Office: 416 Grubbs Hall
Prerequisite: EML 158 or equivalent
Office Hours: 9- 2 T-Th or by apt.
Credit Hours: 3
Office Phone: 235-4711
Course Time: 9-9:50 MWF
Home Phone: 308-6588 (before 10pm, please)
Office e-mail:
[email protected] Home e-mail:
[email protected] _____________________________________________________________________________________ If you want something to BE different, you need to DO something differently. COURSE DESCRIPTION A continuation of the study of the basics of the Spanish language through activities designed to develop reading, writing, and speaking proficiency. Additional activities are intended to develop an appreciation of Hispanic culture and an awareness of the geography of the Hispanic world. WATCH THIS VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0yGdNEWdn0 IF YOU REALLY WANT TO LEARN SPANISH!!! PURPOSE OF COURSE The PRINCIPAL GOALS IN THIS COURSE are to help you build as large a comprehension vocabulary as possible; 2) express yourself orally on an elementary-intermediate level; 3) develop your reading and writing skills as much as possible; 4) acquire a greater appreciation for Hispanic culture; and 5) develop an awareness of the geography of the Hispanic world. ANTICIPATED STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this course students should have developed the ability to recognize (through listening and reading activities) and, to a lesser degree, produce (in speaking and writing activities) sentence-length, and in some instances, paragraph-length information in Spanish. The degree to which this will occur will vary from student to student and will primarily be the result of an individual’s dedication, application, hard work and desire. Furthermore, students should have developed a greater appreciation of the cultural richness and diversity of the Hispanic world as well as an awareness of basic geographic characteristics of the Hispanic countries. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY Each student is expected to behave in an ethical manner in carrying out all aspects of their academic responsibilities. As this is a very serious matter, it is important for each student to understand what these responsibilities are. Please read ARTICLE 30. ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT of the Student's Code of Rights and Responsibilities on the Pittsburg State University web site at http://www.pittstate.edu/audiences/currentstudents/policies/rights-and-responsibilities/academic-misconduct.dot in order to know what the University defines as “academic misconduct” and the potential consequences for violations of this policy. SYLLABUS SUPPLEMENT FOR SPRING, 2016 SEMESTER For additional important information about this semester that affects you, please review the Syllabus
Supplement at this address: http://www.pittstate.edu/dotAsset/fcfe9e3e-181d-4e84-8fe8-1987787782e9.pdf TEXT : ¡ARRIBA! (6th Edition) Zayas-Bazán, Bacon, Nibert TEACHING STRATEGIES Class time will be spent in a variety of activities: 1) doing one-on-one, small group and whole class activities; 2) reviewing out-of-class assignments; 3) listening and answering questions over dialogues; 4) watching videos; and 5) role playing. STUDY TACTICS See suggested ways to increase your chances of success in this course on the page How to Succeed in Learning Another Language under Files Capítulo 11 on the Canvas site. Student Responsibilities Work on task...the entire time we are in class. If you finish before others, chat in Spanish about the class, review, look ahead…but stay on task. Work cooperatively, in pairs, in small groups or as an entire class. Be the best partner/member possible! Try to work with a different partner every day; this permits you to meet every one and to play the three roles of interacting with others. Look only at your own information, if appropriate: don’t peek at your partner’s. Enunciate and speak clearly. Your partner(s) deserve(s) to know what you are saying. Correct each other’s grammar/pronunciation/spelling… when needed. Making mistakes….and learning from them…is why we are here. If you had already mastered this information or had these skills, you wouldn’t need to be in this class. However, correct each other in a supportive, non-critical, non-judgmental way. Always be positive!!! Speak only in Spanish; use gestures if needed to convey meaning. It is SO easy to just say it in English, but staying in Spanish, using circumlocution and struggling through the challenge is how we grow. This is true in every aspect of life. No pain, no gain is definitely true.
