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We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves HEARTILY THANKS: The

Father Founder, The Superior General and Her Team, Sisters of DMISt. Bakhita Province, Collaborators and Staff of our mission

Across the pages MESSAGE   

Pope Founder Provincial



MINISTRY       


Spiritual Surge Community Change Intellectual Development


Pastoral Training Food Security Special Mission Mission Visit Education Humanitarian

QUIZ   

Bible Computer General Knowledge


OCT 2022


Even beyond emergencies such as the one we are all living now, it is about acting on cultural and educational levels for transmitting attitudes of solidarity, care, and welcoming to future generations, knowing full well that the culture of life is not a heritage exclusive to Christians, but rather one which belongs to all those who, striving for the building up of fraternal relationships, recognize the value of each person, even the fragile and the suffering,”

Unique and Unrepeatable, Valuable in and of itself, constitutes an inestimable worth.

Every human life, “unique and unrepeatable, valuable in and of itself, constitutes an inestimable worth. This,” underscored Pope Francis, “must be announced ever anew, with the courage of words and the courage of action. This calls for solidarity and love for the great human family, and for each one of its members.” Respect, defend, love, and serve life, every life, and every human life! It is only on this path that you will find justice, development, freedom, peace, and happiness!”


A message of Founder Dear Readers, EUTHANASIA AND INTRINSIC VALUE OF LIFE Life in itself has no specific value to us, other than the way we can have experiences, and these experiences are what we find to be valuable. Humans do not put the value of life into the physical state of mere aliveness, but give it value through its ability to allow for experiences. Life, as a set of experiences that are good, is what has value, and our capacity to have them is the intrinsic value of life.

Value of life is giving Real Care, Love & Compassion

Life gains its intrinsic value from the ability to experience, and this value is not reducible to the physical, but the physical contains the potential for these experiences. The term physical is particularly broad here, because it would be false and discriminatory to try to contain physical capability as any standard, or to even estimate how experiences can come from it, because the possibilities here are endless. When value is attempted to be placed on something other than what we find valuable, it is not likely productive. The intrinsic value of a life is then exclusively linked to experiences. Our value of life and how it develops into the intrinsic value we assign to human life comes from how we value experiences. Positive experience is held as desirable and is separate from our physical being. Because we have a separation and have assigned that value to the experiential side, physical status is not an acceptable point for determining euthanasia. To do so goes against our inclination that value is derived from the experiences of life.

Rev. Fr. J. E. Arulraj [Founder of DMI & MMI]

A message of Provincial Dear Sisters and Brothers,

TO BE RICH BEFORE GOD Set your minds on the things are above, not on things that are on earth. Things of the world last a relatively short period of time and they cannot fulfil the longing of the human heart. Our life span is very brief on earth, the greater part of our life spent in pain and suffering. Nevertheless our heart has a tremendous capacity to seek the things of the world without paying any attention to the transcendent meaning of life. The human heart tends to become attached to worldly goods as the only one goal in the life, forgetting what is really important. Most of the time we are like rich man in the Bible. Our master Lord Jesus teach us that putting our hearts into the pursuit of wealth and worldly well-beings foolishness. Neither happiness nor authentic human life itself are founded on worldly goods. Our earthly life is short and fleeting. Taking advantage of the noble things of the earth so as to win heaven. Our passage upon the earth is a time of testing. The Lord himself has given it to us. As St. Paul rightly teach us, for here we have no lasting city, hut we seek the city which is to come. On a certain day He will come to settle accounts with us, to determine how well or ill we have administered his gift.

To be rich towards God is

To be rich in good Deeds, Rich in Generosity & Rich in Relationship .

