SAINT LAWRENCE THE MARTYR CATHOLIC CHURCH 4325 Don Julio Boulevard North Highlands, CA 95660 10 July 2016 Parish Office 916.332.4777 ▪ Fax 916.332.8

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Story Transcript

SAINT LAWRENCE THE MARTYR CATHOLIC CHURCH 4325 Don Julio Boulevard North Highlands, CA 95660

10 July 2016

Parish Office 916.332.4777 ▪ Fax 916.332.8325

MISSION STATEMENT The mission of our community is rooted in Jesus the Christ. This mission is to hear, respond to and proclaim the word of God as found in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. Through the Sunday Eucharist we are called to ongoing conversion and personal spiritual formation. As a community, we are challenged to provide mutual support for a Catholic Christian lifestyle and are empowered to use our gifts to minister to the needs of others. We commit ourselves to the beatitudes, to the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, and to minister to the larger communities in which we live and work. We respect the dignity of every person, at all ages and stages of life. We hand on our Catholic heritage through catechesis, worship, service and witness. In carrying out this mission we further the kingdom of God in our midst.



Saturday Vigil (English) Sábado Vigilia (Español) 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Sunday (English) 8:00 am & 10:00 am

Domingo (Español) 1:00 pm



Monday-Friday 8:00 am

Monday-Friday 8:30 am

RECONCILIATION/CONFESIONES Tuesday 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

PARISH OFFICE HOURS/HORAS DE OFICINA Monday through Friday / Lunes a Viernes 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm

NUESTRA MISIÓN La misión de nuestra comunidad tiene su raíz en Jesucristo. Esta misión es escuchar, responder y proclamar la palabra de Dios que se encuentra en las escrituras Hebreas y Cristianas. Por la Eucaristía del Domingo, estamos llamados a una conversión continua y a una formación espiritual personal. Como una comunidad, tenemos el reto de proporcionar apoyo mutuo para un estilo de vida Cristiana Católica y tenemos las facultades para utilizar nuestros dones en las necesidades de los demás. Nos comprometemos a vivir las Bienaventuranzas, las obras de misericordia corporales y espirituales y a servir a las comunidades más grandes en las que vivimos y trabajamos. Respetamos la dignidad de cada persona, en todas las edades y etapas de la vida. Entregamos nuestra herencia Católica a través de catequesis, adoración al culto divino, servicio y testimonio. Viviendo esta misión, nosotros vivimos el Reino de Dios en la tierra.

PARISH STAFF/ EQUIPO PARROQUIAL Rev. Isnardo Serrano, COR, Parroquial Admnistrator Deacon Donald Galli, Deacon [email protected] Mr. Tony Neria, Music Director [email protected] Mrs. Cora Chanco, Music Coordinator Mrs. Yolanda Fletes-Villalba, Receptionist/Administrative Assistant [email protected] Ms. Elizabeth Peterson, Receptionist Mrs. Diana Jimenez, Bookkeeper Mr. Herb Edwards, Parish Facilities Coordinator Mrs. Margarita Toledo, Parish Programs Coordinator

Infant Baptisms/Bautismos: This includes children up to 6 years. Parents and God-parents must complete a preparation class. Please call the Parish Office for information. Se llevan a cabo el primer Sábado del mes para niños menores de 6 años. Los papás y padrinos tienen que asistir a una clase. Llame a la Oficina Parroquial para más información. Christian Initiation: Children and adults seeking to become fully initiated members of the Catholic Church may call the Parish Office for information. Catholics Come Home: Catholics wishing to return to the church or to become more connected to the church may call the Parish Office for further information. Weddings/Bodas: Couples planning marriage at St. Lawrence are asked to call the Parish Office at least six months prior to anticipated wedding date. Couples are also required to complete a marriage preparation program. Las parejas que desean contraer matrimonio necesitan llamar a la oficina con seis meses de anticipación. Se require que completen el programa de preparación para el matrimonio. Parish Registration/Registración: We welcome new parishioners. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church and in the Parish Office. Please notify the Parish Office of moves or changes in address or telephone number. Nuevos feligreses son siempre bienvenidos. Las formas para registro se encuentran a la entrada de la Iglesia y en la Oficina. Por favor notifique a la Oficina de cualquier cambio de domicilio o número de teléfono.

