Volume IX, Issue III Jan-Feb 2010

Volume IX, Issue III 2. Grandmothers Speak: Grandfather’s Soup 3. Cooking with Children: Why It’s a Good Idea 4.Convenience Food FAQs 5. Parent Page/

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Story Transcript

Volume IX, Issue III

2. Grandmothers Speak: Grandfather’s Soup 3. Cooking with Children: Why It’s a Good Idea 4.Convenience Food FAQs 5. Parent Page/

La Página para los Padres: Soup is the Best Thing to do for Your Children Right Now 6. Mrs. Duarte’s Fish Head Soup 7.Getting Physical: Play Together as a Family 8.The Last Word Winter Menus

Jan-Feb 2010

Es 2010 - una década nueva. Es 2010, y es tremendo que todavía usted puede proveer comidas sabrosas y nutritivas a su familia usando un presupuesto basado en estampillas de comida. Si, ¡se puede! Necesita planear con cuidado, pero si, ¡se puede! Siga estos consejos: 1. Trabaje para mejorar sus habilidades de cocinar. El secreto de comidas económicas es que se preparan en el hogar. 2. Use su tarjeta “EBT” para hacer las compra de alimentos más fácil. Puede usar esta tarjeta para comprar frutas y legumbres frescas, en muchos mercados de agricultores. 3. Evite de usar comidas de preparación rápida, o en paquetes. Estas comidas cuestan más pero ofrezcen menos nutrición por dólar. 4. Planee sus comidas usando las especiales de la semana en el mercado, y los alimentos en su estación de cosecha. 5. Comparte el planear, comprar y preparar de las comidas en familia. Ahorrará dinero, pasará habilidades de vivir a los jóvenes y hará recuerdos felices.

It’s 2010 - a new decade. It’s 2010 and it’s great that you still can provide tasty and nutritious food for your family on a food stamp budget. Yes, you can! You need to plan, but you can do it! Follow these tips: 1. Work to improve your cooking abilities. The secret to economical meals is to prepare them at home. 2. Use your EBT card for easier food shopping. Use it to buy fresh vegetables and fruits at farmers’ markets. 3. Avoid buying packaged and convenience foods. These items cost more but provide less nutrition for your dollar. 4. Plan your meals using the store’s weekly specials, and foods in season. 5. Share the planning, shopping and preparing of meals as a family. You’ll save money, pass on life skills to your children and make happy memories.

UCCE’s Favorite Family Food 2

Abuelo dijo que cuando estaba en el ejército en Francia, todas las amas de casa allá tenían una olla grande de atrás de la estufa. La comida en esta olla siempre estaba cocinando lentamente. La dama ponía cualquier cosa y todo adentro de la olla: las cáscaras de zanahorias, huesos de gallina - hasta los sobrantes de la cena de carne de res y vegetales. Cada vez que alguien tenia hambre, ella sirvía una porción grande de este caldo, con pan rústica para sopear. Este caldo mágico estaba caliente, delicioso y tan nutritivo. Pues, este parece como un fábula, ¿que no? Y, me preocupo un poco sobre cada olla de caldo que cocina todo el tiempo, con diferentes cosas agregadas durante el día. Pero, esto puede ser el comienzo del platillo CALDO, ¿no? Estos días escogemos una olla que cocine lentamente. Todavía podemos usar los huesos de una gallina para hacer un caldo sabroso. Podemos preparar un estofado o caldo sabroso mientras estamos en el trabajo. No hay algo mejor en un día frío del invierno que regresar a casa que todavía tiene el aroma de una cena deliciosa. Pruebe una de las recetas para caldo en este carta de noticias ... o haga el caldo favorito de su abuela. Sí, ESTARÁ caliente, deliciosa y tan nutritivo.

Grandpa said when he was in the Army in France, all the housewives there had a big pot on the back of the stove. It was cooking slowly all the time. The wife would put anything and everything into it: carrot peelings, chicken bones, even the leftovers from the roast beef and vegetable dinner. Whenever someone was hungry, she’d serve up a big bowl of this ever-changing soup, with some crusty bread to dip into it. This magic soup was warm and delicious and so nourishing. Well, that sounds like a “tall tale”, doesn’t it? And, I’d worry a little about any pot that cooked all time, with different things added throughout the day. This could be the way SOUP started, though. These days we’d use a slow cooker. We could still use chicken bones to make tasty broth, and we can cook savory soup and stew while we are at work. There’s nothing better on a cold winter day than coming home to a house that already smells like delicious dinner. Try one of the soup recipes in this issue... or make your own grandma’s favorite. It WILL be warm, delicious and nourishing.

