1401 Garden Lane Midland, TX Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7 Midland, TX

1401 Garden Lane Midland, TX 79701 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7 Midland, TX 79702 432-682-2581 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE MIDLAND, TEXAS Masses for the W

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1401 Garden Lane Midland, TX 79701 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7 Midland, TX 79702 432-682-2581


Masses for the Week

SUN/DOMINGO DECEMBER 16, 2007 8:00 AM +Irma González by Family 10:00 AM For the People of the Parish by Fr. Edward 12:00 PM Estrella Torres’ Birthday by Dora & Harold Howard +Guadalupe Hernandez by Judy, Alex, & Ryan Hernandez In thanksgiving to Our Lady of Guadalupe by (GP) Martha Crowley +Rose Trujillo by Dora Reyes +Simón Ochoa Anniversary of Death by Vince & Judy Ochoa +Lupita Garza by Armando Garza Family En acción de gracias a San Judas 1:30 PM +Julia Castillo by Esposo y Hijos MON/LUNES 12:05 PM

DECEMBER 17, 2007 En acción de gracias a la Santísima Trinidad by George & Zoila Arsiaga 6:00 PM +Jesse Herrera by Familia Herrera TUE/MARTES DECEMBER 18, 2007 12:05 PM María Villalobos’ Birthday by Family 6:00 PM Tony Ortiz’s Birthday by Dora & Harold Howard WED/MIERCOLES DECEMBER 19, 2007 12:05 PM +Juanita & +Joe Garcia, Jr. by Galan Family 6:00 PM Estrella Torres’ Birthday by Family THUR/JUEVES DECEMBER 20, 2007 12:05 PM En acción de gracias a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe by Rigo Sánchez 6:00 PM Greg Pérez’s Birthday by Theresa Pérez FRI/VIERNES DECEMBER 21, 2007 12:05 PM Radu Stockmayer special Intention 6:00 PM Michael Laing, Sr.’s Birthday by Dora & Harold Howard SAT/SÁBADO DECEMBER 22, 2007 8:00 AM +Larry Aleman by Wife Mary Aleman & Sons 5:00 PM +Manuel Ramírez by Norma, Sergio & Aaron Ramírez +Jesse Herrera by Deacon Nacho & Olga Villa +Anastasio Hernández by Idolina Hernández En acción de gracias al Divino Niño Jesús +Gregorio & +Juanita Muñoz by Hijos Anita & Juan Jimenez En acción de gracias al Santo Niño de Atocha by M/M Willie Carrasco & family Special Intention SUN/DOMINGO DECEMBER 23, 2007 th 8:00 AM Ezequiel & Inez 57 Wedding Anniversary by Dora & Harold Howard 10:00 AM For the People of the Parish by Fr. Edward 12:00 PM Dora Howard’s Birthday by Harold Howard +Merce & +Cecilia Lara by Lara Family +Jesús Contreras by Anita Flores +Tomasa Montelongo by Martínez In thanksgiving to Our Lady of Guadalupe by (GP) Martha Crowley Dora Grado’s Birthday by Mother Josephine, Johnny & Leslie +Yolanda Grado by Mother Josephine, Johnny & Leslie +Manuel Grado by Wife Josephine, Johnny & Leslie 1:30 PM +Maria & +Enrique Madrid by Familia

DECEMBER 16, 2007

READINGS FOR THIS WEEK! Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday



Is 35:1-6a, 10; Ps 146; Jas 5:7-10; Mt 11:2-11 Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72; Mt 1:1-17 Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72; Mt 1:18-25 Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71; Lk 1:5-25 Is 7:10-14; Ps 24; Lk 1:26-38

Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Ps 33; Lk 1:39-45 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8; Lk 1:46-56

STEWARDSHIP NEWS December 9, 2007 Envelopes $6,301.00 Loose 3,493.00 Children 173.00 Christmas Flowers 250.00 Immaculate Conception 430.00 Religious Retirement Fund 607.00 Total $11,254.00 Each of us has his or her own role to play in the coming of the kingdom of God. John the Baptist was called to be the herald of the Messiah, preparing the way of the Lord. To what is the Lord calling me?

