AUGUSTO OYUELA-CAYCEDO, Ph.D. (August 19, 2011)

AUGUSTO OYUELA-CAYCEDO, Ph.D. (August 19, 2011) Address: Department of Anthropology, 1112 Turlington Hall PO Box 117305 University of Florida. Gainesv

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AUGUSTO OYUELA-CAYCEDO, Ph.D. (August 19, 2011) Address: Department of Anthropology, 1112 Turlington Hall PO Box 117305 University of Florida. Gainesville, FL 32611-7305 Office: (352) 392-6929 Ext: 257 Email: [email protected]

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Historical ecology, evolution of ideology, ecology of religion, indigenous peoples of South America (especially the Amazon and the Andes), origins of technology and food production, history and theory of Latin American archaeology and anthropology. EDUCATION: 1987–1993

Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Doctoral Dissertation: Sedentism, Food Production and Pottery Origins in the Tropics: The Case of San Jacinto 1, Colombia. Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1993).


Certificate in Latin American Studies, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


Bachelor of Arts and Sciences, Degree in Anthropology, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.

ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT: 2011- present Associate Professor, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. 2004–2011

Assistant Professor, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.


Visiting Professor, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana. Iquitos, Peru (July–August 2008).


Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.


Adjunct Instructor, Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida.


Research Associate, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology 1

and Anthropology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1996–present Fellow of the Institute of Andean Studies, Berkeley, California. 1998–1999

National Advisor of Science and Technology of the Republic of Colombia. Social Science Program (COLCIENCIAS).


Associate Professor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia–Institute for Amazonian Studies (IMANI), Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia.


Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


Center Associate, Center for Latin American Studies, University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

UNIVERSITY AFFILIATIONS 2005–Present School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Florida, Affiliate Faculty. 2005–Present Transnational Global Studies Center (TGSC), University of Florida, Affiliate Faculty. 2004–Present Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida, Affiliate Faculty. 2004–Present Tropical Conservation and Development Program. University of Florida, Affiliate Faculty. RESEARCH GRANTS:

Awarded: 2007

Humanities Scholarship Enhancement Fund. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida. The Arawak and Max Schmidt. $7,000.


Latin American Studies Course Development Grant. Origins and Development of Agriculture in Latin America. $2,500.


Humanities Scholarship Enhancement Fund. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida. Changing Landscapes and Cultural Dynamics in the Tropical Forest. $5,000.


School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Florida. An Investigation of Anthropic Soils in the Upper Amazon: Stratigraphy and


Temporal Variability and Cultural Context. $5,000. 1997–1998

Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia. Territoriality and Hierarchy in black water systems: The case of the Mesay River. Aprox. $5,000.


Comité de Investigación y Desarrollo Científico (CINDEC), Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Territoriality and Hierarchy in black water systems: The case of the Mesay River. Aprox. $2,500.


Convenio Andrés Bello-Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Plan Nacional de Rehabilitación, Presidencia de la República (PNR). Study on social organization and fishing production of the Ticuna Indians of the Trapecio Amazonico. Aprox. $4,000.


National Science Foundation. Dissertation Grant BNS-9114356. (Robert D. Drennan, P.I.). Sedentism, Food Production and Pottery Origins in the Tropics. $10,031.


Tinker Foundation. University of Pittsburgh, Center for Latin American Studies. Sedentism, Food Production and Pottery Origins in the Tropics. $1,000.


Cornell University–Center for Latin American Studies and University of Pittsburgh, Summer Research Grant. Regional Study of the Lower Gayra, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. $1,000.


Concurso Internacional de Méritos "Generación 125 Años", Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Distinguished International Scholars, Bogotá, Colombia.


University of Calgary President's Postdoctoral Fellowship, Alberta, Canada.


Heinz Fellow, Pennsylvania.


Graduate Student Researcher, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh. Research assistant to Dr. Jeremy A. Sabloff, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


Graduate Student Researcher, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh. Soils lab (Assistant to Dr. Jack Donahue), Lithics lab (Assistant to Dr. Tony Bouldurian), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.









Principal Investigator: Historical Ecology of the Upper Amazon, Peru. Subproject (2010-Present) Historical Ecology of the National Reserve Pacaya-Samiria, Peru. with Co-PI: Nigel Smith. Geography Department, UF.


Principal Investigator with Co-PIs: Christopher McCarty, Joseph Chrisitian Russel, and Alejandro Dever: Regional Network Economy, Ideology and Society of the Bonda Polity, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta [Colombia].


Principal Investigator with Co-PI: Dr. Manuela Fischer, (Ethnologisches Museum, Fachreferat Amerikanische Archäologie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin): The ecology of masked dances: the case of the Kaggaba and Tikuna .


Principal Investigator with Co-PI: Dr. Manuela Fischer, (Ethnologisches Museum, Fachreferat Amerikanische Archäologie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin), Max Schmidt and the Arawak expansion.

Completed 2005-2009

Director with Co-PI: Santiago Rivas (Iquitos, Peru), Historical Ecology of Quistococha, Peru (funded by CLAS, Humanities Scholarship Enhancement Fund, UF).


Rethinking Community Participation, Capacity Building, Conservationism and State Policy in Protected Areas: The Case of the Tahuayo-Mishana ana National Reserve Pacaya Samiria (funded by Universidad de la Amazonia Peruana-MCPLAMAP and UF-Moore Foundation). Principal Investigator: The Emergence of Hierarchy and Territoriality in Black Water and White Water River Systems (funded by ICAN CINDEC, Colombia).


Subproject (2003): Moieties, Clans, and Hierarchies of Territorial Control: Tikuna Indians, Northwestern Amazon (funded by PNR). Subproject (1996–present): Territoriality and Hierarchy in Black Water Systems: The Case of the Mesay River (funded by Instituto Colombiano de Antropología, CINDEC, and the Fundación Puerto




Principal Investigator (with Co-PI: Juan José Vieco). Social Structure and Fishing Economies of the Ticuna Indians in the Northwest Amazonia. (Funded by Convenio Andrés Bello-Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Plan Nacional de Rehabilitación de la Presidencia de la República de Colombia).