Page Two

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 10, 2016

GO AND DO LIKEWISE ANDA Y HAZ TÚ LO MISMO La señorita González, la decana de los estudiantes de la Miss Collins, the dean of students at Olympic High School, Escuela Secundaria Olimpo, ya estaba cansada de regañar a was past the point of scolding Matt, though she liked him very Mateo, a pesar de que le caía muy bien. "Cuatro castigos much. "Four detentions in two weeks are too many." Still Matt después de clase en dos semanas es demasiado". wouldn't tell. It was only after Miss Collins went on a morning Sin embargo Mateo permanecía en silencio. Sólo después neighborhood patrol that she found out the real reason for Matt's de que la señorita González fuera en una ronda matutina por el tardiness. Thump, thump, thump, came the wheelchair down vecindario descubrió la verdadera razón de las tardanzas de the stairs. It was Matt, steadying Shawnetta as he helped ¿Quién es mi Mateo. Pataplún, cayó la silla de ruedas por las escaleras. Era lower her down the stairs and then push her to the corner bus projimo? Mateo, sujetando a Dolores mientras ayudaba a que la bajaran stop. por las escaleras y luego la empujaba hasta la parada de autobús. "She's a girl in my parish youth group," Matt explained to Miss "Es una chica de mi grupo de jóvenes de la parroquia" Mateo le Collins. There are many ways to describe Matt's actions--a random explicó a la señorita González. Hay muchas formas de describir las act of kindness, making a difference one person at a time. Jesus acciones de Mateo -un acto de bondad al azar, marcar una diferencia would understand. When the lawyer correctly identified the good en la vida de una persona a la vez. Jesús entendería. Cuando el Samaritan as the one who had treated the injured man with abogado identificó correctamente al buen samaritano como el que compassion, Jesus said simply, "Go and do likewise" (Luke 10:37). había tratado al hombre herido con compasión, Jesús simplemente Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co dijo: "Anda y haz tú lo mismo" (Lucas 10:37). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co


FOR THE WEEK Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 10:34 -- 11:1 Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15; Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab,15-21; Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd,16; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21 Sunday: Gen 18:1-10a; Ps 15:2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42 Liturgy of the Hours II


Monday: Tuesday:

Lunes: Martes:



Jorge Alfaro, Jesus Ayala, Charles Chesmore, Theresa Chesmore, Carolyn Farr, Don Gorham, Dennis Morelli, Rafael Sanchez, John Scalice, Jr., Sara Velazquez


Veronica Arrezola, Maria Cuevas, Donna, Elizabeth Gonzalez, Rebecca Ann Janes, Carmen Martinez, Martha Nava, Macaria Sanchez, Terriquez Flores Family, Michael & Shannon Van Buelow, Winnifreda


BAPTISMS / BAUTISMOS 21 de Julio 18 de Agosto Bautismos: 6 de Agosto Class: Baptism:

July 22 Aug 13

Liturgia de las Horas II

Fiscal Year Jul 1—Jun 30 / Año fiscal 1° de Julio al 30 de Junio 1ST COLLECTION: Wk Ending June 19 2ND COLLECTION: Facility Fund


7:00 pm 7:00 pm 10:00 am

Rm 2 CH

7:00 pm 10:00 am

ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASSES Have you been thinking about receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation? Classes for Adult Confirmation will be beginning on Monday, September 12. To register, please stop by or call the Parish Office (332.4777).

