O F H I S WO R K, AC T S O F O L D. Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church. Revealing the Light of Christ THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MAY 26, 2013

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Revealing the Light of Christ THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MAY 26, 2013 LA SANTÍSIMA TRINIDAD 26 DE MAYO, 2013 T H E LO

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OUR LADY OF THE LAKES CATHOLIC CHURCH 15801 N.W. 67th Avenue (305) 558-2202 (Office) Miami Lakes, FL 33014 (305) 558-2631 (Fax) www.ollnet.com (Web

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church 25-02 80th Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Telephone (718) 899-2801 Fax (718) 429-6404 Parish Web Site: www.olfatim

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church 25-02 80th Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Telephone (718) 899-2801 Fax (718) 429-6404 Parish Web Site: www.olfpari

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church 25-02 80th Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Telephone (718) 899-2801 Fax (718) 429-6404 Parish Web Site: www.olfatim

OUR LADY OF THE LAKES CATHOLIC CHURCH 15801 N.W. 67th Avenue (305) 558-2202 (Office) Miami Lakes, FL 33014 (305) 558-2631 (Fax) www.ollnet.com (Web

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Story Transcript

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Revealing the Light of Christ THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MAY 26, 2013


T H E LO R D C R E AT E D M E AT T H E B E G I N N I N G O F H I S WO R K , T H E F I R ST O F H I S AC T S O F O L D P R OV E R B S 8 : 2 2

A Eucharistic Community Living the Good News Daily 105 n. la esperanza san clemente, ca 92672 949-492-4101 Fax 949-492-4856 www.OLFChurch.net @FatimaChurchSC

parish calendar/ calendario parroquial MAY 26 – JUNE 2, 2013

Our parish calendar is online! Please visit www.olfchurch.net/calendar.html for the most up-to-date information on events and activities in our parish. ¡Nuestro calendario de la parroquia esta en línea! Por favor visite www.olfchurch.net/calendar.html para la información más actualizada sobre eventos y actividades en nuestra parroquia. MASS SCHEDULE

Saturday: 5:30pm Sunday: 7, 9, 11am, 1 pm (Sp), & 5:30pm Daily Mass M-F 7am, 8:30am; Sat 8am Reconciliation: Saturday 4-5pm Eucharistic Adoration: M–F 9am-9pm Sat 9am – 5pm; Sun 2pm-5pm

PARISH OFFICE HOURS M-F 9am to noon; 1-6 pm Phone: 949-492-4101

CLERGY Fr. Michael P. Hanifin, Pastor [email protected], ext. 111 Fr. William Hubbard, Parochial Vicar [email protected], ext. 113

STAFF Robin Margraf, Pastoral Associate [email protected], ext. 117 Ron Runolfson, Business Manager [email protected], ext. 102 Rosa Rama, Faith Formation-Children & Adults [email protected], ext. 119 Javier Castillo, Hispanic Ministries [email protected], ext. 116 Lourdes Rojas, Office Manager [email protected], ext. 101 Aida Lopez, Maintenance Spanish Music Coordinator, ext. 101 Maria Juul, Accounting Assistant [email protected], ext. 103 Mary Kay DuBay, Confirmation (Youth) [email protected], ext. 104 Bridget Goodreau, Jr High Youth Ministry [email protected], ext. 106 Alexandra Ganley, Administrative Assistant [email protected], ext. 120