Inasmuch in the goods of the world are intended for the glory of God. We should use them with a sense of detachments, not complaining either when these goods may be lacking. The absence of some good, if it is God’s will, should not take away our peace. We should know how to be happy and have inner joy in the community and in the mission. Let your heart be broad to support others than extending your hand to receive from others, because your joy will be double when you share with others. It is not only material things but also, spent your valuable time to listen others, your talents to teach when someone looking for it, doing good without expecting reward and remarks, silence and smiling when someone need your love and presence, when you practice in our life on the earth, we will be rich before God. To be rich before God, let us start today practicing all what we expect from others. There is no value of what we did in the past, let us show our best part today, because everyone wants to read today’s news. Our life is really nothing without love and care, Give to everyone but don’t expect back because it’s a Feel not Deal.


Province Activities

MEETING: On 17.09.2022, our Province had a meeting of the superior in which all the superiors presented the three-month report.

TRIBUTE: On 03.09.2022, our province had a tribute to Sr. Pulavarthi Joji Hepsiba and prayed for the Departed Soul.

KUDOS: CAR community celebrated the five years of missionary service anniversary and received blessings from provincial.

EMPOWERMENT: Our province sisters are spiritually empowered frequently by participating the Funder Father’s Holy mass.

DMI FOUNDING DAY: our province celebrated the DMI founding members’ day in all the community and gave prayerful wishes to all founding members.

RED LETTER DAY: Our province has given special prayers and wishes to the Founder Father on his Religious profession day.

To reprove a harm-doer, put him to shame by doing a good deed in return

Summit Selected

PARTAKING: Take part in the House blessing of MMI and received Blessing from cardinal.

PARTAKING: We have participate in the house Blessing Ceremony of MMI.

CONSECRATION CUSTOMARY: On 12.09.2022, Sr. Amala met the cardinal and received blessings.

MEETING : DMI Juba Sisters met the Community leaders and had a discussion regarding Molobur New Land.

PARTICIPATION: Take part in the Eucharistic celebration by the cardinal and received Blessing @CAR

PARTICIPATION: Take part in the Eucharistic celebration of the Final vows Celebration of neighbor religious community.

Esoteric things progress not according to time, but by activity, they can be slow or quick, depending upon the efforts made

Spiritual Surge

FEAST DAY: Our province sisters celebrated the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mother and participated in the online mass celebrated by Founder Father.

FEAST DAY: Juba sisters celebrated the Feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross feast and received blessings.





Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, Human cannot live without a spiritual life

Community Change

GARDENING: Juba sisters do gardening and as an outcome, they received bitter gourd. And developed the Kitchen Garden by increasing pots.

RECREATION: Malakkal Sisters regularly have recreation, which helps them for the relaxation.

MEETING: Malakkal Sisters have regular community meetings, which helps them for a happy community.

MEETING: CAR Sisters have regular community meetings, which helps them for a happy community.

HARVESTING: Gogrial sisters harvested Green grams, lemon, and guava and sold them in the market and saved 122,860 SSP.

TREE PLANTATION: Gogrial sisters planted the tree in view of DMI founding day.

When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden

Community Change

GARDENING: CAR sisters do gardening, which is used as physical exercise, and received good bananas from the garden.

GARDENING: Malakkal sisters prepared the nursery for tomato cultivation.

Intellectual Development

TRAINING: From 02-03.09.2022, Sr.Ramya, Sr. Kannika, and Sr. Preethi had Second Level Leadership training organized by the General Administration.

DOCUMENTATION: Malakkal Sisters maintain the documentation, which is essential. It is leading their Computer access skills in MS office.

INPUT SESSION: On the topic of Leadership, Rev.Sr. Arockia Mary – The assistant General gave the input session to all the participations of superior’s Meeting.

QUIZ RESULT: Every month our Province is conducting the offline Quiz for our province sisters. The Outcome of this quiz is highly Appreciated.