UCCE’s Favorite Family Food 3

It’s easy to see why it is worth the time and effort.

Handwashing is the FIRST cooking step in ANY recipe!

Parents, look here: even very young children find benefits in food preparation. Hands-on learning really make a lasting impression. Cooking builds valuable skills in many areas. Here are Noah, Lillie and Liam, working with preschool teacher and mom Cristine Kelsey.

I know I know!

Each takes a turn: sifting, seasoning (what fun to shake in drifts of cinnamon!)

...and stirring in pureed vegetables – while the others watch from behind the handy gate. That does make it fair for everyone.

What’s in it for your children? Cooking: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Helps them learn to follow directions. Improves eye/hand skills and coordination Improves concentration Helps them share to share and take turns Helps them learn to wait longer periods of time for successful results 6. Encourages them to eat and accept new foods (like the pureed spinach and pumpkin in these muffins)

The muffins are finished. We can tell they are very healthful – and they are yummy, as all agree.

Q. Instant noodles are inexpensive and my children love them. Why not buy them? I thought soup was good food! A. About half the calories in Instant Ramen (noodles) come from fat. They contain over one day’s recommended sodium (think “salt”); only 1 gram of fiber, but 54 grams carbohydrates (that’s nearly 3 portions for people who are counting carbs). They have nearly as much added sugar as they do protein. No vitamins, barely any minerals. Good food? You decide. Q. We buy that orange juice drink that comes in a big orange-colored plastic jug. Is this a good choice? A. Here is the ingredient list: WATER, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, LESS THAN 2% OF ORANGE, GRAPEFRUIT, LEMON AND TANGERINE JUICE CONCENTRATES, CITRIC ACID, FOOD STARCH MODIFIED, XANTHAN GUM, CORN OIL, POTASSIUM CITRATE, NATURAL FLAVORS, ASCORBIC ACID (VITAMIN C), POTASSIUM BENZOATE (PRESERVATIVE), YELLOW #5 AND #6, EDTA (TO PRESERVE FRESHNESS), BETA CAROTENE (COLOR).

Good choice? You decide.

Algunos Hechos Sobre Comidas de Preparación Rápida P. Fideos al instante son muy baratos y mis hijos les encanta. ¿Por qué no comprarlos? Yo pensé que el caldo es una comida saludable. R. Más o menos la mitad de las calorías en Ramen Instante (fideos) son de grasa. Contiene la ración para un día de sodio (sal); nomás 1 gramo de fibra, pero 54 gramos de carbohidratos (Este es casi 3 porciones de carbohidratos para las personas que están contándolos). Los fideos contienen casi tanta azucares agregadas como proteína. No hay vitaminas, ni casi nada de minerales. ¿Buen alimento? Usted decide. P. Tomamos esa bebida de jugo de naranjas en una botella grande de plástico naranjado. ¿Es esta una buena elección? R. Aquí esta la lista de ingredientes: AGUA, JARABE DE MAÍZ ALTO EN FRUCTOSA, MENOS DE 2% DE JUGOS CONCENTRADOS DE NARAJA, TORONJA, LIMÓN Y MANDARINO, ÁCIDA CÍTRICA, FÉCULA DE ALIMENTOS MODIFICADA, RESINA XANTHAM, ACEITE DE MAÍZ, POTASIO CITRATO, SABORES NATURALES, ÁCIDO ASCÓRBICO (VITAMINA C), POTASIO BENZOATE (CONSERVANTE), AMARILLO #5 Y #6, EDTA (PARA CONSERVAR FRESCURA), BETA CAROTENE (COLOR). ¿Buena elección? Usted decide.

UCCE’s Favorite Family Food 4 In the interest of truth, I don't much like that grocery bag on the front page!

Why not? It shows a lot of healthful food you can get with an EBT card!

Yes, but they are all just thrown in the bag! Those eggs could be broken & leaking... That's true! Say, did you know Food Stamps is now SNAP? Cool, huh?

I didn't know that! but good food is good food, no matter what you call it!

Well said!

UCCE’s Favorite Family Food 5

El caldo es el mejor cosa que usted puede hacer para su familia este invierno....

