St. Mary’s Catholic Community of Sanger and Del Rey, California 93657
Parish Office: 828 O Street - Sanger, CA 93657 Office Hours: Tue-Fri: 10a–12p, 1p-5p; Closed on Mondays Email:
[email protected]
Mailing Address: PO Box 335 - Sanger, CA 93657 Telephone: (559) 875-2025 Fax (559) 875-2618 Website:
30o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 25, 2009
25 de octubre del 2009
The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad indeed.
Estábamos alegres, pues ha hecho grandes cosas por su pueblo el Señor.
— Salmo 126(125):3
— Psalm 126:3
Special Mass with Bishop John Steinbock Sunday, October 25 At 12 noon today, St. Mary’s New Church, with St. John’s Cathedral Choir. Sponsored by the Italian Catholic Federation.
What is "Priesthood Sunday"?
Catholic Daughters’ Cupcake Sale
Sunday, October 25 Priesthood Sunday, the thirtieth Sunday of From 9am to 12pm, New Church Ordinary Time, is a special day set aside to honor the priesthood in the United States. It is a day to reflect upon and affirm the role of the priesthood in the life of the Church as a central one. In the wake of the clergy sex abuse scandal, there has been concern that the image of all priests has been tainted by the actions of a few. Priesthood Sunday sends a mesAll Saints’ Eve sage to all that the sins of a few do not re(Hallowe’en) Celebration flect the innocent majority, and that the parish priest, as the instrument of Christ's min- Join us this Saturday, October 31st, at St. istry on earth, is loved and respected by Mary’s Parish Hall (corner North & Bethel) those in the parish community. from 6 pm to 8 pm for a fun-filled All Saints’ Eve Party. Bring the children in This nationwide event is coordinated by the their favorite saints’ costumes. Angels and USA Council of Serra International. It is bible heroes are also welcome. No scary sponsored by the USA Council of Serra costumes allowed! Pick up a flyer for cosInternational and the Serra International tume ideas at the church entrance. DonaFoundation. tions of candy and snacks or drinks may be brought to the office (828 O Street) What is the USA Council of before Thursday. Sign up to help with the carnival style games after Mass today, or Serra International? The USA Council of Serra International is by calling the office this week (875-2025). an organization of lay men and women Next Sunday: whose mission is to foster and affirm vocations to the ministerial priesthood and All Saints Day, November 1st vowed religious life in the USA. More than All children are invited to come to the 8:30 11,500 Serrans in over 300 clubs nation- am Spanish Mass or the 10:30 am Engwide collaborate with their bishops, par- lish Mass dressed as their favorite saint to ishes and vocation directors to fulfill this celebrate All Saints Day. Pick a flyer tomission. Through this ministry, Serrans day at the church entrance for costume work to further their common Catholic faith. ideas. Also, read the article on page 4 of You can find out more about Serra at this bulletin on how we as Catholics should celebrate Halloween.
Christ the Great High Priest Iconographer Marek Czarnecki of Seraphic Restorations in Meriden, Connecticut, has graciously given the USCCB the rights to use the icon of Christ the Great High Priest during the Year for Priests. This icon is based on a 15th century Greek prototype; here Christ is shown in Latin Rite vestments with a gold pelican over His heart, the ancient symbol of self-sacrifice. The borders contain a windig grapevine and altar prepared for the celebration of the liturgy of the Mass; in the borders are smaller icons of Melchizedek and St. John Vianney, declared the Universal Patron of Priests by Pope Benedict XVI, with the announcement of this special year. Czarnecki explains: “I wrote the icon about seven years ago [for seminarians and priests] to be able to see Christ in themselves, and themselves in Christ. We often hear that the icon is called a window; in this case, it’s also meant to be a mirror.” The Good Shepherd reminds the priest that he is to “lay down his life for his sheep.”
St. Mary’s Catholic Community of Sanger & Del Rey
PARISH CLERGY Rev. Peter Quinto, RCJ (Pastor) Rev. Philip Puntrello, RCJ (Parochial Vicar) Rev. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ (In Residence) Rev. Salvatore Ciranni, RCJ (In Residence) Rev. Mr. John Biedermann (Deacon)
828 “O” Street, Sanger, CA 93657 Masses/Misas Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm Sunday 7:30 am Monday-Friday 7:20 am Sabado (Vigilia) 7:00 pm Lunes-Viernes 5:00 pm
English English English Español Español
Minnie Kirsch (Business Manager) Julie Mendoza (Secretary) Ella Boyle (Office Volunteer) Velen Maldonado (Office Volunteer) Margaret Puente (Office Volunteer)
Reconciliación/Confesiones Thursday/Jueves 5:30-8:00 pm Saturday/Sábado 2:15-3:15 pm Saturday/Sábado 6:30-7:00 pm
Domingo Sunday Domingo
Masses/Misas 8:30 am 10:30 am 5:00 pm
Español English Español
Fr. Hannibal House
ST. KATHERINE’S CHURCH 5375 Carmel St. Del Rey, CA 93616 Masses/Misas Sábado 5:30 pm Sunday 9:30 am Miércoles 5:30 pm Primer Viernes 5:30 pm
Español English Español Español
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel
STEWARDSHIP PRAYER Lord God, I believe that You will always provide me with what I need, if I only ask. I know that whatever You give me is to be shared with others in my family, my parish my community, my country, and the world. Create in me a spirit of trust so that as I have been given, so will I give. Help me to use my gifts wisely, always aware that You are the source of all blessings. Grant that I may share my time, talent, and treasure in ways that will bring glory to Your Son, Jesus, who reigns with you now and forever. Amen.
