Scaffolders Operative Handbook - Print Ready Sept '21 Flipbook PDF

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PLANT & SCAFFOLDING Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Operatives & Subcontractors Handbook

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) Content ∞ Policy Statement 1. Health and Safety 2. Work safe 3. Quality Assurance 4. Environment 5. Equal Opportunities, Discrimination and Diversity 6. Harassment 7. Communication and Representation 8. Training 9. Drugs and Alcohol 10. Smoking 11. Dress Code 12. Working at Height 13. Manual Handling 14. Asbestos 15. Sharps 16. PPE 17. Accident and Incident Reporting 18. Mobile Phones, Radios and other Devices 19. Ethical 20. Inclement Weather 21. Modern Slavery 22. Bribery, Fraud and Malpractice 23. Confidentiality 24. Deposits / Tool Hire 25. Driver Checks and Road Safety 26. IT and Communications 27. General work conduct 28. Handbook Receipt Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) ∞ Policy Statement – Our Commitment The prevention of risk, accidents and ill health and the promotion of a safe working environment are integral to operational management and are supported by a competent health and safety advisory service. This handbook consists of strict policies and procedures which must followed by all Operatives. The term Operative refers to all Operatives and Subcontractor alike unless otherwise stated. 1. Health and Safety Our objectives are to: 1.1 Ensure organisational and operational structures to manage health and safety by: a) Meeting the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and all subsequent legislation and recommendation, so far as is reasonably practicable; b) Nominating a director at Board level to have responsibility for the general oversight of Health, Safety and Welfare within the Company; c) Defining managerial and Operative responsibilities; d) Explaining the arrangements for carrying out the Policy; e) Delivering comprehensive and competent advice on all health and safety matters by the established advisory service; f) Promoting safe systems of work procedures to identify hazards, assess and control risk with robust management and monitoring procedures. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) g) Continuous improvement to the reporting of Accidents, Incidents and Near Misses; h) Delivering training, seminars and workshops in the practice of health and safety; i) Providing adequate resources, including suitable equipment to meet the requirements of this Policy. 1.2 Promote a health and safety culture ensuring effective representation and participation by all Operatives of Alandale Plant and Scaffolding by: a) Providing clear and comprehensible instructions, guidance and codes of practice for all Operatives and an understanding of the law and its implementation; b) Motivation of Operatives by target setting and positive reinforcement; c) Effective joint consultation in health and safety matters; d) Operating systems of recruitment, selection and training to ensure that personnel are competent in health and safety in their work; e) Promoting effective communication to enable a common understanding of health and safety matters at all levels of the business. 1.3 Ensure the progressive improvement of Health and Safety for all workers in Alandale to: a) Identify and control risks to health and safety; b) Monitor and measure health and safety performances against predetermined targets and objectives; c) Follow appropriate reporting systems for accidents and ill health. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) 1.4 Cooperate with Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Ltd to: a) Implement changes in accordance with legal requirements, codes and guidance; b) Contribute to national and international standards and guidance to ensure that the Company remains at the forefront in health and safety performance. 2. Work safe 2.1 Purpose Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Ltd ‘ the Company’ acknowledge our responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and recognise our duty of care and undertake to maintain safe systems of work affecting the health and welfare of our Operatives. 2.2 Policy We will ensure that no one under our control is exposed to risks, either at the Company’s premises or on site. This policy has been created to protect our Operatives and to ensure that our client’s operations are not put at risk. All Operatives are briefed on the Work Safe Procedure. 2.3 Refusal to Work Where the use or operation of plant, machinery or a method of working constitutes a danger to the Operative or another person; or where site conditions constitute a danger to the Operative or another person; or where site conditions constitute a danger to the Operative or another person, the Operative may refuse to work. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) We will not discharge, suspend or discriminate against, or impose any financial or other penalty on an Operative who invokes the Refusal to Work Procedure. The Operative invoking his/her right to refuse to work must inform their immediate line manager as soon as is practical, stating the reason for the refusal. The responsibility for resolving a refusal to work situation lies with the immediate line manager in the first instance. If a resolution cannot be reached, the MD will be informed of the circumstances and his decision is final. The Operative raising the Worksafe Procedure will be informed of the decisions made, throughout the process. 