HOLY REDEEMER PARISH Serving Our Lady Help of Christians , St. John Nepomucene & Our Lady of Libera Churches 569-65th Street, West New York, New Jerse

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THE SACRAMENTS LOS SACRAMENTOS BAPTISMS for Children take place in English on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Parents, please register the child at t

Empresa. Moderador. Participantes. Debates



REUNIONES PRODUCTIVAS Habilidades Directivas 7. Reuniones Productivas 7.1. Concepto 7.2. Objetivos 7.3. Causas de la falta de eficacia de las reuni

Story Transcript

HOLY REDEEMER PARISH Serving Our Lady Help of Christians , St. John Nepomucene & Our Lady of Libera Churches 569-65th Street, West New York, New Jersey 07093 Tel. 201-868-9444 ~ web: Fr. Carlo Fortunio, Pastor Fr. Giordano Belanich, Parochial V icar Fr. Martin Carvalho, W eekend assistant Fr. Pedro Navarro, W eekend assistant Fr. Angelo Pochetti, In Residence Deacon Jesús Aristy, Parish Deacon

Angie Rotella-Suarez—Music Minister Elizabeth Heck, President of the Parish Council Eleanor Muller & Philip Dispenza, Parish Trustees Edward Mendoza , Business A dministrator Donis Santana ~ Parish A ctivities coordinator

St. Mary’s

St. John’s

Sunday ~ Domingo Sunday Vigil: Saturday 6:30pm , English Sunday: 8:00 ;10:30 ; English Domingo: 9:00am; 12:30pm; 6:00pm Español

Sunday ~ Domingo Sunday Vigil : 4:30pm English ~ 7:30pm Español Sunday : 9:00 –10:00 Croatian 11:30am English ~ 2:00pm Español

Weekdays ~ Dias de Semana Monday through Friday: 8:00am Lunes, Miercoles y Viernes: 7:30pm Español

Weekdays ~ Dias de Semana Monday through Friday 7:30am Saturday 8:00am

Saturday: Sábado:

Confessions ~ Confesiones 5:30pm - 6:00pm ~ 5:30pm - 6:00pm

Baptism ~ Bautismos Enrollment Wednesday between 6:00pm - 7:00pm ~ Inscripciones los Miércoles de 6:00pm hasta 7:00pm Baptism : Saturday at 12noon;Sunday 3:00pm Bautizos:Sabado alas 12:00pm ; Domingo 3:00pm Marriage ~ Bodas Arrangements should be made one year in advance.

Deben hacerse los arreglos con un año de anticipación.


Religious Education~ Clases de Religion Children ~ Niños English Sunday at 9:00am ~ Español Domingo a las 11:00am English Espanol:

RCIA ~ RICA Sunday at 9:00am, Domingo a las11:00am,

Sick Visit - Enfermos Please call the Rectory anytime. ~ Llame la casa Parroquial en qualquier momento

9:00am ~ 1:00pm -- from 3:00pm ~9:00pm by appointment 9:00am ~ 1:00pm -- de3:00pm~ 9:00pm solamente por cita

Monday ~ Friday . Lunes a Viernes.

PARISH MEETINGS - REUNIONES PARROQUIALES English Choir Holy Name Society St. Martin de Porres Virgen de la Altagracia Circulo de Oración Morning Prayer Youth Group Divina Misericordia

Every Saturda 10:00am 2nd Tuesday of the month 2 Domingo, 1:30pm 3r Domingo, 1:30pm Jueves a las 8:00pm Advent & Lent 6:00am Domingo 11:00am Sábados 3:00pm

Juventud Franciscana Sabados 4:00pm OL Libera Neocatechumenal Communities Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday 8:00pm Comunidades Neocatechumenales Martes, Miércoles y Sabado 8:00 pm Padres Madres Orantes 1 Miércoles del mes 7:00pm Counselling : 1st Floor of the School Consejeria: 1 Piso de la Escuela Call ~ llame (201) 381-1674

St. Mary’s ~ Sta Maria Saturday June 20 3:00pm 6:15pm

16 anos de Nicole Flores HOLY ROSARY

XiI Sunday O.T.