Carne de Res, para 6 porciones 1. Ponga la olla que cocine lentamente en posición “alta” y agregue 1 taza de agua. 2. Use 2-libras de pierna de res con los huesos - corta la carne de los huesos en trozos. 3. Cocine la carne y los hueso completamente en 1 cucharada de aceite vegetal, hasta que estén color moreno. Sazone con pimiento y un poco de sal. 4. Agregue 1 cebolla, picada, y cocine hasta que estén moreno. Ponga la carne de res, los huesos y la cebolla en la olla que cocine lentamente. 5. Agregue: 1 lata grande de jitomates, 1 papa cortada en trozos, 3tazas de caldo de res, 3 zanahorias cortadas en trozos, 2 espigas cortadas en rebanadas de 1", 2 chayotes en trozos. 6. Agregue más agua si se necesita para cubrir los alimentos por ½”. Cocine en alta posición hasta que el líquido hierve, entonces reduzca el fuego a la posición baja y cocine para 3 horas. 7. Agregue ¼ taza de cilantro picada al caldo. 8. Corte una cabeza de repollo en trozos. empuje los trozos de repollo en el caldo y cocine 1 hora o más hasta que todas las legumbres estén bien cocidos. 9. Sirve con tortillas de maíz y estos adornos: jalapeños rebanadas, cebolla y cilantro picadas, trozos de limón y rábanos rebanados.

Beef Soup 1. Set a large size slow cooker to high and add 1-cup water. 2. Use 2-lb beef shank with bones - cut the meat off the bones into chunks. 3. Brown meat & bones thoroughly in 1-TB oil. Season with salt and pepper. 4. Add 1 chopped onion and brown. Pour beef, bones & onion into slow cooker. 5. Add: 1 lg can diced tomatoes, 3-cups beef broth, 3-cups water, 2 medium chopped carrots, 1 potato cut in chunks, 2 ears of corn cut in 1" slices, 2 chayotes cut in chunks. 6. Add water if needed to cover meat & vegetables by ½”. Cook on high till liquid bubbles up, then reduce heat to low and cook for 3 hours. 7. Stir ¼ -cup chopped cilantro into soup. 8. Core 1 head of cabbage and cut it into wedges. 9. Push cabbage wedges down into soup and cook for 1 hour more or until all vegetables are well cooked. 10. Serve with corn tortillas and these garnishes: sliced pickled jalapeños, chopped onion, chopped cilantro, sliced radishes & lime wedges.

UCCE’s Favorite Family Food 6

When you go fishing, you want to be able to eat all that you catch. What about the fish heads? In our office, Lennis says that this Fish Head Soup is her favorite- very tasty and easy to make. For 4 persons: 1. Sauté 1 large onion (chopped) in a little olive oil until golden in a heavy-bottomed sauce pot 2. Add: 4 medium potatoes, peeled and diced, 2-Tbs chopped parsley, 2-3 -TBS raw rinsed rice, 4-5 -TBS tomato sauce, 2 shakes of tapatio 3. Fill pot with cold water to about 1" above potatoes. Bring to a simmer. 4. Put 2-4 fish heads in a wire mesh strainer and place it across the top of the pot so that the fish heads in the strainer are below the level of liquid (you may need to add a little more water) 5. Cook gently (do not let boil) about ½ -hour or until potatoes cooked through and fish heads cooked as well. 6. Remove strainer with fish heads to a bowl and let cool enough to handle. Remove all the fish that you can and put it into the soup. 7. Heat soup to serving temperature if needed. Season with a little salt if needed. 8. Place lemon slices into warm soup bowls and pour the soup over them to serve. Enjoy!

Nothing tastier on a cold winter's night!

Caldo de Cabezas de Pescado 1. Saltee 1 cebolla (picada) en un cachito de aceite de olivo hasta que esté color del oro. 2. Agregue 4 papas, peleados y cortadas en trozos, 2-cucharadas de perejil picados, 2-3 cucharadas de arroz crudo, 4-5 cucharadas de salsa de jitomate y tapatío al gusto. 3. Llene la olla con agua frío al nivel de 1 pulgada encima de las papas. Cocine lentamente. 4. Ponga 2-4 cabezas de peces en un filtro de malla tela y póngala en la tapa de la olla para que las cabezas de peces estén debajo del agua (agregue más agua si necesita). 5. Cocine lentamente (no permita hervir) por ½ hora o hasta que las papas estén bien cocidas y las cabezas de pescados cocidas también. 6. Quite el filtro con las cabezas de pescados para enfriar. Quite lo más pescado que pueda y póngalo en el caldo. 7. Sazone con pimienta y un poquito de sal. 8. Ponga rebanadas de limón en tazones y eche el caldo sobre para servir.

you've got that right!