Cada uno de nosotros tiene su propio papel que hacer en la venida del reino de Dio. San Juan Bautista fue llamado el heraldo del Mesías, preparando el camino del Señor. ¿A qué me llama el Señor?


are donated in memory of +Simón Ochoa by Vince & Judy Ochoa Ricardo Torres, Alaura Borrego, Rudy Gonzales, Esperanza Martinez, Dennis Quiroz, Andrea DeLeon, Isis Pando, S/S Jorge Pando, Sr. Gloria Granado, Eva Madrid, María and Jesús Reyes, Theresa Pérez, Mary Ann Lara, Enedina Gonzáles, Bill Ward, Connie Moralez, Anita Aguilar, Aurora Reyes, Maria Elena Velásquez, Norma Urías, Lorenzo Domínguez, María Villalobos, Clyde and Matilde Reyes, Armnado Rios, Jessica, Trista Caddel, Marco Lozano, Sandra Galindo, Flora Cobos, Helen Gonzales, Matthew James Garza, Aracely Hernández, Ramona Bersosa, Ben Bersosa, Ofelia Fuentes, Maria Rosario Romero, Maria de Jesus Romero, Ricky Moralez, Ernest López, Corina Vasilache, Sylvia González, Manuela Ramos, Sue Ford, Fernando Magallanes, Antonio Flores, Rogelio Mireles, Roberto Mireles, Rudy Mireles, Nestor Castro, Sammy Castro, Eric Castro, Hipolito Flores, Sr.Guadalupe Flores, Delia P. Carrasco, Madeline Yvett Ramírez, and Lonjino Perales.

PRAYER LINE: If you are in need of personal prayer, call the parish office. We start praying as soon as we receive your requests. Today’s 2nd Collection will be for the Christmas Poinsettia Flower Collection. Next week’s 2nd Collection will be for CAPITAL CAMPAIGN IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS of our Church, and our 50th Anniversary as a Parish.

THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Our GUADALUPANAS will be selling Tamales today December 16 after each Mass in the Wilhelm Hall. Las GUADALUPANAS de nuestra parroquia estarán vendiendo tamales hoy día 16 de diciembre en el salón Wilhelm después de cada misa.

OUR ADVENT PENANCE SERVICE is scheduled for Wednesday December 19 at 7:00 pm. Priests from the Midland/Odessa Deanery will be here for confessions. SERVICIO PENITENCIAL (Confesiones) EL DIA 19 DE DICIEMBRE A LAS 7:00 PM. Surrounding Area Penance Service Schedule Dec 17 at 7:00 pm St. Anthony, Odessa Dec 18 at 7:00 pm St. Ann’s, Midland Dec 18 at 7:00 pm St. Elizabeth, Odessa Dec 20 at 7:00 pm St Joseph, Odessa Dec 20 at 7:00 pm Our of San Juan, Midland Dec 21 at 7:00 pm St Agnes, Fort Stockton KNOW THE LITURGY SERIES! Q. Why is the rose-colored candle lit on the third Sunday of Advent? A. The third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete Sunday because in Latin, the first words of the opening antiphon for that day’s Mass are "Gaudete in Domino semper" ("Rejoice in the Lord always"). On this Sunday rose-colored vestments are permitted and the rose-colored candle is lit as a reminder that we are called to rejoice. PRAY FOR OUR OBLATE SEMINARIANS: Brother Ricky López, who is studying in San Antonio. Sergio González, David Uribe, and Devon Watkins who are all studying at the Oblate pre-novitiate in Buffalo, New York. PRAY FOR OUR DIOCESAN SEMINARIAN OF THE WEEK: Remi Kiwior from St. Margaret, San Angelo. He is at Conception Seminary, where he’s a freshman. JUST FOR THE PUN OF IT!!! You've got more issues than Time magazine. Superfluous refers to a bad case of the flu. Amenities - the Greek goddess of luxury. We are all speaking American. Is this a country diction in terms? No one wanted to see the naked banana. I guess it just lacked appeal! The unveiling of the statue was a monumental occasion. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING! We are blessed to have Christina Nevarez who is trained and certified to teach and present classes on Natural Family Planning. If you need further information call the parish office. JOURNALING AS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE FOR ADVENT! The clearest way to prepare

for holiness is to be attentive to the patterns of our lives. To open up and stretch the silent space that hangs hopeful and waiting within you, take a few moments during this Advent season to assess how your responses are responses to the Holy One longing to be born in you.

