AP Spanish Language and Culture: Spanish IV Syllabus Mr. Chad LeBrun

AP Spanish Language and Culture: Spanish IV Syllabus Mr. Chad LeBrun [email protected]  The teacher uses Spanish almost exclusively in class and stud

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AP Spanish Language and Culture: Spanish IV Syllabus Mr. Chad LeBrun [email protected]  The teacher uses Spanish almost exclusively in class and students are required to interact in Spanish as well. Course Description: The class continues development of Spanish skills in the areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Cultures are compared and contrasted with U.S. culture to increase understanding of the Spanish-speaking world. The previous three years of grammar are reviewed along with new grammatical concepts to improve communication skills. Authentic Spanish and Latin American literature are read to practice reading comprehension and to prepare students for level V Spanish: AP Spanish Literature and Culture. Students may enroll as dual-credit with Mount Marty College (6 credits) or take the AP Spanish exam (3 credits) to earn college credit. Prerequisites for admission to AP Spanish:  Successful completion of Spanish III (final grade of A or B).  Students must be willing to make the commitment to work hard in this challenging course.  Completion of summer reading assigned at the end of Spanish III. Course Objectives: 1. To prepare the student for the AP Spanish Language Exam. 2. To continue the acquisition and development of all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 3. To further acquire knowledge, awareness, and understanding of the Spanish-speaking world through the study of language, culture, geography, history, and literature. AP TEST: The breakdown of percentages on the AP test is as follows. Listening Comprehension Skills: 25% of AP Exam score  Spanish is used primarily in AP Spanish by the teacher and students.  Guided listening exercises from www.glencoe.com The Glencoe site provides listening clips of native Spanish speakers.  Listen to native-Spanish singers such as Shakira, Juanes, Enrique Iglesias, Julio Iglesias, Marco Barrientos, Amaral, et al.  Watch/listen to videos such as Glencoe videos of native speakers, BBC Mundo, CNNenespañol.  Listening practice activities from the 2012 released AP Spanish Language Exam. Speaking Skills: 25% of AP Exam score  Students are encouraged to speak Spanish in class.  Various class activities that provide speaking practice: Create recordings answering speaking prompts. 1

* Interpersonal Speaking-Simulated Conversations from the 2012 released AP Spanish Language Exam * Presentational Speaking-Oral Presentation from the 2012 released AP Spanish Language Exam (This requires analysis and synthesis from 3 sources). o In-class games and activities (Describe la palabra y Battleship) o Individual and group presentations on various topics  Dialog, Power-point, project presentations, and show and tell o Daily class discussion o Reading aloud in class Reading Skills: 25% of AP Exam score  Students are required to do a significant amount of reading, both in class and individually as homework, followed by class discussion. o Excerpts from the text book, poetry, selected from Spanish and Latin American literature (both classical and contemporary) and authentic news articles from Hispanic papers: La canción del pirata, Guernica noticias del periódico, Mueren cinco inmigrantes de OTR/Press-Madrid, La primavera besaba, Nuevas explosiones, Martín Fierro, etc. o Multiple choice reading passages from the 2012 released AP Spanish Language Exam o On-line newspapers: elpais.com, laprensa.com.ar, 20minutos.es, cubanet.org, etc. Writing Skills: 25% of AP Exam score

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o Students are required to write several compositions of varying types (essay, short story, letter, AP exam practice prompts)  Extensive review of Spanish grammar  Further study of composition elements  Further expansion of vocabulary Interpersonal writing prompts from the 2012 released AP Spanish Language Exam Presentational writing prompts from the 2012 released AP Spanish Language Exam Writing prompts such as write about: Last weekend, Next weekend, Last Summer, Your future plans, Your childhood memories. Analysis and summaries of authentic news and magazine articles

Culture: Though not measured in percentage, cultural elements are incorporated in each of the four skills of the AP Exam and this course. Authentic Spanish literature, music, DVD’s/videos, and contemporary articles integrate the cultural elements in the AP curriculum. Texts and Materials:  Glencoe/McGraw-Hill: Así se dice: Level 4 (ASD4) Textbook and website www.glencoe.com 2

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o Includes unedited literary texts from authors such as Guillén, Neruda, Marquéz, Matute, Darío and also news articles from a variety of sources Work with contemporary Spanish music CD’s / Internet with the works of native singers such as Shakira, Juanes, Enrique Iglesias, Julio Iglesias, Marco Barrientos, Amaral, et al. Work with contemporary Spanish DVDs / Videos: The Way (in Spanish), Glencoe video clips of native speakers, BBC Mundo, and Evita Contemporary Spanish magazine articles: Viajes National Geographic, Ronda Iberia, Nexos, Revista Mary Knoll, and People español On-line newspapers: elpais.com, laprensa.com.ar, 20minutos.es, cubanet.org, BBC Mundo 2012 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam practice material Schaum’s Outline of Spanish Grammar: Third Edition

