University of Dallas Ministry Conference

University of Dallas Ministry Conference Sponsored by the School of Ministry in cooperation with the Diocese of Dallas Walking Together in Faith Wes

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Story Transcript

University of Dallas Ministry Conference Sponsored by the School of Ministry in cooperation with the Diocese of Dallas

Walking Together in Faith

Westin DFW – Irving, Texas – October 23-25, 2008

2008 Ministry Conference Speakers –English John L. Allen Jr. John L. Allen Jr. is the prize-winning Senior Correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter, CNN’s Senior Vatican Analyst, a frequent commentator for other media outlets, and the author of five books on the Vatican and Catholic affairs. The London Tablet has called Allen “the most authoritative writer on Vatican affairs in the English language.” His work is admired across ideological divides; liberal commentator Fr. Andrew Greeley calls his writing “indispensable,” while conservative Fr. Richard John Neuhaus calls Allen’s reporting “possibly the best source of information on the Vatican published in the United States.” According to Touchstone magazine, “Allen has achieved something remarkable, and that’s genuine dialogue among sometimes competing voices in the Catholic Church.” His weekly internet column, “All Things Catholic,” is widely read as a source of insight on the global Church. Allen’s current project is Mega-Trends in Catholicism: Ten Forces Turning the Catholic Church Upside Down, a survey of the most important currents shaping the future of Catholicism and what they will mean for the Church in the 21st century. John and his wife Shannon live in New York; John also maintains an office in Rome.

Tammy Amosson Tammy Amosson is an author, speaker, itinerant minister and workshop facilitator. She is the founder of Spiritual Fitness Ministry, dedicated to encouraging those seeking to live relationally in mind, body, soul and spirit. Tammy has a B.S. in Family Sciences and is getting her masters in Theology from the School of Ministry at the University of Dallas. She is the founder of Seize the Day; a support group for families who have children with Seizure Disorders; and founder of Mission Possible a local service outreach program dedicated to serving the needs of the local community. Amosson is the co-author of Wash Each Other’s Feet: Healing our Spirit with Relational Ministry and is the author of Special Angel: Through the Eyes of Jac. Amosson might describe her prayer life as contemplative, yet most promote her as God’s cheerleader. Her passion is the beauty of God’s love manifested in and through relationships. Her hope is to inspire, encourage and ignite passion in each person’s spiritual journey. Tammy and her husband Brett reside in Las Vegas with their four children.

Rev. Lawrence Boadt Father Lawrence Boadt is a Paulist Father and president and publisher of the Paulist Press in Mahwah, NJ. Since 1997, he has been professor emeritus of Sacred Scripture at the Washington Theological Union, in Washington, DC. He has taught at Fordham and St. John’s University in Queens, NY, and is the author of Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction.

Dr. Pilar Calva Pilar Calva obtained her M.D from Anahuac University School of Medicine. After training with Professor Jerome Lejeune at the Hospital des Enfants Malades, Paris, France, she received her certification on Cytogenetics from the Sorbonne University in Paris in 1987. She received her masters on Bioethics from Anahuac University in 2005. She currently teaches at the Bioethics Faculty and Medicine School of Anahuac University, The John Paul II Institute Sciences of Family and Marriage, and the University of Dallas. She has lectured at various national and international Congresses. Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life(2002), Bioethics Council of the Mexican Episcopal Commission for the Family(2004), PanAmerican Society of Bioethics, Mexican Academy of Bioethics, Regional Observatory for Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, and Mexican Association of Human Genetics.

Richard Cheri Richard A. Cheri lives with his wife, Cynthia, and son, Richie, in Montz, Louisiana, near his place of birth, New Orleans. Richard has earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, a Master of Arts in Theology and a Master of Science in Teaching Mathematics. Besides being an adjunct professor of mathematics at Loyola University in New Orleans, adjunct professor of theology at Notre Dame Seminary, and on the faculty at the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University, he presently teaches mathematics at Destrehan High School in Destrehan, Louisiana. Richard also serves as the Director of Liturgy and Music at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church, the coordinating director of the Archdiocese of New Orleans Gospel Choir, and chairperson of the Archbishop James Patterson Lyke Liturgical Conference in New Orleans. He has toured with the Moses Hogan Chorale and is a composer, arranger, and producer with World Library Publications.

Gary Daigle Gary Daigle’s work as a composer, artist and producer of pastoral music continues to offer a wide range of musical, liturgical and pastoral experience to parish ministers and liturgical artists. Presently the Associate Director of Music at a suburban Chicago, IL church, Gary has continued to evolve and produce music that not only serves the American church on a regular basis but that has helped shape the American church’s aesthetic profile. His recent contribution has been as liturgical consultant and music editor of the catechetical series “Christ Jesus, The Way” published by Benziger.

Most Rev. Kevin J. Farrell Bishop Kevin Joseph Farrell was born in Dublin, Ireland in September 1947. The second of four boys, he graduated from the Irish Christian Brothers High School in Drimnagh, Dublin. He entered the novitiate of the Legionnaires of Christ in 1966 and received an M.A. in Philosophy and an S.T.L. in Theology after studies in Rome. After being ordained to the priesthood in Rome on December 24, 1978, then-Father Farrell was assigned to be the chaplain for the University of Monterrey in Mexico. While there, he conducted seminars in bioethics and social ethics. Bishop Farrell was appointed Seventh Bishop of Dallas on March 6, 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI. He was installed as Bishop of Dallas May 1, 2007, succeeding Bishop Charles V. Grahmann who served as Sixth Bishop of Dallas from July 1990 until his resignation in July, 2007.

