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Royals heading back to KC See page 7

VOL 19 No. 06

22 de Octubre, 2015 * Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City


Los mejores amigos fueron sepultados

por Debra DeCoster


n una mañana fresca de octubre, un ataúd fue cargado por hombres jóvenes en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Paz, en Bennington Avenue, en Kansas City, Missouri. Cientos de personas, jóvenes y mayores, llenaron la iglesia durante un servicio de visita y funeral para honrar a un hombre joven cuya vida fue tomada demasiado pronto. En el interior del ataúd, tendido, estaba Jorge Calderón-Ruiz, de 20 años de edad, quien fue asesinado a balazos en un doble homicidio afuera de una gasolinera ubicada en el bloque 4800 de Independence Avenue, el 9 de octubre de 2015, durante un enfrentamiento verbal con dos hombres. Los mismos asaltantes mataron a su mejor amigo, Pablo López. López fue enterrado tres días antes. En la Iglesia Católica de

Best friends laid to rest


by Debra DeCoster


n a brisk October morning a casket was carried by young men into Our Lady of Peace church on Bennington Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri. Hundreds of people, young and old, packed the church during a visitation and funeral service to pay their last respects to a young man whose life was taken too soon. Inside the casket lay 20-yearold Jorge Calderon-Ruiz who was shot to death in a double homicide outside a gas station in the 4800 block of Independence Avenue on October 9, 2015 during a verbal confrontation with two men. The same assailants killed his best friend Pablo Lopez. Lopez was laid to rest three days earlier. At Holy Cross Catholic

Two young men, best friends Jorge Calderon-Ruiz and Pablo Lopez, were killed at a gas station in early October. Last week their families and friends gathered to say their final goodbyes. Ana Maria Ruiz, Jorge’s aunt, said, “I want the young people out there to listen to their parents. Don’t start trouble. The violence needs to stop.” Dos jóvenes, los mejores amigos, Jorge Calderón-Ruiz y Pablo López, fueron asesinados en una gasolinera a principios de octubre. La semana pasada, sus familias y amigos se reunieron para su despedida final. Ana María Ruiz, tía de Jorge, dijo: “Quiero que los jóvenes que andan por ahí escuchen a sus padres. No empizen las peleas. La violencia tiene que parar”.


Forte on Northeast crime: “We have to do some things together” Forte en relación al crimen en el Northeast: “Tenemos que hacer algunas cosas juntos”

Sporting KC and the UG open

futsal courts in Wyandotte County Spor ting KC y el UG abre canchas de futsal en el Condado de Wyandotte by Debra DeCoster


elborn Elementary School students in Kansas City, Kansas worked on their footwork and received tips from Sporting KC defender Amobi Okugo and mid-fielder Bernardo Anur at the new futsal court. October 5th was the official opening of four futsal courts in Wyandotte County. The other new courts are located at Bethany Park, Highland Park and Westheight Park. Two years ago, Sporting KC built a futsal court at Wyandotte High School and they have been well used. In the spring of 2016, there Mark Morales (from left) of the Northeast’s Sheffield neighborhood, Tom Ribera of Independence Plaza, Kansas City Police Chief Darryl Forte, Jessie Mathews of Pendleton Heights, Manny Abarca of Indian Mound and Mary Cyr of Northeast Alliance Together (NEAT) participated in a public neighborhood meeting at the Mattie Rhodes Center on Oct. 13 to discuss ways to reduce crime in the Northeast. Mark Morales, (de izquierda a derecha) del barrio Sheffield, en el Northeast; Tom Ribera, de Independence Plaza; el Jefe de Policía de Kansas City, Darryl Forte; Jessie Mathews, de Pendleton Heights; Manny Abarca, de Indian Mound y María Cyr, del Northeast Alliance Together (NEAT, por sus siglas en inglés) participaron, el 13 de octubre, en una reunión pública de vecinos en el Centro Mattie Rhodes para discutir formas de reducir la delincuencia en el Northeast

by Jerry LaMartina


traduce Gemma Tornero


orestine Beasley has a personal stake in the recent increase in violent crime facing residents of Kansas City’s Northeast area.

orestine Beasley, tiene un interés personal, en el reciente aumento de los delitos violentos que enfrentan los residentes de la zona Northeast, en Kansas City.


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traduce Gemma Tornero


studiantes de la Escuela Primaria Welborn, en Kansas City, Kansas trabajaron en su juego de piernas y recibieron consejos del defensor de Sporting KC, Amobi Okugo y el mediocampista Bernardo Anur, en la nueva cancha de fútbol sala (futsal). El 5 de octubre fue la apertura oficial de cuatro canchas de fútbol sala en el Condado de Wyandotte. Las otras canchas nuevas se encuentran en el Parque Bethany, Parque Highland y Parque Westheight. Hace dos años, el Sporting KC construyó una cancha de


FAX: (816) 931.6397




A ribbon-cutting ceremony opened a new Futsal court at Welborn Park on North 55th Street in Kansas City, Kansas. Mayor Mark Holland along with Sporting KC Chief of Staff Gregg Cotton, Commissioner at-Large First District Melissa Bynum, District 8 Commissioner Dr. Jane Philbrook, Sporting KC Play-by-Play Announcer Nate Bukaty and 3rd, 4th and 5th graders from Welborn Elementary School kicked off the opening of one of four courts around the city.

Con la ceremonia de corte de cinta se inauguró un nuevo campo de fútbol en el parque Welborn al norte de la calle 55 en Kansas City, Kansas. El alcalde Mark Holland, junto con Gregg Cotton director de personal del Sporting club, Melissa Bynum, Comisionada del Primer Distrito General, Jane Philbrook, comisionada del Distrito 8, Nate Bukaty del Sporting Club Play-by-play anunicaron a 3ero, 4to y 5to grado de Primaria de la escuela Welborn la apertura de uno de los cuatro campos que habran alrededor de la ciudad.

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| 2918 Southwest Blvd.

Kansas City, MO 64108

Octubre 22 - 2015 |

“La violencia tiene que parar” CONT./PÁGINA 1

la Santa Cruz, en St. John Avenue, en Kansas City, Missouri. Hombres jóvenes también llevaron su ataúd blanco dentro de la iglesia para su visita y el funeral. Los dolientes se acercaron abiertamente entre ellos, dándose unos a otros fuertes abrazos, o ayudándoles a los vencidos por la pena, a seguir de pie. Hombres jóvenes, de pie, al unísono, portando camisetas con fotos de sus amigos junto al ataúd, otras manos temblaban al tomar el sombrero en sus mano mientras se sentaban a la espera de que la fila para acercarse al ataúd disminuyera. En ambos funerales, las madres y padres de CalderónRuíz y López, lloraron llenando cada rincón de la iglesia con sus sollozos. El dolor acumuló sus cuerpos, ellos se apoyaron en la familia y amigos mientras las personas buscaban palabras que pudieran traer algo de alivio al dolor que les consumía. Ana María Ruiz, tía de Jorge, dijo a Hispanic News que los padres y el sacerdote dijeron a los dolientes: “Dios hará lo que tiene que hacer. Que todo esté en sus manos. Los padres, perdonen (al que disparó), ya que tiene padres también. Pagarán un precio también”. Visiblemente conmovida por la muerte de su joven sobrino, Ruiz dijo, “Todos queremos paz y espero que algún día la gente se dé cuenta de que esto no es la solución. Sé que no se supone que nos quedemos encerrados en el interior de las casas, tenemos que ser libres. Tenemos que vivir la vida al máximo. Quiero que los jóvenes, allá fuera, escuchen a sus padres. No empiecen con problemas. La violencia tiene que parar”. Afuera de los servicios de visita y funeral de Pablo López, sus amigos se reunieron para recordar a su amigo. Cuando

se habló de los dos jóvenes, todos estuvieron de acuerdo que nunca hubieran pensado que sus amigos serían abatidos a tiros. “Pablo no era el tipo de persona que hubiera resuelto un conflicto con violencia. Él trataría de hablar con esa persona, con la que tuviera un problema, trataría de resolver el problema con palabras. A él no le gustaban las armas y la violencia”, dijo un joven amigo que desea permanecer en el anonimato. El grupo acordó que siempre recordarían a Pablo por su sonrisa. “Él siempre estaba sonriendo y pasando un buen momento cuando nos juntábamos todos. Jorge, Pablo y yo tuvimos buenos momentos, pero lo que duele ahora es que no tengo a nadie para recordar aquellos buenos momentos, porque nos los han quitado. Ya no tengo a mis buenos amigos, con quien hablar y recordar cuando hicimos esto o aquello. Me duele mucho”, dijo un amigo que deseaba permanecer sin identificar. Luis Córdoba, Director Ejecutivo de Programas de Intervención de Estudiantes para las Escuelas Públicas de Kansas City, conocía a López. Estaba en su último año en la Preparatoria East, quien se hubiera graduado en la primavera de 2016. Él veía a un hombre joven con un futuro brillante trabajando en la carrocería de automóviles. “A él le gustaba la carrocería y pintura, por lo que se le animó a ver eso como un trabajo una vez que se graduara. Yo estaba dispuesto a ayudarlo para entrar en una escuela técnica, para que pudiera continuar su educación en el ramo de la carrocería y defensas. Él estaba tratando de alcanzar esa meta”, dijo. Córdoba estaba tan sorprendido como los amigos

