Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Miami Dade College Wednesday, February 29, 2012 The Daily News Clippings Miami Dade College Office of Media Relations 300 N.E. Second Ave.} Su

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Miami Dade College Wednesday, July 25, 2012 The Daily News Clippings Miami Dade College Office of Media Relations 300 N.E. Second Ave., Suite

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Miami Dade College

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Daily News Clippings

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,American Airlines AutoN,atio.ll, Inc. Bank ot America Baptist H~~lihSoirth Florida , "Blue Cross and Blue Shield.of Florida '· Floridalntemationaf University ,, ' JohnS. .and ..J~mes L. Knightf6undation ,leon Medical' Centers . Navarro Discount Pharmacy. Wells Fargo .. . .. ,. . .. .







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AT&T. BankUnited ' , Qerkowitz Dick Pollack & Brant City National B~l!k . Th~ Conroy' ~al1inez Group ' · 'Greater Miami Convention & VisitorS Bureau Hilton Bentley' tfogan Lovells .J. I. Kislak; Inc: JPMorgan Chase '.

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United Home~~re University of Mia~'j' UnillisioD


Accenture AkermanSe,.terfitt Aile", Norton & Blue, P.A: Atkins .Banesco The Beacon Council ,CarlosAlbizu University , , Carlton Fi,elds Cleveland CUoic,Florida ' Coastal Construction Community Blood Centers of Florida " Compuquip Technologjes, 10c.· ' Oeloitte: Espirito Santo Bank FedEx Express FirstBank Florida and COlaccess Flagler Frank Crystal & Company . The Fuentes Rodriguez C~msufting Group Goldstein Schechter Koch G re~t Aorida Bank Haitian Neighborhood Center Sant La,lnc.

Holland & Kni.!Jht LlP ' Humana, Inc, lOS Health Systems Miami-Dade Aviation Department lVIiaml Dade College Foundation

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SFHHA ,TO Bank United Way of Mi,a mi- Dade University. of Mhlmi ,. ' ­ "

Brickell Motors 'Stanlev G. Tate M atmy·~adre Jeb Bush &. Associates, l lC ,lynn ~olfson, Lynn & Louis Wolfson, If Family Foundation .

Allen, Nort!)n & Blue P.A. Biltmora Hotel Boies;.Schiller & FleKner.llP Armando Codina Coral Gables C.hamber of Comme rce Florida East Coast Realty GjB Consulting LlC Hamptons Group and Benwort~ Capital , Mi!lmi Dade College Perry Ellis International. Inc. TIle Miami F,oundation Williamson Automotive




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ESB Helps Honor Community Leader I

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ESB Helps Honor Community Leader Posted on January 23, 2012 by esbf

Eduardo H. Padr6n, Ph.D

Here at ESB we support honoring those who've served their community. That is why we are sponsoring the 2012 Sand in My Shoes Award hosted by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce . A symbol of commitment to the

community, this year's award will be presented to Eduardo H. Padron , Ph .D., who has served as president of Miami Dade College since 1995. Part of the South Florida community for decades, this is not the first time he's being recognized . Among his many accolades is the 2011 Carnegie Corporation Centennial Academic Leadership Award. He was also listed as one of the eight most influential college leaders by The Washington Post in 2011 and one of the ten best college presidents by Time Magazine in 2009. Held at Jungle Island on February 28 th , 2012, the evening will include a cocktail reception, dinner and, of course , the award presentation.

We want to know ... Which community leaders do you look up to? This entry was posted in community, News. sDonsDrships and tagged bank, bank blog, brickell, Eduardo H. Padron, esb. greater miami chamber of commerce. Miami . sand in my shoes award . Bookmar1< the permalink .

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Akerman - Event - Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Sand in My Shoes Award Dinner


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Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Sand in My Shoes Award Dinner February 28, 2012 6:00 pm

ReJated PI'actices Real Estate Trusts , Estates & Family Services

Relat81j Loc-atjons


Akerman is a sponsor of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Sand in My Shoes Award Dinner which will honor Eduardo J. Padron and acknowledge his commitment to the community. The award is given to outstanding community leaders who have made significant contributions to the South Florida region.

Location Jungle Island

1111 Parrot Jungle Trail

Miami, FL


Click here to register for this event.

