Volume 12 Issue 5 November 2013

Delvista View A Newsletter for the Residents of the Delvista Towers Condominium Assn. Volume 12 Issue 5 November 2013 Delvista Towers Condominium

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Story Transcript

Delvista View A Newsletter for the Residents of the Delvista Towers Condominium Assn.

Volume 12 Issue 5

November 2013

Delvista Towers

Condominium Association 20225 NE 34th Court Aventura, Florida 33180


President............. Marvin Lebovitz Vice President........... Mark Braun Treasurer.................. David Keen Secretary.......... Amy Fleischmann Director................. Edward Cohen Director............... Regina Goldfein Director................ Louise Rudnick


Chief Engineer.........Eddie Suarez Administrative Asst... Sherri Burn


Main ............. 305-937-0188 x200 Fax........................305-937-1599 Security......... 305-937-0188 x203 Maintenance.. 305-937-0188 x205 Guard House..........305-937-0404 Valet.............. 305-937-0188 x204

OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Regina Goldfein........305-934-6731 E-mail............. [email protected] Spanish Translation.... Malvina Bush




President’s Message............................ 1, 3 Mensaje del Presidente....................... 1, 4 Calendar.................................................. 2 Welcome................................................. 5 Delvista Events....................................... 5 Eventos.................................................... 5 Turkey Tutorial....................................... 6 From the Editor....................................... 7 De la Editora........................................... 7

President’s Message

I would like to take this opportunity to inform all our residents that Del Vista is now a self managed property, meaning we no longer have a hired management company. Contrary to the recent fountain of misinformation and petitions that have been spread by a couple of habitual rabble rousing gossipers who don’t know 1/100 of factual information, day to day operations are running smooth as silk. The only change that we foresee and look forward to is internal, as it pertains to increased proficiency and expedience relating to our accounting / financial operations which will be of great benefit to our total scope of operations. POOL UPDATE: Thank you all for your patience. The decay of structural damage was far worse than was expected by our structural engineer. It can be summed up as a cancer that spread throughout the structure and more would be found with every layer of concrete that was shaved off moving into areas that again were unexpected. Structurally, everything is now perfect. We ran into problems during the waterproofing process, due to the sensitivity of the product requiring dry weather conditions as it is a hit or miss type situation at this time of year relying on 30 hours of solid dry weather. I had found some bubbling in areas that were due to moisture intrusion thus the waterproofing job had to be completely redone at the contractors expense and this was a lot of work as it took a 5 - 7 man crew nearly ten days to strip the newly applied coating membrane, Continued on page 3

Mensaje del Presidente

Quiero tomar esta oportunidad para informar a todos nuestros residentes que DelVista es ahora una propiedad autoadministrada, lo que quiere decir que ya no tenemos una empresa administrativa contratada. Contrario a todos los rumores falsos que se han diseminado por personas que no saben absolutamente nada del asunto, las operaciones diarias están funcionando perfectamente bien. Los únicos cambios que vemos y esperamos ansiosamente en el futuro son internos y tratan sobre el manejo y pericia de nuestras operaciones financieras y de contabilidad, que serán para mayor beneficio de todas nuestras operaciones. SOBRE LA PISCINA : Agradecemos toda su paciencia. Los daños estructurales eran peor de lo que nuestro ingeniero estructural pensó. Puede explicarse como un cáncer que se regó por toda la estructura, por lo que se encontraba más con cada capa de concreto que se penetraba. Estructuralmente todo está perfecto ahora. Nos encontramos con problemas durante el proceso de impermeabilidad debido a la sensibilidad del producto requiriendo condiciones de tiempo completamente seco con unas 30 horas mínimas de condiciones secas. Encontré algunas áreas donde penetró la humedad por lo que el proceso de impermeabilidad tuvo que hacerse completamente de nuevo bajo responsabilidad y el costo del contratista. Esto requirió mucho trabajo con un equipo de 5 a 7 hombres durante 10 días para quitar la recién aplicada capa membranosa, volver a preparar la superficie y luego aplicar las nuevas capas impermeables teniendo en cuenta las condiciones del tiempo. Las últimas dos etapas que son la aplicación del fiberglass y la instalación de las losas también dependen de las condiciones favorables del tiempo. Como contatista puedo decirles que es más fácil hacer una construcción nueva desde el principio que entrar en esas intensas reparaciones de una estructura ya existente. Cuando se termine el arreglo de la piscina haremos una gran fiesta de apertura Pasa a la pagina 4

Page 2 Delvista Towers Condominium

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November 2013

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Published monthly at no cost for Delvista Towers by Coastal Group Publications, Inc. Contact CGP at T: (305) 981-3503 F: (305) 893-4818 to advertise in one of our newsletters or to get a free newsletter for your property.

