Notre Dame de chicago parish

Notre Dame de chicago parish 1334 W. Flournoy chicago, il 60607 PASTORAL OFFICES (mailing address) 1335 W. Harrison Chicago, IL 60607 Hours: Monday-Fr

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The vision of Notre Dame Catholic Church is to glorify God by being a faithful, inclusive community who, in the name of Jesus Christ, enables all to g

The vision of Notre Dame Catholic Church is to glorify God by being a faithful, inclusive community who, in the name of Jesus Christ, enables all to g


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Notre Dame de chicago parish 1334 W. Flournoy chicago, il 60607 PASTORAL OFFICES (mailing address) 1335 W. Harrison Chicago, IL 60607 Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Phone: (312) 243-7400 Fax: (312) 243-7614 Website: E-mail: [email protected]

eighth Sunday in ordinary time February 27, 2013

August 30, 2015

MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS Sunday/Domingo 5:00 pm Notre Dame (Saturday/Sabado) 8:30 am Notre Dame 10:00 am Notre Dame 12:00 pm Notre Dame (Español) Weekdays/Entre Semana Notre Dame Chapel 1335 W. Harrison Monday thru Friday 6:30 am The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii 1224 W. Lexington Wednesday 6:00 pm

PARISH STAFF Rev. Msgr. Patrick J. Pollard, Pastor Rev. A. Paul Reicher, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Mariusz P. Stefanowski, Associate Pastor Deacon Lawrence E. Segers Most Rev. Alberto Rojas, Resident Rev. Msgr. John F. Canary, Resident Rev. Robert L. Tuzik, Resident Ms. Clair E. Zaffaroni, Principal Mr. Michael Ruzicki, Music Director Mrs. MaryAnn Milici, Office Manager

CHILDREN OF PEACE SCHOOL/ NIÑOS DE PAZ 1900 W. Taylor (312) 243-8186

Welcome to Notre Dame de Chicago Parish Community. If you are a visitor, we hope you have an enlightening worship experience. If you are new to our area, we invite you to join our diverse faith community.

The Parish with Heart in the Heart of the City La Parroquia Con Corazon en el Corazon de la Ciudad La Paroisse pleine de Coeur au Coeur de la ville

Notre Dame de Chicago Parish


Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the desk of the Pastor…... Del escritorio del Pastor…... Please forgive my enthusiasm as I explore the powerful thought reflected in Pope Francis’ encyclical: Laudato Si! “Some forms of pollution are part of people’s daily experience.” (#20) Worldwide “exposure to atmospheric pollutants produces a broad spectrum of health hazards….especially for the poor…..and causes millions of premature deaths.” (#20) In re-constructing the rectory asbestos tile was uncovered on the first floor. We knew it was there and encapsulated it according to accepted procedures. The fire revealed that the mastic for the linoleum floors in the storerooms contained asbestos. All of it was properly removed and the house and meeting rooms are free of asbestos. We watch, test, and have specialists remove contaminants from our homes, our schools, our churches. The Holy Father challenges us with the question: who does this for the poor among us? Sometimes we make the answer so complex……yet, as long as we continue to ask the question our focus is positive.

Por favor, perdona mi entusiasmo como exploro la idea poderosa refleja en Papa Francisco encíclica: Laudato Si! "Algunas formas de contaminación son parte de la experiencia cotidiana de las personas." (# 20) en el mundo "la exposición a contaminantes atmosféricos produce un amplio espectro de riesgos para la salud ... .Especialmente para los pobres ... ..y causa millones de muertes prematuras." (# 20 ) En re-construcción de la losa de amianto rectoría fue descubierto en el primer piso. Sabíamos que estaba allí y encapsulados de acuerdo con los procedimientos aceptados. El fuego se reveló que la masilla para los pisos de linóleo en los almacenes contenían amianto. Todo ello se eliminó correctamente y las habitaciones de la casa y de reunión están libres de amianto. Nos ver, probar y contar con especialistas eliminan los contaminantes de nuestras casas, nuestras escuelas, nuestras iglesias. ¿El Santo Padre nos desafía con la pregunta: ¿quién lo hace por los pobres entre nosotros? A veces hacemos la respuesta tan complejo ...... sin embargo, el tiempo que seguimos para hacer la pregunta nuestro enfoque es positivo.

