar or difficulty. Protect me against curses, sorcery, witchcraft, and any other occult forces that might harm my life. Keep evil at bay while also assisting me in controlling and combating wrath and violence. Give me the confidence and strength of will I need to overcome every obstacle, allowing me more time and energy to live a better and more peaceful life. Allow me to discover inner power that I may utilize and share with others. Allow the energy you spread within me to inspire others. Give me extraordinary creative abilities. Assist me in being more patient and adept in supporting others. Provide me with an excellent sense of rhythm, beauty, and balance. AMEN. Numerological Insights The number 11 represents intuition, idealism, willingness, and courage and is derived from the reversed hour 01:10. It also represents contradictions and tension. It is the path that directs information from the top to the bottom. As a result, it

could be regarded as a link or intermediary between the conscious and unconscious minds. This number's Numerological significance is a source of inspiration for you. Because of the energy that this number generates within you, you will be able to inspire others. This will, of course, give you power. However, if not properly channeled, this power can be self-destructive. The number 11 as a dominant number gives you strong ambition and a passion to accomplish something great, but this will be futile unless you have the necessary confidence in yourself. You should also be cautious because this number is associated with anxiety and stress. As a result, you must ensure that you focus on very specific goals. The number 11 bestows upon you extraordinary creative abilities. You will gain patience and natural ability and finesse in supporting others. Because of this, you will find it easy to work in a group while maintaining great harmony within it, but you should work on developing this ability to reap the most benefits.

02:02 MIRROR HOUR Guardian Angel Achaiah Your guardian angels urge you to work on yourself! Indeed, the mirror hour 02:02 demonstrates that you occasionally experience periods of duality. Take the time to consider what is good and what is bad. Allow yourself enough time before making decisions; otherwise, you risk making bad choices. You are a sensitive person with a strong sense of empathy who can easily discern what others are thinking. You are gifted in psychic abilities. You could improve your knowledge of the esoteric world or the study of dreams if you so desire. Your guardian angel will guide you and provide you with a wealth of information through signs, synchronicity, or coincidences. In your professional life, you are selfless. You are a modest individual who prefers to lead in secret. However, if you put yourself on the sidelines, you risk not receiving the recognition you deserve. You have a lovely soul, but you must also be able to defend your interests if others try to take them away from you.

PRAYER Y beloved guardian angel Achaiah, your name is “God Who is Good and Patient.” You're the symbol of “Understanding and Faith.” In the angel hierarchy you are a Seraph, and your governing Archangel is Metatron. Your planetary energies are Neptune / Mercury and you represent the element of Earth. Of the 7 deadly sins, you rule over: Envy. Facilitate me in exploring my inner realms and discovering the reality of the human soul. Please lead me in the correct direction and provide me with access to vast knowledge in the realms of spirituality and faith. Breathe divine patience into me. Grant me access to my different inner worlds, as well as to some mysteries of the occult. Support me in carrying out difficult tasks which involve both time and courage, and to resolve complex problems which require great precision. Give me great powers of introspection and a great clarity of mind, which allows me to uncover and comprehend certain hidden aspects of the universe. Reveal to me that which is concealed to most in the realm of faith, and encourages me to spread the light of divine knowledge. Give me a taste for teaching, which will allow me to unveil secrets that are shielded to others. M

Protect me from a lack of motivation towards learning or from having problem with studying. Be there at my side to save me from failing an exam and make my fear of new situations disappear. Keep me from becoming too impatient, and bestow your divine patience with me. Calm any feelings of resignation or revolt directed towards the Creator. Protect me from becoming lazy, negligent, reckless, or ignorant. Help me face the adversity which is preventing me from moving forward, especially in the fields of writing, computing, programming, and development. Do not let me be excluded from leadership positions, and keep me from having my image distorted in the media. Also, lead me away from the culture of personal glory and guide me instead towards that of the Creator. Oh, my dear angel Achaiah. Enlighten me about faith and divine creation. Through the light of your knowledge and understanding, allow me to comprehend what is concealed about the universe's equilibrium. Help me begin my new phase of training and study. Help me succeed and inspire me with useful and innovative solutions. AMEN.

