S t. Louis Catholic Church and Covenant School

St. Louis Catholic Church and Covenant School 7270 SW 120th Street • Pinecrest, FL 33156 • Church/School: 305-238-7562 • FAX: 305-238-6844 Web site:

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St. Louis Catholic Church and Covenant School

7270 SW 120th Street • Pinecrest, FL 33156 • Church/School: 305-238-7562 • FAX: 305-238-6844

Web site: www.stlcatholic.org • [email protected] • covenant [email protected]

September 4, 2011

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time/ A

Religious Education for Everyone Learning is a life-long project. We grow in our faith through ­learning through all ages of our lives.

Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Take advantage of the many ­opportunities for religious growth and education which our ­parish community offers ­for children, teens, and adults. See the inside the bulletin for ­ details about these programs for all d ­ ifferent grade levels, for s­ acramental ­program, for Catholics and for those who would like to join the Catholic Church. Teachers and Catechists: Would you give some time each week to help share the faith? We are looking for people to help in teaching different age groups. Training will be provided. See details on page 3.


RCIA: Joining the Catholic Church Did you ever think about becoming Catholic? Is there a friend or a member of the family with whom you could share your faith? Do you or someone else have a lot of questions s­ eeking answers. Try us… ask, listen, share, grow in mind and in heart. Our Catechumenate program, also called RCIA, can benefit: • Those unbaptized persons who want to become ­Christians. • Those baptized non-Catholic who want to join the Catholic community. • Adult Catholics who have not yet received First ­Communion or Confirmation. (See details on page 4) English: Starting Monday, Sept. 12 Call Father Paul at 954-431-3600. Español: Empezando Miércoles, Sept. 7 Llame a Olivia Baca, 786-399-0279 (Detalles en la página 4)


Saturday: 8:30 AM

MATRIMONY Please contact the Rectory at least six months prior to the proposed date. BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old) Every Sunday (English). Please call the Office TWO months in advance.

Evelyn López Manolito López John Mangialetto Monty Abraham Patricia Englehardt Jane McKeon Michael Blank Juan Estrada Wendy McLendon Jeannette Bernard Felipe Fernández Michael Mulsford Daisy Bernardo Doris Green América Ordoñez Rosa Maria Bestard Daisy Guerrero Greg Page Evelyn Boyton Dorothy Haiduven Michael Pavloff Jerry Byrne Alyse Hernandez Kathryn Caruso Salvador Hernandez Jim Pee Karen & Alex Pegues Angelita Castillo Bob Hartwell David Pritchard Ruby Chen Carole Howard Betty Quinn Dolly Chirino Gabriela Imbimbo Nydia Ramírez Carol Cianciola Irene Johnson Pablo “Bebo” Ramos James Clark Elizabeth Juerling Bill Reilly Rosemary Clark Geri Knowlan Jeff Reyes Jim Connell Robert Kopp Shawn Rice Michael Connor Pat Krupzzak Jasmin Rodriguez Luis DeVarona Helen Labime Manny Rodriguez Olga Del Valle Esperanza Lara Nathalie Rodriguez Alba Díaz Genaro Llave We are in the process of updating the prayer list for ill members of the parish. Names will remain on the list for 2 months unless you notify us to remove a name sooner. If a name is removed in error please notify the office to have it reinstated.

Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada mes en la Capilla a las 7:30pm.

RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM 7:30 - 8:30 PM Anytime by appointment

Pray for the Sick

To provide the Eucharist at home for ill parish members or family, call Pedro Valentin at 305- 251-7335 or main office at 305-238-7562. Si estas enfermo o impedido de asistir a la Misa y deseas recibir la Comunión en tu casa, puedes comunicarte con Adriana Morales, 305-969-0960.

Inscripción – En Español, el 2do domingo, después de las Misas.

Juan Romay Deanna Rosco Josephine Sánchez Ida Sanone Beverly Scott Sara Seibers Reggie Semersheim Cristina Sepulveda John Shubeck Augie Silva Albert Silveira Michael Speranza Jane Thompson Isah Marie Tomas Aurora Van de Water Marlene Wolff

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Book & Gift Center

Weekday: 6:30 and 8:30 AM Wednesdays only 7:30 PM (Español)

Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la Oficina con SEIS meses de anticipación.

of F

Music Director Mr. Juan Salazar

Misa en Español Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM Los miércoles - 7:30 PM Bautismos - En Español 1er y 3er sábado de mes. Favor de llamar a la oficina con DOS meses de anticipación.