Of many things … … De muchas cosas ... ... CCD registration will be held on Sunday, September 13th. Our CCD classes will begin on Sunday, September 20th at 8:45 am in the lower church hall. Children of Peace School began on Monday, August 24th. A Catholic school has been on this site at Taylor and Wolcott since 1886. Mark your calendars to join us for a special Bears Game/Oktoberfest event on Sunday, September 27th at 3:00 pm in the lower church hall! The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) begins anew in September. If you know of someone interested in the Catholic faith, please ask them to contact one of the priests.

Registro CCD se celebrará el Domingo, 13 de septiembre. Nuestras clases CCD comenzarán el Domingo, 20 de septiembre a las 8:45 am en el salón de la iglesia inferior. Niños de Paz Escuela de la Paz comenzaron el lunes 24 de agosto. Una escuela católica ha sido en este sitio en Taylor y Wolcott desde 1886. Marque su calendario para unirse a nosotros para un Juego Osos especiales / evento Oktoberfest el domingo 27 de septiembre a las 3:00 pm en el salón de la iglesia bajo! El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos (RCIA) comienza de nuevo en septiembre. Si usted sabe de alguien interesado en la fe católica, por favor les pedimos que ponerse en contacto con uno de los sacerdotes.

Joy and peace,

Msgr. Pat

La alegría y la paz,

Monseñor Pat

August 30, 2015

3 "Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile." In the days of Jesus, this issue was about performing empty external rituals of cleanliness instead of purifying the heart. For most of us, the issue is probably a bit different. Our fixation on externals is not so much with religious prescriptions and practices; instead, our daily obsession tends to be with appearances in general.

In our media-saturated culture, we are extremely tuned in to how things look. We are trained to respond to current fashion trends in clothing, hair, makeup, and accessories. Even bodies, cars, houses, and landscaping all fall into the realm of highly marketed images. The risk for us is to be so concerned with having the right "look" on the outside that we fail to consider what's happening on the inside. Life is about more than what we have or what we parade around for others to see. As human beings we are a unity of body and soul, and if we neglect our souls, then we are neglecting the fulfillment of our human nature. We need to make sure we are not like the Pharisees in today's reading who were too concerned with outside appearances. Jesus tells us in response to them that "from within people, from their hearts, come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly. All these evils come from within and they defile." This list makes a good starting point for some personal meditation on our interior life. Let's ask ourselves, "Which of the behaviors on this list threaten to defile my soul?" Then, let's ask the Holy Spirit to help purify us of that spiritual ugliness so we can appear beautiful in the sight of God. Religious Education registration will be held, Sunday, September 13, from 8:00 to 10:00 am, in the parish hall. Classes are for children kindergarten through eighth grade, who attend public schools, and whose families are members of Notre Dame Parish or participate at The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii. For all new students a copy of their baptismal certificate is required at the time of registration. Both old and new students must be registered at the beginning of each school year. The registration fee this year is $150 for one student or $200 for a family. Classes will be held on Sundays at 8:45 am. Students will be dismissed at 10:00 am to be able to attend the 10:00 am Mass with their families. The first day of class is Sunday, September 20. Registration forms will also be available at the parish office or on the tables in back of the church. All registrations are due on or before September 13. If you have any questions, please call the parish office 312-243-7400.