1501 14th St. Sanger, CA 93657 Tel (559) 875-0564 Fax (559) 875-8815 Email:
[email protected] Social Service Center Open Tuesday-Friday (11am-3pm) Thrift Store Open Tuesday-Friday (11am-3pm) Saturdays (10am-2pm)
Religious Education Center (Corner North & Bethel Avenues) Tel. 875-6340
Christina Villalobos O St (90th b-day) (Fr. Peter) Manuel Padilla Del Rey Family (Fr. Philip) Avila Aguilar O St Family (Fr. Sal)
2688 S. Newmark Av. Sanger, CA 93657 Tel (559) 875-5808 Fax (559) 875-1281 Email:
[email protected] Website:
2590 North Av. Sanger, CA 93657
Rogationist Seminary
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
Pro Populo
O St (Fr. Rene) 8:30a +Jose Rueben M. y Bethel +Ruperta Marquez (Fr. Peter) 9:30a +Raul Rodriguez Del Rey (Fr. Philip) 10:30a +Ariosto De Castro Bethel (Fr. Sal) 5:00p +Daniel Nuñez Bethel (Fr. Peter) MONDAY 7:20a
+Tony Padilla
O St (Fr. Sal)
+Paul Casella
O St (Fr. Sal)
+Lucy Muñoz
+Jess Valadez
O St (Fr. Sal) Del Rey (Fr. Philip)
Ruben & Virginia (Thanksgiving)
O St (Fr. Sal)
FRIDAY 7:20a
+Chava Orosco
O St (Fr. Sal)
Parish Website & Calendar The Sunday bulletin is available in our parish website,, as early as Thursday morning. Check also our parish calend a r o n l i n e a t h t t p : / / Send your group or ministry news/announcements to
[email protected].
Mission Statement We, the Faithful of St. Mary & St. Katherine, proclaim our three-fold mission: to worship God, to share our faith, and to serve those who are in need.
Reader 1
Psalmist/ Commentator
Reader 2
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Oct. 24 Saturday
Ruth Alcantar
Elva Rodriguez
Anna Galvan
Ella B., Betty G., Reyna M.
Oct. 25 Sunday
7:30a 10:30a
Betty Gerardin Manuela Rojas
Ella Boyle Millie M.
Sal Rodriguez Velen M.
Maria R., Fritzie C., Victor De Jesus Sergio M., Helen G., Christina L.
Reyna Muñoz
Dan Luna
Oct. 26-30 7:20a Mon-Fri
Betty G.
Morning Prayer Rosary
(MP) Ella B. (R) Sal R.
Send, O Lord, holy apostles into your Church.
Page 3
"As each one has received a gift, use it to MONDAY: Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2,4,6-7,20serve one another as good stewards of 21; Lk 13:10-17 First Reading — I will lead the people to We have received the Spirit of adoption (1), God's varied grace." (1 Peter 4:10) brooks of water, on a level road, so that and have been saved from the power of none shall stumble (Jeremiah 31:7-9). death (Ps). The Sabbath cannot set Second Collection Psalm — The Lord has done great things boundaries on the law of love (2). Today’s second collection is for the Church for us; we are filled with joy (Psalm 126). Building Fund. May God bless you for your Second Reading — It was not Christ who TUESDAY: Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1-6; Lk support of our church. 13:18-21 glorified himself, but rather the one who said to him: You are my son: this day I We place our hope in the Lord (1) who has Weekend Offering done marvels for us (Ps) and whose kinghave begotten you (Hebrews 5:1-6). (October 17 & 18) Gospel — Immediately the blind man re- dom shall enjoy great abundance (2). St. Mary (Sanger) $ 2,941.50 ceived his sight and followed Jesus on the WEDNESDAY: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk St. Katherine (Del Rey) $ 492.00 way (Mark 10:46-52). 6:12-16 Total $ 3,433.50 The Twelve are chosen (2) to preach (Ps) Second Collection (Mission Sunday) $ 1,240.00 GOSPEL REFLECTION When someone calls attention to himself in the good news. They form the foundation of Church Building Fund $ 190.00 a crowd, others sometimes say, "Stop a temple with Jesus himself as the cornermaking a spectacle of yourself!" In today's stone (1). Children’s Envelopes gospel story, it is the blind beggar BartiWeekend of October 10&11 $ 64.35 Simon, +1st c.; called “the maeus who is irritating the crowd. He is Weekend of October 17&18 $ 57.90 Canaanite” and also “the shouting so persistently to Jesus that the Zealot,” an anti-Roman people are embarrassed by this public Number of students who used their