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Youth Minister Mr. Mark Witkowski

Sunday: (English) 5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil) 7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM 12:30, 5:30 PM (Spanish) 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM (Chinese) 3:00 PM, 2nd Sunday of the Month


Religious Education Mrs. María Teresa López



School Principal Mrs. Christine Mathisen


The Pa

PASTORAL STAFF Priests Rev. Paul Vuturo Rev. Michael Kish Rev. Armando Tolosa Deacons Deacon Vincent McInerney Deacon John Peremenis Deacon John Green Deacon Thomas Hanlon Deacon Alex Lam Deacon Bob Yglesias Deacon Jeff Reyes



rest, Flori


REGISTRATION The 2nd Sunday at 10:30 am and the 4th Tuesday of every month, at 7:30 pm.

Baptisms ANTHONY RYAN & MADYSON RILEY REDERO children of Alexander & Tabitha Redero ISABELLA MARIE GABRIEL daughter of Frantz & Brenda Gabriel

Ministry to the Sick

Remember the Departed Robert Cloisus Auguste Bier


R egi str ati o n N o w Open fo r R eli gi o us E duca t i o n Classes

Music Ministry: We a are very excited to launch our new season of choirs and music under the direction of our Music Director, Juan Salazar.

S c h o o l Y ear 2 01 1 - 20 1 2 For Children and Teenagers: Baptism Certificate Due at Time of Registration For further information, please contact: Office of Religious Education 305-238-7562, ext 120 [email protected] www.stlouismiami.org Today Sunday, August 28, Registrations for our CCD and youth ministry programs are being held Sunday after all the morning Masses in the Religious Education Office. For Adults See the RCIA announcement inside the bulletin on page 4 regarding classes for adults to prepare them for Baptism, Confirmation, or First Communion.


Adult Choir: If you are 18 or older and sing, call or e-mail Juan at 305-496-6840 or [email protected]. New choir members, men and women, in all voice ranges are welcome!

Children’s Choir: Calling all 4th-8th grade children who sing. We are launching a new children’s choir during the 9:30am Mass under the direction of our Music Teacher, Vic Garcia. Call or e-mail Vic at 305-244-8884 or [email protected].

Needs YOU We are looking for Catechists and assistants to teach Grades 1st to 6th: Mondays from 4:15 to 5:30 PM Tuesdays from 5:45 to 7:00 PM or Wednesdays from 4:15 to 5:30 PM For information, please contact: [email protected] or 305/238-7562 (ext 121)

Divine Mercy Ministry The English Divine Mercy group meets every Monday at 8:00 pm in the Chapel. For sign-up call Phyllis at 786303-0337. Be part of this new ministry in English. “Jesus, I trust in you!”

Musicians: If you play a musical instgrument adn would like to volunteer to play at one of our Masses, call Juan.

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Altar Servers Are you interest in becoming an Altar Server and are at least 10 years old? You can serve the Lord while helping celebrate Mass. Training will take place over two Saturday mornings, you must attend both sessions. The training will take place on ­ September 17th and 24th at 9:00 am in the Main Sanctuary. Each session will last approximately 2 1/2 hours. If you have any questions please contact Bill Barrow, 305-2567205.


MASS 5:30 pm 7:00 am 8:15 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:15 pm

ALTAR SERVERS Stades Barrows -- Bailey/Marchus Charles/Carrasquillo Fernandez/Figueredo Bautas --

Next Week’s Schedule LECTORS Gerundos Magrath/Mangialetto Combeau/Chavez Doll/Hart Martinez/Loffredo Mathisen-Bunton Youth --

VOCATION CUP* Stephen Porter (786-837-4117) Lourdes Manning (305-245-4423) Zoraida Torres (305-270-7936) Bob & Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988) Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494) Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729) Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302) Alejandra Flores (305-630-2620)

NURSERY The Nursery is OPEN every Sunday for the 9:30 & 11:00 am Masses.

*These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Cup for the respective Mass. Please call them.

ic Am I too old to get baptized?

Can a whole family join the church?