Rev. Msgr. Don Fischer Msgr. Don Fischer was ordained to the priesthood May 13, 1967 at St. Paul the Apostle Church in Richardson by the Most Reverend Thomas K. Gorman. Clergy assignments followed--2 years at St. Thomas Aquinas and 4 years at St. Monica before he was appointed Chaplain for the University of Dallas for 13 years. Msgr. Don became pastor of St. Bernard of Clairvaux in May of 1986 and in June of 1995 was assigned to his present position at St. Joseph Parish in Richardson, Texas. Along with his parochial assignment, he served as Diocesan Vocation Director from 1973-1980, AIDS ARMS Executive Board Member from 1991-1995, presently serves as Chairman of the Sub-Commission of Sacred Places of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission, a position he has held for 30 years, presently a Board Member of Breukelein Institute in New York, presently serves on the University of Dallas Board of Trustees, and he has had a radio program on WRR for 20 years.

Diana Dudoit Raiche Diana Dudoit Raiche, Executive Director of the Department of Religious Education at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), has taught in Catholic, public and private schools, parish religious education programs, diocesan adult faith formation programs and at the university level. She is a former parish director of catechetical ministry, director of the catechumenate, chairperson of a diocesan education commission and consultant to dioceses regarding the baptismal catechumenate. At NCEA, she has been responsible for NCEA’s Information for Growth (IFG), a faith and spiritual formation survey for adults, and the Assessment of Catechesis/Religious Education (NCEA ACRE), a religious education assessment tool for students, providing in-services for catechetical leadership in schools and parishes. In her capacity as executive director, she serves as a consultant to the Bishops’ Committee on Catechesis and works as a collaborator with other national offices on various projects, such as the adolescent catechesis project. Having earned the MA in Practical Theology from the University of San Diego, she is currently a Ph.D. Candidate at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC.

Most Rev. William B. Friend William Benedict Friend, a native of Miami, Florida, was ordained a priest in 1959 for the Diocese of Mobile-Birmingham. He was called to the order of bishop in 1979 for service in north Louisiana. On December 20, 2006, Pope Benedict XVI accepted Bishop Friend’s letter of retirement and granted him the title of Bishop Emeritus of Shreveport. During his active ministry as priest and diocesan bishop, Bishop Friend served in many different roles in parish work, education, scientific research and administration. He has been a trustee of four institutions of higher education, four different Catholic health care systems, two major research institutions, and a variety of non-governmental organizations. He has served as a member of the Pontifical Council for Culture and the Pontifical Council for Dialogue with Non-Believers. He has made presentations to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the South African Bishops Conference and a variety of other entities. At present, Bishop Friend continues as a professional member of the World Future Society, a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, and is an academician emeritus in the Catholic Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. On most weekends, he assists in a parish church near his residence.

Margaret Gillet Margaret Gillett has worked in the Dallas Tribunal since 1981 and currently is the Assessor, directing the processing of nullity cases and marriage dispensations/permissions, managing the annual budget, and overseeing/facilitating the work of Procurator-Advocates, Auditors, Assessors, and Court-appointed Experts/Marriage Readiness Assessors. Margaret Gillett is a member of the Canon Law Society of America and currently serves on the Marriage Research Committee.

Gene Giuliano Gene Giuliano earned the Master of Arts degree in Sacred Theology, with concentrations in Systematic Theology and Sacred Scripture, from St. Thomas Seminary Graduate School in Denver, Colorado. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy, and received catechist certification from St. Thomas Seminary College in Denver. Prof. Giuliano is one of the coauthors of The College Study Bible, published by St. Mary Press and The Denver Catholic Biblical School Program, which was published by Paulist Press. He has taught for the Catholic Biblical School of the University of Dallas School of Ministry for the last six years, has developed an online version of years one and two of the Biblical School program, and is currently working with Catholic Biblical School colleagues on a revision of the program’s student workbooks and teacher guidebooks. Gene has over 30 years of teaching experience including work as a Scripture Instructor for the Catechetical School of the Archdiocese of Denver, an Adult Faith Formation Instructor for the dioceses of Dallas and Tyler, and as an Instructor for the Deacon Formation programs in the dioceses of Dallas, Tyler and Fort Worth.

Annette Gonzalez Taylor Annette Gonzales Taylor has been the Director of Communications for the Diocese of Dallas since September 12, 2007. In that role, she serves as the official spokesperson for the Diocese, handles all public relations matters and deals with the local and national media. Annette also oversees diocesan newspapers, The Texas Catholic and the Spanish language El Católico, as well as the newly revamped diocesan website and the annual publication of the official Directory for the Diocese of Dallas. Annette is a former member of the National Communications Committee for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, D.C. She currently sits on the Advisory Board of Catholic Charities of Dallas and she is a board member of the Catholic Academy for Communications Arts Professionals.

Rev. Patrick Hannon Father Patrick Hannon, born and raised in Oakland, California, is a Holy Cross priest who has ministered with adults—young and old—in Portland, Oregon; Chicago, Illinois; South Bend, Indiana; and Colorado Springs, Colorado. His first book, Running into the Arms of God: Stories of Prayer/Prayer as Story (ACTA Publications, 2005) won the first place award for first-time authors from the Catholic Publishers Association. His second book, The Geography of God’s Mercy: Stories of Compassion and Forgiveness (ACTA Publications, 2007) has received great critical acclaim. He recently joined the campus ministry staff at the University of Portland.

