Parents Guide to Student Success

Parents’ Guide to Student Success Kindergarten Helping Your Child Learn at Home Being involved in your child’s academic success can increase his/her o

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Parents’ Guide to Student Success Kindergarten Helping Your Child Learn at Home Being involved in your child’s academic success can increase his/her opportunities and options for the future. What can you do to help them? Knowing some key academic benchmarks and what or how you can support your child in meeting them is important. Here are some ideas for supporting and supplementing your child’s learning. • Read aloud to your child and talk about books each day. • Draw attention to the printed word and provide opportunities to use print meaningfully in many different ways. • Establish daily routines for waking up and bedtime. • Studies have shown that exercise helps further develop the areas of the brain that affect learning and memory. Give your child time to exercise by giving them the opportunity to hop, dance, throw balls, and practice balance. Limit the amount of “screen time”. • Help your child learn to follow directions by playing simple games and following simple instructions. • Point out ways you use numbers in your daily life and how it makes your life easier. • Praise your child for his/her learning.

Jan. 2013

What Are The Common Core Standards? The K-12 CCSS are a state–led effort designed to improve educational outcomes for students. • Are aligned with college and work expectations, • Are clear, understandable, and consistent; • Include rigorous content and application of knowledge; • Build on strengths and lessons of current state standards; • Prepares students to succeed in a global economy and society; • Are evidence-based

Common Core Changes for Students English Language Arts (ELA) / Literacy 1. Read as much non-fiction as fiction 2. Learn about the world by reading 3. Read more challenging material closely 4. Discuss reading using evidence 5. Write non-fiction using evidence 6. Increase academic vocabulary Mathematics 1. Focus: Building on foundational skills that matter most to understanding arithmetic. 2. Coherence: Making math make sense by building onto foundational skills from grade to grade. 3. Rigor: With equal intensity apply conceptual understanding, procedural skills, and fluency.

Resources ADE K-2 Math

Paradise V

Parent Roadmaps to the CCSS

National PTA

Educational Student Websites Starfall: Starfall UpToTen: UpToTen PBS: PBS Reading Rockets: Reading Rockets

Paradise Valley Unified School District

English Language Arts / Literacy A sample of reading standards includes: Reading Literature / Informational Text With prompting and support… • Ask and answer questions about key details in a story, retell familiar stories, and identify characters, settings, and major events. • Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic. • Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding. • Ask and answer questions about unknown words. • Name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling a story. Reading Foundations • Understand the basic features of print. Follow words from left to right, top to bottom. • Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds. • Know and apply grade level phonics and word solving skills in sounding out words. Writing With guidance and support from adults… Using a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing: • Compose opinion and informative pieces and supply some information about the topic. • Participate in shared research and writing projects. Speaking and Listening • Participate in conversations about Kindergarten topics and texts with peers in small and larger groups. • Recall information from experiences or gather information from sources to answer questions. Language • Correctly use English grammar when writing and speaking. • Correctly use standard English conventions. • Clarify the meanings of multiple-meaning words based on Kindergarten reading and content.

Kindergarten Math A sample of math standards includes: Counting and Cardinality • Count to 100 by ones and tens • Write numbers from 0 to 20. • Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities Operations and Algebraic Thinking • Represent addition and subtraction with manipulatives • Solve addition and subtraction word problems • Fluently add and subtract within 5 Number and Operations in Base Ten • Compose and decompose numbers from 11-19 Measurement and Data • Compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common • Classify objects into categories, count the objects in each category, and sort the categories by count Geometry • Correctly name shapes • Analyze and compare two and threedimensional shapes • Use simple shapes to form larger shapes

Kindergarten Science Current science modular FOSS Kits are FOSS Animals 2 x 2, and FOSS Wood and Paper. Pending adoption, the new Common Core Science Standards for students in kindergarten focus on: exploring patterns, variations in local weather, its effect on their lives, the needs of plants and animals, observe properties of materials, and measure physical properties of matter.