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Miami Dade College President Dr. Eduardo 1. Padr6n Receives Univision's 2012 Coraz6n Award I moviem




Mia m i Dade Colleg e Pre sident Dr. Edua rdo J. Padron Receive s Univisbn' s 20 12 Cararon Award


Miami Dade College President Dr, Eduardo J, Padron Receives

Univision's 2012 Coraz6nAward lly

The United Slat es Hispanic Leadership Institute (USHU) ra:: eived the Community Corazo n Award for Organizatio n of t he Year. ~U nivisi on

is honored t o present th e 20 12 Co m mun ityCorazon Award for Orgamzation of the Year to the Un ited States HispanIC Leader sh ip In st itute and t he Leade rship Award 10 Dr. Padron , Miami Dade College' s presid e nt ,~ sa id Cesar Conde preSid ent, Un iv ision Netlf..Ork s. ~We commemo rCle USHU an d Eduardo for their com m en dctll e efforts 10 promote civi:: part icipatio n a.nd increase educationalatta lnmenL Ther unwaver ing commitment and (J)OI ribuIions (Q the Hispanic co mmunity and future leaders in the United Stales make bOlh , USH U and Eduardo, deserving o f thi Srecogni tion." Dr. Pad ro n 's has served as p res iden t of Miami Dade College, the nati on's largest inS t i wtlo n of hig,er education, sin ce 1995. HI S energetic leade rsh ip also e xte nds to mJly of the nation's leading org anizatio ns. He is th e cha ir o f the pre st igio us Ame ric an Coun cil on Educatio n and immediate past chair o f th e Asso dati on o f American Co lleg es and UOIver'Sities. He also serves o n the board s of the Federal Reserve; Co uncil on Foreign Relations and the Business / Hig her Education Fo rum am ong other mijor nati onal organi zation s. During his career, he h,u also been select ed to serve on posts o f national prominenc e by si x American Presidents, most recently ilHha ir o f the White Hous e Inil iative on Edu cati onal Exc ellence for Hispani c Amer icans by PreSident Obam a. Pad ron wus also recently named one o f TIME magaz ine's "' 10 Best Colleg e Pre Sidents," one of the eight most "in flue ntial co llege leaders" in the U.S. in the Wa;h ington POSt and the '" FlO ridian of the Year" by FlOrida Trend magazine . Presidenl Padron is t he reCipient o f dozens of majo r award s during his four decade care er incl ud ing the "2008 Charles Kennedy Equit yAward'" from the Association ofCommunny Co lleg e Truste es. the "2 008 Reginald Wilson DiverSity leader Ship Award" of A merican Cou ncil on Edu ca ion; th e "2008 Innovator Of the Yea(~ from the League for Innovation; t he ~ 2 005 Paul A. Elsner Award for In!ernationa Exce llence" from the Chair Academy; an d others. Most recently, he was awarded the "2 0 11 Centen nial Acad em ic Leadership Awu rd " from the Cameg ie COrpOr.3.ll0n and "20 12 NaI.l ona l CitiZEn ServICe Award" from \-blC es for Natio nal Servic e. Inte rnati onally , PreSiden t Padron' s accompishments have tee n recognized by numerous nat ions a1d organ izati on s including the Republic of Franc e. which named him Com mJf1deur In the Oldre de s Palms Academique s: the Republic of Argent ina. which CfNarded him rhe Order of San Mart in , an d Spaill's King Juan Carl os II , who be stow ed upon him the Order o f Queen Isa bella. Miami Dade Co llege IS the nat ion's large st ins titutio n of hig,er educ atio n w t h an enro llment of mo re than 17 4.000 st udents. It is also t he nation' s top producer of ~sociate in arts and sC ience degrees. Th e co lle::l e' s eight camp..i ses and outreach CMters offer more than 300 distinct degree pragrams Incl uding severa l b accalaureat e degrees in educati on. public safety. su pervision and managemen t. nursin g, physiCian ~s is tant stud ies, film . engi neering an d others. In fact . its academic and ..-..orkforce training programs have Served as natio nal mod els of excelle nce. MOC 'IS also renowned for It S ric h cultural programming. It is home o f the Mia mi Book Fair Int ernat ion al, Miami Internat io nal Film Festival , the MDC uve! Pe rfo rming Arts Series, the National Hist oric Landm ark Miami Freedo m a sculpture par k an d a larg e art gall ery and th eater syste m. MCC has served nearly 2,000,000 students since it o pened its doors in 1960.

