Week 11 22-23 RCCPC Bulletin (3) Flipbook PDF

Week 11 22-23 RCCPC Bulletin (3)

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Portside Bulletin The latest Rotary updates and announcements

Rotary Leaders


Call to Order Invocation Nat’l Anthem Four way Test Rotary Hymn Intro. of Guests and Visiting Rtn. Secretary's Time RI Pres Jennifer E. Jones President, Rotary International President’s Time

Agenda: Rotary Week Update Rotaplast Update Other Matters Adjournment

DG Lilu Aliño District Governor, D3860

Pres. Antonio "Buboy" Tan Jr. Club President, RCCPC

Pres. Antonio "Buboy" Tan Jr. Treas. Jun Vinculado AVP Rtn. Jerome Villordon AVP Dir. Marlon Pajulas Sec./PN Nestor Toledo Pres. Antonio "Buboy" Tan Jr.

Pres. Antonio "Buboy" Tan Jr.

Invocation Almighty God, Thank you for the beauty and majesty we see in your creation. Thank you for the opportunity to care for the world you have made. We ask that your blessing would rest on this team, that you would give us great vision and enthusiasm for our Rotary work. Please bless the efforts of our hands, the bonds between us and the influence of our work in this location and beyond. Lord, as we plan and share together now, may you guide us by your Holy Spirit and lead us into all truth. In Jesus name, Amen.

Four-Way Test and Object of Rotary The Four-Way Test Of the things we think, say or do 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Object of Rotary The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

Rotary Hymn I want to be a Rotarian for the world, Make the Rotary flag as the flag of peace unfurled; I shall serve my community, Help achieve universal unity. Through Rotary, I shall dedicate my all, World understanding shall be my cherished goal. With the Four Way Test I’ll pursue my quest And if I, in a way help obtain Peace in the world I shall not have lived in vain.

With the Four Way Test We'll pursue our quest And if we, in a way help obtain Peace in the world We shall not have lived in vain. Build a bridge for tomorrow's youth, Strengthened by nothing but the truth; Let's join our hands, there's no reason we’ll divide. We shall all understand, why the good Lord is our guide.

With the Four Way Test We'll pursue our quest I observe service above And if I, in a way help obtain self, Peace in the world Lend a hand to all who need my We shall not have lived in vain. help; I'll get my spouse to involve in VII.Peace be achieved, Rotary We shall not have lived in vain. And in Rotary ways I will train my family.

RCCPC Credo We believe we are the Rotary Club composed of business persons and professionals who encourage and foster the ideals of service of Rotary International. We believe we are the embodiment of a strong, vibrant and familyoriented club which puts to action the tenet of Rotary

“One profits most who serves BEST”. We believe in our cherished role to be the leading civic organization in delivery of community and vocational services, particularly in the area of maternal and child care, coupled with educational empowerment, to the marginalized sector of society.

As we commit ourselves to do all these, we humbly seek the aid of the Divine Providence.

Because we care!

Secretary's Message Good evening fellow Rotarians! The January 16, 2023, meeting was called to order by Pres Buboy Tan at 7:35pm. The following were present:

Sec. Nestor Toledo

PDG Anton Florendo, PDG Ted Locson, Pres Buboy Tan, yours truly, PN Kit Daleon, Dir Walter Ong, PP Toby Florendo, PP George Hong, PP Masao Koike, PP Samson Tiu, Rtn Edwin Jardin, Dir, Rtn Marvin Soco. Joining with us also is Kah Kohkazu invited guest of PP George Hong.

Club Secretary, RCCPC

Yours truly presented the Year 2023 – 2024 Officers and Directors composed of the following: VP – Ludwig Amandoron PN / Sec Elect – Kit Daleon Treasurer – Robert Barquilla Asst Treasurer – was vacant but after few discussions, chosen was Edwin Jardin Auditor – Jun Vinculado Sgt at Arms – Daryll Abay-abay CICO - vacant as of the moment as Denice Mendoza declined the post. Club Administration – Clark Gothong Club Membership – PAG Antonio Ynoc Protocol Officer – PP Antonio Teodoro Florendo Community Service – was vacant during presentation since Radisson Yu decline the post, chosen to take the post was Walter Ong