e integrantes de la familia, de que López fuera asesinado en un acto violento. Cuando se enteró de la noticia, su primera reacción fue de incredulidad. “Alguien me envió un mensaje con una foto de Jorge y luego me di cuenta de que era él. Yo estaba sorprendido de lo que había sucedido”, dijo. Córdoba, recuerda a López como un joven muy educado, respetuoso. “Yo iba a hacer todo lo que estuviera a mi alcance para ver que lo lograra. Este año, él estaba en camino a graduarse, y luego sucede esto, obviamente, no puede lograr su objetivo”. Los niños de la comunidad pueden estar creciendo en un hogar donde hay violencia doméstica, un padre que grita a su hijo, pueden estar creciendo en un ambiente de drogas y con integrantes de la familia que no sienten que la educación es importante. La sociedad está viendo un aumento en los niños con problemas de ira y problemas de salud mental. “Tenemos que enseñar a nuestros hijos a no recurrir a la violencia, sino enseñarles a resolver un desacuerdo que tengan con otra persona”, dijo Córdoba. Un problema creciente que se ve en nuestros niños, hoy en día, es su idea de que nadie va a faltarles el respeto delante de sus amigos y a salirse con la suya. “A menudo pienso en por qué una persona joven tiene un arma. ¿De dónde sacaron la pistola?, ¿tenemos un mercado negro de donde la obtienen?, ¿están tomando armas de las casas que roban? Hay tantas preguntas que no hemos abordado acerca de la violencia y los crímenes en nuestra comunidad”, dijo. Lamentablemente, con los homicidios 78 y 79 del año, la ciudad está en camino de superar la tasa de homicidios

del año pasado, que había sido la más baja en años. Si alguien tiene alguna información sobre el tiroteo que involucra a CalderónRuiz y López, la policía está pidiendo a la comunidad ponerse en contacto con ellos con cualquier información sobre estos casos y otros homicidios en la línea directa de TIPS Hotline, al (816) 474 8477 o envíe su pista a www., o en mensaje de texto a TIP452 además de su mensaje a CRIMES (274637). Hay una recompensa de $2,000 dólares por información que conduzca a una condena. En nuestra próxima edición, vamos a echar un vistazo a cómo las familias pueden hacer frente a la violencia en su vecindario. Cómo podemos ayudar a los niños a lidiar con el hecho de que han perdido a un amigo por violencia y cómo hacer que continúen su vida sin tener que recurrir a la ira o la violencia.

traduce Gemma Tornero

Visibly shaken by her young nephew’s death, Ana Marie Ruiz said, “We all want peace and hopefully one day people will realize this is not the solution.”

Visiblemente conmovida por la muerte de su joven sobrino, dijo Ana María Ruiz, “Todos queremos la paz y ojalá algún día la gente se de cuenta de que esto no es la solución.”

“The violence has to stop” CONT./PAGE 1

Church on St. John’s Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri. Young men also carried his white coffin inside the church for his visitation and funeral. Mourners openly reached for each other, giving one another bear hugs, or helping those overcome with grief to continue standing. Young men stood in unison beside the casket with pictures of their friends on their t-shirt, others hands shook as they rolled their hats in their hands as they sat waiting for the line to diminish before they stepped up to the casket. At both funerals, the mothers and fathers of Calderon-Ruiz and Lopez cried filling every corner of the churches with their sobs. Grief racked their bodies, they held onto family and friends as people searched for words that could bring some relief to the pain that consumed them. Ana Maria Ruiz, Jorge’s aunt, told Hispanic News that the parents and the priest told the mourners, “God will do what he needs to do. Let everything be in his hands. The parents forgive (the shooter) because they have parents too. They will pay a price too.” Visibly shaken by her young nephew’s death, Ruiz said, “We all want peace and hopefully one day people will realize this is not the solution. … I know we are not suppose to stay locked up inside and we need to be free. We need to live life to the fullest. I want the young people out there to listen to their

parents. Don’t start trouble. The violence needs to stop.” Outside of Pablo Lopez’s visitation and funeral services, his friends gathered to remember their friend. When they talked about the two young men, they all agreed that they never would have thought their friends would have been gunned down. “Pablo was not the type of person who would have resolved a conflict with violence. He would try to talk to that person who had a problem and try to resolve the issue with words. He was not into guns and violence,” said one young friend who wished to remain anonymous. The group agreed that they would always remember Pablo for his smile. “He was always smiling and having a good time when we all got together. Jorge and Pablo and I had good times but what hurts now is that I don’t have anyone to remember those good times with because they have been taken away from us. I no longer have my good friends to talk to and say remember when we did this. … It hurts so much,” said a friend who wished to remain unidentified. Luis Cordoba, executive director of Student Intervention Programs for the Kansas City Public Schools, knew Lopez. He was a senior at East High School who would have graduated in the spring of 2016. He saw a young man with a bright future in auto bodywork. “He liked auto body type work so I encouraged him to

look into that as a job once he graduated. I was willing to help him to get into a technical school so that he could continue his education on auto body/fender type work. He was trying to reach that goal,” he said. Cordoba was as surprised as his friends and family members that Lopez was killed in a violent act. When he heard the news, his first reaction was disbelief. “Someone texted me this picture with Jorge and then it dawned on me it was him. I was in shock that it even happened,” he said. Cordoba recalls Lopez as a very polite, respectful young man. “I was going to do everything in my power to see that he succeeded. This year he was on track towards graduation and then this happens and obviously he can’t achieve his goal.” Children in the community may be growing up in a home where there is domestic violence, a parent that screams at their child, they may be growing up in an atmosphere of drugs and with family members who does not feel that education is important. Society is seeing an increase in children with anger issues and mental health problems. “We need to teach our children not to resort to violence, but teach them how to walk through a disagreement that you have with someone else,” said Cordoba. A growing issue that he sees in our children today is their idea that no one is going to disrespect them in front of their friends and get


This week Jorge Calderon Ruiz, soccer number “9”, was retired by his soccer club. His team members said “we honor our beloved member Jorge “Palo” Calderon with his number 9. Jorge for the Club was more than a player; he was an essential part of our organization. His constant support and collaboration in the events of the Club make him a unique and important member for us. But overall he was more than a player; he was a great friend to all of us. His encouraging words and his passion at our soccer games made him our friend, our coach, our family. He will be deeply missed at the Soccer Club, and we will remember him forever. Esta semana Jorge Calderón Ruiz, número “9” en su camiseta de fútbol, fue retirado por su club de fútbol. Los miembros de su equipo dijeron “honramos a nuestro miembro más querido Jorge “Palo” Calderón con su número 9. Jorge para el club era más que un jugador; él era una parte esencial de nuestra organización. Su constante apoyo y colaboración en los eventos del club lo hicieron un miembro único e importante para nosotros. Pero en general él era más que un jugador; él era un gran amigo de todos nosotros. Sus palabras de aliento y su pasión en nuestros partidos de fútbol lo hicieron nuestro amigo, nuestro entrenador, nuestra familia. Él será profundamente extrañado en el club de fútbol, y lo recordaremos por siempre.

away with it. “I often think about why would a young person have a gun. Where did they get the gun, do we have a black market where they are getting them? Are they stealing guns from the homes they have burglarized? There are so many questions that we haven’t addressed about violence and crimes in our community,” he said. Unfortunately with the 78th and 79th homicides of

the year the city is on pace to surpass last year’s murder rate, which had been the lowest in years. If anyone has any information about the shooting involving CalderonRuiz and Lopez, Police are asking the community to contact them with any information about these cases or other homicides at the TIPS Hotline, (816) 474-8477 or send your tip to www.KCcrimestoppers. com or text your tip to

TIP452 plus your message to CRIMES (274637). There is a $2,000 reward for information that leads to a conviction. In our next issue, we will take a look at how families can address the violence in their neighborhood. How can we help children deal with the fact that they have lost a friend to violence and how do they move on from there without resorting to anger or violence.


3 I Octubre 22 - 2015

“El departamento de policía no va a arreglar sus problemas” CONT./PÁGINA 1

Temprano, en la mañana del 10 de octubre, dos hombres fueron asesinados a tiros en una gasolinera en el barrio Independence Plaza, en el Northeast, ubicada en el 4815 de Independence Ave. Los asesinatos aumentaron el número de homicidios en el Northeast a 10 desde el 1 de julio, también se han producido en la zona, desde entonces, más de 70 robos a casa y más de 25 robos a mano armada. Beasley ha vivido en el barrio durante 22 años. Ella expresó su preocupación, pero no su sorpresa ante los últimos homicidios. “Nunca deja uno de sorprenderse”, dijo Beasley a Kansas City Hispanic News, después de una reunión vecinal pública, el 14 de octubre, en el Centro Mattie Rhodes (MRC, por sus siglas en inglés). “Las estadísticas muestran que son personas que se conocen entre sí (los que están más frecuentemente implicados en el crimen violento). Parece que nuestra generación más joven no es buena en la resolución de conflictos sin violencia”. El Jefe de la Policía de Kansas City, Darryl Forte, otros agentes del orden del Departamento de Policía de Kansas City (KCPD, por sus siglas en inglés) e integrantes del Consejo de Kansas City, Jolie Justus y Scott Wagner, se encontraban entre los asistentes a la reunión. Más de 100 personas asistieron a la reunión, misma que se llevó a cabo en inglés y español. María Cyr, directora del Northeast Alliance Together (NEAT, por sus siglas en inglés), facilitó la reunión. “Las metas son, continuar el diálogo que iniciamos el pasado mes de febrero con el jefe de la policía, (porque) ha habido antecedentes de que el Northeast ha sido una zona olvidada de la ciudad, y para luchar contra la violencia