Rev. Robert Hater Rev. Robert Hater is a priest of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, a Professor of Pastoral and Systematic Theology at the Athenaeum of Ohio, and also Professor Emeritus at the University of Dayton. Author of more than 14 books including The Catholic Family in a Changing World, Prophets of Faith: The Role of Diocesan Catechetical Leaders, and Catholic Evangelization: The Heart of Ministry- all published by Harcourt Religion Publishers. National Theological Consultant for Harcourt Religion Publishers, Father Hater also serves as a key member of the Harcourt Religion Publishers Advisory Panel.

Andrew Hill Andrew J. Hill, J.D. earned a bachelor’s degree in English and Philosophy from St. Mary’s University, and a Master of Arts degree in Philosophy from the Center for Thomistic Studies at the University of St. Thomas. He earned the Juris Doctor degree from the Loyola University School of Law, which also awarded him the Gillis Long Poverty Law Center Community Service Award in 1997. Before teaching at the University of Dallas, Hill was a senior lecturer of law and ethics at St. Mary's University in San Antonio.

Angeline Hubert Angeline Hubert is the assistant director of the Catholic Biblical School of the University of Dallas School of Ministry. She earned a Master of Arts degree in Theology from St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, Minnesota. Ms. Hubert taught history and theology in Catholic secondary schools in Minnesota, before joining the faculty of the Denver Catholic Biblical School where she taught for 20 years, and served as the associate director for six years. Since 2004, she has been on the faculty of the University of Dallas School of Ministry Catholic Biblical School. She is one of the co-authors of The Denver Catholic Biblical School Program, which was published by Paulist Press, and is currently working on revisions of the program with other members of the Catholic Biblical School faculty. In addition to her teaching, Ms. Hubert has also offered numerous classes, lectures, workshops, days of reflection and retreats on a variety of biblical topics.

Bill Huebsch Bill Huebsch holds a BA in Religious Studies and a Masters in Theological Studies from the Catholic Theological Union of Chicago. He served as a diocesan administrator in Minnesota for many years, principally in the Diocese of New Ulm where he served with Bishop Ray Lucker. He later served as DRE in a suburban Minneapolis parish. He is now senior advisor on lifelong faith formation to Twenty-Third Publications and an adjunct faculty member at Loyola University New Orleans Institute for Pastoral Studies, and the University of Dallas School of Ministry. He is the past president of Twenty-Third Publications and has held management roles in other Catholic publishing houses since 1995. His most recent book, Dreams and Visions: Pastoral Planning for Lifelong Faith Formation is available from Twenty-Third Publications and Harcourt Religion Publishers.

Dr. Dorothy Jonaitis After teaching in the Denver Catholic Biblical School for 11 years, Dorothy Jonaitis, OP, earned the Doctor of Ministry degree in Preaching from Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis, Missouri. She studied for her Master’s degree in Theology from the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Jonaitis is the author of Unmasking Apocalyptic Texts: A Guide to Preaching and Teaching, published by Paulist Press in October, 2005. While in St. Louis, Sister Dorothy was also a member of the summer faculty of the Aquinas Institute of Theology Preaching Institute. Sr. Dorothy has now taught for the Catholic Biblical School here at the University of Dallas for the past five years and has also taught in the Dallas and Tyler Deacon Formation Programs. She is participating on the committee doing revisions of the original Denver Catholic Biblical School Program, the first two years of which are now on the market and being used around the country. Dr. Jonaitis is open to being a speaker on a variety of biblical and spiritual topics.

Barbara Landregan Barbara Landregan is currently the Director of the Safe Environment Program, and past Director of the Catholic Conference and Formation Center for the Diocese of Dallas. She has worked previously for the Serra Clubs and the Vocation Office. Barbara received a Masters of Pastoral Ministry from the University of Dallas, Masters of Art in Human Sciences and Bachelor of Arts in Management from Our Lady of the Lake University. She has taught Old Testament at the University of Dallas School of Ministry, World Religions at Brookhaven College, and various courses at Our Lady of the Lake University. Barbara is married to Steve Landregan and has 3 children, 5 stepchildren, and 14 grandchildren. She is a member of the SMU Catholic Community.

Daniel Lizárraga Daniel Lizárraga is Catholic Relief Services’ Regional Director for the Southwestern United States. Based in San Antonio, he collaborates with diocesan and Catholic organizations to promote awareness of Catholic Social Teaching and global issues in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. The areas of programming for Catholic Relief Service include Education and Formation; Youth and Young Adults; Advocacy; and Global Partnerships. As Regional Director, Daniel works to foster relationships with bishops, diocesan directors and other leaders in the region and coordinate with CRS headquarters. Mr. Lizárraga received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Notre Dame, a Masters of Public Affairs from the University of Texas at Austin and a Masters in Theological Studies from the Washington Theological Union in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Daniel J. Luby Dr. Daniel Luby earned his doctorate in Spiritual Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome (Angelicum), where he also earned the Licentiate in Sacred Theology. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame, and a master’s degree in Theology from the University of Dallas. Dr. Luby holds the endowed Tschoepe Chair of Homiletics at the School of Ministry. He is a regular contributor to the “Faith Alive” feature syndicated by Catholic News Service. For thirty years he worked in the Diocese of Fort Worth in areas of adult catechesis, ministry formation for clergy and laity, and spiritual development. His current teaching focus includes proclamation of the Word and theological reflection as tool for ministry.