EVALUATION A. OVERALL EVALUATION Your grade for this course will be determined by the results on (1) the five exams over Capítulos 11-15, (2) the five Writing Activities you do for each of these chapters, (3) the exercises you do for each class meeting on MySpanishLab, and 4) your attendance. 1 EXAMS You will be tested over each chapter in ¡Arriba!, that is, Capítulos 11-15. Exams will be online and be administered in the computer lab, 101 Grubbs Hall, at our class time (see the Horario de Clases below). Each of these exams is worth 6% of your final grade, a total of 30%). EXAMS MAY NOT BE MADE UP UNLESS YOU INFORM ME IN ADVANCE OR IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY and I DETERMINE THAT YOUR REASON FOR MISSING THEM IS A VALID ONE. (I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO DEFINE WHAT IS AN EMERGENCY!) 2 WRITING ASSIGNMENTS You are to write a minimum of ONE-HALF PAGE to a maximum of ONE PAGE over a topic for each chapter. The topic is under the heading Actividades en clase in the Horario de Clases below, specifically under the title Taller and is in the assignment on the first day we start a new chapter. (These are always color coded in GREEN.) Detailed information about the topic is found at the end of each chapter (the page number of which accompanies the Taller assignment in the
class syllabus). Work on it during the time we are studying that chapter. You are also to work on them in class and have classmates read them and give you feedback during the two class meetings before you hand them in. They are due at the beginning of class on the day of the exam over that chapter, indicated on the schedule as Entregar, (Feb. 3 for Capítulo 11). Writing Assignments should be double-spaced, in size 12 Times New Roman fonts with 1” margins. They will be graded according to five criteria, each worth 20%: 1) content development (in how much depth is/are the main idea[s] treated); 2) physical organization (does the presentation move naturally from an introduction to a development of the main ideas and then end with a reiteration/summary/conclusion); 3) vocabulary (does the paper use the same words over and over or does it reveal a variety of words and expressions, a sign that you are growing linguistically); 4) language usage (syntax [word order], idioms, transition expressions, real Spanish [not “English translated into Spanish”]; and 5) language mechanics (spelling, subject-verb agreement, correct verb tense usage, noun-adjective agreement, etc.). Each of these 5 compositions is worth 6% of your final grade, a total of 30%. 3 MY SPANISH LAB See the syllabus below; the first assignment is for Wednesday, January 13. The heading for the column on the far right is Actividades en línea. In the box below it is the heading: Tarea de SAM en línea: (My Spanish Lab Homework from the Student Activities Manual [SAM] Online): Under it, and always highlighted in yellow, are the on-line activities due at 8:55 that day. Look for the heading Tarea de SAM en línea: for the on-line homework for each class meeting. The total of all on-line activities are worth 30% of your course grade. When you are about to do an on-line activity and have any questions or doubts, or feel the need to review information before you start, hover the cursor over the orangle oval/rectangle on the upper right hand side of the page. Various links for review or assistance will appear. You can review grammar or vocabulary in an e-Text format, do Tutorials (over English or Spanish grammar) apropos to the topic, and even do Extra Practice activities, should you feel the need for additional reinforcement. 4 CLASS ATTENDANCE Frequent, daily exposure to and use of the target language is vital in making real progress toward fluency in a foreign language. Therefore, I expect you to be in class every day, prepared to participate fully. Should you miss class, it is your responsibility to get the next day’s assignment (see the course syllabus for the next day’s assignment; I will email you in case something changes) and return to class prepared to participate fully in the activities. I take roll each day. Each class meeting you miss, for whatever reason, will result in this portion of your grade being reduced by five percent [5%]. Arriving in class after we have begun is considered a tardy and is the equivalent of a half an absence. On a given day, if you have an exam or a presentation to make in another class and you are not prepared, go ahead and come to class; before class gets under way, ask me not to call on you and I will respect your request. You learn more by just being in class, observing and listening, than you do by missing. This is 10% of your grade. 5 GRADE Your grade will be determined by your results on the 5 exams (6% X 5 = 30%), Writing Activities (6% X 5 = 30%), Student Activites Manual (on-line home work) (6% X 5 = 30%), and attendance (10%). B. EVALUATION CRITERIA
Five exams Student Activites Manual (SAM) Writing Activities Attendance
C. GRADING SYSTEM A 100-90 B 89-80 C 79-70 D 69-60 F 59-00
30% 30% 30% 10% 100%