Grading Policy: The grade book is broken into three categories: Participation, homework, and assignments (40%) 1. Participation in class discussion, group activities, oral presentations, and projects 2. Completion of homework assignments and special projects 3. Compositions and other creative writing assignments Exams and Quizzes (50%) 1. Tests and quizzes: vocabulary quizzes and grammar exams Semester Exam (10%) 1. The semester exam is comprehensive of the material covered during the semester.  If a student is absent for any reason, it is the student’s responsibility to inquire about missed work and assignments.  Missed quizzes and tests must be made up within 2 school days.  Late work will lose 10% for each school day late. Summer Reading Students will read 14 on-line news articles and complete the assignment sheet. Students should pick up the work packet from Mr. LeBrun. Word lists: Each semester and mid-term requires a list of 50 words that the student learned on his/her own. This is outside of the vocabulary lists required of the students each chapter. * 1st Semester mid-term list of 50 words

*1st Semester list of 50 words

* 2nd Semester mid-term list of 50 words

* 2nd Semester list of 50 words

Extra Credit Two extra credit opportunities are available per semester. One for five points is applied to the exam scores and one for ten points is applied to the homework scores.  Attend Spanish Mass and turn in the bulletin.  Incorporate your knowledge of Spanish in a service project.  Investigate an area of Spanish that interests you; create a project to present to the class.  One hour of speaking / chatting practice at www.wespeke.com with a parent note. 3

Unit Structure : Each unit will be composed of the following components. Vocabulary Set, Grammar Topic, Literary Reading, Prayer, Practice Activities (Speaking, listening, reading, and writing), Internet Practice, Unit Project (Essay, presentation, or research topic), and Music Unit 1 Desafíos mundiales / Global Challenges Discussion: ¿Cuáles son los desafíos del mundo actual? Cultural topic: Geography, history and culture of Spain Grammar Topic: Regular and Irregular Preterite Verbs Grammar Topic: Irregular nouns and articles ASD4 Reading: Sobreviviente recuerda bombardeo a Guernica Discussion: ¿Por qué el bombardeo de Guernica fue un suceso tan horrible? ASD4 Reading: Mueren cinco inmigrantes al naufragar en Tarifa Discussion: La gente lo encuentra necesario emigrar hasta de una manera ilegal y peligrosa ASD4 Reading: Canción del pirata by José de Espronceda ASD4 Reading: La primavera besaba by Antonio Machado Writing: Essay ¿Qué hiciste el verano pasado? Speaking / Listening: Show and tell Speaking lab using Audacity/Clear: Introduce yourself ASD4 Listening: Audio and video clips Listening: BBC Mundo report of a world challenge in the news (ETA en España) Video: Life Without Limbs: Nick Vujicic (en español) Discussion: ¿Qué es un heroé? Unit 2 Identidades personales y públicas / Personal and Public Identities Discussion: ¿Cuáles son sus creencias personales? ¿Cómo se formaron? Grammar Topic: Past Tenses: Imperfect vs. Preterite Grammar Topic: The progressive forms Grammar Topic : The comparative and superlative forms BBC Mundo: EE.UU. y la educación: la batalla de una familia de inmigrantes Discussion: ¿Cómo te ayudaban tus padres con las tareas cuando estabas en la escuela primaria? ASD4 Reading: Quién sabe by José Santos Chocano ASD4 Reading: Los comentarios reales by the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega Writing project: An imaginary vacation brochure Listening: BBC Mundo video summary on a Hispanic figure AP Exam practice listening activities Speaking prompt using Audacity/Clear: ¿Cómo eras de niño/a? Reading: el Nuevo Herald – 100 Latinos Miami Discussion: How have these Latinos overcome diversity? Video: La misma luna Discussion: How is the family affected when one parents leaves to find work? Unit 3 Belleza y estetica / Beauty and Aesthetics Discussion: ¿Cómo las artes desafían y reflejan las perspectivas culturales? Grammar Topic: Regular and Irregular Present Tense Verbs Grammar Topic: Reflexive Verbs Grammar Topic: Ser vs. Estar 4