Rev. Patrick J. Madden Patrick J. Madden was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana, in 1974. When the Diocese was split he became a priest of the Diocese of Shreveport, where he currently serves as director of the Greco Institute. He is also an adjunct member of the faculty of the School of Ministry at UD. In addition to his M.Div. from St. Meinrad Seminary, Fr. Madden holds an M.A. in Liturgy from the University of Notre Dame (1979), an M.A. in Latin from the University of Michigan (1988), and a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from the Catholic University of America (1995). He has served as an associate pastor in many parishes, and was a hospital chaplain for 15 years. He is a former member of both the National Association of Catholic Chaplains and the College of Chaplains.

Elizabeth Madeo Elizabeth graduated from Saint Mary College in Leavenworth, KS with a bachelor degree in pastoral ministry in 2002 and has been the Director of Youth Ministries at her parish in Kearney, MO for the last 5 years. This year she also added Children's Ministry to her plate! She received her Certificate in Youth Ministry from the Center for Ministry Development and is currently finishing up a summer Master degree program in Theology from Notre Dame.

Jesse Manibusan Jesse is the co-founder of 2 by 2 Ministries, a music and preaching ministry that has served the United States, Canada, and parts of Europe, Asia and the Middle East for over 20 years. Jesse has an MA in Multicultural Ministries, from the Franciscan School of Theology, GTU, Berkeley, CA. From parish missions, conferences, concerts and retreats, Jesse brings a range of skill and experience to his audiences. He is published by Oregon Catholic Press, GIA, and

Dr. Robert J. McCarty Bob has his BS in sociology and theology from St. Joseph's University and his MA in religious education from LaSalle University. Bob received his doctorate of ministry from the Graduate Theological Foundation in Indiana in May 1998. Bob has been in professional youth ministry since 1973, serving in parish, diocesan, and community programs. Prior to coming to the NFCYM, Bob ministered in the Archdioceses of Philadelphia and Baltimore. He continues to author resources for Catholic youth ministry and to provide training programs and presentations on ministry issues internationally. His recent books are Thriving in Youth Ministry and The Vision of Catholic Youth Ministry: Fundamentals, Theory and Practice through Saint Mary's Press and his newest book is Be A Champion for Youth: Standing With, By and For Young People, co-authored with his wife, Maggie. Bob has been involved with the NFCYM since 1986 when he was the (then) Region 14 coordinator. He served on the NFCYM Board of Directors for five years and as chair of the board for two years.

James McGill James McGill earned a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., and a master’s degree in Theology from St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, California. Prof. McGill is an Adjunct Professor for the School of Ministry Catholic Biblical School at the University of Dallas, and was an Instructor of Theology and Sacred Scripture for the Greco Institute in Shreveport, Louisiana for over 15 years.

Pedro Moreno Pedro A. Moreno was born in New York City and later raised on the island of Puerto Rico. He holds a Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy Major and a Master’s in Religious Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. In 2003 he earned a Certificate in Homiletics at the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, Missouri where he is pursuing a Doctorate in Ministry. Pedro is a lay member of the Dominican Family, the Order of Preachers. He has been married for over twenty-five years, has three daughters and is currently working as the Director of Hispanic Ministry for the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Pedro is a multiple award-wining writer and has been a regular contributor for the Catechetical Sunday materials published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, D.C. As a lay preacher Mr. Moreno is regularly sought out for parish missions and retreats throughout the United States.

Dr. Juliet Mousseau Dr. Juliet Mousseau is an Assistant Professor of Historical Theology in the School of Ministry at the University of Dallas. She earned her doctorate in Historical Theology at Saint Louis University in Missouri, where she also earned a master's degree. She holds a B.A. from Gonzaga University, in Spokane, Washington, in Religious Studies and Music Theory and Literature. Before coming to the School of Ministry in 2007, Dr. Mousseau taught as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Theological Studies at Saint Louis University, and as an Adjunct Professor at the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, Missouri.

Dr. John Norris John Norris is an Associate Professor of Church History and Theology. He earned the doctorate in Historical Theology from Marquette University, and he holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Dallas. He has been a professor at the University of Dallas for over 15 years, and is the recipient of the 2001 Haggar Faculty Excellence Award in recognition of his distinguished teaching service to the University. He is the author of “Augustine and Sign in Tractatus in Iohannis Euangelium” in Collectanea Augustiniana V: Augustine: Biblical Exegete, which was published by Peter Lang Publishing. Dr. Norris is the former director of the University’s Rome Study Abroad Program, and has taught in Rome for the School of Ministry for the last three years.

Lyle Novinski Professor Novinski is an artist, lecturer, consultant, and designer of Sacred Spaces. He is widely known as a lecturer of Art History at the University of Dallas where he served as Chair of the Art Department for many years. He currently is teaching a course on the History of Sacred Art and Architecture. As a longtime producing artist, he has exhibited widely and won numerous awards. His work is seen in St Rita's, Dallas; The Chapel of the Transfiguration, Rome, Italy; Furnishings for the Church of the Incarnation, UD, Holy Trinity; Perkins Chapel & Chapel of the Annunciation at the Neuhauf Chapel, SMU; Prince of Peace, Plano and St Gabriel's, McKinney and many other installations in the region.