Numerological Insights "4" is the total value of the mirror hour 02:02. This number indicates that you have strong concentration abilities. When you set a goal for yourself, you do everything in your power to achieve it. You have a way of doing things that works for you, and all anyone can say about it is that it works wonders! The time 02:02 indicates that you are aware of what is possible in your future. To ensure your future, you must first lay a solid foundation. You make certain that stability is a given in your emotional and professional life. You sometimes have your feet on the ground a little too much, and you dislike surprises. You have an innate ability to excel in fields that require a high level of precision, such as finance, scientific research, or ethics. You have a lot of potential for success, but you'll have to overcome the various roadblocks that keep getting in your way. But you must also exercise caution! Being so preoccupied with organizing and controlling things can isolate you from other people. Someone may be keeping things from you because they are afraid you will not understand things that are "out of the box" or beyond your comprehension. Demonstrate your ability to listen and, above all, maintain an open mind!

02:20 REVERSED HOUR Guardian Angel Cahetel The hour of ambition, cooperation, and discipline is 02:20. It heralds good news and suggests that fortune is on your side. It is therefore critical to understand how to interpret these signs in order to receive this good news under the right conditions. Cahetel is the angel of harvest and blessing. His message is that he will bring you divine bounties throughout your life and raise you to such heights that you will be able to comprehend the work of the creator himself. With divine will, you can achieve anything. He's also predicting that you'll be overwhelmed with gratitude for the universe. PRAYER Y beloved guardian angel Cahetel, your name is “God of Blessings.” You're the symbol of “Blessing and the Harvest.” In the angel hierarchy you are a Seraph, and your governing Archangel is Metatron. Your planetary energies are Neptune / The Moon and you represent the element of Earth. Of the 7 deadly sins, you rule over: Sloth. M

Send me the blessings of the divine all throughout my life. Fill me with gratitude for the work of God, but also for the people I come across on my life’s path. Allow me to materialize the will of the surrounding divine. Give me a huge lift to assist me grasp the Creator's work. Bless me with the energy I need to effortlessly complete anything I want to take on, whether it's a challenging work or a change in my behavior. Encourage me to move forward and, if required, help me in changing my habits and way of life. Thanks to Your aid, I'll have a great work ethic at my disposal and an especially active lifestyle brimming with opportunities to attract material wealth towards me. Oh, Cahetel, my sweet loving guardian and the patron of the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. By your capabilities, free me from any hold or influence of evil spirits. By your dominion over meteorology, protect me from climatic catastrophe, heavy rains, rising waters, and fires. Help me handle my self-centredness. Encourage me to avoid living my life just for my own benefit, as well as being ungrateful and feeding on the resources of others.

Keep me from fighting fate or rebelling against my life path, and put an end to my resistance to the cosmic agenda. Stop me from doing activities that are pointless or things that will result in nothing positive. With love and devotion, I ask to You, my guardian angel Cahetel, to shower your heavenly blessings on me, to be filled with appreciation for the cosmos and all the souls and energies that make it up. I adore You. Be at my side when bringing my child into the world. Also, may your anointing power make the fruits of my labor numerous, not just in material wealth but also in spiritual wealth. AMEN. Numerological Insights The number 22 has one of the most powerful Numerological meanings of any number. The reversed hour 02:20 represents your ability to seize the greatest opportunities that come your way in life. You will be able to achieve something truly amazing. Its power and strength, however, are a doubleedged sword, and you are cautioned to avoid falling into darkness, depression, confusion, or self-destruction. You excel at politics and business, and one interpretation of this number is that you have a natural affinity for

understanding society's large institutions while also being able to think and act on an international scale. You can see an idea's potential and beauty, as well as practical ways to make it a reality. That said, you recognize that every idea has limitations. You are also a dependable and supportive partner, according to the angel number 22. You offer sound advice and emotional support. You are naturally resistant to extreme emotions and are unaffected by fantasy overindulgence. You have no room for deception in your life. Share your point of view on the world with others! This is your challenge, and it will require some adaptability. The message behind the number 22 is that you are an excellent leader with the potential to do great things for your fellow man. You are easily approachable, have excellent organizational skills, think big, and are capable of great things. The number 22 is the most powerful and creative of all. As a result, you are capable of overcoming any challenges that come your way. You are not easily defeated by your failures. At the same time, you enjoy success and lose patience when things get difficult.