Sunday June 21 8:00 9:00 10:30 12:30 6:00pm



Monday June 22 Sts John Fiher & T hom as M ore 8:00 Phil,Millie & Marie Cappadona- Jim & Mary 7:30 Gloria Galarza—Esposo y Hijos Tuesday June 23 __ ______________________ 8:00 Julius Rotella sr.—Angie Wednesday June 24 Nativity of St. John Baptist 8:00 Good Health Barbara Samut– W alter J Samut 7:30 Armando Mendoza—Su Familia Thursday June 25___ _______________________ 8:00 Walter Matesic—Rina Tarabocchia Friday June 26 __Saint R om uald 8:00 Anthony Raspa—Donis Santana 7:30 Saturday June 3:00pm 6:15 6:30pm



Quinceañera de Emily Guerrero Holy Rosary Arlene & Skiyppy Zevicky– Debbie & Phil

Sunday June 28 XIIi Sunday OT 8:00 Nelson Méndez—Belfra Family 9:00 Enicelia Mejía—Hijos y Nietos 10:30 Mary Musto—Donald & Betty 12:30 Simón Pérez—Familia Pérez Virgen de la Altagracia-Grupo Altagraciano Virgen del Cisne—Comunidad Ecuatoriana

St. John’s ~ S. Juan Saturday June 20 ________ ___________ ___ 8:00 Matea Picinic—Radimir 4:30 Korinko Family—Dolores Korinko 7:30 Feliz Cumpleaños Iván y Olga López—Familia Sunday June 21 XIi Sunday OT 9:00 ALL FATHERS 10:00 Souls in Purgatory –Mr & Mrs. Picinic ALL FATHERS 11:30 ALL FATHERS 2:00 TODOS LOS PADRES Monday June 22 _______________ 7:30 Mario Bussanich—Family Tony Bussanich

Tuesday June 23 ___________________ 7:30 Domenica Tarabocchia—Mr. Mrs Anthony Bussanich Wednesday June 24 _________________ 7:30 Tami Morin—Luciana Picinic Thursday June 25 ________ 7:30 Sr. Carmela Jankovic—Luciana Picinic Friday June 26 Saint R om uald 7:30 Anton Matesic—Mario & Denci Matesic Saturday June 27 ________________ 8:00 Ivo Miseta—wife Maria Pina 4:30 Thomas McLaughlin—Eagleson Family 7:30 Dario y Carmen de la Cadena y Onelia Pena— Roomelia Sánchez Sunday June 28 XIIi Sunday OT 9:00 Domenica Tarabocchia—Matteo Tarabokija 10:00 Imelda Hroncic—Croatian Rosary Society Ivo Miseta –Marie & Frank Tarabokija 11:30 Elena Tarabocchia—Mr. Mrs Tony Bussanich 2:00 Josefa Coll—Esposo y familiares

Eucharistic Bread & Wine Offered in memory of

Charles Smith Eucharistic Bread & Wine Offered in Thanksgiving for

21st Birthday of Danielle Gherardi Grandma & Grandpa

By wife Ann

Parish Festival ~ Festival Parroquial September 13 ~ Septiembre 13 Do not miss it ! No Faltes !

Interview with Card. Cafarra Why is important to Pray for the Synod on the family Q. There is a prophecy by Sister Lucia dos Santos, of Fatima, which concerns “the final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan”. The battlefield is the family. Life and the family. We know that you were given charge by John Paul II to plan and establish the Pontifical Institute for the Studies on Marriage and the Family.

Peter is a member of our Choir on Sundays. If you have the opportunity tell him you’re proud of it and next time I’ll try to let you know a little earlier so you will be able to attend the performance ! FRANCISCAN MISSIONARY SISTERS OF THE SACRED HEART 150 Anniversary Picnic at Peekskill Saturday July 11, 2015 from 11am till 3:30pm

If interested in going , please contact the Parish Office to reserve your seat calling 201-868.9444

Yes, I was. At the start of this work entrusted to me by the Servant of God John Paul II, I wrote to Sister Lucia of Fatima through her Bishop as I couldn’t do so directly. Unexplainably however, since I didn’t expect an answer, seeing that I had only asked for prayers, I received a very long letter with her signature – now in the Institute’s archives. In it we find written: the final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family. Don’t be afraid, she added, because anyone who works for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be fought and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. And then she concluded: however, Our Lady has already crushed its head. Talking also to John Paul II, you felt too that this was the crux, as it touches the very pillar of creation, the truth of the relationship between man and woman among the generations. If the founding pillar is touched the entire building collapses and we see this now, because we are at this point and we know it. And I’m moved when I read the best biographies of Padre Pio , on how this man was so attentive to the sanctity of marriage and the sanctity of the spouses, even with justifiable rigor on occasion.