— —

$ 5,415.29 $ 3,830.00

Second Collection for July  July 16 & 17 Facility Fund/Fondo de Mantenimiento



Richard Allen, Blanca Arabi, Karine Cardenas, Bernie Castillo, Irene Cervantes, María Cuevas, Evangelina Diaz, Carolyn Effnerd, Darrell Farr, John Franks, Dennise Gerald, Elizabeth Gonzalez, Ron Helgenson, Sheila Janes, Elaine Johnson, Jay Johnson, Rose Klug, Norman Lobo, Jane Mailhoo, Yolanda Martin, Sandi Morelli, Dennis Morelli, Jr, Gerardo Negrete, Heather Schroder, Mary Raya, Jose, Norma, Alma, Ernesto y Alejandro Reyes, Lucila Reyes, Joselis Rolón, Fam. Sanchez Perez, Melissa Tallman, Bob Walters, Carrie Welter Clase:

DE LA SEMANA Is 1:10-17; Sal 50 (49):8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 10:34 -- 11:1 Is 7:1-9; Sal 48 (47):2-8; Mt 11:20-24 Miércoles: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Sal 94 (93):5-10, 14-15; Mt 11:25-27 Jueves: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Sal 102 (101):13-14ab, 15-21; Mt 11:28-30 Viernes: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16; Mt 12:1-8 Sábado: Mi 2:1-5; Sal 10 (9):1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21 Domingo: Gen 18:1-10a; Sal 15 (14):2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lc 10:38-42

JUL 10

JUL 11 JUL 12 JUL 13

JUL 14 JUL 15

Saverio P. Sacco, Stanley K. Jeno, John W. Davis, John V. Volz, Jr., Lou Lynch, Mickey Artajo, Georgina Johnson, Rogelio Johnson, Rogelio Bacani, Loretta Eberhard, Rosie Gonzales, Margaret Winters Mary Ann Tylar, Clarence Scheuble, Chauncey E. Johnson, Germaine Pauly, Thomas McMillan, James Marth, Evangeline Hadnot Violet Cassel, Peter J. Muehe Stephen Macinauskas, Amada Ordonez, Ornila Welch, Lupe Zapata, Annelies Pointer, Cesear Mistica Alyce Francis, Ann P. Gipson, Walter Campbell, Joseph Arruda, Vincent Corral, Cheryl Yakovich Young, Ed Gaffney, Florenco Lohn, Slaviano Arupo, William Jordan, Jr. Daniel Cabral, Dorothy Brennan, Jose Zapanta, Barbara Collins, Hilda Weber Ernest Medina, John Stembkoski, Christian Hagel, Jr., John Lisica, Lonnie Karsten


There’s an old saying that goes, “Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.” Maybe you have been away from the Church for a little while or for quite some time but now you feel a tug at your heart calling you back to the Catholic Church. Listen to that hug. It’s your Heavenly Father reaching his arms to you, the Holy Spirit whispering in our ear, hoping to draw you home. Classes will be starting on Monday, September 12. Please call the Parish Office for further information or to register (332.4777).

Page Three

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Acting with mercy Key Passage: “But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him was moved with compassion at the sight. He approached the victim, poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them. Then he lifted him up on his own animal, took him to an inn and cared for him.” (Luke 10:33-34) Adult: When have you gone out of your way to help a stranger in need? Youth: Would you go out of your way to help someone even if you were ridiculed for doing it?


Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Actuar con misericordia Pasaje Biblico: “Pero un samaritano que viajaba por allí, al pasar junto a él, lo vio y se conmovió. Entonces se acercó y vendó sus heridas, cubriéndolas con aceite y vino; después lo puso sobre su propia montura, lo condujo a un albergue y se encargó de cuidalo.” (Lucas 10:33-34) ADULTO: ¿Cuando has hecho hasta lo imposible para ayudar a un extraño? JOVENES: ¿Harías hasta lo imposible para ayudar a alguien aun cuando fueras ridiculizado por eso? ST. VINCENT DE PAUL IN SERVICE


FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME In today’s Gospel, when Jesus asks “which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor to the robbers’ victim?” the scholar of the law answered, “the one who treated him with mercy.” Jesus then said, “Go and do likewise.” This week you can also “treat the poor with mercy” by making a donation to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. CONFERENCE MEETING DATES July 13 PCMR 7:00 pm JULY 27 PCMR 7:00 pm BUNDLE SUNDAY COLLECTION The Conference will hold the next Bundle Sunday on July 17, 2016 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm in front of St. Lawrence Hall. (look for the SVdP Truck) Your donations of new or gently used household items, clothing, kitchen utensils, toys, linens and other useable goods are welcome. A list of acceptable and non-acceptable items will be posted on the parish web page or call Jim Floyd at 916.804.1731 if you have questions. Thank you St. Lawrence for your generous donations.


The St. Lawrence Conference of St. Vincent de Paul is seeking individuals who want to help people in need. If you can spare a few hours to share your time and talents doing the caring work of Jesus, please contact Marilyn Brewer (920-3325).


7817 Old Auburn Blvd, Citrus Heights, CA (916.722.7788)

Open Enrollment - Preschool thru 8th grade Holy Family Catholic School is currently accepting applications for the 2016-2017 school year where he program is dedicated to educating the whole child and to nurture Christ-like behavior in one another. For over 50 years students emerged with a solid educational foundation and a deeper commitment to their faith, families and community. The goal of the school is to ensure that each student will enter high school prepared to succeed in reaching their educational and person goals. For further information, please contact the school at 916.722.7788 or

July 10, 2016


The next Holy Hour is scheduled for Monday, July 11, from 6:00—7:00 pm. Todos los Lunes tenemos la Hora Santa de las 6:00 pm a las 7:00 pm. La próxima Hora Santa será el 11 de Julio. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION

The first "presbyters" were advisers to the bishops rather than what we would call "priests," yet by the year 1000 our present-day understanding of the ordained priesthood is clearly in place. The Germanic influence was strong in those days, reflected in a series of questions posed to the candidate about his intentions. The priest's role in the celebration of Mass had by then come to the fore, as the ritual notes that Mass vestments must be worn, the hands of the priest must be anointed with chrism, and a chalice with wine and water and a paten with a host must be given. Up to then, the ordination rite had stressed the presbyter as a collaborator with the bishop and a member of the order of presbyters. Then, in a not-so-subtle shift, the presbyter came to be seen as a "priest" designated to celebrate the Mass and, as the prayer suggests, to touch the chalice. By these days, remember, the cup had long vanished from Communion for the laity. A thousand years ago, today's patterns were already in place. The priest no longer saw himself as a member of a council of elders, a presbytery, and in some dioceses he had little influence over the bishop. Instead, he was either a pastor, with relationship to the eucharistic community in the parish, or he was a priest monk, offering Mass for the salvation of the departed or the intentions of the living. Rev. James Field, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.


Desde 1913, en la ciudad de Puntarenas, Costa Rica, la Virgen del Carmen es reconocida como la Virgen del Mar. En aquel año un barco llamado el Galileo naufraga en una tempestad y el pueblo angustiado por sus seres queridos recurrió al templo de la Virgen para pedir auxilio. Algunos días después todos los tripulantes fueron rescatados y llevados a Puntarenas. Según los tripulantes, mientras las lluvias y vientos amenazaban al Galileo una mujer los animó a que se echasen al agua y nadaran a tierra firme. Allí ella los alimentó y los acompañó hasta que fueron rescatados. Llenos de alegría, el pueblo llevó a los rescatados a la iglesia para dar gracias. Estos reconocieron a la Virgen del Carmen como la mujer que los había ayudado. Desde entonces el sábado más cercano al 16 de julio, el pueblo celebra en grande la fiesta del Carmen con grandes desfiles de barcos y yates. Entre música y fuegos artificiales los costarricenses vienen en embarcaciones adornadas desde toda la nación a celebrar con la Virgen del Mar que también se encuentra en una embarcación. Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co