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Univls ion Com mt.nications Inc. (UO) IS t he leading media company selV ing Hisp an ic Ame rica. lis ~s ets Inclu de Univi sion Netv.o rk, one of t he lOp fwe net'.Vori­


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Tuyo feels like an offering to Miamians; perhaps that is why the name translates to "yours". Tuyo's location, on the top floor of a Miami· Dade College building, offers an amazing view through the wall of floor -to-ceiling windows of the north end of city skyline and Biscayne Bay beyond. Indeed, as soon as the elevator do'ors open on the top floor, we were are greeted by the Freedom Tower lit up in red and the mega screen on the AAA flashing Let's Go Heat. In contrast to all that flash, Tuyo's decor is stark and monochromatic' with sleek wood floors made of reclaimed logs found in Lake Michigan and lacquered 3 -D waves of wood on the ceiling. Overall, the simplicity of the decor allowed us to appreciate the view that much more. So the view is spectacular and the decor is cool, but nothing compares to the food. That is where Chef Norman really shows off. First, he displays his commitment to fresh local ingredients and

produce from an onsite gar· den and from local farmers. Then, he uses high quality ingredients in ~ a complex fu­ sion of Peruvian and Cuban influences, a touch of Asian, and the Floribbean cuisine that made him so famous .

J _

vised that it is Chef Norman's signature dish . The donuts were ridonculous - really there is no word in the English lan­ guage for how good they were. It was difficult to even look at our yogurt panna cotta with those piping hot, sugar-coat· ed, dark·chocolate·filled, light Kenneth Murena Melanie Damian , Frank Jime· Casandra Perez and airy, pillows of fried per­ nez and I had the tasting' fection emitting their heavenly menu with wine pairings chosen by Sarah, the aroma all over our table. And, did I mention sommelier. She did an excellent job of describ­ that they arrived with dark chocolate dipping ing the wines to us and all but one of .her pair·, sauce and sweet, salty and crunchy macada· ings could not have been more perfect. The mia nut brittle ice cream? Just writing it down tasting menu, which we were told changes quite makes rTJy mouth water . That the meal end· often, included blue crab fritters, caviar and ed on a high note is a majot- understatement. smoked fish, poached snapper in a Vietnamese sauce, shrimp enchilado, pork cooked in milk The verdict is completely in favor of Tuyo' s food, with black beans and plantains, and vanilla yo­ view and atmosphere, each of which is awarded gurt panna cotta. The highlight of the tasting 4.5 out of 5 stars . The service could use im­ menu was the smoked fish with caviar, egg and provement only in that it is slow and the serv­ avocado on toasted bread - the perfect balance ers do not offer knowledgeable explan ations of of creamy, salty, and smoky on a toasty piece the complex dishes , so we give it 3 stars. We of Cuban bread. The other items were good but ran into plenty of friendly faces (many lawyers not as impressive and delectable as many of the and an esteemed District Court Judge), all of items on the a la carte menu. Kenny Murena whom were excited that Chef Norman is back created his own tasting menu by ordering 3 and hopefully here to stay. Tuyo definitely at­ appetizers (conch chowder, charred wreckfish tracts locals c'o mmitted to gourmet dining and ceviche and yucca-stuffed shrimp), l ' entree long-time fans of Chef Norman . The consensus (pan cooked fillet of Yellowtail) and 1 dessert among us is that Tuyo is expensive (about $180 (donuts). His dishes were far better than ours per person with a healthy dose of wine), but th e and his dessert of hot, chocolate·filled donuts food is absolutely worth the price tag. We we re with dark chocolate dipping sauce and macada­ told that the menu is seasonal and ever- changing mia nut brittle ice cream nearly caused a wres­ so we look forward to returning for a co mpietely tling match at the table. The conch chowder different yet equally awesome expe rience. was sweet, creamy, spicy and loaded with conch - Caribbean and Thai flavors united in a coconut Melanie E. Da mian is a Co -Foun der and Partner of soup. The ceviche was tasty, sweet and citrusy Damian & Valon LL P. She represe nts co m pa nies an d with a smoky charred flavor , but the wreckfish in dividuals in a variety of complex busin ess and securities; was chewy, so the dish was not as good as it litigation, serves as a Cou rt appointed Rec eiver and could have been. The yucca· stuffed shrimp is a Distribution Agent in Securities m atters and state court sh o\>vstopp er of creamy, garlicky yucca, sweet, matters, as well as, serving as coun sel to Receivers meaty shrimp and crispy, deep· fried goodness . serving in both state an d federal co urt. The Key West yellowtail cooked in a citrus but­ ter was the best thing we ate all night, maybe all Kenneth Murena and Casand ra Perez p ractice at year, and when Kenny ordered it our server ad· Damian & Valori, LLP in th e area of BUSInes s Lit iga i/o n, Rece ivership and Bankruptcy_