Kindergarten Social Studies (not CCSS) A sample of social studies standards includes: American History • Retell personal events to show an understanding of how history is the story of events, people, and places in the past. • Recognize that Native Americans are the original inhabitants of North America World History • Recognize that early civilizations improved their lives through advancements (e.g., domestication of animals, tools, farming methods, calendars). Civics/Government • Recognize national symbols and monuments • Recognize the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. • Recognize the significance of national holidays Geography • Recognize the differences between maps and globes. Economics • Discuss different types of jobs that people do. • Match simple descriptions of work with the names of those jobs.

Transitioning to 1st Grade In first grade your child will see an increase in complexity in reading and writing. Ways to help for Reading and Math in First Grade Include: • Support his/her learning of solving addition and subtraction problems within 20, including word problems • Read stories with your child and practice retelling with details in a meaningful sequence.

Parents’ Guide to Student Success First Grade Helping Your Child Learn at Home Being involved in your child’s academic success can increase his/her opportunities and options for the future. What can you do to help them? Knowing some key academic benchmarks and what or how you can support your child in meeting them is important. Here are some ideas for supporting and supplementing your child’s learning. • Provide time and space for your child to read independently. • Read with your child for at least 15 minutes and model reading to your child. • Talk about books and ask questions each day (who, what, when, where, why, and how). • Share everyday writing activities: letters, invitations, grocery lists, and notes. • Have your child write about topics of interest using a supporting detail. • Encourage your child to find different ways to solve problems. • Involve your child in real life experiences such as measuring, identifying and using money, cooking and using recipes together • Count things with your child: people, pets, and steps. • Praise your child for his/her learning.

Jan. 2013

What Are The Common Core Standards? The K-12 CCSS are a state–led effort designed to improve educational outcomes for students. • Are aligned with college and work expectations, • Are clear, understandable, and consistent; • Include rigorous content and application of knowledge; • Jan. Build on strengths and lessons of current 2013 state standards; • Prepares students to succeed in a global economy and society; • Are evidence-based

Common Core Changes for Students

Resources ADE K-2 Math

Paradise V

Parent Roadmaps to the CCSS

English Language Arts (ELA) / Literacy 1. Read as much non-fiction as fiction 2. Learn about the world by reading 3. Read more challenging material closely 4. Discuss reading using evidence 5. Write non-fiction using evidence 6. Increase academic vocabulary Mathematics 1. Focus: Building on foundational skills that matter most to understanding arithmetic. 2. Coherence: Making math make sense by building onto foundational skills from grade to grade. 3. Rigor: With equal intensity apply conceptual understanding, procedural skills, and fluency.

National PTA

Educational Student Websites Starfall: Starfall UpToTen: UpToTen PBS: PBS Reading Rockets: Reading Rockets

Paradise Valley Unified School District

English Language Arts / Literacy

First Grade Math

First Grade Social Studies (not CCSS)

A sample of reading standards includes: Reading Literature • Ask and answer questions about key details. • Retell stories, including details and demonstrate understanding of the central message. • Explain differences between books that tell stories and books that give information. Reading Informational Text • Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. • Know how to use various text features to locate key facts or information in a text. (e.g. headings, table of contents, glossaries, icons) • Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic. Reading Foundations • Know and apply grade 1 phonic skills necessary for decoding, reading accurately, and fluently. • Know final-e and common vowel teams for representing long vowel sounds. • Decode two syllable words. Writing • Write opinion pieces, informative, and explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts to develop points and a conclusion. • With guidance, focus on a topic, plan revise, edit, and rewrite using peer and adult feedback. • Participate in a shared research projects. Speaking and Listening • Participate in a variety of structured conversations on grade 1 topics in small group, whole class, and with a partner. Language • Correctly use English grammar when writing and speaking. • Correctly use standard English conventions, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

A sample of math standards includes: Operations and Algebraic Thinking • Solve addition and subtraction problems within 20, to solve word problems Number and Operations in Base Ten • Compare two digit numbers using the , = • Add within 100 • Subtract multiples of 10 in the range 10 - 90 Measurement and Data • Order three objects by length • Tell and write time in hours and half hours using analog and digital clocks • Express the length of an object as a whole number of lengths Geometry • Create two-dimensional or three-dimensional shapes • Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shapes and describe the shares