7817 Old Auburn Blvd, Citrus Heights, CA (916.722.7788)

Registración Abierta—Desde Preschool hasta el 8˚ grado La Escuela Católica de la Sagrada Familia está aceptando estudiantes para el año 2016-2017 cuyo programa está dedicado a educar a los niños y a nutrirlos con una actitud Cristiana para con los demás. Por más de 50 años los estudiantes han salido de ahi con una educación sólida y un compromiso profundo a su fe, a su familia y a su comunidad. El reto de la escuela es asegurarse de que cada estudiante llegue a la preparatoria listo para tener éxito en sus metas personales y educacionales. Para más información, llamar a la oficina de la escuela al 916-722-7788 o a traves del internet a

Página Cuatro

Decimoquinto Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario


I am very happy to be assigned to St. Lawrence Church. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I was born in Colombia February 13, 1970 to Arturo Serrano and María Luisa Rodriguez. On March 21, 1998, I was ordained a Priest in Ipiales Nariño, Colombia and belong to the Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri. In Colombia, I served as a school teacher and a Pastor of our church for six years. I also served as Superior of our religious community for three years. In January 16, 2006, I immigrated to the U.S. and have served in the following Sacramento diocese locations: parishes in Williams area, and Saint Vincent Ferrer Parish (Vallejo) and Immaculate Conception Parish (Sacramento). With love and happiness, I look forward to working with the St. Lawrence community in evangelizing and building up the Kingdom of God.


Estoy muy feliz de llamar a la comunidad de San Lorenzo mi nuevo hogar. Nací en Colombia el día 13 de Febrero de 1970, hijo de Arturo Serrano y María Luisa Rodríguez. Ordenado Sacerdote el 21 de Marzo de 1998, en Ipiales Nariño, Colombia. Pertenezco a la Congregación del Oratorio de San Felipe Neri. En Colombia desempeñe mi ministerio Sacerdotal como maestro de nuestra escuela, luego fui Pastor de nuestra iglesia por 6 años, durante 3 años fuí Superior de la comunidad. Llegue a los Estados Unidos el 16 de Enero de 2006 y trabajé en las parroquias de Williams, y Saint Vincent Ferrer en Vallejo. He sido nombrado Pastor de la parroquia de San Lorenzo, y estoy dispuesto a trabajar con amor y alegría en la tarea de la evangelización y así poder ayudar a la misión de la bella construcción del Reino de Dios.


Virtual World Youth Day will take place on Saturday, July 30 to Sunday, July 31 from Noon – Noon at Trinity Pines Catholic Center in Colfax, CA. The day will be an opportunity for high school aged youth, unable to travel to Poland in July, to experience the global church without having to leave California. This celebration of youth will feature APEX Ministries (, music by Jeremy and Ryan (, Adoration, Mass with Bishop Myron Cotta, and Bishop Jaime Soto live from Krakow, Poland. Registration information and more information about the day is available online at or contact Jennifer Campbell at [email protected]


El Día Mundial de la Juventud Virtual, se llevará a cabo el sábado 30 de julio del mediodía al domingo, 31 de julio del mediodía, en el Centro Católico “Trinity Pines” en Colfax, CA. Esta es una gran oportunidad para los jóvenes que no pueden viajar a Polonia en julio, y de esta forma experimentar la iglesia global sin tener que salir de California. Esta celebración de los jóvenes contará con Ministerios APEX, la música de Jeremy and Ryan (, Adoración, Misa con el Obispo Myron Cotta, y en vivo desde Krakow, Polonia al Obispo Jaime Soto. La información de registro y obtener más información acerca de este día está disponible por internet en o contacte a Jennifer Campbell en [email protected] PRAY FOR OUR SEMINARIAN / REZA POR NUESTRO SEMINARISTA Summer Assignment: Spanish Language Immersion Program in Mexico. Steven is scheduled to go on Pastoral Year Internship for the 2016-2017 school year. STEVEN WOOD - Mount Angel Seminary

