Course Place & Date:

​Course Place & Date: ………………………………………………………………………..… ​Course: ! Level I Course ! Level II Course ​ ! Mrs ! Mr ! Miss First name: Family name: Ad

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Guía Docente AS0001-GR0001-PR0001 Asignatura: Código: Grupo: Titulación: Profesor/a: Curso Académico: 1. ASIGNATURA / COURSE 1.1. Nombre / Course

Story Transcript

​Course Place & Date: ………………………………………………………………………..… ​Course:

! Level I Course

! Level II Course

! Mrs ! Mr ! Miss First name:

Family name:

Address: City & Post Code: Country: Telephone:



Date of birth:

E-mail: Nationality:

NF of:

Professional activity: Why would you like to do this course?

1. TECHNICAL LEVEL AS A RIDER: a. Disciplines practiced: ! Jumping

! Dressage

! Eventing

! Vaulting

! Other:

b. Riding experience (years): __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ c. Riding experience (level) (*star + height for jumping;*star for eventing, Preliminary/ Elementary, Medium/ Advanced, PSG and up for dressage) ​! At International level: ​! At National level: ​ ​! Others (pls specify): _____________________________________________________

d. Best personal result:______________________________________________________

2. PRACTICE AS A COACH: a. Disciplines coached: ! Jumping

! Dressage

! Eventing

! Vaulting

! Other:

b. Professional experience as a coach (nb of years): …………………………………… c. Professional activity as a coach (club coach, national coach, freelance, etc.) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ​______________________________________________________________________

​! At National level: ​

​! Others (pls specify):


d. Best personal result:______________________________________________________

2. PRACTICE AS A COACH: a. Disciplines coached: ! Jumping

! Dressage

! Eventing

! Vaulting

! Other:

b. Professional experience as a coach (nb of years): …………………………………… c. Professional activity as a coach (club coach, national coach, freelance, etc.) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ​______________________________________________________________________ ___ d. Number of pupils: __________________________________________________ e. Highest level of competition of your best riders/pupils : (*star + height for jumping; *star for eventing; (Preliminary/Elementary, Medium/Advanced, PSG and up for dressage)

​! ​At International level:_____________________________________________________ ​! ​At National level: ________________________________________________________ ❒ Other; please specify: ____________________________________________________ f. Best result obtained with a pupil:____________________________________________









❒ Fist Aid ❒ Other (please list) 5. REFEREE

​(National or else)

Your signature:

​NF Signature: ​Date:

Your signature:

​NF Signature: ​Date:

FEI SOLIDARITY FEI COURSE FOR COACHES - Level 1 According to the FEI Coaching System

Montevideo (URU), May 3rd to 6th , 2016 FEI Tutor : Language :

Juan Carlos Nuñez Spanish


Escuela de Equitación del Ejército

Participation :

Regional course open to coaches from any of the 3 Olympic disciplines (i.e Jumping, Dressage & Eventing) max. 14 participants + max. 10 observers The aim of the course is to teach coaches “How to Coach” using adult learning techniques. Participants must be appointed by their NF


Level 1 (4 days)


According to Syllabus Level 1 ( > FEI Solidarity > Coach Education > What is Coaching)

Applications must be sent to :

[email protected]

(+ a copy to the FEI Development Department) Course Entry Fee ( max 150$)

[email protected] +4121 310 47 47 US$ 100

Deadline for applications

April 15th 2016

At least 3 weeks before the beginning of the course Course Material

Programme & Time Table Level 1 Workbooks will be made available for each candidate the first day of the course

Participants will be responsible for their: • Travel Expenses • Accommodation Meals and coffee breaks for all participants will be provided by the organizing NF The above information serves as an official invitation.