que hemos estado viviendo”, Cyr dijo a Hispanic News. “La violencia ha estado fuera de los límites. Queremos que los residentes tengan la oportunidad de comentar, de integrarse a la conversación”. Forte dijo a los asistentes a la reunión, que el KCPD necesitaba de su ayuda en sus esfuerzos para reducir la delincuencia en el Northeast, y, en cualquier otra parte de la ciudad. “Podemos culpar a todo el mundo”, dijo Forte. “Somos buenos para culpar. En primer lugar, somos buenos para evitar cosas. Son todos los demás los que tiene que hacer esto. ¿Qué está haciendo la policía? ¿Qué está haciendo el alcalde? ¿Qué está haciendo el gobernador? ¿Qué está haciendo el congresista? Si yo recorriera el salón en este momento, y le preguntara a todo el mundo aquí: ¿Qué estás haciendo de forma individual para que tu barrio este mejor? - Habrá algunos que hacen un montón de cosas, y habrá otros que se sientan a la espera de que otra persona haga algo. “El departamento de policía no va a arreglar sus problemas,” dijo. “Nosotros no vamos a arreglar sus problemas solos. Tenemos que hacer algunas cosas juntos. Si no hacemos algunas cosas juntos, ¿adivinen qué?, vamos a estar hablando de este tema los próximos 30 años”. Forte también hizo hincapié en la necesidad de que los residentes ayuden a mantener sus vecindarios limpios de basura, para mejorar la apariencia de la zona y ayudar a disminuir el crimen. La contratación de más agentes de policía es menos importante que los residentes estén involucrando para ayudar a mantener sus vecindarios seguros, dijo. También se refirió, a la necesidad de que el gobierno de la ciudad se comprometa

con dinero, para asegurar que los barrios tengan luces adecuadas en las calles y aceras, y el demoler casas abandonadas. “Entérese de quién patrulla el área”, dijo Forte. “Tenemos que tener relaciones.” Uno de los asistentes, preguntó, que podían hacer los residentes para que sus llamadas al 911 fueran más eficaces para responder al crimen. “No cuelgue”, dijo Forte. “Dé información precisa tanto como pueda”. El tener más ordenanzas de la ciudad, relacionadas con la delincuencia, no es la respuesta, dijo. “Ya hay leyes”, dijo Forte. “Va más allá de tener más leyes. Si conoces a alguien que está yendo en la dirección equivocada, consíguele un poco de ayuda”. NEAT organizó y copatrocinó la reunión, junto con MRC, la Cámara de Comercio del Northeast, Northeast CID, Barrios del Northeast y Northeast News. Los grupos formularon una lista de seis recomendaciones para reducir la delincuencia en la zona, las presentaron a Forte y le preguntaron, y en especial al Consejo de Kansas City, que se comprometan a cada una de ellas: la participación de un fiscal dedicado y personal de código en la aplicación de la ley en reuniones de asociaciones vecinales mensuales; el cumplimiento de la promesa por parte del gobierno de la ciudad para demoler 100 viviendas deterioradas en el Northeast; el desarrollo y la aplicación de las ordenanzas dirigidas a los propietarios irresponsables que viven fuera de los barrios, a las empresas de gestión e inversores para hacerlos responsables por violaciones a los código y por los inquilinos molestos; comunicación del

El Jefe de la Policía de Kansas City, Darryl Forte dijo a los asistentes de la reunión que el KCPD necesitaba su ayuda en sus esfuerzos para reducir la delincuencia en el noreste y en cualquier otra parte de la ciudad. “El departamento de policía no va a arreglar sus problemas,” dijo. “Nosotros no vamos a arreglar sus problemas solos. Tenemos que hacer algunas cosas juntos. Si no hacemos algunas cosas juntos, ¿adivinen qué?, vamos a estar hablando de este tema los próximos 30 años”. Kansas City Police Chief Darryl Forte told the meeting attendees that the KCPD needed their help in its efforts to reduce crime in the Northeast and in every other part of the city. “The police department is not going to fix your problems,” he said. “We’re not going to fix your problems by ourselves. We have to do some things together. ... If we don’t do some things together, guess what, we’ll be talking about this thing the next 30 years.” gobierno de la ciudad sobre la cantidad de dinero que provee al Northeast y cómo se compara con otras zonas de la ciudad; la implementación de un programa de No Violence Alliance (NOVA, por sus siglas en inglés) en el Northeast; y el establecimiento de reuniones trimestrales entre los residentes del Northeast, líderes vecinales, líderes de las fuerzas del orden y funcionarios electos. Forte dijo que no podía comprometerse a aplicar las recomendaciones, debido a varias razones de procedimiento, y que él no quería dar a los residentes “falsas esperanzas”. “No puedo comprometer los recursos de la ciudad o cosas por el estilo”, dijo. “Yo no voy a comprometerme a tener a KC NOVA - que es el proyecto de disuasión en el que hemos trabajado durante tres años - Yo no voy a fragmentarlo. Nosotros no vamos a cambiar porque venimos a una reunión y perdemos la perspectiva. Eso es lo que hemos estado haciendo durante años. Vamos a seguir con KC NOVA - ha sido efectivo - pero vamos a reunirnos con usted en cualquier momento que lo quiera hacer. Lo hacemos (KC NOVA en el Northeast). No es

“The police department is not going to fix your problems” CONT./PAGE 1

Early on the morning of Oct. 10, two men were shot and killed at a gas station in the Northeast’s Independence Plaza neighborhood, at 4815 Independence Ave. The killings brought the number of homicides in the Northeast to 10 since July 1. More than 70 home burglaries and more than 25 armed robberies also have occurred in the area since then. Beasley has lived in the neighborhood for 22 years. She expressed concern but not surprise at the latest homicides. “You can never be surprised,” Beasley told Kansas City Hispanic News after an Oct. 14 public neighborhood meeting at the Mattie Rhodes Center (MRC). “Statistics show it’s people who know each other (who are most often involved in violent crime). It seems our younger generation is not good at resolving conflicts without violence.” Kansas City Police Chief Darryl Forte, other Kansas City Police Department (KCPD) law-enforcement personnel and Kansas City Council members Jolie Justus and Scott Wagner were among the meeting’s attendees. More than 100 people attended the meeting, which was conducted in English and Spanish. Mary Cyr, director of MRC’s Northeast Alliance Together (NEAT) program, facilitated the meeting. “The goals are to continue a dialogue that we started last February with the police chief … (because) there’s been a history of the Northeast being a forgotten area of town, and to fight the violence we’ve been experiencing,” Cyr told Hispanic News. “The

violence has been kind of off the charts. … We want the residents to have the opportunity to comment, to join the conversation.” Forte told the meeting’s attendees that the KCPD needed their help in its efforts to reduce crime in the Northeast and in every other part of the city. “We can blame everybody,” Forte said. “We’re good at blaming. First of all, we’re good at avoiding things. It’s everybody else who needs to do this. What are the police doing? What’s the mayor doing? What’s the governor doing? What’s the congressman doing? … If I would go around the room right now and ask everybody in here: What are you doing individually to make your neighborhood better? – there’ll be some that have a whole lot of things, and there’ll be other ones sitting back waiting for somebody else to do something. “The police department is not going to fix your problems,” he said. “We’re not going to fix your problems by ourselves. We have to do some things together. … If we don’t do some things together, guess what, we’ll be talking about this thing the next 30 years.” Forte also emphasized the need for residents to help keep their neighborhoods clean of trash to improve the area’s appearance to help deter crime. Hiring more police officers is less important than residents getting involved to help keep their neighborhoods safe, he said. He also pointed to the need for the city to commit money to ensure that neighborhoods have proper street lights, sidewalks and

streets, and to demolish abandoned houses. “Get to know who patrols your area,” Forte said. “We have to have relationships.” One attendee asked what residents could do to make their 911 calls more effective in response to crime. “Don’t hang up,” Forte said. “Give accurate information as much as you can.” More city ordinances involving crime isn’t the answer, he said. “There are laws out there already,” Forte said. “It’s bigger than having more laws. … If you know somebody that’s heading in the wrong direction, get them some help.” NEAT organized and cosponsored the meeting, along with MRC, the Northeast Chamber of Commerce, Northeast CID, Northeast Neighborhoods and Northeast News. The groups formulated a list of six recommendations to reduce crime in the area, presented them to Forte and asked him, and especially the Kansas City Council, to commit to each one: participation of a dedicated prosecutor and code-enforcement staff at a monthly neighborhood association meeting; fulfillment of the city’s promise to demolish 100 blighted homes in the Northeast; development and enforcement of ordinances aimed at irresponsible landlords who live outside the neighborhoods, management companies and investors to hold them accountable for code violations and nuisance tenants; communication from the city about how much money it provides to the Northeast and how it compares with other areas of


the city; implementation of a No Violence Alliance (NOVA) program in the Northeast; and establishment of quarterly meetings among Northeast residents, neighborhood leaders, law enforcement leaders and elected officials. Forte said that he couldn’t commit to implementing the recommendations because of various procedural reasons, and that he didn’t want to give residents “false hope.” “I can’t commit to city resources or things like that,” he said. “… I’m not going to commit to having KC NOVA – that’s the deterrent project we’ve worked on for three years – I’m not going to piecemeal it. … We’re not going to change because we come to a meeting and we lose course. That’s what we’ve been doing for years. … We’re going to stick with KC NOVA – it’s been effective – but we’ll meet with you anytime you want to meet. … We do (KC NOVA in the Northeast). It’s not a geographic thing; it’s a networking thing. … We care and we want suggestions and we want recommendations. … So, again, I’m not trying to be mean about it, I’m not trying to say no in the wrong way, but I’m saying no.” John Fierro, MRC’s president and CEO, asked Forte to advocate for the Northeast by presenting the recommendations to the City Council. “You’re here,” Fierro said. “You’re a high-ranking official in the city. You heard these recommendations. You quickly said ‘I can’t do this, I’m not going to do that.’ … Can you be that advocate for this neighborhood?” Forte’s response: “I certainly can.”