Dr. Matthew Ogilvie Dr. Matthew Ogilvie is Coordinator of Online Education and Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology for the School of Ministry. He is also Director of the University of Dallas’ Philosophy and Letters Program. He earned the doctorate in Systematic Theology from the University of Sydney. He also holds master’s and bachelor’s degrees from the Sydney College of Divinity. He is the author of Faith Seeking Understanding: The Functional Specialty ‘Systematics’ in Bernard Lonergan’s Method in Theology, published by Marquette University Press. He has taught at Australian Catholic University and the Catholic Institute of Sydney. Before coming to the University of Dallas, he was on the faculty of Boston College as a postdoctoral research fellow. He has also been awarded the John Charles Beer Traveling Fellowship for research at Boston College, and an Australian Postgraduate Research Award for research at the University of Sydney. In 2008 he was awarded an academic fellowship on terrorism by the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. The fellowship program titled Defending Democracy, Defeating Terrorism featured an intensive course of study and fieldwork in Israel on terrorism and the threat it poses to democratic societies.

Mary Ann Parks Mary Ann Parks has directed Project Rachel of San Antonio, Inc., the post-abortion ministry for the Archdiocese of San Antonio, since beginning it ten years ago. A columnist for Today's Catholic, the Archdiocesan newspaper, Parks has a B.A. in Theology from the University of Dallas, and a Master of Arts in Theology from St. Mary's University.

Dr. Regina Pfeiffer In the past, Regina Pfeiffer has served the Diocese of Honolulu as a member of the Committee on Liturgy with Children, and the Diocesan Liturgical Commission. Currently, she is one of several Masters of Ceremonies, assisting the Episcopal liturgies. She regularly conducts workshops on the spirituality of the Liturgy as well as lector training. Her doctoral studies focused on Christian prayer and its implications for lay ministry. She teaches at Chaminade University of Honolulu in both the undergraduate religious studies program and the graduate pastoral program.

Julie Richey Julie Richey is a nationally recognized mosaic artist. Julie won a Rotary International Fellowship to Italy after she graduated from the University of Dallas with an art degree. This experience encouraged her fascination with the beauty and versatility of mosaic art. She has participated in mosaic workshops in the U.S. and Italy and has completed many mosaic commissions for churches, residential and commercial properties in Texas, Virginia, Mexico and Spain. In 2005 she fabricated a 20-foot diameter mosaic medallion for the International Terminal at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. Last year she and mosaicist Lynne Chinn completed a baptistery mosaic for St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church in Falls Church, Virginia depicting The Four Evangelists. Julie has taught mosaic classes and been a panelist, featured speaker and board member for the Society of American Mosaic Artists.

Jeff Rogalski Jeff Rogalski has been actively involved in men’s ministry and men’s retreats since 1990, speaking on issues of men’s spirituality and pastoral leadership and working with men’s groups developing and facilitating men’s workshops and group processes. After a 30-year career in marketing communications and design, Jeff discerned a deep calling and major life transition into the field of lay ministry and earned his Master of Theological Studies degree from the School of Ministry in May, 2007. He has conducted men’s workshops in the Dallas diocese including St. Joseph’s Church in Richardson and St. Elizabeth Seton in Plano, developed and presented a two-day workshop for a class of seminarians at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, CA, and published two essays in the New Warrior Journal (In Search of True Love and Christian Initiation and Restoring the Sacred Masculine). As a 20-year parishioner at St. Mark’s in Plano, Jeff served as Eucharistic minister; as a leader on the leader team for five men’s Dallas Cursillo weekends; as hospital minister for 3 years; as religious education teacher to 7th graders for 3 years, as adult coordinator for the youth mass for 5 years and as co-presenter on an engaged encounter weekend for the Dallas Diocese.

Anna Scally Anna Scally is President of Cornerstone Media Inc. Anna has been effective and creative in relaying the message of good decision making and being a true friend. She is the columnist for Cornerstone Media’s Top Music Countdown, an on-line resource and host of the radio show, Burning Issues, which deals with relevant youth topics. She just received the National Youth Ministry Performer, Artist/Author of the Year Award from the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry. Her book, Keys to Happiness, published by Saint Mary’s Press is inspiring people all over North America. She has been the master of ceremonies at World Youth Day in Denver, Toronto, and Germany.

Dr. Barbara Scofield Dr. Barbara Scofield, CPA, is an Associate Professor of Accounting and Director Financial Accounting Concentration at the University of Dallas. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, M.B.A. from Texas Christian University, and her Bachelor’s from State University of New York at Albany. Dr. Scofield has previously taught at the University of Texas Permian Basin, Southeastern Louisiana University, University of Kentucky, and University of Florida. She is Phi Beta Kappa and has received the Faculty Achievement Award for Entrepreneurial Spirit, University of Dallas. Areas of expertise include Financial Accounting Choices, Accounting Information Literacy, and Accounting Education.

Rev. Joe Tetlow Fr. Joseph Allen Tetlow is currently the director of Montserrat Jesuit Retreat House, where he gives retreats and workshops and writes. He moved to Montserrat from the Jesuit headquarters in Rome, where he served for eight years as head of the Jesuit General's Secretariat for Ignatian Spirituality, guiding the efforts of 250 Jesuit retreat houses and many spirituality works around the world. Born in New Orleans in 1930, he began seminary training just after World War II, completing licentiates in both philosophy and theology. In doctoral work on American Civilization at Brown University, he studied the development of American Catholic spirituality. He has held the positions of dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Loyola in New Orleans, president of the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, and founding executive secretary of the U.S. Jesuit Conference in Washington, D.C. Fr. Tetlow has been professor of theology at St Louis University, an associate editor of the Catholic weekly America, and spiritual director to the clergy of the Austin Diocese in Texas.