Level 1 Coach Syllabus


• To provide assistant coaches with the ability to prepare riders for competitions. Emphasizing skill, develop participation and enjoyment

Duration of the course:

• 4 days (2 + 2)


• Workbook

Entry Requirements for Participants:

• 18 years old and over • Have a knowledge of horses and horsemanship (responsibility of the NF) • Have completed an FEI Introduction to Coaching course or be recommended by the their NF • Have a First Aid Safety certificate (recommendation)


• 14 participants + observers


• Must be registered with their NF


• Jumping: 1.00 - 1.15 m • Dressage: Preliminary/Elementary • Eventing: Novice up to 1*


• Participants must be registered with their NF coach insurance scheme or privately • Practical coaching sessions


Open Book Assessment

Logbook Assessment


• Certificate of Attendance and Completion awarded to those who attended the full course • By Tutor

Evaluation of the Course:

• By Coaches

Evaluation of the Course:

Logbook (5 sessions recorded) to be completed and returned to FEI through the respective NF within 3 months after course).

QUÉ ES EL SISTEMA DE ENTRENAMIENTO DE LA FEI 1. ¿Qué es el Sistema de Entrenamiento de FEI? El Sistema de Entrenamiento de FEI (orientado a las competencias) se basa en proporcionar cursos para los entrenadores bajo la dirección de Tutores designados por la FEI quienes iniciarán el sistema en las regiones en desarrollo. 2. ¿Por qué se creó el Sistema? El sistema FEI de entrenamiento fue creado para ayudar a las FNs en desarrollo a organizar su propia estructura de entrenamiento. El sistema utiliza un temario acordado y ayuda a desarrollar el deporte de las Fns utilizando su propia estructura local de entrenadores. Los entrenadores reciben un Certificado FEI luego de su participación en un Curso FEI para Entrenadores. 3. ¿A quién está dirigido nuestro Sistema? El Sistema tiene como meta a los Entrenadores Practicantes en las Federaciones en Desarrollo. Ellos reciben tutorías de los Tutores FEI designados. A cambio, algunos de nuestros excepcionales candidatos también se convierten en Tutores FEI, los que luego continúan con el sistema en su propia región. Actualmente esto se está practicando en Sudamérica y América Central, Europa Central y Africa. 4. ¿Cómo funciona el Sistema? Los cursos se realizan sobre una base nacional o regional. La Categorización y el Procedimiento Financiero le ayudarán a decidir cuáles cursos son más apropiados para su país/región. 5. ¿Cuáles cursos? a. El Nivel 1 disciplinas Olímpicas El propósito del Curso FEI para Entrenadores (Nivel 1) es para cubrir las áreas esenciales necesarias para trabajar en forma competente como un Entrenador Nivel 1 con un énfasis en el desarrollo de las habilidades, la participación y el disfrute. El temario del Nivel 1 cubre todos los eventos y enfatiza los aspectos prácticos del entrenamiento, Los candidatos exitosos recibirán un Certificado de Asistencia el cual es emitido conjuntamente por la FN y la FEI. Se espera que el entrenador certificado Nivel 1 también entienda el concepto de planificación a largo plazo y que sea capaz de planificar e implementar sesiones de entrenamiento efectivas. b. El Nivel 2 de las disciplinas Olímpicas La meta del Curso FEI para Entrenadores (Nivel 2) es cubrir las áreas esenciales necesarias para trabajar competentemente como un entrenador ecuestre independiente hasta nivel Elemental en el corto y mediano plazo. Los participantes en el curso Nivel 2 serán evaluados a lo largo del curso. Si ellos logran el estándar necesario se les entregará un Certificado de Entrenador Nivel 2, emitido conjuntamente por la FEI y la FN. El entrenador Nivel 2 será certificado para enseñar en forma independiente. Los requisitos para inscribirse en un Curso Nivel 2 incluyen un Perfil de Logros específico sobre el Curso Nivel 1, así como completar al menos un año de experiencia práctica, envío del logbook ser designado por el Tutor FEI para realizar el Curso Nivel 2.