una cosa geográfica; es una cosa de creación de redes. Nos preocupamos, y queremos sugerencias, y queremos recomendaciones. Así que, de nuevo, no estoy tratando de ser grosero al respecto, no estoy tratando de decir no en el camino equivocado, pero yo digo que no”. John Fierro, presidente y consejero delegado de MRC, pidió a Forte que abogue por el Northeast, presentando las

recomendaciones al Consejo de la Ciudad. “Usted está aquí”, dijo Fierro. “Usted es un oficial de alto rango en la ciudad. Usted ha escuchado estas recomendaciones. Usted rápidamente dijo ‘no puedo hacer esto, yo no voy a hacer eso’. ¿Puede ser ese defensor para éste barrio?” La respuesta de Forte: “sin duda puedo serlo”.

IN MY VIEW Guns - Stopping that one person


ould making guns illegal in America eliminate our mass murder

American horror? Has making marijuana illegal for most of the country eliminated the use of pot? Has making cocaine and heroin illegal eliminated the use of these drugs in our country? Prostitution is illegal in most of America. Is there prostitution in America? If we made cigarettes and alcohol illegal would this eliminate their usage in America? Murder is illegal in America but it happens about forty times a day in our country. Stealing is illegal but how much shoplifting goes on in Wal-Mart every single day? Making anything illegal does not stop the activity. By the way over 1700 people were killed with knives in 2010. If we made guns in America illegal would Mexico suddenly have a new tremendous source of revenue? They disperse drugs throughout America and people buy them and use them. Can you imagine if we tried to make casino gambling in this country illegal? Some of the senior adults in this country would throw a fit. I live about fourteen miles from a very big and active Casino and the senior citizen buses coming and going are quite amazing. I have spent maybe $20 in my lifetime playing the one arm bandit. It doesn’t do a lot for me. I’ve heard horror stories of people losing everything in casinos. Yet, while I don’t feel gambling is the best use of my time what business is it of mine if others want to throw their money away? Except, it becomes my business when those same people have to fall back on welfare or society to take care of them. It’s none of my business if people want to own guns. It’s my business if they want to walk into a school or my house armed and intent to kill. I am a Second Amendment guy. I own some guns. I never want to point one at somebody unless my family,

innocent people or I are in danger. Some gun control would not hurt our nation. We monitor a lot of things in this country and a few checks and balances on guns would not end the world. For example, we could live with a two week or even a 30-day waiting period on buying a firearm. Everyone should fill out paperwork when buying a gun. Showing a government issued ID and allowing time for a proper background check would not hurt anybody. We further need a gun sponsor program in this country. People under 25 years old should have an approved adult to sign on as their accountability big buddy until they have reached 25. Adults with criminal records don’t qualify as a sponsor. And yet, this still will not solve the mass murder problem. More security and more people carrying guns will not totally stop murder and violence. However, it’s time for all schools to employ more security guards and utilize metal detectors. College Presidents who are making over a half million dollars and Professors who are making over $120,000 can take a small cut so our schools can hire security. The biggest problem we have in America is an evil problem. Only the darkest of minds and hearts can so randomly execute the lives of innocent people. If we ever needed a revival of kindness, love and new hearts it’s today. Yet, for the most part I believe America is filled with good people and good hearts who would never harm anyone. It only takes that one person to bring about so much pain and loss of life. We all need to work together to stop that one insane person wherever that person appears. Glenn Mollette is an American Syndicated Columnist and Author. He is the author of eleven books and read in all fifty states. This column does not necessarily reflect the view of any organization, institution or this paper or media source.


Octubre 22 - 2015 |

KCKPS Board of Education

Selects Behrens by Debra DeCoster


he Kansas City Kansas Public School Board of Education on Monday evening voted for Reverend Rick Behrens, pastor at Grandview Park Presbyterian Church, to fill the vacant seat on the board. The vacancy occurred due to the death of board member George Breidenthal in June. Five candidates-

Rev. Rick Behrens, Emerick Cross, Korri Hall-Thompson, Janey Humphries and Maria Cecilia Ysaac all answered six questions from the current board of education members during an interview process. Maria Cecilia Ysaac had hoped to be the second Latina serving on the USD500 Board of Education, but it did not happen. “I’m disappointed,” said Ysaac as she left the board of education office.

Ysaac, Humphries and Hall-Thompson previously interviewed for a board seat back in June 2015 when board member Vicki Meyers stepped down due to health reasons. At that time the board voted for candidate Irene Caudillo to fulfill Meyers’ term. During his interview, Behrens said that he felt the best way for the board to meet their mission is to be out in the community, meeting and speaking with

MAKING Health Insurance MAKE SENSE - Q & A Q: It is time for Medicare Open Enrollment? Is that different from the Open Enrollment Period for the Health Insurance Marketplace? If I already have Medicare Part D coverage, do I need to do anything? A: Yes, Medicare Open Enrollment is starting this month, and continues until december 7, 2015. That’s different from the dates for the Health Insurance Marketplace, which has an Open Enrollment Period starting November 1, 2015, and runs until January 31, 2016. If you’re already enrolled, and happy with your plan, you don’t have to do anything. But there could be big savings for you if you check into the choices you have for next year. That’s because plans can, and often do, change from one year to the next. Your needs could change, too. For example, you might be taking new or different medicines now than you were a year ago. If this is the case, it’s especially important to look at your choices for 2016 while there’s time to change if you want to. The plan you’re enrolled in now will send out information to you about what changes it will make for 2016. You should have this information by the end of September. By then, the details of other plans available in your area will be posted on the Plan Finder, so you can compare what you have with what other plans offer. Many people can find a new plan with lower costs, or better coverage of their medications, or sometimes even both. But if you don’t go shopping, you may never know that something better is available. Need help in figuring this all out? Call us, at 1-800-MEDICARE [1-800633-4227] anytime, 24 hours every day. Or call your local State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) who can help you with a one-onone appointment to look at your options. Their number is on the back cover of your Medicare & You handbook. Q: What about the Health Insurance Marketplace? If I qualify for tax credits to cut the cost of health insurance, could that be a better option for me than my Medicare plan?

A: The Affordable Care Act created the Health Insurance Marketplaces, and provides for tax credits to help reduce the cost of health insurance for many people whose income is less than four times the Federal Poverty Level – that computes to about $47,000 per year for a single person, or about $97,000 per year for a family of four. However, the Marketplace is not meant to replace Medicare, and if you are already on Medicare, you should not buy a Marketplace health insurance plan. The Medicare plan you have now already includes substantial government help to keep the cost down for you, and you get at least some government help regardless of your income. In addition, Medicare has lower deductibles and lower out of pocket costs than the typical coverage you can get from the Marketplace. Finally, if the seller knows you are Medicareeligible, it is illegal for them to sell you a private Marketplace plan. There are rare exceptions, but for nearly everyone on Medicare, the best option is to stay on Medicare. The Marketplace also does not sell Medicare Supplemental polices, so this is not a place to shop for that coverage. Need help in figuring this all out? Call us, at 1-800-MEDICARE [1-800-633-4227] anytime, 24 hours every day. Or call your local trained counselors. Their number is on the back cover of your Medicare & You handbook. Q: During Medicare Open Enrollment periods, especially, fraudulent activity happens more often as Medicare beneficiaries are inundated with communications from organizations vying for their business. What should Medicare beneficiaries know to help protect themselves from being a victim of Medicare fraud? A: Health care fraud drives up costs for everyone in the health care system. Fraud schemes often depend on identity thieves getting hold of people’s Medicare numbers.  So guard your Medicare number. Treat it as you would a credit card. Follow these important steps to protect yourself from fraud:

Don’t share your Medicare number or other personal information with anyone who contacts you by telephone, email or by approaching you in person, unless you’ve given them permission in advance. Medicare will NEVER contact you for your Medicare number or other personal information. Tell your friends and neighbors to guard their Medicare number. Don’t ever let anyone borrow or pay to use your Medicare number. Review your Medicare Summary Notice to be sure you and Medicare are only being charged for actual services. Be wary of salespeople who knock on your door or call you uninvited and try to sell you a product or service. Don’t accept items received through the mail that you didn’t order. You should refuse the delivery and/or return it to the sender. Keep a record of the sender’s name and the date you returned the items. And if you’re looking to enroll in a Medicare plan: Be suspicious of anyone who contacts you about Medicare plans unless you gave them permission There are no “early bird discounts” or “limited time offers” Don’t let anyone rush you to enroll by claiming you need to “act now for the best deal” Be skeptical of free gifts, free medical services, discount packages or any offer that sounds “too good to be true” Any promotional items you’re offered to enroll in a plan must be worth no more than $15, and these items can’t be given on the condition that you enroll in a plan A common ploy of identity thieves is to say they can send you your free gift right away – they just need your Medicare number to confirm. Decline politely but firmly. Remember, it’s not rude to be shrewd! Call 1-800-MEDICARE [1-800-633-4227] to report suspected fraud. Learn more about protecting yourself from health care fraud by visiting www.Medicare. gov or by contacting your local Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP). To find the SMP in your state, go to the SMP Locator at Source Medicare


people about the school and their mission. “We need to find those small stories in all of our schools and get those out there,” he said. As a board member Behrens hopes to be like board member Gloria Willis who is a constant voice for the children in the USD500 school district. “She has a love for her kids and where ever she goes, it is a constant message of ‘what are you doing for our kids?’ I think that is amazing that she is constantly thinking of the children in the district and that is something that I will aspire to. I want to promote the successes of our district but also the needs that our kids in our community have.