Secretary's Message Public Image – Marvin Soco The Rotary Foundation – Antonio Sulay II International Service – PP Masao Koike Youth Service – Marlon Pajulas Vocational Service – Segismundo Exaltacion Jr. PAG Anton Florendo commented that the line-up must be thoroughly discussed, presented and approved by the board to avoid members declining the position. Once complete, will be presented again during our GMM. ROTAPLAST DISCUSSION SECRETARIAT The Apostilled documents of the 8 doctors Club Secretary, RCCPC needed for submission to PRC has arrived. We will wait for the 9th one which is in transit so submission to PRC will just be one time. Sec. Nestor Toledo

On the packing list of the equipment and supplies that the team will be bringing into Cebu coming from the US, once a copy is provided to us, we will send a letter to Bureau of Customs requesting tax exemption. A copy must be sent also to Dir Daryll Abay-abay to facilitate clearance during arrival. Pres Buboy was requested to arrange a meeting with Miller Hospital/AHC during the week. LIAISON COMMITTEE The mission is only 12 days. They leave on Mar 4 and not on March 6. The new schedule is that they will arrive on February 20, free clinic starts on Feb 21 and surgery start on Feb 22. There will be 8 days of surgeries and March 3 will be the post clinic and the team will depart for the US on Mar 4.

Secretary's Message We are now looking at the Welcome dinner on Feb 25 to be sponsored by the Provincial government and the appreciation dinner on March 3 sponsored by the City government. SOLICITATION UPDATE As of today, Jan 16, 2023, total pledges amounted to P769,050. Collected at P644,050 and receivable of P125,000. More effort from members is requested to be able to meet the target. Sec. Nestor Toledo Club Secretary, RCCPC

PHYSICAL ARRANGMENT No inventory was conducted. It is requested that it will be done, and the status be reported during our GMM on the 23rd. OTHER MATTERS PP George motioned that his invited guest in the name of MR. KOHKAZU KOH is about to complete the required attendance in our meetings. He is requesting that he be circulated to members, get oriented and inducted. A resume of Mr. Kohkazu Koh will be submitted within the week and for circulation the following week. There being no more items to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9pm and fellowship followed up to 10pm.

President's Message Good evening fellow Rotaractors, Spouses, Guests


Kung Hei Fat Choi (Gong Xi Fa Cai)! Happy Chinese New Year!!! To start my message please allow me to say words of wisdom of Jane Austen:

Pres. Antonio Tan Jr. Club President, RCCPC

“My idea of good company of clever, wellinformed people, who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company”

Last week despite of many activities and focus more on Rotaplast 2023 preparations & meetings at DOH Region 7 with Asst Regional Director Dr. Sophia Mancao (Thanks to the assistance of Rtn Marvin Soco), meeting & site visit at Miller Hospital with Hospital Officers & Administrator Pastor Joel together with PDG Anton Florendo, PP Tony Florendo, Sec PE Nestor Toledo, Director PN Kit Dalton, spouse Marz Tan, Rotaplast Secretariat Fe Escaño & Abounding in Love Foundation Ms May with spouse, & Mr. Alex assistant of PAG Tony Ynoc, we still able to attend Rotary Week preparation meeting for 2nd time and also attend the Rotary District Talk on Autism Awareness Consciousness Month, with PWD Talk (Person With Determination) topic. Thank you Tonight Agenda: 1. Rotary Week Update 2. Rotaplast Update 3. Other Matters

R.I. President's Report (Jan. 2023) Rotary recently surveyed our members and found something that should be unsurprising but still caused many of us in Rotary leadership to sit up and pay attention: The single most important factor in member satisfaction is the club experience. How at home you feel in your club, how rewarding club meetings are, and how engaged you feel in service projects. I have seen this firsthand across the Rotary world this year. When members feel an emotional connection to their club, they cannot imagine leaving. And that connection is often forged in “Rotary moments,” when people feel that special connection to the people around them and the impact of their service. Our Imagine Impact Tour is all about shining a light on those Rotary moments and encouraging our RI Pres. Jennifer Jones members to tell their stories. President, Rotary International But there’s something else that makes an enormous difference in building and