Interested in lic? Becoming a Catho

tr Am I too old for First Communion?

Should I invite my friend to become Catholic?


e w a n t t o s h a r e with others our special C ­ atholic vision of faith and love in Christ. We do this through our ­Catechumenate program, also called RCIA, Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. ­ RCIA is not like going back to school. It is a ­process of human and spiritual growth. RCIA means l­earning not just with the head, but most importantly with the heart. This ­program can benefit: • Unbaptized persons who want to baptized Catholic. • Baptized non-Catholics who want to join the Catholic community. • Adult Catholics who have not yet ­received First ­Communion or Confirmation. Call the the parish office 305-2387562 Ext. 102 to speak with ­Father Paul for more information.

New Program Begins Monday, September 12, 7:30 PM in the Conference Room


ueremos compartir con otros nuestra visión Católica de la fe y del amor en Cristo. Lo hacemos por el Catecumenado, llamado también RCIA – Rito Cristiano de Iniciación para Adultos. RCIA no es volver al colegio, porque RCIA es más como un proceso de crecimiento que un proyecto educativo. RCIA es aprender, no simplemente con la cabeza, sino más importante con el corazón. Nuestro programa de RCIA, llamado también el Catecumenado, puede ayudar a: • Adultos que no han sido bautizados • Adultos Bautizados en otra religión • Adultos Católicos que no han recibido los Sacramentos de la Eucaristia y la Confirmación. Para más información puede comunicarse con Olivia Baca, 786399-0279.

El programa empieza Miercoles, Septiembre 7, 7:30 PM en el Conference Room

ic ¿Soy muy mayor para ser bautizado?

¿Puede toda la familia iniciarse en la Iglesia?

¿Interesado en Ser Católico?

tr ¿Soy muy mayor para recibir la Primera Comunión?

¿Debo invitar a mi amiga a ser Católica?


Catholic Bible Fellowship Begins the Study of

St. Paul Letters to the Corinthians I Corinthians: The Church at Corinth was “richly endowed with every gift of speech and knowledge” (1:5) Yet thee were differences relating to Church doctrine as well as improper behavior. II Corithians: Paul opens his heart. We see his hurt, pain and suffering. “For though we live in the world we are not carrying on a worldly war but have divine power to destroy stronglholds.” (10:3-4) We face these disorders and weaknesses. Paul speaks to us. Come, learn with us as we listen to God’s Word spoken through Paul. We begin: Wed. evening, Sept 14th, 7:30 pm Thurs. morning, Sept. 15th 9:30 am* *Child care provided Signups after all masses Aug. 21/22 and 27/28 This is a 27 week study. Commentary by Steve Ray Video Lectures by Fr. Patrick Winslow Cost of materials is $49.95; sholarships available Wed. night Study, Marie Rhugnanan, 305-255-7593 Thurs. morning Study, Joan McCaffery, 305-595-3351

Liturgia para Niños ¡¡Necestiamos voluntarios!! Comenzando el 11 de septiembre, necesitamos personas que puedan proclamar la Palabra de Dios y predicar la homilia a los niños durante las misas de 9:30 am,11:00 am y 7:15 pm. Si tiene niños, probablemente sabe como disfrutan cuando salen del Santuario para escuchar la Liturgia en un lenguaje propio para ellos. Esta es una buena forma de integrarse en la communidad. Si siente el llamado, por favor contacte a Sonia Araujo, 305-934-5178.

Children’s Liturgy Beginning September 11th, Volunteers are needed to proclaim the Gospel and preach the homily to children during the following Masses: 9:30 am and 11:00 am and 7:15pm. If you have children you probably know how much they enjoy being dismissed from Mass to have their own liturgy of the Word. This is an opportunity for you to become involved. If you feel called for this ministry contact Ana Stanham 786-423-4701 [email protected] ASAP. Training will be provided.

