Título del curso: Número del curso: Horas de crédito: Horas del curso: Pre-requisito: Oficina: Salón de clase: Horas de oficina: Lunes 9:00-11:00 FA

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Título del curso: Número del curso: Horas de crédito: Horas del curso: Pre-requisito: Oficina: Salón de clase: Horas de oficina: Lunes


FACULTAD DE IDIOMAS MODERNAS UNIVERSIDAD DE PITTSBURG STATE PRIMAVERA (SPRING) 2014 Spanish Language & Culture I – Instructor: Señor McFerron MLL 154-03 y MLL 154-05 5 Secciones 3 y 5: Diario: 11:00-11:50 y 1:00-1:50 MLL 154 o equivalente 404 de Grubbs 102 de Grubbs Martes








Oficina: 235-6131 Celular : 417-455-6327 (antes de las nueve por favor) E-mail: [email protected]

This is a face-to-face class. Online content is also provided and assigned as part of this course. Attendance is mandatory. It counts 10% of your final grade. COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE I: A basic study of the Spanish language through activities designed to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasis will be on oral proficiency. Additional activities are intended to develop an appreciation of the Hispanic culture and an awareness of the geography of the Hispanic world. **RETRO-CREDIT** The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures has a retro-credits program designed to reward students who have already spent years learning languages in high school. Students must sign up for the program in 428 Grubbs Hall with Kathy Dyer, Departmental Secretary, during the first three weeks of the semester in which they take their first language course at PSU. That course determines their entry level and the maximum credits they can earn through retro-credits. For more information on retro-credits visit our webpage at www.pittstate.edu/flang. Transfer students who took language courses at another university or college are not eligible. No exceptions or extensions will be granted. The Department encourages students to seek faculty advice to determine their best entry level. IKE (Certificate of International Knowledge and Experience): This course counts towards the academic component of the IKE Certificate of International Knowledge and Experience. The IKE Certificate may be earned by students in any major. The academic component consists of five courses - two semesters of a foreign language, and three courses with international content in three different disciplines. To receive the certificate, students must also complete a second component, either by studying abroad, or by participating in co-curricular activities on campus. Completion of the IKE certificate as an undergraduate is noted on a student’s PSU undergraduate transcript, although graduate students may also earn the certificate. To be added to the IKE group and start tracking your progress towards the certificate, please e-mail your GUS number in a request to Megan Corrigan [email protected]. For additional information, visit the IKE website: http://www.pittstate.edu/department/ike/international-knowledge-andexperience/index.dot


STUDY ABROAD INFORMATION: The department strongly recommends that all Modern Languages and Literatures majors and minors participate in an accredited study abroad program. PSU offers study abroad scholarships as well as assistance with other financial aid. To learn about accredited programs, contact Megan Corrigan, Study Abroad Coordinator, at 235-4221 or visit 118C Whitesitt Hall. For information on transfer credits, consult with Judy Berry-Bravo, Chair of Modern Languages and Literatures, at 235-4708 (to set an appointment) or visit 429 Grubbs Hall. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: http://www.pittstate.edu/audiences/current-students/policies/rights-andresponsibilities/academic-misconduct.dot SYLLABUS SUPPLEMENT: http://pittstate.edu/dotAsset/9e421c72-1f34-441c-8c7f-2f68fd510e80.pdf PURPOSE OF COURSE The PRINCIPAL GOALS IN THIS COURSE are to help you build as large a comprehension vocabulary as possible on general survival topics; 2) express yourself orally at the novice level(s); 3) develop your reading and writing skills at the novice level; 4) acquire a greater appreciation for Hispanic culture; and 5) develop an awareness of the geography of the Hispanic world. COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. Students will develop vocabulary comprehension in the four areas of language acquisition: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. 2. Students will communicate verbally at the novice level. 3. Students will speak with accurate pronunciation. 4. Students will demonstrate oral and written comprehension of Spanish grammar including verb conjugation of the present, present progressive, and preterit tenses, expressing likes and dislikes, using ser and estar, saber and conocer, reflexive and stem-changing verbs, por and para, affirmative and negative words, and indirect object pronouns. 5. Students will demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of the cultural richness and diversity of the Hispanic world and its geography. REQUIRED MATERIALS and Purchase/Rental Options: The Campus Bookstore price for the required materials below is about $340.00. Please consider your options carefully below for what works best for you. □ Imágenes 3rd Edition (Ctrl/Click to purchase or rent from Publisher) By Caycedo, Garner, Rusch, Domínguez. □ Imágenes 3rd Premium website Access Code (Ctrl/Click to purchase) ($53.00 from publisher or bundled with text from Campus Bookstore.) This is a required resource. Videos, flash cards, tutorials, and more. □ Imágenes 3rd Edition (Click to purchase) Workbook or Student Activities Manual (SAM). OR: Purchase or rent text and workbook from Amazon.com. Ctrl/Click on Amazon.com at left. OR: Bundle Purchase from Publisher (Save $70.46) by purchasing all three: Text, Website Access Card, and Workbook. Ctrl/click on Publisher to go to website. Optional Resource: Online Resource: Stick with the Spanish you have learned and are learning in the text; you may also use additional vocabulary in papers that you look up on online…but use a recommended dictionary such as www.spanishdict.com or www.wordreference.com. DO NOT use Google translate since it only gives one-word translations when more than one word may be possible. Be sure to choose proper usage examples and use words correctly. It is recommended that you do not use a dictionary verb much at this level and rely mainly on the required materials. Online Updates: Note: Portions of the Premium Website may not work (flashcards or video) on your computer if you do not have the latest Java update for your browser. Click here for the latest Java update. If the hyperlink does not work, just go to java.com. Install and then close and restart your browser. You may also need to get the latest edition of Firefox to run CANVAS. CANVAS is no longer providing updates for Explorer.


GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: This course counts toward the requirements in General Education for your degree program. General education is the study of humans in the global setting. The general education curriculum, therefore, acts as the heart of a university education by developing the capacities that typify the educated person and providing a basis for life-long learning and intellectual, ethical, and aesthetic fulfillment. General education examines the world around us and fosters an understanding of our interactions with the world and our place in the universe. General education celebrates the creative capacities of humankind and helps to preserve and transmit to future generations the values, knowledge, wisdom, and sense of history that are our common heritage. GOALS OF GENERAL EDUCATION FOR THIS COURSE: This course contributes to the overall purpose of the General Education program by: 1) providing the students with the basic knowledge and skills in a foreign language that will enable them to participate more effectively in our global society. (Goal #1, 1.1, 1.2) 1) stimulating critical thinking and encouraging decision-making free from prejudice or insularity (Goal # 2, 2.1, 2.4) 2) promoting an appreciation of different cultures. (Goal # 4, 4.3) However, the emphasis of this course will be to help the students meet the following objectives for the understanding and appreciation of a variety of cultures and their interrelationships (Goal # 3, 3.1, 3.2) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 3.1 Recognize the value of diverse cultural, national and ethnic backgrounds. 3.2 Demonstrate and understanding of the relationships of gender, race and class within and across cultures. These objectives are met through a variety of means, including 1) reading, analysis, and discussion of cultural information about the countries and regions where the target language is spoken. 2) discussion of authentic materials that show the diversity of the people who speak the language. Such authentic materials include audio tapes, video tapes, pictures, music, and internet resources among others. 3) the practice of situations that show the sociolinguistic appropriateness of language use in different communicative instances. 4) discussion of authentic materials that show the diversity of the people who speak the language. Such authentic materials include audio tapes, video tapes, pictures, music, and internet resources among others. 5) the practice of situations that show the sociolinguistic appropriateness of language use in different communicative instances. TEACHING STRATEGIES This is a face-to-face course. Attendance is mandatory. Class time will be spent in a variety of activities: 1) doing one-on-one, small group and whole class activities; 2) reviewing out-of-class assignments; 3) listening and answering questions over video blogs; 4) watching videos; and 5) role playing. STUDY TACTICS See suggested ways to increase your chances of success in this course on the information page entitled Study Tactics under “Files” and in the folder “Notebook” on the CANVAS course site. Vocabulary is not learned in class—it is practiced and manipulated. It is manipulated and expanded into phrases and sentences in class. Therefore it is imperative that most of your vocabulary memorization take place outside of class. Study the last page of each chapter for vocabulary and use the online flashcards on the Premium Website for pronunciation reinforcement. EVALUATION: The course content will cover up to and including chapter 6 of the text. Below is a breakdown of how your performance will be evaluated. 1. Two Oral Exams (After Chapter 3 and Chapter 6); also vocabulary quizzes over meaning and spelling 2. Workbook Activities, Lab Manual, Other assignments , including small group quizzes 3. Attendance 4. Extra Credit Total GRADING SCALE: A 90-100% C 70-79%