3. Quality Assurance The corporate objective of the Company is to achieve long term profitability through continuous improvement of the provision of scaffolding services which:- - Meet or exceed the customers’ needs and expectations together with specified/contractual requirements, and - Enhance our standing as a contractor of high repute. To assist in achieving this objective, an integrated quality management system is operated by the Company, which complies with the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001. A Quality Manual has been developed which outlines the organisation, delegation of responsibilities and procedures, which are followed in order to achieve the Company’s objective. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) Directors and Managers are required to establish and maintain instructions and procedures to ensure that, within their areas of responsibility, Operatives understand their duties fully and carry them out to the standard required. The company has appointed a QA consultant who shall provide relevant advice and shall assist in monitoring the system and procedures and reporting to the Board the effectiveness of their continued implementation. Any disputes concerning the requirements of the Quality System shall be resolved by the Managing Director. All Operatives within the Company shall be made fully aware of the Company’s Quality Policy and objectives. Regular meetings and reviews shall be held to ensure that quality related problems are discussed and any necessary action is taken promptly. The Company acknowledges that Quality Assurance and operational efficiency are complementary and that the continual use and development of Quality Assurance systems are an important aspect of management responsibility. Training in matters relevant to Quality Assurance shall be given to managerial, supervisory staff and to Operatives as required. Audits and inspections shall be undertaken on premises and relevant sites by competent personnel. The findings of all such audits and inspections shall be passed to the relevant local manager for action and information. Adequate planning and consideration of Quality Assurance matters shall be applied to all work prior to commencement. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) Upon commencement of work, all Operatives shall be inducted to the Company in Quality Assurance matters. Operatives where necessary, may be encouraged to submit suggestions and ideas for improving Quality Assurance issues within Company operations. Statistical analysis of all Quality Assurance performance shall be collated and analysed and will be communicated throughout the Company. The Company shall implement procedures to ensure that appropriate contracts are subject to formal review with the customer on a regular basis to measure the performance of the Company regarding the specified/contractual requirement. 4. Environment The Company is committed to protecting the environment, natural resources and the health of Operatives. Our commitment extends to the incorporation of affective environmental practices in our business decision-making process. Accordingly, the Company will: 1. Comply with the Environmental Protection Act and other legislation and permits and will set more stringent standards where we believe them to be appropriate. 2. Access and reduce the adverse environmental impact of all activities, contracts and projects. 3. Identify, examine and evaluate the significant environmental effects of our activities at each operating site, where applicable. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) 4. Reduce and where reasonably practicable, prevent adverse environmental effects. 5. Conserve energy and other natural resources wherever reasonably practicable. 6. Minimise the risk of adverse environmental events and maintain a system of reporting and response. 7. Encourage and promote best practice of environmental performance in the scaffolding industry. 8. Extend the life cycle of steel, timber and other equipment performance in the scaffolding industry. 9. Encourage the contributions every Operative makes towards improving the Company’s environmental performance. 10. Invest in cost effective energy efficiency and conservation. 11. Strive to prevent any emissions or effluents, which may cause environmental damage. 12. Provide adequate resources to meet the requirements of this policy. 13. Engage in waste reduction and recycling initiatives. 14. Prevent any spillages onto land and into waterways which may have detrimental effects. 15. Provide adequate resources to help maintain this Policy. 5. Equal Opportunities, Discrimination and Diversity The Company recognises that discrimination is not only unacceptable, it is also unlawful. The Company’s aim is to ensure that no Operative is discriminated against, directly or indirectly. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) By including this policy in the Operative and Subcontractor’s Handbook, all Operatives are made aware that the Company will act in accordance with all statutory requirements and take into account any relevant codes of practice. All Operatives will be considered solely on their ability to do the job. Operatives who have a disability will receive the necessary help, within reason, to enable them to carry out their normal duties effectively. All Operatives undertake that they will not discriminate against the other staff, Operatives or any third party they encounter during the provision of their services to the Company. This policy will be assessed at regular intervals. 