Uso de video juegos y nuevas tecnologías por los jóvenes

Uso de video juegos y nuevas tecnologías por los jóvenes Reynaldo Gustavo Rivera Baiocchi Economista CEO InterMedia Consulting Gestión de proyectos in

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Uso de video juegos y nuevas tecnologías por los jóvenes Reynaldo Gustavo Rivera Baiocchi Economista CEO InterMedia Consulting Gestión de proyectos internacionales de responsabilidad social y desarrollo sostenible

NO video JUEGO

Realidad social global

Social Media

Video juegos = arte

Espacios de realidad virtual = creación real / influencia cultural y pedagógica real

Videogames are a growing phenomenon and influence in the modern world, and are displaying new levels of artistic sophistication. As such they seem to engage many of the same issues as do the traditional arts, raising questions about aesthetics, representation, narrative, emotional engagement, and morality, that have been the focus of the philosophy of the arts. Philosophical aesthetics promises to provide a unique window of understanding into videogames.

¿ VIDA on line ? ¿ Diferente a la vida off line?


Resistente Vulnerable



La mayoría? Riesgos offline transferidos online? Nuevas oportunidades?

Nuevos riesgos? Vulnerabilidad y transferencia de riesgos actúan simultáneamente?

Sonia Livingstone. e-Youth: (future) policy implications: reflections on online risk, harms and vulnerability. Junio 2010.

“Es necesario recuperar la autoridad en casa, basta de padres que quieren ser ‘amigos’ de sus hijos” EUROCAP, 2010

Aspectos a tener en cuenta: a) Impacto REAL en valores y comportamientos. b) Penetración / tiempo dedicado / convergencia SOCIAL MEDIA.

Ofcom (UK) – AGOSTO 2010

“He pasado practicamente todos mis primeros años de secundaria en este video juego” Un adolescente.

“He debido despedir a uno de los integrantes del equipo” Tyler, 10 años, Runescape

Detalles de la industria a) Ventas: más de USD 30 bill./year b) Halo 3: USD 300 en 1 semana (w/wide) c) GTA 4: USD 500 en 1 semana d) World of Warcraft: 9 mill.usuarios (2007)

New York Times, 23 Agosto 2010 Usuarios de 13 a 17 años Envío de mensajes de texto Uso de video juegos Uso redes sociales Escuchar música Búsquedas en Internet

87% 40% 32% 28% 22%

Usuarios de 13 a 17 años Envío de mensajes de texto Uso de video juegos Uso redes sociales Escuchar música Búsquedas en Internet

89% 34% 37% 27% 29%

Consumo en Colombia (Fuente DANE Encuesta Consumo Cultural 2008)

41% niños de 5 a 11 años consumen video juegos 14% son niñas

31% de ellos los utilizan todos o c/todos los días 34% jóvenes de 12 a 25 años consumen video juegos 25% de ellos los utilizan todos o c/todos los días



The Guardian UK

“With advances in technology, video games are becoming increasingly graphic and realistic. At the same time, children are more and more likely to play games without adult supervision: three-quarters of 12–15-year-olds have a games console in their bedroom. Many games feature highly sexualised content and there is a notable lack of strong female characters. The link between violent content and aggression has been cited in several studies and it is widely accepted that exposure to content that children are either emotionally or cognitively not mature enough for can have a negative impact. Whereas parents are not likely to allow their children to watch an 18 film, they are much more lenient when it comes to allowing their children to play age inappropriate games. This may be because they do not fully understand either the realism or the themes that these games contain.”

Ranking Ventas ITALIA PS3 Xbox 360 God of war 3


Heavy rain

Call of Duty

Bayonetta Uncharted 2 Peggle

Forza Motorsport 3 Fifa 2010 Batman: Arkham Asylum GTA 4: The ballad of Gay Tony Assassin's Creed II Dragon Age: Origins Brutal legend

Need for Speed: shift IL-2 Sturmovik Resident Evil 5 Demon's souls

• ANALISIS DE CommonSenseMedia: • •

God of War III Parents need to know God of War III is a breath-takingly violent and gory action game. In fact, it's one of the most violent videogames we have ever reviewed. Where some parents allow teens to play M-rated games, this is one that we do not recommend at all in any way for teens. As with its predecessors, you play as Kratos who uses all kinds of weapons to destroy creatures big and small in a number of creatively violent ways, such as pulling out eyes and slicing open bellies to spill innards across the ground. Kratos can use his chained, wrist-mounted blades to chop his enemies, as well as a bow, magic, or fists to snap the necks of creatures. Blood sprays out of enemies' wounds, limbs and heads can be torn off, and creatures cry in pain. Mythological beasts make up most of Kratos' victims, but he also kills humans (on purpose or by accident) as well as gods in human form. The game also has a sex-based mini-game, scores of bare-breasted women and female creatures, and some strong profanity.

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Heavy rain Parents need to know that the emotional thriller Heavy Rain has a dark story surrounding a serial killer who murders children. With a storyline like that, you know this isn't a game for young players. You play as four characters trying to stop the murders. The game features near photorealistic graphics that show blood and violence; although the characters you control aren't usually responsible for these actions (most are in cutscenes or observed in the real-time environment). The game also has nudity (not full frontal), intimacy (kissing, groping, and rubbing), and a sex game which culminates in the act occuring offscreen. Alcohol, drugs, and smoking can be seen in the game, which is also laced with profanity. While this psychological thriller is exceptionally good as a video game -- and an experiment in interactive storytelling -- it was not made for young eyes or ears.