Pastoral Ministry

PASTORAL CARE: Legion of Mary @ Gogrial

PASTORAL CARE: Participation in the Funeral @ Gogrial

PASTORAL CARE: Decorating the alter @ CAR

PASTORAL CARE: Participation in the Holy Hour @ Malakkal

FAITH FORMATION: Prayer Service to 150 members at mukassa in CAR

FAITH FORMATION: Every Friday Prayer Service to staff at Juba

FAITH FORMATION: Holy Hour blessing at Gogrial

FAITH FORMATION: Rosary and Procession at Gogrial


SOAP MAKING: On 09.09.2022, Sr. Theopista and Sr. Rupa gave training to 15 women through a demonstration of liquid soap.

SOAP LIQUORED: On 14.09.2022, CAR Sisters gave Soap Liquored training to Women.

TRAINING ON TAILORING: On 14.09.2022, CAR Sisters gave Tailoring training to Women.

ENTERPRISES TRAINING: On 07.09.2022, DMI Juba Team conducted at Jebel Yesua for 30 VSLA Group Members.

ENTERPRISES TRAINING: On 16.09.2022, Sr. Rengis Mary - The Country director, conducted training Enterprises to women at KWGFSC.

BOOKKEEPING TRAINING: On 12.08.2022, conducted training on records keeping for 36 groups of secretaries from different villages.

Training is not the filling of a pot but the lighting of a fire


TRAINING FOR TEACHERS: DMI Juba Team conducted training on the topic of Teaching Methodology to 30 teachers.

TRAINING ON RECORD WRITING: On 19.09.2022, Sr. Amala – The country director gave training on record writing.

PTA TRAINING: On 21.09.2022, PTA training was conducted IDP3 School on the topic of ‘School Financial Management’ for 10 participants. Mr. Lomoro Illario was the resource person.

ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT TRAINING: On 20.09.2022, DMI Juba team organized the Enterprise Development Training at SDMIC campus for 50 farmers.

TRAINING: On 21.09.2022, DMI Juba Team conducted Two-wheeler induction training for the youth. Totally 32 trainees benefitted from it.

SKILL TRAINING: DMI Juba Team conducted Four-Wheeler Skill Training to 25 beneficiaries.

Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition.

Food Security Program

DEMO PRODUCTION: Juba farmer cultivated Finger Millet grains and Ground nuts for seed multiplication.

COLLECTIVE MARKETING: On 16.09.2022, conducted a trial on vegetable collective marketing and get benefits of 71,000 SSP which is a success of the trial despite.

Special Mission

ORIENTATION: On 03.09.2022, DMI Juba sisters took orientation on “Christ is Center of our Life“ to 47 school children , which is arranged by Formation of Vocational Committee Archdiocese of Juba.

MEDICAL CAMP: On 21.09.2022, DMI team conducted medical camp at IDPCamp-3. Sr.Dr.Paschal, Dr.Ulanda and Dr.Ringo examined the sick people and provided the medicine.

MEDIA CLIP: The Dawn newspaper about New Grinding mill cuts cost in household expenditure in Luri

EXHIBITION: On 14.09.2022, Sr. Amala – The Country Director, visited the training Center along with Mukewge NGO and appreciated the women.

Mission Visit

VISIT: Sr. Rengis - the country director, visited Gogrial Unit office and different groups and interacted with the right holders.

VISIT: On 14.09.2022, Sr. Amala – The Country Director, visited the training Center along with Mukewge NGO.

VISIT: On 14.09.2022, Sr. Rengis the country director, visited DMI schools at Juba and interacted with teachers on professionalism.

VISIT: Sr. Rengis - the country director, visited the people and encouraged them for Collective marketing trial

Education Ministry

PREPARATION: DMI Juba team, Prepared the Students for their second term examination.

RESULT: DMI school at IDP3 Camp Juba Secured a Centum result and 5 students secured state-level ranks and one female student secured Country-level rank .

Humanitarian Ministry

DISTRIBUTION: DMI CAR team distributed agriculture material to the Jerome community for 15 beneficiaries.

DISTRIBUTION: DMI CAR team distributed study materials to 120 orphan children.

FOOD DISTRIBUTION: Nutritious food was distributed to 200 pregnant women and 300 malnourished children at IDP Camp-3 and Mangateen camp.