Mick Tune Mick graduated from Vanderbilt University (BA) in three years and earned his ministerial training at Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University. He was a minister in the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, for seventeen years before joining RSI. Mick is motivated by a commitment to stewardship and a passion for developing leadership in others. He is a VicePresident at RSI and has helped many churches define their vision and their mission. With exceptional gifts in communications strategies, Mick helps realize their unique callings.

Jim Urbanus Jim Urbanus has spent the last ten years as a fundraising consultant specifically working with Catholic schools and parishes across the country. Since 2000, Jim has worked as Vice President of Advancement at Bishop Lynch High School in Dallas, Texas. During that time, he led two successful capital campaigns at Bishop Lynch (raising $6.3 million for a chapel, theater and dining hall and $1.5 million for an athletic facility) while also increasing the school’s annual giving from $260,000 to $640,000. Jim is also a member of The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP).

Joan Weber Joan Weber is the Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry Services and a member of the Family and Intergenerational Faith Formation team at the Center for Ministry Development. She holds a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Ministry with a Theology Emphasis from Creighton University.

Dr. J. Lee Whittington Dr. J. Lee Whittington is Professor of Management and Dean of the College of Business and the Graduate School of Management at the University of Dallas. He focuses his teaching, research, and consulting in the areas of Leadership, Organizational Behavior, and Strategic Leadership. His research has been published in The Leadership Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and the Journal of Managerial Issues.

Claire M. Wing Claire M. Wing is a liturgical artist and designer working nationally in leaded glass and sand-carved glass relief sculpture, as well as the design of devotional spaces, liturgical items, and ritual furnishings. Ms. Wing received her BFA in Fine Arts from St. Mary's College, doing course work through the University of Notre Dame in the U.S. and in France at l’Universite Catolique de l’Ouest, and l’Ecole Regionale des Beaux Arts, both in Angers. She continued her studies at L'Ecole Nacionale Superieure des Beaux Art in Paris, France. Later she attended the Institute for Liturgical Consultants at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. She is an active member of Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Dallas, TX.

Conferenciantes –Sesiones en Español Andrés Aranda Andrés Aranda, es el Director de la Pastoral Hispana desde 1990 para la Diócesis de Fort Worth. Obtuvo su título en Administración en la Universidad de Dallas, y su Maestría en Administración en la Universidad de la Palabra Encarnada en San Antonio. Tiene un diplomado en Catequesis de Adultos con concentración en el RICA en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana y el CELAM en Bogotá Colombia.

María Boccalandro-Alamo María Boccalandro-Alamo es profesora católica bilingüe con más de diez años de experiencia en educación de cursos en postgrado en universidades en Caracas, Venezuela. Es consultora certificada en Organización y Entrenadora Profesional. En el 2006 fundó y desde entonces dirige el Grupo Nodo, una red internacional de empresas consultoras. Recientemente fundó y es la Vicepresidenta del grupo Arete de Consultoría en Dallas. En este punto de su carrera ha probado ser una excelente líder de grupo y posee gran habilidad de comunicación hacia el público, dentro del sector privado y en las organizaciones no gubernamentales. Ha fundado y ha llevado a cabo numerosas organizaciones de voluntariado que trabajan con niños y gente joven. María también está en el panel de directores de Voces Vitales Venezuela y está a cargo de diseñar y ejecutar talleres que alientan el liderazgo de la mujer.

Diácono Cruz Calderón Nació en Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila., México. En 1987 obtuve la carrera de Contador Privado. En 1997 ingresó al Seminario de la Santísima Trinidad en Irving, TX, estudiando dos semestres inglés como Segundo lenguaje y cuatro semestres de Filosofía y Letras en la Universidad de Dallas. En Mayo 2003 obtuvo la Licenciatura en Filosofía y Artes Liberales en el Colegio Seminario de San José en San Benedict, LA. Fue Ordenado diácono transitorio el 10 de Noviembre 2007. En Mayo 2008 obtuvo la Maestría en Divinidad en la Universidad de Santo Tomás. Es candidato para recibir la Sagrada Orden de Sacerdocio el 6 de Diciembre del 2008 para la Diócesis de Dallas.

Dr. Pilar Calva La Dra. Pilar Calva es médico cirujano con especialidad en Genética Humana y una subespecialidad en Citogenética en Paris, Francia, donde laboró en el servicio del Profesor Jerôme Lejeune. Maestría en Bioética. Actualmente es profesora de la Facultad de Bioética y de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad Anáhuac, del Instituto en Ciencias del Matrimonio y la Familia- Juan Pablo II, y de la Universidad de Dallas. Es coordinadora y consultora de la sección de bioética del portal Instructora certificada del Método de la Ovulación Billings, ha impartido cursos desde 1984 en diversos países. Ha impartido conferencias y ponencias en congresos a nivel internacional. Tiene publicaciones en revistas nacionales y extranjeras, y en tres libros. Miembro de la Academia Pontificia para la Vida, del Consejo de Bioética del Episcopado Mexicano y del CELAM, de la Asociación Panamericana de Bioética, Academia Mexicana de Bioética y del Observatorio Regional para la Mujer de América Latina. Es casada y tiene cuatro hijos.

