Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church Pastor Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Malagreca

Parochial Vicar Rev. Hugues Berrette Parish Secretaries Uris Boxhill Beatrice Rousseau Yessenia Hernández Director of Music Dominic Russo Spanish Mass

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Parochial Vicar Rev. Hugues Berrette Parish Secretaries Uris Boxhill Beatrice Rousseau Yessenia Hernández Director of Music Dominic Russo Spanish Mass Sandra Roper Haitian Mass Frélior Charles Souls in Harmony Junie Leblanc

Iglesia Católica Romana de la Santa Cruz

Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Malagreca

Eglise Catholique Romaine de la Sainte Croix

Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church Pastor Director of Religious Education Mrs. Catherine Hayes 347-406-6333


Celebrated once a month in English, Spanish or Creole

Reconciliation Confessions: Saturday 9 AM & 4 PM or by appointment


Arrangements should be made at least 6 months in advance. call Rectory for appointment. St. Gregory the Great Catholic Academy

2520 Church Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11226 718 774-3330/282-2770 Rudolph Cyrus. Principal

2530 Church Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11226 718-469-5900; Fax 718-469-5901 e-mail: [email protected] Web Site: holycrossrcchurch.org Sunday Masses: 5:00 PM Saturday; 8:30 AM & 11:30 AM Sunday – in English 10:00 AM domingo en español; 11h30 AM dimanche en créole – à la chapelle

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 10, 2016 ``Christ Jesus is the Image of the invisible God, the First-Born of all creation... In Him, all the fullness was pleased to dwell, and all things are reconciled in Him.'' [Col 1.15,20]

In Luke 10.35-37, today's Gospel, the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus asks: ``Which of thee three was neighbor to the robbers' victim?'' The scribe answered: ``The one who treated him with mercy.'' Jesus said: ``Go and do likewise.''

Masses and Services for the Week of July 10th

July 10, 2016 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Breaking Bread: p.190) 8:30 AM In Thanksgiving by Andrea 10:00 AM Misa en español Por el Pueblo de la Parroquia 11:30 AM Rashyan Defoe - Birthday by her Family 11:30 AM Messe Haïtienne Sukaina - Anniversairee par sa Mère Kettely 2:00 PM Baptisms 3:00 PM Bautismos

MONDAY, July 11 - St. Benedict 8:30 AM In Thanksgiving on their Wedding Anniversary TUESDAY, July 12 8:30 AM † Joyce & Carlton Woo by their Family Readings for the Week of July 10, 2016 Sunday: ............................................................... Is 6.1-8/Mt 10:24-33 Monday: ...................................................... Is 1.10-17/Mt 10:24-11.1 Tuesday: ............................................................. Is 7.1-9/Mt 11.20-24 Wednesday: .................................................... Is 10.5-16/Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: ....................................................... Is 26.7-19/Mt 11.28-30 Friday: ........................................................ Is 38.1-8,21-22/Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: .......................................................... Mi 2.1-5/Mt 12:14-21 Next Sunday:............................ Gn 18.1-10/Col 1.24-28/Lk 10.38-47

WEDNESDAY, July 13 - St. Henry 8:30 AM † Altagracia Riboul by her Family THURSDAY, July 14 - St. Kateri Tekakwitha 8:30 AM Karine - Birhday by her Mother FRIDAY, July 15 - St. Bonaventure (Every Friday is a Day of Penance) 8:30 AM Ann Cunningham - Birthday SATURDAY, July 10 - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 8:30 AM Juliana - Birthday by Andrea & Austin 5:00 PM † Renald Blain by Jean Corriélus Bread and Wine for the Month of July offered for Regi & Amarilis In Thanksgiving by Sundra Candles the Month of July offered In Thanksgiving by Denis & Casilda Please pray for the Deceased of our Parish Floris Meyers; Altagrâce Toussaint; Anisson Mélidor; Carlton Woo; Iona Moses; Jean-Robert Toussaint; Jean-Marc Valès; Kenly Joseph; Marie-Jeanne Killick; Marthe Sencé; Lucie Raphaël; Renel Saintus; Jean-Onold Nelzy; Ozias Andrews; Helen Robertson; Hugh Fermin; Errol Lynch; Mona Williams; Christine Woodrooffe; Elvire Mathieu; Rita Honekman; JeanYva Duplessis; Willis Pollard; Augustine Henry; Laurel Panthier; Cecilia Bailey; Simeon Bailey; Fr. Joseph Pasciutto; Bishop Vincent Darius; Constance English; Marie Ambroise; Santania Darius; Josette Jean-Jacques; Josette Roche; Edna Goulbourne; Benedicto Cuautle; Sonia Pierre

WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 Friday, Aug. 5th - First Friday 7:30 PM Exposition & Rosary 9:00 PM Holy Hour 10:00 PM Benediction Monday, Aug. 15th The Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary 8:30 AM Mass in English 7:30 PM Multilingual Mass 8:45 PM Candlelight Procession

Pope Francis will travel to Krakow, Poland to meet with over 1,000,000 Youth for the experience of World Youth Day Bishop DiMarzio will travel with over 400 Youth from our Diocese for this experience In that Group, Msgr. Malagreca will join him, and 22 other priests from the Brooklyn Diocese. Five youth from Holy Cross are in te Group: Pearl Larnage; Joshua Lebrun; Nadège Michel; Ricky Newball & Kevin Sheperd Please keep us in your prayers as we go to this historic event!

``EARLY BIRD'' REGISTRATION for CATECHISM IN SEPTEMBER Classes will begin again in September Every child must be registered again Last Day of Pre-Registration Sunday, July 10th New Registrants: 1 child: $50.00 - family registered member $70.00 - non registered family Discount for 2 or more children (same parent) Re-registration Early Bird Price 1 child: $30.00 - family registered member $50.00 - non registered family Catechism classes are for all children: Kindergarten through High School We also invite any ADULT, who has never been baptized, or made Communion or Confirmation, to come to our Adult Religion Program Children and Adults should come to St. Mary's Hall for registration after Mass on Sundays

THE CORPORAL & SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY Do you remember these terms from Catechism? Jesus said - in Matthew 25 - that we would be judged by whether or not we were "merciful" to the least of our brethren. The Corporal Works of Mercy is a list of ways to comfort those in need. The Spiritual Works of Mercy is a list of ways to console people in their mind and heart. Pope Francis has encouraged us to practice these works in this Year of Mercy. On this Sunday, when we read the Gospel of the Good Samaritan, we present them to you: The Corporal Works of Mercy: 1. To feed the hungry; 2. To give drink to the thirsty; 3. To clothe the naked; 4. To shelter the homeless; 5. To visit the sick; 6. To visit the imprisoned; 7. To bury the dead

The Spiritual Works of Mercy 1. To counsel the doubtful; 2. To instruct the ignorant; 3. To admonish the sinner; 4. To comfort the sorrowful; 5. To forgive injuries; 6. To bear wrongs patiently; 7. To pray for the living and the dead.

As you read these lists, don't you sense in your heart that this is the Spirit of the Lord Jesus? At the end of thre Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus asked: "`Which of these, in your opinion, was neighbor to the man who fell in with robbers?' The answer came: `The one who treated him with compassion!' Jesus said to him: `Then go and do the same!'" [Luke 10.36-37]

Our Food Pantry has put into practice many of these works. Under the direction of Shirley Ray, we carry out a weekly distribution of food to the poor. Holy Cross c Helpers, under the direction of Jean M Clain, also maintains a program of Visiting the Sick at Home and Visiting the Congregation Nursing Home. Also, under the direction of Brigitte Bien-Aimé, may homebound Haitian sick are visited by Eucharistic ministers every week. We hope to expand these programs. But it is not only organized programs that fulfil the Works of Mercy - Your neighbor is someone near you who is in need! You too - go and do the same!

Sunday, July 3rdth .......................................... $ 9,045 Cross Outreach .............................................. $ 900 plus whatever was handed to Fr. Lenny Repairs ........................................................... $ 1,746 Number of Envelopes (1st Collection) ................ 590

Sun., July 10th, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Outside ......................................... Mexican Committee Breakfast Sun,. July 24th, 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM, Outside Evangelization Committee Barbecue - free th Sun,. Aug. 7 , 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Outside Breakfast - Mexican Coimmittee Sun,. Aug. 28th, 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM, Outside Men's Fellowship Barbecue

ST. VINCENT de PAUL TRUCK ARISE! is coming in September ¡LEVÁNTATE llegará en septiembre! LEVE-KANPE! arrivera en septembre Would you consider joining a Small Group for six weeks to share your faith? Pourrez-vous considérez que vous allez vous joindre à un Petit Groupe pendant six semaines pour partager votre foi ? ¿Podrás pensar en pertenecer a un Pequeño Grupo por seius semanas para compartir tu fe?

will be in our Parish Parking Lot near Woods Place Saturday, July 16th - 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon to collect clothes for the needy

OUTDOOR PRAYER MEETING Our English Charismatic Prayer Group is planning its Outdoor Prayer Meeting Saturday, August 13th - 6:15 PM All invited!


