Strategic Territorial Plan (Sp: PET) Federal Ministry of Planning, Public Investment and Services Under Secretariat of Territorial Planning of Public Investment
The current and the projected National Territorial Model • Demographic aspects • Socio economic aspects • Environmental aspects
Social Situation
•13% of unemployment • 31.6% of the population is bellow the poverty line. •13 million of people are bellow the poverty and the extreme poverty line •In the North, poverty and extreme poverty are 19.5% and 11.2% beyond the national average, respectively
Basic Infrastructure •98% of the Buenos Aires city population is connected to the water supply network. 57% in Misiones (in the North). •95% in Buenos Aires is connected to the sewerage treatment. Only 14% in Santiago del Estero
Current Territorial Model • Buenos Aires primacy. • High concentration of economic production and wealth • Poor territorial connectivity out of the main cities network
Projected Model 1.
TO PROMOTE THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALL ARGENTINE REGIONS To promote the local and regional development
To strength a Polycentric Urban System, with dynamic and competitive cities To promote the development of rural areas through the diversification and generation of new economic activities. 2.
TO IMPROVE THE ECONOMY COMPETITIVENESS AND TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF LIFE THROUGH THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW INFRASTRUCTURE To improve the local and regional spatial connectivity through the improvement of the Transport System and the development of the telecommunication System. To improve the supply and quality of Power To improve the quality of life and to support the growth of economic production through the improvement of infrastructure.
TO PUT VALUE TO THE NATIONAL NATURAL AND CULTURAL ASSETS THROUGH AN INTEGRATED AND ACCOUNTABLE ADMINISTRATION To plan and manage comprehensively the Natural Resources and the Cultural Assets of the National Territory. To build safer territories through the reduction of environmental risks.
¿what is the goal of the PET? To build a territorial development framework for the nation and the provinces (24 provinces) …… which allows the governmental policies to be addressed……. and to be assessed beyond the administrative and sectorial boundaries …. within a period of 10 years.
¿what are the main elements of the PET? The current territorial model definition. The projected territorial model definition (supported by previously defined goals) The definition of the strategy to implementing the model. A list of strategic projects.
¿what is the relationship between the nation and provinces?
As the projected provincial territorial model is part of the projected national model, provinces need to identify the best territorial strategy that fit in the national strategy. Simultaneously, the projected national territorial model needs to consider and include the territorial provincial models.
National and Provincial Governments, NGOs., Civil Society, Private Sector
¿How does the process work nowadays? CONSULTATION N Executive Branch A T Ministry of Federal I Planning O Rest of the N Ministries A Private Sector L ONGs. Civil Society
Current model definition Goals and Scenarios definition
CONSULTATION P Executive V Branch C Ministry of I Public Services A L Rest of the Ministries
Projected model definition Strategies and Projects definition
Private Sector
G O V.
Civil Society
Formosa: Current Territorial Model
Example: Formosa Province Environment Map Environmental restrictions oErosión hídrica oDesertificación oÁreas inundables oÁreas con riesgo de incendios Environmental Opportunities oÁreas protegidas oPaisajes singulares Geographical oRíos oBañados oLagos oSalinas oEtc.
Ejemplo Provincia de Formosa METODOLOGIA Social Map Localidades por rango de población NBI Déficit de vivienda Saneamiento básico Educación Nivel de estudios alcanzados/ Escolarización primaria Salud Establecimientos sanitarios Tasa Mortalidad Tasa Mortalidad infantil
Ejemplo Provincia de Formosa METODOLOGIA Economic Map Principales actividades económicas Tipo de economía: primarización / industrialización Grado de industrialización Flujo comercial/ exportaciones Empleo oTasa de actividad/PEA oDesocupación oNivel de instrucción superior/ Población entre 12 y 18 en condiciones educativas criticas oDinámica poblacional / migraciones Uso del suelo/aptitud del suelo (compatib./incompatibilidad) Área potencial de uso determinado.
Ejemplo Provincia de Formosa METODOLOGIA Infrastructure Map Vías de comunicación oRutas nacionales, provinciales, ferrocarriles, caminos rurales oPuertos, aeropuertos, oCentros multimodales oPasos fronterizos oPuentes Redes energéticas oGasoductos oRed eléctrica Establecimientos sanitarios oCamas por localidad oNivel de complejidad Establecimientos educativos Grandes equipamientos oCentrales nucleares oCentrales térmicas oRepresas