sustaining that connection. It’s the comfort and care of our members — both Rotarians and Rotaractors. As my Rotary friend Todd Jenkins says, “People can’t see how you think, but they sure can see your actions.” We are in the relationship business, and if we take care of each other — genuinely show concern for each other — then we will make friends for life, and we will do anything to widen that circle of friendship. The question is: How do we live with our eyes wide open and do the things that really matter? We do this by taking time for each other, actively listening to one another, and treating every Rotary member as equally valuable — no matter how long we have been a member or what position we hold. People like me in Rotary leadership can offer all kinds of advice about how to make your club experience more valuable. But what’s most important is for everyone in every Rotary club to speak up and listen to one another. We should never be afraid to share with our fellow Rotary member what we expect to get out of our membership and have an open discussion about how to make that happen. To lead a Rotary club is to invite such dialogue and to be willing to try new approaches. Good leadership is giving it away. Propping others up. Allowing others to feel the victory. I have one last request for club leaders. We still need to do more worldwide to increase our female membership. It’s up a bit this year, but I know we can and must do better. Rotary is growing again. As I write this, we’re just a handful of members away from surpassing 1.2 million Rotarians again. So let’s redouble our efforts to bolster our clubs with great new members, then keep them for life by providing comfort and care.

RCCPC Rotaplast Schedules

Rotaplast Committee

Rotaplast Roster Members (Medical)

Rotaplast Roster Members (Medical)

Rotaplast Roster Members (Non-Medical)

Rotaplast Solicitation Update

Rotaplast Tshirt Matrix

RCCPC Rotaplast Meetings

Miller Hospital Meeting with Hospital Officers & Administrator headed by Pastor Joel together with RCCPC Rotaplast Committee headed by PDG Anton Florendo.

DOH Region 7 Meeting with Asst Regional Director, Dr. Sophia Mancao.

RCCPC District Activity

PE Nestor Toledo and SE/PN Kit Daleon attended the Pre PETS/SETS at Casino Español last Jan 20, 2023


Where to Make Up





CertificateB Oof F CEAttendance BU P *ROTARY

This is to certify that Rotarian ___________________________ of RC _______________________ has attended the regular meeting of ROTARY CLUB OF CEBU PORT CENTRE at the Cebu Country Club held this ______ day of ___________, 2023 *








9 *1

Signed: _________________

Birthday Celebrants

PAG Jose Unabia January 1, 2023

Rtn. Edwin Jardin January 2, 2023

Sps. Sasa Sulay January 5, 2023

Sps. Renu Mahtani January 13, 2023

Rtn. Silver Cepeda January 5, 2023

Sps. Jiji Paca January 12, 2023

Sps. Rosanna Koike January 22, 2023

The History of Rotary Club of Cebu Port Centre

In the beginning were five men and one vision…

In a historic series of preparative meetings in May 1985, Felipe Casing, Antonio Elumir, Manny Granada, Jacinto Jamero and Rey Sanggalang envisioned the Port Center of Cebu as a vantage ground from where a band of noble men shall rise by the name of Rotary, in a game of service to humanity.

What followed was a marathon dash in establishing a Rotary Club in the Cebu Port District to obtain a charter from then District 3860 Governor Jose “Joe” Lardizabal whose term was to conclude very soon. On the forefront was Pepe Casing, a Cebu Fuente Rotarian. It was in the special day of June 6, 1985 when a charter was granted to a club that was christened a most befitting name: The “ROTARY CLUB OF CEBU PORT CENTER”.

The newfound organization that was once a nucleus of five visionaries became a club of 34 gentlemen who convened charter members in the middle of June 1985 to bear witness to the first set of officers. Antonio “Jun” Elumir, who was then the Phil. Ports Authority Officer, was the Charter President. With him at the helm was Manuel “Manny” Granada, the charter vice-president, Jacinto “Boy” Jamero and “Rey” Sanggalang were the charter secretary and charter treasurer, respectively. These gentlemen who were the prime movers for the organization of our club were equally accorded those distinct and rare positions which can only happen once in a history of a club.