November 2013

President (cont. from page 1) re­prep the surface and then apply the new waterproof membrane coating at the behest of favorable weather conditions. The final two stages which are the fiberglass application and installation of tile also rely on very favorable weather conditions. As a contractor I will tell you that it is faster to build new construction from scratch rather then get into intense deep repairs of an existing structure. Upon completion of the pool we will be scheduling a nice grand opening meet and greet cocktail reception on the pool deck. Details will be forthcoming. We are thrilled to introduce a new unique state of the art car detailing concession called, “Tee Wash”. This is a GO Green waterless I chemical free technology, taking only 15 - 30 minutes per vehicle based on size. Operations schedule will commence with Mondays 9 AM to 1 PM and Thursdays 1 PM to 5:30 PM. As demand for service increases more days and hours will be added. Brochures containing menu services and reservations are at

Page 3 Delvista Towers Condominium

the valet desk. For more information and to view video demonstration please log on to www .teewash.com and go to http:// tiny.cc/teewash-video in your search bar on your computer or smart phone device. Additionally we are in discussions of hopefully bringing in a new valet cleaner drop off / delivery service during the first quarter of 2014. In early December we will be performing new black top asphalt resurfacing of the roadways from street entrance to towers road and townhouse roadway. EXTERIOR BUILDING PAINTING: We are in the process of reviewing estimates and plans concerning commencement of painting the exterior of the two towers in February 2014. We beseech everyone to please contribute the minimum of $75.00 to the Christmas Fund for all our .wonderful staff members. First notice forms will be arriving any day.

On a final note, DRIVERS ... please concentrate on keeping your speed down, stopping at stop signs, and watching for pedestrians, bicyclists, skaters, joggers, etc., especially at the traffic light. Our property grounds are fuller then ever and the complaints of close calls are numerous. During - the holiday season Aventura Police will at random be on the property issuing citations to violators, so please advise your visiting guests to be careful. For those of you who may receive a citation, do not come to the office with your complaint as it will fall on deaf ears. I wish everyone a very enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday and for those who celebrate Chanukah , this year the first day of Chanukah coincides with Thanksgiving an occurrence so rare it will not happen again for 77,000 years. Happy Chanukah Marvin Lebovitz , President Del Vista Towers & Road Board


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Page 4 Delvista Towers Condominium

Presidente (viene de la pagina 1) y tendremos cocteles en el área de la piscina. Pronto daremos los detalles. Estamos complacidos de introducir un nuevo servicio ultramoderno para la limpieza de autos. El concesionario se llama ¨Tee Wash´´. Se trata de una nueva tecnología Go Green, libre de químicas y sin uso del agua, que se toma de 15 a 30 minutos por vehículo de acuerdo con su tamaño. Las operaciones comenzarán Lunes, de 9 AM a 1 PM, y Jueves, de 1 PM a 5:30 PM. Según aumente la demanda por el servicio se agregarán más días y horas. Los panfletos con los servicios y las horas están en el puesto del valet. Para más información y ver un video de demostración busque en internet www.teewash.com, o vaya a http://tiny.vv/teewash-video en su barra de buscar en su computadora, o en su teléfono inteligente. Por otro lado estamos negociando para traer un servicio de lavandería y tintorería (fuera de la propiedad) con servicios de recogida y entrega de ropa para el primer trimestre de 2014. A principios de diciembre pondremos un nuevo asfalto en las calles de la propiedad desde la entrada hasta los edificios de townhouses. Le rogamos a todos que por favor contribuyan al Fondo de Navidades para los empleados con un mínimo de $75. Los primeros avisos les llegarán en breve. Finalmente, le pedimos a los choferes que reduzcan la velocidad en la propiedad, deteniéndose en las señales de Stop y vigilar por los peatones, bicicletas, patines, corredores de jogging, etc., especialmente en los semáforos. Nuestras calles están más transitadas que nunca y las quejas de posibles accidentes nos llegan ahora con más frecuencia. Durante la temporada festiva la Policía de Aventura llegará a la propiedad sorpresivamente para dar multas a los infractores, por lo que les pedimos que le digan a sus visitantes o invitados que tengan cuidado. Avisamos a los residentes que reciban una multa que no vayan a la oficina con sus quejas ya que no se podrá hacer nada. Les deseo a todos un feliz y saludable Chanukah que este año, como rara coincidencia, coincidirá con el Día de Dar Gracias y no volverá a suceder en 77,000 años. Feliz Chanukah y Thanksgiving! Marvin Lebovitz, Presidente DelVista Towers y Road Board

Transportation Services To and from doctor’s offices, hospitals, malls, Miami & Fort Lauderdale airports and seaport.


