Prayer Newsletter January 2023 Flipbook PDF

Prayer Newsletter January 2023

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Story Transcript

VERTICAL PRAYER January | 2023

PRAISES Childcare Coordinator. God has provided us with someone to temporarily (and possibly longer-term) spearhead childcare for our youngest Verticalians on Saturday evenings.

PRAYER REQUESTS Key Ministry Roles. We greatly enjoyed gathering to celebrate Advent. As we look forward to being able to have ongoing worship gatherings in the future, we are looking to hire a worship leader who can build the worship team. We’re also seeking individuals to build and implement the discipleship process for children and students. Meeting Space. We are praying for God to provide us with a specific meeting location in our target area. Please pray for Him to move the mountains necessary for this to happen, or to provide something even better! In the meantime, we are being blessed by Purpose Church’s generosity in the rental of their facilities. Please continue to pray: • • •

Samantha is still searching for a job, preferably something in missions or ministry. Pray for God’s provision for her. Nicodemus has doctor appointments with specialists this month. Pray for healing for him and strength and faith for his parents. Andrew has adjusted to his meds and only has about a week to go. Please pray that the results of his blood tests show he is free of disease and infection.

UPDATES Gathering Together. We have decided to bring our Disciple Groups, which were meeting in different homes this past fall, all together for teaching and group discussion at the Purpose Church building, on Saturdays at 5pm. The first week of each month, we’re planning to have worship gatherings. “Rooted”, a series on doctrine, will carry us through each week to Easter weekend. New people are always welcome! Multiply Groups. We’re also starting same-gender groups that are designed to help individuals become disciples who make disciples. Please pray for Vertical to be a church with a strong discipleship culture!

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