03:03 MIRROR HOUR Guardian Angel Aladiah This hour has a strong connection to religion and spirituality. In Christianity, the number three represents the Holy Trinity, which consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As a result, the double hour 03:03 is sending you an important message, which we will decrypt together. 33 is a master number; it represents your unbreakable will and will be the driving force behind major changes in your life. It does, indeed, indicate that you are currently in a situation in which anything is possible. You have a strong imagination, and the entire angelic world is available to you, providing you with ideas and positive thoughts to help you in your endeavors. Your connection to the spiritual world has existed since the moment you were born. It is completely natural to have the impression that you are being guided. Your spiritual guide is right there with you. You are an excellent communicator, and your creativity allows you to excel not only in the realms of theater and cinema, but also in marketing and advertising. You are not afraid to put yourself forward, but be careful not to draw all eyes to yourself. Allow some space for other people!

The angels also warn that if you abuse your communication abilities, you risk losing yourself in a social life based on false appearances and lies. You should therefore focus on your objectives and, above all, avoid becoming enamored with success when it comes your way. PRAYER Y beloved guardian angel Aladiah, your name is “God of Favour.” You're the symbol of “Tolerance and Clarity of Mind.” In the angel hierarchy you are a Cherub, and your governing Archangel is Raziel. Your planetary energies are Uranus / Saturn and you represent the element of Earth. Of the 7 charisms, you rule over: Interpretation. Give me the motivation I need to succeed in my undertakings and to boost my morale. Also, please send me healing and forgiveness for my mistakes. Share your divine grace with me, and assist me in balancing my karma and eliminating any bad energy I may have. Aladiah! Aladiah!! Offer me your vast strength to assist me in issues of healing and energy deficiency. Bring restoration not only to my body, but to my mind as well. Give me an abundance of material and spiritual wealth. M

Protect me against anything that has the potential to disrupt my karmic energy, particularly false prophets and gurus with bad intentions. Keep me away from any potentially hazardous spiritual activity. Prevent me from repeating the same mistakes I've done in the past, and make sure I follow my pledges about my commitments. You are my pure energy source, fix any productivity or activity deficits, as well as any potential dietary issues I may have. Assist me in being a virtuous person who ignores nothing or anyone. Help me channel some of my overwhelming sexual drives. AMEN. Numerological Insights The mirror hour 03:03 has a total value of 6. This number indicates that family is very important to you. You work tirelessly to ensure that harmony reigns in your home and among your family members. You are highly regarded for your sense of sacrifice, but you must also consider yourself! Otherwise, you risk exhausting yourself. You are a creative person who frequently has your head in the clouds. You have a lot of ideas that will help you throughout your life. Even if they appear immature to some, you hold on to them, and you should! Just keep your feet on

the ground at all times, or you risk missing out on many romantic and professional opportunities. You have the power to heal others. This can include psychological or spiritual support. When faced with a difficult situation, people instinctively turn to you. You provide relief by listening and giving advice, sometimes unintentionally. 03:03 encourages you to explore mesmerism, hypnosis, and reflexology. However, your strong empathy should not cause you to take on all of the world's misery, especially in your romantic life. Take care not to fall for the enticements of someone who is only using you to save themselves and who may abandon you once they get their feet back on the ground.

03:30 REVERSED HOUR Guardian Angel Lauviah The angel Lauviah represents the return of romantic or friendly feelings. He will give you revelations or premonitions through your dreams, which will improve your telepathic ability. At this time, he is telling you that he will make it easier for you to understand the higher worlds through your intuition rather than through extensive analysis or study. With the help of this guardian angel, you will be able to enter the unconscious and gain access to revelations that are only available through dreams and meditation. You will now be able to perceive all of the universe's mysteries and laws through Lauviah. If you tend to surround yourself in illusion and fantasy, Lauviah is informing you through the reversed hour 03:30 that he will put you on the right track and anchor you in reality. Your ignorance, erroneous perceptions, incorrect behavior, and disbelief will all be forgotten. He will also remove your stubbornness while addressing any material concerns you may have.

