1 Course Guide Code PCA-27-F-01-Ed.00
SUBJECT SPECIFIC LEARNING DIFFICULTIES Field Learning Difficulties and Development Disorders
Degree of Teacher in Preschool Education Universidad Católica de Valencia
Year 2016-17
Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”
COURSE GUIDE OF THE SUBJECT ECTS Subject: Specific Learning Difficulties
Field: Learning Difficulties and Development Disorders
Module: Learning and personality development
Type of learning 1: Basic learning
YEAR: 3º Semester: 2º
Department: Inclusive Education, SocialCommunity Development and Occupational Sciences. E-mail:
Consuelo Cerdá Carmen Rico Pedro Senabre Carmen Solís
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
MODULE ORGANIZATION ____________________________________________________________________________
Learning and personality development
Fields and Subjects Field Educational processes, learning and personality 1
Year/ Semester
Developmental psychology
Educational psychology
Basic learning (common subject), Compulsory subjects, Optional subjects, External practices, Grade final project.
Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”
Language development psychology
3 1/2
Learning Difficulties and Development Disorders
Specific needs of educational support
Attention to students with specific needs of educational support Specific learning difficulties COURSE GUIDE FOR SUBJECT
To acquire the necessary skills to detect risk factors of learning difficulties in Preschool Education and develop prevention and development programs of pre-reading, writing, problem solving and calculating skills, as well as socio-affective dimensions for the students.
Competence measuring scales 1
CG-2 Promote and facilitate learning in early childhood, from a global and inclusive of different cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and volitional dimensional perspective. CG-3 Designing and regulating learning spaces inclusive of diversity addressing gender equality, equity and respect for human rights which constitute the values of a citizen's education.
Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”
CG-4 To promote coexistence in the classroom and outside; to solve disciplinary problems and contribute to their solution peacefully. CG-5 Reflect in groups on the acceptance of rules and respect for others. Promote autonomy and uniqueness of each student as factors of education of the emotions, feelings and values of early childhood. CG-6 To know the evolution of language in early childhood, able to identify possible malfunctions and ensure proper development. Effectively address situations of language learning in multicultural and multilingual contexts. Express themselves orally and in writing and master the use of different techniques of expression. CG-8 To know about dietary and hygienic foundations for children. To know about the foundations of early care and the basis and developments that allow to understand the psychological processes of learning and personality development in early childhood. CG-10 To perform functions of tutoring and guiding in the period of 0-6 and master social skills for the interaction and relation with the family of each student and the group of families.
4 1 CE-13 Understanding the processes of learning and education for children in the family, social and school areas.
CE-17 To know the main evolutionary aspects of this period in order to detect developmental difficulties and educational needs
CE-20 To know the evolution of language in early childhood and its relationship to cognitive development and school learning and care for proper development.
CE-21 To know how to identify linguistic disorders in order to collaborate effectively with other professionals to ensure a suitable educational treatment. CE-22 To know the fundamentals of early care and the bases that allow us to understand the psychological processes of learning and personality construction in early childhood. CE-23 To know the bases that allow us to understand the psychological processes of school learning in early childhood as mediators and facilitators for lifelong learning and the role they play in building the personality during that period. CE-24 To acquire resources in order to facilitate educational integration of students with difficulties. CE-25 To know about the legislation that regulates the attention of specific needs in educational support in pre-school and to participate en the development and monitoring of educational projects of inclusive centres, in collaboration with the region, other professionals and social agents.
R1 The student knows the characteristics of the pupils with specific needs of educational support in the different stages of their vital cycle.
CG6, CG8, CG10, CE13, CE17, CE20, CE21, CE22, CE23
R2 The student identifies specific materials and can adapt materials and didactic resources attending to the singularity of every pupil.
CG3,CG6,CG10 CE21,CE24,CE25
R3 The student knows how to apply the specific methodologies and intervention techniques most suitable en each learning-teaching situation.
CG3,CG4,CG5,CG6,CG8,CG10 CE13,CE20,CE21,CE24,CE25
R4 The student detects the possible specific needs of educational support not diagnosed.
CG2,CG3,CG6,CG10 CE17,CE20,CE21
R6 The student handles the organizational aspects of the classroom to attend properly to the singular needs students.
CG3,CG4,CG6 CE21,CE25,CE25
R7 The student has criteria to take decisions suitable for the design and execution of curriculum adaptations and intervention programs.
CG3,CG5,CG8,CG10 CE17,CE20,CE21,CE24,CE25
R8 The student solves practical cases, individually and in group, related to the contents of the subject.
CG3,CG4,CG5,CG6,CG10 CE17,CE20,CE21, CE24, CE25
R9 The student acquires a specific vocabulary of the subject. R10 The student identifies the functions and competences of the different professionals that take part in the education of children with specific needs in educational support from a collaboration perspective.
Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”
CG3,CG6,CG8,CG10 CE17,CE20,CE21,CE22,CE24,CE25 CG3,CG5,CG8,CG10 CE21,CE24,CE25
5 R12 The student assumes the need of professional constant development by the self-assessment of the own educational practice and consulting the different specialized sources and databases.
CG3,CG6,CG10 CE17,CE21,CE24,CE25
R14 The student analyzes the variables that take part in the socialaffective development of the student with specific needs of educational support, to be able to guide the families and work in close collaboration with them, with other involved agents.
CG2,CG3,CG8,CG10 CE22,CE23,CE25
R17 The student detects risk factors that can affect the learning process of reading, writing and mathematics.
CG6,CG8,CG10 CE13,CE17,CE20,CE21,CE22,CE23
R18 The student knows about and applies resources which are necessary for the development of the abilities previous to reading, writing and mathematics.
CG2,CG3,CG6,CG8 CE13,CE17,CE20,CE21CE,23
R19 The student knows about specific learning difficulties.
CG2,CG3,CG6,CG8 CE13,CE17,CE20,CE21,CE23
Teaching-Learning Methodology
Teacher presentation of contents, analysis of competences, explanation and in-class display of skills, abilities and knowledge.
Group work sessions supervised by the professor. Case studies, diagnostic tests, problems, field work, computer room, visits, data search, libraries, on-line, Internet, etc. Meaningful construction of knowledge through interaction and student.
Activities carried out in spaces with specialized equipment.
Relationship with Learning Outcomes for the subject
R1, R2, R3, R4, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R14, R17, R18, R19
R1, R2, R4, R6, R7, R8, R10, R12, R14, R18
Supervised monographic sessions with shared participation
R2, R6, R8, R14
Application of interdisciplinary knowledge.
R2, R6, R8, R14
Personalized and small group R7, R8, R12, R14, R18 attention. Period of instruction and/or orientation carried out by a tutor for
Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”
6 the purpose of reviewing and discussing the materials and topics presented in lectures, seminars, readings, writing papers, etc. ASSESSMENT
Group of oral and/or written tests used during initial, formative or additive assessment.
R1, R2, R6, R7, R8, R9, R14 Total
Teaching-Learning Methodology
Relationship of Subject with Learning Outcomes
Team work on readings, essays, , problem solving, seminars, papers, reports, etc. to be presented or R1, R2, R4, R7, R8, R9, submitted in theoretical lectures, R18 practical and/or small-group tutoring sessions. Work done on the university's platform www.plataforma.ucv.es). Student study: Group, Individual preparation of readings, essays, problem solving, seminars, papers, reports, etc. to be presented or submitted in theoretical lectures, practical and/or small-group tutoring sessions. Work done on the university e-learning platform ( www.plataforma.ucv.es )
R1, R2, R4, R7, R8, R9, R10, R12, R17, R18, R19
Assessment Tool
Allocated Percentage
Written tests
R1, R2, R3, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R14, R17, R18, R19
Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”
7 Seminar
R2, R3, R7, R8, R9, R12, R17, R18, R19
Oral Presentation
R2, R3, R8, R9, R17, R18, R19
Attendance and participation in the activities
R1, R2, R3, R4, R6, R7, R8, R10, R12, R14, R17, R18, R19
Criterion of concession of the Mention of Distinction: From the obtaining of 9 on and providing that the obtained result is a consequence of an excellent academic progress together with an effort and interest for the subject. Comments: Note 1 Any person who for work or for any other reason is unable to continue this system should present his/her case in the first 15 days of school. If there is no such communication it’s understood he/she accepts the evaluation criteria established by the Department for the on-campus modality and subsequent amendments will not be accepted unless good cause. Note 2-The evaluation system for non-contact mode is equal to the face, except in paragraph Attendance and participation in activities, granting the 15% rate if the student proceeds to make a series of visits with date and time marked by the professor of the course, within their care students. Note 3 In order to sum up percentages is essential to pass, in both modalities, each and every one of the assessment tools. Failure to follow the rules and deadlines for the completion of academic activities invalidate the note
Organization in contents blocks or thematic groups. Development of contents in didactic guides.
(Indicate, numerically, the related competences)
1. Learning difficulties: conceptualization, detection and intervention.
2. Introduction.
difficulties in Preschool Education. 3. Personal and social characteristics of the students with LD. Analysis of comorbidity in LD.
4. Early Childhood Intervention.
Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”
G3, G7, G10, G11, G15, G17, G21, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7
5. Learning difficulties in reading: pre-reading skills. Reading comprehension: Previous skills. 6. Learning difficulties in writing. 7. Learning difficulties in mathematics.
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Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”
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Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”
1 2
Learning difficulties: conceptualization, detection and intervention. Legislative framework of learning difficulties in Preschool
Personal and social characteristics of the students with LD. Analysis of comorbidity in LD.
Early Childhood Intervention.
Learning difficulties in reading: pre-reading skills. Reading 5 6 7
comprehension: Previous skills. Learning difficulties in writing. Learning difficulties in mathematics.
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6 3 4