80-89% 60-69%




65% 25% 10% 5% 105%

TESTING & HOMEWORK POLICY: One homework assignment will be dropped for the semester. Exams (mid-term and final) may be made up due to an emergency. Homework due dates are announced. Late assignments are accepted with a 20% penalty. Homework will only be accepted for one week from the due date. After that, the assignment will be given a zero. Therefore, stay current with your course calendar. Flashcards: It is highly recommended that you use the online flashcards for daily practice. BEFORE AND AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH CHAPTER: I often see many students searching dictionaries or the text dictionary during homework time. This usually tells me they didn’t study their vocabulary for the chapter. Take the time to study the chapter vocabulary found at the end of each chapter intensely before and at the beginning of each chapter so that you aren’t wasting time looking up words while you do homework. DURING EACH CHAPTER: The text vocabulary and grammar headings correspond to the vocabulary and grammar headings in the workbook. Stay current by completing the corresponding vocab and grammar sections in the workbook as we work through the text. The Listening LAB starts on page 201 of the workbook. The audio files for this can be found on the publisher Premium Website. When provided with an answer key for the workbook, mark through incorrect answers and write the correct answer next to the incorrect one, then review the item aloud, giving your full attention to the corrected answer. Make sure you know why your answer was incorrect. If you often don’t know why most of your incorrect answers are wrong, you should probably get a tutor (provided for free by the department—just ask me and we will sign you up). The Workbook and LAB are due (will be turned in) on quiz and exam days. Writing exercises count 10 pts and fill in the blank count 5pts. Total missed in workbook and lab will be subtracted from 100, so don’t skip any exercises! Skipping exercises costs you dearly. ABOUT STUDYING SPANISH: I want to give you a little more information about studying Spanish. There are skill levels of language proficiency designated as the following: novice-low, novice-mid, novice-high, intermediate-low, intermediate-mid, intermediate-high, advanced-low, etcetera on up to superior. The state of Kansas requires that teachers of Spanish speak at the advanced-low level to be teachers in Kansas. It is also estimated that it takes about 200 hours for K-12/16 learners to proceed through each sub-level of language proficiency. So, to proceed through the advanced low category, that would mean 1400 hours of study. A four year degree contains less than half of that (32 college hours X 16 weeks + conversation partner time=512+ hours). Most of our graduates have tested out for their senior interview at intermediate-mid to intermediate-high, so they are ahead of the K-12 learning curve, but not quite enough. Once in a while we do graduate students with advance-low skills. But these are exceptional students. So, what can you as a language learner to be exceptional and move toward advanced low? Study harder. Study regularly, with regular breaks, but at least an hour a day outside of class. Read all assignments aloud. Study and practice in pairs or groups. Take advantage of the Premium Website tutorials and activities. Sign up for tutors if you know you are a weak student. And participate in study abroad for a full semester or two staying with a host family so as to have a real immersion experience. To make it to advanced-low you have to have exceptional study habits. There are opportunities for intermediate-high and advanced-low students. Spain has an ambassadors program that pays you to teach English for a year. There are also other English teaching programs in other Spanish-speaking countries. You just need to make the grade with your Spanish to make it happen. I know many of you may not be considering a degree in Spanish. I wasn’t either when I took my first course. Now here I am teaching Spanish. You just never know. Do well and you just might end up with a double major in Spanish and something else. Explore your options and don’t burn any bridges. Good luck. Now visit your CANVAS course, set up your notebook, explore the files tab, purchase your materials, and explore the files tab. Don’t delay in getting your materials! Seems they are always short at the book store despite the order that was made. Online purchases take a while but are always cheaper. Don’t forget to explore the Premium Website that comes with your materials.


Instructor Responsibilities Monitor, but don’t hover. Circulate among the groups. Offer suggestions if needed. Answer questions, but don’t be overly available. Note grammatical and pronunciation errors for further classroom work. Call a time-out to correct a common error that will be repeated a number of times in the activity. Abandon the activity if it isn’t working. Failure could be due to poor setup or not enough linguistic preparation.

Student Responsibilities Work on task. Work cooperatively. Practice Q & A in Spanish. Look only at your own information if appropriate: don’t peek at your partner’s. Enunciate and speak clearly. Correct each other’s grammar when needed (this is important). Speak only in Spanish; use gestures if needed to convey meaning.* (Ask for permission to speak in English if only English will do as a LAST resort.)

PLACE THIS SECTION IN YOUR NOTEBOOK FOR QUICK REFERENCE. CALENDARIO DEL CURSO DE ESPANOL I (MLL 154) (73 días de clase) Audio Files for the LAB activities are available on the Premium Website. All assignment topics correspond to topics listed in the text and generally follow the WB (Workbook) /LAB topics with few exceptions, if any. If you miss class, review the corresponding topic in the text and related vocabulary. Topics are listed at the beginning of the book in the Scope and Sequence for quick reference. Assignments are made for every day. Workbook & LAB is due on quiz/exam days—20% off if it is late—even if it is just one day--and a zero will be given for work more than a week overdue. Make sure you write your name on your work along with the day’s date, staple it with the WB on the top and the LAB on the bottom and hand it in. If you skip writing assignments in the Workbook, twice as many points will be deducted from your score. Only 100 pts are counted for each chapter but each activity counts either 5 or 10, even if there are some 34-35 activities per WB/LAB in a chapter. They may add up to more than 100, but only subtract from 100, so do ALL your work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enero (January) / SEMANAS (Weeks): 1-2 13 Texto pp. 4-7: Sección Preliminar: (Preliminary Chapter): Las Presentaciones, Saludos y despedidas  Antes de clase (Before class): 1) Read “To the Student” p. xi in the text. Website Practice: Preliminary Chapter Audio Flashcards: Las Presentaciones / Los saludos y las despedidas (dos veces—twice) Listen and repeat (Escucha y repite)  HW: LAB WB Actividades 1-6 pp. 201-203 (corresponden al texto pp. 10, 12, 5-6) (Audio on Website Access)  HW: WB Sección Preliminar Actividades 1-7 (Beginning of WB) 14 Texto pp. 7-13: Sección Preliminar y Capítulo Uno: Países de habla española y sus capitales, Deletreo y pronunciación de palabras: el alfabeto:  Before class (antes de clase): Website (sitio web) audio flashcards: Expresiones para la clase (dos veces— twice) (Escucha y repite)  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Podcasts: Accents and Spelling  HW: LAB WB: Actividades 7-11 pp. 203-204 (Corresponden al texto pp. 14-15 y p. 10); (Audio on Website)  HW: WB Actividades 7-14 15 Texto pp. 20-23: Capítulo Uno: Los números del cero a cien, número de teléfono, nacionalidades  Antes de clase: Sitio Web (audio flashcards): Los números del cero a cien, las nacionalidades (Escucha y repite)  HW: LAB WB p. 206 Actividades 4-5 (Audio on Website)  HW: WB Capítulo 1 Actividades 1-3. 16 Texto pp. 24-27: Capítulo Uno: ¿De dónde son? Llamarse y ser, ¿Cuántos años tienes?  Antes de clase: Sitio Web (audio flashcards): Las ocupaciones, Expresiones relacionadas con los números (Escucha y repite)  HW: LAB WB pp. 206-207 Actividades 6-7 (Audio on Website)  HW: WB Capítulo 1 Actividades 4-7