Grammar Topic: Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns ASD4 Reading: Martín Fierro (fragment) by José Hernández ASD4 Reading: Continuidad de los parques by Julio Cortázar ASD4 Reading: Los niños lloraban by Pablo Neruda ASD4 Reading: Historia de dos cachorros by Horacio Quiroga Presentation Speaking Project: Dialog Presentation AP Exam Reading Practice Listening / Writing: BBC Mundo video summaries on art Speaking prompt: Un día típico de una celebridad / artista Discussion: El surrealismo y la fantasía de la pintura de Salvador Dalí, La persistencia de la memoria and Sueño de una tarde domical en la alameda central by Diego Rivera. ASD4 Video: Tango en Buenos Aires y Teatro de la comunidad Música: Shakira y Enrique Iglesias Unit 4 Valor de familia y comunidad / Value of Families and Communities Discussion: ¿Cómo se define una familia? ¿Cómo se define una comunidad? Grammar Topic: The present subjunctive Grammar Topic: Commands ASD4 Reading: Lo fatal by Rubén Darío ASD4Reading: Canción de otoño en primavera by Rubén Darío Literary Reading: Me llamo Rigoberta Menchú (fragment) by Elizabeth Burgos Unit Project: Present Christmas Traditions Writing: Una carta a Dios ¿Qué cambios quieres ver para tu familia y tu comunidad? Speaking: AP Exam Simulated Interpersonal Conversation Practice ASD4 Audio and Video: Soñadores y malabaristas y Una finca de mariposas Speaking / Listening: www.masvoces.org/Radio-logias-de-Economia-Social-y,4860 Discussion: Who? What? When? Where? Why? Speaking Presentation: ¿Cómo ayudas a tu familia o la comunidad? Unit 5 La vida contemporánea / Contemporary Life Discussion: ¿Cuáles son los desafíos de la vida comtemporánea? Grammar Topic: the verb haber Grammar Topic: Present perfect, Pluperfect, and Present perfect subjunctive ASD4 Reading: En paz by Amado Nervo ASD4 Reading: Aquí by Octavio Paz ASD4 Reading: Malinche by Laura Esquivel Presentational Speaking: Famous Hispanics Research Power Point Presentation Writing: Cover letter to a job posting at www.prensaescrita.com Writing: AP Exam Interpersonal writing prompts Listening: Authentic Spanish music Speaking prompt: ¿Qué has hecho y qué todavía no has hecho en tu vida? Video: Los Sanfermines de Pamplona:¿Es diversión o tontería? www.ver-taal.com/cultura_20080704_sanfermines.htm Unit 6 Ciencia y tecnología / Science and Technology Discussion: ¿Cuáles son los atributos positivos y negativos de la tecnología? Reading: El clima del Caribe y huracanes 5

Grammar Topic: The future and conditional tenses ASD4Reading: Búcate plata by Nicolás Guillén ASD4Reading: Sensemayá by Nicolás Guillén ASD4 Reading: El ave y el nido by Salomé Ureña ASD4Reading: Mi padre by Manuel del Toro Writing Project: Essay: ¿Qué harás el año que viene? Speaking Project: Essay: ¿Qué harías con un millón euros? Speaking prompt: ¿Si tú fueras el presidente, qué harías diferente? Reading / Writing: News and magazine article summaries at http://noticiasdelaciencia.com Listening: BBC Mundo audio clips about technology Listening: ASD4 audio clips ASD4 Video: Visita al bosque tropical Unit 7 Geografía e historia de Venezuela y Colombia Discussion: Si pudieras elegir el trabajo perfecto, ¿cuál sería y por qué? www.lagaceta.com.ar/nota/480857/Tucumanos/Conoce-las-profesiones-mas-rentables-del-futuro.html Grammar Topic: Imperfect subjunctive Grammar Topic: Por vs. Para ASD4 Reading: Cien años de soledad (fragment) by Gabriel García Márquez ASD4 Reading: Los Maderos de San Juan by José Asunción Silva ASD4 Reading: Vivir para contarla by Gabriel García Márquez Unit Project: Las noticias del mundo presentación Speaking: AP Exam Presentational (Analysis of three sources) Listening: Authentic Spanish music Writing: Lo que tu familia quisiera que tu hicieras Unit 8 Latinos en los Estados Unidos / Hispanics in the United States Music: “Latinos en Estados Unidos” by Celia Cruz Grammar Topic: Pluperfect subjunctive ASD4 Reading: Desde la nieve by Eugenio Florit ASD4 Reading: El caballo mago by Sabine Ulibarri Unit Project: Hispanics in the U.S. and Cinco de mayo Listening / Writing: BBC Mundo video clip summaries: Hispanics in the U.S. Listening: ASD4 audio clips Writing: AP Exam Presentational Writing prompts (Analysis of three sources) Speaking prompt: ¿Qué habrías hecho si no hubiera sido por otra cosa?


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