• •

Bayonetta Parents need to know this game contains lots of violence, blood, and foul language. With the former, the heroine can perform all kinds of deadly attacks against heaven's angels, using her feet and hands as well as weapons and black magic. She can also summon instruments of torture, such as an iron maiden, or call on demonic beasts to rip apart her enemies. There are also some suggestive sexual imagery as the heroine doesn't wear much clothing and can move her body in sexual ways.

• •

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Parents need to know that, while not over-the-top in the gore department, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a modern-day military shooter that realistically and graphically shows violence and blood. Much of the game involves traveling to different areas of the world to take down baddies with an assortment of weapons, all played from a first-person perspective. One of the locations is Washington D.C., which is shown as being under attack by Russian troops. In a controversial optional mission, players go undercover to infiltrate a terrorist group and end up participating in a terrorist attack on an airport. As players witness the horrors of innocent civilians being shot, they must make the moral decision whether to join in by shooting bystanders or to walk on by and ignore their screams of pain (gamers are not rewarded or penalized for any action or inaction they take during this scene). The game does contain some profanity and references to drugs, but it's the realistic violence in disturbing settings that is of more concern.

A site dixit: Heavy Rain is an ambitious and innovative project. The mastermind behind the game, David Cage, already said: "Heavy Rain is not a video game anymore in my mind because it breaks with most of the traditional paradigms, but it's fully interactive". The game will be thoroughly realistic, but how are they going to handle adult content, such a touchy subject when it comes to video games and even more with the game being so life-like?

capacidad de belleza, cultura y arte capacidad de verdad y bien capacidad de reflexión

Los otros como objetos? En juego: desarrollo de capacidad de relaciones interpersonales.

Habituarse a: •imágenes •ostentación de la intimidad.

Modelos de belleza idealizados y con sensualidad exagerada

No es un discurso moral. En juego: SALUD MENTAL LIBERTAD VALORES

Uso del tIempo? Es sólo para “Me”? (la Me Generation)

CAPACIDAD de AMISTAD. Ocuparse de los demás. Perú: < 3 hs.diarias OK nº amigos

Benedicto XVI: Exaltación de violencia Comportamientos antisociales Trivialización sexualidad humana Perversión, en especial en niños y adolescentes. Mensaje 41º Jornada Mundial Com.Sociales

No sólo Benedicto XVI. Byron Report (Department for Children, Schools and Families – UK). 2008.

Factores positivos: a) diversión, aprendizaje y desarrollo personal b) instrumento de apoyo personas con handicap c) divertimento familiar

Factores negativos: a) contenidos nocivos para formación del carácter, especialmente valores y ética b) contacto con riesgos similares a Internet: violencia, pornografía, adicciones.

EL EFECTO “MATRIX” (L.CARDONA, 2006) ¿POR QUÉ LA REALIDAD VIRTUAL DE LOS SOCIAL MEDIA PUEDEN PARECER “MÁS BELLA”? •Si las cosas no van como estaba previsto se puede RECOMENZAR. •Se pueden usar TRUCOS para vencer •Se usan efectos ESPECIALES •No hay presiones (padres, docentes, ...) •Todo es “soft” (“light”), especialmente la ilegalidad 14/09/2010


EL EFECTO “MATRIX” UNO SE TRANSFORMA EN: • adulto (puede decidir por sí mismo) -> los adultos del mundo real no entienden nada … • heroe (tiene una misión – vocación que cumplir) • omnipotente (puede establecer las dificultades a su nivel) • creador (puede determinar su universo)



Existe un efecto “matrix”? Intoxicación del RITMO (sentidos externos)

YO virtual (sentidos internos) Vivir en la MATRIX (comportamiento)

APATIA ante LO REAL (“indiferencia”)



Entonces, ¿poner limites en el uso? Absolutamente sí. ¿Prohibirlos? No sólo no es necesario, sino que es probable que ello vaya contra nuestros objetivos de padres de familia y educadores. M.Prensky

El tercer factor. A veces, el eslabón perdido … LOS PADRES.


Conocimiento es poder:,, Los padres como modelos y fuente de información. Experiencias compartidas (Internet, games, TV, etc.). DIALOGO. Preguntar. Escuchar. ALIANZA PADRES + COLEGIOS + ORG.EDUCATIVAS (clubes juveniles) Ocio positivo. Estudio. VIDA OUT – DOOR. ESPIRITUALIDAD. Reducir: TV + DINERO + SNS + móviles/s.phones + regalos (auto gestión). Más PC (excel, word, adobe:, menos entretenimiento. ATENCION AL TIEMPO Y CONTENIDOS. No a los +17.

“El niño [y los jóvenes] son la materia prima de la cultura, de la civilización en sí. Si somos capaces de inculcarles determinados sueños, el rechazo a una cierta vulgaridad, a todo lo inhumano o a las enormes decepciones, tendremos una posibilidad de ganar la batalla [por un mundo mejor]”. “Lo peor de nuestra enseñanza, de la falsa realidad que representa, un realismo brutal y falaz, es que trata de menguar los sueños de las nuevas generaciones”. G.Steiner (2003)

Muchas gracias

Reynaldo Gustavo Rivera Baiocchi

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