enveparty; possibly preached in display of neediness. They attempt to lopes according to class Egypt and Persia; menshush him. But Bartimaeus shouts, "Son of Class 10&11 17&18 tioned in the Roman David, have pity on me!" Jesus hears the Mrs. Bustamante’s class 0 3 Canon. beggar's plea and restores his sight. He Mrs. Garcia’s class 6 1 tells Bartimaeus that his own faith has Jude, or Thaddeus (“Courageous”), +1st c.; Mrs. Garza’s class 3 1 healed him. may have preached in Palestine and Persia; Mrs. Gerardin’s class 1 1 We all suffer from blindness of one kind or mentioned in the Roman Canon; patron of Mrs. Hernandez’ class 3 3 another because we fail to see things as those in despair; or in hopeless situations Mrs. Ledesma’s class 2 1 Jesus does. "I want to see" should be our (perhaps because of the similarity of his Mrs. Licon’s class 6 4 daily prayer to him. name with that of Judas Iscariot, who be- Mrs. Mata’s class 0 2 trayed Jesus and despaired). Mrs. Musgrave’s class 0 2 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Mrs. Razo’s class 5 2 1. Why do you think the crowd was so irri- THURSDAY: Rom 8:31b-39; Ps 109:21Mrs. Rodriguez’ class 2 9 tated by the blind beggar's behavior? 22,26-27; Lk 13:31-35 Mrs. Santos’ class 3 3 2. How does Bartimaeus respond to the God’s love is the assurance that we can Ms. Torres’ class 1 5 complaints of the crowd? resist trial and be freed from all alienation 32 37 3. How does Jesus' response differ from (1,Ps). Jesus remains faithful, accomplishWhat children wrote as their good deeds: the crowd's? ing his mission by enduring suffering and Brianna: helping my friend’s little sister 4. Why do you think Jesus heals Barti- death (2). Philip: being very nice to my friends maeus? Isaac: listening to my mom and dad 5. What are some of the influences in our FRIDAY: Rom 9:1-5; Ps 147:12-15,19-20; Jazmyn: going to the convalescent home Lk 14:1-6 society that weaken our ability to see as Paul experiences the pain of separation as a missionary Jesus does? 6. What kinds of blindness might people from his fellow Jews (1) to whom God has Triniti: helping my friend feel better revealed his covenanted love (Ps). This love Ixchel: portándose bien your age experience? Jesus: helping my grandma 7. How can you improve your spiritual eye- must be the foundation of our lives (2). Jose: doing my homework sight? SATURDAY: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Neomi: taking care of my sick brother Ps 94:12-13a,14-15,17-18; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Gillian: feeding my dog every day GOSPEL ACTION Paul is hopeful that Israel, God’s chosen Make a list this week of all the people who people (Ps), will accept the gospel (1). Joseph: feeding my turtle have been a sign of the presence of Jesus Those who humble themselves will be ex- Gillian: helping my brother learn to write his name in your life. Make a list of people who have alted (2). been a challenge to your faith. Is it possible Jesus was present in the people in the SUNDAY: ALL SAINTS DAY Sanctuary Candles second list? Look for Jesus in these people Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1The candles for the sanctuary 12a again! lamps by the Blessed Sacrament Let us rejoice in all the men and women, at St. Mary’s Church on O Street & PRAYER blest in the eyes of the Lord (3), who cele- on Bethel Avenue are in loving Lord, how often I find comfort in my blind- brate the heavenly liturgy (1). They stand in memory of FRED GOMEZ, SR. & ness! It gives me an excuse not to be pre- God’s holy place (Ps) and sing of the love JOE N. LASCANO, a gift of their sent to others. I can turn away from the the Father has bestowed grandchildren, Marisol Maria & Isabella things I do not wish to see. I want to be- upon them (2) through Elena Gomez-Gunn and their families. lieve that there is safety in my blindness, the blood of the Lamb. These candles will be lit during the month but I know you see right through me. Lord, of November. cure my blindness. Amen.
