The Solar System

Astronomy. Sun. Planets. Dwarfed Planets. Moon. Mercory. Venus. Earth. Mars. Jupiter. Saturn. Uranus. Neptune. Pluto. Sedna. Ceres

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Story Transcript

- THE SUN Page: 1 - PLANETS: • MERCURY Page: 2 • VENUS Page: 3 • EARTH Page: 4 • MARS Page: 5 • JUPITER Page: 6 • SATURN Page: 7 • URANUS Page: 8 • NEPTUNE Page: 9 - DWARFED PLANETS: • PLUTO Page: 10 And 11 • SEDNA Page: 12 • CERES Page: 13 - THE MOON Page 14 It is the star nearest the Earth and the greater element of the Solar System. The stars are the only bodies of the Universe that emit light. The Sun is also our main power plant. The Sun formed 4,650 million years ago and has fuel for 5,000 million more. Later, it will begin to become and greater, until becoming a red giant. Finally, one will sink by his own weight and one will become a white dwarf, who can take trillion of years in cooling off. The Sun produces types of radiation that are imperceptible for the human eye. Page: 1 Mercury is the planet of the Solar System next to the Sun, and the second smallest of the Solar System. It does not have satellites. It takes 58.7 days in doing a return to the sun. The Mercury surface has meteorite impacts of all the sizes. In a normal day the degrees are 350 at the day and less 170 of the night. Mercury is one of the four been accustomed planets. The presence of magnetic field indicates that Mercury has a metallic nucleus, partially liquid. The density, the same of the Earth, it indicates that this nucleus almost occupies half of the volume of the planet. Page: 2


It is the fourth planet of the Solar System. The planet Mars has a very fine atmosphere. Before the space reconnaissance, one thought that it could have Mars life. The observations demonstrate that it does not have, although could it have had in the past. When is more near the Earth, to about 55 million kilometres, Mars is, after Venus, the most shining object in the nocturnal sky. It can be observed more easily when the Sun-Earth-Mars line forms and it is near the Earth, thing that happens every 15 years. The summers are short and warm and long and cold winter. Enormous shining caps, in appearance formed by frost or ice, indicate the regions polar of the planet. Page: 5 Saturn is the second greater planet of the Solar System and the only one with visible ring from the Earth. It is seen clearly gotten flat by the poles because of the fast rotation. The ring gives a very pretty aspect him. It has two brilliants, B, and one smoother, and the C. Among them are openings. Each main ring is formed by many narrow rings. The origin of the Saturn ring is not known with exactitude. They could have formed from satellites that underwent comet impacts and meteoroids. Four hundred years after their discovery, the impressive Saturn ring continues being a mystery. The particles that form the Saturn ring have sizes that go from the microscopic measurement to pieces like a house. Page: 7 It is the seventh planet from the Sun and the third greatest one of the Solar System. Uranus is also first that was discovered thanks to the telescope. Its distance to the Sun is the double that the one of Saturn. It is so far that, from Uranus, the Sun seems one more a star. Although, much more shining that the others. He is visible without telescope, but the enormous distance causes that it shines little and moves slowly. In addition, it has more than 5,000 stars more shining than he. In 1977 the 9 first Uranus ring was discovered. In 1986, they were discovered two more. The Uranus ring is different from those of Jupiter and Saturn. That is other ring, of about 50 meters. Page: 8 Sedna is very, but very far. One is to the double of the distance between the Sun and Pluto, and the distance of the Sun to the Earth is approximately to 90 times. It is probable that Sedna is only a giant ice ball. The ice is of reddish colour. Sedna orbits to the Sun every 10 500 years. Its orbit far has been to a greater distance approximately 900 times to him to the one than it has between the Sun and the Earth. The scientists are not safe in where he fits Sedna with respect to the rest of the Solar System. One is too much far like being part of the Belt of Kiuper, and too much close to be part of the Oort Cloud. Page: 12 Ceres is smallest of dwarfed planets, although until the meeting of the Astronomical Union the International the 24 of August of 2006 was considered the first asteroid discovered by the man. This dwarfed planet approximately contains the third part of the total mass of the asteroid belt. Are between Mars and Jupiter, and must to its name to the Roman goddess of the plants and the maternal love. A 1 of January of 1801.Con diameter of near 950 kilometres was discovered, Ceres is the greatest body of dwarfed planets. Page: 13


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