I will look for opportunities in our community to share the message about our schools,” said Behrens. As he considered throwing his name into the running to fulfill the board seat, he told the current board members that he has grown up in the district and is a product of the district. “My sons have gone to school in the district as well. I want all of our students to be successful and have opportunities available to them,” he said. As a board member, he looks forward to promoting the schools and encouraging community involvement at the schools and with the students. “We have a large senior population in our community

Rev. Rick Behrens and I think there are a lot of people who would enjoy having the opportunity to serve in our schools. We should try to connect people and their skills and interests to our schools. We need to let people know our needs and how their talents may match up with our particular needs,” said Behrens.

ENTENDIENDO los Seguros de Salud - Preguntas & Respuestas Pregunta: ¿Ya es hora de la Inscripción Abierta de Medicare? ¿Cuál es la diferencia al Período de Inscripción Abierta del Mercado de Seguros Médicos? Si ya tengo cobertura de la Parte D de Medicare, ¿tengo que hacer algo? Respuesta: Efectivamente, la Inscripción Abierta de Medicare comienza este mes y termina el 7 de diciembre de 2015. Lo cual es diferente a las fechas del Mercado de Seguros Médicos, que tiene un Período de Inscripción Abierta a partir del 1ero de noviembre de 2015 y sigue hasta el 31 de enero de 2016. Si usted ya está inscrito, y está contento con su plan, no tiene que hacer nada. Pero es posible que podría haber ahorros para usted pero tiene que revisar las opciones que tiene para el próximo año. Esto es porque los planes pueden, y a menudo sucede, cambiar de un año al otro. Sus necesidades también pueden cambiar. Por ejemplo, usted podría estar tomando medicamentos nuevos o diferentes a los del año pasado. Si este es el caso, es especialmente importante tener en cuenta sus opciones para el 2016, especialmente ahora que hay tiempo para cambiarlas si así lo desea. El plan en el que usted está inscrito ahora le enviará información acerca de los cambios que harán para 2016. Esta información la debe recibir no más tarde de a finales de septiembre. Para entonces los detalles de otros planes disponibles en su área ya estarán publicados en el Buscador de Planes de, y podrá comparar lo que tiene con lo que ofrecen otros planes. Muchas personas pueden encontrar un nuevo plan con costos más bajos, o mejor cobertura de sus medicamentos, o incluso a veces ambos. Pero si no compara, puede que nunca sepa que hay algo mejor disponible. ¿Necesita ayuda para averiguar más información? Llámenos, al 1-800-MEDICARE [1-800633-4227] en cualquier momento, las 24 horas del día, todos los días. O llame al Programa Estatal de Asistencia de Seguros de Salud local (SHIP por sus siglas en inglés) que le puede ayudar a revisar sus opciones durante una visita en persona. Su número se encuentra en su manual Medicare y Usted. Pregunta: ¿Qué pasa con el Mercado de Seguros Médicos? Si reúno los requisitos para los créditos fiscales para reducir el costo del seguro de salud, ¿podría ser una mejor opción para mí que mi plan de Medicare?

Respuesta: La Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio creó los Mercados de Seguros Médicos, y provee créditos fiscales para ayudar a reducir el costo del seguro de salud para muchas personas cuyos ingresos son inferiores a cuatro veces el nivel federal de pobreza – lo cual se calcula ser alrededor de $47,000 por año para una sola persona, o alrededor de $97,000 al año para una familia de cuatro. Sin embargo, el Mercado no está destinado a sustituir a el Medicare, y si ya está en Medicare, usted no debe comprar un plan del Mercado de Seguros Médicos. El plan de Medicare que tiene incluye ayuda gubernamental sustancial para mantener el costo bajo, y usted recibe ayuda del gobierno independientemente de sus ingresos. Además, Medicare tiene deducibles más bajos y menor costo de su bolsillo que la típica cobertura del Mercado. Por último, si un vendedor sabe que usted está elegible para Medicare, es ilegal que le vendan un plan privado del Mercado. Hay raras excepciones, pero para casi todo participante en Medicare, la mejor opción es quedarse en Medicare. El Mercado no vende pólizas suplementarias de Medicare, por lo cual tampoco es un lugar para comprar ese tipo de cobertura. ¿Necesita ayuda para averiguar más? Llámenos, al 1-800-MEDICARE [1-800633-4227] en cualquier momento, las 24 horas del día, todos los días. O llame a sus asesores capacitados locales, su número se encuentra en su manual Medicare y Usted. Pregunta: Durante los períodos de Inscripción Abierta de Medicare, la actividad fraudulenta tiende a ocurrir con más frecuencia ya que los beneficiarios de Medicare son inundados con comunicaciones de organizaciones que compiten por su negocio. ¿Qué deben saber los beneficiarios de Medicare para protegerse mejor y no convertirse en una víctima de fraude de Medicare? Respuesta: El fraude en la atención de la salud aumenta los costos para todos en el sistema de salud. Los esquemas de fraude a menudo dependen de que los ladrones de identidad se apoderen de los números de Medicare de las personas. Usted debe proteger su número de Medicare. Trátelo como que si fuera una tarjeta de crédito. Siga estos importantes pasos para protegerse contra el fraude: No comparta su número de Medicare u otra información personal con cualquier persona que se comunique con usted por teléfono, correo

electrónico o que se acerque a usted en persona, a menos que usted les haya dado permiso por adelantado. Medicare NUNCA hará contacto con usted para pedirle su número de Medicare u otra información personal. Dígale a sus amigos y vecinos que protejan su número de Medicare. Nunca deje que alguien tome prestado o le quiera pagar por usar su número de Medicare. Revise su Resumen de Medicare para asegurarse de que sólo están cobrando por servicios que realmente fueron recibidos. Tenga cuidado con los vendedores que tocan a su puerta o que llaman sin ser invitados y tratan de venderle un producto o servicio. No acepte artículos recibidos por correo que usted no pidió. Usted debe rechazar la entrega y / o devolverla al remitente. Apunte el nombre del remitente y la fecha en que devolvió los artículos. Y si usted se está inscribiendo en un plan de Medicare: Sospeche de cualquier persona que lo contacte para hablar sobre planes de Medicare a menos que usted les haya dado permiso No hay “descuentos tempranos” u “ofertas de tiempo limitado” No deje que lo apresuren a inscribirse al decirle que necesita “actuar ahora para recibir la mejor oferta” Desconfié de los obsequios, servicios médicos gratuitos, paquetes de descuento o cualquier oferta que suena “demasiado buena para ser verdad” Cualquier artículo de promoción que le ofrezcan para inscribirse en un plan debe tener un valor de no más de $15, y estos elementos no se le pueden dar con la condición de que se debe inscribir en un plan Una táctica común de los ladrones de identidad es decir que le pueden enviar su regalo de inmediato – pero sólo necesitan su número de Medicare para confirmar. Rechace cortésmente pero con firmeza. Recuerde, ¡no es grosero ser astuto! Llame al 1-800-MEDICARE [1-800-633-4227] para reportar cualquier sospecha de fraude. Obtenga más información sobre cómo protegerse del fraude de la salud visitando w w w. M e d i c a r e . g o v o poniéndose en contacto con su Patrulla de Medicare local (SMP por sus siglas en inglés). Para encontrar el SMP en su estado, visite el Localizador de SMP en la página en ingles Fuente Medicare

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Notice is herby given that the Kansas City Kansas Housing Authority will conduct a Public Hearing on the Kansas City Kansas Housing Authority Housing Annual Plan for 2016 at 4:30 pm, on Wednesday, December 2th, 2015 in the Wyandotte Towers Cafeteria at 915 Washington Blvd, in Kansas City, Kansas. The Kansas City Kansas Housing Authority invites the Public to comment on the proposed Annual Plan. Information on the Kansas City Kansas Housing Authority Annual Plan for 2016 is available for review and inspection at the main office of the Kansas City Kansas Housing Authority, 1124 N 9th St, Kansas City, Kansas 66101, during office hours M-F, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm beginning on Monday, October 19, 2015.

