Centennial Celebration of the Sisters of Saint Dominic St Marys Gloucester City NJ Flipbook PDF

1973 Centennial Celebration of the Sisters of Saint Dominic St. Mary's Gloucester City NJ

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'The Last Will and Testament of Saint Dominic— Behold, my children, the heritage I leave you. Have charity one for Smother, Guard humility, Make your treasure out of voluntary poverty. Cover artwork: Sister M. Agner de Lourdes, O.P.

CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION SISTERS OF SAINT DOMINIC SAINT MARY'S, GLOUCESTER September 15, 1973 - U:00 p.m. THEME: "Thanksgiving" ENTRANCE HYMN: "Enter, 0 People of God" Enter, 0 people of God, Gladly your voices raise, Offer your gifts to the Father, Singing your songs of praise. Refrain: People of God, sing out with joy, Jesus Invites us all; Come to the altar and eat there; Do not disdain his call. Jesus, our God and our brother, Offers himself this day; He makes our gifts on the altar Perfect in ev'ry way. Refrain Ours is a heritage holy, Ransomed by saving blood; Mindful of this sacred action, We join our hearts in love. Refrain

GREETING: #3-from Missalette . ..... . PENITENTIAL RITE: #3 from Missalette (recited) GLORIA (recited) OPENING PRAYER FIRST READING: I Kings 8:55-61 RESPONSORIAL PSALM (sung): Response: Let me sing of your law, 0 my God; Let your love come upon your people. SECOND READING: Colossians 3:12-1? GOSPEL ALLELUIA: "Song of Good News" Refrain: God has spoken to his people, halleluia And his words are words of wisdom, halleluia. GOSPEL: John 17:1-11; 17-23 HOMILY: Monsignor Edward Lucitt 2

GENERAL INTERCESSIONS: Response: Lord, hear our prayer. OFFERTORY PROCESSION: Gifts will be presented by the Sisters of Saint Mary’s Convent, Gloucester. Organ interlude at this time. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY (sung) EUCHARISTIC PRAYER #3 MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION: When we eat this bread And drink this blood We proclaim your death, Lord Jesus, Until you come in glory. GREAT AMEN: OUR FATHER (recited) SIGN OF PEACE: Organ will play "Peace, My Friends" LAMB OF GOD (sung) 3

COMMUNION HYMNS: J • -I "You Fill the Day" Refrain: You fill the day with your glory and your power; You fill the night with your quiet and your deep love. Rim with your head up in the wind, Run with your head up in the wind, the wind: Your head held high, Your soul an open door. And breathe the wind that makes you free And breathe the wind that makes y Your head held: high, Your soul an open door, And feel the warmth that makes you free, And feel the warmth that makes you free. t Refrain Lie with your face up in the rain, Lie with your face up in the rain, the rain: Your head held high, Your soul an open door, And drink the rain that makes you free, And drink the rain that makes you free. Refrain It

- Walk hand in. hand with one.you .love, Walk hand, in hand with one you love, you love: Your head held high, Your soul an open door, And hold the hand that makes you free, And hold the hand that makes you free. "Hear Me" Refrain: Hear me, I’m callin', 0 my brothers. Hear me, I'm callin', 0 my sisters. Where is the street we can walk down together? Where can we meet, can we greet one another? Refrain Where is the love that can make men free? Where is the heart that is open to me? Refrain Here is our land, where our brothers are free. Here we can hope, we can plant our seed. Refrain COMMUNION MEDITATION: "Panis Angelicus" (solo) CONCLUDING RITE 5

RECESSIONAL: Psalm 150 Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Praise God in his holy dwelling, Praise him on his mighty throne, Praise him for his wonderful deeds, Praise him for his sov'reign majesty. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Praise him with the blast of trumpet, Praise him now with lyre and harp, Praise him with the timbrel and dance Praise him with the sound of string and reed. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Praise him with resounding cymbals, With cymbals that crash, give praise, 0 let ev’rything that has breath, Let all living creatures praise • the Lord. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Praise God the Almighty Father Praise Christ, his beloved Son, Give praise to the Spirit of Love Forever the triune God be praised. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

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