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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St. Mary’s Catholic Community of Sanger & Del Rey
MINISTRY OF PRAYER PRAY for the sick of our parish and for those who care for them: Virginia Altamirano, Rene Alvarez, Sylvia Ashcraft, Michelle Azpiraz, Dalvin Baker, Henry Banuelos, Antonio Becerril, J. J. Benavides, Jose Calavera, Ramon Castellanos, Ofelia Castellanos, Angie Castillo, Daniel Cerda, Jesus Contreras, Lupe Cortéz, Rosemary Cuadros, Hilda De Anda, Jack Envernizzi, Brianna Garcia, Miguel Garcia Jr, Fred Gomez, Linda Gonzalez, Maria Gonzalez, Rosie Hernandez, Julio Ibarra, Paulita IbarraEsther Infante, Beatrice Lopez, Maegen Lopez, Ruben Lucid, Blanca Martinez, Daniel Mata, Livia Mendoza, Gabriel Nieto, Sr., Tommy Payne, Lydia Pedregon, Minerva Piseno, Hilda Nicacio, Aldo Pistacchio, Joe Resoer, Arthur C. Rodriguez, Angelita Ruiz, Paula Salazar, Ruth Stark, Connie N. Tacata, Genaro Trevino, Lourdes Valeriano, Lilly Vasquez, Nick Velasco, Patricia Villareal, Roberto Ybarra, Isabel Zavala, Jose Zavala, Enrique, Zaira
PRAY for all those who are serving in the military and for their families: Tom Siqueiros, Michael P. Tortorete, Donald Sombat, Martin Ellison, Rolando Iglesias, Seth Fidalgo, Gabriel Nieto, Craig Mulligan, Joe Aguilera, Stewart Fowler, Mark Roy Espinoza, Daniel Campos, Rudy Flores, Eloisa Delgado, Bill, Celerino Peñaloza, Juan Carlos Campos, Johnathan Cardiel, Amy Fidalgo, Roberto Carlos Martinez, Rick Ramirez Jr, Seferina Ramirez, Salvador Hernandez, Matthew Valdez, Salvador A. Rodriguez III, Cliserio Avalos, Michael Teel, Joseph Hernandez, Christopher Ohano, Joe Contreras, Sofia Sanchez Silva, Michael Ortega, Kimberli Fuentes, Tim Jackson, Jonathan Chacon, Gilbert Avila, Jesse Sandoval, Patrick Garza, Mikael Johnson, Benedict Balagtas, Aaron Gonzalez
Please pray for the following priests: 24 Saturday Rev. Victor Dinh 25 Sunday Rev. Msgr. Patrick Doherty 26 Monday Rev. Msgr. Raymond Dreiling 27 Tuesday Rev. Raymond Duffy 28 Wednesday Rev. Eugene Eburuche 29 Thursday Rev. Marcelinus Ekenedo 30 Friday Rev. David Enriquez 31 Saturday Rev. Carlos Esquivel, OSJ
Prayer for Priests
Dear Lord, we pray that the Blessed Mother wrap her mantle around your priests and through her intercession strengthen them for their ministry. We pray that Mary will guide your priests to follow her own words, “Do whatever He tells you.” May your priests have the heart of St. Joseph, Mary’s most chaste spouse. May the Blessed Mother’s own pierced heart inspire them to embrace all who sufPRAY for those who have passed on from fer at the foot of the cross. May your priests be holy, filled with the fire of your love this life, and for those who mourn their seeking nothing but your greater glory and passing: Manuel Cardenas, Maria Guadalupe Gonzalez, the salvation of souls. Amen. Jose Ruben Marquez, Juan Pedro Madrigal Saint John Vianney — pray for us.
Should Catholics Celebrate Halloween? Many otherwise devout, God-fearing people will go to a seance, allow someone to read the Tarot for them, will dabble in a little "harmless white magic", and otherwise play around with things forbidden by Scripture and the Church. But THAT is where the danger lies. The Powers of Darkness draw us in, not so much by great temptations, but by little enticements. "Oh, but that Tarot reading was just silly fun! (But, the reader did seem awfully accurate, didn't she?)", "I know we Christians don't believe in reincarnation...but that little past life regression game...well, it was so real!", "Oh, I don't really believe in these candle burning rituals, but the colored candles are so pretty and, well, they do help me feel better." And on and on. But doing these things...small and innocent as they may seem to us...not only open the door (even just a little) to Evil, they are sinful. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to 'unveil' the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the final analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe God alone...All practices of magic or sorcery...are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion (CCC 2116, 2117). So, while it is perfectly legitimate to decorate one's house with orange lights and carved pumpkins, to dunk for apples and go to dances, to even indulge in a spooky tale or two, the Church warns us quite bluntly not to cross the line into the sin of witchcraft and sorcery and tells us plainly what that includes. If we have crossed that line then we need to confess our sins to God and His Church and receive the assurance of pardon, grace, and restoration. How should we, as Catholics, celebrate this day? We can have a truly Happy Halloween by keeping the festival as the Church originally intended. Halloween means "All Hallows' Eve," an old-fashioned way of saying, "The Eve of All Saints' Day." Originally the end of October and the beginning of November was the time when the pagan Celts celebrated the end of their year giving it the name Samhain (pronounced "Sah-win"). They believed that at that time the veil between this world and the next was very thin and that the dead came
through to confront the living for good ... or evil. The Church, in order to counteract the pagan feast, introduced the Feast of All Saints, the day when all the triumphant dead in Christ would be commemorated and celebrated. No longer would the time be one of fear of death and the dead but one of "rejoicing with the Saints in Light". The first thing we can do as Catholic Christians then is to tell people what Halloween is really about and witness to our faith in the "sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." We can tell others that as Christians "we believe in the Communion of Saints and the Life Everlasting," that those who have died in Christ are actually MORE alive than we, and pray with and for us. Within our homes we can (and should) celebrate the day in our prayers, commemorating and thanking God for all the saints of every age...those known and those unknown...and unite our prayers to theirs in one great paean of praise. The best thing we can do however is to go to Mass. The holy days and feasts are gifts of the Church to us, opportunities to unite with our brothers and sisters and celebrate our common Faith in Jesus Christ, to join with "angels and archangels and all the company of Heaven" in making Eucharist to the Lord of Hosts. The radiance from the votive candles we light there and from the light of faith in our hearts will far outshine in splendor the glow from all the strings of orange lights and Jack-o'-lanterns in the world. We can also remember to keep the day after All Saints' Day. November 2nd is All Souls' Day when we remember those who have died in Christ, whose final salvation is assured, but who are still undergoing the final sanctification of God's purifying Love. We can and should pray for our departed loved ones - grandparents, parents, beloved children, dear friends fallen asleep in the Lord - asking for them a final and full entrance into the Heavenly Kingdom and a full, clear view of the Divine Countenance. So, do let's have fun. Autumn is a lovely time of year and indulging in the folk customs of our community can add some charm to our lives. But for a truly Happy Halloween, let's commemorate our brothers and sisters, the Saints in Light, and pray that we too may one day join them in that day where there is no darkness, but only the Radiance of Christ.