Catholic Scripture Study (CSS) Invites you to a 28-week combination study of Hebrews and James Mondays beginning September 19, 7:30 p.m. • In-depth bible study for both beginners and experienced bible students learning together in an environment of Christian fellowship and prayer. • Study commentaries written by Dr. Scott Hahn and Mark Shea. • Catechism of the Catholic Church and writings of the early Church fathers incorporated in the study. • Study materials cost $50 per person. Scholarships available. For further information, contact: Bohn & Jennifer Phillips 305-969-0128 [email protected]


MORNINGSTAR RENEWAL CENTER invites you to the following events: “What is Spiritual Direction - Exploring Discernment” Wednesday, September 7th, 7:30 p.m. Growth in the spiritual journey almost always involves “discernment”. Come and explore the gift of spiritual direction or companionship and gain tools for your journey. Facilitator: Neida Perez, OP; Fee: $15 p.p. “More or Mary - Growing in Her Spirituality & Yous” Thursday, September 8th, 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Come and celebrate the Feast of the Birth of Mary and come to know how her spirituality can help you grow. Facilitator: Fr. Gary Wiesmann; Fee: $30 p.p., includes lunch. IMPORTANT: All these events require registration in advance due to limited space; please call Tatiana at 305-238-4367 or fax 305-238-4766 or Email: [email protected]

Respect Life Ministry Meeting September 6th at 7:00 p.m. Join us to review pro-life developments and plans for upcoming October’s Life Events. For additional ­information contact Maria Wadsworth at wadsworthm@ comcast.net or (305) 299-8840. Ministerio de Respeto a la Vida 6 de septiembre a las 7:00 p.m. Reunión para planear las celebraciones de Octubre “Mes de Vida”. Para información adicional, comuníquese con Maria Wadsworth al [email protected] o (305) 299-8840.




The Bible: A Book Of Faith Written By A People Of Faith To A Community Of Faith

“Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” And stretching out his hand toward his disciples he said: “Here are my mother and my brothers. Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (Mt 12:48-50) Come join this group of disciples as we open up the Gospel of Matthew to learn what it means to live in the Household of our Heavenly Father.

Our journey begins September 19, 2011 Monday Night 7:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Hospitality Room “C” For more information call Pat Green (305) 854-8015

Schools of Community (SoC) from Communion and Liberation (CL) to begin at Saint Louis: Communion and Liberation (CL) is a movement which grew out of the educational and catechetical methods of Msgr. Giussani. School of Community (SoC) is a weekly gathering of our peers in which we discuss the works of Msgr. Giussani and relate them to how we find Christ in our everyday lives. People gather as a community of friends in Christ to become increasingly open to His grace and grow in holiness. SoC for Adults will be led by Dr. Jose Pedro Redondo beginning Friday September 9 from 8:00 to 9:15 pm in the Conference room. SoC for High School students will be led by Dr. Vickie Borras and Elena Nuñez beginning Wednesday September 14th from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in the Conference room. SoC for College students are led by Father Luis Rivero on Tuesdays from 8:00 to 9:00 pm at FIU South Campus. For more information on these SoCs contact Maria Teresa Lopez at 305/238-7562 (Ext 121) or www. clonline.org

Third Annual Respect Life Benefit Pilgrimage To The Holy Land November 10-21 Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Dead Sea, Galilee, Cyprus, Turkey, Greece. Spiritual leaders: Fr. John Fink, Spiritual Director for Catholic Charismatic Ministry, and Fr. Peter West, Associate Director, Priests for Life. Eleven nights (nine on pilgrimage cruise and one night in Athens, Greece) $3,293 + $789 in port charges, taxes and Gov. Fees and include round trip air from Miami, transfers, tours, and meals. This is a very unique experience. We are traveling on a small ship following the footsteps of Jesus and St. Paul. The entire ship is on a Spiritual Journey. Reservations accepted through October 15th. For more information call Suzanne @ 305-6649202 or visit www.faithfultravels.org Para información en español, llame a Natcha al 305-432-8590.

Gran Peregrinacion “ Tras Las Huellas De Juan Pablo II Y Sor Faustina En Polonia” Salida: Octubre, 02/2011 Regreso: Octubre,10/2011 POLONIA: la tierra del Papa Juan Pablo II y de una gente de espíritu inquebrantable y Fé fuerte dónde la religión siempre estaba unida a la historia del país. En el 2008 celebramos el 30º aniversario del pontificado de Juan Pablo II, en 2009 recordamos su primera e inolvidable peregrinación a Polonia. El monasterio de los Paulinos Jasna Gora en Czestochowa con la milagrosa imagen de la Virgen Negra, la patrona de Polonia y la virgen más venerada del país, celebrará los 700 años de su existencia. En 2009 pasaron 70 años desde la muerte de Sor Faustina Kowalska a la que Juan Pablo II llamaba “la gran Apóstol de la Misericordia Divina de nuestros tiempos”. . Todos estos aniversarios hacen de Polonia un lugar idóneo para peregrinar y recordar los grandes momentos del catolicismo polaco y mundial en los principales lugares de culto del país. Para mayor información ó hacer su reservación, comuníquese con con Lilliam ó Antonio Morales de QVI Travel Group, Inc. Tel. (305)322-8900 ó vía email: [email protected]