PRAYER Y beloved guardian angel Lauviah, your name is “God Who is Praised and Exalted.” You're the symbol of “Wisdom.” In the angel hierarchy you are a Throne, and your governing Archangel is Zaphkiel. Your planetary energies are Saturn / Uranus and you represent the element of Air. Of the 7 Virtues, you rule over: The Power Of Virtue. Grant me the ability to apply immense wisdom with a virtuous mentality. Also, shield me from natural catastrophes and any major obstacles that might have a direct influence on me. Bring me recognition and prosperity, and assist me in becoming renowned. Make me an authority in my profession. Encourage me to live my life with my eyes fixed on the outcome. Make me a friendly and giving individual. Share with me the light of God, which allows me to shine my goodness upon the people who surround me. Save me from difficulties reaching my objectives and save me from failing in my endeavors. Also, shield me from twofaced relationships or relationships which only appear positive at the outset. Protect me against evil energies like jealously, envy, and slander, and refrain me from using deception to obtain my goals. M

Save me from becoming a materialistic person and guide me towards the joy of emotional pleasures rather than physical. Also, help me handle my emotions and manage the emotional dependency that can sometimes develop in my relationships. Remove any possible lack of confidence in myself and others, and make my interactions with people easy. Keep me from taking bad courses of action that might enrage the cosmic consciousness. Help me to perceive the divine love in your work and to have a greater understanding of the laws of the universe. AMEN. Numerological Insights The number 33 has a lot of energy, especially when it's found in the reversed hour of 03:30. It will bring you luck and success with your inventions and business ventures. It will also improve your communication skills, which will simplify your interactions with others and make it easier to persuade and captivate an audience. The energy of the number 33 is extremely powerful. The number indicates that you should learn how to better manage your emotional issues and imbalances. This number denotes a strong communicative ability as well as a lofty ambition fueled by boundless energy, whether on a

mental, physical, or spiritual level. These are essential qualities that place you at the helm of a team or a human movement. According to numerology, you thrive when you find a balance between the earthly and spiritual realms. It also implies that you have a highly developed sense of empathy. This indicates that you are sensitive to the world's pains and injustices. To avoid falling into pessimism, you should cultivate the ability to rise above painful situations and have faith in fate. The numerology of the number 33 is also related to your life path. You are tenacious and will persevere until you have accomplished the ideal version of what you set out to do, but you are also fortunate to have many people on your side. Those close to you will not let you sink so low that you are unable to achieve your objectives. Your family is very important in your life, and they are always there for you. You can be relied on. You are a warm and compassionate person, which allows you to form strong bonds with others. Furthermore, because of your protective and devoted nature, your life is oriented toward others. You possess the qualities of a true leader, and many people regard you as a mentor, professor, or even spiritual guide.

04:04 MIRROR HOUR Guardian Angel Yezalel The guardian angels are indicating here that you are about to enter a period of perfect shape physique. If you are currently experiencing health issues, the angels are indicating that you will overcome these difficulties. They will give you strength and assist you in finding the motivation you require within yourself to care for your body. The angels want you to know that you have the power to take on big responsibilities through the hour 04:04. You have the ability to bring people together, and you are not afraid to use your power! A career in politics is undoubtedly foreseeable because you know how to persuade people, even those who were initially unwilling to listen to you. PRAYER Y beloved guardian angel Yezalel, your name is “God Who is Praised for All Things.” You're the symbol of “Reconciliation.” In the angel hierarchy you are a Cherub, and your governing Archangel is Raziel. Your planetary energies are Uranus / The Sun and you represent the element of Air. Of the 7 charisms, you rule over: Persuasion. M

Bring reconciliation and faithfulness to my union with God. Give me the capacity to accomplish any task I choose. Your energies are tremendous. Make me a faithful person in both love and friendship. Allow me to be a bringer of peace. Make me obedient to the divine principles which govern the entire universe. Give me fantastic talents that will bring me certain benefits in environments of learning and development. Give me the time and space necessary to lead a life supported by the twin pillars of order and harmony. Keep me from having indecent thoughts and save me from being engrossed in a desire that would turn me into its slave. Help me to be less selfish and to calm my desire for an overthe-top social lifestyle so that I can resist the urge to please everyone at all costs. Protect me from bad karma, which can have a significant impact on my life. Guide me to enlightenment and higher consciousness, so that I might learn from my experiences. Allow me to have an unconstrained mindset that keeps me free of mistaken ideas and judgment. Keep my loved ones