SUPPORT: On 23.09.2022, Sr. Rengis – The Country Director, Distributed 221 adolescent dignity kits.

DISTRIBUTION: DMI CAR team distributed Nutritious food to School Children.

DISTRIBUTED BOOKS: On 05.09.2022, supported 297 school children and 17 teachers with story books.

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world

Humanitarian Ministry

DISTRIBUTION: On 22.09.2022, DMI Juba team distributed school bags and books to 163 students of Rock City.

TOOLS DISTRIBUTION: On 21.09.2022, Sr. Leela Mary DCD distributed Materials and Tools to Trainees.

Events and Functions

CONVOCATION CEREMONY: On 16.09.2022, the closing ceremony was conducted for skill training in plumbing for 30 trainees.

PEACE DAY: On 23.09.2022, the DMI Gogrial team celebrated world Peace day through the procession and cultural programs.

INTER MATCH: On 09.09.2022, the DMI Juba team organized the Football inter match with the blessing of Sr. Paschal.

CONCOURSE CEREMONY: On 12.09.2022, the closing ceremony was conducted for skill training in Four-Wheeler for 25 trainees.

1. Which was the creature that was cursed above all the livestock and all the wild animals? 2. Which is the creature that eats dust? 3. On whose account was the ground cursed? 4. Which are the plants that the earth produced when it was cursed? 5. Who is known as the mother of all the living? 6. What is the name that Adam gave to his wife? 7. Who made garments of skin for the first time? 8. Why were Adam and Eve banished from the Garden of Eden? 9. Who did God place instead of men in the ‘garden of Eden of guard it? 10. What was there along with the cherubim to guard the Garden of Eden?

Studying the Bible is meant to transform us

1. What is the file extension of MS Word 2003 document: a) Dom b) Txt c) Doc d) None of The Above 2. In Excel, the contents of the active cell are displayed in the __________. a) footer bar b) tool bar c) task bar d) menu bar e) formula bar 3. Computer Language used on the internet is: a) BASIC b) COBOL c) Pascal d) Java e) None of The Above 4. In word processing, an efficient way to move the 3rd paragraph to place it after the 5th paragraph is __________. a) copy and paste b) copy, cut and paste c) cut, copy and paste d) cut and paste e) None of these 5. To allow someone else schedule your meetings and appointments, ______ feature of Outlook is used a) Monthly calendar b) Event manager c) Appointments d) Delegate Access e) None of these

6. Slides may contain: a) Text and Graphics Only b) Sound and Movies Only c) Text, Movies, Images, Sound Only and all other objects d) All of the Above e) None of These 7. Shortcut Key for Superscript is: a) Ctrl + = b) Ctrl + c) Ctrl + Shift + = d) None of These 8. Microsoft Word is an example of a) an operating system b) a processing device c) application software d) an input device e) None of these 9. Table of contents can be prepared by using a) macros b) headings as H1, H2, H3 and more in the document c) by table of contents in tools menu d) (b) and (c) e) None of the above 10. To instruct Word to fit the width of a column to the contents of a table automatically, click the _____button and then point to Auto Fit Contents: a) Fit to Form b) Format c) Auto Size d) Contents e) Auto Fit

The computer was born to solve problems that did not exist before

1. What brand of beer does Homer Simpson drink? 2. Rojo is the Spanish word for which colour? 3. How many timezones are there in mainland USA? 4. What is the largest freshwater lake in the world by its area size? 5. According to George Orwell, who is watching us? 6. Which sport takes place in a Velodrome? 7. What is the currency of Poland? 8. Trainspotting is a novel by which author? 9. Which is the only planet in our solar system not named after a Roman or Greek god? 10. In which sport is the Davis Cup contested?

Liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people.

Wish you a happy birthday sisters

SR.AGNES 03.10.2022 CAR

SR. ROZALIA 10.10.2022 CAR




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