MODERN LANGUAGE SUMMER READING PACKET SPANISH IV TEXT: LA CASA EN MANGO STREET Overview of Summer Reading Assignment The Summer Reading Assignments a

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Overview of Summer Reading Assignment The Summer Reading Assignments are based on the premise that learning a language effectively requires consistent practice. Students enrolled in Levels 3 to 5 re expected to have a strong command of the main areas of language acquisition that includes listening, speaking, reading, writing and communication. Consequently, for students to maintain and develop essential vocabulary and cultural insights, they will need to be able to read and give their responses in different formats and be prepared to confidently articulate their feedback on the assignments in the language. It is imperative that the foreign language version of the book be used to complete the assignments. Do NOT use translations or films to gain an understanding of the books listed. Embrace the task of immersing yourself in the language and culture with a good story filled with suspense, action and drama. Due to the structure and approach of Modern Language courses, you will be required to participate, interact and even debate on a daily basis in the respective language on a VARIETY of topics. The more confident you are about speaking, the more success you will have!

During the summer you are required to complete two major tasks: 1. Oral Expression / Summary Writing 2. Cultural Research / Journal Writing

Materials you will need:  Assigned text  A Composition Notebook  Graphic Organizer (Provided by teacher)  A good Dictionary (Larousse Pocket Dictionary) or  Rubrics for Journal / Summary / Reflective Writing  Summer Reading Packet

This packet must be submitted on September 3rd, and a hard copy is due on the first day of school. What is this book about? La casa en Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros (ISBN 0-679-75526-8) A collection of short stories in which the author tells the story of a young girl growing up in the Latino section of Chicago… This is a book about culture—that of Chicanos, or Mexican-Americans—that has long been veiled by demeaning stereotypes and afflicted by internal ambivalence. As you read The House on Mango Street, it will help to approach it as both a work of literature and a window into your own life. Adapted from Vintage Books Teacher’s Guide

SECTION 1 ¿Quién es Sandra Cisneros?  ¿Cuándo y dónde nació ella? _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 

¿Por qué escribió esta novela? Haz el clic para aprender de las perspectivas de la escritora, Sandra Cisneros: Según este video clip, por qué escribió esta novela? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

SECTION 2: By carefully completing this assignment in Spanish over the summer you will be prepared to discuss the story in the fall, to take a summer reading quiz and to write an in-class essay using your novel and packet as the basis for your responses. Preguntas Copia las preguntas y escribe tus respuestas en español usando la computadora (Times New Roman # 14) 1.

¿Cómo se llama la autora del libro? ___________________________

2. ¿De dónde es la autora? ____________________________________ 3. ¿Dónde vive? ____________________________________________ 4. ¿Qué significa “traductora” en Ingles? ________________________ 5.

¿Quién es la traductora del libro? ____________________________

6. ¿Dónde nació y dónde vive la traductora? ______________________ 7.

¿Quién es el personaje principal de la historia? __________________

8. ¿Cómo es el pelo del papá de Esperanza? ______________________ 9. ¿Por qué Esperanza menciona que "los que no saben llegan a nuestro barrio asustados'? ____________________________________________________________ ¿Normalmente la gente visita su barrio? ________________________________ 10. ¿Vive Esperanza en un barrio rico y elegante? ¿Cómo es su barrio?_______________________________________________________ 11. Escribe dos ejemplos que indican que su barrio es rico o pobre: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 12. Escribe dos ejemplos de estereotipos México-americanos en la historia: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 13. Escribe tres ejemplos de anglicismos (palabras que se originan en el inglés, ej: truca=truck) usados en la historia: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 14. Por qué ella comía sándwich de arroz? _____________________________________________________________ 15. ¿Por qué Esperanza menciona que las caderas son "científicas"? _____________________________________________________________ 16. ¿Cuál fue el primer empleo de Esperanza? _____________________________________________________________

17. ¿Por qué la madre de esperanza le llamó la "mal nacida"? _____________________________________________________________ 18. ¿Qué significa bruja-hechicera? _____________________________________________________________ 19. ¿De dónde es "Geraldo sin apellido"? ________________________________________________________ 20. ¿Quién es "Mamacita"? ¿Habla Inglés? ________________________________________________________ 21. ¿Qué palabras en inglés sabe Mamacita? ________________________________________________________ 22. ¿Qué comió el padre de Esperanza cuando llegó a los Estados Unidos? ________________________________________________________ 23. En tu opinión, ¿al final por qué Esperanza menciona que "soy demasiada fuerte para que me retenga"? ¿Qué significa esa frase? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ¿Qué quiere hacer? _______________________________________________ 24. En 150 palabras describe si en tu opinión esta historia describe la experiencia Méxicoamericana en los Estados Unidos, usa ejemplos del libro para explicar tus ideas _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Writing Checklist: Purpose/Task  Satisfies the task  Connects ideas to task/purpose  Exhibits a logical  Coherent sequence of ideas Vocabulary (in statements/questions)  Incorporates a range of nouns, verbs, and/or adjectives as appropriate to task  Uses relevant and accurate words or phrases Structure (degree to which errors hinder overall comprehensibility)  Subject/verb agreement  Noun/adjective agreement  Correct word order  Spelling Word Count  Comprehensible  In target language  Contributes to the development of the task

 SECTION 5: Comparative Analysis La Cultura Chicana y La Casa en Mango Street To be done as an in-class group discussion and writing assignment in the fall. EVALUATION - WRITING RUBRIC FOR FINAL ANALYSIS CATEGORIES 4 3 PURPOSE/TASK Accomplishes the Accomplishes the task; includes many task; includes few details that are details, some of clearly connected to which may be only the development of loosely connected the task, but there to the task. There may be minor are some irrelevances irrelevancies ORGANIZATION Exhibits a logical Has a logical and coherent sequence; provides sequence a beginning, throughout; middle, and end provides a clear sense of a beginning, middle and end. Makes smooth transitions between ideas VOCABULARY Includes a wide Includes a variety variety of of vocabulary vocabulary that related to the topic expands the topic, but there, but there may be few inaccuracies Demonstrates a STRUCTURE/M Demonstrates high degree of ECHANICS some control of control of structure/conventi structure/ ons: conventions: • subject/verb • subject/verb agreement agreement • noun/adjective • noun/adjective agreement agreement • correct word • correct word order order • spelling • spelling Errors do not Errors do not hinder overall hinder overall comprehensibility comprehensibility of the passage. of the passage. WORD COUNT Uses 180 - 200 Uses 179-160 comprehensible comprehensible words in target words in target language that conlanguage that tribute to the contribute to the development of the development of the task task.

2 Accomplishes the task; includes few details. Some of which may be only loosely connected to the task. There are many irrelevancies. Attempts to provide a logical sequence; the beginning or ending is abrupt or unclear

1 Attempts to accomplish the task; makes some reference to it but provides few or no supporting details. Has little order; provides s series of separate sentences and/or disconnected ideas

Includes basic vocabulary; some vocabulary may be inaccurate or unrelated to the topic.

Includes limited vocabulary and most vocabulary is inaccurate, unrelated to the topic and hard to comprehend

Demonstrates some control of structure/conventi ons: • subject/verb agreement • noun/adjective agreement • correct word order • spelling Errors do hinder overall comprehensibility of the passage.

Demonstrates little control of structure or convention, or errors impede overall comprehensibility of passage.

Uses 159 - 130 comprehensible words in target language that contribute to the development of the task.

Uses less than 129 comprehensible words in target language that contribute to the development of the task.

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