c. El Nivel 3 para las disciplinas Olímpicas. La meta del Curso FEI para Entrenadores Nivel 3 tiene como meta cubrir las áreas esenciales necesarias para entrenar para competir independientemente jinetes individuales y equipos en competencias internacionales de nivel 2** (PSG en Adiestramiento). Los participantes del Curso Nivel 3 serán evaluados a lo largo del curso, posteriormente a la remisión de un logbook de la temporada y un examen escrito y oral. Si ellos alcanzan el estándar necesario, se les entregará un Certificado de Competencia de Entrenador Nivel 3, emitido conjuntamente por la FEI y la FN, Los requisitos para inscribirse en el curso Nivel 3 incluyenun Perfil de Logro específico del Curso Nivel 2. Al menos 2 años de experiencia activa como entrenador en competencia de nivel 2** (PSG para Adiestramiento) y Asistencia a 2 talleres FEI específicos entre el Nivel 2 y el 3 (taller Técnico y/o taller Táctico, Mental, Físico, de Estilo de vida, etc.). d. El Nivel 1 de Volteo El propósito del FEI Nivel 1 de Volteo es proporcionar a los entrenadores la habilidad de preparar caballos y volteadores para competencias en nivel elemental. El Nivel 1 de Volteo enfatiza las habilidades básicas, desarrolla la participación y el disfrute, Los candidatos exitosos recibirán un Certificado de Asistencia al Curso Nivel 1 para Volteo que es emitido conjuntamente por la FN y la FEI. El entrenador certificado Nivel 1 también se esperará que planifique e implemente sesiones de entrenamiento efectivas. 6. Certificaciones. Los certificados emitidos para el Nivel 1, Nivel 1 de Volteo y Nivel 2 reconocen las competencias profesionales pero no son un Diploma calificado.

TRADUCIDO POR: María del Rosario Martínez (URU NF) 12/10/14

WHAT IS FEI COACHING SYSTEM 1. What is the FEI Coaching System? The FEI Coaching System (oriented towards competitions) is based on providing courses for coaches under the direction of FEI appointed Tutors who will initiate the system in developing regions.Why was the System created? The FEI coaching system was created to help developing NFs to organise their own coaching structure. The system uses an agreed syllabus and helps to develop the NF’s sport using local coaches. The coaches receive an FEI Certificate following their participation in an FEI Coaches Course. 2. Why was the System created? The FEI coaching system was created to help developing NFs to organise their own coaching structure. The system uses an agreed syllabus and helps to develop the NF’s sport using local coaches. The coaches receive an FEI Certificate following their participation in an FEI Coaches Course. 3. To whom is our System is addressed? The system is aimed at Practicing Coaches in Developing Federations. They receive tuition from FEI appointed Tutors. In turn, some of our exceptionnal candidates themselves become FEI Tutors, who then go on to continue the system in their own region. Currently this is being practiced in South/Central America, Central Europe and Africa. 4. How does the System work? The courses are held on a national or regional basis . The Categorization & Financing Procedure will help you to decide which courses are most suitable for your country/region. 5. Which courses? a. The Level 1 Olympic discplines The aim of the FEI Coaches Course (Level 1) is to cover the essential areas necessary to work competently as a Level I Coach, with an emphasis on skill development, participation and enjoyment. The Level I syllabus covers all events, and emphasises the practical aspects of coaching. Successful candidates will receive a Level I Coach Certificate of Attendance which is issued jointly by the NF and the FEI. The Level I certified coach will also be expected to understand the concept of long term planning of training and be able to plan and implement effective training sessions. b. The Level 2 Olympic discplines The aim of the FEI Coaches Course (Level 2) is to cover the essential areas necessary to work competently as an independent equestrian coach up to Elementary level in the short and medium term. Participants of the Level 2 course will be assessed throughout the course. If they achieve the necessary standard, they will be awarded the Level 2 Coach Certificate of Achievement, issued jointly by the FEI and NF. The Level 2 coach will be certified to teach independently. Entry requirements for the Level 2 course include a specific Profile of Achievement on Level 1 Course, completion of a minimum of one year practical experience, submission of logbook and nomination for the Level 2 course by the FEI Tutor.