SPECIAL CONCERNS Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact me as soon as possible to make necessary accommodations. IKE (Certificate of International Knowledge and Experience) This course counts towards the academic component of the IKE Certificate of International Knowledge and Experience. The IKE Certificate may be earned by students in any major. The academic component consists of five courses - two semesters of a foreign language, and three courses with international content in three different disciplines. To receive the certificate, students must also complete a second component, either by studying abroad, or by participating in co-curricular activities on campus. Completion of the IKE certificate as an undergraduate is noted on a student’s PSU undergraduate transcript, although graduate students may also earn the certificate. To be added to the IKE CANVAS group and start tracking your progress towards the certificate, please e-mail your GUS number in a request to
[email protected]. More information on the IKE program is available online at http://www.pittstate.edu/department/ike/international-knowledge-and-experience/index.dot **RETRO-CREDIT** The Department of Modern Languages has a retro-credits program designed to reward students who have already spent years learning languages in high school. Students must sign up for the program in 428 Grubbs Hall with Kathy Dyer, Departmental Secretary, during the first three weeks of the semester in which they take their first language course at PSU. That course determines their entry level and the maximum credits they can earn through retro-credits. For more information on retro-credits visit our webpage at www.pittstate.edu/flang. Transfer students who took language courses at another university or college are not eligible. No exceptions or extensions will be granted. The Department encourages students to seek faculty advice to determine their best entry level. STUDY ABROAD The department strongly recommends that all Spanish and French majors and minors participate in an accredited study abroad program. PSU offers study abroad scholarships as well as assistance with other financial aid. To learn about accredited programs, contact Dr. Angela Moots, Study Abroad Coordinator, at
[email protected] or 235-4221, or visit 118C Whitesitt Hall. For information on transfer credits, consult with Dr. Myriam Krepps, Modern Languages Program Coordinator, 235-4710, 429 Grubbs Hall, Dr. Celia Patterson, Chair, English and Modern Languages, 235-4689 or visit 434 Grubbs.
HORARIO DE CLASES ENERO 11 Introducción Capítulo Capítulo 11 ¿Para qué profesión te preparas?
Páginas Páginas 350-355
Día 1 Miércoles, 13 de enero 382
Objetivos Describing professions and occupations Using workrelated terms
Actividades en clase Actividades en línea Tarea de SAM en línea: (My Spanish Lab En clase: Homework from the Student Activities ¡Así es la vida!: Manual [SAM] Online): El mundo del Readiness Check trabajo
Talking about the advantages of different professions
Vocabulario: Los oficios y las profesiones: 111 to 11-5
11-01 11-02 11-04 11-05 11-06 11-07
Applying for a job: writing a Currículum vitae (CV) & a presentation letter (due on Feb. 3) Capítulo 11 Día 2 Viernes, 15 de enero
Páginas 356-360 Talking about purpose, intent, condition or anticipation
Lunes, 18 de enero
Capítulo 11
Páginas 361364
Giving and following instructions from a friend
Taller: Un curriculum vitae y una carta de presentación para solicitar trabajo En clase: Estructuras: Tú commands 356358 11-6 a 1110 The Subjunctive & the Indicative with Adverbial Conjunctions 359-360 11-11
En clase:
Miércoles, 20 de enero
My Spanish Lab [MSL] tutorials:
11-19, 11-16
SGT: Attaching Object and Reflexive Pronouns to Tú Commands
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Spanish Grammar Tutorial [SGT]: Formation of Regular Tú Commands SGT: Formation of Irregular Tú Commands SGT: Negative Tú Commands
Día 3
Tarea de SAM en línea: 11-10 a 11-13, y 11-15
Estructuras: The subjunctive and the indicative with adverbial conjunctions: 1112 to 11-18
MSL tutorials: Tarea de SAM en línea: SGT: Adverbial Conjunctions That Always Requir Subjunctive 11-17, 11-18, 11-20 y 11-28 SGT: Adverbial Conjunctions That Always Requir Indicative SGT: Adverbial Conjunctions That May Require Indicative or Subjunctive English Grammar Tutorial: Conjunctions
Mi experiencia: Los empleos y las recomendaciones: 11-17 to 11-18 Capítulo 11
Páginas 365368
Día 4 Viernes, 22 de enero
Capítulo 11
Acquiring Spanish through popular music
En clase: Mi música: “Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón” : 11-19 to 1121
Tarea de SAM en línea:
Responding to want ads
¡Así es la vida! En busca de empleo 366
Mi música, 365 En busca de empleo: 366368
EGT: Adverbial Clause
Interviewing for a La búsqueda de empleo job 367-368 11-23 y 11-24
11-31 y 11-32
Letras y sonidos 368
En clase:
Tarea de SAM en línea:
Día 5 Lunes, 25 de enero
Páginas 369372
Responding to want ads
La búsqueda de empleo 367-369 11-25 y 11-27
Interviewing for a Letras y sonidos 368 job
11-34 y 11-35
Subjunctive with 11-38 a 11-40 indefinite people & things 370 11-29 to 1130A En clase: Tarea de SAM en línea:
Capítulo 11 Páginas 373-377
Subjunctive with indefinite people & things 370 11-31 to 11-33
Día 6 Miércoles, 27 de enero
11-41 y 11-42
¿Cuánto saben? 374 #3 ¿Can you interview for a job?