6. Harassment The Company will not tolerate any form of harassment or bullying. Any act of harassment or bullying is totally unacceptable. The Company intends to provide a neutral working environment in which no one feels threatened or intimidated. Harassment is a discriminatory act and is also a criminal offence. It is very difficult to define as it can take many forms, but in the main it takes the form of unwanted behaviour by one person towards another, for example: - Patronising or belittling comments - Comments about appearance/body/clothes - Unwelcomed sexual invitations or pressure - Intimidating or persuading an individual to engage in unwanted acts Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) - Displaying offensive or sexually explicit material - Unwanted physical contact Please remember the test isthat behaviour is Unwanted, Unwelcome, Uninvited and Unreciprocated. Bullying is also difficult to define. Obvious examples are: - Threats of, or actual physical violence - Unpleasant or over repeated jokes about a person - Unfair or impractical work loading 6.1 Procedure If you encounter a problem of this nature, it is vital that you make the person responsible aware that his/her remarks or conduct are offensive to you. This may be done verbally or in writing. When or if the informal approach fails or if you believe that the harassment or bullying is of a very serious nature you must bring the matter to the attention of a member of the Company’s management. If possible, you should keep notes of the harassment or bullying so that the formal complaint can be investigated, including the date, time and whereabouts of the act. A formal complaint will be investigated thoroughly and during the investigation all possible actions will be taken to separate you from the alleged harasser or bully. You will be informed of the findings of the investigation and will be given an opportunity to comment. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) If the report concludes that the allegation is well founded, the harasser or bully will be removed from site and will be banned from working on any of the Company’s projects. If you bring a complaint of harassment or bullying you will not be victimised for having brought the complaint. If however, after a full and fair investigation, the Company has grounds to believe that the complaint was brought with malicious intent, you will be removed from site and banned from working on any of the Company’s projects. This decision is final and there is no appeal procedure. 7. Communication and Representation The Company will take every step to communicate to all Operatives with particular respect to health and Safety, its products, services and plans for the future, etc. All Operatives are required to attend required Tool box talks and daily briefings. The Company will also hold meetings and talks with relevant site representatives and where necessary, Operatives will be updated on these discussions. 7.1 Telephones (including Mobile Phones) Operatives may not use the Company’s or Client’s telephone system for their own personal calls. Phones can only be used in cases of emergency to call emergency services, management, Head Office or other associated third parties. If the Operative needs to use the Company’s or Client’s phone for family emergencies, they should seek specific authority prior to doing so and any call made must be Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) within the UK and within reason. Private phones should be switched off during working hours. 7.2 Postal Mail All posted mail delivered to the Company is opened centrally even if it is addressed as personal or has confidentiality marking. Therefore, no personal mail should be sent to the Company or personal mail sent out using the Company’s franking system. 7.3 Computer Technology The Company will not tolerate any Operative using the Company’s computers for any purpose other than business use and without permission. No one may use any private software on the system. This is necessary to ensure the prevention of viruses from contaminating the business systems. Please also refer to IT and Communications section of this Handbook. 8. Training It is the Operatives responsibility to ensure their CSCS, CISRS cards and other certificates are kept up to date. You will not be allowed to work on any Company project without the correct up to date documentation. These will be monitored by the company on a regular basis. The Company will provide Tool Box Talks as well as all other relevant Health and Safety Information as and when required. From time to time, the Company will also provide when required, additional job specific training courses which will be in accordance with the Company’s Training Agreement terms and conditions but Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) Operatives must be competent in the area(s) of trade/work they provide to the Company. 9. Drugs and Alcohol It is the Company’s Policy to provide and maintain a safe working environment for all personnel, free from the adverse effects of illicit and prescribed drugs and/or alcohol. The Company will comply fully and completely with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, the Transport and Works Act of 1992, the Railway and Other Guided transport Systems Regulations, Rail Group Standard GE/RT 8070 and Network Rail Company Standard NR/CS/OHS/051 and any other applicable legislative authority. These require that all personnel entering the workplace will not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act and The Transport and Works Act make it illegal to do so. The Company will apply this policy to all persons working on behalf of the Company, whether on site, on company premises or travelling in Company vehicles. The Company will achieve this policy by: - - Requiring all staff to agree to be tested (e.g. urine, blood, breath etc.) for drugs and alcohol before or during the period of their service, if so selected. - Carrying out unannounced drugs and alcohol tests on a random basis. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) - Carrying out a drugs and alcohol test on any person who the Company (or its customers) reasonably suspects may be operating under the influence of drugs or alcohol. - Preventing Company staff from going into, or requiring them to leave their designated place of work, if it is considered they may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. - Investigating any person who fails a drug or alcohol test. (Refusing to take a test is classed a failure.) This may lead to the termination of service. - Determining what drugs are to be tested. - Report any person found possessing or providing others with drugs at work to the police. To achieve the requirements of the policy, Operatives must: - - Not carry or use any illegal substances at any time. - Not drink alcohol in the 8 hours prior to reporting for work. - Not drink any alcohol at any time whilst at work or on call for work. - Not wear Company clothing or display any company identification whilst on licensed premises. - Not report for work if they believe they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. - Notify the Company if taking medicines which might impair their judgement or ability to carry out work in a safe and competent manner. To assist in preventing personnel being under the influence of drugs or alcohol the company may:- - Encourage those with a drug problem to seek help voluntarily. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) - Provide advice on coping with the effects of drugs and alcohol. - Provide advice on the circumstances which may lead to drugs and/or alcohol dependency. - Provide information to prevent inadvertent breach of the policy (e.g. list prescription and over-the-counter drugs) which may produce a test failure. - Provide training to Managers and Supervisors to assist them to identify the effects of drugs and alcohol. The requirements of this policy will be made known to all Operatives as part of the first day induction package. Whilst the Company may offer guidance regarding drug and alcohol, the company takes a zerotolerance approach to such abuse and Operatives will be immediately removed from site where it is felt that they are in breach of this requirement. All Operative’s medical records, including any detailed information on the results of drugs and alcohol testing will be strictly confidential. 10. Smoking 10.1 Purpose The aim of this policy is to protect all Operatives, customers and visitors from exposure to second hand smoke and to comply with The Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations 2006 and The Smoke-free (Exemptions and Vehicles) Regulations 2007. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) Second hand smoke has been scientifically proven to cause lung cancer and heart disease in non-smokers as well as many other illnesses and minor conditions. 10.2 Smoke-Free It is the policy of Alandale Plant and Scaffolding that all of our workplaces and vehicles are smoke-free and all Operatives have a right to work in a smoke-free environment. 10.3 Premises Smoking is prohibited throughout the entire building, with no exceptions. However, an area has been provided externally for those who wish to smoke. Receptacles are provided for the disposal of cigarette ends and other waste smoking materials. 10.4 Vehicles The organisation does not permit workers to smoke in company cars, unless they are used exclusively by one person. This is the case even when the car is used by more than one person only occasionally or the persons use the vehicle at different times. If the car is being used for private purposes, it is a criminal offence to smoke in the presence of any passenger under the age of 18. For the purposes of the legislation, driving includes sitting in a stationary car with the engine running. 10.5 Vapours and E-cigarettes The Company’s smoking policy also applies to vapours and ecigarettes. Although they do not produce smoke, e-cigarettes produce Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) a vapour that could provide an annoyance or health risk to other employees. Some e-cigarette models can, particularly from a distance, look like real cigarettes, making a smoking ban difficult to police and creating an impression for visitors/customers/other staff that it is acceptable to smoke, for this reason also, the Company has decided to include ecigarettes to its policy. 10.6 Operatives Duties The Company does not make provisions forsmoking breaks and those Operatives who wish to smoke during the working day must do so during their daily break allowance. Operatives must: - - Ensure that they or others do not interfere with No Smoking signs. - Comply with the Smoke-Free Policy. - Ensure customers and visitors do not smoke in smoke-free places and vehicles. - Report incidents of smoking in smoke-free areas and vehicles. 10.7 Customer/Visitor Duties Customers are not permitted to smoke in smoke-free areas or vehicles. 10.8 Enforcement of this Policy Failure to comply with our Non-Smoking Policy will result in removal from site. Visitors or members of the public who breach the policy will be asked to stop smoking and will be asked to leave the premises if they fail to comply with this request. All breaches of this Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) policy will be recorded in writing. Be aware that in addition to action taken under this policy, the local council may take legal action against individuals who smoke in smoke-free places or vehicles. 