PARISH SCHOOL Beate Nguyen, M.A., Principal [email protected], 949-492-7320 Cindy Clark, Administrative Assistant [email protected], 949-492-7320



our lady of fatima parish

M AY 26, 2013


fr. michael p. hanifin Dear Parishioners and Friends of Our Lady of Fatima/Queridos parroquianos y amigos de Nuestra Señora de Fátima: I leave on Wednesday, May 30 for a pilgrimage to Loreto, Italy to visit the House of the Blessed Mother there. This pilgrimage to Loreto is with the Neocatechumenate Way. The Neocatechumenate is one of the many renewal movements within the Catholic Church. There are steps in the Neocatechumenal process when the members of a community go on pilgrimages. After my Neocatechumenal community passed the step of the Our Father we are invited to go on this pilgrimage to Loreto and then to promise to pray the Rosary each day. On June 1 - 2, Father Marcelo de JesuMaria, CR will preach at all of the Masses about a ministry providing direct relief to the poor throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. He will share what he has witnessed about Food for the Poor’s mission to care for the destitute as a means of living out the Gospel mandate to love one another. Father Marcelo de JesuMaria was ordained for the Congregation of the Resurrection Order in 2004. In addition to preaching for Food for the Poor, he is Vocation Director and Animator for his Order’s Province. Father Marcelo’s assistance next weekend allows me to be away from the parish and for that I am grateful. Please welcome Father Marcelo next weekend and show him the hospitality and warmth that Our Lady of Fatima is famous for. El miércoles 30 de mayo me iré a una peregrinación a Loreto Italia para visitar la Casa de la Madre Bendecida. Esta peregrinación a Loreto será con el Camino Neocatecumenal. El Neocatecumenado es uno de los muchos movimientos de la renovación dentro de la iglesia católica y existen pasos en el proceso del Neocatecumenado cuando los miembros de una comunidad van en peregrinaciones. Después de que mi comunidad Neocatecumenal da el paso del Nuestro Padre somos invitados a una peregrinación a Loreto y después promete rezar el rosario todos los días. El 1 y 2 de junio, el Padre Marcelo de JesuMaria, CR predicará en todas las Misas sobre un ministerio que proporciona ayuda directa a los pobres en América Latina y el Caribe. Él compartirá lo que él ha atestiguado sobre la misión del alimento para los pobres y cómo cuidar al indigente como medio de vivir el mandato del Evangelio; de amar al otro. El Padre Marcelo de JesuMaria fue ordenado por la Congregación de la Orden de la Resurrección en 2004. Además de predicar por el alimento para los pobres, él es Director y Animador Vocacional para la provincia de su orden. La ayuda del Padre Marcelo el fin de semana próximo permitirá que yo pueda ausentarme de la parroquia por lo que estoy muy agradecido. Por favor, denle una agradable bienvenida al Padre Marcelo el fin de semana próximo y demuéstrenle la hospitalidad y el calor, de porque es famosa Nuestra Señora de Fátima.

The Most Holy Trinity/La Santísima Trinidad


parish news and events Memorial Day Holiday-May 27th/ Día Memorial-27 de mayo Monday, May 27 is a national holiday and the parish office will be closed. Mass will be celebrated at 8:30 am on Memorial Day. There will be no 7am Mass that day.

Rosario Comunitario Los invitamos al Rosario mensual este 7 de junio a las 7:00 pm Vengan a orar por sus necesidades y las de la comunidad.

El lunes 27 de mayo es un día de fiesta nacional y la Oficina Parroquial estará cerrada. Solo habrá una Misa a las 8:30am, no habrá Misa de 7am.


Stocking the pantry Our parish’s monthly food collection is a vital and consistent source of food for the local pantry operated by our ministry partner Family Assistance Ministries (FAM.) The food collection takes place on the 4th Sunday of each month and is delivered to FAM’s pantry by parish volunteers. Empty grocery bags are available this weekend with a list of needed items. Pick one up and return it next week. All are invited to assist with the food collection, including families and teens. For more information, contact Dixie Gillivan at 361-0792. An Invitation to Journey The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) RCIA is the process by which people become members of the Roman Catholic Church. The process is concerned with the total formation of the person into: t Believing with the Church community (doctrinal formation) t Living with the Church community (practical formation) t Praying with the Church community (liturgical formation) t Serving with the Church community (apostolic formation) The RCIA is intended to serve: t The unbaptized who would like to learn more about the Catholic Religion t Those baptized in another religion who think they might like to become Catholic t Those baptized Catholic who have not completed the Initiation Sacraments or who have not been raised in the Faith The RCIA team is holding a meet and greet on July 23 at 7pm in McGowan Hall and will meet every Tuesday night after this date to begin the process of the RCIA. If you or someone you know is interested in joining this team, or if you have any questions about the process, please contact Rosa Rama at 492-4101 Ext.119 or [email protected]. Registration for RCIA are being taken now.