Investigating Argentina and Uruguay Capítulo 11
¡Pura vida! Episodio 11: 11-34 to 11-36
11-48 a 11-50
Nuestro Mundo: Argentina y Uruguay: 11-37 a 11-39 En clase:
11-51 y 11-52
Páginas: “No hay que complicar la felicidad” (Marco Denevi): 11-40 to 11-48
11-53; 11-44 to 11-47
Tarea de SAM en línea:
Páginas 378-382 Día 7 Viernes, 29 de enero
Developing selective reading skills
Peer-editing and letter revision
(Traigan su esquema temático o borrador a clase para peer review.)
Capítulo 11 Día 8 Lunes, 1 de febrero
Perfeccionamiento de su Currículum vitae y carta de presentación
Repaso de la gramática de Capítulo 11 Additional Practice (AP) (On-line)------
CV y carta Capítulo 11 Día 9
Entregar su Currículum y
Escribir el CV y la carta de presentación
Capítulo 11 Examen 1
Tarea: 11-22 a 11-25; 1144 y 11-45 Do any activities that you feel will help you master the material in this chapter
Miércoles, 3 de febrero Capítulo 12: El futuro es tuyo Día 10 384-390 (1) Viernes, 5 de febrero 416
Día Capítulo 12 11 (2) 391-395
carta de presentación Talking about the use of technology
Forum on the environment Describing people and things
Lunes, 8 de febrero
¡Así es la vida!: El impacto de la tecnología 386
Tarea de SAM:
Readiness Vocabulario: La Check computadora y otros aparatos electrónicos: 12-1 to 12-01 to 12-03 12-6ª 387 Taller: Foro: El medio ambiente (due on Feb. 24) Estructuras:
12-44 Tarea de SAM:
EGT: Past Participle
387 Vocabulario: La computadora y otros aparatos electrónicos: Repaso 12-1 a 12-6A
12-4 y 12-5
EGT: Past Participle Used as Adjective
12-7 y 12-8
SGT: Formation of Regular Past Participles
The past participle: 12-7 to 12-10
12-11 y 12-12
SGT: Spelling Changes and Irregular Past Participles SGT: Past Participle Used as Adjective
Estructuras: The present perfect indicative: 12-11
EGT: Present Perfect Indicative SGT: Formation of Present Perfect Indicative SGT: Acabar de + Infinitive
Capítulo 12 Día 12 Miércoles, 10 (3) de febrero
Talking about what has happened
The present perfect indicative: 12-12 to 12-14
Tarea de SAM: 12-13 y 12-14
¿Cuánto saben?
