1935 Gloucester High School Yearbook 1935 Flipbook PDF

Gloucester High School, Gloucester City New Jersey, Yearbook 1935

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Story Transcript

f:olllfJiillll'llis of ublic • erv1 (,A \1 I> 1: • . I W .J ~ H S ~ Y

.. ;vh n rou raduat The College of ~outh .lerse~ ollers high school graduates an ideal opportunit~ for h\o years of standard college \\'or h. ''it hou t the ex pense of li' ing a\\ a~ from home. Thorough college courses. (iraduates ma~ enter junior classes of four-year colleges. Limited number of scholarships antilable to Junior Year at \Yilliam and \lar~. Hoanoke and Taylor Cniversit~. Small classes, ..,trong facult~. Co -educational. Da~ or E' ening clas..,es. \loderate rate.,. ~end for catalog . TilE HEa\ id Kerr rneliu Kenne I:ugcne H rle \dalaide Bla Ua II ill IJonJt h) • terling I>oro h\ (Jarman E, erett Tarpme Poet Ruth (Jreen 1' h'Jtograph 1 Herman trand\\ it7 :\Iar , 11\ der 1tl I dttfJI\ J O\ ce [ben p rgcr Pearl chuler Fd\\ard Cohen am \lt>Ster 1 dt rlt.lll!J 1/ anaqer Ro •cr Fo ,/thletit l~ditfJr \ \'eston Lma ll arold \ruler O'l I>ori' Chattin K.tthn n \rnie !•rank .\lm\,rt l hri u.m Kramer /Ju.11ze •• 11 anar; 1 ellic \ \' ood l>orotln II err l:d\\. rd \ hram )'rar Book Adti rt \Villiam \\'atkm \\'ei '• • r.

UJ 11 I 7 tnlor' . • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • 1 1 ..

ho 1

.. BOARD OF ED '.A'I 10 ~Ir. T. Frank kelle), Pn 1idoll ~Ir. Alo) iu~ ~Id.lhorw. I ifr Ptt' idtnl :\Ir. 'Ia~ ton :ager ~Ir. Eno h R. Bnm n ;\lr. John ~1. L\!Kh :\lr. Le\\ i J. ~lorton, :arrlnry :\Jr. Firmin :\lirhel,, oliritnr 8

THE I· \CULTY Charle T. Ha ani, uperintrudmt \\'en dell , oo\, Pmwpn/ fran e :\I. Karnell John J. Kearne\ an . \dam Lillian K. Backen toe Kathleen Ba ·cr Patri ·ia Bingham Da\ id Bri •htbill Etta E. Burban · Thoma~ A. llin •an :\Ian.:aret l. Conndh \nna B. 'Jr on Edgar •. 'routhamrl Harn L. Demare t, Tr. 1 ; E.l\ r . nan •. l•onl \I .!ll:trite L. ( ,j ra rd Katharine Hand J o eph .\I. II eimcrl \Vii on :\1. Hut Ralph H. June L\ di.1 W. Kandle Pe er \. Kearne\ Jo ephine R. Keller Elizabeth W. Loughm Hattie I. :\Iartz Jo ph I. :\I ullou •h ~ara Loui :\lei >ermott J a me l'. :\I all} \V:dter \' . .\Iolitor Lila H. ( >lton Carlo I). Pat,Je\ :\Iar•aret \. Po,,ell :\Ia11 . T. Reilh Helen A Ri,eh \Iae C. olh ;\ Iargaret E. Troup \Villiam W. Wei '• r.

.. I< >R CLASs ADVI. ER. In appn• muon to our • t•mor !1" than ;\Ir. \Villi:un \Vat irh \Vt>i". \d\ i ... er.., we ta e thi ... opportunit) to ior thi.., Y t>ar Book; :\I r. \Vendell oo for hi, plrnt!id guitlanct>; ;\l1'" l\..1th rine Hand for her \\ork on tht Yrar Boo · and our \\rashinc;ton Tnp, \Ir Ralph H. ]ont•, ior our \\'a..,hington Trip anti hi faithful t'ffort... nd ·1 ·compli ... hmt'nt ... in our linan t' . F lOR CL.-\:-.~ 01• FICF.R . Eugene Hilc, Pn tarn/ Helen Karn, etn•tmy 10 Arnold Dan t'r, l'iu Pre idl'llt Rol!er Fo , 'f'rra.•urer