11. Dress Code Operatives represent the Company whenever they meet customers and suppliers and we would ask that their appearance should be smart at all times. Operatives who have been given a uniform or name badge should wear them at all times whilst on the Company’s business. Uniforms must be kept clean, pressed and presentable. Operatives are also strictly advised that they must wear long trousers at all times. Alandale does not permit Operatives to wear shorts on any project. Any personal protective equipment that is issued by the Company must be worn at the relevant time. Failure to wear this equipment may result in Operatives being removed from site. 12. Working at Height Under the working at Height Regulations 2005, work at height means work in a place where, if precautions were not taken, a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury. You are working at height if you: - Work above ground level / floor level. - Could fall from an edge, through an opening or fragile surface or Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) - Could fall from ground level into an opening in a floor or a hole in the ground. - Note that work from height does not include a slip or a trip on the level, as a fall from height has to involve a fall from one level to a lower level, nor does it include walking up and down a permanent staircase in a building. Due to the nature of our work we cannot escape from Working at Height therefore, whilst on any APSL project all operatives must always: - Follow the Safe System Of Works. [SSOW] - Always establish an ‘Exclusion Zone’ prior to commencement of the works. All works outside the site boundary, for the purpose of the exclusion zone, are the responsibility of the Principle Contractor. Where footpath closures are required, the Site Manager / Supervisor is to ensure that the Principle Contractor has the appropriate barriers, ramps, marshalling and signage in place before the works commence. Under no circumstances is it acceptable for the work to commence without the required Exclusion Zone[s]. The exact size, location, type and the duration of the zone must be discussed and agreed with the Principle Contractor during the daily briefing. [APSL are responsible for any Exclusion Zones required within the site boundaries.] Note: The sole purpose of an Exclusion Zone is to ensure that you shall take suitable and sufficient steps to prevent any Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) person being struck by any falling material or object which is liable to cause personnel injury. - Work within the guidelines of SG4:15 [Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations] - Follow your CIRCRS training and comply with TG20:13, the design instruction and the System Manufacturers Guide. - The raising and lowering of materials must be controlled at all times. - The scaffold structure must be left in a safe and stable conditions before either going for break[s] or at the end of a shift. - All materials are to be stored neatly during use and returned to the storage area when the works are completed. - Temporary ladders must be footed onto firm ground and installed at a rake of 4-1. All ladders must be lashed or clipped into place. ASPL operate a 100% Tethered Tool Policy. Tethered Tools are to be worn on all APSL projects. Following the Company Induction a Tethered Main Spanner along with a single Tether for a scaffold level will be issued, all other tethers / tethered tools are to be supplied by the Operatives. At no times should tools without tethers be used. [Please refer to section 24 of this handbook.] If you are in any doubt, ask your Contracts Supervisor. 13. Manual Handling Manual Handling is an inherent part of Scaffolding and if the correct guidelines are not followed can cause severe pain and long term musculoskeletal injuries. Therefore, Operatives must not: Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) - Lift or attempt to lift anything above their capabilities. - Seek assistance for heavier awkward loads. - Use mechanical aids wherever possible. - Keep the load close to the body and avoid over-reaching and twisting the body. - Bend the knees and keep the back straight whenever lifting from the floor. - Try to store items at waist Height and never store heavy objects above shoulder height. - Check for sharp objects before gripping the load. - Try to keep as warm and dry as possible when lifting objects/materials. - If a team lift is to be performed (chaining materialsup/down) The supervisor is to oversee this and monitor its progress. 14. Asbestos The Company does not carry out any Licensed/non-licensed asbestos removal works. However, promote safe working at all times and due to the nature of our works you may be required to work in certain areas where Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM’s) can be found. Under the Control of Asbestos Regulations No Alandale Operative will: - Disturb or attempt to move any (ACM’s) except in an emergency. - Sweep up any dust that may have (ACM’s) present. - (ACM’s) can be found in many varied forms and locations in almost all pre-1999 buildings. Therefore, we operate a strict DO NOT TOUCH policy. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) - If you discover something you think may contain Asbestos, stop work, make the area safe and consult your supervisor. He will investigate and take the appropriate action. - Only Operatives who have received the appropriate Asbestos Awareness Training will be allowed to work on these projects. 