PUBLISHER/PRESIDENT (Editor/Presidente) Jose “Joe” Arce VICE PRESIDENT (Vicepresidente) Ramona Arce EDITOR (Editor) Jose Faus REPORTERS/WRITERS (Reporteros/Periodistas) Debra DeCoster, Jose Faus, Jerry LaMartina DESIGN/LAYOUT

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SOLICITING BIDS FOR RENOVATION OF HISTORIC ATLAS BUILDING Rau Construction Company is soliciting bids for the renovation of historic Atlas Building at 1509 Walnut Street in Kansas City, Mo. MBE/WBE participation is requested and KCMO certified firms are strongly encouraged to submit proposals for the project. We are requesting proposals for all scopes of work including: demolition, reinforcement steel, concrete, masonry, structural steel, floor topping, carpentry, cabinets, countertops, roofing, sheet metal, doors/frames/hardware, glass, historic windows, drywall, painting, signage, building and toilet accessories, shelving, window blinds, elevator, Fire sprinklers, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems. Plans can be viewed online and in local plan rooms. All bids must be submitted to Rau Construction Company by 2:00 PM on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Please contact Pete Jenks or Andy Meyer at Rau Construction Company 9101 W 110th St #150 Overland Park, KS 66210 Tel.: 913.642.6000 [email protected] [email protected]

MBE/WBE Invitation to Bid Union Station Ramp & Site Work Burns & McDonnell is requesting bids from Kansas City, Missouri certified MBE/ WBE for the following scopes of work: Selective Structural Demolition, Parking lot symbols and striping, Landscaping and Sprinkler work, CIP Concrete and Flatwork, Concrete Pavers, Misc. Steel, Metal Screen Wall Panels, Painting, Site Utilities and Electrical. For information on procuring documents and questions concerning the project, call Bob Stehl: 816-627-6143. Bids are to be submitted by 2:00pm on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 and must be valid for 60 days. Preferred method of receiving bids is via email to: [email protected] Bids may also be submitted via fax to: 816-822-4353, or hand delivered: Attn. Bob Stehl Burns & McDonnell 9201 State Line Road Kansas City, MO 64114

KCHN is a weekly publication of Arce Communications Inc. who bears no responsibility for accuracy or content advertisements. All rights reserverd. Arce Communications Inc does not guarantee the absence of error and every attempt will be made to remedy in KCHN at our next edition. KCHN es una publicacion semanal de Arce Communications Inc. quienes no se hacen responsables por la presición o contenido de los anuncios. Todos los derechos reservados. Arce Communications Inc. no garantiza la ausencia de errores en KCHN los cuales seran corregidos en nuestra siguiente edición.

2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108-1911 PHONE: (816)472.KCHN FAX: (816)931.NEWS E-MAIL: [email protected]




Octubre 22 - 2015 |


The odds are on Chiefs’ side


hoever said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different a result never was a fan of the Chiefs. I don’t really like that saying anyways to tell the truth. So if you believe in something so much that you keep trying and trying and failing at it but you keep going because you will be dammed if you will always fail and then one day you actually succeed, where you crazy till then and now all of the sudden you are a persevering and determined person? I keep buying lottery tickets and I expect some day to hit it big. In all the years of playing I have not hit it once not even a lousy free ticket. But I keep playing. I must be certifiable – I buy lottery tickets expecting to win and I watch the Chiefs expecting that they will win. I will watch convinced they have a chance until they are mathematically eliminated and I will still watch them past that point. And I will buy a lottery ticket again and again even if the odds are 200 million trillion to one against. I have plans for that money. The truth is that I really enjoy watching football. At this point in the season, I am not willing to throw in the towel but I really have to question the fans that into the third year of Andy Reid’s tenure are ready to fire the coach. They may well be the same fans that are now celebrating the second winning year of a torturous nine-year Royals turn around but somehow expect that the Chiefs’ culture will be turned around with a snap of the fingers. If there is one thing I am most grateful about when it comes to sports is that over time the ability of a loss to ruin a perfectly good day has diminished to the point that I can readily let go of the loss within a minute or so. There are no walls to punch or dogs to kick, for one I rent and dogs bite. I will get up next Sunday like I do most Sundays of the football season and shower eat a small breakfast and lounge around the house till the game starts, or I will head out early to the stadium if they are in town. I will look at all the reasons why they will win and once reinforced with that knowledge I will settle in and be absorbed by the game. I will look for the tell tale signs of momentum swing. The big one so far in a season so full of them has to be Jamal Charles’ injury and the subsequent fall off the cliff against the Minnesota Vikings. A record of 1-5 is not quite what was expected. I’ve got to play little mind games going forward. What will be the Chiefs’ first play of this week’s game against the Pittsburg Steelers; a bubble screen to Maclin or hand off to the halfback riding Alex Smith’s right shoulder? This gets complicated now that Maclin is hurt and might not play. I know they will not go downfield on first down generally and I also know they will hang around just close enough so that the wild calculations of a totally loony fan like myself will keep me tuned in until the final whistle blows. I will do this year in and year out and every season approach it like this is the year they turn it around and head to the Super Bowl. The odds are on my side. I will win the lottery, and that same year I will buy a ticket to the Super Bowl where the Chiefs will be favored. Yes I will do this over and over again.



Modernizando las canchas de tennis CONT./PÁGINA 1

fútbol sala en la Preparatoria Wyandotte y la han estado utilizado de buena manera. En la primavera de 2016, se tendrá la construcción y apertura de canchas adicionales, dando a cada comisión distrital una cancha de fútbol sala. “Debido a que estamos modernizando las canchas de tenis que están aquí, el costo es considerablemente menor y en lugar de tener sólo tres campos de césped para fútbol, tendremos diez canchas de fútbol sala para nuestra comunidad. Aquí, en el Parque Welborn, hay una cancha doble de tenis, así que, se lograron poner dos canchas de fútbol sala, por lo que están recibiendo el doble en la cantidad de canchas. El beneficio es mayor y éstas (las canchas) estarán abiertas todo el tiempo para el público y para los niños”, dijo el Alcalde Mark Holland. Greg Cotton, director del personal de Sporting Club, declaró en la ceremonia de inauguración, que el club miró entre 75 a 80 sitios mientras investigaban las ubicaciones. “Vamos a tener la oportunidad de hacer algunas cosas interesantes cuando estén todas las canchas. Vamos a poner en marcha un torneo en el que cada una de estas canchas se utilizará como un centro de entrenamiento para los diferentes grupos de edad y los ganadores de cada distrito competirán unos contra otros en los torneos”, dijo Cotton. El futsal comenzó en la década de 1930 en Brasil. Es un deporte que se juega en un campo pequeño que hace hincapié en el desarrollo de habilidades, la creatividad, la imaginación y utiliza toques rápidos de los pies sobre el balón. Cotton dijo, a los que asistieron a la inauguración de la cancha de fútbol sala, que Sporting KC tendrá clínicas de vez en cuando en las canchas de la ciudad. “Nosotros no queremos llenarlo con un montón de programación para que luego los niños no pueden entrar a la cancha. Vamos a dejar que la comunidad lo dirija y nos haga saber lo que quieren. Nosotros queremos desarrollar torneos para niños”, dijo. La Comisionada Melissa Bynum, del 1er. Distrito General, estaba encantada con la corte. “Esta cancha

¡A jugar! estudiantes de Welborn ponen en práctica sus habilidades de futsal en la cancha. Bernardo Anor, jugador del Sporting KC, muestra a los estudiantes cómo mover la pelota en el fútbol de salón antes de prepararse para mover el balón por la cancha de juego. “Game on” for Welborn students as they test their Futsal skills on the court. Sporting KC player Bernardo Anor shows the students how to place their foot on the futsal before getting ready to move the ball across the court. de futsal respira nueva vida a todos nuestros parques”. Las nuevas canchas, son parte de la visión del Sporting Club, de transformar Kansas City en un modelo de excelencia para el desarrollo del fútbol y su formación. A medida que el deporte siga creciendo en popularidad, las nuevas canchas de fútbol sala van a dar a la comunidad una mayor exposición al juego. El proyecto, financiado por Sporting Club KC, implicó la instalación de una nueva valla de tela metálica, la eliminación de las redes y postes, parchear y reparar las antiguas superficies de las canchas de tenis y la instalación de porterías duraderas y permanentes en cada lugar. “Estoy muy entusiasmado con las clínicas que Sporting KC tiene previsto ofrecer a nuestros jóvenes. Las canchas están en una excelente ubicación, incluyendo un nuevo parque infantil y un renovado sendero para caminar en el Parque Welborn”, dijo la Comisionada Jane Philbrook, del Distrito 8. Los estudiantes de la Primaria Welborn estaban

ansiosos por entrar a la cancha y trabajar con los integrantes de Sporting KC. Amobi Okugo, es un nuevo integrante del equipo de Sporting KC, habiendo llegado al club en julio. Bernardo Anor también está en su primer año con el equipo. Ambos jugadores estaban ansiosos de trabajar con los niños. “Proyectos como éste ayudarán a que el deporte crezca enormemente”, dijo. Aunque Okugo ha estado jugando al fútbol desde que podía caminar, le dijo a Hispanic News que las canchas de fútbol o de tenis no estaban tan disponibles para él tanto como lo están para esta generación de niños. “El fútbol te enseña muchas lecciones de vida y habilidades para trabajar en equipo y, espero que los niños aquí hoy tengan la oportunidad de jugar fútbol y divertirse”, dijo Okugo. Cuando los estudiantes supieron que podrían tener la oportunidad de ser los primeros jugadores en la cancha y reunirse con jugadores profesionales