Principal Investigator (from 1991 Principal Co-investigator with Renée M. Bonzani). The origins of pottery, food production and sedentism in the Septentrional Andes (funded by two dissertation grants from NSF, a Fulbright Fellowship and several other agencies).


Principal Investigator. Survey of the Colonial historical bridge of Puente de Heredia, Cartagena (funded by Sociedad de Mejoras Públicas de Cartagena, Colombia).


Field Research Supervisor. Settlement patterns of the Rio Jama, Ecuador (PI: Jim Zeidler and Deborah Pearsall).


Principal Investigator. The Formation of the Tayrona-Kogui Chiefdoms (funded by Fundación Tayrona). Subproject (1986–1987): Archaeology of the Lower Gaira River, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. (Funded by Banco de la República de Colombia). Subproject (1984–1985): Archaeology of the Parque Nacional Tairona, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. (Funded by Banco de la República de Colombia).


Field Supervisor (PI: Instituto Ser de Investigaciones). Study of the Peasant Economy of Northern Colombia.

1981 - 1982

Field Research Supervisor (PI: Alvaro Soto Hoguín). Archaeological Project of Ciudad Perdida, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia.

Ethnographic Fieldwork 7/2008–8/2008 Field course in the protected areas Tahuayo-Mishana, Peruvian Amazon. Course in Protected areas III: “Participación comunitaria y sustentabilidad”. ANP/CS-705). Maestria en Planificacion y Manejo de Areas Protegidas. Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana – MCPLAMAP and UF-Moore Foundation. July 14–August 11, 2008. Iquitos, Peru.



Preliminary ethnographic review trip to the Saraguro Indians of the Ecuadorian Andes.


Field based research stationed in Leticia, Amazon River (frontier Colombia, Brazil, Peru) on: Territoriality and Social Organization of the Ticuna Indians. Several weeks of field work in Ticuna villages and reservations, as well as on the Uitoto, Yukuna, Tanimuka, Bora, Andoque, and Muinane indigenous peoples of the middle and lower Caquetá River, Miriti-Paraná River, and Amazon River.

11/1983–1/1984 Ethnoarchaeological work in the indigenous reservation of the Kaggaba Indians, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia). 6 – 7/1983

Aracataca and Copey municipality study of the peasant economy in northern Colombia, Instituto Ser de Investigaciones (Colombia).

Archaeological Excavations 5/2006–7/2006 Phase II: Preliminar excavation in area, site LQ001, Quistococha, Loreto (Peru). 7/2005

Phase I: Initial evaluation of Quistococha, Loreto (Peru).


Archaeological project of San Jacinto 1, Department of Bolivar (Colombia).


Archaeological field research in the region of Gaira, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia).

12/1981–12/1982 Research at the archaeological site of Ciudad Perdida, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia). Archaeological Surveys 7-8/2010

Fieldlwork in the National Park Pacaya-Samiria, Peru. July-August.


Preliminary survey of the Bonda River Basin, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia).


Preliminary survey of the Upper Amazon, road Iquitos-Nauta (Peru).


Preliminary survey of the Upper Solimões, Villa Betancour-Tefe (Brazil).


Preliminary survey and coring in the Daule River (Ecuador).


Field based research stationed in Leticia, Amazon River. Several weeks 6

and months of field work on the rivers Mesay, Yari, Caquetá (middle and lower), Miriti-Paraná, and Amazon (Colombia, Brazil, Peru frontiers). 5-8/1995

Preliminary survey trip to the Mesay River and Trapecio Amazónico (Peru, Colombia and Brazil).


Preliminary survey trip to the Gran Chaco (Paraguay).


Archaeological project of the Rio Jama (Ecuador).


Archaeological survey in the Serranía de San Jacinto, Department of Bolivar (Colombia).

7/1984–11/1985 Archaeological field work at the Parque Nacional Tairona, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia).

Research on Archives and Museum Collections 6-7/2011


Archival research of documents and collection K.T. Preuss and Karl von den Steinen. Ethnologisches Museum, Fachreferat Amerikanische Ethnologie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Germany). Research visit to the Science Museum in Coimbra, Porto, and Lisbon, Portugal for a preliminary study of the Amazonian collection of Rodrigues de Ferreira expedition of the XVIII Century. March 1-14,



Archival research of the documents and the collection of Otto SchulzKampfhenkel, “German Nazi Expedition to the Jari river (1935-1937)”, Amazonia. Ethnologisches Museum, Fachreferat Amerikanische Ethnologie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Germany).


Archival research on the collection of botanical remains from Peru collected by Max Uhle and Max Schmidt at the Ethnologisches Museum, Fachreferat Amerikanische Archäologie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Germany).


Study of archival and collection of K. T. Preuss and M. Schmidt at the Ethnologisches Museum, Fachreferat Amerikanische Archäologie, Amerikanische Ethnologie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Germany).

Summer 2004

Study of archival and collections of K. T. Preuss and M. Schmidt at the Ethnologisches Museum Fachreferat Amerikanische Archäologie, Staaliche Museen zu Berlin (Germany).


Summer 2003

Study of the archaeological and ethnographic collection of Colombia at the Ethnologisches Museum, Fachreferat Amerikanische Archäologie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Germany).


Curator of the exhibition of archaeology of San Jacinto, Biblioteca Municipal de San Jacinto-Banco de la República (Colombia).


Curator of the permanent exhibition on Tayrona, Museo del Oro, Banco de la República, Santa Marta (Colombia).