PARISH LIFE English Lectors & Commentators Meeting Monday, October 26 From 7pm to 8:30pm, at the parish office. Only those who attend the meeting will be assigned to proclaim God’s Word in the coming weeks. New lectors needed.
Bereavement Ministry Meeting Wednesday, October 28 From 7pm to 8pm, at the parish office. For more information, please contact Charlene Biedermann at 875-7741 or 903-3603. Open to new members.
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All Souls Day Monday, November 2 As we have done in the past, we will have a table in the narthex for pictures of our deceased loved ones. Please bring your pictures to the parish office between Tuesday and Friday (October 27-30) of this week. Make sure you have your name and telephone number on the back of the picture. The pictures will be on display through the 22nd of November.
MONDAY 6p 6:30p 7p-8:30p 7p-8p
Life Teen Choir Practice (NC) CCD Catechist Meeting (CCD1) English Lectors (Rectory) AA Meeting (CCD 6)
TUESDAY 4:30p-6p CCD (CCD Rooms) 5p-6:30p Legion of Mary (Seminary) 7p-8:30p Jr. Agape (CCD Rooms) 8p-8:30p Jr. Agape Teachers Meeting
WEDNESDAY 4:30p-6p CCD (CCD Rooms) 33 Days of Prayer 7p-8:30p Agape (CCD Rooms) Begins on Friday, November 6 7p-8p Bereavement Ministry Meeting (Rec) Ends on the Solemnity of the Immaculate 7p-8p Bible Study (New Church) All Hallow’s Eve Party Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on 8p-8:30p Agape Teachers Meeting December 8. Join us as we prepare for our Saturday, October 31 Bring your children to the hall for an alter- annual consecration to the Immaculate THURSDAY native Christian celebration of Hallowe’en Heart of Mary. Get your copy of the prayer 5p-6:30p CCD (CCD Rooms) Spanish Holy Hour (O St) that is safe and holy. No scary costumes booklet that will be used during these 33 5p-6p 6p-7p Silent Adoration & Confessions days after Mass or at the parish office. allowed. 7p-8p English Holy Hour & Benediction 7p-8:30p Pre/Catechumenate (CCD 3/7/8)
A Prayer for All Hallows' Eve
O God, the King of saints, we praise and glorify your holy Name for all your servants who have finished their course in your faith and love: for the blessed Virgin Mary; for the holy patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and martyrs; and for all your other righteous servants, known to us and unknown; and we pray that, encouraged by their examples, aided by their prayers, and strengthened by their fellowship, we also may be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; through the merits of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Marriage Preparation Retreat
Friday-Sunday, November 6,7,&8 At the Rogationist Seminary. For more information, contact Ralph or Gerri Esquer at 875-2024. This retreat is a must for those who wish to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony in our parish.
All Night Eucharistic Adoration Thursday-Friday, November 5-6 5pm Spanish Mass & Vespers 6pm Silent Adoration 7pm English Holy Hour Adoration continues until the following day, benediction before the First Friday English morning Mass at 7:20 am.