c. The Level 3 Olympic discplines The aim of the FEI Coaches Course (Level 3) is to cover the essential areas necessary to train to compete independently national Individuals & Teams at international 2** competition level (PSG in Dressage). Participants of the Level 3 Course will be assessed throughout the course, subsequent to submission of a season logbook and a written & oral exam. If they achieve the necessary standard, they will be awarded the Level 3 Coach Certificate of Competences, issued jointly by the FEI and NF. Entry requirements for the Level 3 course include a specific Profile of Achievement on Level 2 Course, Minimum 2 years active coaching experience at 2** competition level (PSG for Dressage) and Attendance at 2 specific FEI workshops between Level 2 and 3 (workshop Technical and /or workshop Tactical, Mental, Physical, Lifestyle, etc.) d. The Level 1 Vaulting The aim of the FEI Level 1 Vaulting is to provide coaches with the ability to prepare horses and vaulters for competitions at elementary level . The Level 1 Vaulting emphasises basic skills, develop participation and enjoyment. Successful candidates will receive a Level I Vaulting Coach Certificate of Attendance which is issued jointly by the NF and the FEI. The Level I certified coach will also be expected to plan and implement effective training sessions. 6. Certifications: The certificates delivered at Level 1, Level 1 vaulting and Level 2 recognize profesional competences but are not qualified Diploma.

FEI Fédération Equestre Internationale

FEI Coaching System (Competition)



Reproduction strictly reserved/Reproduction strictement réservée FEI Coaching System – Syllabus Level One

Page 1

Level ONE Aim:

To provide coaches with the ability to prepare riders for competitions. Emphasizing skill, develop participation and enjoyment

Duration of the course:

4 days (2 + 2)

Entry Requirements for Participants:

18 years old and over Have a knowledge of horses and horsemanship (responsibility of the NF) Have completed an FEI Introduction to Coaching course or be recommended by the their NF Have a First Aid Safety certificate (recommendation)


14 participants + 10 observers (max)


Must be registered with their NF


Jumping: 1.00 - 1.15 m Dressage: Preliminary/Elementary Eventing: Novice up to 1*


Participants must be registered with their NF coach insurance scheme or privately


Open Book Assessment Practical coaching sessions Logbook Assessment


Certificate of Attendance awarded to those who attended the full course

Evaluation of the Course:

By Tutor By Coaches

Evaluation sheets and Report

FEI Coaching System – Syllabus Level One

To be sent to the FEI by the Tutor

Page 2

The Sport UNIT 1 - PRINCIPLES AND RULES At the conclusion of this unit, the Level One coach will be able to: Define the rules which govern the different equestrian sports. List the FEI code for the welfare of horses.

UNIT 2 - TACTICS At the conclusion of this unit, the Level One coach will be able to: Explain the manner in which the different equestrian sports are carried out.

UNIT 3 - SAFETY (Further to Introduction to Coaching) At the conclusion of this unit, the Level One coach will be able to: Explain the rules of the school and safe distances for a group coaching session. Assess the suitability of the terrain for exercising/lesson. Explain how to handle the horse and check the equipment. Check that riders are wearing suitable helmets/clothing/footwear. Explain how to mount correctly and safely. Explain how to adjust the length of stirrup for a particular riding activity and for the level of rider. Implement an emergency plan in the event of an accident. Assess the size, weight and ability of rider. Fill out accident reports and maintain an accident register. Explain the importance of professional indemnity and public risk policies. Take appropriate steps to protect against possible negligence claims. Indoor/outdoor arenas. Hacking/working in a field.

FEI Coaching System – Syllabus Level One

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UNIT 4 - SKILLS Dressage/Jumping/Eventing At the conclusion of this unit, the Level One coach will be able to explain: Convention for riding in company/closed/open order. The basic seat and position for flatwork and jumping. The natural and artificial aids and how to use them. The sequences and footfalls of the basic paces of the horse. A balanced position, independent of the reins at all paces. The training scale. The following simple school exercises: (as a minimum) 20/15 meter circles walk/trot/canter 10 meter in walk/trot Diagonals Shallow loops and serpentines in walk and trot Work without stirrups in walk/trot/canter Lengthening and shortening the stride Progressive transitions Cantering on the correct leading leg Leg yielding Use of trotting poles/basic grids and required distances Riding in a field Hacking Procedure for leading or assisting

Jumping and Eventing At the conclusion of this unit, the Level One coach will be able to explain: A balanced and secure position over fences up to 1.00 - 1.15 meter. The ability to keep the horse under control. How to set out poles, distances and lines and the reasons for using them. Diagonal and bending lines. Ability to maintain a secure and balanced seat over poles, grids, single fences and combinations in trot and canter. Assessing speeds. The five phases of the jump.