PUBLICATIONS: Books: Oyuela-Caycedo, Augusto and Renée M. Bonzani 2005 San Jacinto 1: a historical ecological approach to an archaic site in Colombia. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa. Reviews: Choice, April 2006, 43(8):1446-1447, by Rosemary Joyce. Journal of Field Archaeology, 2006 31(3):342-344, by John W. Hoopes. Antiquity. 2006 80(309) 739-741, by Jose R. Oliver. Hispanic American Historical Review 87(4): 738-740, by Anna C. Roosevelt. Oyuela-Caycedo, Augusto and J. Scott Raymond (editors) 1998 Recent Advances in the Archaeology of the Northern Andes. Monograph 39. The Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles. Reviews: Latin American Antiquity 9:372 (1998), by Elsa Redmond. Antiquity 73:716 (1999), by Warwick Bray. Oyuela-Caycedo, Augusto (editor) 1994 History of Latin American Archaeology. Worldwide Archaeology Series, Avebury. Hampshire, England. Reviews: The Hispanic American Historical Review Vol. 75, No. 4 (Nov., 1995), pp. 654655, by Joan Gero. Humanities and social sciences net online April 1997, by Charles C. Kolb.

Articles, Book Chapters, and Reviews: Oyuela-Caycedo, Augusto and Alejandro Dever. 2011. The Agency of Academic


Production in Colombian Archaeology. In Comparative Archaeologies: A Sociological View of the Science of the Past, edited by S. Ludomir R. Lozny. Pp. 613-639. Springer, New York.

(with Peter Stahl and J. Scott Raymond) 2010 Cerro Narrío y Max Uhle arqueólogo como agente del desarrollo de la arqueológia ecuatoriana. In Max Uhle (1856-1944): Evaluaciones de sus investigaciones y obras, edited by Peter Kaulicke, Manuela Fischer, Gregor Wolff and Peter Masson, pp. 359-377. Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima. 2010 The Forest as a fragmented archaeological artifact. In The Archaeology of Anthropogenic Environments, edited by Rebecca M. Dean, pp. 75-95. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper No. 37, Southern Illinois University. Oyuela-Caycedo, Augusto. 2010. San Jacinto 1 y los inicios de la alfarería en el Nuevo Mundo. In Cartagena de Indias en el Siglo XVI, edited by Adolfo Meisel Roca Haroldo, and Calvo Stevenson. Pp.15-35. Banco de la República, Cartagena. 2009 Review. “Hans Staden's True History: An Account of Cannibal Captivity in Brazil by Hans Staden, edited by Neil L. Whitehead and Michael Harbsmeir (trans.). The Bulletin of Latin American Research (BLAR) 28(3):460-461. 2008 Late Prehispanic Chiefdoms of Northern Colombia and the Formation of Anthropic Landscapes. Handbook of South American Archaeology, edited by Helen Silverman and Bill Isbell, pp. 405-428, Springer, New York. (with Nicholas Kawa) 2008 Amazonian Dark Earth: A Model of Sustainable Agriculture of the Past and Future? The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability 4(3):9-16. 2008 El Contexto económico de la alfarería temprana en el caso de San Jacinto 1. In Procesos y expresiones de poder, identidad y orden tempranos en Sudamérica, edited by Peter Kaulicke and Tom D. Dillehay. Boletín de Arqueología PUCP. No. 10 (2006), pp. 285-304. Fondo Editorial Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima. (with Manuela Fischer) 2007 Ritual Paraphernalia and the Foundation of Religious Temples: The Case of the Tairona-Kágaba/Kogi, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Baessler-Archiv 54 (2006):145-162.


(with Peter Stahl) 2007 Early Prehistoric Sedentism and Seasonal Animal Exploitation in the Caribbean Lowlands of Colombia. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 26(3):329-349. 2007 Review. Time and Complexity in Historical Ecology: Studies in the Neotropical Lowlands by William Baleé and Clark L. Erickson. American Anthropologist 109(2):366-367. 2006 The Ecology of a Masked Dance: Negotiating at the Frontier of Identity in the Northwest Amazonia. Baessler-Archiv 52 (2004):54-74. (with Renée M. Bonzani) 2006 The Gift of the Variation and Dispersion of Maize: Social and Technological Context in Amerindian Societies. In Histories of maize: multidisciplinary approaches to the prehistory, domestication and evolution of maize, edited by John Staller, Robert Tykot, and Bruce Benz, pp. 343-356. Elsevier Inc., London. (with Santiago Rivas, Mónica Panaifo, and Andrew Zimmerman) 2006 Informe preliminar sobre los hallazgos en el sitio arqueológico de Quistococha, Amazonia Peruana. Boletín de Estudios Amazónicos, Unidad de Post grado de Ciencias Sociales, 1(2):79-98. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima. 2005 El surgimiento de la rutinización religiosa: los origenes de los tairona-kogis. In Chamanismo y sacrificio: Perspectivas arqueológicas y etnológicas en sociedades indígenas de America del Sur, edited by Jean-Pierre Chaumeil, Roberto Pineda, and Jean-François Bouchard, pp.141-163. Fundación de Investigaciones Arqueológicas Nacionales, Banco de la República, Bogotá, and Instituto de Estudios Andinos, Lima. (with Olaf Jaime Riveron) 2004 Arqueología Colombiana y Latinoamericana en su contexto y futuro: Una visión preliminar. Revista de Estudiantes de Arqueología 2:66-69. 2003 Comments. Stalk, Sugar and the Domestication of Maize by John Smalley and Michael Blake. Current Anthropology 44(5):693-694. 2002 El surgimiento de la rutinización religiosa: la conformación de la elite sacerdotal Tairona-Kogi. Arqueología del Area Intermedia 4(2):45-64. 2001 The Rise of Religious Routinization. The Study of Changes from Shaman to Priestly Elite. In Mortuary Practices and Ritual Associations: Shamanic Elements in Prehistoric Funerary Context in South America, edited by John E. Staller and Elizabeth J. Currie, pp. 1-18, Archaeopress Publishers of British Archaeological Reports, Oxford.