Enero 17 Texto pp. 30-31; 35: Capítulo Uno: Un poco de todo; ocupaciones; género: masculino o femenino;  Antes de clase: Sitio Web (audio flashcards): El origen y las nacionalidades, Las ocupaciones  HW: LAB WB pp. 207-208 Actividades 8-11  HW: WB Capítulo 1 Actividades 8-10  QZ: VocabP-1/Spelling/Listening Quiz. Listen to Spanish: Write Spanish correctly along with English Translation. See vocab pages for Preliminary Chapter and Chapter One. Make sure you begin studying well in advance. Ten words are chosen at random from the entire list. Each word pair is worth 10 pts. 20 Día Feriado: Martin Luther King / No hay clase. 21 Texto pp. 34-36: Capítulo Uno: Verbos ser, tener, llamarse;  Antes de clase: Sitio Web (audio flashcards): Las presentaciones, pronombres de sujeto  HW: WB Capítulo 1 Actividades 11-13 22 Texto pp. 37-38: Capítulo Uno: Negating and Question Formation; Preguntas sobre las personas en el texto.  Antes de clase: Sitio Web (audio flashcards): Palabras y expresiones útiles  HW: WB Capítulo 1 Actividades 14-16 23 Texto p. 39; Video Blog #1 p. 18-19; (con Website Access)  Capítulo Uno: Repaso/Un poco de todo; Ser/ocupaciones  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Tutorial Quizzes (do 5) ; Play CONCENTRATION en el sitio web con un/a amigo/a o solo/a.  HW: WB Capítulo 1 Actividades 17-19 24 Capítulo Uno: Video Blog #2 Texto pp. 32-33 Vocabulario/Repaso/Preguntas por estudiantes  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Tutorial Quizzes (do 5 more) ; Play CONCENTRATION en el sitio web con un/a amigo/a o solo/a.  HW: WB Capítulo 1 Actividades 20-21 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEMANAS 3-4 27 Texto pp. 28-29 Nuevos Horizontes Capítulo Uno: Scanning: Actividad 20 / Repaso  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Tutorial Quizzes (do the last 5) ; Play CONCENTRATION en el sitio web con un/a amigo/a o solo/a.  HW: WB Capítulo 1 Actividades 22-23 Usa el Internet para buscar información sobre las diferentes personas. 28 Capítulo Uno: Repaso / Cantar La Bamba u otras canciones.  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Games: Do the crossword puzzle (crucigrama) to review vocabulary;  Review Chapter Glossary; Play CONCENTRATION en el sitio web con un/a amigo/a o solo/a.  HW: WB Capítulo 1 Actividades 24-Repaso 29 Prueba en grupos: Capítulo 1 (Quiz)/ Entregar (turn in) WB/LAB Preliminar y Capítulo 1 30 Texto pp. 48-50 Capítulo Dos: Vocabulario y Gender of Nouns  To get an edge ahead on grammar, listen to and view the grammar tutorials under tutorials (one a day or so) as you proceed through chapter 2. Do this on the website. I have previewed the tutorials, they will be very helpful.  Website: One Grammar Tutorial: 1 of 4  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Audio Flashcards: Vocabulario esencial I, Artículos de higiene personal, Los artículos de la habitación  HW: LAB WB: p. 209 Actividades 1-3 La pronunciación (Audio on Website)  HW: WB Capítulo 2 Actividades 1-3 31 Texto pp. 51-54, 47 Capítulo Dos: El Plural; Gustar; Las Clases  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Audio Flashcards: Las asignaturas, Los gustos, Expresiones de tiempo /  Website: One Grammar Tutorial: 2 of 4  HW: LAB WB: p. 210 Actividad 4  HW: WB Capítulo 2 Actividades 4-7