15. Sharps Sharps can be defined as needles, scalpels, bladed objects or objects with fine edges or points that could cause wounds or punctures to the person handling them or others nearby. Sharps can be found in many locations, alleyways, behind waste bins, dropped from roof windows into guttering. They can even be deliberately placed to boobytrap properties. Often these are very difficult to spot. Again, our policy is clear, WE DO NOT TOUCH SHARPS. If you discover any sharps in your work area. Stop work immediately make the area safe and inform your supervisor. He will report this to the Health and Safety department/Client who will organise for a Clinical Waste Team to sweep the area. In the event of a needle-stick injury, promote bleeding of the area and visit the local A&E immediately. 16. PPE PPE seems to always be the last thing to be considered when assessing a risk. Only when all other Collective Control Measures have been considered do we look at PPE. Scaffolding operations require us to use PPE at all times. Mandatory PPE for Scaffolding works are: Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) - Safety helmet EN397 (with 5-point chin strap) - Yellow Hi-vis Waistcoat EN 477 - S1P Safety Boots EN ISO20345 - Full Body Harness EN 361 - Double Shock Absorbing Lanyard. EN 355 - Gloves EN 388 Other PPE may be required as an addition to the above. This will be identified in the Task Specific Risk Assessment and issued as and when required. You have a legal duty to wear all PPE as per the Safe System of Works and to also maintain, not alter or deliberately damage any PPE issued to you. 17. Accident and Incident Reporting ALL accidents, incidents and near misses MUST be reported to your Supervisor as soon as possible. He will then carry out an initial investigation and send his findings back to the Health and Safety Department. They may then decide to carry out further investigation. All reports and investigations are held securely with the Human Resources Department to comply with the Data Protection Act. No-one will be reprimanded for an accident that wasn’t their fault. However, failure to report an incident can be classed as a serious breach of the Company’s Health and Safety policy and may result in the Company terminating the Operatives services. 18. Mobile Phones, Radios and other Devices The use of mobile phones on Alandale projects (unless in an emergency) is not permitted. Personal calls are to be made during break times. If you do need to make an emergency call, follow the site Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) rules if possible use the phone zones. If this is not possible, make sure you: - Find a place of safety to make the call. - Away from plant and machinery. - The noise levels are low. - Stand still and resist the urge to walk about. - Make the call short and arrange to call the person back from the safe zone. Plant Operators and Drivers (including delivery drivers) must not use mobile phones when manoeuvring; even with a hands-free kit. 19. Ethical The Company’s aim is to undertake all of its activities in a socially, ethically and environmentally responsible manner and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. In recognising our obligation to all stakeholders (shareholders, Operatives, customers and suppliers) the Company demands the highest ethical standards from all those who operate on behalf of the Company and encourages exposure of any practises that may injure the reputation of the company or its Operatives. 19.1 Workers All workers, which includes Operatives, are entitled to a workplace where they feel safe, respected and appreciated. We will not tolerate any harassment or discrimination of any kind in respect of race, colour, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation or disability. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) Our Health, Safety and Environmental policies clearly state our determined intentions to provide a workplace environment where individuals can expect to carry out their duties without the risk of incident or accident. 19.2 Customers Our Customers are valued and are essential for our business growth and success. It is therefore paramount that we will carry out our business with them in a fair, open and honest manner with the intention of creating an environment of trust and integrity in order to maintain successful and sustained business relationships. Where required, Operatives are required to maintain confidentiality in dealings with them and not use any information provided by them for any inappropriate purpose or personal gain. 19.3 Suppliers The Company continually strives to develop strong relationships with its suppliers based on mutual trust and dependency and require all our Operatives to do the same. 20. Inclement Weather If you are unable to provide your services on any day the agreed between you and the Company due to adverse weather conditions, you must notify management as soon as possible. Where the Company is closed due to weather conditions, Operatives are unable to charge for this day. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) 21. Modern Slavery Modern slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking. Traffickers and slave drivers coerce, deceive and force individuals against their will into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment. The Company recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking. The Company is absolutely committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities and to ensuring that its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking. All Operatives undertake to comply with all legislative requirements regarding modern slavery and the Company’s Modern Slavery policy. The Company applies zero tolerance to any breach under this section. Where a breach occurs, the Company will immediately remove the Operative from site and where necessary inform the police. 