(with Juan José Vieco) 2000 Mitades, Clanes y Casas del Trapecio Amazónico Colombiano: Una Perspectiva Numérica de los Ticuna. Amazonia em Cadernos No 5, Os Ticunas Hoje, p. 3968, Museu Amazónico, Universidade do Amazonas, Manaus. 2000 Review. Sed Non Satiata: Teoría Social en la Arqueología Latinoamericana Contemporánea, by Andrés Zarankin and Félix A. Acuto, eds., Latin American Antiquity 11(4):430-431. (with Juan José Vieco) 1999 La organización social de los Ticuna del trapecio amazónico colombiano: una aproximación cuantitativa. Revista Colombiana de Antropología 35:146-179. 1999 Arqueología: 30 años de historia marginal. In Ciencias Sociales en la Amazonia Colombiana: Guerra, etnicidad y conocimiento, edited by Comisión Regional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Amazonia, p. 11-29. Impreso Ediciones Ltda., Santafé de Bogotá. (with Juan Jose Vieco) 1999 La pesca entre los ticuna: historia, técnicas y ecosistemas. Boletín de Antropología de la Universidad de Antioquia 13(30):73-99. 1999 Prologo. In Los Nukak: nómadas de la amazonia colombiana by G.Cabrera, C. Franky y D. Mahecha. pp.13-15. Universidad Nacional de Colombia-CoamaGovernment of Denmark. 1998 Seasonality in the Tropical Lowlands of Northwest In Seasonality and Sedentism: Archeological Perspectives from Old and New World Sites. Edited by Thomas R. Rocek and Ofer Bar-Yosef, Peabody Museum Bulletin 6, pp. 165-179. Harvard University Press, Cambridge (second author, with J. Scott Raymond, and Partrick H. Carmichael). 1998 The Earliest Ceramic Technologies of the Northern Andes: A Comparative Analysis. In Andean Ceramics: Technology, Organization, and Approaches, edited by Izumi Shimada, pp. 153-172, Supplement to Vol. 15. MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1998 Bibliography of Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff: 1943-1997. In Recent Advances in the Archaeology of the Northern Andes, edited by Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo and J. Scott Raymond, Monograph 39, pp. ix-xv. The Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles. 1998 Ideology, Temples, and Priests: Change and Continuity in House Societies in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. In Recent Advances in the Archaeology of the Northern Andes, edited by Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo and J. Scott Raymond,


Monograph 39, pp. 39-53. The Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles. (with J. Scott Raymond) 1998 Preface. In Recent Advances in the Archaeology of the Northern Andes, edited by Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo and J. Scott Raymond, Monograph 39, pp. vii-viii. The Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles. 1998 Review. Fifty Years of Southeastern Archaeology: Selected Works of John W. Griffin, by Patricia C. Griffin, with a foreword by Kathleen Deagan. Hispanic American Historical Review 78(1):12. 1998 Review. Economies and Polities in the Aztec Realm by Mary G. Hodge and Michael E. Smith, eds. Hispanic American Historical Review 78(1):127. (with Armando Anaya, Carlos G. Elera and Lidio Valdez) 1997 Social Archaeology in Latin America? Comments to T. C. Patterson. American Antiquity 62(2):365-374. 1997 Prologo al Gran Jaguar. In Arqueología de Colombia by Gerardo ReichelDolmatoff, pp. xi-xix. Segunda Edición, Presidencia de la República de Colombia, Biblioteca Familiar Colombiana, Bogotá. 1996 The Study of Collector Variability in the Transition to Sedentary Food Producers in Northern Colombia. Journal of World Prehistory 10(1):49-92. 1996 Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff: 1914-1994. American Antiquity 61(1):52-56. 1996 Amazon Basin, Archaeology; Magdalena Valley, Puerto Hormiga, Tairona. In Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, edited by Barbara A. Tenenbaum. Vol. 1:81-82, Vol. 3:493, Vol. 4:493, Vol. 5:195-196. Charles Scribner's Sons and MacMillan Library, New York. 1996 Review. Caciques and their People: A Volume in Honor of Ronald Spores. Marcus, Joyce, and Judith Francis Zeitlin, eds. Hispanic American Historical Review 76(4):766-767. 1996 Review. South American Archaeology, by Karen Bruhns. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 20: 139-141. 1996 Review. Tribal and Chiefly Warfare in South America, by Elsa M. Redmond. Latin American Antiquity 7(2):165-166. 1996 Review. Tombs for the Living: Andean Mortuary Practices, by Tom Dillehay, ed. Hispanic American Historical Review 76(2): 339.


1995 Rocks vs. Clay: The Evolution of Pottery Technology in the Case of San Jacinto 1, Colombia. In The Emergence of Pottery, edited by William K. Barnett and John W. Hoopes, pp. 133-144. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. 1995 Review. Factional Competition and Political Development in the New World, by Elizabeth M. Brumfield and John W. Fox. Hispanic American Historical Review 75(4):660-661. 1995 Review. The Origins of Agriculture and Settled Life, by Richard S. MacNeish. Hispanic American Historical Review 75(3):453-454. 1995 Centralización e integración en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Boletín Museo del Oro 38-39:113-133. (with Camilo Rodríguez) 1995 La Formación de Concheros en la Costa Norte de Sur América. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología 11:73-123. 1994 Nationalism and Archaeology: a Theoretical Perspective. In History of Latin American Archaeology, edited by Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo, pp. 3-21. Worldwide Archaeology Series, Avebury. Hampshire, England. (with Luis Gonzalo Jaramillo) 1994 Colombia: a Quantitative Perspective. In History of Latin American Archaeology, edited by Augusto Oyuela Caycedo, pp. 49-68. Worldwide Archaeology Series, Avebury. Hampshire, England. 1994 Introduction. In History of Latin American Archaeology, edited by Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo, pp. ix-xii. Worldwide Archaeology Series, Avebury. Hampshire, England. (with J. Scott Raymond and Patrick Carmichael) 1994 Una Comparación de la Cerámica Temprana de Ecuador y Colombia. In Tecnología y Organización de la Producción Ceramica Prehispanica en los Andes, edited by Izumi Shimada, pp. 33-52. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Fondo Editorial, Lima. 1991 Ideology and Structure of Gender Spaces: The Case of the Kaggaba Indians. In Gender Archaeology, edited by Dale Walde and Noreen D. Willows, pp. 327335. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary. University of Calgary, Canada. 1990 Las Redes de Caminos Prehispánicas en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. In Ingeniería Prehispánica, pp. 47-72. Instituto Colombiano de Antropología and Fondo Eléctrico Nacional (FEN), Bogotá.