10 de Julio de 2016

TOWER OF DAVID, PRAY FOR US “. . . If we do what we have always done, what our fathers did before us, we cannot go wrong. Satan wants to destroy this prayer, but in this he will never succeed. The Rosary is the prayer of those who triumph over everything and everyone. It was Our Lady who taught us this prayer, just as it was Jesus who taught us the Our Father.” --Padre Pío


Admirable Saint and Doctor of Humility, you practiced what you taught, assiduously praying for God’s glory and lovingly fulfilling all work for God and the benefit of all human beings. You know the many physical dangers that surround us today, often caused or occasioned by human inventions. Guard us against poisoning of the body as well as of mind and soul, and thus be truly a “Blessed one for us”. Amen


Oh, Dios que al beatisimo confessor San Benito enriqueciste con el espíritu de todo los justos, concédenos a todos los que recordamos su memoria que, llenos del mismo espíritu, cumplamos con fidelidad lo que te prometimos en el bautismo, y con la ponderosa intercesión del Santo Patriarca San Benito, me vea liberado siempre de toda influencia diabólica, envidias, traiciones maldades, y también de los malos pensamientos y tentaciones, por Cristo Nuestro Señor, que vive y reina por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.


Though the New York State Thruway runs close by the North American Martyrs’ Shrine, traffic’s roar never pierces the peace enveloping Auriesville— Ossernon to Native Americans—in the lovely Mohawk Valley, where Kateri Tekakwitha was born barely ten years after the martyrdom of Isaac Jogues and his Jesuit and lay companions. Daughter of a Christian Algonquin mother and nonChristian Mohawk chief, Kateri’s parents died in a smallpox epidemic widely blamed on the missionaries. Moreover, many Native Americans had experienced exploitation at the hands of “Christian” traders and trappers, further discrediting the faith Kateri embraced in baptism, then pledged to live even more intensely in vowed virginity. Misunderstanding led to harassment, prompting her move to a Christian village farther north along the Saint Lawrence River. Despite this, Kateri’s faith remained undaunted, her selfless charity undiminished. Both before and after her death at twenty-four, this young “Lily of the Mohawks” drew countless converts to Christ by the fragrance of her goodness. Through us, does “the aroma of Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:15), attract others to the beauty of his gospel? —Peter Scagnelli, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.



There are a still few openings available in some classes in our Religious Education Program for the 2016-2017 school year. Call 332.4777 or drop by the Parish Office to insure a spot for your child(ren). Todavía tenemos algunos espacios disponibles para el Programa de Educación Religiosa. Llame a la oficina por favor para más información (332-4777).

Página Cinco

Decimoquinto Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario


5:00 pm…Delia & Wilfredo Escartin (Thanksgiving) 7:00 pm …Sara Velazquez …Animas del Purgatorio





Holy Hour


Tues July 12

Christians in Commerce English Classes Confessions

PCMR Rm. #3 CH

6:45 am 12:30 pm 5:00-6:30 pm

Wed July 13

SVDP Grupo de Oración


7:00 pm 7:00 pm

…Souls in Purgatory

Thurs July 14

English Classes

Rm. #3

12:30 pm

…Souls in Purgatory …Bernie Castillo (Healing)

Fri July 15

Spanish Choir


5:00 pm



12:00 noon

8:00 am …Souls in Purgatory 10:00 am …Bruno Geronimo …Norma Geronimo (B-Day) …Angel Baraoidan (B-Day) 1:00 pm …Animas del Purgatorio

M O ND A Y , J U L Y 1 1

T U E SD A Y , J U L Y 12

W E D NE SD A Y , J U L Y 13

…Gavin W. Bantad (B-Day) …Sheila Janes (Healing)

T H U R SD A Y , J U L Y 14

…Blanca Arabi (Healing) …Jose Chanco (Healing)

F R I D A Y , J U L Y 15

…Souls in Purgatory


5:00 pm…Patricio Mascarenas …Fred Romero …Phillip John Tabada 7:00 pm …Angelina Zamora …Animas del Purgatorio

S U N D A Y , J U L Y 17

8:00 am …Souls in Purgatory 10:00 am …Souls in Purgatory 1:00 pm …Francisco Quiroz Navarro …Animas del Purgatorio

CLASES DE INGLES Martes & Jueves Tenemos clases de Inglés aquí en nuestra parroquia los días Martes y los Jueves a las 12:30 pm. ¡Ven y aprende Inglés! No tienes que registrarte, nada mas ven a la clase directamente. Para más información llamar a la oficina 916.332.4777.