When someone is being spoken of in a meanspirited way, I respond by…

CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE December 24th 8:00 pm (Children’s Choir) 12:00 Midnight (Brass Choir) December 25th 8:00 am Spanish 10:00 am English The Altar Society will be selling Christmas ornaments today for our Mission Tree in the Church. These ornaments are for the benefit of the Oblate Missions around the world. After Christmas you may take the ornament home. The cost will be $5.00. La Sociedad del Altar estará vendiendo ornamentos hoy para poder colocarlos en el árbol de las “Misiones” en la Iglesia. La venta de estos ornamentos es para recaudar fondos para las Misiones Oblatas alrededor del mundo. El costo es de $5.00. Después de Navidad pueden llevarse su ornamento a su casa.


Los abortos se llevan acabo en la clínica de “Planned Parenthood” los viernes. Hay un grupo que se reúne a las 9:00 de la mañana los viernes para rezar el Santo Rosario en español. Acompáñanos en la oración en contra del aborto. Abortions are being conducted at Planned Parenthood on Fridays. There is a group meeting at noon on Fridays to pray the Holy Rosary. Join us for prayer to put an end to abortion.

CHRISTMAS FOOD BASKETS FOR THE POOR! We are again asking you to bring non-perishable and canned foods to Mass for our Christmas Baskets. The youth of our parish will also be visiting and knocking on your home door to collect food cans. Please be generous. There will be baskets in front of the altar to place your gift for the poor. If you would like to apply for basket please call the parish office.


nuevo les pedimos que nos ayuden a colectar latas de comida y comida no desechable para los pobres de nuestra comunidad. Habrá unas canastas para depositar sus ofrendas al frente de la Iglesia. Las familias que necesitan una canasta de comida, favor de comunicarse con la oficina parroquial. Si quieren recibir una canasta de comida para Navidad favor de hablar a la oficina parroquial

BLESSING OF BABY JESUS We ask that next Sunday you bring with you to Mass, your Baby Jesus so that we might bless them all before we put them into the crib in your manger scene. We will bless them at the end of each Mass. ¡BENDICION DE LOS SANTOS NINOS! Les pedimos que traigan a la Misa el próximo domingo su Niño Dios para bendecirlos antes de colocarlos en sus pesebres. Los vamos a bendecir al final de la Misa.


ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH! Monday December 17, 2007 Mass in the Church at 12:05 noon Legión de María en el Salón Norman 4:00-5:00 pm Rosario en la Iglesia a las 5:30 pm Misa en la Iglesia a las 6:00 pm Posada en casa de Diacono Víctor y Mary López 1303 Lynn Avenue a las 7:00 pm (Todos están invitados) Tuesday December 18, 2007 • • • • •

Mass in the Church at 12:05 noon Rosario en la Iglesia a las 5:30 pm Misa en la Iglesia a las 6:00 pm Posada en casa de Vicky Muñoz 1000 S Marshall a las 7:00 pm (Todos están invitados) Wednesday December 19, 2007 • • • •

Mass in the Church at 12:05 noon Rosary in the Church at 5:30 pm Mass in the Church at 6:00 pm Advent Penance Service in the Church at 7:00 pm Posada en casa de Diacono Nacho y Olga Villa 1307 E Hamby a las 7:00 pm (Todos están invitados) Thursday December 20, 2007 • • • • •