22. Bribery, Fraud and Malpractice The Company is committed to tackling fraud, bribery and malpractice and treat these issues seriously. Workers are often the first to realise that there may be something seriously wrong, however, they may not express their concerns because they feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues or to the Company. They may also fear harassment or victimisation. In these circumstances, they may feel it is easier to ignore the concern rather than report what may just be a suspicion of malpractice. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) The Company request that any Operative who suspects act(s) of bribery, fraud or malpractice should immediately report it to the Human Resources Manager or Quality Manager. The Company applies zero tolerance towards any breach under this section and will immediately remove the Operative from site and where necessary inform the police where a breach occurs. 23. Confidentiality Operatives undertake to keep any confidential documents and information confidential. This includes but is not limited to Company trade secrets, supplier lists, confidential project details and Client details. Should the Company suffer any loss due to breaches of confidentiality by the Operative, the Company reserves the right to pursue the Operative for compensation for this loss. 24. Deposits and Tool Hire The Company reserves the right to deduct the value of £100.00 as a deposit from weekly payments over a two-week period (£50.00 per week) from Operatives to act as a deposit for the harness issued at their Company induction. This £100.00 will be returned to the Operative once the harness has been returned. Please note that the harness will be replaced by Company if it is deemed to be faulty or suffers damage due to no fault of the operative. Relevant PPE [Hard Hat, Hi-Vis, Gloves, Harness & Lanyard and Safety Glasses] will be issued after the Company induction has been undertaken and completed. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) The Company will also issue each Operative with a Tethered Main Spanner along with a single Tether for a scaffold level. The Spanner and tethers musts also be returned before leaving the Company otherwise the Company reserves the right to deduct the fee of £54.00 from any outstanding wages. All other tools and tethers are to be supplied by the Operatives. [Battery Drills and Reciprocating Saws supplied by the Company will be issued with a metal Pro Wire Tool Lanyard and should be returned following use accordingly.] 25. Driver Checks and Road Safety All Operatives driving a Company vehicle must comply with the Company’s Vehicle Policies and Procedures which includes but is not limited to the following terms; 25.1 Convictions Regardless of how minor, all convictions imposed or pending must be notified immediately to the company who will decide what action, if any, needs to be taken regarding your entitlement to continue driving company vehicles. This responsibility also applies to you in respect of convictions made or pending to others that drive the vehicle for which you are responsible. Failure to notify convictions to your employer could result in your removal from an approved drivers list and any other action the company feels fit to take or invalidate your insurance. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) 25.2 Care of Your Vehicle It is your responsibility to ensure your vehicle is kept well maintained. You should: - Wash and clean the vehicle, inside and out, weekly or more regularly if circumstances require this. - Make sure even small dents and scratches are repaired. Undertake checks at least on a weekly basis, of; Brake fluid - Engine oil - Engine coolant - Power steering fluid - Lights/reflectors - Tyres - Windscreens/windows - Windscreen washer fluid - Ensure the vehicle is regularly serviced in line with the manufacturers recommended service intervals for the vehicle - this information can be found in the service book kept in the vehicle glove compartment. The vehicle should be serviced with an approved provider - if in doubt please check with your line manager. - Immediately report any mechanical fault. - Ensure the vehicle is roadworthy. If your vehicle is kept clean and is driven in a courteous manner, the image of the company in the local community will be higher. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) 25.3 Security of Vehicles The risk of theft of or from your vehicle can be reduced by simple measures: - A vehicle must not be left with the keys in the ignition or not be properly secured - even if only leaving for a few minutes. Failure to comply may affect your insurance cover - More and more vehicles are being stolen following theft of keys often as a result of burglary of the home or work premises. Never leave the keys in view or in reach of a window or letterbox. Never leave keys unattended so that they can be taken for long enough to be copied or leave them in unoccupied premises unless in a key safe. - Value of plant, equipment and personal effects should be kept to a minimum in unattended vehicles. Any items which have to be left should be secured in a boot or covered area out of sight of passers-by. - Where possible vehicles should be placed in a locked garage when out of use and especially at night. - Larger vehicles, vans etc. where possible should be placed in approved parking areas. - If your vehicle is fitted with an alarm or immobiliser this must be armed when the vehicle is left unattended. - If your vehicle is fitted with audio or navigation equipment and this is removable or part removable for security purposes, the appropriate action should be taken to prevent theft. 