Rev. Abelardo Cobos Gómez Nació en la Ciudad de Puebla de lo Ángeles, México. En 1985 ingreso a la Orden hospital de San Juan de Dios, prestando sus servicios en hospitales psiquiátricos de la misma Orden en las ciudades de Guadalajara, Puebla, y Ciudad de México. Realizo sus estudios de filosofía en el Instituto de Formación Sacerdotal de la Arquidiócesis de México en donde obtuvo el bachillerato Pontificio en Filosofía. Obtuvo su Maestría en Divinidad en la Universidad de Santo Tomas en Houston. En Mayo del 2003, mismo año en el que fue ordenado sacerdote diocesano al servicio de la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston, fue vicario parroquial en la parroquia de Príncipe de Paz y actualmente es el Párroco de la Iglesia Resurrección. Su trabajo pastoral no se limita solo a la renovación de su parroquia y al colegio parroquial que tiene sino también se enfoca en la catequesis y la evangelización en los medios de comunicación. El Padre Cobos es colaborador de la estación de radio

“Radio María Hispana” en esta arquidiócesis, e instructor en varios programas de formación para el ministerio cristiano, impartiendo la materia de Moral de la Iglesia y doctrina.

Santiago Fernández Santiago Fernández has been active in parish music ministry for the past 20 years. He is currently Music Minister at St. Michael Parish in Pontiac, Michigan, where he directs the English and Spanish choirs. Santiago also works for the Archdiocese of Detroit as Hispanic Ministry Consultant and is a frequent speaker and workshop presenter at events and conferences around the country in the area of Hispanic liturgical music. He holds a bachelor's degree in music from Wayne State University in Detroit and is certified in both Pastoral Ministry and Liturgical Ministry, locally by the Archdiocese of Detroit and nationally by the USCCB's Commission on Certification and Accreditation. A member of the National Advisory Council to the USCCB from 2000 to 2004, Santiago is currently Music Director for the National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry (NCCHM), instructor for the Instituto Fe y Vida and Liturgy & Prayer coordinator for the First National Encuentro for Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministry 2006. He has also participated at various events of the Archdiocese of Detroit as guest conductor, cantor and consultant. Santiago won three Unity Awards from the UCMVA (United Catholic Music and Video Association) in October 2006, for best international artist, CD and song.

Rev. Eduardo González Mexicano, ordenado Sacerdote Católico Romano el 28 de marzo de 1981 en la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en la Ciudad de México. Tiene una Licenciatura en Educación, una Maestría en Orientación y Desarrollo por la Universidad Iberoamericana y una Especialización en Terapia “Gestalt” por el Instituto de Terapia Gestalt de la ciudad de México. Sus servicios se han realizado básicamente en el área educativo-pastoral ya que ha sido Director de primarias y secundarias, además de colaborador del programa de Formación Permanente para los sacerdotes y religiosos de la congregación salesiana de México. Es presentador y conductor de programas católicos en la radio. Anterior pastor de la comunidad católica de San Eduardo en la ciudad de Dallas, y es el actual rector de la Catedral Santuario de Guadalupe en la misma ciudad de Dallas, Texas.

Rev. David La Buda Padre David La Buda, M.M. nació en Goldsboro, NC en 1941. Hijo de un padre milita y una madre enfermera, entro la Congregación Misionera Maryknoll en 1959. Se graduó de la Universidad Maryknoll con un Bachiller en Filosofía en 1966, y obtuvo una Maestría de Divinidad en 1970. Posteriormente obtuvo una Maestría en Teología en 1971. Obtuvo en Ginebra un Diplomado en Asistencia Humanitaria Internacional en 1999. Padre David fue ordenado en 1971 y sirvió nueve años en Guatemala, dos años en Nicaragua, y veinte años en Honduras como misionero. Fue nombrado a trabajar en el Ministerio de Vocaciones para la Congregación Maryknoll en 2006. Durante el verano 2008, enseño un curso de Teología de Misión en el Centro de Formación Tepeyac, El Paso, Texas. Actualmente ejerce su ministerio en El Paso.

Daniel Lizárraga Daniel Lizárraga es el Director Regional para el Suroeste de los Estados Unidos de Catholic Relief Services. Con base en San Antonio, Daniel colabora con las diócesis y las organizaciones católicas para promover la concientización de la Enseñanza Social y Asuntos Globales en Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona colorado, Nuevo México, Utah y Wyoming. Como Director Regional Daniel trabaja para consolidar y coordinar las relaciones de CRS con los obispos, directores diocesanos y otros líderes en la región. Daniel obtuvo su titulo universitario en Artes en la Universidad de Notre Dame, una Maestría en Relaciones Públicas de la Universidad de Texas en Austin, y una Maestría en Estudios Teológicos de la Washington Theological Union.

Luis José Medina Originario de Aguascalientes, México. Estudio filosofía en Roma, Italia en las Universidades Gregoriana, Regina Apostolorum y Angelicum. Su labor docente se ha desarrollado en escuelas preparatorias en Italia y México principalmente enseñando Historia de la filosofía, Lógica y Ética. A nivel universitario en la Universidad Anahuac de la Ciudad de México ha ensenado ética para negocios y antropología filosófica. En la Escuela para los Ministerios de la Universidad de Dallas ha cooperado en los programas de formación de diáconos enseñando filosofía y escritos jónicos. Su experiencia docente se extiende a la dirección de grupos juveniles e infantiles en diversas escuelas y parroquias en Italia y México. Desde el 1 de julio de 2008 se desempeña como Coordinador General de formación en la fe para adultos de la Diócesis de Dallas desde donde asiste a las

parroquias coordinando los programas Why Catholic?, RCIA, formación de catequistas y los programas enfocados a la profundización de la fe católica en los adultos.