Mass in the Church at 12:05 noon Rosario en la Iglesia a las 5:30 pm Misa en la Iglesia a las 6:00 pm Posada en casa de Refugio y Concha Aranda 408 Miller Ct. a las 7:00 pm (Todos están invitados) Friday December 21, 2007 • • • •

Mass in the Church at 12:05 noon Rosary at the Shrine at 5:30 pm Mass in the Church at 6:00 pm Posada en casa de Irma Arsiaga 1700 WCR 116 a las 7:00 pm (Todos están invitados) Saturday December 22, 2007 • Confessions in Church 3:00-5:00 pm • Confesiones en la Iglesia de las 3:00-5:00 pm • Mass in the Church at 5:00 pm • Posada en casa de la familia Hernández 1612 Maple a las 7:00 pm (Todos están invitados) Sunday December 23, 2007 • Regular Sunday Masses 8 am, 10 am,12 noon, 1:30 pm • RCIA 10:00 am Mass followed by class in CCD bldg • Youth Group Meeting in Wilhelm Hall at 5:00 pm • Posada en casa de Delma Velásquez 3706 Gulf Avenue a las 7:00 pm (Todos están invitados) • • • •

ALTAR SERVERS MEETING DECEMBER 29, 2007 AT 9:30 AM IN THE CHURCH: Anyone interested in serving may attend this meeting. To those of you already serving, thank you very much for your great ministry.

The Knights of Columbus will be having their Annual New Years Eve Dance on Monday December 31, 2007 in the Wilhelm Hall. Please see a Knight for your ticket and Bring in the New Year with good friends.

DECEMBER 16, 2007


Sunday December 16 Angelica Madrid Marc Sánchez Tuesday December 18 Rebecca Borrego Albert Saiz Miguel Urías +Aucensia Bustillos Anniversary of Birthday Jesse & Gloria Sandoval Wedding Anniversary Thursday December 20 Isaac Olivas Greg Pérez

Saturday December 22 Stephanie Cedillo Nick Davis José Jimenez Sally Leon Robert Wilson, Jr.

Monday December 17 Connie López Clara Sáenz Wednesday December 19 Sulema Gonzáles Crissy Rentaría Jessie Saiz Estrella Torres

Friday December 21 Lorena Benítez Gavi Gonzáles Isaul & Eva Montez 39th Wedding Anniversary +Jesues Vasquez, Sr. Anniversary of Birthday Sunday December 23 Dora Howard +Jose Padilla Anniversary of Birthday +Jesús Sandoval, Sr. Anniversary of Death

Welcome to our Parish & Community Dagoberto Ruiz Lisa Vasquez Michael Suniga Carmen Marquez


What is worth having is worth waiting for. Youth Group meets Sundays at 5:00 pm in the Wilhelm Parish Hall for students in 7TH – 12TH GRADES! PROVERBS - ¡REFRANES – DICHOS!

Ganar uno y gastar dos, no tiene perdón de Dios.

(To earn one dollar and spend to has no forgiveness from God.) Censures the spendthrift.

Fr. Ed will be hosting a Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Italy from December 26 through January 8 on. We will pray for the 43 people who will be on this trip. Bon Voyage! Many Blessings!



Not What We Expected No human being can live without hope. Something to live for or look forward to – otherwise we can give way to despair. True even for John the Baptist in prison like in today's gospel. With our Advent journey halfway complete- have we found what to hope for? The people of the Old Testament had the courage to hope for big things: that the desert would be turned into fertile land that their scattered and divided people would eventually be gathered again [First Reading]. Centuries apart from us, their hopes were no different from ours or from any human beings: lasting peace, food, shelter, an end to suffering, pain and misery. But we do differ from them in one way; Jesus has entered human history and revealed God as Emmanuel – "God with us." Great –but when you're feeling like John, maybe not physically imprisoned, but within the prison of depression, a disability, a serious illness, chronic pain, a troubled marriage, a humdrum job we ask "Are you the one?' No more than for John, the answer we receive may not be quite what we expect or feel we deserve. His was on the lines of 'Don't worry, everything's on target. The Kingdom is being built; you fulfilled your assignment well. Trust me."

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