1988 Review. Etnohistoria con Fuentes Primarias: "Mercado, Poblamiento e Integracion Étnica entre los Muiscas.", by Carl Langebaek. Boletín Cultural y Bibliografico 25(17):121-123. 1987 Aspectos Culturales de las Secuencias Locales y Regionales en los Tairona. In Chiefdoms in the Americas, edited by Robert D. Drennan and Carlos A. Uribe, pp. 213-228. University Press of America, Lanham. 1987 Gaira: Introducción a la Ecología y Arqueología del Litoral de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Boletín Museo del Oro 19:35-55. 1987 Dos Sitios Arqueológicos con Degrasante de Fibra Vegetal en la Serranía de San Jacinto (Departamento de Bolívar). Boletín de Arqueológia 2(1):5-26. 1987 Los Museos del Oro Quimbaya. El Mundo al Vuelo 101:109-112 1987 Review. Otro Intento: "Raíces de la Arqueología en Colombia”, by Pricila Burcher de Uribe. Boletín Cultural y Bibliografico 24(10):90-91. 1987 Review. Las Figuras de la Fauna: "El Animal en el Mundo Mítico Tairona", by Ann Legast. Boletín Cultural y Bibliografico 24(13):82-84. 1987 Review. Informes Antropológicos, by Instituto Antropología.Nacional. Boletín Museo del Oro 18:97-98.



1986 Von der Tairona-Kultur zu den Kogi: Eine Interpretation des Kulturwandels. In Tairona-Goldschmiede, edited by Corinna Raddatz, pp. 9-13. Hamburgisches Museum für Völkerkunde, Hamburg. 1986 De los Tairona a los Kogi: una Interpretación del Cambio Cultural. Boletín Museo del Oro 17:32-43. 1986 Contribución a la Periodización Cultural en el Litoral del Parque Tairona. Boletín de Arqueológia 1(2):24-28. 1986 Excavación de un basurero en Ciudad Perdida. Boletín de Arqueológia 1(1):2837. 1986 Santa Cruz de Mompox. El Mundo al Vuelo 89:29-30. 1986 La Necrópolis de Tierradentro. El Mundo al Vuelo. 89:12-17. 1986 Review. Una recopilación de relatos deshilados: Karanau, relatos breves y crónicas, by Raúl Loyo Rojas. Boletín Cultural y Bibliografico 23(7):86-87. 1986 Review. Raíces de la Arqueología Colombiana, by Pricila Burcher de Uribe.


Revista de Antropología 2(1-2):163-166. 1986 Review. Jaguar, by George Dahl. Boletín Museo del Oro 17:99-100. 1986 Review. Investigaciones arqueológicas en el Magdalena Medio, sitios Colorados y Macaya, by Carlos Castaño and Carmen Lucía Dávila. Boletín Museo del Oro 16:82-83. 1986 Review. Monsú: un sitio arqueológico, by Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff. Boletín Museo del Oro 15:29-30. 1986 Review. Arqueología de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, by Instituto Colombiano de Antropología Nacional. Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff. Boletín Museo del Oro 15:27-28. 1985 Review. Reedición de una Monografía Clásica: Los Kogí, by Gerardo Reichel Dolmatoff. Boletín Cultural y Bibliográfico 22(5):68-69. 1984 San Agustín. El Mundo al Vuelo 75:18a-18e. 1984 Ciudad Perdida. El Mundo al Vuelo 73:32-38.

Publications in progress In press: Oyuela-Caycedo, Augusto, Manuela Fischer and Renzo Duin. Von “Herrenmenschen” und “Waldmenschen”. Die „Deutsche Amazonas-JaryExpedition“ von 1935 bis 1937 nach Brasilien. In Vom Amazonas an die Ostfront: Stationen einer Selbstinszenierung im Leben des Auslandsforschers, Kulturfilmers und Wehrmachtsgeographen Otto Schulz-Kampfhenkel, 1910-1989, edited by Holger Stoecker and Sören Flachowsky. Böhlau, Köln. Manuela Fischer and Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo. Der zeitlose Rahmen. Photografien aus der Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Kolumbien. Visuelle Kultur. Studien und Materialen, Bd. 5 Münster 2011 Oyuela-Caycedo, Augusto. Review of Oliver, José R. 2009. Caciques and Cemí Idols: The Web Spun by Taíno Rulers between Hispaniola and Puerto Rico. Alabama University Press, 306. pp. American Anthropologist. In process of submission: (with Manuela Fischer) Templos, máscaras y danzas: la reproducción de espacios sagrados entre los Tairona-Kágaba/Kogi de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Anthropos. (with Manuela Fischer)


The economic thinking of Max Schmidt: Origin and development. In The Arawak Dispersion, edited by Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo and Manuela Fischer. (with Andrew Zimmerman, Nicholas Kawa, and Santiago Rivas) The significance of human redundancy, seasonality and task activities in the development of anthropogenic soils.