close to me and help remove all lies and trickery from within my relationships. Quell all the negative influences which I could be tempted to share with others. Aid me in the realm of intellect by giving me a superior memory. AMEN. Numerological Insights The mirror hour 04:04 has a total value of 8. This number indicates that you are aware of the cycles of existence. Life is full of ups and downs, and you should take the time to find your core. If you don't figure out how to deal with the upheavals in your life, you risk failing to achieve the stability you've been looking for. The number 8 symbolizes strength! It represents material and financial success, as well as success in some major undertakings due to unwavering motivation. You are not afraid of anything! Your physical abilities are undeniable, making you a person to be respected. However, you should maintain your humility; you sometimes have a tendency to try to dominate others by any means necessary. This could be interpreted negatively. You have a natural talent for managing your affairs, and professional success is practically guaranteed. You are

unquestionably a role model in management, and you are excellent at motivating your forces! Although you lack precision at times, you have the ability to see the big picture of what is going on around you. This allows you to come up with long-term solutions that were previously unthinkable. However, the number 8 is also a caution! Too much success has the potential to alter you! You should always be careful not to become overly proud, as this can lead to intolerant or even domineering behavior. You will achieve outstanding results if you can channel your determination into helping others!

04:40 REVERSED HOUR Guardian Angel Mebahel The time 04:40 on your watch could represent a source of strength, a betrayal, a defeatist attitude, or a lack of flexibility. It suggests that you take some time to reflect on your life, care for your family, or open your mind. Even now, your guardian angel is expressing dissatisfaction with the decision or actions you have taken, and if you want him to protect you and keep you safe beneath his wings, you must choose the right path. PRAYER Y beloved guardian angel Mebahel, your name is “God the Preserver.” You're the symbol of “Righteousness and Justice.” You grant liberty to those who are imprisoned, as well as merciful justice and a love of the law. In the angel hierarchy you are a Cherub, and your governing Archangel is Raziel. Your planetary energies are Uranus / The Sun and you represent the element of Air. Of the 7 charisms, you rule over: Spirits. Bring a plethora of positive characteristics into my life. Encourage me to conduct my life in accordance with justice, truth, and liberty. M

Develop in me selflessness and unconditional love, as well as the power to save others from evil. Grant me the ability to assist anyone who has lost hope and faith. Bring me riches, abundance, and enhanced senses. Keep me away from the powers of evil and any connection with criminals or evildoers. Protect me from unkept promises and hollow words. Allow me to quickly eradicate any feelings of rejection and emotions of being unloved from my life. Resolve the issues that concerns me, including issues of justice and truth, falsehoods and false testimony, as well as defamation. AMEN. Numerological Insights Water, earth, fire, and air are represented by the angel number 44, as are the four directions north, south, east, and west. It represents the application of work and ideas in the real world. The number 44 indicates that the angels are with you and that you have a strong connection with them. As a result, there is no need to be afraid of anything, and everything will be fine. The number 44 brings good energy and vibrations on a professional and material level. It will help you become more dynamic and successful because it connects passion with

energy. This number represents focus, order, steadfastness, a systematic approach, pragmatism, and a solid foundation. The numerology of the number 44 promotes stability in friendly, romantic, and professional relationships by extolling long-term values. It reminds you that you understand how to believe in others, and as a result, you naturally surround yourself with good people. Because of your exceptional abilities, you have earned a high level of respect. This number also conveys a message: you have a benevolent and loving angel by your side, bringing you peace of mind and joy in your heart. Your angel will be there to support and encourage you throughout your life, and if you encounter any difficulties, he will always be there to help.

05:05 MIRROR HOUR Guardian Angel Hekamiah If you come across the mirror hour 05:05, it means that the guardian angels are announcing that they will provide you with significant assistance! You adore living! You celebrate life whenever possible. For you, life is a series of new experiences that enrich you with their diversity and complexities. Your imagination will be guided by the angels. Listen to the little voice in your head that occasionally speaks to you; it has something good to say. Angels will assist you in developing your creative side. You have a fertile imagination, but you struggle to organize your thoughts. You sure have a lot of them! You are very good at expressing yourself and communicating your thoughts to others. You obviously have a way with words. You're a real powerhouse! Your level of activity, both physical and mental, is astounding. You exude an unusual amount of energy. For you, exploring life means learning new things and giving yourself new opportunities. Your time is a valuable asset that you make the most of. This proactive approach enhances your ability to attract people. You can rally a team and even give hope to those who

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