Sun July 10 Mon July 11


July 10


10 de Julio de 2016

Monthly Pancake Breakfast STLH 7:30 pm Business Meeting GH 7:30 pm


The Knights of Columbus Council 4991 is open to all Catholic men 18 years or older who seek to answer the call of service to Jesus and the church through their time, talents, and treasure. To learn how you can become a Knight of Columbus, please contact Monte Austin, Grand Knight (715.7386).

Sat July 16

7:00 pm

Sunday July 17 CH Church GH Gabrielli Hall STLH St Lawrence Hall

PCMR Parish Center Meeting Room


Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Could anyone object to Jesus' supreme lesson in mercy, the parable of the Good Samaritan? Jesus' devoutly religious audience certainly did! Scant sympathy for anyone foolish enough to travel crime-ridden "Jericho Highway" alone. Much sympathy for priest and Levite, hurrying to assigned temple ministry, unwilling to risk ritual impurity through hands-on mercy. No sympathy for Jesus' scandalous hero. Samaritans were religious apostates and political enemies. Jesus challenges them--and us--to seek God's presence not only in liturgical beauty but in a fellow traveler's self-inflicted misfortunes. See God's presence even in someone outside the law, whose hands-on mercy springs not from religious obligation but from the heart's instinctive goodness. Since Jesus became our "Good Samaritan" despite our foolishness and sins, who are we to ration our mercy? "Who is my neighbor?" (Luke 10:29). The next person we see who needs hands-on mercy! No conditions, no limits, no exceptions. Especially in this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Jesus commands, "Go and do likewise" (10:37). Peter Scagnelli, Copyright ©, J. S. Paluch Co

GRUPO DE ORACIÓN PARROQUIAL Tienes una cita con el Señor todos los Miércoles a las 7:00 pm para alabarlo y aprender de su Palabra. El Señor me libró de todos mis temores. Salmo 33:5

Rm(s) Classrooms

AÑO JUBILAR DE LA MISERICORDIA Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

¿Podría haber alguien que contradijera la excelente lección de misericordia en la parábola del Buen Samaritano? ¡Claro, la audiencia de Jesús que era religiosamente devota lo hizo! Muy poca simpatía gozaba alguien lo suficientemente tonto como para viajar solo por "el camino de Jericó" lleno de criminales. Bastante simpatía tenía un sacerdote y un levita, quienes a prisa se dirigían a realizar su trabajo en el templo, y que preferían evitar hacer una obra de misericordia evitando quedar impuros para la realización del culto. Nada de simpatía para la persona atenta que presenta Jesús. Para los judíos los samaritanos eran sus enemigos, tanto religiosa como políticamente. Jesús los desafía --y también a nosotros-- a buscar la presencia de Dios no solamente en la hermosura de la liturgia sino en esa persona extraña viajera que cayo en desgracia. Observa la presencia de Dios aún en alguien que está fuera de la Ley, quien hace una obra de misericordia que brota más de la bondad instintiva de su corazón que por sus obligaciones religiosas. Ya que Jesús se hizo nuestro "Buen Samaritano" pese a nuestras culpas y necedad, ¿quiénes somos nosotros para medir nuestra misericordia? ¿Quién es mi prójimo? (Lucas 10:29). ¡La próxima persona que veamos que necesita una obra de misericordia! Sin condiciones, sin limites, sin excepciones. Especialmente en este Año Jubilar de misericordia, Jesús ordenó "vete y haz tú lo mismo" (10:37).

Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co

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