SELECTED AND RECENT INVITED LECTURES AND CONFERENCE PAPERS (2000-2010): 2011 Looking at the Amazonian environment as an archaeological artifact. The Whitney Laboratory for Marine . Evenings at Whitney lecture series at the Whitney Lab's Center for Marine Studies,St. Augustin. March 17, 2011. 2011 Environmental and socio-cultural changes from the perspective of the archaeology of Western Amazonia (Colombia, Peru). Geography Colloquium Series, UF. Gainesville, 27th January, 2011 2011

Early Villages in the Northern Andes. The Institute for Learning in Retirement. Gainesville, January 21, 2011

2010 Arqueologia del Alto Amazonas. Paper presented .and Organizer of the Symposium Arqueologia del Alto Amazonas at the II Encontro Internacional de Arqueologia Amazonica. Manaus 12-18 of September, 2010. Brazil.


Animism on the Rocks. Paper presented in the symposium “Debating Animism: Perspectives and the Construction of Ontologies”, organized by Dr. Ernst Halbmayer at the Philipps-Universität Marburg, September 29-October 3, 2010, Germany.

2010 Sacred Networks: Horizontal or/and Vertical Structures?. Paper presented and the symposium Organized by Robin Wright, Sacred Knowledge and Power in Lowland South America and Indigenous Society. 2nd Biennial Conference, Society for Amazonian and Andes Studies, Gainesville, Fl. November 5, 2010. 2010 The Ecology of Masked Dances: Identity, Power and Territoriality. A Comparative Perspective from the Amazon and the Andes. Invited talk at The Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, The Macmillan Center. Yale University. January 26, 2010. 2009 Los orígenes de los Tairona. Invited paper. Primer Congreso de Aqueología del Caribe. Universidad del Magdalena, November 12, 2009. Santa Marta, Colombia. 2009 Orígenes de la cerámica en América. Keynote speaker of the “XVI Congreso Peruano del Hombre y la Cultura Andina y Amazónica”, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), October 26-31, 2009. Lima, Peru.


2009 Terras Pretas, cambio ambiental y agricultura en la amazonia desde la perspectiva de Quistococha, Iquitos. Paper presented at the “XVI Congreso Peruano del Hombre y la Cultura Andina y Amazónica”, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), October 26-31, 2009. Lima, Peru. 2008 Repensando la participación comunitaria en las fronteras del conservacionismo, el desarrollo sustentable, la Universidad, las ONGs y el estado en la Amazonia. Invited paper for the “Ethnologisch-Altamerikanistisches Kolloquium 2008/2009“, organized by Nikolai Grube. Institut für Altamerikanistik und Ethnologie. Universität Bonn, November 10, 2008. Bonn, Germany. 2008 Templos, máscaras y danzas: la reproducción de espacios sagrados entre los Tairona-Kágaba/Kogi de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Société des Américanistes de Belgique in collaboration with the Red Europea de Estudios Amerindios. Ritual Americas. Section: Ceremonial Andean Spaces “ceremoniales andinos", organized by Mónica Gudemos and Francisco Gil García, April 2–5, 2008. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. 2007 Cambios ambientales y culturales en el Alto Amazonas. Una perspectiva de ecología histórica. Invited paper at the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Preußischer Kulturbesitz, February 26, 2008. Berlin, Germany. 2007 Terra Preta do Indio: Um Modelo de Agricultura Sustantavel do Passado e Futuro (?). Nicholas Kawa and Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo. Invited paper for the conference on “Brasil – Vanguardas: Imagem e palavra /Fogo – Terra – Ar – Agua”, Grupo dos Brasilianistas na Alemanha c/o Zentrum für Wissenschaftliche Kommunikation mit Ibero-Amerika (CCC Tübingen) in cooperation with Lehrstuhl für Brasilianistik, Lateinamerika-Institut of the Freie Universität Berlin / Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung / Brasilianische Botschaft Berlin, at the Heinrich-BöllStiftung, October 19–20, 2007. Berlin, Germany. 2007 Masks for All, Masks for Few: The Ideology of Masks in Amerindian Societies in the Past and Present. Invited paper for the symposium “The Center of the Americas: Contemporary Studies of an Ancient World”, sponsored by The Pre-Columbian Society of Washington, D.C, September 15, 2007. U.S. Navy Memorial & Naval Heritage Center, Washington, D.C. 2007 Looking the forest as a fragmented archaeological artifact: toward archaeology of anthropogenic tropical forest. Invited paper for the conference “The Archaeology of Anthropogenic Environments”. 24th Annual visiting Scholar Conference, The Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University. May 23-34, 2007. Carbondale, Il. 2007 Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Early Pottery Invention and Technological Dispersion in the Neotropics. Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo and J. Scott Raymond (U. of Calgary). Invited paper for the symposium "Theoretical and


