Solar system installers darwin Oneroof Solar Flipbook PDF

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Story Transcript

SHINE BRIGHTER: IMPORTANCE OF Professional Solar Panel Cleaning Services

About Company Oneroof Solar is a Darwin-based company that installs Residential and Commercial Solar PV Systems in Darwin, Palmerston, Alice Springs, Katherine and Tennant Creek. Our organisation began as and remains a fully Australian owned and operated business.

Why is it important to have your solar panels professionally cleaned? Improved Efficiency

Longer Lifespan

Dirt and debris can reduce the efficiency of solar panels by up to 25%. Professional cleaning ensures that the panels are working at optimal levels,

Regular cleaning can extend the lifespan of solar panels, which is essential as they are a long-term investment.

Safety Solar panels are usually installed on the roof of the property, which can be a dangerous place to clean.

Warranty Compliance Most solar panel manufacturers require regular cleaning to maintain the warranty. Professional cleaning services can provide documentation and certification that the panels have been properly cleaned,

Why choose a professional? Solar panel cleaning service Professional cleaning services use specialized equipment and techniques that ensure that the solar panels are thoroughly cleaned without causing any damage. They have experience working with different types of panels and can identify any potential issues that may need to be addressed. They also use eco-friendly cleaning solutions that are safe for the environment and do not leave any residue on the panels.

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