(!the lf1iami i~cra!~'



Fabiola Santiago

At these films~ keep:your

-mouth shut y apologies to Don ~cL:an for borrow­ mg hls famous line, . but I remember the day the venerable Miami Film Festival died. Popcorn killed what for me and other devotees of artful ~ineina was like a religious experience. I had bought back-to-back tickets for two movies showing at the Gusman Center for the Performing Arts, and was on my second mm, a gorgeously photographed Yugoslavian production that unfolded in slow-paced frames and cryptic dialogue, when I heard a crunching sound behind me. 1 turned to fmd the man behind me - so close his knees were almost touching my neck - munching on popcorn. Crunch, crunch, crunch ... where the only sounds should have been the classical score of the fIlm and the dialogue. Adios, precious silence, I've never heard you since. . With the move in the late 1990s to allow popcorn at this last refuge of civility, the unique film festival Natalio Chediak launched in 1984, the' days of watching a film in peace in South Florida ended. Silence was out, rudeness in.


I'm not bringing this up at the kickoff of the expanded and otherwise meritorious Miami International Film Festival, which opens Friday and runs through March in various the­ aters, to sound like the old fogey that I'm becoming, but to ask, beg, plead with patrons to . leave your connectivity and your tongue outside theater


. With 100 fUms from 35 coun­

tries showing during its 29th

edition, that's a lot of opportu­

nity for the jittery, munching,

slurping crowd to act up. _

·So let's make it simple: Stop texting, taking phone calls, talking to each other. Please don't update your status, don't tylreet your loca­ tion and yoUr thoughts about ­ th~ flllll - not even you. mem­ bers of the media. If your kid is sick, stay at home. Don't take that phone call And stop it with the noisy popcorn. Whatever happened to din­ ner and a movie? Eat first, watch later. In art fUms, every frame, every word counts. Lovers of the art form watch in patient, reverent silence because the reward is an in­ timate wmdow into worlds unknown, the kind of sub­ stantive, enlightening and sometimes transformative 'experience that popular Holly­ wood movies seldom provide. _Who can forget the lovely silence that enveloped the Gusman, in pre-popcorn days, as Carlos Saura's documentary Flamenco made it feel as if the • TURN TO SANTIAGO, 28

·Atfilm . fest., please keep JJour mouth shut p hone off


dancers were golls -poW1d­ mg the floor, as if their dance were a conve!'sation with us? But these days, the ring­ ing and flashing phones, the text messaging, the p osting of status updates

and de\Ter Twitter lines, and the obnoxious con­ versations are killing our fine arts experien ce. Those of us who go to countless cultural events where we pay good money to listen - really listen are sick of the noise and the rude distractions.

I spent the inaugural season of the Florida Grand Opera at what was then called the Carnival Center for the Performing Arts hearing the man be­ hind me interpret the op­ era for his wife. I could hear him better than I could hear the performers.

I changed seats and upgraded to the orchestra sect.ion - only to spend one of my favorite operas hearing the guy sitting next to me humming along to Mozart! What's the matter with you people? Yes, you, the one who

has to hear her/his witty self all night long. No one ever thinks they're the ones being rude. But you've even been my date, and that's right, it's over, dear. There won't be another because you don't shut up.

Miami International Film Festival's Latin love - Page 1 - Movies - Miami - Miami New Times

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