Febrero 3 Texto pp. 55-57 Capítulo Dos: Posesión  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Audio Flashcards: La Posesión I, La Posesión II  Website: One Grammar Tutorial: 3 of 4.  HW: LAB WB: p. 210 Actividad 5  HW: WB Capítulo 2 Actividades 8-11 4 Texto pp. 62-63 Capítulo Dos: Un Poco de Todo; Verbos y Asociaciones  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Audio Flashcards: Vocabulario esencial II: Acciones; Las acciones  Website: One Grammar Tutorial: 4 of 4.  HW: LAB WB: p. 211 Actividades 6-7  HW: WB Capítulo 2 Actividades 12-14 5 Texto pp. 63, 65, 68 Capítulo Dos: El Calendario; Gustar  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Audio Flashcards: Los días de la semana  Website: One Grammar Movie Tutorial: 1 of 5  HW: LAB WB: p. 211-212 Actividades 8-9  HW: WB Capítulo 2 Actividades 15-17 6 Texto pp. 68-70 Capítulo Dos: Gustar / Obligaciones y Planes: Tener + que + infinitivo y Ir + a + infinitivo  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Audio Flashcards: Las obligaciones y los planes  Website: One Grammar Movie Tutorial: 2 of 5.  HW: LAB WB: p. 212 Actividades 10-11  HW: WB Capítulo 2 Actividades 18-20 7 Capítulo Dos: Obligaciones y Planes continuado (perhaps a makeup day)  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Audio Flashcards: Palabras y expresiones útiles  Website: One Grammar Movie Tutorial: 3 of 5.  HW: WB Capítulo 2 Actividades 21-23  QZ: Vocab2/Spelling/Listening Quiz. Listen to Spanish: Write Spanish correctly along with English Translation. See vocab pages for Preliminary Chapter and Chapter One. Make sure you begin studying well in advance. Ten words are chosen at random from the entire list. Each word pair is worth 10 pts. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEMANAS 5-6 Febrero 10 Texto p. 46-47 Video Blog #1 Capítulo Dos:  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Tutorial Quizzes: (do first 7)  Antes de clase: Website: One Grammar Movie Tutorial: 4 of 5.  HW: WB Capítulo 2 Actividades 24-26 11 Texto pp. 66-67 Video Blog #2 Capítulo Dos:  Lectura y Cultura  (Usa el Internet para la actividad de cultura en el WB o la llave de respuestas [answer key])  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Tutorial Quizzes: (do second 7)  Antes de clase: Website: One Grammar Movie Tutorial: 5 of 5.  HW: WB Capítulo 2 Actividades 27-29 12 Texto pp. 58-61 Nuevos Horizontes (HW) Capítulo Dos:  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Tutorial Quizzes: (do last 7)  HW: WB Capítulo 2 Repasar (review) WB y LAB 13 Prueba en grupos: Capítulo 2 (Quiz) / Entregar (turn in) WB/LAB 2 14 Texto pp. 80-81 Capítulo Tres: Places in Town; a la or al  Antes de clase: Website Audio Flashcards: Vocabulario esencial I: Lugares / Lugares  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Tutorial: Grammar Tutorial: 1-3 of 4  HW: LAB WB: pp. 213-214 Actividades 1-4 (Audio on Website see “Audio”)  HW: WB Capítulo 3 Actividades 1-3


Febrero 17 Texto pp. 80-83 Capítulo Tres: What do you have to do? / Where do have to go? / Saying where you are with “Estar en + place”  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Tutorial: Grammar Tutorial: 4 of 4 / Tutorial Movies: 1-3 of 8  HW: WB Capítulo 3 Actividades 4-6 18 Texto pp. 83-87 Capítulo Tres: Present tense verbs / Irregular yo forms of present tense verbs  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Audio Flash cards: Verbos  Sitio Web Tutorial: Grammar Tutorial Movies: 4-6 of 8.  HW: WB Capítulo 3 Actividades 7-9 19 Texto pp. 87, 91 Capítulo Tres: Un poco todo / Preguntas personales / Ser + adjetivo  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Podcasts: Adjectives  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Audio Flash cards Vocabulario esencial II: El físico y la personalidad / ¿Cómo es? Personalidad  Sitio Web Tutorial: Grammar Tutorial Movies 7-8 of 8.  HW: LAB WB: p. 214 Actividad 5  HW: WB Capítulo 3 Actividades 10-12 20 Texto pp. 91-93 Capítulo Tres: Descripción con ser / Estar + adjetivo (How you feel and where you are, always use the verb estar. What you are like and where you are from, always use the other one: ser.)  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Audio Flash cards: ¿Cómo es? Características físicas / ¿Cómo está? Adjetivos con estar  HW: LAB WB: p. 215 Actividad 6 Notice how ser and estar are used differently  HW: WB Capítulo 3 Actividades 13-15  QZ: Vocab3/Spelling/Listening Quiz. Listen to Spanish: Write Spanish correctly along with English Translation. See vocab pages for Preliminary Chapter and Chapter One. Make sure you begin studying well in advance. Ten words are chosen at random from the entire list. Each word pair is worth 10 pts. 21 Texto pp. 96-99 Capítulo Tres: Adjective agreement / ser/estar + adjective / possessive adjectives go before, descriptive adjectives come after  Sitio Web: Play some Concentration games  HW: LAB WB: p. 215-216 Actividades 7-8  HW: WB Capítulo 3 Actividades 16-18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—SEMANAS 7-8 24 Texto pp. 96-99 Capítulo Tres: Práctica: Ser o Estar (remember the rhyme above for ser and estar)  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Tutorial Quizzes 1-3 of 15 / Concentration games  HW: LAB WB: p. 216 Actividad 9  HW: WB Capítulo 3 Actividades 19-21 25 Texto pp. 100-101 Capítulo Tres: The Present Progressive / Un Poco de todo (a little of everything)  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Tutorial Quizzes 3-5 of 15  Antes de clase : Sitio Web: Games: Haz el crucigrama y concentration games  HW: LAB WB: p. 217 Actividad 10-11  HW: WB Capítulo 3 Actividades 22-24 26 Capítulo Tres: Error analysis and writing practice (review) / Lectura: ideas principales  Antes de clase: Sitio Web: Audio Flash cards: Palabras y expresiones útiles  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Tutorial Quizzes 6-8 of 15  HW: WB Capítulo 3 Actividades 25-27 (Freddy Fernández paragraph) 27 Texto pp. 88-90 Nuevos Horizontes Capítulo Tres: Lectura (reading)  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Tutorial Quizzes 9-11 of 15  HW: WB Capítulo 3 Actividades 28-30