THE HOLY FATHER SPEAKS In October we will hold a Synod on the Family, to help families to rediscover the beauty of their vocation and to be faithful to it. Jesus’ words are lived in the family: “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (cf. John 15:13). With your conjugal relationship, exercising paternity and maternity, you give your life and are proof that it is possible to live the Gospel: it is possible to live the Gospel and it renders one happy. And this is the proof, but it is done in the family. This evening I would like to reflect with you on some simple words that express the mystery of your being parents. I don’t know if I will succeed in saying all that I wish to say, but at least I would like to speak of vocation, communion and mission. The first word is vocation. Saint Paul wrote that all paternity stems from God (cf. Ephesians 3:15) and we can add all maternity. We are all children, but to become a father and mother is a call from God! It is a call from God; it is a vocation. God is eternal love, who gives himself incessantly and calls us into existence. However, it is a mystery that Providence wills to entrust in particular to man and woman, called to love one another totally and without reservations, cooperating with God in this life and transmitting life to their children. The Lord has chosen you to love one another and transmit life. These two things are the vocation of parents. This is a most beautiful call because it makes us be, in an altogether special way, in the image and likeness of God. To become a father and a mother truly means to be completely fulfilled, because it is to become similar to God. This is not said in the newspapers, it does not appear, but it is the truth of love. To become a father and a mother makes us much more similar to God. As parents you are called to remind all the baptized that each one, although in different ways, is called to be a father or a mother. A priest, a Sister, a catechist is also called to spiritual paternity and maternity. In fact, a man and a woman choose to build a family because God calls them after having them experience the beauty of love. Not the beauty of passion, not the beauty, perhaps, of a passing enthusiasm but the beauty of love! And this should be discovered every day, every day. God calls men and women to be parents who believe in love, who believe in its beauty. I would like to ask you, but don’t answer, please: do you believe in the beauty of love? Do you believe in the grandeur of love? Do you have faith in this? Do you have faith? This is a daily faith. Love is good even when parents quarrel; it is good because in the end they make peace. It’s so good to make peace after a war! It’s so good. Conjugal love is a good, which not even the greatest difficulties of life are able to darken.

Your Sacrificial Giving Junio 14 2015

4:30pm St. John’s 6:00pm Our Lady of Libera 6:30pm St. Mary’s 7:30pm St. John’s 8:00am St. Mary’s 9:00am St. Mary’s 9:00am St. John’s 10:00am Our Lady of Libera 10:00am St. John’s 10:30am St. Mary’s 11:30am St. John’s 12:00pm Our Lady of Libera 12:30pm St. Mary’s 2:00pm St. John’s 6:00pm St. Mary’s

English $ 454.00 Español $ 97.00 English $ 227.00 Español $ 217.00 English $ 301.00 Español $ 1,007.00 English $ 115.00 English $ 221.00 Hrvtska $ 373.00 English $ 471.00 English $ 178.00 Español $ 965.00 Español $ 1,282.00 Español $ 157.00 Español $ 371.00

GRAND TOTAL $ 6,436.00 Thank you for your generosity ! Gracias por su Generosidad !

Sábado 8 de Agosto,2015 Santuario Nacional de la Divina Misericordia Stockbridge, Massachussets De 9:30am hasta 1:30pm Padre Dante Aguero, MIC Dra Gloria Polo Para Mayores informes llame gratuitamente 1-800-462.7426 ext. 3 O visite el web

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Jesús promete a sus discípulos una vida en abundancia (Juan 10:10). Él desea lo mejor para nosotros y quiere que estemos bien en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida: familia y amistades, trabajo, economía, salud, etcétera. Sin embargo, Jesús también nos promete la persecución y el maltrato (Marcos 10:29; Mateo 5:11; Lucas 6:22; Juan 15:18). La vida abundante es bella pero nunca fácil. La vida cristiana es como toda vida humana; tiene momentos de tranquilidad y de tempestad. Así como un día nos brilla el sol, otro día nos sacuden los vientos y nuestras pequeñas lanchas parecen inundarse. No hay que desanimarse o asustarse cuando lleguen estas tormentas. Más bien, hay que recordar el Evangelio (Marcos 4:35-41) donde Jesús duerme en la barca de sus discípulos. Es interesante el detalle de Jesús quien, cansado y tranquilo, duerme mientras el mar sacude a la barca y a los discípulos. Menos mal que se les ocurrió recurrir al Señor. Y tú, ¿qué haces cuando el viento sopla y la vida te estremece? No temas, despierta a Cristo a quien llevas en tu corazón.

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