our lady of fatima parish

Blood Drive - Donate the Gift of Life!/Donacion de Sangre -Done el Regalo de Vida! OLF is hosting a blood drive on Sunday, June 9 from 8am 2pm in McGowan Hall, Room A. All the blood collected will be designated for Mission Hospital. To make an appointment, please go to www.redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code FATIMA. Identification is required & walk-ins welcome. Volunteers are needed for set up, reception area, and refreshments. Please contact Daisy Nueva at 492-5427 for more information. Dé un regalo de vida. La parroquia estará recibiendo donaciones de sangre este domingo 9 de junio de 8am - 2pm en el Salón McGowan. Toda la sangre recogida será designada para el Hospital Mission. Para concertar una cita, vaya por favor a www.redcrossblood.org e inscriba FATIMA en el código del patrocinador. Se requiere una identificación. Donaciones de último son aceptadas. Se necesitan voluntarios para acomodar las cosas en el lugar, para la recepción, y los refrigerios. Pónganse en contacto por favor con Margarita Nueva al 492-5427 para más información Bible Study Every Thursday morning at 9:30am in McGowan Hall, Room A. You are welcome to join this ongoing Bible study at any time! Kingdom Rock Vacation Bible School (VBS) JULY 22 – 27, 2013 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JULY 22, 2013

Check out our website (www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/ KingdomOLF) for more information and to register. Register before July 1 and your child is guaranteed a unique OLF Kingdom Rock VBS t-shirt! And we are looking for volunteers to help make this a great experience for our participants - whatever your gifts, abilities, and time commitment, we’ve got a place for you! Contact Bridget Goodreau at [email protected].

M AY 26, 2013

Italian Family Feast/ Fiesta Familiar Italiana SATURDAY, MAY 25, 5-9PM / MCGOWAN HALL EL SÁBADO, 25 DE MAYO, 5-9 PM / SALON MCGOWAN

This Italian pasta dinner includes salad, dessert and nonalcoholic beverages. $12 for adults / $6 for children. A no host beer and wine bar will also be available. Tickets are on sale after all Masses this weekend and next and will be available in the parish office M-F, 9am to 6pm (office closed 12-1). Contact Liz at 481-3230 for more information. Esta cena de pasta Italiana incluye ensalada, postre y bebidas sin alcohol. $12 para adultos / $6 para niños. Estará disponible una barra donde puede obtener cerveza y vino. Las entradas estarán a la venta después de las Misas de este fin de semana y el siguiente, también estarán disponibles en la oficina parroquial de lunes a viernes, de 9am a 6pm (oficina cerrada 12 a 1pm). Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Liz al 481-3230.

IN OUR COMMUNITY Relay For Life of San Clemente Survivor Celebration

AROUND THE DIOCESE Evening Service of Prayer for the Unity of Christians. Bishop Kevin Vann of Orange requests the honor of your presence at an Evening Service of Prayer for the unity of all Christians to be held at St. Cecilia Catholic Church in Tustin on Friday, May 31 at 7pm. This will be the first time that Bishop Vann will formally address the diocese on his vision of Christian unity. A Lifeline for Troubled Marriage Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vī) helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. It is designed to provide tools to help get your marriage back on track. You will have the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine your lives together in a new and positive way. This program has helped tens of thousands of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential information or to register for the May program beginning with a weekend on May 31st call (714) 306 6469 or email [email protected] or visit the web site at www.HelpOurMarriage.com


Join Relay for Life for a celebration of “HOPE” (Honor, Opportunity, Provide, Engage) as they recognize and support survivors and caregivers together! Please RSVP by Friday, May 24 to Leslie Gardner at 498-9505 or Margo Lesser at 4921998, or online at www.relayforlife.org/sanclementeca and click on “Survivor Celebration.”