Febrero 28 Texto pp. 88-90 Nuevos Horizontes Capítulo Tres:  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Tutorial Quizzes 12-15 of 15  HW: A Cloze Paragraph (Act. 31) / Repaso: Ser, estar, tener (review rhyme above).  WB Capítulo 3 Actividades 31-Repaso  Oportunidad para extra crédito: Haz un resumen del video más allá para capítulo tres. Marzo 3 Prueba en grupos: Capítulo 3 (Quiz) / Entregar (turn in) WB/LAB 3 4 Exámenes Orales Empiezan (En parejas) 5 Exámenes Orales (En parejas) / Stick with the text for the most part. You may look up a few novel things to include in your interview, but don’t overdo it. Preguntas para los exámenes orales: Páginas de vocabulario para repasar: 14-15, 42-43, 74-75, 104-105 Dime (tell me)… Answer all questions fluidly and completely for a possible 10 pts. extra credit. (10 pts. ea.) 1) ¿Qué equipos de deportes profesionales te gustan? (1-3 equipos) 2) ¿Qué cosas (actividades) te gusta (mucho) hacer? (5-7 cosas) 3) ¿Qué cosas no te gusta hacer? (3-4 cosas) 4) ¿Qué tienes en tu apartamento o residencia? (5-7 cosas) 5) ¿Qué tienes que hacer hoy/esta semana/mañana? (4-5 cosas) 6) ¿Qué vas a hacer el fin de semana? (2-3 cosas) 7) ¿Qué te gusta hacer los fines de semana? (2-3 cosas) Me gusta… 8) ¿Qué les gusta hacer tú y tus amigos? Nos gusta… 9) ¿Cómo eres? (4-5 adjetivos con la forma apropiada de ser) 10) ¿Cómo es tu padre/madre/novio/novia? (5-6 descripciones) 11) ¿Qué haces en un día normal? –En un día normal yo normalmente…. Marzo 6 Texto pp. 110-112 Capítulo Cuatro: Las partes del cuerpo humano / ¡Qué + adjetivo!  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Audio Flash cards: Vocabulario esencial I: Las partes del cuerpo  HW: LAB WB: p. 219 Actividades 1-2 (Audio on Website)  WB Capítulo 4 Actividades 1-2 7 Texto pp. 112-115 Capítulo Cuatro: Verbos reflexivos  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Audio Flash cards: Las partes del cuerpo / Las acciones reflexivas  Antes de clase: Tutorial: Grammar tutorial: Reflexive verbs and pronouns  HW: WB Capítulo 4 Actividades 3-5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEMANAS 9-10 10 Texto pp. 114-116 Capítulo Cuatro: La posición de los complementos reflexivos  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Audio Flash cards: Verbos reflexivos  Antes de clase: Tutorial: Grammar tutorial: Grammar Movie: Reflexive verbs  HW: LAB WB: p. 220 Actividad 3 (Audio on Website)  HW: WB Capítulo 4 Actividades 6-7 11 Texto pp. 116-117 Capítulo Cuatro: Llena los blancos con el verbo reflexivo / La a personal: whenever the direct object of a sentence is a person, then it must be preceded by the personal a.  Antes de clase: Tutorial: Grammar tutorial: The personal a  HW: WB Capítulo 4 Actividades 8-9 12 Texto pp. 116-117 Capítulo Cuatro: a, al, a la, a los, a las / Un poco de todo  Antes de clase: Tutorial: Grammar tutorials: Grammar Movie: Preposisitions, a (Personal a); contractions  HW: WB Capítulo 4 Actividades 10-11 13 Texto pp. 122-125 Capítulo Cuatro: El tiempo, las estaciones, y las fechas  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Audio Flash cards: Expresiones de tiempo y fechas / Las estaciones / Los meses  HW: LAB WB: pp. 220-221 Actividades 4-6  HW: WB Capítulo 4 Actividades 12-13