FRIDAY 7p-8:30p
NA Meeting (CCD 6)
SATURDAY 8:30a-10a Children’s Precatechumenate (CCD 8) 2:15p Confessions (O Street)
DATES TO REMEMBER CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS MEETING Tuesday, November 3 7-8pm, Ciranni Center, O Street BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, November 4 & 18 7-8pm, St. Mary’s Chapel, New Church
BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASS Friday, November 6 DIOCESAN LIFE 7-8:30pm, CCD1 Register now at the parish office! e x t . 1 0 6 , o r e m a i l j o a n Rachel’s Vineyard
[email protected]. MARRIAGE PREPARATION RETREAT Fri-Sun, November 13-15 Friday-Sunday, November 6,7,&8 If anyone desires to return to Jesus’ love At the Rogationist Seminary Watch KNXT Catholic TV and forgiveness which seems lost as the
result of an abortion, there is help through Channel 49 Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries. A retreat is Pick up a copy of Central California Catholic scheduled for November in Fresno. To Life, for the program guide (page 3) or visit register or for more information, contact Jennifer Butcher at (877)629-6626 or by email at
[email protected] or visit New Wine Now Enrolling! Deadline: November 1 This three-year program prepares Catholics Marriage Enrichment Retreat for lay ecclesial ministry throughout the DioSaturday & Sunday, November 20 & 21 Enhance your Marriage Relationship by cese of Fresno. joining Fr. James Torrens, SJ, on Nov. 20 Who may apply? Any fully initiated Catholic, & 21 for “Marriage, the Lasting Adventure,” actively practicing their faith and, preferably, to be held at St. Anthony Retreat Center in engaged in some form of ministry in the Three Rivers. Retreat starts with dinner at Catholic Church may enter this formation. 7 pm on Friday and ends with 4-5 pm Mass Program starts in January. Pick up a broon Saturday. Cost is $160 per couple. Reg- chure today for the program curriculum. istration with $50 non-refundable deposit is For more information, contact the School of due in Nov. 10. To register, fill up registra- Ministry at the Diocese of Fresno (559) 488tion form by the church entrance, the par- 7474 ext. 104, or email: dnorish office or contact Sr. Joanne: 488-7474
[email protected]
LIFE TEEN INSPIRATION TOUR Saturday, November 7 Second deposit - $40.00 due today, October 25. Contact Millie at 875-6764 for more information. TONALA CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Sunday, November 8 8am-7pm, St. Mary’s Parish Hall APOSTOLATE OF LIFE MEETING Monday, November 9 7-8pm, Ciranni Center FINANCE COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, November 11 7-8:30pm, parish office PARENTS PROGRAM Tuesday, November 10 7-8:30pm, new church (English) ICF MEETING Thursday, November 12, Hall
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Comunidad Católica de Santa María de Sanger y Del Rey
BUENAS NUEVAS Trigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 25 de octubre del 2009 Primera lectura — ¡Vitoreen con alegría! Yavé ha salvado a su pueblo, al resto de Israel. He llegado a ser un padre para Israel (Jeremías 31:7-9). Salmo — Grandes cosas has hecho por nosotros, Señor (Salmo 126 [125]). Segunda lectura — Cristo no se atribuyó la dignidad de sumo sacerdote, sino que se la otorgó aquel que dice: “Tú eres mi Hijo, te he dado vida hoy mismo” (Hebreos 5:16). Evangelio — Jesús le concede la vista a Bartimeo cuando con gran fe le suplica: “Maestro, que vea” (Marcos 10:46-52).
LECTURAS Y SANTOS LUNES: Rom 8:12-17; Lc 13:10-17 MARTES: Rom 8:18-25; Lc 13:18-21 MIÉRCOLES: Ef 2:19-22; Lc 6:12-16 JUEVES: Rom 8:31b-39; Lc 13:31-35 VIERNES: Rom 9:1-5; Lc 14:1-6 SÁBADO: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Lc 14:1, 7-11 DOMINGO: Apo 7:2-4, 9-14; Sal 24 (23); 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Solemnidad de Todos los Santos que están con Cristo en la gloria. En el gozo único de esta festividad, la Iglesia Santa, que todavía peregrina en la tierra, celebra la memoria de aquellos cuya compañía alegra los cielos, para recibir el estímulo de su ejemplo, la alegría de su patrocinio y, un día, la corona del triunfo en la visión eterna de la divina Majestad.
28 de Octubre El nombre de Simón figura en undécimo lugar en la lista de los apóstoles. Lo único que sabemos de él es que nació en Caná de Galilea y que se le daba el apodo de "Zelotes". Judas, por sobrenombre Tadeo, es aquel apóstol que en la última cena preguntó al Señor por qué se manifestaba a sus discípulos y no al mundo. Es autor de una de las cartas del Nuevo Testamento. Ambos fueron escogidos por Cristo para formar parte del grupo de los Doce. Predicaron el Evangelio en Asia y murieron mártires. Favor de rezar por las siguientes sacerdotes: 24 Sábado Rev. Victor Dinh 25 Domingo Rev. Msgr. Patrick Doherty 26 Lunes Rev. Msgr. Raymond Dreiling 27 Martes Rev. Raymond J. Duffy 28 Miercoles Rev. Eugene Eburuche 29 Jueves Rev. Marcelinus Ekenedo 30 Viernes Rev. David Enriquez 31 Sábado Rev. Carlos Esquivel OSJ
REFLEXIÓN Cuando alguien llama la atención en una multitud, otros pueden decir: "deja de hacer el ridículo". En el evangelio de hoy, es el ciego Bartimeo quien está irritando a la multitud. El grita con tanta insistencia que la gente se siente incómoda con su manifestación pública de su necesidad. Ellos tratan de acallarlo. Pero Bartimeo grita: "Jesús, Hijo de David, ten compasión de mí" Jesús escucha al mendigo y le devuelve la vista. El le dice a Bartimeo que su fe lo ha sanado.
Oración por los Sacerdotes Señor Jesús, te rogamos que tu Santísima Madre cubra con su manto a los sacerdotes y, por su intercesión, les de fuerza para ejercer su ministerio. Pedimos que María guíe a tus sacerdotes para que sigan las mismas palabras de ella: “Hagan lo que él les diga” (Juan 2,5).