in Brazil. It is a sport played in a small field that emphasizes skill development, creativity, imagination, and uses quick foot touches on the ball. Cotton told those at the opening of the futsal court that Sporting KC will have clinics from time to time at the courts across the city. “We don’t want to fill it up with a bunch of programming and then the kids can’t get on the court. We will let the community drive this and let us know what they want. We do want to develop tournaments for the kids,” he said. Commissioner Melissa Bynum, 1st District at Large, was delighted with the court. “This futsal court is breathing new life into all of our parks.” The new courts are part of Sporting Club’s vision to transform Kansas City into a preeminent model for soccer development and training. As the sport continues to grow in popularity, the new futsal courts will give the community more exposure to the game. The project, funded by Sporting Club KC, involved the installation of a new chain link fence, removal of nets and poles, patch and repair work on the old tennis court surfaces and the installation

of durable, permanent goals at each location. “I’m excited about the clinics Sporting KC is planning to provide to our youth. The courts are in a great location, which includes a new playground and a newly resurfaced walking trail in Welborn Park,” said Commissioner Jane Philbrook, District 8. The Welborn Elementary students were eager to get on the court and work with members of Sporting KC. Amobi Okugo is a new team member of Sporting KC having come into the club in July. Bernardo Anor is also in his first year with the team. Both players were eager to work with the children. “Projects like this will help the sport grow tremendously,” he said. Although Okugo has been playing soccer since he could walk, he told Hispanic News that soccer fields or courts weren’t as available to him as it is to this generation of children. “Soccer teaches you many life lessons and team building skills and I hope that the kids here today get the opportunity to play the game and have fun,” said Okugo.

de fútbol, s​u profesor de educación física, Kevin Rolston, dijo, “que estuvieron muy nerviosos durante días.” Anor ha estado jugando al fútbol desde que tenía cinco años de edad. Se crió en Venezuela y allá aprendió el juego de futsal. “Nos ayudó muchísimo para desarrollar la agilidad en el campo, pensar antes que la pelota llegue a ti y para desarrollar la creatividad. El tener las canchas de futsal, aquí, ayudará a los niños tremendamente para jugar y desarrollar sus habilidades”, dijo Anor. Él rió con los niños en la cancha, y les dio indicaciones y elogios a medida que los niños trataban de lograr con sus pies mover el balón por la cancha. “Quiero animar a los niños y ayudarles a convertirse en mejores jugadores. El jugar al fútbol ayuda a los niños a hacer amigos, a estar saludables, a desarrollar la creatividad y aprender lecciones de vida que pueden llevar con ellos en su vida. Lo más importante que quiero mostrar a los niños, es cómo se pueden divertir jugando al fútbol”, dijo Anor.

Retrofitting tennis courts


will be additional courts built and opened, giving each commission district a futsal court. “Because we are retrofitting tennis courts that are here, the cost is dramatically less and instead of only having three grass soccer fields, we will have ten futsal courts for our community. Here at Welborn Park, it is a dual tennis court so we are able to put in two futsal courts, so we are getting double the amount of courts. The benefit is higher and these will be open all the time to the public and to the children,” said Mayor Mark Holland. Greg Cotton, Sporting Club chief of staff, stated at the ribbon-cutting ceremony that the club looked at 75 to 80 sites as they researched locations. “We are going to have an opportunity to do some cool stuff when all the courts are done. We are going to launch a tournament where each of these courts will be used as a staging hub for the different age groups and the winners of each district will compete against each other in the tournaments,” said Cotton. Futsal began in the 1930’s


When the students learned about the opportunity to be the first players on the court and meet with professional soccer players, their physical education teacher Kevin Rolston said, “they were bouncing off the walls for days.” Anor has been playing soccer since he was five years old. He grew up in Venezuela and learned the game of futsal there. “It helped us tremendously to develop agility on the field, thinking before the ball comes to you and developing creativity. Having the futsal courts here will help the kids tremendously to play the game and develop their skills,” said Anor. He laughed with the children on the court and gave them direction and praised as the children tried to accomplish the foot skills to move the ball down the court. “I want to encourage the kids and help them become better players. Playing soccer helps kids to make friends, to be healthy, develop creativity and learn life lessons that they can carry with them in their life. Most importantly I want to show the kids how to have fun playing soccer,” said Anor.

TÚ CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 I Octubre 22 - 2015

Royals celebration on hold

Two cousins Joe Tapia Royals fan and Lalo Rodriguez a big Cubs fan spend their afternoon at the Power & Light District watching the playoff games. Tapia said the Royals will go all the way to the World Series. Rodriguez not sure about his Cubs.


by Jose Faus


ey Kansas City Royals fans, it’s not so bad. You could be a Chicago Cubs fan. Headed into yesterday’s game the Royals held a commanding 3-1 lead in the American League Championship Series. On the other side of the baseball divide, the Chicago Cubs hung on by the barest of threads down 3-0 to the New York Metropolitans. While the loss stings for Royals fans who were in a mood to celebrate, one could be Joe Tapia, a lifelong Cubs fan in Kansas City, waiting for the start of the Royals game but all the while thinking about his beloved Cubs.

“I am rooting for the Royals but I want my Cubbies to win,” Tapia told Hispanic News. “I hope they win four in a row. … I don’t know, it is going to be tough. We need a miracle. They (Cubs) win tonight they win tomorrow. … If they lose I will go for the Royals. …. Both teams are good and I really hope for both of them. … I pray and cross my fingers that the Cubs win one game and then another one and then go back to New York and win two there.” Tapia has an omen on his side. The movie Back to the Future predicted the Cubs would win the World Series in 2015. That is one heck of a prediction. It may be off a little as the Cubs are losing badly to the Mets in the fourth and possibly deciding game.

Kansas City, MO – Join ZERO – The End of Prostate Cancer and Kansas City Lalo Rodriguez, Tapia’s Urology Care on Saturday, October cousin, is rooting for the 24 to help save lives and keep families Royals all the way. together at the Seventh Annual ZERO “I want the Royals to win Prostate Cancer Run/Walk – Kansas tonight. I can’t wait to see the City in Overland Park, KS. The 10K run game. I like them. Last year and 5K run/walk is a part of ZERO’s I saw the games. I was so proud of the team and today annual Run/Walk series, which raises I hope they win and we’ll be awareness and funds to end prostate the champions. … I would cancer. This year, ZERO will bring the love to see the Royals play series to 34 cities nationwide to raise the Cubs in the World Series. awareness for a disease that kills one That would be real nice. It’s American man every 19 minutes. never happened before.” “Our family-friendly Run/Walk series For the moment, the Royals’ invites survivors, patients, caregivers, pennant celebration is on families, and businesses to come hold following a hard loss to together as a community to create the Blue Jays 7-1 in the fifth Generation ZERO – the first generation game. The Royals will have of men free from prostate cancer,” ZERO two chances to seal the deal CEO Jamie Bearse said. “This series is in Kansas City as the last two a great opportunity to take action and games in the seven game series will be decided at the raise both awareness and funds to end a K starting Friday. disease that affects one in seven fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, grandfathers, partners, and friends.” New in 2015, ZERO has partnered with Nashville recording artist and f o r m e r American Idol contestant J i m m y Charles, who serves as a spokesperson for the organization. Jimmy penned Público Nuevas Horas de Servicio a new song, “Superman,” an anthem dedicated to cancer patients and survivors, and debuted the official video

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for the song on CMT in September for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Additionally, in 2014, we added two exciting programs to the Run/Walk series, including the Kids Superhero Dash for Dad and the Snooze For Dudes program. The ZERO Prostate Cancer Run/Walk series has something for everyone and is true a family event – runners, walkers, kids, and those who wish to fundraise from their couch are all encouraged to join in the fight. For more information, visit w w w. z e r o p r o s t a t e c a n c e r r u n . o r g / kansas-city. About ZERO — The End of Prostate Cancer (www. ZERO - The End of Prostate Cancer is a national nonprofit organization with the mission to end prostate cancer. As a leader in the fight against prostate cancer, ZERO advances research, encourages action, and provides education and support to men and their families.  ZERO’s premier programs include the ZERO Prostate Cancer Run/ Walk, the largest men’s health event series in America. We are a 501c3 charity recognized with four stars by Charity Navigator, a Better Business Bureau member, and 97 cents of every dollar donated goes to research and programs. For more information, visit About Kansas City Urology Care  At Kansas City Urology Care, we specialize in providing supportive care - knowledgeable, accurate, friendly, and courteous. We offer state-of-the-art treatments in a modern facility, so you can get in and out quickly, but in a setting that’s relaxing and less stressful than a hospital. For more information, visit Source Zero Cancer


Octubre 22 - 2015 |

A los adolescentes se les preguntó qué haría que ellos Teens were asked what would stop them from dejaran de enviar mensajes de texto al manejar. texting while driving. La respuesta más común: ellos se preocupan por chocar. Their top answer: they worry about crashing.