OLF PARISH SCHOOL NEWS The Diocese of Orange, Department of Catholic Schools, Non-Discriminatory Policy as to Students and Personnel: Our Lady of Fatima Parish School, in the Diocese of Orange, mindful of its mission to be witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students of any race, color, and national origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Our Lady of Fatima Parish School, in the Diocese of Orange, does not discriminate on the basis of race, handicap, color, national origin in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Every person, as a child of God, regardless of race, condition, or age, has equal dignity and an inalienable right to an education. Therefore, no qualified student will be denied admission to this school on the basis of sex, race, color, or national origin. Likewise, Our Lady of Fatima Parish School, in the Diocese of Orange, does not discriminate against any applicant for employment on the basis of sex, handicap, race, color or national origin.

The Most Holy Trinity/La Santísima Trinidad


Mass Intentions /Intenciones: SUNDAY 5/26 7am 9am 11am 1pm 5:30pm

Santiago Rivera > Misa Pro Popolo Arturo Hernandez Felipe Sanchez Lawson & Ethel Janes >

MONDAY 5/27 No 7am Mass 8:30am Margaret Flores >

TUESDAY 5/28 7am 8:30am

Henry Juul > Warren Debinski >

WEDNESDAY 5/29 7am 8:30am

Helen Austin > Dutch Suckley > and Family

THURSDAY 5/30 7am 8:30am

Michael Horn > Dutch Suckley >

FRIDAY 5/31 7am 8:30am

Anna Buffone > Jesse Rivera >

SATURDAY 6/01 8am 5:30pm

Jeffrey Shahan > Gloria Sanchez

SUNDAY 6/02 7am 9am 11am 1pm 5:30pm


Vincent Russo > Dutch Suckley > Misa Pro Popolo Margarita Huerta > Elena Arnoni >


WE PRAY FOR ALL THE SICK/OREMOS POR XLOS ENFERMOS Lillian Russo Philip Danna Ian Almonaci Bob Redfield Maureen Redfield Sheila Borges Gabriela Hernandez Ray Solis Daniel Frydrychowski Jose Lara Jimmy Wahlin John Ornellas Eloisa Rios Ray Lynn Lucy Moore Debbie Zehler Bob Jensen Eric Pauley Ralph Tancredi Filiberto Salmeron Sandy Guest Doris Swancoat James Swancoat Nia Palykandriotis Fr. Ned Rocks Mary Martin

AND FOR OUR BELOVED DEAD/Y POR NUESTROS QUERIDOS FALLECIDOS Vincent Russo Anna Buffone Virginia Cuchessi Elena Arnoni Angel Gutierrez Carmelita Rollins Wanda Perrault LaVerne Heersema Olegario Madera Gregory Moreno Martin Nicketta Barbara Young David Torres Juan Hernandez Clarice Ventura Jose Martinez and all victims of war and violence.

our lady of fatima parish

READINGS/LECTURAS SUNDAY 5/26 Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15

MONDAY 5/27 Sir 17:20-24; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 10:17-27

TUESDAY 5/28 Sir 35:1-12; Ps 50:5-8, 14, 23; Mk 10:28-31

WEDNESDAY 5/29 Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Ps 79:8-9, 11, 13; Mk10:32-45

THURSDAY 5/30 Sir 42:15-25; Ps 33:2-9; Mk 10:46-52

FRIDAY 5/31 Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 1:39-56

SATURDAY 6/01 Sir 51:12cd-20; Ps 19:8-11; Mk 11:27-33 Sunday 6/02 Gn 14:18-20; Ps 110:1-4; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Lk 9:11b-17


Basket Received by mail Electronic giving Maintenance Total

$9,371 $2,657 $1,440 $323 $13,791

M AY 26, 2013

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