• en tor

ABRAMS, DOROTHY I.UCY "DOT" 927 Somer et Street College Entrance in Art ",\ilrurr is goldr11 but t,•r arr off tire gnld /czl.liclld' F\t'll though I >ot 1 u n It) ).II< ht ,d,,a get tht•r•· Hcmcmhcr tlw old ol) in '• "lhtt r late than IIC\l'r.. Dot \\til .I\\ a) ht r fi d" uc t' dl'd \\ 1th h1s on mal \\Itt let 111 and nthu Jam , o opcr twn 111 \\ mmn • the e t em .tnramatic l lub, '3". \ mbition To hta t u t) " Her pie· in ' per onalit) ha \\On a ho 1 of ardtnt friend dunn htr hi •h chool career. \\'•• oitt·n \\Onder \\In "h n · I>u t \ •· talk p acdull) in ht•r I t•p, ht• o often talk ah ut \ctn 111e : Jr. Play ommittec, '34: Frt•nch l :ub, ', J, '34 : I .nl Re en , '35: T nni , '34, e l luh, '32, '3.1. \mlHtion: I)\\ n a lar •c mu ic tore. - · 24 ..

RIDING, ANNA DOROTHEA 310 South Sixth Street "lranMII Ollllllltt e, '35 "PAULE" Commercial I on't •et ctted, hecau "P.Illle", 1 n't dumb b) an1 111 an , h on oi mce t ramatic ramatic l'luh, '34, '15; II i \' l lub, ',\3, ',14, tamp l luh, '32; Yt•.tr Book • tafT. '35. \ nthltion .\l.1rine Fngin cr. TAYLOR, MILDRED VIRGINIA 307 South Brc adwav "/'Ira 'II\· plump" " MILLIE" Commercial lur fnend " :\ltlht" 1 a grand port and len. hi •irl .md dunn her four car .tt t, II •. ha acqUired the lo' c and admlr.ttion of a'l \\hom he h.t come in onta t (t\I tippy" It doc n't take man) "ord" to de cribe or tell 'ou ahout "Tipp) ." • he', an all-round •ood port, and he i al\\a) dom • more th.lll he. hare "h1ch i a\ td Kerr 'J ourin • I· r l'eacc Lo \n •de Th lion. ])add K rr \til lca\C Lo till '' ek for " g tour of the \\Orld lie I In .ertrude ec') ) a me Itt:. in •mg 'at t, , nd . part) of ) oung dd>Ut nte -E I h c I M ll gle\\Orth, !•lor nee Ca kill of the Baron " It . < ora \ an Fo en, th dehutant reporter, in dn mtt•n ie\\ '' ith .\1 r. Kt·rr tate that thi trip ''ill talHiize ;md promote th \\orld on a afe and ecurc RE UU a hmt the •irl IO\ c to tand. • • lO~II (, Oll 1'\IU\ l'cnn,J, llltnoJ Ptarl ha' 111' a oming out par ' tin \\cck in hon r of Far! Rtle' \\ ho ha omcom111,. • • oroth\ • tcrltng, • lefina.h 3\\3\ ultur cl uth for comm nt \\ hethcr lo t her \Oi e or it 1 a ho\ do\\ n tin ar . • • LL'D \( l L \I \1 E "I'RE. ~FJ) I· II{ .'ELLIE \\'U }) to Glou e tcr, • ·. J. \ dmn r, gl\ur ~ lrrrl ( laradi , d II Oucr \I i, 1'.111hn Ruhm \\ ho d not O\\ 11 a car a) the e road are \\ell for \\ alkm • RlT/J RO riss-Cross (. ros.rr, ord Pu~:;[, s .\t II D partment "tor • geucy, i11 Gloucester T. ~ I~[)J.I{ I' \ 1- 0. )n handkerchief b Jon - in • to a per on \\ ith initial ~1. G. Could it be ~larCHATTER BOX 0 IVO\ JJl' .l (,fOLLf. T/1?171! Rl· ll 7 l /' 11?1 OP aud p 11\ 1 1 Of< I· H lrv lugn Gtrl lake l pf The Be t in Lip-."tick, Hou , H d Paint l'ropri tors ]) 1t Garman, hi ie Hunt and Girl . ')) Lc> I \\ alt \\'it on. /mmd-Walt \\'il on tl IT fl II II 11 0 If 1-/~ \ • l•o dcr ha tarted GO\\ n • alon und r the capa hi" . ~~,,~~~~" Y.r~11w , J;,lf~llf1 ~ennm.n,. R- ~I: e- H;;.m~m. }tmt:i. l'~t'«, )~owHt '.1''1"/f~~, 'I fI ton j, to lw commt'rHietl tor her \\ork \\ ith a ,quad t•ntireh unt.mailiar to her. *\Voodhllr) ..............•... • ~I erchant\ 1llc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '"l'aul horo . . . . . . . . . . • !h-id ' ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haddon Hcighh ....... . Palm) ra . . . . ........... . '"lladdonfidd ................. . ~loor -t0\\11 ••••••••••••••••• • ........... . •t 'ollin • \\Ood ............... . \lumni . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . • Lea •ue < .anH IS 5 2 () 5 .3 2 3 1 4 I ::->l'I-IEJ>L'LE 0 I 2 1 0 2 (, 5 0 1 4