Todos sufrimos alguna forma de ceguera porque fallamos en ver las cosas como Jesús las ve. "Quiero ver" debería ser nuestra oración diaria. PREGUNTAS PARA DIALOGAR 1. ¿Por qué crees que la multitud estaba irritada con el comportamiento del mendigo? 2. ¿Qué experiencias tienes de personas que han sido avergonzadas por personas que son diferentes? 3. ¿Cómo responde Bartimeo a la protesta de la multitud? 4. ¿Cómo la respuesta de Jesús es diferente a la de la multitud? 5. ¿Por qué crees que Jesús sanó a Bartimeo? 6. ¿Cuáles son algunas de las influencias en nuestra sociedad que debilitan nuestra habilidad de ver como ve Jesús? 7. ¿Qué tipo de ceguera puede experimentar las personas de tu edad? 8. ¿Cómo puedes mejorar tu vista espiritual? ORACIÓN COMUNITARIA Dios, Padre de bondad, que nos has creado para caminar, para salir al encuentro de los demás y de ti, y que abres para ello ante nosotros el camino que debemos recorrer. Te pedimos ilumines nuestros ojos para que podamos caminar sin tropiezo y ayudar a caminar a los demás. Por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén.
Que les enseñe a tener el mismo corazón que tenía San José, esposo castísimo de María. Que el corazón traspasado de la Santísima Virgen les inspire a recibir a todos los que El iconógrafo, Marek Czarnecki de Restau- sufren al pie de la cruz. raciones Seráficas en Meriden, Connecticut, Que sean sacerdotes santos, encendidos ha dado amablemente a la Conferencia de con el fuego de tu amor que sólo buscan tu los Obispos Católicos Estadounidenses los mayor honor y gloria y la salvación de las derechos de utilizar el icono de Cristo el almas. Amén. Gran Sumo Sacerdote durante el Año para Sacerdotes. Este icono es basado en un San Juan Vianney, ruega por nosotros. prototipo griego del siglo XV; aquí Cristo es mostrado en vestiduras del Rito Latino con Hora Santa un pelicano de oro sobre el corazón, el anti- En cada Misa, debeguo símbolo de sacrificio. Las fronteras con- mos ofrecer oraciones tienen una vid de windig y el altar preparado especiales para nuespara la celebración de la liturgia de la Misa; tra nación y sus lídeen las fronteras son iconos más pequeños res, para que la cultude Melchizedek y San John Vianney, decla- ra de la muerte se rado como el Patron Universal de todos los pueda vencer y una Sacerdotes por Papa Benedicto XVI, con el civilización del amor anuncio de este año especial. Czarnecki se pueda avanzar. Todos los católicos explica: "Escribí el icono hace siete años deben participar a la adoración eucarística para que [los seminaristas y sacerdotes] y rezar el Rosario para la restauración del puedan ver a Cristo por sí, y sí mismos en respeto a la vida humana y para el salvaCristo. Nosotros a menudo oímos que el guardar de la integridad de la familia. En icono es llamado una ventana; en este caso, nuestras oraciones, debemos buscar, sotambién ha significado ser un espejo". El bre todo, la intercesión de la Virgen María, Buen Pastor recuerda al sacerdote que él bajo su título de la inmaculada Concepdebe "dar su vida para su oveja". ción. (Arzobispo Raymond L. Burke)
Cristo el Gran Sumo Sacerdote
Envía, Señor, apóstoles santos a tu Iglesia.
El Halloween Desde la Fe Católica Halloween significa «All hallows’ eve», palabra que proviene del inglés antiguo, y que significa «víspera de todos los santos», ya que se refiere a la noche del 31 de octubre, víspera de la Fiesta de Todos los Santos. Sin embargo, la antigua costumbre anglosajona le ha robado su estricto sentido religioso para celebrar en su lugar la noche del terror, de las brujas y los fantasmas. La celebración del Halloween se inició con los celtas, antiguos pobladores de Europa Oriental, Occidental y parte de Asia Menor. Entre ellos habitaban los druidas, sacerdotes paganos adoradores de los árboles, especialmente del roble. Ellos creían en la inmortalidad del alma, la cual decían se introducía en otro individuo al abandonar el cuerpo; pero el 31 de octubre volvía a su antiguo hogar a pedir comida a sus moradores, quienes estaban obligados a hacer provisión para ella. El año céltico concluía en esta fecha que coincide con el otoño, cuya característica principal es la caída de las hojas. Para ellos significaba el fin de la muerte o iniciación de una nueva vida. Esta enseñanza se propagó a través de los años juntamente con la adoración a su dios el «señor de la muerte», o «Samagin», a quien en este mismo día invocaban para consultarle sobre el futuro, salud, prosperidad, muerte, entre otros. Cuando los pueblos celtas se cristianizaron, no todos renunciaron a las costumbres paganas. Es decir, la conversión no fue completa. La coincidencia cronológica de la fiesta pagana con la fiesta cristiana de Todos los Santos y la de los difuntos, que es el día siguiente, hizo que se mezclara. En vez de recordar los buenos ejemplos de los santos y orar por los antepasados, se llenaban de miedo ante las antiguas supersticiones sobre la muerte y los difuntos. Si somos sinceros con nosotros mismos y buscamos ser fieles a los valores de la Iglesia Católica, llegaremos a la conclusión de que la manera que muchos celebran el halloween no tiene nada que ver con nuestro recuerdo cristiano de los Fieles Difuntos, y que todas sus connotaciones son nocivas y contrarias a los principios elementales de nuestra fe.