Pepe Casing was honored with the venerable title of “Godfather”. List of RCCPC Presidents: PORTSIDE BULLETIN 19

RCCPC Club Committees THE ROTARY FOUNDATION Chairman PAG Joel Valer Deputy Chairman PAG Jensen Racho Members: Rtn. Jun Exaltacion PP Chilo Delator

COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS Chairman Dir. Kit Daleon Deputy Chairman Dir. Walter Ong Members: Rtn. Jerome Villordon Rtn Joshua Lim Rtn. Anthony Cepeda



Chairman Dir. Daryll Abay-Abay Deputy Chairman Dir. Rodesson Yu Members: PP Samson Tiu Dir. Ludwig Amandoron

Chairman Dir. Clark Gothong Deputy Chairman Dir. Dax Giovanni Baluran Members: Dir. Jensen Earl Sy Rtn Armand Guangko


Chairman Dir. Dennice Mendoza Deputy Chairman PAG Jose Unabia Members: Dir. Janos Vizcayno Jr. VP Robert Barquilla Rtn. Ariel Condat

INTERNATIONAL SERVICE COMMITTEE Chairman PP Masao Koike Deputy Chairman PP Jacinto Jamero Members: PP George Hong Rtn Sunjae Hwang

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Chairman PAG Antonio Ynoc Deputy Chairman Rtn. Mark Ynoc Members: Dir. Marlon Pajulas Rtn Marvin Soco

FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE Chairman PAG Rodien Paca Deputy Chairman Dir. Melvin Go Members: Dir. Aquilino Vinculado Jr. PP Teodoro Antonio Florendo

RCCPC Roster Members

Abay-Abay, Daryll Custom Brokerage Spouse: Bemver Lou

Bantilan, Rolando Telecommunication Spouse: Mary Rose

Daleon, Kit Construction Spouse: Marichel

Alcibar, Alejo Petroleum Retailing Spouse: Gene

Barquilla, Robert Public Office

Amandoron, Ludwig Baluran, Dax Giovanni Master Mariner Clean Fuel and Oil Spouse: Shanshan Technology

Spouse: Marissa

Cabataña, Gilbert

Cepeda, Anthony

Spouse: Judy

Center Outsourcing

Fast Moving Consumer GoodsBusiness Process and Contact

Delator, Chilo James De Los Santos, Lester Falcon, Bienvenido Jr. Food Manufacturing Food Manufacturing Non-Life Insurance Spouse: Helen Spouse: Hannah Spouse: Russel

Florendo, Antonio Florendo, Antonio Teodoro Go, Edward Domestic Cargo Shipping Golf Retail Spouse: Lili Spouse: Marilyn Spouse: Yvonne

Coastwise Domestic Shipping


Spouse: Angela

Go, Melvin Engineering Spouse: Rizafe 22

RCCPC Roster Members

Guangko, Armand Container and Car Shipping Foundry Spouse: Liza Spouse: Janine

Gothong, Clark Byron

Jamero, Jacinto Rural Banking Spouse: Anne

Koike, Masao Manufacturing Spouse: Rosanna

Mahtani, Prakash RTW Trading Spouse: Renu

Business Process and Contact Center Outsourcing

Osawa, Naoya

Business Process and Contact Center Outsourcing


Hong, George

Heavy Equipment Leasing

Spouse: Jojo

Lim, Joshua Teodoro, Locson Roofing Materials Distribution Steel Manufacturing Spouse: Virgie Spouse:

Meguro, Kazuaki Mendoza, Dennice Tito Transport & Logistics Spouse: Jenniefel

Paca, Rodien Shipping & Logistics Spouse: Edelyn

Hwang, Sunjae School Spouse: Emmeline

Pajulas, Marlon Philip Pharmaceuticals Spouse: Annabelle

Ong, Francis Walter Steel Manufacturing Spouse: Sharon

Racho, Jensen Architectural Spouse: Catherine PORTSIDE BULLETIN

RCCPC Roster Members

Sulay, Antonio II Harbour Tug Services Spouse: Vanessa

Sy, Jensen Earl Tug and Barge Spouse: Arden

Tiu, Samson

Toledo, Nestor

Spouse: Carla Mae

Spouse: Meniane

Garments Manufacturing Real Estate/ Accountant

Vinculado, Aquilino Jr. Vizcayno Jr., Janos Marine Service Provider Orthopedics Spouse: Susan

Yu, Rodesson Prefab & Concrete Const. Spouse: Samantha

Tan, Antonio Jr. Acctg and Auditing Spouse: Marchiza

Unabia, Jose Physician Spouse: Elena

Ynoc, Antonio Forwarding Services Spouse: Gloria

Condat, Ariel Legal Consultant Spouse:

Tan, Jeffrey Philip Software Engineer Spouse: Vanessa

Valer, Joel Ship Towing Services Spouse: Theresa

Ynoc, Mark Anthony Export/Import Trading Spouse: Charlene

Exaltacion, Segismundo Jr. Ship Building Spouse: Zaldinia

RCCPC Roster Members

Jardin, Edwin Certified Public Accountant Spouse: Mic

Soco, Marvin Business Consultant Spouse: Juda

Villordon, Jerome Architectural Spouse: Mitchell Mae

RCCPC Sister Club

RCCPC Past Presidents 1st


ANTHONIO ELUMIR JR. R.Y. 1985-1986 "You are the Key" 2nd


MANUEL GRANADA (+) R.Y. 1986-1987 "Rotary Brings Hope"




RAMON MONTINOLA R.Y. 1987-1988 "Rotarians, United in Service, Dedicated to Peace" DANILO FLORES (+) R.Y. 1988-1989 "Put Life into Rotary - Your Life"


JACINTO JAMERO R.Y. 1990-1991 "Honor Rotary with Faith and Enthusiasm"

BENJAMIN AKOL (+) R.Y. 1992-1993 "Real Happiness is Helping Other" FLORENTINO PALACIO R.Y. 1993-1994 "Believe in what you do, Do what you believe"


JOEL VALER R.Y. 1994-1995 "Be a Friend"


DANILO DELA CRUZ R.Y. 1988-1990 "Enjoy Rotary" 6th

ENRICO JEREZA R.Y. 1991-1992 "Look Beyond Yourself"


"Act with Integrity, Serve w/Love, Work for Peace"


EDWARD GO R.Y. 1996-1997 "Build your Future w/ Action and Vision"

RCCPC Past Presidents 13th



JUANITO LUNA JR. R.Y. 2003-2004 "Lend a Hand"

"Show Rotary Cares for the Community, for our World, for its People"



TEODORO LOCSON R.Y. 1998-1999 "Follow your Rotary Dream"

NARCISO SOLON R.Y. 1999-2000


GEORGE HONG R.Y. 2004-2005 "Celebrate Rotary"


"Act with Consistency, Credibility, Compassion" 16th



ALEJO ALCIBAR R.Y. 2000-2001 "Create Awareness, Take Action" EDUARDO SY R.Y. 2001-2002 "Mankind is our Business" ELIEZER CELESTINO R.Y. 2002-2003 "Sow the Seed of Love"

NOLAN RADA R.Y. 2005-2006 "Service Above Self"


ANTONIO YNOC R.Y. 2006-2007 "Lead the Way"


RODERIC POCA (+) R.Y. 2007-2008 "Rotary Shares" 24th

TIMOTHY ALAMPAY R.Y. 2008-2009 "Makes Dream Real"

RCCPC Past Presidents 25th

BENEDICT UY R.Y. 2009-2010


JOSE UNABIA R.Y. 2015-2016 "A Gift to the World"

"The Future of Rotary in in your Hands" 26th



"Building Communities, Bridging Continent"




18th 30th

GILBERT CABATAÑA R.Y. 2011-2012 "Reach w/in to Embrace Humanity" CHILO JAMES DELATOR R.Y. 2012-2013 "Peace through Service"




MASAO KOIKE R.Y. 2013-2014 "Engage Rotary, Change Lives" ROMEO LEONARDO TOLEDO ELIEZER CELESTINO 2014-2015 R.Y.R.Y. 2002-2003 "Light Rotary" "Sow the Up Seed of Love"

R.Y. 2016-2017 "Rotary Serving Humanity"

SAMSON TIU R.Y. 2017-2018 "Rotary: Making Difference" RODIEN PACA R.Y. 2018-2019 "Be the Inspiration"

BIENVENIDO FALCON JR. R.Y. 2019-2020 "Rotary Connects the World"


JENSEN RACHO R.Y. 2020-2021 "Rotary Open Opportunities"

RCCPC Past Presidents 37th

ANTONIO SULAY II R.Y. 2021-2022 "Serve to Change Lives"

RCCPC Honorary Members

Abad, Evelyn

Borromeo, Maxcy

Alaan, Lorenzo

Van Os, Arlene


Aida V. Tan

Place Types: Home Improvement, Property Management Company Address: 63 General Echavez Extension, Lorega-San Miguel, 6000 Cebu City

(032)316-3082 or 0917-3228450

daryllabayabay29 @gmail.com


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