FEI Coaching System – Syllabus Level One

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Distances/strides and how to walk a course. How to build training fences. How to built combinations

The Participant Horse and Rider UNIT 5 - MOTIVES AND NEEDS At the conclusion of this unit, the Level One coach will be able to: Motivate participants to become and stay involved in equestrian sport with a view to maximising their potential. Be aware of the major stages in growth and development of the participant. State the importance of promoting positive and enjoyable experiences for participants. Encourage and acknowledge individual progress of the participant. Give feedback to promote the self-image of the participants. Be aware of the dangers of early specialisation and competition. Recognize limitations of their own and rider’s competence/expertise

UNIT 6 & 7 - PHYSICAL FITNESS OF THE RIDER AND HORSE At the conclusion of this unit, the Level One coach will be able to: Define fitness. List the principles of fitness. Name the components of fitness. List the normal temperature, pulse and respiration of the horse and rider. Discuss the principles of training. List at a basic level, the working of the cardio, respiratory, muscular and skeletal systems. Implement well structured warm up and cool down exercises for the rider and horse.

FEI Coaching System – Syllabus Level One

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UNIT 8 - MENTAL FITNESS OF THE RIDER At the conclusion of this unit, the Level One coach will be able to: Describe what is meant by mental fitness. Identify the components of mental fitness. Observe and analyse a performance using the components of mental fitness.

UNIT 9 - MENTAL FITNESS OF THE HORSE At the conclusion of this unit, the Level One coach will be able to: Identify the components of mental fitness in a horse. Identify the key factors which affect the mental fitness of the horse.

The Coach UNIT 10 - SKILL DEVELOPMENT OF THE RIDER & THE HORSE At the conclusion of this unit, the Level One coach will be able to: Outline the basic factors which affect learning. Implement a skill development framework. Be aware of the timescale involved in skill development in equestrian sports, and the need for repetition and re-enforcement. Be aware of the dominant herd instinct and the senses of the horse and how they affect their learning. Give constant feedback to the rider.

UNIT 11 - ROLE OF THE COACH At the conclusion of this unit, the Level One coach will be able to: Outline the role of a coach. Identify the qualities which contribute to effective coaching. Be aware of his/her own personal strengths and approach to coaching. Identify the different coaching styles.

FEI Coaching System – Syllabus Level One

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Apply basic communication skills. Be aware of social and gender imbalances in equestrian sport and the concept of fair play. Be aware of the moral need and importance of integrating participants with a disability into equestrian activities. Understand the dynamics and processes of learning. Recognize and correct faults.

UNIT 12 - PLANNING AND FEEDBACK At the conclusion of this unit, the Level One coach will be able to: Outline the need for short, medium and long term planning. Complete a session planner. Implement a basic coaching session, recognising the need for participation, progress and enjoyment. Keep training records.

UNIT 13 - PRACTICE AND COMPETITION At the conclusion of this unit, the Level One coach will be able to explain: Instruct, observe, analyse and provide feedback on basic techniques and skills for the horse and rider. Develop empathy and a positive working relationship with participants and their parents/supporters. Provide first aid for minor injuries and ensure that professional care is readily at hand for serious injuries. Identify suitable competition and non competition opportunities.

Stable Management Feeding Explain the rules of feeding and the need for water. Grooming Describe various grooming systems.

FEI Coaching System – Syllabus Level One

Page 7

Shoeing and foot care Explain the need for shoeing. Describe the stages of shoeing and the tools required. Describe a foot in need of shoeing. Describe the parts of a simple shoe. Explain the use of studs. Explain correcting shoeing. Health Assess the signs of good/bad health. Implement basic `First Aid` for the horse and list the conditions that would require a veterinary surgeon. Travel Describe the travelling equipment used to protect the horse in transit. Be aware of the need for safety in the handling of horses in transit. Travel sickness. Grass Describe a suitable field for a horse to be turned out or live in. Tack Assess the condition, suitability and fit of the different types of tack used in the different equestrian sports. Stabling Describe the design and construction of the different stabling systems. List the advantages/disadvantages of the different stabling systems.

FEI Coaching System – Syllabus Level One

Page 8

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