Sugerencias para los padres de familia
¿Cómo darle a los hijos una enseñanza auténtica de la fe católica en estas fechas? ¿Cómo hacer que se diviertan con un propósito verdaderamente católico y cristiano? ¿Qué podemos enseñarles a los niños sobre esta fiesta?
Página 7
Ante la realidad que inunda nuestro medio y que es promovida sin medida por el consumismo nos preguntamos ¿qué hacer? ¿Taparnos los ojos para no ver la realidad? ¿Buscar buenas excusas para justificar su presencia y no darle mayor importancia a este «juego»? ¿Debemos prohibirles a nuestros hijos participar en el halloween mientras que sus vecinos y amigos se «divierten»? ¿Serían capaces los niños de entender todos los peligros que corren y por qué de nuestra negativa a participar en esto? La respuesta no es sencilla, sin embargo creemos que sí hay algunas cosas que podemos hacer: Lo primero es organizar una catequesis con los niños en los días anteriores al halloween, con el objeto de enseñarles el por qué de la festividad católica de Todos los Santos y los Fieles Difuntos, haciéndoles ver la importancia de celebrar nuestros Santos, como modelos de la fe, como verdaderos seguidores de Cristo. En las catequesis y actividades previas a estas fechas, es buena idea que nuestros hijos inviten a sus amigos, para que se atenúe el impacto de rechazo social y sus compañeros entiendan por qué no participan de la misma forma que todo el mundo. Debemos explicarles de manera sencilla y clara, pero firme, lo negativo que hay en el Halloween y la manera en que se festeja. Es necesario explicarles que Dios quiere que seamos buenos y que no nos identifiquemos ni con las brujas ni con los monstruos, pues nosotros somos hijos de Dios. Proponemos a los padres de familia una opción para sus hijos, pues seguramente los niños querrán salir con sus amigos en la noche del Halloween: Los niños pueden disfrazarse de ángeles y preparar pequeñas bolsas con dulces, regalos o tarjetitas con mensajes y pasar de casa en casa, y en lugar de hacer el «obsequio o truco» o de pedir dulces, regalarlos a los hogares que visiten y que expliquen que entregan dulces porque la Iglesia Católica tendrá muy pronto una fiesta muy importante en la que se celebra a todos aquellos que fueron como nosotros deberíamos ser: los Santos. Aunque este cambio no será sencillo para los niños, es necesario vivir congruentemente con nuestra fe, y no permitir que los más pequeños tomen como algo natural la connotación negativa del halloween. Con valor y sentido cristiano, los católicos podemos dar a estas fechas, el significado que tienen en el marco de nuestra fe.
LUNES 5p (Misa y) Santo Rosario (Calle O) 7p Junta de Lectores (Ciranni Center) MARTES 4:30p Catequésis (Norte) 5p (Misa y) Santo Rosario (Calle O) 7p Jr. Agape (Norte) MIERCOLES 3p Padres y Madres Orantes (Calle O) 4:30p Catequésis (Norte) 5p (Misa y) Santo Rosario (Calle O) 5:30p Misa (Del Rey) 7p Coro del Grupo de Oración (Calle O) 7p Agape (Norte) JUEVES 10a Grupo Divina Voluntad (Calle O) 5p Catequésis (Norte) 5p Hora Santa en español (Calle O) 6p Hora Santa en Silencio y Confesiones 7p Hora Santa en inglés (Calle O) 7p Pre/Catecumenado (Norte) 7p Coro 5p-Ensayo (Calle O) VIERNES 5p (Misa y) Santo Rosario (Calle O) 7p Encuentro Matrimonial (Norte) SÁBADO 8:30a Catequésis (Norte) 8:30a Catecúmenado para Niños (Norte) 2:15p Confesiones (Calle O)
FECHAS PARA RECORDAR CLASE PRE-BAUTISMAL EN ESPAÑOL Viernes, 30 de octubre 7-8:30pm, CCD 1 Regístranse ahora en la oficina. FIESTA DE TODOS LOS SANTOS Sábado, 31 de octubre 6:00-8:00 pm, salón grande RETIRO PREMATRIMONIAL Viernes a Domingo, 6, 7 y 8 de noviembre En el Seminario Rogacionista APOSTOLADO DE LA VIDA Lunes, 9 de noviembre 6:00-8:00 pm, salón grande FIESTA DE TODOS LOS SANTOS Sábado, 31 de octubre 6:00-8:00 pm, salón grande
Nuestra Misión Parroquial Nosotros, los feligreses de Sta. María y de Sta. Katerina, proclamamos nuestra misión de tres-doblez: adorar a Dios, compartir nuestra fe, y servir a los necesitados.
Primera Lectura
Segunda Lectura
Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión
Sáb.10/24 7:00p
Jose Morales
Veronica Mercado Glafira Vargas
Maria Bustamante, Irma Perez, Gloria Gonzalez
Israel Garcia
Martha Lomeli
Irma Garcia
Jose Castellanos, Adela Cuevas, Josefina Alfaro
Maria Morales
Petra Rocha
Patricia Lozada
Mary Villarreal, Alicia Alba, Nicolas Ponce
Domingo 10/25