Methodological Contributions of Hunter-Gatherer Pottery Studies", organized by Larkin Hood and Jelmer Eerkens. SAA 72nd Annual meeting, April 25-29, 2007, Austin, Texas. 2007 La construccíon histórica de territorialidad e identidad indígena en el caso de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo and Manuela Fischer. Invited paper for the Workshop "Ethnizität, Territorialität und indigene Sonderrechte", SűdamerikanistInnentreffen 2007, Lateinamerika-Institut, Universität Wien, March 1-4, 2007, Vienna, Austria. 2006 El Formativo Temprano en el Caribe Colombiano. Invited talk in the “VI simposio sobre la Historia de Cartagena”, organized by Haroldo Calvo Stevenson and Adolfo Meisel Roca, Banco de la República. September 14-15 2006. Cartagena, Colombia. 2006 Looking at the forest as a fragmented archaeological artifact: Toward an archaeology of the tropical forest. Paper giver in the section “The Legacy of the Maya Forest as a Garden”, organized by Anabel Ford Ronald Nigh and Scott Fedick. 53th International Congress of Americanists, Universidad de Sevilla. July 17-21, 2006. Sevilla, Spain. 2006 Formation of Dark Earth Soils in Western Amazonia, Iquitos, Peru: Chemistry and Morphology. Andrew R. Zimmerman and Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo. Paper presented at the symposium “Amazonian Dark Earth Soils (Terra Preta and Terra Preta Nova): A Tribute to Wim Sombroek”. Sponsor: WCSS 18th World of Soils Science, Philadelphia 15 July, 2006. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2006 Introducción a la Arqueología de Quistococha, Iquitos. Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo and Santiago Rivas Panduro. Invited paper presented at the “Escuela Académico Profesional de Arqueología”, Universidad de San Marcos, June 2, 2006. Lima, Peru. 2006 Cerro Narrío y Max Uhle: posibilidades de análisis de un sitio seriamente perturbado. Oyuela-Caycedo, Augusto, J. Scott Raymond and Peter Stahl. Invited paper at the “International Symposium Max Uhle (1856-1944) Evaluación de sus investigaciones y obras”. Pontificia Universitaria Católica del Perú. May 5–7 2006. Lima, Peru. 2006 La Cerámica Temprana en América. Invited paper for the Escuela Académico Profesional de Arqueología, Universidad de San Marcos, May 2, 2006. Lima, Peru. 2006 Quistococha: An Inquiry to the Historical Ecology of the Upper Amazon River. Santiago Rivas, Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo, Mónica Panaifo, and Andrew Zimmerman. Invited paper for the SAA symposium “Human Agency and Anthropogenic Landscapes in Amazonia”, sponsored by SAA Committee on


the Americas, organized by Michael Heckenberger, 71st Annual Meeting of the SAA, April 26–30, 2006. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2006 Ritual Paraphernalia and the Foundation of Religious Temples: The Case of the Tairona-Kágaba/Kogi, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo and Manuela Fischer, SAA symposium “Religious Authority and Ritual Architecture in Prehispanic South America”, organised by Jerry Moore and Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo. 71st Annual Meeting of the SAA, April 26–30, 2006. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2006 Cosmology and Ecology in White and Black Water Rivers. Invited paper to the Dean’s Workshop series “New Amazonian Perspectives”, University of Binghamton, March 3, 2006, Binghamton, NY. 2005 Toward an Historical Ecology of Religion: The Lessons from the Kogui of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Shamanistic Societies of the Northwest Amazon. Invited paper at the Institute of Ethnology, Freie Universität Berlin, October 31, 2005. Berlin, Germany. 2005 (with Renée M. Bonzani). Reflections of Commodity Development and Values in the Indigenous and Colonizer Markets of Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia. Anthropologists and Sociologists of Kentucky Annual Meeting. September 30– October 1, 2005, Bowling Green, Kentucky. 2005 From the Tairona to the Kogui: A Case Study on Historical Ecology of Religion. Invited lecture at the Institute of Archaeology, University of London. May 3, 2005. London, Great Britain. 2005 Historical ecology of religion: some thoughts on shamanic and priestly societies and what it means in the structure of spiritual beings and the masters of the Universe. Invited lecture at the Institute of African Studies. University of Köln, May 25, 2005. Cologne, Germany. 2005 Archaeological Nature of the Andean Tropical Cloud Forests In Symposium: Rethinking rain forest occupation in Australasia and the Americas, organized by Huw Barton and John Krigbaum, Society for American Archaeology. April 31, 2005. Salt Lake City, Utah. 2004 The Gift of masks dance. Negotiating at the frontier of identity. Marburg: Plenary speaker at the conference “Deutschsprachige Südamerika- und Karibikforscher”, Philipps-Universität Marburg, October 7-10, 2004. Marburg, Germany. 2003 Movilidad, estacionalidad y los orígines de la producción de alimentos y cerámica en el Trópico: El caso de San Jacinto 1, Colombia. Invited talk at “L’Aula Oberta d’América Llatina”. Departament d’Antropologia Social i Prehistoria and the Centre d’Estudis Internacionals i Interculturas of the


Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, November 26, 2003. Barcelona, Spain. 2003 The priestly Chibchans: The ideological roots of religious complexes. Paper given in the symposium "Breaking down boundaries in the Intermediate Area: Toward a New Macro-Chibchan Synthesis", organized by Alejandra Gudiño and Ronla Lippi. Society for American Archaeology, 68th annual Meeting, Milwaukee, April 10. 2003. Milwaukee, WI. 2002 From Shamanism to Priesthood: An Inquiry into the Rise of Priestly Societies. Organizer of the session "The Rise of Priestly Societies: Past and Present", 101st Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Session Chair: Edith Turner, discussants: Edith Turner (CNRS) and Roberte N. Hamayon (EPHE), November 23, 2002. New Orleans, Louisiana. 2002 Etnología, Paraindigenismo y Estado: el caso de Colombia después de la constitución de 1991. “Etnologia Indígena no Contexto de Diferentes estadosNacionales”, coordination by João Pacheco de Olveira and Stephen Grant Baines. 23th meetings of the Associação Brasilera de Antropologia, Gramados (Rio Grande do Sul, June 16, 2002. Gramados, Brazil. 2002 Perspectivas de una Arqueología Antropológica Social del Noroeste Amazonico y Alto Solimões. Invited speaker for the Postgraduate program in Social Anthropology of the Museu Nacional da Universidade Federal do Rio do Janeiro UFRJ, June 6, 2002. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2002 Problemas e perspectivas para uma teoria sobre a origem da produção cerâmica. Invited speaker, Museu de Arqueologia (MAE), at Univesidade de São Paulo, SP. June 14, 2002. São Paulo, Brazil. 2001 Perceptions on the Plan Colombia and Indigenous People. Invited speaker for the session "The Product of Victimization: Narcotrafficking, Human Rights, and Plan Colombia", organized by Janet M. Chernela and Victor Uribe. 100th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. November 29, 2001. Washington, D.C. 2001 The gift of dance: negotiating at the frontier of identity. Invited speaker. University of Calgary, Department of Archaeology and Latin American Center. Alberta, April 9, 2001. Alberta, Canada. 2000 From shaman to priest: the case of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Invited speaker for the international colloquium "Chamanisme et Sacrifice. Visions amérindiennes et perspectives comparatives". at the Collège de France. Organized by Maurice Godelier and coordinated by Jean-François Bouchard and Jean-Pierre Chaumeil (CNRS). April 18–20, 2000. Paris, France. 2000 CHM and Dams in Colombia: Expedient Archaeology between Bullets and