(,!RL '' BA.KI:TBALL C,IRL.'TI \ coachin' \le It) quad tlu thr , and ti d none am . lo in three \lthough the team ha'e ,,, j thi, )tar due to Jo, oi pla)er and lack oi fund , \\ , re nrc that their fi •hting pirit 11 ill 01 rcome the oL tacle and that the· \\ill ha1e a u c ful a n.

.. llH Ill• •• 'I R \ H Ba1le, M. Thomp on, D. Burn , l~ l-hri han on, \\. Batcz I, F. :chrnult, !' Ti(Jton, .lc ullough, L. Fo\\1 r, E. llmmb rlain, B. Kindt, R. Da1 y, \\. Reegan, R. Hertzo •, E . • fo \er, H. Rnchic. l~. llilc, ·. Kcnn , II Bat z I. II. !'inn r, \\.~khmer, H Fo ·. 1·. T. rpin , ). Frampton, . Brou•h, . BQ un, H. 'tetter,\\. M)er, (,, Lctz u, (_,,Force, C. torm, 1>. (our C\, (onductor Eu •en En •le. Mi c ... rard. - · 44 •

y 1a pr c11t I 011 p; kcr, ·Thcodor K nne), D r Jth) rea portu I' ]lJ ·wR I'L \ ( n larch the 7th and , th of thi ) ear th Junior pre nt d th ir annual pia), Ph.Itp Barcy' popular comean r, \nna I cchan, Ed rd Oak , •Ord n • cntman, \ aleric (.rccn nd l'uth l'obcrt on. Ro n11 Ba hman \\a an under tu I) for \nna ~I han El ic ln inc act d a prompt r. The pia) 1a directed 1 cy ucce full) by li Kathcrin Hand and ta cd h) .li LI... r:,.,, 1'/aor Litultl/11111 .....•.••..•...... Tlwodnn· I >:n id 1 rrmd J'f,,,,,. Litultllallt .............. I Ierman ,'trand'' itz I hm/ 1'/aar Litultllant .........•......•.. Ad;tlaidreBia" Ridyt'U fl.\ Litllftllflfll \ 'irginia ~,, ert Lu11ch Roam Litul 11 n/ •••••••••••••••••• \Villiam \\rick l'aru/1.1 .!di·iur, Hattit• I. :\Iartz The 'tudrnt Patrol ''a~ orJ!anizt·d in I· ebruar), 1 fJ l", under the dire tion of :\li ~Hattie I. :\lartz, the monitor bring ~rlt·cted !rom \Oluntrer rom the l"re hman, 'ophomorr. Junior and 'enior cia e . The organization offer~ a plt•ndid uppurtunit\ for tudent participation in thr n·,pon~ihilitic ot the hool' lite. A mar ed degree uf 'll cc h be n attained in e the inall:!ll ration of thr pre ent pl.ln. 46

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