A sample of social studies standards includes: American History • Place important life events in chronological order on a timeline • Describe interactions of Native Americans with the Spanish World History • Recognize that farming lead to settlements • Recognize that civilizations in the Americas were similar to the Egyptians Civics/Government • Recognize national symbols and monuments • Practice examples of democracy Geography • Identify and make different types of maps Economics • Discuss differences with needs and wants • Recognize types of U.S. money

Transitioning to 2nd Grade First Grade Science Current science modular FOSS Kits are FOSS Balance and Motion and Pebbles, Sand and Silt. Pending adoption, the new Common Core Science Standards for students in first grade focus on cause and effect relationships. They build on the study of plants and animals, begin studying patterns and cycles of space, and exploring light and sound.

In second grade your child will see an increase in complexity in reading and writing. Ways to help for Reading and Math: • Ask and answer questions as who, what, when, why, and how • Correctly use English grammar when writing and speaking • Practice telling time, solve word problems involving money • Solve addition and subtraction problems within 100, including one and two-step word problems • Draw and talk about graphs and what they represent nd Students will take the SAT10 State Test in 2 grade.

Parents’ Guide to Student Success Second Grade Helping Your Child Learn at Home Being involved in your child’s academic success can increase his/her opportunities and options for the future. What can you do to help them? Knowing some key academic benchmarks and what or how you can support your child in meeting them is important. Here are some ideas for supporting and supplementing your child’s learning. • Read a variety of books and talk about them with your child. • Ask the questions who, what, when, where, why and how about stories you and your child have read. • Help your child keep journals and write stories. • Encourage your child to find different ways to solve problems rather than just memorizing facts. • Involve your child in real life experiences such as cooking, measuring, telling time, and using money. • Locate and compare records of temperatures, places, and weather patterns. • Praise your child for his/her learning. • Use maps, diagrams, charts, and graphs, to explain data or information.

Jan. 2013

What Are The Common Core Standards?


The K-12 CCSS are a state–led effort designed to improve educational outcomes for students. • Are aligned with college and work expectations, • Are clear, understandable, and consistent; • Include rigorous content and application of knowledge; • Build on strengths and lessons of current state standards; • Prepares students to succeed in a global economy and society; • Are evidence-based ADE K-2 Grade Math

Common Core Changes for Students

Parent Roadmaps to the CCSS

English Language Arts (ELA) / Literacy 1. Read as much non-fiction as fiction 2. Learn about the world by reading 3. Read more challenging material closely 4. Discuss reading using evidence 5. Write non-fiction using evidence 6. Increase academic vocabulary Mathematics 1. Focus: Building on foundational skills that matter most to understanding arithmetic. 2. Coherence: Making math make sense by building onto foundational skills from grade to grade. 3. Rigor: With equal intensity apply conceptual understanding, procedural skills, and fluency.

Paradise V

National PTA

Educational Student Websites Khan Academy: Khan Academy FOSS Web: FOSS Units PBS: PBS Reading Rockets: Reading Rockets

Paradise Valley Unified School District

English Language Arts / Literacy

Second Grade Math

A sample of reading standards includes: Reading Literature • Ask and answer such questions as who, what, when, why, and how to show understanding of key details. • Compare/Contrast two or more versions of the same story by different authors. • Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters. Reading Informational Text • Determine meaning of texts by using features of text and be able to locate key facts efficiently. • Describe the connection between a series of historical events. • Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text and focus on specific details. Reading Foundations • Phonics skills necessary for decoding and reading accurately and fluently. Writing • Write opinion pieces, informative, and explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts to develop points and a conclusion. • Participate in research projects. Speaking and Listening • Participate in conversations and tell a story with appropriate facts, relevant details. Language • Correctly use English grammar when writing and speaking. • Correctly use standard English conventions. • Use spelling patterns when writing.

A sample of math standards includes: Operations and Algebraic Thinking • Solve addition and subtraction problems within 100, including one and two- step word problems Number and Operations in Base Ten • Demonstrate understanding of place value through skip counting by 5’s, 10’s and 100’s, • Compare 3-digit numbers using >,

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