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Miami Dade College
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
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Miami Dade College partners with Nova Southeastern business school - South Florida Business Journal
From the South Florida Business Journal : miami dade-college-pa rtners-with-nova .html
Miami Dade College partners with Nova Southeastern business school South Florida Business Journal Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 7:52am EDT
Miami Dade College has partnered with Nova Southeastern University's H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship to allow students to pursue a master's degree at a discounted price. The Miami Herald reports that beginning Sept. 1 students who graduate with a Bachelor of Applied Science in supervision and management from Moe will be eligible to receive a tuition discount of 25 percent per credit hour for a graduate degree in business at NSU.
'izjo u rnals. coml southflorida/blog/morn i ng-edition/2012/07/miami-dade-college-partners-with-nova .html ...
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Miami Dade College Partners with Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship at NOVA Southeastern University
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July 24,2012 Business Miami Dade College said Monday that it will begin a partnership with the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship at NOVA Southeastern University to increase opportunities for Miami Dade College students who complete a Bachelor ofApplied Science in Supervision and Management and want to pursue a graduate degree in business at NSU. Article by Business (c) Business - Read full story here. Filed Under: Business Tagged: Coupons, Free Samples, M.I.A., Mia,, Miami, Miami Deals, Mobile Ready, Mobile Ready Website
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Miami Dade College partners with Nova Southeastern business school Albuquerque Yellow Pages
Business Journal ( Tuesday 24th July, 2012
( pages/albuq uerque/nm)
Nova Southeastern University's H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship to allow students to pursue a masters degree at a discounted price.
Read more ( - rIbizLsouthfloridal -3/kiXOTIMvT7g/miami dade-co llege-partners-w ith-nov a. html) Euro zone manufacturing nosedi ... , Reuters Ju124. 2012
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Miami International Film Festival Reveals 2013 Poster by Jean Marc Calvet » Art of Miami
July 13, 2012
by Art ofMiami
International Film Festival Reveals 2013 Poster by Jean Marc Calvet Jean Marc Calvet an New York based aliist creates this colorful "Portrait" ofMiami with the theme "Every Character lUlder the Sun."
Jean Marc Calvet.
There are two major influences that drive an artist in the execution of their work. The fist is internal which is composed ofthe past and their interpretation of individual memories. The second is their present which is the current interaction with people and the culture that slUTounds them artofmiami .com/20 12/07/13/miami-international-film-festival-reveal s-20 13-poster-by-jean-marc-calveU
Miami International Film Festival Reveals 2013 Poster by Jean Marc Calvet» Art of Miami
There is also a third dimension that separates good artists and artists. This is the ability to see their place in the future history ofart. To have an incredible work ethic and sense ofaccountability that transcends tOloorrow and into the years ahead. It is the pursuit ofa dream, and desire to fiillill a In the ofhis current work he i~ its impact and value well into the future.
honest in
out the truth ofhis past,
it into the SVIlIDOJllSm ofhis work
and understanding
Jean Marc Calvet is like the storm. Born France in 1965, the first 37 years ofm., lire brewed malevolently U""IJ"'''uvu, a hell on earth. He wanted to end his own life.
well beyond
The catalyst that bankrupts a human to the point and madness can be attnbuted to a multitude or a event. It is the where aU that was fumiliar and understood begins to away into a gray world definition. It is a where time holds no relevance or sense of stmcture; the past and present melt to create its own distorted sense ofunreality. It is a celebrate freedom in a frenzied orgy ofself destruction and external Whichever road this insklious evil chooses to take, the impact is both devastating and all cOilSUlming. There is one hope for salvation. On very rare marked "R~:delnptiion". Calvel discovered his path to
the soul is
with an exit from this nightmare downward journey with a passage
He is a legitimate artist, an outsider in every ofthe word. His first works were cmde explosions ofhis inner turmoil exploding on any surmce that was close with any materials that would leave a trace. Having never been taught to draw or or ever having had any interest in art, he is a !me original However as FAI Mc Cormack lVW:JILt'UU" Editor ofGailery and Studio
said very
'"Ihere is a very real fur an artist as brilliant Calve! in too colorful a back-story. It is too easy fur the to flourish at the expense ofthe art. think how many people know nothing about van Gogh except that he cut offhis That Calvet happens to be matters. It could too easily get him to tbe ghetto of so-called "outskler art" and of his place in the mainstream art world, where he most the innate sophistication ofhis vision and the with which he makes it manifest on canvas. " view ofhis work shows a distinct and stepped in his technical and artistic skills over the years. However the work is always as the product of Calvet with hallmarks that remain constant. Seven years on, Calvet delivers a marked sophistication in his works that adds maintains the ofthe !me bmt style that bU1hed him as an artist. His ofcolors continues to develop giving a richness that further enhances his work. The scale ofhis works adds to the lll1t:)re"SI\'e make. He has continued to increase his canvases on occasion him room to evoke his stories with subjects that still explode out ofa Pandora's Box with his own brand ofmanmade monsters. Each ofhis creatures is vivid with emotion and their own individual stories. Now instead ofthe creatures YVH,"""U"" havoc on Calvet personally, he is able to release them and imprison them on canvas. Calvet works with a that defies most; often non-stop until a work is complete. He is regularly found to be painting 12-18 hour and so the intensity and detail required to complete one work, he is able to turn out a generous volume ofwork. It is this work ethic and an accountability that he shows in his work ofhis life and his of a future that ensures the ofhis work. his output, the works are never or tired. His commitment to the creativity that wells from within him is absolute. Calvet is based in Granada, Nicaragua. He has exhibited his work in the United States and South America several solo shows in New York and His work is held in several private collections and work is about to in several musewms. His lite story has also been cal)tured in a feature documentary which is to premier next year. Calvet is a charismatic man, warm and generous. On first impressions you slippery and he understands the 'Those who
him to be the source ofhis