Marzo 14 Texto pp. 128-130 Capítulo Cuatro: Asociaciones / El tiempo / Saber vs. Conocer  Antes de clase: Tutorial: Grammar tutorial: Grammar Movie: Verbs: Saber / Conocer  HW: WB Capítulo 4 Actividades 15-17 QZ: Vocab4/Spelling/Listening Quiz. Listen to Spanish: Write Spanish correctly along with English Translation. See vocab pages for Preliminary Chapter and Chapter One. Make sure you begin studying well in advance. Ten words are chosen at random from the entire list. Each word pair is worth 10 pts. 17 Vacaciones de Primavera—No hay clase esta semana. 18 Vacaciones de Primavera 19 Vacaciones de Primavera 20 Vacaciones de Primavera 21 Vacaciones de Primavera ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEMANAS 11-12 24 Texto pp. 128-130, 131-133 Capítulo Cuatro: Saber vs. Conocer / Adjetivos demostrativos / Un poco de todo  Antes de clase: Sitio Web Audio flash cards: Adjetivos y pronombres demonstrativos  Antes de clase: Tutorial Quizzes 1-5 of 15  Antes de clase: Tutorial: Grammar tutorial: Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns  Antes de clase: Tutorial: Grammar tutorial: Grammar Movie: Adjectives: Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns  HW: LAB WB: p. 222 Actividad 7  HW: WB Capítulo 4 Actividades 18-21 25 Texto pp. 108-109 Video Blog #1 Capítulo Cuatro: Una conversación / Haciendo planes  Antes de clase: Tutorial Quizzes 6-10 of 15  HW: LAB WB: p. 222 Actividad 8-9  HW: WB Capítulo 4 Actividades 22-23 26 Texto pp. 126-127 Video Blog #2 Capítulo Cuatro: Cloze with demonstrative adjectives and other verbs / Lectura: Cognates  Antes de clase: Tutorial Quizzes 11-15 of 15  HW: WB Capítulo 4 Actividades 24-25 27 Texto pp. 118-121 Nuevos Horizontes Capítulo Cuatro: Lectura (¿Qué sabes ahora?)  HW: WB Capítulo 4 Actividad 26…Repasar WB y LAB 28 Prueba en grupos: Capítulo 4 (Quiz) / Entregar (turn in) WB/LAB 4 31 Texto pp. 142-144 Capítulo Cinco: La hora, los minutos, y los segundos / Expresiones con tener  Antes de clase: Audio Flash cards: Vocabulario esencial I: La hora, los minutos, y los segundos / La hora  Antes de clase: Tutorial quizzes: La hora, los minutos, y los segundos 1-3 / Vocab. Esencial II: Las sensaciones  HW: LAB WB: p. 223-225 Actividades 1-2, 4-6 (skip 3, we’ll come back to it)  HW: WB Capítulo 5 Actividades 1-3 Abril 1 Texto pp. 145-149 Capítulo Cinco: Stem-changing verbs / All change except in the nosotros form  Antes de clase: Audio Flash cards: Verbos  HW: WB Capítulo 5 Actividades 4-5 2 Texto pp. 145-149 Capítulo Cinco: Stem-changing verbs / More practice Tutorials: Grammar tutorials: Present indicative tense: Stem-changing verbs  Antes de clase: Tutorial Quizzes: Stem-changing verbs 1  HW: WB Capítulo 5 Actividades 6-7 3 Texto pp. 145-149 Capítulo Cinco: Stem-changing verbs / Stem-changing verbs in the present progressive (ir verbs) change in the third person singular and plural  Tutorials: Grammar tutorial: Grammar Movie: Stem-changing verbs 1-3  Antes de clase: Tutorial Quizzes: Stem-changing verbs 2  HW: WB Capítulo 5 Actividades 8-9


Abril 4 Texto pp. 154-157 Capítulo Cinco: Un poco de todo / los colores / la ropa  Antes de clase: Audio Flash cards: Ir de compras / La ropa / Vocabulary esencial II: Los colores  Antes de clase: Tutorial Quizzes: Stem-changing verbs 3 / Los colores / La ropa y los materiales 1  HW: WB Capítulo 5 Actividades 10-12 QZ: Vocab5/Spelling/Listening Quiz. Listen to Spanish: Write Spanish correctly along with English Translation. See vocab pages for Preliminary Chapter and Chapter One. Make sure you begin studying well in advance. Ten words are chosen at random from the entire list. Each word pair is worth 10 pts. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEMANAS 13-14 7 Texto pp. 154-157 Capítulo Cinco: La ropa y descripciones  Audio Flash cards: Los colores / los materiales  Antes de clase: Tutorial Quizzes: Stem-changing verbs 4 / La ropa y los materiales 2  HW: LAB WB: p. 225 Actividades 7-8  HW: WB Capítulo 5 Actividades 13-15 8 Texto pp. 160-163 Capítulo Cinco: La ropa / Para y por / Estar en or Ser en (usa ser en para eventos) “Events cannot be touched” “Places can” (usa estar en for places).  Antes de clase: Tutorial: Grammar tutorial: Por vs. Para  Antes de clase: Grammar Movie: Prepositions por / para  Audio Flash cards: Palabras y expresiones útiles  HW: WB Capítulo 5 Actividades 16-18 9 Texto pp. 140-141 Video Blog #1 Capítulo Cinco:  HW: WB Capítulo 5 Actividades 19-21 10 Texto pp. 158-159 Video Blog #2  Capítulo Cinco:  HW: LAB WB: p. 226 Actividades 9-10  HW: WB Capítulo 5 Actividades 22-23 11 Texto pp. 150-153 Nuevos Horizontes Capítulo Cinco  HW: WB Capítulo 5 Actividad Repaso: Capítulo Cinco: Repaso: Future, Present, and Immediate Past (WB)  HW: LAB WB: p. 223 Actividad 3  Extra credit opportunity: Summarize the Más Allá video on the website for chapter 5. 14 Prueba en grupos: Capítulo 5 (Quiz) / Entregar (turn in) WB/LAB 5 15 Texto pp. 172-175 Capítulo Seis: Números al millón / preposiciones de lugar  Antes de Clase: Sitio Web: Audio Flash cards: Vocabulario esencial I: Los números del cien al millón  Antes de Clase: Sitio Web: Audio Flash cards: Los números de cien a millón y otras palabras  Antes de Clase: Sitio Web: Audio Flash cards: Vocabulario esencial I: Preposiciones de lugar / Preposiciones de lugar  HW: LAB WB: p. 227-229 Actividades 1-5  HW: WB Capítulo 6 Actividades 1-3 16 Texto pp. 174-179 Capítulo Seis: Preposiciones / El pasado  Antes de Clase: Tutorial: Grammar Movie: 1 of 7 (The preposition de)  Antes de Clase: Audio Flash cards: Vocabulario esencial I: Preposiciones de lugar  Antes de Clase: Grammar Tutorials: The preterit tense / Simple Prepositions (best to pause throughout and take notes)  Antes de Clase: Audio Flash cards: Verbos  HW: LAB WB: p. 229-230 Actividades 6-8  HW: WB Capítulo 6 Actividades 4-5 17 Texto pp. 176-179 Capítulo Seis: El pasado / Presente, pasado, o infinitivo  Antes de Clase: Tutorial: Grammar Movie: 2-3 of 7 (Preterit of Regular Verbs and ser, ir and dar)  Antes de Clase: Audio Flash cards: Expresiones de tiempo pasado  HW: WB Capítulo 6 Actividades 6-7