UCCE’s Favorite Family Food 7

¡Familias, juegan juntos este invierno! En los días frías, es muy fácil que hacer nomás sentarse y mirar al televisor ( y se hacen más sobrepeso y menos en forma - juntos). Mejor que el padre guía la familia en un ratito de diversión, entre las tormentas de tiempo. Pónganse sus chaquetas y vayan al parque.

Permita al hermano mayor que lucir algunos movimientos osados entonces Papi ayudará a la hija chica tratar de seguir a su hermano. Después de nomás de 30-45 minutos, todos tendrán calor y estarán bien ejercitados. ¡Qué bueno! O, si está lloviendo, levántense y bailen. 3-5 minutos de de un vals rápido dan color a la cara y hará que un corazón bombée bien. ¿No se sienten mejor, ahora?

In these cold days it’s very easy to do nothing more than sit around and watch T.V. (and grow more and more overweight and less and less fit - together). Much better if the Dad leads the family in a little fun between the storms. Put on your jackets and go to the park. Let big brother show off some daring moves - then Dad will help little sister to try to follow. After only 30-45 minutes, everyone is warm and well exercised. Great! Or, if it’s raining, get up and dance. 3-5 minutes of a fast waltz gives color to the cheeks and gets your heart pumping. Don’t you feel better now?

I just have to have a chocolate dessert at least once a week!

FSNE Families learn how to EAT RIGHT to STAY WELL. On a budget? You can do it! FSNE The USDA Food Stamp Program helps particiants to purchase healthful foods for better diet and funds this newsletter.

What’ll We Have For Dinner?

SNAP-E Winter Menus:

Sunday: Roast Chicken w/Chile Rub, Rice Pilaf, Mandarin and Spinach Salad, Whole Wheat Rolls, (Chile rub: mix 1 clove garlic mashed w/salt, ½-tsp. EACH oregano, red powdered chile, black pepper, 1-tsp ea. olive oil and lime juice- rub all over chicken at least 1-hour before cooking. Cook an extra chicken without the rub and refrigerate for Tuesday supper) Baked Custard. Monday: Eggs a La Goldenrod on WW Toast Points (Diced hard cooked eggs in wellseasoned light white sauce- dust top of each serving with a little of the yolk), Sauteed diced Beets & Beet Greens, Lemon Tapioca

Tuesday: Chicken Posole, (sliced radish, shredded cabbage, sliced chiles, cilantro, chopped onion) Corn Tortillas, Pear Crisp

Wednesday: Pasta with White Beans & Tuna (lots of garlic and chopped parsley; parmesan too), Rainbow

Chard, Oatmeal & Raisin Cookie

Thursday: Butternut Squash & Spinach Frittata, Garlic Bread, Orange & Onion Salad, Granny Hazel’s Apple Roll (Roll out slightly sweetened biscuit dough to ½”. Toss peeled, sliced pippins with cinnamon and a little cane sugar and scatter over dough. Dot sparingly w/butter; roll up jellyroll style. Place more apples in a lightly greased baking dish and lay 3/4” slices of the apple roll on top. Bake in a 375F oven about 20 minutes or until top is golden & puffed and dough and apples cooked through. Serve warm)

Friday: Fish Tacos (Corn tortillas, chunks of cooked cod or rockfish, shredded cabbage & carrot, and special Sauce- Your favorite Salsa mixed with a little low-fat mayonaise. Don’t say “eeyew!” - it’s good!) Frijoles de Olla, Rice Pudding

Saturday: Home-Made Noodle Bowl with Winter Vegetables; WW Toast, Brownie Pudding.

In fact, I notice you always have dessert! Why is that?

People like dessert! Puddings, custards and frozen yogurt are good sources of calcium, especially for folks who don't drink much milk. And in winter? Baked Apples, Pear Crisp - all those warm fruit desserts- yum!

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I noticed!

Everyone help! Make “shopping day” a “cooking day” -do prep for the week ahead. Cook veggies ahead - Twice a week, steam green vegetables, clean salad greens, etc. Store in frig for quick meals during the work week. Plan meals around seasonal foods - let the Farmer’s Market guide your food choices! Plan on pasta once a week. - A family pleaser! Try a Frittata: In a bowl, toss 2 cups cooked rice, 2 cups cooked vegetable, 2-TBS flour, half a tsp pepper (less salt), 1 finely minced garlic clove, 1-cup grated sharp cheese. Put into a greased casserole, mix 2 eggs & 2 cups milk, pour over & cook at 350F about 1 hour.

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