Retiros de Emaus

“Knights of Columbus” St Louis Council 14730

Retiro para Damas


9 al 11 de Septiembre, 2011 Si no has hecho tu retiro de Emaús, esta es tu oportunidad de tener ese encuentro tan especial con el Señor. Las servidoras del equipo de Emaús te invitan al próximo retiro. Puedes obtener aplicaciones en la rotonda después de las misas en Español o en la oficina de la Iglesia. Para más información puedes llamar a Nancy Sánchez al 305-495-7241 ó Maria Puyada al 305-801-4199.

Retiro para Caballeros

23 al 25 de Septiembre, 2011 Los hermanos de Emaús te invitamos para que aproveches esta oportunidad de encontrarte con Jesús intimamente. El retiro se realizará en la Casa de Retiros “SEPI” situada en el 7700 SW 56th Street, Miami, FL 33155. Para más información comunicate con: Guillermo Hasbun 305-332-3000; Roberto Puyada 305-804-4199; Carlos Lerena, 786-301-4373.

GK: Jim Loretta 305-968-8010 or [email protected] DGK: Richard Goethel 305-803-2208 or [email protected]  

General Meeting with Dinner Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 Location: St Louis Family Center Setup/Check in: 7:00 - 7:30 PM Who: KNIGHTS ALL Men are encouraged to join the Knights of Columbus. We are a fraternal order of Catholic Men whose mission is to do works of charity to Benefit our parish and our community. Please call GK Jim Loretta at 305-968-8010 for more information

BOOKSTORE Will resume scheduled hours on Tuesday Sept. 6th as follow: Tuesday/martes through Friday/viernes 9 - 11:00 am Saturday/sábado open after the 5:30 pm Mass Sunday/domingo 10:30 am - 2:00 pm

Mass Intentions, Saints & Readings for the Week Intenciones de la Misa, Santos y Lecturas para la Semana

Monday/lunes Labor Day Sept. 5th Col 1: 24 2: 3; Lk 6: 6-11 6:30 am Phillip Carlton-Happy Birthday 8:30 am + Fr. Thomas Barry/St. Louis Parish Family + Mons. Vicente F. Zazpe/Francisco Pami Tuesday/martes Sept. 6th Col 2: 6-15; Lk 6: 12-19 6:30 am Anastasia Mello-Happy Birthday 8:30 am + José Bujan/Lourdes Bujan + Wayne Johnson/Ann Carpenter Wednesday/miércoles Sept. 7th Col 3: 1-11; Lk 6: 20-26 6:30 am + Miguel Cuello/Toni Mamert 8:30 am + Souls in Purgatory 7:30 pm + Magolita & Veronica Lopez/Lopez-Londoño Family Thursday/jueves Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sept. 8th Rom 8: 28-30; Mt 1:18-23 6:30 am + Souls in Purgatory 8:30 am + Pietro Mortalo/Toni Mamert

Friday/viernes St. Peter Claver, priest Sept. 9th 1 Tm 1: 1-2, 12-14; Lk 6: 39-42 6:30 am + Souls in Purgatory 8:30 am + Pierre Mamert/Toni Mamert Saturday/sábado Sept. 10th 1 Tm 1: 15-17; Lk 6: 43-49 8:30 am + Mercedes Marlate/Juan Carlos Camelo 5:30 pm + Mercedes Marlate/Loving Daughter + Elizabeth Vamos/Vamos Family Sunday/domingo Twenty-Four Sunday in Ordinary Time Sept. 11th Sir 27: 30 28: 9; Rom 14: 7-9; Mt 18: 21-35 7:00 am + Recently Deceased/Bereavement Min. 8:15 am + Sergio H Perez/Odalis Tomas 9:30 am + Dulce & Emilia Diaz/Loving Famiily + Elizabeth Vamos/Vamos Family 11:00 am St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests Aida Wells-Happy Birthday 12:30 pm Maggie Proulx-Happy Birthday In Thanksgiving/F.F.& R. Family 5:30 pm Catherine Antoine/Ghislaine Johnson + Pami & Medizabal’s Family Members 7:15 pm + Arnulfo Arribas/Ulvia Castillo + Alfonso Cabra Lara/Uven & Gloria Rodriguez