18 Texto p. 177 Capítulo Seis: El pasado / Usando expresiones adverbiales de tiempo para el pasado  HW: WB Capítulo 6 Actividades 8-9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEMANAS 15-17 Abril 21 Texto pp. 180-183 Capítulo Seis: Escritura: Write at least two sentences for each paragraph for activity 10 in the WB. / Pronombres preposicionales y preposiciones  Antes de Clase: Sitio Web: Audio Flash cards: Otras preposiciones  Antes de Clase: Tutorials: Grammar Movie: Prepositions (general)  Antes de Clase: Tutorials: Grammar Movie: Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions  HW: WB Capítulo 6 Actividades 10-12 QZ: Vocab6/Spelling/Listening Quiz. Listen to Spanish: Write Spanish correctly along with English Translation. See vocab pages for Preliminary Chapter and Chapter One. Make sure you begin studying well in advance. Ten words are chosen at random from the entire list. Each word pair is worth 10 pts. 22 Texto pp. 188-190 Capítulo Seis: Un poco de todo / La familia (vocabulario)  Antes de Clase: Audio Flash cards: Vocabulario esencial II: La familia de Julieta / La familia  HW: LAB WB: p. 230-231 Actividades 9-10  HW: WB Capítulo 6 Actividades 13-14 23 Texto pp. 188-190; 193-195 Capítulo Seis: La familia / Indirect Object Pronouns (me, te, le, nos, os, les): they go before the conjugated verb, or attached to the infinitive, or attached to the present progressive. When attached to the present progressive, the present progressive requires a written accent.  Antes de clase: Tutorials: Grammar Tutorial: Indirect Object Pronouns (take notes)  HW: WB Capítulo 6 Actividades 15-16 24 Texto pp. 193-195 Capítulo Seis: Indirect Object Pronouns and the past tense (mixed together)  HW: LAB WB: p. 231 Actividad 11  HW: WB Capítulo 6 Actividades 17-18 25 Texto pp. 195-19 7Capítulo Seis: Usando palabras afirmativas y negativas; repaso  Antes de clase: Audio Flash cards: Palabras afirmativas y negativas  Antes de Clase: Tutorials: Grammar Movie: Affirmative sentences and Negations  HW: WB Capítulo 6 Actividades 19-20  HW: Sitio Web: Practicar Games Abril 28 Texto pp. 170-171 Video Blog #1 Capítulo Seis: Usando palabras afirmativas y negativas / Un poco de todo  Antes de clase: Audio Flash cards: Palabras y expresiones útiles  HW: WB Capítulo 6 Actividades 21-22  HW: Sitio Web: Tutorial Quizzes: 1-6 of 18  HW: Sitio Web: Practicar Games 29. Texto pp. 191-192 Video Blog #2 Capítulo Seis: Lectura: Skimming and Scanning  HW: WB Capítulo 6 Actividad 23  HW: Sitio Web: Tutorial Quizzes: 7-12 of 18  HW: Sitio Web: Practicar Games 30 Texto pp. 184-187 Nuevos Horizontes Capítulo Seis: Lectura: lectura enfocada  HW: LAB WB: p. 232 Actividad 12  HW: WB Capítulo 6 Actividad 24  HW: Sitio Web: Tutorial Quizzes: 13-18 of 18  HW: Sitio Web: Practicar Games Mayo 1 Prueba en grupos: Capítulo 6 (Quiz) / Entregar (turn in) WB/LAB 6 2 Repaso / Conversaciones para examen final Exámenes orales durante la semana de finales (o antes si quieres) Preguntas orales: Dime…


1) 2) 3) 4)

¿Qué hiciste el verano pasado/anoche/el fin de semana pasado/etc.? ¿Qué hicieron tus padres el verano pasado? ¿¿Qué hizo tu hermano/a? ¿Qué haces todos los días por la mañana antes de venir a clase? ¿Qué tiempo hace donde vives durante el año escolar? ¿Durante el verano? ¿En tu cumpleaños? 5) ¿Qué tipo de ropa se debe llevar en el invierno/verano/la primavera/el otoño? 6) ¿Cuándo es el cumpleaños de tus padres? ¿Qué les regalaste el año pasado? 7) ¿Qué clases tienes? ¿A qué hora y qué días son? 8) Describe la ropa que generalmente llevas a clase? --Generalmente llevo…. 9) Ahora tú, hazme unas preguntas (Now you, “make to me” some questions). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Semana de Finales Empieza 6 7 8 9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


MLL 154 Español Idioma y Cultura I: First 20 Points on First Day of Class. Read, sign, and return. He leído el plan del curso y entiendo los requisitos y las expectaciones del mismo. I have read the syllabus and I understand the requirements and expectations of the same. Esta hoja vale veinte puntos. Tráigala a la clase el primer día de clases. This page is worth twenty points. Bring it to class the first day of classes.

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