Diare of Anne Frank

Literatura universal contemporánea del siglo XX. Nazismo y holocausto # Second World War

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St. Anne Catholic Church
St. Anne Catholic Church 1901 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY Telephone (702) 735-0510 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89104 Fax (702) 735-5582 email: [email protected]

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Dra. Jenny Anne Glikman Investigadora 2C [email protected] Nacionalidad:italiana y argentina (visa residente temporal) Fecha de nacimiento: 16 Mayo 1

Story Transcript

ACTIVITIES Saturday, 13 June 1942−Friday, 21 August 1942 Before you read • What do you know about the Second World War? Think of one date and one thing that happened. What happened to Jewish people in the War? Talk to another student. ◊ Started with an invasion of Polonium in 1939. Mussolini and Hitler were friends and Stalin was an unfriendly. ◊ In 1944 disembark of Normandy. ◊ The Nazis killed the Jewish. • This story is the diary of a young teenage girl. What sort of thing do you think she writes about? Have you ever written a diary? What did you write about in it? Tell another student. ◊ The war is a bad think of the children because always they are deeds. ◊ No. • Here are some words about buildings. Find the words in your dictionary. Annexe, attic, warehouse. ◊ Annexe is Anexar; Attic is atico o buhardilla; and Warehouse is almacén, deposito o guarda muebles. • Here are two words, which are used in wartime. Find these words in your dictionary. Concentration camp, ration book. ◊ Concentration camp is campo de concentración and Ration book is cartilla personal. Now write two sentences using the words. ◊ I don't was in Concentration camp. ◊ I have a ration book. • Find these words in your dictionary. Bookcase, store ◊ Bookcase is armario o estante para libros and store is almacenar. ◊ When and why so people buy extra stores of food for their houses? ♦ When the war started ♦ How many bookcases have you got in your house? Which rooms are their in? • Three in my dining room, two in the bedroom and two in my bibliotheca. After you read 6− Answer these questions: ♦ Why do the Frank family move from Germany to Holland? • Because started the war. • When do things get worse for them in Holland? − When the Nazis went to Holland. • Why do they decide to hide? − Because the Nazis persecute. 1

• Why is their hiding−place called The Secret Annexe'? − Because is hide. • Who hides here? − Anne, Margot, Anne's parents, Mr. And Mrs. Van Daan and Peter. 7−What was life like for Jewish people in Holland after 1940? How would you feel if you had to live like that? What would you miss most? Tell another student. ⋅ a happy life. ⋅ Unhappy. ⋅ My friends. Monday, September 1942−Sunday, 13 June 1943 Before you read ♦ Look at the plan of the secret annexe on page 8. Imagine you had to live there with seven other people and never go out. What would be the main difficulties of living like this? ⋅ There are many rooms and many bathrooms and is very difficult living eight persons in this house. ♦ Fine these words in your dictionary: air raid/arrest Allies/invasion quarrel/the authorities. Now write three sentences using the words. ⋅ With the air raid my father was arrest. ⋅ With the allies they 2

were an invasion. ⋅ My brother had a guarrel with the authorities. ♦ Find this word in your dictionary: prayer. What do you think Anne's prayers were about in the war? ⋅ Because finished. After you read: ♦ Put these sentences in the right order. ♦ Mr Dussel arrives to live in the Secret Annexe. ♦ Anne is frightened because someone knocks loudly at the bookcase door. ♦ Mr Van Dann hears that the English have reached Tunis, Algiers, Casablanca and Oran. ♦ Anne hears on the radio that the Germans are killing Jewish people with gas. ♦ Anne's father writes about her life in the Annexe on her birthday. ◊ B , D, C, A, E. • How would an adults diary be different from Anne's? Give examples. ◊ The diary of Anne is different from the adults because the diary of Adults is more serious and the diary of Anne is more easily of read. Tuesday, 15 June 1943− Tuesday, 14 March 1944 Before you read ⋅ Look at the photograph 3

of Anne's mother, Edith Frank, on page 26. Now look at the picture of Peter Van Dann, on page 28. From the photographs, and from Anne's diary, what can you say about these people's characters.

⋅ Find this word in your dictionary: period. Which is the correct meaning for period in the following sentence? Maria had her first period on Christmas Day. ⋅ The time 4

♦ They appe a beau peop and a optim peop For the phot appe a hone peop

when a woman bleeds each month. ⋅ A school lesson ⋅ A length of time •A After you read

♦ Are these sente true or false ♦ Som burg break into the ware and steal some mon True ♦ Anne hears on the radio news that the Briti are out of the war. Fals ♦ Anne fathe has a serio oper 5

on his stom and has to go to hosp Fals ♦ Anne and Peter start to beco close frien True ♦ Peop in the Anne are alwa in a good moo and neve argu Fals


Satu 18 Mar 1944 11 Apri 1944

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