Midnight Musings Pensamientos de Media Noche 8

New Year’s in the Fall I don’t care what the calendar says. It feels like New Years in our parish. At this time of year most of our pastoral programs come to life again. Some ministries never stop: our care for the sick, the home bound, and the imprisoned, our liturgical ministries, marriage preparation, etc – these ministries function year around. Some programs that have been on a hiatus over the summer get started again. But others that have been ongoing get a kind of reset and reboot. The bulletin is full of many new opportunities for our spiritual growth and involvement in ministries. Education and spiritual formation take many shapes and forms. We offer many programs for children, teens, and adults. Our parochial school serves children and parents throughout the school year. Parents, faculty and administration work in a variety of committees and ministries to create a vibrant atmosphere where adults and children can find opportunities for growth. Religious Education programs (CCD) provide classes Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for children to learn their faith. We have classes not only for sacramental preparation years but also for the on-going education of students. Youth Ministry serves our Junior High and High School students. Some prepare for Confirmation; others continue their religious growth and formation. Our Youth Ministry reflects how much good God continues to do for our young people. You can find a variety of bible classes or spiritual formation groups, as in Ignatian spirituality. Adults have education needs too. These classes touch the head and the heart. RCIA meets different needs. Some Catholic adults have not received Communion or Confirmation. Some adults want to be baptized. Some baptized adults want to join the Church. Classes in English or Spanish serve these adult to integrate them into the parish community. We are grateful to all the people who make these ministries possible. This is Stewardship in action, in service, and in formation. In Christ,

Año Nuevo en Otoño No me importa lo que diga el calendario. En nuestra Parroquia se siente como en Año Nuevo. En esta época de año todos los programas pastotrales toman vida. Algunos ministerios nunca paran: como es el caso del cuidado a los enfermos, visita a los enfermos y a las cárceles, los ministerios de la liturgia, preparación matrimonial, etc. - estos ministerios funcionan todo el año. Algunos programas que han estado en descanso durante el verano comienzan de nuevo. Pero otros que han estado en función todo el año necesitan reorganizarse y revitalizarse. El Boletín está lleno de oportunidades para nuestro crecimiento espiritual y para involucrarse en ministerios. La Educación y la formación espiritual en todas sus formas. Ofrecemos programas para niño, jóvenes y adultos. Nuestra Escuela Parroquial está sirviendo a niños y sus padres a través de todo el año escolar. Los padres, la facultad y la administración trabajan en diferentes comités y ministerios para crear una atmósfera vibrante donde adultos y niños encuentren oportunidades de crecer. El Programa de Educación Religiosa (CCD) ofrece clases lunes, martes y miércoles para que los niño aprendan su fe. Tenemos clases no sólo para la preparación de los sacramentos sino también para la continua educación de los niños. El Ministerio de Jóvenes sirve a los estudiantes de Escuela Intermedia y Escuela Superior. Algunos se preparan para la Confirmación; otros continuan su crecimiento espiritual y formación. Nuestro Ministerio de Jóvenes reflexiona en cuanto bien Dios continua haciendo en nuestros jóvenes. Encontrarán una gran variedad de Estudios Bíblicos, grupos de formación espiritual, como los Ejercicios Ignacianos. Los adultos también tienen necesidades de educación. Estas clases no sólo tocan la mente sino también el corazón. RCIA llena otras necesidades. Algunos adultos Católicos no han recibido la Comunión o la Confirmación. Otros desean ser bautizados. Algunos adultos bautizados desean unirse a la Iglesia. Clases en Ingles y Español ayudan a estos adultos a integrarse en la comunidad parroquial. Estamos muy agradecidos a todas estas personas que hacen posible que estos ministerios funcionen. Esto es Stewardship en acción, en servicio y en formación. En Cristo,

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