12-16 y 12-17
Mi experiencia: La tecnología y el futuro: 12-15 to 12-16
Mi música “Ta’ bueno ya”, Albita: 12-17 to 12-20
Vocabulario: El medio ambiente: 12-21 to 12-24
Tarea de SAM: 12-23 a 12-25
Acquiring Spanish through popular music Capítulo 12
Día Viernes, 12 de 13 febrero (4)
Talking about the environment
402 Letras y sonidos: t y d
12-30 a 12-32
Estructuras: The future tense: 12-25 a 12-28A
Tarea de SAM: 12-27 a 12-28
400-403 Capítulo 12 Día 14 Lunes, 15 de (5) febrero
Talking about what will happen
12-33, 12-34 y 12-36
Día Capítulo 12 15 (6) Miércoles, 17 de febrero
Speculating about the present and the past
Estructuras: The conditional tense: 12-30 to 12-33
Tarea de SAM: 12-38 a 12-40
12-35 y 12-37 (Repaso de los verbos en el futuro)
EGT: Future Tense SGT: Forma-tion of Regular Future Tense SGT: Verbs with Irregular Stems in Future Tense SGT: Use of Future Tense SGT: Formation of Regular Conditional SGT: Verbs with Irregular Stems in Conditional SGT: Use of Conditional SGT: Probability in the present and the past EGT: Conditional Mood
Capítulo 12 Día 16 Viernes, 19 de (7) febrero
Acquiring selective listening skills Peer-editing of Forum on the environment
Día Capítulo 12 17 (8) Lunes, 22 de febrero
411, 416 Contributions of Hispanics in the U.S. 412-413
Perfeccionamiento de su Foro sobre el medio ambiente
¡Pura vida! Episodio 12: 1234 y 12-35 411
Tarea de SAM: 12-48 a 12-50
¿Cuánto saben? 404 The Future Tense
407 The Conditional Tense Taller: 12-44 (Traigan su esquema temático o borrador a clase para peer review.)
12-41, 12-44 a 12-45
Tarea de SAM: Panoramas: Los hispanos en EEUU 12-37 a 12-38
12-51 y 12-52
Additional Practice (AP) (On-line)------
Do any activities that you feel will help you master the material in this chapter
Taller: 12-44 (Traigan su borrador a clase para peer review.)
Día Capítulo 12 18 (9) Miércoles, 24 de febrero Capítulo 13 Día 19 ¿Oíste las (1) noticias? Viernes, 26 de febrero
Capítulo 13 Día 20 (2) Lunes, 29 de febrero
Entregar Foro: El medio ambiente Means of communication : 418-425 Talking about requests or uncertainty in the past Una carta al director 450 (entréguenla el 23 de marzo) Talking about requests or uncertainty in the past
Capítulo 12 Examen 2
¡Así es la vida! : El cierre de una edición del periódico 420 Vocabulario: Los medios de comunicación: 13-1 to 13-5
Tarea de SAM: Readiness Check 13-01, 13-02, 13-04, 13-06
The Imperfect Subjunctive 424-425 Taller 13-48
Tarea de SAM: Practice: 13-6 to 13-13 Estructuras: The imperfect subjunctive
13-08 a 13-10 y 13-12
424-429 Tarea de SAM:
Capítulo 13 Día 21 (3) Miércoles, 2 de marzo
Requests or uncertainty in the past
Repaso: The Imperfect Subjunctive 424-425 and 13-9 to 13-13
Expressing possession
Estructuras: Long-form possessive adjectives and pronouns: 13-14 a 13-17
13-15 a 13-17
Talking reading the newspaper
Mi experiencia: El País, voz de la democracia: 13-18 to 13-19
Discussing television
“Quisiera ser”, (Alejandro Sanz, España): 13-20 to 1323
13-18 13-24
¡Así es la vida!: Una telecomedia popular
SGT: Use of Imperfect Subjunctive EGT: Possessive Adjectives (Long Form)
SGT: Long-Form Possessive Pronouns SGT: Clarifica-tion of Possessives with de + Pronoun
Tarea de SAM: Acquiring Spanish through popular music
SGT: Formation of Imperfect Subjunctive
SGT: Long-Form Possessive Adjectives
430-434 Día Capítulo 13 22 (4) Viernes, 4 de marzo
EGT: Imperfect Subjunctive
shows, movies & entertainment
Vocabulario: El cine, el teatro y la televisión: 13-24 to 13-25
13-27 a 13-28
435-438 Tarea de SAM: Día Capítulo 13 23 (5) Lunes, 7 de marzo
Repaso: “Quisiera ser”, Alejandro Sanz 435 Repaso: El cine, el teatro y la televisión 437 y 13-26 a 1330
13-29 y 13-30
SGT: If-Clause with Imperfect Subjunctive and Conditional
Letras y sonidos 438
13-32 y 13-33
EGT: If-Clauses
Estructuras: Si clauses: 13-31 441 Día Capítulo 13 24 (6) Miércoles, 9 de marzo
Capítulo 13 Día 25 (7) Viernes, 11 de marzo
Acquiring selective listening skills 448-450
SGT: If-Clause with Present Indicative and Future
Repaso: Estructuras: Si clauses: 441; 13-32 to 13-36 443-444
13-34 Tarea de SAM: 13-35 y 13-36
EGT: Hypothetical Situations SGT: If-Clause with Present Indicative and Future
¡Pura vida! Episodio 13: 1337 to 13-39
13-43 a 13-45
SGT: If-Clause with Imperfect Subjunctive and Conditional
Panoramas: La herencia cultural de España 13-40 y 13-41
13-46 y 13-47
EGT: If-Clauses
Repaso: Estructuras: Si clauses: 441
Tarea de SAM: 13-37 y 13-39
Páginas: “Estimado Director de El País” (Erasmo Santiago García, España): 448-449 13-43 to 13-46
EGT: Hypothetical Situations SGT: If-Clause with Present Indicative & Future SGT: If-Clause with Imperfect Subjunctive & Conditional EGT: If-Clauses
Capítulo 13 Día 26 (8) Lunes, 21 de marzo
Repaso general
Taller: 450 13-48 (Traigan su esquema temático o borrador a clase para peer review.) ¿Cuánto saben?