25.4 Accidents and Losses If an accident takes place, or the vehicle is stolen, you must report the incident to the appropriate authorities and to the company as soon as possible following the incident. This must be within at least 24 hours. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) Failure to report an accident, or any attempt by you to falsify an accident report, could prejudice the position of the company and/or result in increased claims costs and ultimately higher insurance premiums which the Company may ask you to reimburse. This is completely separate to any other action that the company may wish to take. At the scene of the accident you should: - Obtain names and addresses of any other third parties - Obtain names and addresses of any witnesses - Give your own name and address and insurance details to other parties involved in the accident. - Record details of the time, date and location of the accident the weather and road conditions and visibility. - Record the position on the road of your vehicle and any other vehicle. - Take photographs if a camera is available, and take measurements recording the positions of the vehicles in relation to fixed points on the road i.e. kerbs, lamp posts, telegraph poles, gate posts, road signs etc. A sketch should be made showing these measurements and positions of the vehicles as this information will be required when completing the insurance claim form. - If anyone has been injured or if you have suffered a theft or malicious damage the matter must be reported to the police as soon as possible. Take down details of the police officer's name and number and the station to which attached. - As soon as reasonably possible telephone and report the details of the accident to Head Office on 0207 005 0050. DO NOT MAKE ANY ADMISSION OF LIABILITY OR GIVE MONEY TO ANY INVOLVED PERSON Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) 25.5 Other Driver Rules You are reminded that it is against the law to use your mobile phone whilst driving unless you have a suitable hands free kit checked and permitted by the Company. For rules regarding smoking in company vehicles please see the Section 10 of this handbook. You are also reminded that: - It is against the law to drive any vehicle whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs. - You will be responsible for the payment of any parking fines. - You are required to ensure that arrangements for payment of congestion charge has been made if required. - You will be responsible to any insurance excess where you are involved in a fault claim. 25.6 Training, Health and Fitness The Company is fully committed to ensuring that all drivers undergo the relevant training, health and fitness test. All drivers therefore undertake to cooperate with these tests and training which may include drug and alcohol tests. 26. IT and Communications Where the Company has provided an Operative with mobile I.T and/or Communication equipment for use in the course of their duties at work, onsite and/or at home, the Operative is required to observe the Company’s Electronic Communication and IT Policy at all times when using the equipment regardless of where it is used. This includes but is not limited to Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – May 2017 (V1) Company mobile phones, Company laptops and/or Computers and the use of any software and/or hardware. The Communication and/or IT equipment must be used legally and no explicit, sexual, rude or offensive imagines or text should be sent or received from them. Any communication which will or may jeopardise the Company or the Company’s Clients reputation and good standing is not permitted. Where Operatives damage or lose, the equipment given, they will be asked to replace it or cover the cost for replacement. 27. General Work Conduct Operatives are required to conduct themselves in a professional and respectable manner at all times. This includes not using abusive, intimidating or offensive language and not acting in an aggressive, violent or threating manner whilst working on any Company project, during any period they are in public with the Company’s uniform on or when in a Company vehicle. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3)

Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook - May 2017 (V1) 28. Operative Handbook receipt This Handbook has been drawn up by the Company to provide you with information on policies and procedures associated with your responsibilities whilst providing your services to the Company and Health and Safety at Work. It is important for you to read the Handbook carefully as breach may result in your services being terminated. All Operatives will be given a copy of this handbook at the beginning of contract for service with the Company. After that time, a copy will always be available on the premises or by contacting Head Office. If you have any questions or any part of the Handbook is unclear to you, please do not hesitate to raise any queries with management. It is important that you do this before signing that you have read, understood and are willing to abide by all the Company’s terms and conditions. I acknowledge receipt of the Operative Handbook and agree to comply with the policies and procedures stipulated in this Handbook. Received by: ………………………………… (Operative) Signed: …………………………… Date……………. Alandale Plant and Scaffolding Handbook – September 2021 (V3) [Please tear off this page and return it to management]

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