Saturday, Aug. 13th The Holy Cross Helpers will go to The Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, Washington, NJ $50 Brooklyn Diocesan Pilgrimage

Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Washington, DC Saturday, October 29th

LES ŒUVRES CORPORELLES ET SPIRITUELLES DE LA MISÉRICORDE Souvenez-vous de ces termes du Catéchisme? Jésus a dit - en Matthieu 25 - qu'Il nous allait juger selon si nous avons été "miséricordieux" aux plus petits de nos frères. Les Œuvres Corporelles de la Miséricorde est une liste de façons de conforter ceux qui en ont besoin. Les Œuvres Spirituelles de la Miséricorde est une liste de comment consoler ceux qui souffrent de cœur et d'âme. Pape François nous a encouragé à pratiquer ces œuvres dans cette Année de la Miséricorde. À l'occasion de ce dimanche, où nous lisons l'Évangile du Bon Samaritain, nous vous les présentons: Les Œuvres Corporelles de Miséricorde Les Œuvres Spirituelles de Miséricorde 1. Donner nourriture aux affamés; 1. Donner conseil à ceux qui doutent; 2. Donner à boire à ceux qui ont soif; 2. Instruire les ignorants; 3. Habiller les nus; 3. Avertir le pécheur; 4. Donner abri à ceux qui sont sans logis; 4. Consoler ceux qui sont dans la douleur; 5. Visiter les malades; 5. Pardonner les injures; 6. Visiter ceux qui sont prisonniers; 6. Supporter les offenses avec patience; 7. Enterrer les morts; 7. Prier pour les vivants et les morts; En lisant ces listes, ne croyezvous pas dans votre cœur que c'est comme ça l'Esprit du Seigneur Jésus? À la fin de la Parabole du Bon Samaritain, Jésus a demandé: "`Lequel de ceux-ci, à ton avis, s'est montré le prochain de l'homme qui était tombé sur les bandits?' On répondit: `C'est celui qui a fait preuve de bonté envers lui!' Jésus lui dit: `Va, et toi aussi, fais de même!'" [Luc 10.36-37]

PREMIER VENDREDI, 5 AOÛT 7h30 PM Exposition & Chapelet 9h00 PM Heure Sainte 10h00 PM Bénédiction MARDI, 9 AOÛT 7h30 PM Messe Charismatique Haïtienne LUNDI, 15 AOÛT L'ASSOMPTION DE LA VIERGE MARIE 7h30 PM Messe multilingue 8h45 PM Procession aux Flambeaux

L'INSCRIPTION POUR CATÉCHISME EN SEPTEMBRE EST OUVERTE Dès maintenant jusqu'au 10 juillet, on peut inscrire un enfant ou un adulte avec un rabais

Le Programme du "Food Pantry" a réalisé beaucoup de ces œuvres. Sous la direction de Shirley Ray, nous distribuons de nourriture aux pauvres. Holy Cross Helpers, c sous la direction of Jean M Clain, maintient aussi un programme de Visiter les Malades à la Maison y de Visiter la Congregation Nursing Home. Aussi, sous la direction de Brigitte Bien-Aimé, chaque semaine des ministres Eucharistiques visitent les malades Haïtiens de la paroisse. Nous espérons faire grandir ces programmes. Mais ce n'est pas seulement les programmes organisés qui accomplissent les Œuvres de la Miséricorde - votre prochain est quelqu'un proche de vous qui est en besoin! Vous aussi - allez et faites de même!