Tarea de SAM:
Repaso: The Imperfect Subjunctive 424-425
EGT: Hypothetical Situations
Repaso: Long-form possessive adjectives and pronouns: 430-431
13-20 y 13-21
Repaso: Si clauses: 441
Additional Practice (AP) (On-line)------ Perfeccionamiento de Una carta al director Entregar Una carta al director
Día Capítulo 13 27 (9) Miércoles, 23 de marzo Día Capítulo 14 Talking 28 about music, (1) Viernes, 25 de art and dance marzo Una escena dramática 480 Día Capítulo 14 29 (2) Lunes, 28 de marzo
Expressing how long something has been going on or how long ago it was completed
Taller: 450 13-48 (Traigan su borrador a clase para peer review.) Capítulo 13 Examen 3
Do any activities that you feel will help you master the material in this chapter
¡Así es la vida! 454
Tarea de SAM:
Vocabulario: La música y el baile: 455-457 14-1 to 14-5
Readiness Check
Taller: 480 14-40 (Entréguenmela el 11 de abril.)
14-1 y 14-2 14-4 a 14-7 Tarea de SAM:
Estructuras: Hacer in time expressions: 458-462 14-6 a 14-9
SGT: Hacer in Time Expressions
14-9 a 14-11
458 Tarea de SAM:
Capítulo 14 Día 30 Miércoles, 30 (3) de marzo
Inviting or convincing others to do something
Nosotros commands: 463-465 14-10 to 14-12 Repaso: Hacer in time expressions: 458
463-466 Mi experiencia: ¿Baile o ballet? ¡Esa es la cuestión!: 466 14-13 to 14-14
14-15 to 1418 14-13
Tarea de SAM: Día Capítulo 14 31 (4) Viernes, 1 de abril
Fashion in the Hispanic world
Acquiring Spanish through popular music
¡Así es la vida!: Elegancia total 468
Vocabulario: La moda: 14-19 y 14-20; 14-23
14-28 a 14-30
Repaso: Nosotros commands: 463
Letras y sonidos: m, n, y ñ 470
EGT: We Command (Let's) SGT: Nosotros Commands (Subjunctive) SGT: Vamos a + infinitive SGT: Attaching Object & Reflexive Pronouns to Nosotros Commands
Día 32 Capítulo 14 Talking about what (5) Lunes, 4 de abril had happened before another past action or event
Mi música: “Baila me” (Gypsy Kings, España): 1416 to 14-18
Tarea de SAM: Estructuras: The pluperfect indicative: 14-25 to 14-28
¡Pura vida! Episodio 14: 1430 a 14-31 Developing awareness of modern art in the Hispanic world Reviewing 1a y 2a partes
Día Capítulo 14 34 (7) Viernes, 8 de abril
Panoramas: El arte moderno hispano: 476-477 14-32 y 14-33 Repaso: ¿Cuánto saben?
Additional Practice (AP) (On-line)------
Día 35 Capítulo 14 (8) Lunes, 11 de abril Día Capítulo 15 36 (1) Miércoles, 13 de abril
Lean la información en 14-15 en la pág. 466 ANTES de hacer esto.],
14-44 a 14-46 Tarea de SAM: 14-47 14-20 a 14-22; 14-40 y 14-41
Taller: Una escena dramática: 14-40 (Traigan su esquema temático o borrador a clase para peer review.)