a nueva encuesta acerca del manejo distraído enfocada en los adolescentes y realizada por State Farm®, trata con mayor profundidad sus hábitos al manejar. BLOOMINGTON, Ill., octubre de 2015 PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ -- Al celebrar la Semana Nacional de Seguridad de Conductores Adolescentes, State Farm compartió los resultados de una encuesta reciente de conductores jóvenes, entre 16 a 19 años de edad. El enfoque de la encuesta fue aprender acerca de sus actitudes y comportamientos en lo que se refiere al manejar de manera distraída. La encuesta reveló que casi todos los adolescentes, más del 90 por ciento, dicen que ellos comprenden que enviar mensajes de texto al manejar es algo que los distrae, pero sin embargo un 44 por ciento lo hacen. Cuando se les pidió seleccionar tres cosas principales que los disuadirían de leer o responder los mensajes de texto, preocuparse por sufrir un choque fue la respuesta número uno (51 por ciento), seguida de muy cerca por ser parados por la policía (50 por ciento). Otras respuestas comunes incluyeron: · Llegar sano y salvo a mi destino (33 por ciento) · Conocer a alguien que ha causado un choque mientras estuvo leyendo/respondiendo un mensaje de texto (23 por ciento) · Relatos acerca de choques causados por enviar textos al manejar (17 por ciento) · Ser descubiertos por los padres (13 por ciento) · Las amistades animan a manejar de manera precavida (10 por ciento) · Contratos entre padres y adolescentes para manejar de manera precavida (6 por ciento) Los nuevos conductores, debido a que son especialmente vulnerables a los choques, deberían enfocar toda la atención en manejar. Sin embargo, los conductores adolescentes nos dijeron que los teléfonos no son la única distracción que ellos enfrentan cuando están detrás del volante. Además de los mensajes de texto, los adolescentes reportaron buscar música, interactuar con un sistema de navegación/GPS, hablar con los pasajeros mientras estuvieron detrás del volante y otras actividades que podrían potencialmente hacer que un conductor joven deje de poner atención a la carretera. · Hablar con un pasajero (94 por ciento) · Escuchar un sistema de navegación/GPS (79 por ciento) · Buscar música (73 por ciento) · Tener acceso al Internet con sus teléfonos celulares (36 por ciento) · Leer redes de medios sociales (29 por ciento) · Tomar fotos con sus teléfonos (27 por ciento) “Ya que casi todos los conductores adolescentes son dueños de teléfonos celulares inteligentes, debemos continuar nuestro trabajo de comprender y enfrentar la gran variedad de distracciones a las que se enfrentan los jóvenes,” dijo Chris Mullen, director de investigación tecnológica en State Farm. “Esta encuesta nos muestra algunas de las percepciones que influyen el comportamiento distraído al manejar en los adolescentes, reforzando la necesidad de considerar las mejores soluciones educativas, tecnológicas y legislativas, y el apoyo continuo por parte de los padres para ayudar a mitigar estos tipos de comportamientos entre adolescentes.” La encuesta realizada por State Farm reveló que los comportamientos que distraen a los conductores se hacen más comunes entre los adolescentes mayores, donde los de 18 a 19 años de edad tuvieron más probabilidades que aquellos de 16 a 17 años de edad de reportar haber participado en las actividades mencionadas en este estudio. Las situaciones al manejar pueden jugar un papel importante en las decisiones tomadas por los adolescentes de involucrarse en comportamientos de manejo distraído relacionados con el teléfono celular y que tienen que ver con mirar al teléfono e interactuar con la pantalla y/o los botones. · Sesenta y siete por ciento de los conductores adolescentes, y quienes utilizan sus teléfonos celulares mientras manejan, reportó que estar parado en la luz roja aumenta más la

probabilidad de que usen sus teléfonos, que cuando el vehículo se esté moviendo. · Tres cuartos de adolescentes dijeron que tuvieron menos probabilidades de utilizar sus teléfonos celulares cuando estuvieron manejando con pasajeros adultos en comparación a un 58 por ciento, el cual tuvo menos probabilidades de utilizar sus teléfonos celulares cuando otros adolescentes estuvieron presentes. · Al menos dos tercios de conductores adolescentes reportaron tener “grandemente menos probabilidades” de usar sus teléfonos celulares cuando estuvieron manejando bajo malas condiciones de clima como lluvia, niebla, nieve o hielo. Una copia del informe completo, infográfica y otros recursos se pueden conseguir en h t t p : / / w w w. m u l t i v u . c o m / p l a y e r s / Spanish/7292859-state-farm-distracteddriving-teens/ Acerca de la encuesta En agosto de 2015, el Departamento de Recursos Estratégicos de State Farm utilizó un contratista de comité externo para llevar a cabo una encuesta en línea de consumidores en los Estados Unidos, entre 16 a 19 años de edad. Las respuestas a la encuesta fueron recibidas de aproximadamente 1,000 adolescentes, donde ellos mismos declararon tener una licencia válida de manejo. Aproximadamente todos los adolescentes (96 por ciento) que respondieron a esta encuesta reportaron ser dueños de un teléfono celular, y casi todos esos adolescentes (94 por ciento) dijeron ser dueños de un teléfono celular inteligente y manejaron un promedio de cinco horas a la semana. Acerca de State Farm®: La misión de State Farm es ayudar a personas a manejar los riesgos de la vida, recuperarse de lo inesperado y hacer realidad sus sueños. State Farm y sus afiliados son los más grandes proveedores de seguros de auto, de vivienda y de vida individual en los Estados Unidos. Sus 18,000 agentes y más de 65,000 empleados proveen servicio a más de 82 millones de pólizas y cuentas – casi 80 millones de pólizas de auto, de vivienda, de vida, de salud y de comercio y a casi 2 millones de cuentas bancarias. Seguros para automóviles comerciales, cobertura para inquilinos, dueños de negocios, embarcaciones y motocicletas, están disponibles. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company es la compañía matriz de la familia de compañías de State Farm. State Farm ocupa la posición número 41 en la lista de compañías más grandes de Fortune 500 para 2015. Para más información, por favor, visite FUENTE: State Farm



ew teen-focused Distracted Driving Survey from State Farm® digs deeper into teens’ driving habits. BLOOMINGTON, Ill., PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ -- In observance of National Teen Driver Safety Week, State Farm released the results of a recent survey of young drivers ages 16-19. The focus of the survey was to learn more about their attitudes and behaviors when it comes to distracted driving. The survey revealed that nearly all teens, over 90 percent, say they understand texting while driving is distracting, yet 44 percent say they do it. When asked to choose the top three things that would deter them from reading or responding to text messages, concern about crashing was the number one answer (51 percent), followed closely by getting caught by police (50 percent). Other common responses included: · Arriving safely at my destination (33 percent) · Knowing someone who has caused a crash while texting (23 percent) · Stories about crashes caused by texting (17 percent) · Getting caught by parents (13 percent) · Friends encourage safe driving (10 percent ) · Parent/teen safe driving contracts (6 percent) New drivers, because they are especially vulnerable to crashes, should be focusing all their attention on their drive. Yet phones are not the only distraction teen drivers told us they must contend with when they’re behind the wheel. Besides texting, teens reported searching for music, interacting with a navigation system/GPS, talking with passengers while behind the wheel and other activities which could potentially divert a young driver’s attention away from the road. · Talking with a passenger (94 percent) · Listening to navigation system/GPS (79 percent) · Searching for music (73 percent) · Accessing the internet on their phone (36 percent) · Reading social media (29 percent) · Taking pictures with their phones (27 percent) “As nearly all teenage drivers now own smartphones, we must continue our work to understand and address the wide array of distractions that young people face,” said Chris Mullen, Director of Technology Research at State Farm. “This survey shows us some of the perceptions that influence distracted driving behavior for teens, reinforcing the need for consideration of the best educational, technological, and legislative solutions, and continued parental support to help curb these types of behaviors among teens.”

The State Farm survey revealed that distracting behaviors become more common among older teens, with those ages 18-19 much more likely than those ages 16-17 to report participating in the activities listed in this study. Driving situations can play an important role in teen drivers’ decisions to participate in cellphone-related distracted driving behaviors that involve looking at the cellphone and interacting with the screen and/or buttons. · Sixty-seven percent of teen drivers who use their cellphone while driving reported that being stopped at a red light makes them more likely to use their cellphone compared to when the vehicle is in motion. · Three-quarters of teens said they were less likely to use their cellphone when adult passengers were in their vehicle compared to 58 percent who were less likely to use their phone when other teens were present. · At least two-thirds of teen drivers reported being “a lot less likely” to use their cellphone when driving in poor weather conditions such as rain, fog, snow, or ice. A copy of the full report, and infographic and other resources can be found at http://www. About the Survey 
 In August 2015, the State Farm Strategic Resources Department used an outside panel vendor to conduct an online survey of U.S. consumers ages 16-19. Survey responses were received from approximately 1,000 teens who identified themselves as having a valid driver’s license. Nearly all of the teens (96 percent) responding to this survey reported owning a cellphone, and almost all of those teens (94 percent) said they owned a smartphone and drove a median five hours per week. About State Farm® 
 The mission of State Farm is to help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected, and realize their dreams. State Farm and its affiliates are the largest providers of auto, home and individual life insurance in the United States. Its 18,000 agents and more than 65,000 employees serve more than 82 million policies and accounts – nearly 80 million auto, home, life, health and commercial policies, and nearly 2 million bank accounts. Commercial auto insurance, along with coverage for renters, business owners, boats and motorcycles, is available. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company is the parent of the State Farm family of companies. State Farm is ranked No. 41 on the 2015 Fortune 500 list of largest companies. For more information, please visit SOURCE:  State Farm


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