Notre Dame de Chicago Parish

SCRIPTURE READINGS Readings for the Week of August 30, 2015 Sunday: Dt 4:1-2, 6-8/Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27/ Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Monday: 1 Thes 4:13-18/Lk 4:16-30 Tuesday: 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11/Lk 4:31-37 Wednesday: Col 1:1-8/Lk 4:38-44 Thursday: Col 1:9-14/Lk 5:1-11 Friday: Col 1:15-20/Lk 5:33-39 Saturday: Col 1:21-23/Lk 6:1-5 Next Sunday: Is 35:4-7a/Jas 2:1-5/Mk 7:31-37 Lecturas para la semana del 30 de agosto de 2015 Domingo: Dt 4, 1-2. 6-8/Sant 1, 17-18. 21-22. 27/ Mc 7, 1-8. 14-15. 21-23 Lunes: 1 Tes 4, 13-18/Lc 4, 16-30 Martes: 1 Tes 5, 1-6. 9-11/Lc 4, 31-37 Miércoles: Col 1, 1-8/Lc 4, 38-44 Jueves: Col 1, 9-14/Lc 5, 1-11 Viernes: Col 1, 15-20/Lc 5, 33-39 Sábado: Col 1, 21-23/Lc 6, 1-5 Domingo siguiente: Is 35, 4-7/Sant 2, 1-5/Mc 7, 31-37 WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER In today’s second reading we are told, “Be doers of the word and not hearers only”. Does you marriage show others Christ’s love? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are October 16-18 or December 11-13 both in Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us through

Registro de Educación Religiosa se llevará a cabo el domingo 13 de septiembre de 08:00-10 a.m., en el salón parroquial. Las clases son para niños de kindergarten hasta el octavo grado, que asisten a las escuelas públicas, y cuyas familias son miembros de la Parroquia de Notre Dame o participar en el Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Pompeya. Para todos los nuevos estudiantes se requiere una copia de su certificado de bautismo en el momento de la inscripción. Ambos viejos y nuevos estudiantes deben estar registrados al comienzo de cada año escolar. La cuota de inscripción de este año es de $150 para un estudiante o $200 para una familia. Las clases tendrán lugar los domingos a las 8:45 am. Los estudiantes saldrán a las 10:00 am para poder asistir a la misa de 10 a.m. con sus familias. El primer día de clases es el domingo, 20 de septiembre. Los formularios de inscripción estarán disponibles en la oficina parroquial o en las mesas en la parte trasera de la iglesia. Todas las inscripciones se deben a más tardar el 13 de septiembre Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial 312-243-7400.

Notre Dame de Chicago Parish

A special outdoor prayer service to mark the first annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, will take place in the Holy Name Cathedral Courtyard, State and Superior Streets in Chicago, on Tuesday, September 1, at 7 p.m. Seating will be provided and well-behaved pets will be welcome at this special, outdoor service. Canticle of the Creatures Saint Francis of Assisi Praised be you, my Lord, with all your creatures, especially Sir Brother Sun, who is the day and through whom you give us light. And he is beautiful and radiant with great splendor; and bears a likeness of you, Most High. Praised be you, my Lord, through Sister Moon and the stars, in heaven you formed them clear and precious and beautiful. Praised be you, my Lord, through Brother Wind, and through the air, cloudy and serene, and every kind of weather through whom you give sustenance to your creatures. Praised be you, my Lord, through Sister Water, who is very useful and humble and precious and chaste. Praised be you, my Lord, through Brother Fire, through whom you light the night, and he is beautiful and playful and robust and strong”. Cited in FRANCIS, Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’, on care of our common home, 24 May 2015, no. 87. Art, Steve Erspamer, © 1993, Archdiocese of Chicago. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission

SEPTEMBER COAT DRIVE AND SALE New or gently used coats and jackets are needed for St. Vincent de Paul Chicago Thrift Stores weekend coat sale on September 12 & September 13. All Coats, while supplies last, will sell for $3.00 each regardless of name brand, size and style. With the help of your generous donations, we are hoping to offer brand name coats for those who cannot afford to buy new coats. Proceeds and any left over coats will help support the St. Vincent de Paul Chicago Emergency Voucher Program. The program provides individuals and families in need with clothing, furniture, or other goods free of charge in a confidential and dignified way. For information, please contact Thrift Stores Director Margaret Jones at 773-779-6700 or [email protected].


Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Step By Step On Your Journey of Faith

Does Catholicism interest you? Have you ever thought of joining the Catholic Church? Do you know someone who has expressed such an interest? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process group for asking questions and learning about the Catholic Faith. Take the first step and we will be there to walk with you on your journey of faith.