476-477, 488 Acquiring Repaso general selective listening Repaso: The Pluperfect skills Indicative 472 y ¿Cuánto saben? 474
Composing a dramatic scene
14-35 [¡OJO!
14-36 y 14-37 Repaso: Vocabulario: La moda 469, 471 14-21, 14-22 y 14-24
Día Capítulo 14 33 (6) Miércoles, 6 de abril
Taller: 480 Una escena dramática: 14-40 14-40 (Traigan su borrador a clase para peer review.)
Entregar: Una escena dramática
Capítulo 14 Examen 4
Talking about world problems and possible
¡Así es la vida!: La paz es el derecho de todos 484
Tarea de SAM: 14-38 AD: SEP: Formation of Pluperfect Indicative, et al Do any activities that you feel will help you master the material in this chapter
Tarea de SAM: Readiness Check
EGT: Pluperfect Indicative SGT: Formation of Pluperfect Indicative SGT: Use of Pluperfect Indicative SGT: Placement of Object-Pronouns with Pluperfect Indicative
solutions 482 a 487 Un recuerdo 512 Día Capítulo 15 Referring to 37 ideas, events (2) Viernes, 15 de and situations abril
Día Capítulo 15 38 (3) Lunes,18 de abril
Talking about political opinions among Latinos Spanish through popular music
Día Capítulo 15 39 (4) Miércoles, 20 de abril
492 a 494 Expressing political opinions & identifying types of government
495-498 Día Capítulo 15 Describing 40 unplanned (5) Viernes, 22 de events & abril making excuses Contrasting ideas and descriptions
Día Capítulo 15 41 (6)
499-504 Investigating indigenous cultures;
Vocabulario: Las crisis políticas y económicas: 485 15-1 to 15-5
15-01 a 15-03
Taller: Un recuerdo: 15-39 (Entréguenmelo el 29 de abril.) Tarea de SAM: Repaso: Las crisis políticas y económicas: 485
15-05 a 15-06
EGT: Relative Pronouns
Estructuras: The relative pronouns que, quien, and lo que: 488 a 491 15-6 a 15-9
15-8 a 15-10
SGT: Relative Pronouns
Tarea de SAM: Repaso: The relative pronouns que, quien, and lo que: 488
15-11 y 15-13
Mi experiencia: La política y los hispanos: 15-10 to 15-11
Mi música: “De paisano a paisano”, Los Tigres del Norte: 15-12
¡Así es la vida! La política
15-18 Tarea de SAM:
Vocabulario: Cargos políticos y tipos de gobierno: 15-15 a 15-20ª Letras y sonidos: Linking and rhythm 496
15-20 a 15-22
15-24 y 15-25
Tarea de SAM: Estructuras: Se for unplanned occurrences: 15-21 a 15-24
15-26 a 15-28
Estructuras: Pero or sino 15-25 a 15-27
15-31 a 15-33
Practice: 15-17 to 15-24
Tarea de SAM:
EGT: Conjunctions SGT: Use of Se for Unplanned Occurrences SGT: Use of Pero, Sino, and Sino que
Lunes, 25 de abril
Composing a narrative about personal history
¿Cuánto saben? Repaso: The relative pronouns que, quien, and lo que: 488 + Vocabulario: Cargos políticos y tipos de gobierno 485 + Se for unplanned occurrences 499 + Pero or sino 502
15-19, 15-29, 15-34 a 15-36
Taller: Un recuerdo:15-39 (Traigan su esquema temático o borrador a clase para peer review.)
Día Capítulo 15 42 (7) Miércoles, 27 de abril Composing a narrative about personal history
Tarea de SAM: ¡Pura vida! Episodio 15: 15-28 a 15-30 Additional Practice (AP) (On-line)------ Taller: Un recuerdo:15-39 (Traigan su borrador a clase para peer review.)
Día Capítulo 15 43 (8) Viernes, 29 de abril
Capítulo 15 Examen 5 Entregar Un recuerdo
15-39 a 15-41 Do any activities that you feel will help you master the material in this chapter