786-307-3389 // 305-244-5470 or e-mail: [email protected] Bilingual English-Spanish

November 2013

Your Delvista Condo Sold For Full Price Guaranteed or I Pay The Difference From My Pocket* GLENN BECK SAYS ON RADIO:

“I met with Roman” and he is “the agent I would call if I lived in South Florida”

Listen To Glenn Beck’s Full Analysis of our Guarantee & Marketing www.MrAventura.Com 1000+ sold personally, 50+ in Aventura

Here is how we maximize the chances of getting full price from Buyers for Your Delvista Condo: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Full Stand Alone Website Just For Your Condo. Interior Video for International Buyers to see. International MLS system for agents all over the world. Full time professionals 7 days/wk to answer calls on your condo = more showings. 99% answer rate. Advertising on 50+ websites, including the #1 site for International homes: www.WorldProperties.Com. Professional Photography, Brochure, Wall Street Journal. Weekly Update on Showings, Feedback, Market Info No Long Term Contracts, Cancel Anytime if we don’t deliver what we promise.

To Download our entire full marketing plan, and see examples of each of our ads for other Aventura Condos visit www.MrAventuraMarketing.com

Not quite ready to talk to an agent? Visit our site to: 1) Receive Our Weekly Best Buy List. 2) Get your Free Quick Over The Net Evaluation. 3) Check the Aventura Market Statistics. 4) See what is under Contract, & Sold in Aventura. 5) Click on Delvista and see inventory for Sale. 6) View 21 Mistakes Most Sellers Make. Roman Pavlik “MrAventura” Keller Williams Eagle Realty [email protected]

Cell 305-343-3910 Office: 305-942-8322

Your Aventura Resident Realtor®

“Over 1000 Personally Sold, Results Don’t Lie” * All Prices Ranges Qualify, certain home restrictions & limits apply. Contact us for details.

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Coastal Group Publications, Inc. (CGP) or its staff. CGP assumes no responsibility for any text or illustrations submitted for publication.

November 2013

Page 5 Delvista Towers Condominium

Welcome Our New Neighbors Galila Leider-619 Daniel and Susan Bapiste-1023 Myrna Golob-811

Delvista Events

Until further notice, all BBQ dates are suspended due to swimming pool repairs.

Medicine & Surgery Leg and Foot Specializing in non-healing wounds and limb salvage

Eventos Sociales

Hasta nuevo aviso todas las fechas del BBQ quedan suspendidas debido a las reparaciones de la piscina.

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publication. Coastal Group Publications (305) 981-3503.

Page 6 Delvista Towers Condominium

November 2013

Condominium Master Policy

Turkey Tutorial

Since 1981, Butterball has operated its Turkey TalkLine, offering turkey selection, preparation, and storage advice to callers from the United States and Canada. If you find yourself wondering what to do next as you prepare your holiday meal, give the nice folks at Butterball a call or visit their website. They are available for questions from November 3 to December 26, and offer assistance in English and Spanish. Callers can also request a free Butterball pamphlet containing safe handling information, easy grilling and roasting instructions, and tasty recipes. You will become one of almost three million people who have contacted Butterball to “talk turkey.” Turkey Talk-Line: 1-800323-4848 ● Website: www.butterball.com

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November 2013

Page 7 Delvista Towers Condominium

From The Editor

This newsletter is by and for the residents of Delvista Towers. Our goal is to create an informative and entertaining publication for the enjoyment and benefit of all. We look forward to contributions and suggestions from you, but we do reserve the right to decide what will be published. You can write to me directly [email protected], I enjoy hearing from you.

Aviso De La Editora

Recordamos que este boletín en por y para los residentes de Delvista Towers. Nuestra meta es crear una publicación entretenida e informativa para beneficio de todos. Siempre esperamos sus contribuciones y sugerencias pero recuerde que nos reservamos el derecho de publicación ya que el espacio es limitado. Escríbanme a [email protected]. Sinceramente, Regina Goldfein

Expires 12/31/13

November 2013 Celebrations Birthdays Marcos Salas-12 Radhika Nathan-12 Jonathan Chavez-14 Diana Salazar-20 Shay Zohar-27 Delores (Lola) Anis-30 Anniversaries Irving and Elaine Billings-24

Over 690 Units Sold in Career Sales… Why Not Hire The Best? Sabeto Garazi, C.R.S.

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Page 8 Delvista Towers Condominium

November 2013

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