CONGRÈS CHARISMATIQUE HAÏTIEN 15-16-17 juillet ``Sa miséricorde s'étend d'âge en âge'' St. Anthony's High School 275 Wolf Hill Road, South Huntington, NY 11747 Sœur Claire Gagné; Père Jazon Evans; Garvey Ervilus; Michèle Fils-Aimé; Père Jn-Roland Joseph; Mgr. Malagreca Tickets à la porte: 3 jours - $60 vendredi - $20 / samedi - $35 / dimanche - $25 -------------------------------------------------------------------Autres évènements cette année: samedi, 17 septembre ................. Journée Charismatique St. William, Philadelphia samedi, 8 octobre .................. Pèlerinage Charismatique Fatima, Washington, NJ samedi, 26 novembre .................. Journée Charismatique St. Ann, Nyack, NY

LAS OBRAS CORPORALES Y ESPIRITUALES DE LA MISERICORDIA ¿Te acuerdas de estos términos en el Catecismo? Jesús dijo - en Mateo 25 - que nos iba a juzgar según si hemos sido ``misericordiosos'' con los más pequeños de nuestros hermanos. Las Obras Corporales de la Misericordia es una lista de maneras de confortar a los que necesitan. Las Obras Espirituales de la Misericordia es una lista de cómo consolar a los que sufran de corazón y de alma. El Papa Francisco nos ha animado a practicar estas obras de la misericordia en este Año de la Misericordia. En la ocasión de este domingo, cuando leemos el Evangelio de Buen Samaritano, se las presentamos a ustedes: Las Obras Corporales de Misericordia: Las Obras Espirituales de Misericordia 1. Dar de comer al hambriento; 1. Aconsejar al que duda; 2. Dar de beber al sediento; 2. Instruir al ignorante; 3. Dar de vestir al desnudo; 3. Corregir al pecador; 4. Dar albergue al desahuciado; 4. Consolar a los afligidos; 5. Visitar a los enfermos; 5. Perdonar toda injuria; 6. Visitar a los confinados; 6. Soportar las ofensas pacientemente; 7. Dar sepultura a los muertos 7. Orar por los vivos y los muertos. Al leer estas listas, ¿no te puedes sentir en el corazón que es así el Espíritu del Señor Jesús? Al terminar la Parábola del Buen Samaritano, Jesús preguntó: "`¿Cuál de éstos te parece que fue el prójimo del hombre asaltado por los banditos?' El maestro de la ley contestó: `¡El que tuvo compasión de él!' Jesús le dijo: `¡Pues ve y haz tú lo mismo!'" [Lucas 10.36-37]

primer viernes, 5 de agosto 7:30 PM Exposición y Rosario 9:00 PM Hora Santa 10:00 PM Bendición sábado, 13 de agosto - 10:00 AM a 3:00 PM Retiro al Aire Libre Parqueo de Holy Cross lunes, 15 de agosto - La Asunción de María 7:30 PM Misa multilingüe 8:45 PM Procesión con velitas

DÍA AL AIRE LIBRE- 3 de sept. Día Carismático - Santuario de María, Haverstraw Predicador: David Bisonó ``Conozcan Su Misericordia'' Boletos de Autobús: $35 RETIRO AL AIRE LIBRE El Grupo de Oración planifica su Retiro al Aire Libre en el patio de la iglesia el sábado, 13 de agosto 10:00 AM a 3:00 PM

El Programa del ``Food Pantry'' ha realizado muchas de estas obras. Bajo la dirección de Shirley Ray, hacemos una distribución de comida a los pobres. Holy Cross c Helpers, bajo la dirección de Jean M Clain, maintiene también un programa de Visitar a los Enfermos en sus casas y de Visitar la Congregation Nursing Home. Esperamos que estos programas crezcan. Pero no son solamente el los programas organizado que realizan las Obras de la Misericordia - su prójimo es alguien cerca de Ud. que necesita ayuda: `¡Pues ve y haz tú lo mismo!'"

REGISTRACIÓN PARA CATEQUESIS EN SEPTIEMBRE ABIERTA Desde ahora hasta el 10 de julio, se pueden apuntar niños o adultos para clases en septiembre a un costo reducido

ENCUENTRO CARISMÁTICO EN ALBANY 23-24-25 de septiembre ``Dios es rico en misericordia'' Charlistas: P. Robin Argel; Msñr. Malagreca $45 - registración se ofrece plan de alojamiento; comidas; autobús apúntese antes del 31 de julio

Preparing the Feast of the Holy Cross, Wednesday, September 14th

Tuesday, Sept. 6th .................... Beginning of the Novena miércoles, 7 de septiembre ...................... noche Hispana Thursday, Sept. 8th ......................................English night Preacher: Fr. Chaplis vendredi, 9septembre ............................. soirée haïtienne Wednesday, September 14th 7:00 PM ........................ Procession of the Cross 7:30 PM .............................................. Holy Mass Satureday, October 15th ...............Annual Dinner Dance

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