Juan Carlos Montenegro Juan Carlos Montenegro ha estado trabajando en la pastoral juvenil por los últimos 14 años. También fue misionero en la selva amazónica. Actualmente esta trabajando en la Pastoral Juvenil de Santo Domingo Savio en Bellflower CA (7 años) como coordinador de la Pastoral Juvenil. Juan Carlos tiene una Maestría en Administración de Empresas y un cerificado en Pastoral juvenil. Es el autor del libro El Negocio de la Salvación y ha tenido la oportunidad de dar conferencias nacional e internacionalmente.

Diácono Arturo Monterrubio Arturo Monterrubio nacido en Michoacán México, en donde estudio Ingeniería Química en la Universidad Autónoma de México. Posteriormente se vino a estudiar a los Estados Unidos una Maestría en Ingeniería Química en la Universidad Texas A&M. Estudió para el programa del Diaconado Permanente junto con su esposa y fue ordenado hace 5 años en la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston. Obtuvo su carrera de Teología Pastoral y su Maestría en Estudios Teológicos en el Seminario de Santa María de la Universidad de Santo Tomás en Houston. Desde hace 5 años trabaja tiempo completo como Asociado Pastoral en la parroquia de San Jerónimo en Houston, Texas. Junto con su esposa conduce semanalmente el programa de radio “En Familia” desde hace 4 años.

Esperanza Monterrubio Ha sido Directora Asociada de la oficina de Educación Cristiana Continua en la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston por cuatro años, trabajó por 10 años en dos parroquias como Directora de Educación Religiosa. Esperanza ha dado presentaciones a nivel parroquial, diocesano y nacional. En la ciudad de México se graduó como Dentista, obtuvo después el Bachillerato en Teología Pastoral y posteriormente obtuvo su Maestría en Estudios Teológicos en el Seminario de Santa María de la Universidad de Santo Tomás en Houston.

Pedro Moreno Nació en la cuidad de Nueva York y más tarde criado en la isla de Puerto Rico. Obtuvo su Licenciatura en Artes con especialidad en Filosofía y posteriormente su Maestría en Educación Religiosa de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico. En el 2003 obtuvo un certificado en Preparación de Homilías en el Instituto de Teología Aquinas en St. Louis Missouri. Es miembro laico de la Familia Dominica, la Orden de los Predicadores. Pedro lleva de casado mas de veinticinco años, tiene tres hijas y es actualmente Director de la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano de la Arquidiócesis de San Luis. Pedro es escritor con múltiples premios periodísticos y ha contribuido con regularidad a los materiales publicados por la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos para el Domingo Catequético. Como predicador laico el Sr. Moreno es solicitado para misiones parroquiales y retiros través de los Estados Unidos.

Dr. Alejandro Ordieres Alejandro desarrolló estudios de Teología Moral en la Universidad Pontificia Regina Apostolorum y de Filosofía en la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana de Roma, Italia. Cuenta con una maestría en filosofía por la Pontificia Universidad de Santo Tomás, en Roma y otra en Administración y Finanzas por el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe, en la Ciudad de México. Completó también estudios de Humanidades y Letras Clásicas en Salamanca, España así como otra Licenciatura en Filosofía Política y Sistemática en la Universidad Anáhuac del Sur en la Ciudad de México. Actualmente es candidato a doctor por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y profesor del Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.

Juan Rendón Juan Rendon obtuvo su licenciatura en Filosofía y Letras en la Universidad de Dallas, y dos maestrías en teología y ministerio pastoral en la Universidad de Santo Tomás en Houston, Texas. Actualmente es instructor en la Escuela Bíblica Católica de la University of Dallas School of Ministry; en la Diócesis de Dallas es parte del staff de la Oficina Pastoral para Adolescentes y Jóvenes Adultos y es instructor adjunto de teología en la Oficina de Catequesis. Antes de trabajar en la University of Dallas School of Ministry enseño Sagrada Escritura y teología a los candidatos para el diaconado permanente en la Diócesis de Tyler y religión en el colegio católico Bishop Thomas K. Gorman en Tyler, Texas.

David Rodríguez David Rodríguez nació en El Paso, Texas. Estudio ingeniera eléctrica en la Universidad de Texas de El Paso y en la Universidad de Illinois y trabajó con Texas Instruments en Dallas. Sintiendo la posibilidad de un llamado de Dios al sacerdocio, dejóla vida de tecnología y entró al seminario de El Paso. Después de otro año con los Cistercienses de Irving, discernió que no tenía tal llamada, pero cumplió una Maestría Teológica de la Universidad de Dallas. Trabajó con los jóvenes (Todos los Santos) como Director de Educación Religiosa (San Marcos, Plano), y fue Director de Ministerio Hispano (San Francisco, Frisco). En Febrero, aceptó ser Gerente de Producción para la Red de Radio Guadalupe (KJON 850 AM) y sigue la misión de evangelizar en San Antonio. David es anfitrión de Solo La Pura Verdad, programa popular de apología, y de Rise and Walk, San Antonio! David y su esposa hermosa, Rosie, han sido bendecidos por Dios con una hijita, pero esperan muchos hijos más.

Pía Septién María Pía Septién Ramírez obtuvo su licenciatura en la Universidad de Anahuac en la ciudad de México, y una maestría en Estudios teológicos y un certificado en Administración Pastoral en la Universidad de Dallas. Actualmente está trabajando para obtener un certificado en Teología Bíblica. En el pasado, Pía Septién ha enseñado educación religiosa, negocios, y economía en una escuela privada católica en la Ciudad de México y es co-autora de una serie de libros en educaron religiosa para los grados 7 a 9. Nació y creció en la Ciudad de México y es una esposa y madre de cinco hijos

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