Ideologies. Invited speaker at The International Workshop on Cultural Heritage Management and Dams, organized by Steven Brandt and Fekri Hassan, University of Florida. February 13–16, 2000. Gainesville, Florida.

COURSES TAUGHT Graduate courses: - Anthropology and Archaeology of Religion (U Kentucky), Fall 2003. - Archaeological Theory (U Florida) Fall 2006. - Circum-Caribbean Archaeology (ANG 6930, 6307), Fall 2010. - Community Participation and Sustainability (U Florida and UNAP) Field course, Summer B 2008. - Dynamics of Cultural Change (U Kentucky), Spring 2002, 2003, 2004, Fall 2002, 2003, 2004. - Ecology of Religion: Imperial Societies (U Florida), Spring 2006. - Ecology of Religion: Priestly Societies (U Florida), Fall 2005. - Ecology of Religion: Shamanism (ANG 6930), (U Florida), Spring 2005, (ANG 6292, 7318) Fall 2008, (ANG 6241) Spring 2010. - Historical Ecology (ANG 6930) (U Florida), Fall 2004, Spring 2007, (ANG 6086, 9494) Spring 2008, (ANG 6939, 6130) Fall 2009, (ANG 6930, 6130) Fall 2010. - Human Adaptations to the Amazon (Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana), November 1996. - Human Adaptations to the Tropics (U Calgary), Fall 1995. - Indigenous People of South America: Amazonia–Andes (U Kentucky), Fall 2001. - Origins of Agriculture in the Americas (ANG 6186, 7163) (U of Florida), Fall 2007. - Priestly and Imperial Societies (ARG 6292, 7934) (U Florida) Spring 2009. - Theory and Method in Archaeology (U Kentucky), Fall 2003. - Theory and Method in Anthropology (U Calgary), Fall 1996. Undergraduate courses: - Andean Civilization (U Kentucky), Spring 2002. - Archaeological theory (ANG 4110), (U Florida), Spring 2007. - Archaeology of the Neo-Tropics (ANT 4930, 7952), (U Florida), Spring 2009. - Biological Anthropology (U Kentucky), Fall 2002. - Contemporaneous Latin America (U Kentucky), Fall 2001. - Circum-Caribbean Archaeology (ANT 4930, 6135), Fall 2009. - Ecology of Religion: Shamanism (ANT 4930), Fall 2008. - Field school in archaeology (U Florida), Summer A, 2006. - History of Anthropology (U Kentucky), Fall 2003. - Human Adaptation to the Tropics (U Kentucky), Spring 2003, Spring 2004. - Introduction to Archaeology (Eckerd College), Spring 2001. - Introduction to Anthropology (U Kentucky), Fall 2002, Fall 2003. Two sections (Eckerd College), Fall 2000, Spring 2001.



Introduction to World Archaeology (ANG 4744X), (U Florida), Spring 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2007, (ANT 2140, 6964-6980) Fall 2007. Modern Human Diversity (U Kentucky) Fall 2001, Fall 2003, Spring 2004. Origins of Agriculture (U Florida), Fall 2006, (ANT 3930, 9604), Spring 2008 (Honours course). Peasant Communities (U Calgary), Fall 2001. Social Life of Plants (ANT 4930), (U Florida), Spring 2010. South American Indians (U Calgary), Spring 1995.

DEPARTAMENTAL SERVICE AND MENTORSHIP Committee chair of Ph.D. students: - Nicholas Kawa (ABD, Anthropology). - Renata Godoy (ABD, Anthropology) - Michael Lemons (ABD, Anthropology) - Stephanie Borios (Anthropology) - James Crandal (Anthropology) Committee Co-chair of Ph.D. students: - Diogo Menezes Costa (Ph.D. 2010) Committee member of Ph.D. students: - Asa Randall (Ph.D. 2010) - Reyda Taylor (Ph.D. 2010) - James Cowan Waggoner (Ph.D. 2009) - Renzo S. Duin (Ph.D. 2009) - Michael Kay (MA 2010) - Carmen A. Laguer Díaz (MA 2009) - Charles R. Crones (MA 2009) - Lisa A. Howell (MA 2008) - Sonia Duin (ABD) - Byron Real-Lopez (ABD) - Joshua Robert Toney (ABD) - Jaehoon Lee (ABD) - Meggan E. Blessing (ABD) - Rafael Mendoza (ABD) - Meghann C. O’Brian External committee member of graduate students: - Herlinda Flores (U Florida, Romance Languages and Literatures. Ph.D Spring 2011) - Alexander Stephanelly (U Florida, Romance Languages and Literatures. Ph.D. Spring 2006) - Carmen Guerrero (ABD, U Florida, Romance Languages and Literatures) - Martha Osorio-Cediel (ABD, U Florida, Romance Languages and Literatures).



Chris Woolley, (Department of History, U Florida)

Committee chair of MA students: - Nicholas Kawa (MA 2009) - Kiristin Bright (MA 2010)


The American Anthropological Association. The Society for American Archaeology.


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