For more information, please call the rectory 312-243-7400


Saturday, September 5

Saturday, September 5

5:00 pm - Kathy Flens Kay Otter Mary Jane Reilly

5:00 pm - Marcia Travlino

Sunday, September 6

Sunday, September 6

8:30 am - Mary Deutsch Fe Granada

8:30 am - Pat Granada

10:00 am - Janice Bosco Ellen Cruz Margaret Ervin

10:00 am - Casey Platt

12:00 pm - Victor Fernandez Ysabel Fernandez Raquel Sperka

12:00 pm - Rafael Morales

August 30, 2015

MASS INTENTIONS Weekend of August 29/30 Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm Francesco & Italia Antonini Sam Caiafa Joseph & Anna Cosentino Apolonija Jarosius Roselyn Panepinto Therese Vallorano 8:30 am Beatrice & Vincent O’Hara 10:00 am Notre Dame Parishioners Ralph Valentino 12:00 pm For the sick of the parish Monday, August 31 6:30 am No Mass Tuesday, September 1 6:30 am No Mass Wednesday, September 2 6:30 am No Mass Thursday, September 3—St. Gregory the Great 6:30 am No Mass Friday, September 4 6:30 am No Mass Weekend of September 5/6 Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm Francesco & Italia Antonini Joseph & Anna Cosentino Roselyn Panepinto Brian Shannon 8:30 am Rose & Tony Grande Corrado R. Rizza 10:00 am Jean Borchardt 12:00 pm For the sick of the parish


Notre Dame de Chicago Parish

PRAYER LIST WE PRAY for the following parishioners or family members of parishioners who are ill or in need of prayer: Gary Alsip Mary Alvarez Charlie Betzold T. Cantore D. Cozzi Channie Davis Mitchell Davis Lewis Ervin Nathaniel Ferrer Glenn Ford, Jr. Jose Lain Frias Barbara Frye Timcke Anthony Giacalone Corinne Giammanco Alexander Gutierrez James R. Hardt Bobby Harrell Whilmetta Harrell Denise & Rich Jandura Jim Kasang Marge Kirchman Dr. Fred Kittle Betty McDonald Mary McQueen Steven Montgomery Tom Montgomery

Ethan John Moon Judy Mulchrone Thomas Mulchrone Tony Napolitano Emma Nemivant Anita Niezgoda Lupe Ortiz Linda Palma Bonifacio Racoma Kyler Reddick Fr. Paul Reicher Philip Rice, Sr. Rosemary Rice Lisa Robertazzo Alfredo Ruiz P. Sagan Frank Salerno Maureen Sevandal Yanong Miguel Angel Sotello MaryAnn Sullivan Angelo Suranno K. Angelo Vergara Richard Whittinghill Janice Wright Lucille Zambole

WE PRAY for all the deceased family members and friends of our parishioners and benefactors, especially: Ann Taglia Romy Vincoy

WE PRAY for our loved ones serving in the Armed Forces. WE PRAY for those affected by: violence LITURGICAL DONATIONS Please pray in thanksgiving to God for our donors and their loved ones: •

The gifts of Bread and Wine were donated for the month of August: + In memory of Vito & Dolly Canzolino donated by Vic Canzolino & Kathy Stubblefield + In memory of the Alsip Family donated by the Alsip Family

The Mary Altar candles are lit for the month of August: + For Children of Peace faculty and students, as they begin another school year

The Our Lady of Guadalupe Altar candles are lit for the month of August: + In memory of Carlos Barrera, Jose Aguilar, Sr. , Jose Aguilar, Jr. & Manuelita Aguilar donated by Barrera Family

If you would like to add a name to our prayer list, please call the rectory at 243- 7400. Names of the sick will be listed for two months in the bulletin. If there is a recurrence of illness, names can be listed again.

STEWARDSHIP Weekend of August 22/23: Actual Collection Electronic giving Total Collection Budgeted Collection Collection under budget

$3,225 $332 $3,557 $4,600 $1,043

Year to date Actual Collection Year to date Budgeted Collection Year to date Collection Deficit

$28,098 $36,800 $8,702

Year to date figures were adjusted to include charges & other holy days, etc.

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